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1. Contemporary aspects of trеatment of endodonal-periodontal lesions2024
2. About the solutions of Modified Lorenz system2024
3. Drying of extracts from Coriolus versicolor using the lyophilisation technique and their application in new industrially produced dehydrated soups2024
4. Theoretic research on transient process in hydraulic cylinder with cushioning device with constant gap2024
5. Effectiveness of teamwork in the textile-leather industry in the Republic of North Macedonia2024
6. The effect of different types of cut marker on the utilization of textile materials2024
7. Application of technical textiles in sports2024
8. Comparative analysis of television and email as digital marketing channels through a case study2024
9. Optimal taxation policy, monetary policy and state-contingent debt, time inconsistency in Ramsey problem, tax smoothing, non-CRRA preferences and taxation in LQ economy2024
10. Neobanks role in supporting financial inclusion2024
11. Seasonal monitoring of radon and radium in “healing water” from the Smrdliva Voda locality, Republic of North Macedonia2024
12. Analysis of Different Vertical and Horizontal Smile Characteristics2024
13. Determination of new welfare and stress indicators on cattle and pig farms based on previously published studies2024
14. Determination of new biosecurity indicators on cattle and pig farms based on published studies2024
15. Mathematical modeling and machine learning prediction for prevalence dynamics of clinical mastitis in dairy herds2024
16. Biosecurity measures on ruminant farms2024
17. Comprehensive analysis of the mining accident forecasting and risk assessment methodologies: Case study – Stanterg Mine2024
18. Forensic accounting in the Republic of North Macedonia-status and perspectives2024
19. Application of Kaizen Philosophy in Business Process Improvement in the Automotive Industry2024
20. Quality System Management in the hotel industry in the Republic of North Macedonia2024
21. Mastitis makes changes in the blood antioxidant enzyme activity during the transition period of dairy cows: Part II2024
22. The Importance of Students Meaning in Process of Creating Teaching Materials2024
23. Intercultural translation - achieving dynamic equivalence in translating specific terms of material and spiritual culture2024
24. Zoonym phraseological units as hate speech in youth vocabulary2024
25. A theoretical exploration of information processing models in multilingual reading comprehension2024
26. Cognitive Processes in Reading Comprehension: A Theoretical Framework for Foreign Language Acquisition2024
27. Thallium in Technosols from Allchar (North Macedonia): Isotopic and speciation insights2024
28. La letteratura e i testi autentici in rete. Un connubio per sviluppare le capacità argomentative in classe di italiano LS: una proposta didattica del contesto universitario macedone2024
29. По успешната реализација на првиот симпозиум со меѓународно учество од областа на фармацијата, организаторите со мотив повеќе симпозиумот да добие традиционален карактер2024
30. Implementation of a SCADA system for remote monitoring and power metering in RF and IoT networks2024
31. SCADA process variables monitoring integrated in RF network2024
32. Security dilemma unveiled: a scholarly inquiry into the Palestinian-Israeli and Ukrainian-Russian conflicts through the prism of offensive and defensive realism2024
33. Ergonomic workstation design in automotive car seats production2024
34. Covid-19 Outcome Prediction Model by Using Radio-Diagnostic Methods2024
35. The use of AI, ChatGPT - The student learning model2024
36. Horizontal and vertical connection of texts in the textbooks for learning foreign languages2024
37. Automated processing line for efficient sorting of waste recyclable materials2024
38. Mineralogy and environmental stability of metallurgical slags from the Euronickel smelter, Vozarci, North Macedonia2024
39. Biomechanical Parameters of Implants Placed with Osseodensification Versus Implants Placed with Under-drilling Osteotomy Techniques in Posterior Maxilla: A Comparative Clinical Study2024
40. Истражување за ефектот на новите технологии, со особен фокус на вештачката интелигенција, врз човековите права на интернет и развивање етички стандарди за заштита на човековите права на интернет при автоматско донесување одлуки2024
41. The influence of hyperthermia on the content of RNA in the adrenal glands at different developmental periods in the white rat2024
42. Chemical composition of Smederevka and Vranec wines2024
43. Effectiveness of physical medicine and kinesitherapy in people with impaired circulation in blood vessels2024
44. Unraveling the complexity: A case report on spinal dural arteriovenous fistula2024
45. Application of the VIKOR method for solving problems in logistics2024
46. Македонскиот случај на политики за дигитална трансформација на финансиското известување2024
47. Comparation of kinesitherapy and powerplate in patients with cervicoarthrosis2024
48. Contrasting Performance of Two Winter Wheat Varieties Susceptible to Leaf Rust under Diverse Pathogen Pressure, Fungicide Application, and Cultivation Practices2024
49. GHG Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste in North Macedonia2024
50. Urosepsis 30-day mortality, morbidity, and their risk factors: SERPENS study, a prospective, observational multi-center study2024
51. Selection of the location of the main warehouse using the EDAS method2024
52. Development of traffic in Stip (1918–1944)2024
54. Transformations of the Vernacular Houses of Macedonia in the 19th Century2024
55. PD-L1 expression in metastatic colorectal carcinoma2024
56. AI impact on traditional credit scoring models2024
57. Association Between Inflammatory Markers and Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis2024
58. Comprehensive analysis of oxidative stability and nutritional values of germinated linseed and sunflower seed oil2024
59. Adenoid cystic/basal-cell carcinoma of the prostate following high-grade urothelial bladder cancer: a case report2024
60. Значењето на пријателството и осаменоста во меѓуврсничките релации, прикажано во македонската книжевност за деца и млади2024
62. Constructions that depend on auxiliaries2024
63. MOOC for teaching literary translation to Italian learning students2024
64. Application of the TOPSIS method for selecting the location of the main warehouse2024
65. La letteratura e i testi autentici in rete. Un connubio per sviluppare le capacità argomentative in classe di italiano LS: una proposta didattica del contesto universitario macedone2024
66. Adipsic central diabetes insipidus as a result of neurosarcoidosis2024
67. Virtual Tour Using Telepresence Robot and MQTT Protocol2024
68. Auxiliary verbs in English language sentences2024
69. Designing Technological Process for Composite Pipe Production Using Software2024
70. The Role of Manufacturing Sector to Economic Growth in North Macedonia2024
73. Lead and strontium isotope evidence for local herbal varieties due to the elemental soil chemistry2024
74. Unusual initial presentation of prostate adenocarcinoma with inguinal lymph nodes metastases: a case report2024
75. The relationship between Multiculturalism and Feminism2024
77. Visionary Figures in the Field of Electrochemistry who Revolutionized voltammetry2024
78. Fashion of The New Century – Modern Fashion or Expression of Social Status and Clothes for Success2024
79. Expectations and Disappointments of Small and Medium-Sized Solar PV Power Plant Prosumers2024
80. Exploring tourism dynamics: North Macedonia in regional context2024
81. Брзи имунохемиски тестови за токсиколошки скрининг2024
82. Monetary policy and unemployment :Literature review and computational examples2024
83. Higher COVID-19 pneumonia risk associated with anti-IFN-α than with anti-IFN-ω auto-Abs in children2024
84. Multiplex PCR in diagnosing respiratory tract infections in hospitalized children2024
85. Sight impairment in elderly persons2024
86. Comparative analysis of low vision in pre-school children in Veles2024
87. Rehabilitation of persons with low vision2024
88. Psychology of low vision2024
89. Cataract: treatment with phacoemulsification at Clinical Hospital Stip in 20232024
90. Apparatus and instruments in optometry2024
91. Advantages of automatic edging machine in the process of producing optical lenses2024
92. Diabetic retinopathy: new aspects2024
93. Diabetic retinopathy challenge of modern times2024
94. Visual impairment in the elderly2024
95. Tools for improving low vision2024
96. Refraction in a low vision patient2024
97. Employable persons with visual impairment aspects and challenges2024
98. Contribution to rehabilitation aids in low vision2024
99. Coal: exploration, reserves, and utilization2024
100. On the in silico application of the center-of-mass distance method2024
101. The possibility of using ultrasound in endodontics: Review2024
102. Regulatory Update on eSubmissions in Balkans2024
103. Коронарна артериска болест во итна медицинска помош-иницијална дијагноза и третман2024
104. Инциденца на коронарна артериска болест за 2023 година во ЈЗУ “Клиника за кардиологија” – Скопје: важност на сестринска нега на пациенти во болнички услови2024
105. Раѓање, нега и примарна реанимација на новородено2024
106. Using mythological idiomatic expressions in a foreign language classroom - bridging the past and the present2024
107. Sentence structure: functions in the English language2024
108. The Importance of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Learning2024
109. The Interplay between Morphology, Phonology and Phonetics in the English Language2024
110. The impact of online teaching on the dental students’ exam success2024
111. European Union civil liability frameworks in the age of AI: Assessing current regimes and future prospects2024
112. Application of Agent-Based Modelling in Learning Process2024
113. Heterogeneous agent (HA) models and two-asset HANK model: Review of some computational models2024
114. Using mythological idiomatic expressions in a foreig language classroom - bridging the past and the present2024
115. Integrative versus instrumental motivation among foreign language online learners2024
116. Modeling and Simulation of Susceptible- Exposed– Infected – Recovered– Vaccinated- Susceptible Model of Influenza2024
117. Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization (THD): A Single Center Experience on 100 Consecutive Cases2024
118. Confronting Views of Companies and Authorities on Food Safety Issues—A Cross-Country Survey2024
119. Die Sprache und das Phänomen Höflichkeit am Beispiel eines YouTube-Interviews2024
120. The Culture Globalization2024
121. Evaluation of PM2.5 Sources in Skopje Urban Area Using Positive Matrix Factorization2024
122. Resin infiltration of non-cavitated caries lesions: review2024
123. Attitudes of high school students towards visualization of mathematical content2024
124. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the XIX century in the practice of the fashion designers of women's fashion in the middle of the XXI century – Year 20052024
125. Теоретски основи за примена на краниосакралната терапија кај најчести проблеми во цервикалниот дел2024
126. Примена на методот на Feldenkrais кај пациенти со мултиплекс склероза2024
127. The impact of family's structural characteristics and its relation to sports achievements - a sociological aspect2024
128. Intercultural Lessons: Reality or Myth2024
129. Diversity of microorganisms and their metabolites in food2024
130. Cutaneous Metastases as an Initial Presentation of Neo Infiltrative Process in the Lungs: Case Report and Literature Review2024
131. Secondary Sarcopenia and Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical Associations and Health Outcomes2024
132. Cooperation for the Protection of the Rights of Female Migrants: Prevention of Gender-Based Violence During Migration2024
133. Crafting future entrepreneurs from emerging adults: what matters more - personality or context?2024
134. GIS-and AHP-based Decision Systems for Evaluating Optimal Locations of Photovoltaic Power Plants: Case Study of Republic of North Macedonia2024
135. Diastema mediana closure – multidisciplinary dental prosthetic solution – a case report2024
136. Bridges between three remarkable inequalities2024
137. The need of integrational and correlation relations in teaching with emphasis of subject content from mathematics and physical and health education2023
138. Улогата и значењето на товарните листови во утврдувањето на превозничката одговорност2023
139. Дигитални отпечатоци-современ тренд на денешницата2023
140. Evaluation and correlation between facial index and modified smile index in patients with class I malocclusion after orthodontic treatment2023
141. Постапката „очудување“ во препејувањето на Ацо Шопов на италијански јазик2023
142. The influence of cation-exchange cartridge on quality of [18F]NaF radiopharmaceutical2023
143. Zirconium-89 labeled antibodies: general considerations towards radioisotope production and labelling strategies2023
144. Biodistribution study of 188Re-HEDP as a radiopharmaceutical for bone pain palliation2023
145. Наративните постапки на Алена Морнштајнова како предизвик за преведувачот2023
146. Preparation and in vitro stability study of 188Re-HEDP as a bone seeking radiopharmaceutical2023
147. In vitro evaluation of fracture resistance of endodontic treated teeth2023
148. Complicity among female perpetrators of crimes with special reference to cases from the Republic of North Macedonia2023
150. Редефинирање на македонското право како резултат на надворешни влијанија и негова одржливост2023
151. Models of School Staff Motivation2023
152. Semantic roles of the subject in the English sentences2023
153. Semantic roles of the predicate in the English sentences2023
154. Dedicated to the creation of dictionaries2023
155. Dynamic of left ventricular systolic function during medium-term follow-up period of patients with myocardial infarction2023
156. Hydrothermal halite in the Pb-Zn mineral association of the Sasa deposit (North Macedonia)2023
157. Денталните ласери - предизвик на современата стоматологија2023
158. Principles and applications of oral ElectroSurgery2023
159. Biomechanical behavior of EndoSonics2023
160. Инциденца на изведени катетер аблации за лекување на срцеви аритмии во период од три години2023
161. Аудиоматеријалите во изучувањето на македонскиот јазик како странски2023
162. The importance of information technologies in the promotion and sale of hotel services2023
163. Analytical estimation of the optimal PV panel tilt based on a clear-sky irradiance model2023
164. Poly(ionic liquid) nanovesicles via polymerization induced self-assembly and their stabilization of Cu nanoparticles for tailored CO2 electroreduction2023
165. Unintended cation crossover influences CO2 reduction selectivity in Cu-based zero-gap electrolysers2023
166. Towards Economic Growth in Managing Financial Digitаlization Environment: Cluster Perspective2023
167. Twin-block in orthodontics- indications, advantages and limitations2023
168. The two pages of the beauty in the design2023
169. The art in the development of modern park composition2023
170. Application of industrial and post-industrial style – interior and exterior2023
171. The green system and the connection with the street network2023
172. Pulmonary embolism in a patients with factor V Leiden Thrombophilia and Psoriasis : A case report2023
173. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) as one of the major comorbidities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)2023
174. Case report: Primary hyperparathyroidism due to mediastinal parathyroid adenoma, our pint of view2023
175. COPD and heart rhythm disturbances: Overview of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias2023
176. Once-weekly semaglutide use in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist naïve patients with type 2 diabetes in North Macedonia: Real-world data from the MIRAGE study2023
177. Heterotopic Ossification in the Abdomen of an Elderly Patient, as an Incidental Finding During Elective Surgery: A Case Report2023
178. Diagnostic performance of Prostate Health Index (PHI) in predicting prostate cancer on prostate biopsy; a single center study2023
179. Combining prostate health index and mpMRI data (MRI Spectroscopy) to manage PI-RADS lesions and reduce excessive biopsy, a single center study2023
180. Stenting or not prior to shock wave lithotripsy for upper and middle pole renal stone of 10-20mm2023
181. Инциденца на акутен миокарден инфаркт во период од 2017-2019 година на Универзитетска Клиника за кардиологија, Скопје, Р.Северна Македонија2023
182. Инциденција на хидроцефалус во терцијарен центар во Скопје, Република Северна Македонија во период од 2019-20212023
183. Хируршки третман и предвидување на ризик од патолошки фрактури со Mirel’s скор поради метастази на апендикуларниот скелет2023
184. Рефлексијата на современата технологија во градењето на партнерски однос меѓу детето, воспитувачот и семејството2023
185. Меѓу надарено и талентирано предучилишно дете - проблеми и дилеми2023
186. Педагогијата -вчера, денес, утре низ дискурсот интерперсонална педагошка комуникација2023
187. Влијание на кинезитерапијата кај лумбална дискус хернија2023
188. The impact of family's structural characteristics and its relation to sports achievements - a sociological aspect2023
189. Влијание на кинезитерапијата кај лумбална дискус хернија2023
190. The role of quality control and quality assurance in drying process of cannabis spp. For medicinal use2023
191. Teaching English as a Foreign Language with new technologies2023
192. Атхезионо решавање на имотноправни барања во кривична постапка2023
193. Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) application in the banking industry2023
194. Impact of cutting conditions on the load on servo motors at a CNC lathe in the process of turning a clutch hub2023
195. Geomorphological Phenomenon Markovi Kuli - Prilep2023
196. The influence of composition in geoparks2023
197. Biophilic design in landscape architecture and interior architecture2023
198. Инциденца и исход од краниоцеребрални повреди улога на медицинската сестра во негата и третманот2023
199. Примена на преведувачки постапки во македонскиот превод на новелата „Малиот господин Фридеман“ од Томас Ман2023
200. Правните акти во преводот од македонски на германски јазик.2023
201. Neurorehabilitation in newborn infants with post-partum paresis of the brachialis plexus2023
202. Comorbidities as prognostic factors in the healing of omorbidities as prognostic factors in the healing of venous ulcers2023
203. E-commerce during the pandemic and after it - Macedonian experiences and conditions2023
204. Влијание на кинезитерапијата кај лумбална дискус хернија2023
205. Моторна неврорехабилитација кај пациенти со мултипла склероза2023
206. The "Visegrad" initiative vis-à- "Open Balkan Initiative" in the process of European Integration2023
207. Tobacco Breeding for Leaves and Yield2023
208. Coronavirus in Pregnant Patients and their Clinical Outcomes – Results of a Case-Control Study2023
209. Pregnancy outcome in patients with previous infection with COVID-19 and the health of newborns2023
210. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in hepatitis C virus seronegative heroin dependents2023
211. Sociopedagogical aspects of environmental education of preadolescents and adolescents as a function of sustainable development2023
212. Јустинијановите „Институции“ – првиот византиски правен учебник со законска сила2023
213. Management systems in schools2023
214. Правото на образование низ призмата на практиката на Европскиот суд за човекови права2023
215. Физичко-хемиски испитувања со примена на SEM-EDS и конзервација на пет стаклени садови од архелошкиот локалитет Стоби2023
216. Конзервација, реставрација и делумна реконстукција на средновековната црква во подножјето на средновековната тврдина Цареви Кули - Струмица2023
217. Приказ на градежна техника скриен сантрач систем (Semi opus cloisonné cum lignum) кај средновековни сакрални и профани објекти во Струмичкиот регион2023
218. Античната пътна комуникация Астибо – Шишманово кале2023
219. Анализа на берзанскиот и девизниот пазар во Македонија2023
220. Евалуација за ризиците во банкарскиот систем на РС Македонија во периодот од 2020 до 2021 година2023
221. Еволуција и развој - фиат пари наспроти криптовалути2023
222. Влијанието на Ковид 19 пандемијата врз пазарпт на труд и импликациите врз финансискиот пазар2023
223. Управување со банкарскиот ризик во периодот за и пост Ковид 19 пандемијата2023
224. Comparative Consideration of Teachers' Attitudes towards the Introduction of Self-Evaluation in Foreign Language Teaching in Different States2023
225. Central Nervous System Tuberculosis- Case Report2023
226. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP):An Atypical Case2023
227. Factors Influencing Recurrence Rate and Survival of Patients with Colorectal Metastases after Liver Resection2023
228. Research on the influence of the volume of oil in front of the direct operated pressure relief valve on its transient performances2023
229. Inflammatory breast cancer with brain metastases – case report2023
230. The Vernacular rural house in the region of Ohrid in the 19th century2023
231. Properties of Composite Parts Manufactured using UD Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Prepreg2023
232. İlhami Emin2023
233. Финансиската анализа како методолошки инструмент за оценка на стабилноста и успешноста на компаниите2023
234. Сметководствената професија во новата дигитална ера2023
235. Перспективи и предизвици на сметководствената професија во РС Македонија2023
236. Консолидација на финансиски извештаи2023
237. Застапеноста на суфиксните деривати во поезијата на Ацо Шопов и нивни преводно еквиваленти во германскиот јазик2023
238. А­PRF as a solo graft material in socket preservation2023
239. Avni Engüllü Hayatı Sanatı ve Eserleri2023
240. Рекурентната депресија од агол на маладаптивното информационо процесирање - преглед на литература2023
241. Influence of non-HDL-C levels on carotid intima-media thickness in healthy individuals and patients with co-morbidities2023
242. Once-weekly semaglutide use in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist naïve patients with type 2 diabetes in North Macedonia: Real-world data from the MIRAGE study2023
243. Assessment of Prevalence and Risk Factors for Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Examined at a Tertiary Care2023
244. Association of Inflammatory Markers with Disease Severity and Outcome in Covid-19 Patients2023
245. Efficacy and Safety of Empagliflozine and Semaglutide (Once Weekly) in T2DM Patients in Shtip2023
246. The effect of thyroid substitution therapy on serum lipids in patients with a mild form of subclinical hypothyroidism2023
247. Working with talented children in an inclusive classroom – conditions and challenges in Republic of North Macedonia2023
248. Leymann inventory – скала за мобинг и психолошко малтретирање на работното место2023
249. Флатархија - организациската структура2023
250. Влијaние нa менаџментот на перформанси врз ефикасноста на организациите од приватниот сектор2023
251. Развој на сметководството2023
252. Управување со трошоците како основа за зголемување на ефикасноста во работењето на компаниите2023
253. Методи за пресметка на трошоците2023
254. The Russian Architects of Skopje in the Period between the Two World Wars2023
255. Објектите на културатакои се извори на знаење и премет на учење.2023
256. Music in the Bektashi Order in RN Macedonia: Aspects of Performance2023
257. Весниците како средство за асимилирање во Македонија за време на Кралството2023
258. Evaluation of yield and some yield related components of spring barley varieties based on multivariate analyses2023
259. Heat stress of dairy cows in Serbia: Review2023
260. Мерки за превенција на училишното насилство2023
261. Promoting sustainable rural economic development: how to embrace new knowledge and innovation through the coworking space model2023
262. Постапката по претходно одлучување пред Судот на правдата на Европската Унија: предизвик во најава за македонското судство2023
263. The effect of hyperthermic stress at different developmental periods in the white rat on DNA content in adrenal glands2023
264. Meaning of HbA1c in the diagnosis and screening of Diabetes Mellitus2023
265. Impact of insecticides on beneficial organisms2023
266. Smart Cities Sustainability Achievements Ranking: PCA Weighting2023
267. Estimating Potential Currency Crisis: Evidence from Small and Open Economy2023
268. Testing the Possible Occurance of a Currency Crisis in the Second Decade of the 21st Century2023
269. Financial Flows, Financial Stability and Managing The Capital Structure in Emerging Country2023
270. Oğuz Atay'ın "Korkuyu Beklerken" adlı eserinde mekan ve kurmaca mekan üzerine bir ınceleme2023
271. Developing Banking Industry through Human Capital Needs2023
272. Economy and Asymmetric Information: Mirrleesian Optimal Taxation as an Asymmetric Information Problem2023
273. On CV-AAS determination and speciation of mercury in wine2023
274. Социјалните медиуми и дигиталната дипломатија2023
275. The prose work of Nexati Zekeriya (1928-1988)2023
276. Geomagnetic researches in the eastern part of North Macedonia2023
277. Exploring the trigonometric circle and trigonometric laws with a GeoGebra visualization2023
278. Physical therapy and neurorehabilitation of patients with cerebrovascular stroke2023
279. Effectiveness of physical therapy and rehabilitation in improving motor skills and mental function in children with cerebral palsy2023
280. The role of the technology in adoption of the English language2023
281. Constructive alignment between objectives, teaching and learning activities, student competencies and assessment methods in higher education2023
282. Die soziale Bedeutung von Anglizismen in der deutschen Jugendsprache: eine vergleichende Analyse zwischen ‘Der Standard’ und ‘Cool Magazin’2023
283. Mediation in Criminal and Civil Cases in the Positive Law of the Republic of North Macedonia - Situation and Challenges2023
284. Neurorehabilitation in patients with peripheral facial nerve paresis2023
285. Optimization and analysis of an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor2023
286. Tracking soil particle deposition using bio-indication evidence and nondestructive FESEM and EDS analyses: A preliminary (pilot) study2023
287. Leveraging Social Media within Integrated Service Delivery of Personalized Public Services towards Proactive E-government2023
288. Demographic characteristics of COVID-19 patients followed by x-ray in the general hospital in Kochani in the period between 09.2020 - 09.20222023
289. Паднатиот ангел на детството (Кон книгата „Тајните на дедовата воденица“ од Бајрузин Хајро Плањац, Бата прес, Скопје 2022.2023
290. Човекот како метафора во поезијата на Ацо Шопов2023
291. Литературните гледишта на Ацо Шопов2023
292. Како се комуницира во прозата на Конески2023
293. Како се комуницира во прозата на Конески2023
294. Морфологија на тишината2023
295. Метапоетските стихови на Ацо Шопов2023
296. Адолесцентскиот роман „Бруклин“ од Дамјана Видическа - роман за живеењето со стравот, вината, љубовта и надежта2023
297. Патолошка состојба на плунковните жлезди - Сијалолитијаза2023
298. Intraregional trade perspective and untapped trade potentials of the Western Balkan region2023
299. Export Complexity and Economic Growth: Empirical Analysis for Selected CEE Countries2023
300. Mechanical flexible couplings for torque transmission between two units2023
301. Youth, Migration and Higher Education2023
302. Atso Şopov'un sanatını Türk okurlarına tanıtmak2023
303. Intercultural Communication Sensitivity - A Prerequisite For Developing Intercultural Communication Competence2023
304. Препевите на поезијата на Ацо Шопов на турски јазик2023
305. Auerbach-Kotlikoff OLG model in a Huggett heterogeneous agents incomplete markets economy2023
306. Diffusion models of option pricing: Review of some local volatility models (LVM) and stochastic volatility models (SVM) with computational examples2023
307. Biotechnological procedure for an autologoud dentin graft for dental and medical purposes2023
308. Classroom Management Practices: Methods and Approaches Applied for the Purpose of Student’s Personal Development2023
309. Uncovering the challenges: post-covid analyses of the state policies, health measures and diplomatic initiatives to boost tourism2023
310. The Reflection of the Social Context on the Pedagogical Activity2023
311. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation method in patients with xerostomia2023
312. Aiyagari, Bewley, Huggett, Imrohoroğlu (ABHI) economies: Literature review and computational examples2023
313. Polymorphism in S(+)Clopidogrel-Picrate: Insights from X-ray Diffraction, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Thermal Analysis, and Quantum Chemistry2023
314. Cloud computing as a new paradigm for Macedonian accounting companies2023
315. The Impact of Mastitis Pathogens on Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in Cows’ Milk2023
316. Aco Šopov`s ontology of poetry2023
317. Brief historical account of the hotel industry in Bitola (On the occasion of 180 years since the first hotel in Bitola 1843)2023
318. Regional Economic Environment: Insights from North Macedonia's Agricultural Sector2023
319. The novel "Igbal, my secret" by Yagoda Mihailovska-Georgieva, or about flying through adolescence2023
320. Tourism-Induced Transformations of Cities: Insights from the Old Bazaar in Skopje, North Macedonia2023
321. The role of artificial intelligence in automotive design2023
322. Visual analysis of topological features for character recognition2023
323. Analysis of Top Selling Products Using Business Intelligence2023
324. Foreign Language Learning Motivation in Academia2023
325. Techniques of explaining unknown words in German language teaching2023
326. Генитивниот падежен однос кај именките во германскиот јазик врз примери од електронскиот корпус COSMAS2023
327. Knowledge and digital aspects of studying humanities2023
328. Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators in Investment-State Arbitration: The Blue Bank Case2023
329. Поетските книги на Ферид Мухиќ2023
330. Brain Breaks Physical Activity Solutions® in higher education: Randomized controlled trial among Turkish university student2023
331. Gantt chart as a project management tool that represents a clutch hub manufacturing process2023
332. The aesthetic factor as a formative element in industrial design, from the aspect of industrial aesthetic in the fashion industry2023
333. Dislocated intraocular lens2023
334. The challenges of the Macedonian tax system according to EU recommendations and EU tax rules2023
335. Macedonian Euro-Experiment: Will It End?2023
336. Impact of the Input Shaft Number of Revolutions on the Gear Pair Teeth Bending Stress in a Planetary Reducer2023
337. Dermoid cyst2023
338. Voltammetric biosensors based on metallic nanoparticles synthesized from plant extracts: A short overview of recent achievements2023
339. Empirical analysis of financial intermediation and economic growth: The case of Macedonian economy2023
340. Macroeconomic and bank-specific determinants of bank loans to private sector: The case of North Macedonia2023
341. Macroeconomic Stability and Economic Growth: An Empirical Estimation for North Macedonia2023
342. Data Literacy Ecosystem Development Framework: Approach for Bridging the Gender Gap in the Digital Economy of the Western Balkan Countries / Quadro di sviluppo dell'ecosistema dell'alfabetizzazione dei dati: approccio per colmare il divario di genere nell'economia digitale dei paesi dei Balcani occidentali2023
343. Rehabilitation impact on the articulation of children with a cochlear implant2023
344. Ecocide: a future ‘new” crime in the mandate of the International Criminal Court: reality or fantasy?2023
345. Covid-19 in children with Down syndrome - case series2023
346. Tuberculosis lymphadenitis in children-14 years of experience2023
347. Некои паралели меѓу македонската наспрема украинската културна политика на планот на издаваштвото и книжевниот превод во 2020-те години2023
348. Лексичките девијации во употребата на македонскиот јазик од страна на полските и украинските студенти2023
349. Минатите времиња во македонскиот превод на романот „Празна мапа“ од Алена Морнштајнова2023
350. The importance of Industrial Property Rights in the business sector2023
351. Media workers perception of freedom of expression in Republic of N. Macedonia2023
352. Конститутивни носители и дефинирање на малцинствата во унгарскиот и македонскиот случај2023
353. Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во Република С. Македонија2023
354. Risk factors and consequences of victimization of women and girls2023
355. Comparative Analysis Between Bifacial and Monofacial Solar Panels Using PV*SOL Software2023
356. About a class of 2D matrix of differential equations2023
357. Can ChatGPT be used for solving ordinary differential equations2023
358. Cannabidiol based borderline products – from development to registration processes2023
359. Isogonal cevians and inequalities for quotients of cevians2023
360. A new look at the fundamental triangle inequality2023
361. Location of the inarc circle and its point of contact with the circumcircle2023
362. Wolstenholme’s inequality and its relation to the Barrow and Garfunkel-Bankoff inequalities2023
363. On 106.12: A new proof of the n-dimensional Pythagorean theorem2023
364. Решавање на колективните работни спорови по пат на економски притисок во Република С. Македонија во периодот 2005–20212023
365. Limitations and Conditions of a Fixed-Term Employment Contract2023
366. Романот „Средба во осамената куќа“ од Петре Димовски - како крик за поголема свесност и претпазливост2023
367. Analysis of the usage of mobile devices as distributed tools for patient health monitoring and remote patient data acquisition2023
368. Programming a PLC controller with a Ladder Diagram2023
369. Radon and radium concentration in water from public fountains at the central parts of the Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area, Republic of North Macedonia2023
370. Application of the Laplace transform in electrical circuits2023
371. SEIR+D Model of Tuberculosis2023
372. The variability of linguistic politeness2023
373. Modeling and simulation of certain and real conditions through limits to growth and tragedy of the commons archetypes2023
374. Филмуваните видеозаписи за русалиите - жива слика и драгоцен архивски извор2023
375. Kako je nastala dječija poezija? Paralele sa radom Vidoe Podgoreca i Kira Doneva - najplodnijih makedonskih autora književnosti za djecu2023
376. Од времиња стари, пресликана слика (Кон поемата Крале Марко по вторпат од Славчо Ковилоски)2023
377. Современиот македонски фолклорист Иван Котев - мост меѓу македонската и српската фолклористика (фактографско-аналитички пристап)2023
378. Еротските народни песни во македонската и српската традиција во контекст на обредната практика (Врз примери од книгата „Играле моми по месечина“ од Иван Котев и делото на Вук Караџиќ)2023
379. Водата и каменот како симболи во народната традиција во Свети Николе и Светиниколско2023
380. Неологизми во современиот германски јазик преку примери од дигиталниот речник OWID2023
381. Estimation on clinical justification for the establishment of copper-64 radioisotope production and copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals application2023
382. Design of feasibility study for the establishment of production of zirconium-89 radioisotope and implementation of 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals in clinical practice in the Republic of North Macedonia2023
383. The danger of misconception in the latest practice of the European Court of Justice2023
384. Law and electronic commerce: does the norm keep up with and control technology and innovation?2023
385. Out-of-court settlement of disputes - arbitration and mediation2023
386. Primary reconstruction with sliding cutaneous flap in abdominoperineal resection – a case report2023
387. Correlation between Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels in maternal blood and risk of spontaneous abortion in the first trimester2023
388. Some Abelian results for the distributional Stockwell transform2023
389. Collapsing Response of a Nonlinear Shear-Beam Building Model Excited by Horizontal and Vertical Strong -Motion Pulses at Its Base2023
390. Collapsing Response of a Nonlinear Shear-Beam Building Model Excited by a Strong Motion Pulse at Its Base2023
391. The European Public Prosecutor's Office: Two Years of Investigations and Prosecutions - Challenges and Perspectives2023
392. Charm of Tradition: The Role of 19th- Century Urban Houses in Tourism Promotion in Macedonia2023
393. The net peak splitting phenomenon in square-wave voltammetry – A simple diagnostic tool to distinguish between surface electrode mechanisms associated with different chemical reactions2023
394. Elimination of preheating by determining suitable welding parameters2023
395. An Optimization Model for Scheduling Additional Medical Personnel During a Pandemic2023
396. Евалуација на дентален статус и орално здравје кај геријатриски пациенти во Република Македонија2023
397. Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of the Oral Exfoliative Cytology in Oral precancer And Cancer Detection2023
398. The second wave of Bulgarian hip hop: An analysis of record labels Sniper and R'N'B2023
399. Раскинување на договорот за доживотна издршка поради променети околности2023
400. Forecasting and prediction by mean of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the field of supply chains2023
401. Preliminary results for the influence of lichens on archaeological monuments in Stobi locality2023
402. Micrometeorites in the dust collected on Кozuf Mountain (Republiuc of North Macedonia)2023
403. Geo-statistical analysis of distribution of As, Fe, Mn, Cu, AND Zn in Artana mine tailing from floating process2023
404. The effect of CIA on serum IgM values in laboratory wistar rats of both sexes2023
405. Qualitative approach in population study research2023
406. Sociodemographic characteristics of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia in Psychiatric Hospital, „Skopje”, Skopje, from 2019 to 20222023
407. The utilization of Alvarado, AIR and RIPASA scoring systems in adults with acute appendicitis treated with laparoscopic appendectomy2023
408. Лечебната моќ на природата прикажана во романот „Скалила во зеленото“ од Весна Ацевска2023
409. Mental Health among children and youth in the Skopje Region for the year 20212023
410. Preliminary results on the influence of lichens on the monuments at the Stobi archeological site2023
411. The need, practice and values of micro-credentials in the academic and business sector2023
412. The appearance of hotels as a factor for attracting tourists in the municipality of Berovo2023
413. The new form of socialization in the modern family2023
414. Managing the economic and financial efficiency of an investment financed through local bonds2023
415. Screening and Characterization of the Diversity of Food Microorganisms and Their Metabolites2023
416. Qualitative approach in population study research2023
417. Municipal Fiscal Capacity in North Macedonia2023
418. Вонпансионската туристичка понуда на угостителските објекти во Полошкиот регион2023
419. Анализа на квалитетот на угостителските услуги во источниот дел од Република Северна Македонија2023
420. Comparative analysis between the personal noise exposure level of industry workers and school teachers2023
421. Personal noise exposure level and the impact on the employee`s performance in the automotive industry2023
422. Review on the personal noise exposure level in a manufacturing plant2023
423. Evaluation of factors with potential influence on [18F]FDG radiochemical synthesis yield2023
424. [18F]Fluoromisonidazole synthesis method:development and optimization by cartridge purification2023
425. Optimization of reaction conditions for synthesis of [18F]FMISO using stable [19F]F-2023
426. Туреѕ of Restaurant Service Quality,Expectation and Perception2023
427. Eurasian consumers' food safety beliefs and trust issues in the age of COVID ‐19: evidence from an online survey in 15 countries2023
428. Identification of Anthocyanins and Anthocyanin-Derivatives in Vranec Wines During Aging2023
429. Determination of Elements Composition in Vranec Wines Produced with Different Maceration Time2023
430. Uterine Leiomyoma Variants: Case Reports and Literature Review2023
431. Contemporary prosthetic functional–aesthetic rehabilitation of a patient with multidisciplinary approach2023
432. The role of NAD+ in metabolic regulation of adipose tissue: Implications for obesity-induced insulin resistance2023
433. Integrated analysis of genomic and GWAS data to identify candidate genes for genetic studies in flavonoids and vascular health: Path to precise nutrition for (poly)phenols2023
434. Comparative evaluation of clinical effects after operative extraction of impacted mandibular third molars using piezosurgery and rotary instruments2023
435. Determination of new welfare and stress indicators of the animals on cattle and pig farms based on different publications2023
436. Возбудливо или опасно патување низ лавиринтот на животот2023
437. The Influence of Resection Size and Pringle Maneuver on Operating Time and Intraoperative Bleeding in Patients with Colorectal Metastases in the Liver2023
438. Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the selection of a flexible production system2023
439. Changes in the dental pulp calcifications with a lamellar concentric structure and calcifications with an amorphous to finely granular structure2023
440. Pulp changes in the presence of denticles2023
441. Neurorehabilitation in patients with dementia2023
442. Kinesitherapeutic effect on the functionality in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease2023
443. Functional possibilities in patients with diabetic neuropathy2023
444. Kinesitherapy in patients with Parkinson's disease2023
445. Application of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering2023
446. Technical and Economic Analysis of Different Types of Composite Pipes Compared to Conventional Pipes for the Same Purpose2023
447. Asymptotic Relations for the Distributional Stockwell and Wavelet Transforms2023
448. Effect of Process Parameters on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Filament Wound Polymer-Based Composite Pipes2023
449. The influence of the type of cutting layout on the utilization of the textile material for women's pants2023
450. British English vs American English preference by university students of EFL2023
451. Comparison of the sensitivity of several biomarkers in patients with medication overuse headache (MOH)2023
452. Preschool education in the Republic of North Macedonia2023
453. The effect of CIA on serum IgA levels in wistar rats2023
454. Коренски кариес - фактори на ризик, превентивни и реставративни мерки2023
455. Analysis of Steel Construction, Construction of a Canopy in the Function of a Facility for Light Industry2023
456. Constitutional building in post conflict states2023
457. Policies for supporting green entrepreneurial businesses2023
458. Thermal signatures of relict coal spoil, waste and tailing dumps2023
459. The importance of architectural accessibility in modern society2023
460. The C5ISR System Integrated with Unmanned Aircraft in the Large-Scale Combat Operations2023
461. The condition of gifted students in primary education2023
462. Utilizing Vacuum Bagging Process to Prepare Carbon/Epoxy Composite Laminates2023
463. Analysis of an inventory management model in a manufacturing process based on material requirements planning (MRP)2023
464. Radiologic presenaticion of lung complications in COVID-19 patients and their diferentiation2023
465. Clinical manifestation of oral injuries caused by fixed orthodontic treatment2023
466. Simulation of toolpaths and program verification of a CNC lathe machine tool2023
467. Effect of Process Parameters on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Filament Wound Polymer-Based Composite Pipes2023
468. Speaking and writing skills affecting the acquisition of foreign languages2023
469. The role of teachers-practitioners in the cycle of educational policies and reforms2023
470. Концептот ЛИЧЕН во македонската народна поезија.2023
471. Заемното признавање - Европскиот налог за апсење - Правило на двоен криминалитет: поедноставување или комплицирање2023
472. Различните верзии на повеќејазичната судска практика пред Судот на правдата на Европската унија2023
473. The contribution of the International Criminal Court in transitional justice of the post-conflict societies2023
474. Remote management in systems for irrigation of solar energy bunaries in the viticulture2023
475. Key lessons learnt from COVID-19 intra-action reviews in the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Kosovo and North Macedonia 2020-2021: a qualitative study2023
476. Evolution of seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 in blood donors in Sarajevo Canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies2023
477. Primary series COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among healthcare workers in Albania, February–December 20212023
478. The quality of red wine Vranec, Merlot and Frankovka fermented by commercial and bakers yeasts2023
479. Application of the Fuzzy TOPSIS method for selecting an underground mining method2023
480. Impact of contamination cleanliness of the implant surface review paper2023
481. miRNA as a diagnostic marker for cell differentiation and proliferation and altered gene expression2023
482. Influence of different risk factors on primary dental implant stability on two types of dental implants2023
483. Principal Component Analysis to evaluate the stability impact of protein mutations: the case of SARS-CoV-2 K417T mutation2023
484. Макро и мини естетика во ортодонција2023
485. Influence of beta-cyclodextrin on the phase transition in carbamazepine polymorphs2023
486. Analysis of publicly funded orthodontic services in North Macedonia2023
487. Ефекти после лицева ортопедија кај пациенти со малоклузија III класа во различна возраст2023
488. Application of Markov Chains in Epidemiology2023
489. Романот за деца и млади „Момчето Молња“ на Јагода Михајловска-Георгиева, слика за едно молневито растење2023
490. Students' opinions and views on inclusive education2023
491. Chemical composition and biological activity of lavandin and lavander essential oils2023
492. Role of supplementary treatment in the development of diabetic retinopathy2023
493. Affective variables in the foreign language learning process2023
494. House Design in the 19th Century: Urban and Rural Vernacular Architecture of North Macedonia2023
495. “Flipped classroom” – the future of modern teaching2023
496. Finding a suitable method for teaching Phraseological units2023
497. Reviving the Past and Inspiring the Future: Exploring Rural Architecture and Tourism in North Macedonia2023
498. Attitudes of high school students toward mother tongue usage in foreign language classroom2023
499. Development of hypothetical infection model based on environmental variables for Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl. & De Ton2023
500. Eurasian consumers' food safety beliefs and trust issues in the age of COVID ‐19: evidence from an online survey in 15 countries2023
501. Hygiene procedures before, during and after cow milking2023
502. The improvement of the body and udder hygiene influence on the milk safety and composition on small dairy farms in Serbia2023
503. Promotional activities during the tourist stay2023
504. Туризмот и туристичката медијација во услови на глобализација2023
505. Programs for educational work of pre-school institutions in Republic of North Macedonia2023
506. Corn production in R. Macedonia and possibilities for its cultivation without interventional irrigation2023
507. Using BBCH scaleand growing degree days to identifity the growth stages of winter oilseed rapa genotypes in the Skopje region2023
508. Evaluation of the quality traits of red cherry tomato varieties grown in alkaline soil2023
509. Evaluation of the quality traits of red cherry tomato varieties grown in alkaline soil2023
510. Чекор до разумот2023
511. Музико-терапија за младите адолесценти2023
512. Newest Trends and Technologies Related to Actuarial Mathematics - Review Paper2023
513. Wine composition and quality2023
514. Influence of the type of fermenter on the chemical composition of Vranec and Merlot wines2023
515. Web Application for Learning Mathematics2023
516. The Sb–As Lojane Deposit (Republic of North Macedonia): Types of Ores and Conditions of Their Occurrence and Geochemical Features2023
517. Antonio Doménech-Carbó and Maria Teresa Doménech-Carbó: “Electrochemistry for Cultural Heritage” (Monographs in Electrochemistry, Scholz F, Peter L, eds.)2023
518. Fossil flora from Paleogene sediments of the Serta locality in the Tikveš basin, Republic of North Macedonia2023
519. Techno-economic parameters related to the Bunardzik Cu-Au ore body, Buchim copper mine, Eastern Macedonia2023
520. Treatment of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment – scleral buckling or vitrectomy?2023
521. Хируршки третман на витеомакуларен тракционен синдром – анатомски и функционален исход кај пациенти со макуларна дупка или епиретинална мембрана2023
522. Isolated foveal hypoplasia: a case report2023
523. Corneal edema after cataract surgery - changes in corneal endothelium cell characteristics2023
524. The role of modern technologies in learning English language during Covid-19 pandemic2023
525. Opportunities - alternatives for application of agroecological measures and use of post-harvest residues2023
526. Contemporary prostheic functional – aesthetic rehabilitation of a patient with multidisciplinatory approach2023
527. Alkaloids as natural NRF2 inhibitors: chemoprevention and cytotoxic action in cancer2023
528. The incidence of human trafficking in the Republic of North Macedonia and its readiness to meet the minimum standards in the fight against it on the way to EU2023
529. Theoretical analysis of surface electrode reaction coupled with preceding chemical reaction under conditions of differential square-wave voltammetry2023
530. Speed Control of AC Motors for Electric Vehicles Using Field Oriented Control2023
531. The power saliva in diagnostic oral disease2023
532. Empirical analysis of Covid-19 crisis effects on the WB6 region2023
533. Square-wave voltammetry of human blood serum2023
534. Generalization of the application of a fundamental lemma of variational calculus to revolutionize transportation by using the solution of brachistochrone2023
535. Application of fundamental lemma of variational calculus to the problem of plateau2023
536. 3-phase smart power meter implemented in RF network2023
537. Nanomaterials in voltammetric biosensors-recent achievements2023
538. Discourse Pragmatics and Language Variation2023
539. Човековиот пад од сакралното до хтонското во најновите раскази од Венко Андоновски2023
540. Optimization of Cloud Costs2023
541. Mineralogical characterization of hematite from alinci, republic of north Macedonia2023
542. Middle miocene volcanism in the čitaklija locality of the vardar zone, north Macedonia2023
543. Mirrleesian optimal taxation: Theory and numerical solutions2023
544. Schwartz appliance and lip bumper as treatment modalities for mandibular crowding in mixed dentitions2023
545. Russian Architects and Engineers from the Beginning of the 20th Century in Skopje and their Influence on Urban Development2023
546. Синтагми со сврзник во турскиот јазик и нивното предавање во македонскиот јазик2023
547. Lithogenic and anthropogenic distribution of chemical elements in soils from Pb-Zn mining area. Case study: Kriva River basin, North Macedonia2023
548. Continuous diurnal radon measurements in Bulgarian caves and dose assessment2023
549. Radon exposure in kindergartens in one Bulgarian district2023
550. Analysis of indoor air pollution with radon in the kindergartens of two Bulgarian districts2023
551. Indoor radon concentration in state schools of four Bulgarian districts2023
552. Финансиски извештаи кај буџетски форми на организација2023
553. Covid-19 pandemic as a challenge for redefining tools in diplomacy and international relations2023
554. Политики и легислативна рамка на македонското буџетско сметководство2023
555. Pedagogical work in the modern school and antisocial behavior of students2023
556. The function of the school pedagogue in 10 European countries2023
557. The responsibilities of the physical education teacher as a pedagogue in the school physical activity program2023
558. The collaboration between the pedagogue and teachers in the function of improving the teaching work.2023
559. Hydrogeothermal model of the locality Proevce, Republic of North Macedonia2023
560. Heavy metals removal from wastewater from the leaching process by neutralization2023
561. Relationship between endodontic taper and fracture resistance of tooth2023
562. "Biblical Macedonia" - Tourist challenge2023
563. Calculating of square-wave voltammograms—a practical on-line simulation platform2023
564. The Prospect Theory and First Price Auctions: an Explanation of Overbidding2023
565. Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of the Oral Exfoliative Cytology in Oral precancer And Cancer Detection2023
566. Cybersecurity posture research in small organizations2023
567. Tourism Sustainability Model for a World Heritage Destination: The Case of Residents’ Perception of Ohrid2023
568. Normative frame of wowen, peace and security agenda2023
569. Cultural heritage and space for tourism development in the church St. Annunciation in Prilep2023
570. Opportunities for development of religious tourism at Holy Savior-Krushevo monastery in the Republic of North Macedonia2023
571. The labor market in Macedonia and the region – situations and analysis2023
572. Entrepreneurship with Financial and Unemployment frictions2023
573. Organizational culture and climate in the pre-school institution2023
574. Structural implications of SARS-CoV-2 Surface Glycoprotein N501Y mutation within receptor-binding domain [499-505] – computational analysis of the most frequent Asn501 polar uncharged amino acid mutations2023
575. Impact of disease severity on infected bunches upon a yield of grape variety Vranec, caused by Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl and De Toni2023
576. Comparison of oxidative stress levels in healthy children and children with allergic rhinitis2023
577. Diagnostic challenge and conservative msnsgement of cervical pregnancy with uterus presevation2023
578. Vitamin D status in patients with COVID-19 – sex differences associated with severity of the disease2023
579. Plant food bioactives, genomics, and health effects2023
580. Water absorption and dimensional stability of shoe insoles2023
581. Cybersecurity posture research in small organizations2023
582. Dental Prosthetic Status and Prosthetic Needs of Institutionalized Elderly Population in Long-Term Residence in Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia2023
583. Comorbidities as prognostic factors in the healing of venous ulcers2023
584. The predicative use of adjectives in the German language: insights from the newspaper ‘Westdeutsche Zeitung’ for language learners in educational settings2023
585. Seismic hazard mapping of Ohrid, North Macedonia2023
586. New ways of fashion presentation in the digital age period2023
587. Performance analysis of various rotor topologies of surface PM synchronous motor2023
588. Regulatory requirements and responsibilities of a qualified person in the pharmaceutical industry2023
589. Characteristic of Roma on hemodialysis treatment in north Macedonia2023
590. Македонска народна книжевност - скрипта2023
591. Active biomonitoring of potentially toxic elements in urban air by two distinct moss species and two analytical techniques: a pan‑Southeastern European study2023
592. Methods and policies for inventory management2023
593. Development and validation of HPLC method for content determination of Meloxicam in injections2023
594. Innovative technology and its impact on the economic development of tourism2023
595. BooLSPLG: A Library with Parallel Algorithms for Boolean Functions and S-Boxes for GPU2023
596. Soncevi elektrani - Golemi ocekuvanja ili Golemi razocaruvanja2023
597. Corneal distrophy Groenow-i2023
598. Electrochemically induced dimerization of lipophilic redox proteins: theoretical insights in protein‑film square‑wave voltammetry2023
599. Google Hotel Ads: new ways to drive hotel bookings and reach guests2023
600. Continuous monitoring of the mining activities, restoration vegetation status and solar farm growth in coal mine region using remote sensing data2023
601. Machine learning-based classification of asbestos-containing roofs using airborne RGB and thermal imagery2023
602. Supply chain mapping as advanced business model2023
603. A Detailed Review of the Representation of Grammatical Forms in the Textbook Messages 1, Diana Goodey, Noel Goodey2023
604. Improving English Pronunciation By Studying Phonetics and Phonology2023
605. Аssessment report and functional qualitative analysis of the current condition regarding the qualification standard: teacher in higher education in republic of north Мacedonia2023
606. Second language vocabulary acquisition and learning strategies2023
607. Fehleranalyse beim Gebrauch der Präpositivergänzung – eine Untersuchung mit albanischsprachigen Deutschlernenden in Nordmazedonien2023
608. Failure of Orthodoxy: a political theology and Orthodox Christianity2023
609. Advantages of Using Geogebra Software when Examining the Flow and Drawing a Graph of a Function2023
610. Application and future perspective of trichloroacetic acid in the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after cold knife conization2023
611. Influence of the raw-material composition and the characteristics of the knitted fabrics on the properties of the socks2023
612. Irreversible Inactivation of Initial Form of Water-Soluble Redox Proteins-Theoretical Study in Square-Wave Voltammetry2023
613. Diskursmarker in der Interimsprache bei Deutschstudierenden in der Republik Nordmazedonien2023
614. Heterogenous Agents and Incomplete Markets : An Exploration2023
615. Distinguishing Heterogeneous and Homogeneous CE Mechanisms: Theoretical Insights into Square-Wave Voltammetry2023
616. Predicting the outcome of heart failure against chronic-ischemic heart disease in elderly population – Machine learning approach based on logistic regression, case to Villa Scassi hospital Genoa, Italy2023
617. Motivation in Distance Learning2023
618. Motivation in Distance Learning2023
619. Development of web application towards creating a continuous supportive learning environment for 45+, low educated and low skilled adults2023
620. Подемот на сајбер-тероризмот2023
621. Chemistry and geology of coal: nature, composition, coking, gasification, liquefaction, production of chemicals, formation, peatification, coalification, coal types, and ranks2023
622. The Use of Metacognitive Listening Strategies by English Language Learners2023
623. How Recommendation Algorithms Know What You'll Like2023
624. Тhe role of ICT tools in teaching mathematics2023
625. Assessment of the solar energy potential of rooftops using LiDAR datasets and GIS based approach2023
626. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment in growing patient with extracted upper central incisor2023
627. Il testo letterario e la letteratura nei manuali per l'apprendimento dell'italiano LS: esperienza nel contesto universitario macedone2022
628. Production of 2-[18F]Fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose radiopharmaceutical at the University Institute of an Positron Emission Tomography, Skopje2022
629. Сложените именки во современите стручни јазици (германски, македонски)2022
632. Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Testing a Structural Equation Model2022
633. Terapija okluzalnih disfunkcija u centru mastikacije2022
634. Effect of a Bone Replacement Material on Vertical Bone Level Alterations around Immediately Placed Mandibular Molar Implants2022
635. Shape-Controlled Electroless Plating of Hetero-Nanostructures: AgCu- and AgNi-Decorated Ag Nanoplates on Carbon Fibers as Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction2022
636. Comparative Spectroscopic Study Revealing Why the CO2 Electroreduction Selectivity Switches from CO to HCOO– at Cu–Sn- and Cu–In-Based Catalysts2022
637. Clinical features of a young patient with COVID-19 presented with ARDS and severe thrombocytopenia2022
638. COPD as a risk factor for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Overview of 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk assessment2022
639. Impact of symptom severity score and type of treatment on quality of life in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia2022
640. Predictability of D-dimer level on admission for hospital outcomes in hospitalized patients with Covid-19 pneumonia2022
641. Efficacy and Safety of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A Single-center Initial Experience2022
642. Оценувањето во воспитно-образовниот процес2022
643. Comparison of quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without insulin treatment2022
644. Analysis of cardiospecific enzymes in patients with coronary artery disease2022
645. Osmanlı Döneminde Makedonya2022
646. Subduction signature of the Vardar ophiolite of North Macedonia: new constraints from geochemical and stable isotope data2022
647. The link between the presence of an odontogenic radicular cyst and the body 's immune response (case report)2022
648. Intercultural Communication in Multicultural Environment – Developing Intercultural Competences among Students’ Future Teachers2022
649. Temperature-humidity index is associated with heat stress and milk yield of dairy cows2022
650. 2D/3D Ultrasound Findings of Uterine Carcinosarcoma: A Case Report and Literature Review2022
651. Uterine Fibroids (Leiomyoma, Myoma)2022
652. Imaging of Acquired Uterine Lesions2022
653. Adnexal Masses2022
654. De facto states2022
655. Правна заштита на компјутерски програми2022
656. Периодично ледничко езеро „Гавран“ на Пелистер - Баба Планина2022
657. The face and the back of Utopia2022
658. High-frequency decay of Fourier spectra of strong motion acceleration and nonlinear site response2022
659. Leisure time sport activities among students at teaching faculties across three countries2022
660. Pathogenesis as a main factor in the presentation and interpretation of the roentgenogram of Covid 19 positive patients2022
661. The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependentwith type I IFN autoantibodies2022
662. Microcomputer TK8-A for Solar System2022
663. Iatrogenic injuries of subvesical bile duct - case report and literature review2022
664. Human genetic and immunological determinants of critical COVID-19 pneumonia2022
665. New surgical technique for treatment of superficial varicose veins2022
666. The SARS-CoV-2 Delta (B.1.617.2) variant with spike N501Y mutation in the shadow of Omicron emergence2022
667. The effect of Swiss chard powder and starter cultures on colour development in smoked pork loin2022
668. Typization of hydrothermal alterations in the Borov Dol deposit2022
669. The meaning and role of creative industries in the European Union2022
670. The place and role of writing skills in German language teaching2022
671. Анализа на временската функција кај простите предлози во италијанскиот јазик и нивните еквиваленти во македонскиот јазик2022
672. Humoral immune response before and after surgical therapy in patients with odontogenic inflammatory cysts2022
673. Psychocutaneous Diseases In Children: Factors That Lead To The Appearance.Review2022
674. challenges faced by inclusive education in primary school2022
675. Inclusion in the kindergarten (situation and challenges)2022
676. Human genetic and immunological determinants of critical COVID-19 pneumonia.2022
677. Vaccine breakthrough hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs.2022
678. The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies.2022
679. Human genetic and immunological determinants of critical COVID-19 pneumonia.2022
680. Pedagogical Approach In Physical Education, PESK (Physical, education2022
681. Field of work of the pedagogue and its role in the physical education in elementary school2022
682. The role of the pedagogue in 12 European countries2022
683. Micromine calculations of ore reserves in the Borov Dol porphyry copper deposit, Republic of North Macedonia2022
684. Синтаксичката повеќезначност во толкувачкиот процес2022
685. Personal noise exposure on underground mining workers2022
686. Personal noise exposure on industry workers2022
687. Influence of collagen induced arthritis on C3 and C4 components on the complement at the white laboratory rat2022
688. Effect of collagen induced arthritis on antistreptolysin test in the white laboratory rat2022
689. Ideology of modern Wahhabism2022
690. Coronavirus pandemic reflections on the initiatives of religious communities to support sustainable development2022
691. Religious teachings and sustainable development goals2022
692. Resistance management in education-teacher`s resistance to the use of electronic boards2022
693. Methodical approach in the language area in the pre-school period2022
694. Risk communication in non-EU countries2022
695. How alchohol damages brain development in children2022
696. An overview of pediatric approaches to child with developmental delay especialy if there is suspicion of ASD in first few years of life2022
697. Значењето на креативните индустрии во Европската Унија2022
698. Местото и улогата на вештината пишување во наставата по германски јазик2022
699. Criticism of critical thinking2022
700. Dostoyevsky - a philosopher?2022
701. Assessment Report and Functional Qualitative analysis of the current condition regarding the Qualification Standard: Teacher in higher education in Republic of North Macedonia2022
702. Манастир Успение на Пресвета Богородица-Трескавец и неговата улога за развој на туризмот во Пелагонискиот плански регион2022
703. Можности за развој на религиозниот туризам на манастирот Зрзе во Република Северна Македонија2022
704. Open esophagectomy as a treatment of choice for esophageal cancer and a successful outcome at the University Clinic in Skopje, North Macedonia: a case report2022
705. Public Health and Health Care2022
706. Business process modeling, system engineering and their approach to their application in industrial capacity2022
707. One Recurrent Theme: Revenge in Shakespeare's Tragedies, Histories and Comedies2022
708. From the Romantics to Stoker: Culture, Appeal and Longevity of the Myth2022
709. Coleridge: The World and the Moral of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner2022
710. Analyzing Image Schemas in Excerpts of some Shakespearean Plays2022
711. The predictive role of selective laboratory parameters for the occurance of “unwanted events” in adults with laparoscopic appendectomy2022
712. Delorme procedure for full thickness rectal prolapse with complete fecal incontinence: a report of two cases2022
713. Првите преведувачи на османско-турски документи и првите истражувачи на османлискиот период во Македонија2022
714. Синтагми со глаголска именка во турскиот јазик и нивното предавање во македонскиот јазик2022
715. A new model for protection of child victims/witnesses of violence – children's house (BARNAHUS)2022
716. Dyslexia & language teaching2022
717. Il testo letterario e la letteratura nei manuali per l'apprendimento dell'italiano LS: esperienza nel contesto universitario macedone2022
718. Formulation of Diazepam suppositories with hydrophilic and lipophilic bases2022
719. Фрагментација на карпи – моделирање на проценка пред и по минирање2022
720. The Syntactic Function of Adjectives in German Language on the Examples of Daily Press2022
721. The Branding of Cities – the Role of Skopje Palaces in the Cultural Branding of the City from the Beginning of the 20th Century2022
722. Работни услови при процесот на подземна гасификација на јаглен2022
723. HPV E6/E7mRNA association with interleukin 10 (rs1800872) polymorphism in a group of Macedonian women2022
724. Vaccine breakthrough hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs2022
725. The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies2022
726. Human genetic and immunological determinants of critical COVID-19 pneumonia2022
727. Menaging the most common complications of radiation therapy in patients with head and neck cancer2022
728. Векови-мостови (Кон книгата „Од Климента до Блажета“ 2022, Свето Стаменов и Вера Стојчевска-Антиќ)2022
729. Македонската научна мисла за Крсте Петков-Мисирков Кон книгата „Крсте Петков Мисирков – македонскиот меѓник“ (2022), второ изменето и дополнето издание од Свето Стаменов2022
730. Parliamentary oversight of the interception of communications in the R.N. Macedonia - legal and practical challenges2022
731. Use of Orius laevigatus to control Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) population in greenhouse pepper2022
732. Conditions and challenges in wheat, barley and corn production in Republic of North Macedonia in the period of the new world economic crisis2022
733. Hybrid project management as a new form of project management2022
734. Micropropagation of potato seed tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) under in vitro conditions2022
735. Polices for implementing organizational culture in small enterprises in the post-covid period2022
736. Домашните семејни судења во старото Римско право2022
737. Feeding of lambs with improved pelleted feed2022
738. Different aspects of fashion2022
739. Cubism with its aesthetic paradigms as an avant-garde cultural-artistic movement and an art principle for creating analogue fashion solutions2022
740. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the XIX century in the practice of the fashion designers of women’s fashion in the beginning of the XXI century – Year 2004 (fall-winter collections)2022
741. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the XIX century in the practice of the fashion designers of women’s fashion in the beginning of the XXI century – Year 2004 (spring-summer collections)2022
742. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the XIX century in the practice of the fashion designers of women’s fashion in the beginning of the XXI century – Year 2003 (fall-winter collections)2022
743. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the XIX century in the practice of the fashion designers of women’s fashion in the beginning of the XXI century – Year 2003 (spring-summer collections)2022
744. Oral squamous papilloma of buccal mucosa: a case report2022
745. Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on routine immunization of the population in the Republic of North Macedonia2022
746. A validated isocratic RP-HPLC method for determination of linezolid in pharmaceutical dosage forms2022
747. Evaluation of chromatographic conditions for simultaneously determination of Emtricitabine and Tenofovir2022
748. Evaluation of the methodological aspect of teaching in higher education using MCDM technique*2022
749. Financial performance of selected hotel groups and resorts during COVID-19 pandemic: 2019/2020 comparison2022
750. A grape leaves disease recognition using Amazon Sage Maker2022
751. Factors affecting neobanks sustainability and development2022
752. Clinical aspects of different pharmaceutical formulations of propranolol in the treatment of infantile hemangioma2022
753. Critical equipment qualification parameters affecting the homogenization process of medical cannabis semi-solid pharmaceuticals2022
754. Quality Audits - Viewpoints of Auditing in the Pharmaceutical Industry2022
755. Overview of the Regulatory Framework for Radiopharmaceuticals2022
756. The role and importance of the decarboxylation process in the production of quality full-spectrum cannabis extract for medicinal purposes2022
757. Principles and methods for isolation and preparation of plasma preparations containing platelets (PR) - how to improve the purpose and effectiveness2022
758. Analysis of the deformation distribution in the system depending on the yield deformation2022
759. Aseptic process validation of [18F]Sodium Fluoride radiopharmaceutical in-house production2022
760. Network intrusion detection based on classification2022
761. Evaluation of the methodological aspect of teaching in higher education using MCDM technique*2022
762. Dependence of input energy from the rigidity of the foundation2022
763. Dependence of input energy from the level of ground nonlinearity2022
764. Dependence of energy entering a building from the incident angle, the level of nonlinearity in soil, and the foundation stiffness2022
765. Continuous measurements of radon and radon progeny in various public places2022
766. E-commerce development during the covid-19 pandemic: the Macedonian case2022
767. Knowledge of vulnerable groups from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Spain related to protection and rescue - fundament for build stronger community resilience2022
768. Драмскиот код во „Горски венец“2022
769. Modelling and Simulation of the Transient Performance of a Direct Operated Pressure Relief Valve2022
770. Matrix method for large scale systems analysis2022
771. Investigation of students' motivation and anxiety at the Military academy ‘General Mihailo Apostolski' while learning English as a foreign language2022
772. The influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the vaccination of the population with the influenza vaccine in the Republic of North Macedonia2022
773. Predicting the effects of blasting using softwere programs2022
774. Seismic effects of blasting in the quarry "Trojaci", Platvar, Prilep2022
775. Exploatation technology of travertine blocks in "Golubova pestera" querry, s. Beseste - Prilep2022
776. Analise of blasting effects using softwere programs2022
777. Management of blood transfusion services in low‐resource countries2022
778. Heterogenous Agents and Incomplete Markets : An Exploration2022
779. Conditions and challenges in wheat, barley and corn production in Republic of North Macedonia in the period of the new world economic crisis2022
780. Use of Orius laevigatus to control Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) population in greenhouse pepper2022
781. Side effects associated with chlorhexidine mouthwashes use2022
782. Решенија на проблемите за улично озеленување2022
783. Commutative Neutrix Convolution Product of Generalized Fresnel Sine Integrals and Applications2022
784. Efficacy of fluoride varnishes in preventing enamel demineralization2022
785. The Influence of COVID-19 in Systematizing the Work and Introducing Organizational Changes in Small Enterprises2022
786. Policies and measures for recovery of small enterprises from Covid-19 pandemic2022
787. Радио настава за време на пандемија2022
788. A straightforward proof of De Gua’s theorem2022
789. Maximal Regularity for Evolution Equations and Application to the Stefan Problem2022
790. On 'What makes a good proof without words'2022
791. Three discs for the incentre2022
792. Exarc radii and the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality2022
793. A contrastive study of German and Macedonian proverbs and sayings with an animal component2022
794. Development of a training program for youths to improve the relationships of Generation Z children with their parents and coaches through practicing taekwondo2022
795. Planning for a well-being future: emerging insights for and from an empowered future leadership volunteer program2022
796. Supporting elderly’s independent living with a mobile robot platform2022
797. Терапија со CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor) Т - клетки како нова антиканцерна терапија2022
798. Мигрантската криза и повредата на правата загарантирани во Европската Конвенција за човекови права2022
799. Cloud computing-legal issues and dilemmas2022
800. Refugee responses in the post-Ukraine world2022
801. European integration policy challenges for ethnic integration in the Republic of North Macedonia2022
802. Украинското прашање и рамнотежа на моќта2022
803. Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во северниот и јужниот регион на Република С. Македонија.2022
804. A comparative review of the art education curriculum in class teaching in the Republic of North Macedonia and other countries2022
805. Moss biomonitoring of air pollution and assessment of the effects on archeological objects in Stobi, North Macedonia2022
806. Начинот на организирање на заштитата и спасувањето на луѓето и материјалните добра од опасности во Штипско и Карбинско низ Праисторијата2022
807. Medieval church at the foot of the ”Carevi kuli“ (Tsar’s towers) site – Strumica2022
808. Analysis of public policies and legal changes in the administrative functions of the Republic of North Macedonia, aimed at harmonization with the principles and standards of the European Union2022
809. The relationship between street network, composition and street landscaping2022
810. Landscaping of the street network and environmental protection in urban infrastructure planning2022
811. Dependance on the required power of the electric motor on the CNC Spinner EL-510 lathe according to the depth of cut for turning and facing with CNMG 120408-PM 4325 tool insert2022
812. Analysis, modeling, and simulation of emergency department2022
813. Legal Aspects Distance Learning in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic2022
814. Case Studies Against the Republic of Macedonia in Relation to Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights2022
815. Investment planning for sustainable development of ecotourism2022
816. The Preliminary Ruling Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Different Versions of Multilingual Jurisprudence2022
817. Open Balkan initiative: Prospects for tourism development2022
818. Vitamins E and C exert protective roles in hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells2022
819. Makedonya'da Osmanlıca Belgelerin İlk Çevirmenleri ve Osmanlı Dönemini Araştıran İlk Uzmanlar2022
820. Придонесот на Ариф Старова за пронаоѓањето и преведувањето на битолските сиџили од османлискиот период2022
821. Evaluation of topical preparations of meloxicam2022
822. European Court of Justice on the use of a previous trademark reputation in terms of infringement2022
823. Trade performance of the Republic of North Macedonia2022
824. Influence of humic acids as a feed supplement on the health status of suckling piglets2022
825. Influence of humic acids as a feed supplement on the reproductive performance of sows2022
826. Analysis of the drugs consumption for hyperthyroidism in Republic of North Macedonia for the period of 2016-20192022
827. Bronchopneumonia as a health problem on pig farms (Research review)2022
828. A brief review of curcumin loaded nanoparticles2022
829. Analysis of hyaluronic acid usage in Municipality of Stip2022
830. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of parenteral therapy consumption in hospital pharmacy at Clinical Hospital – Stip2022
831. The right to unemployment insurance in the Republic of North Macedonia2022
832. High Inflation, Higher Taxes and Negative Interest Rates: Are These the Villains of the Macedonian Capital Stock2022
833. Handmade crafts throughout history and its redesign into a modern female model2022
834. Stress distribution along the cross section of the narrowest part of the diaphragm spring fingers2022
835. The Traditional dwelings at Lesnovo, Zletovo2022
836. Дескриптивно истражување на непролиферативна во корелација со пролиферативна дијабетична ретинопатија во Клиничка Болница Штип2022
837. The role and the function of cannabis oil (KANOIL) in the treatment of pain in oral mucositis2022
838. Корелација на пост-пандемиски период во однос на инциденцата на макуларна дегенерација2022
839. Defect formation in automated fiber placement technology2022
840. Epidemics on the macedonian front (1916-1918)2022
841. Comparative - Legal aspects of the concept of immunity or reduction of fine in Competition law2022
842. Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност кај гасна печка преку рекуперација на топлина2022
843. Пловечки фотоволтаични електрани - ФЕЦ Козјак2022
844. Benefits from paperless computer system validation in pharmaceutical industry2022
845. Responsibility for violations of international humanitarian law and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction2022
846. Human rights in contemporary armed conflicts2022
847. European security through the prism of identity and international conflicts (the case of the Republic of North Macedonia)2022
848. Changes in the physiology of the thyroid gland in pregnancy and the need for trimester-specific reference values in thyroid status a review2022
849. Обуката на кадрите како клучна детерминанта за опстанок и развој на претпријатието2022
850. Мотивација - претпоставка на успешноста на работењето2022
851. Motivation Factors - Assumption of Working Success2022
852. Evaluation of PD-L1 expression in various formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tumour tissue samples using SP263, SP142 and QR1 antibody clones2022
853. Clinicopathological and histomorphological association in K-ras mutated colorectal cancer2022
854. Influence of the nitrification stage of biological treatment to the levels of nitrogen compounds in wastewater treatment2022
855. Potential use of Sambucus nigra ointments for skin treatment in ethnomedicine in Republic of North Macedonia2022
856. Development and Validation of HPLC method for determination of Methylprednisolone aceponate in cream2022
857. Нови книжевни разоткривања (Кон книгата Литературни констелации од Мито Спасевски, Скопје, 2022)2022
858. За земното буниште минливост. (Кон стихозбирката „Опит“ на Сузана Мицева)2022
859. An Approach of Empirical Model Uncertainty Estimation During Physical Quantities Investigation in Turning2022
860. Solving tasks from the topic plane equation using GeoGebra2022
861. The restored opus sectile panel from the luxurious episcopal residence in the ancient city of Stobi– mineralogical and chemical findings2022
862. Design of TFT switch grid2022
863. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors – New Perspectives in Energy Transition2022
864. Семантичките изразни средства во жаргонскиот израз на младите во Италија2022
865. Impact of symptom severity score and type of treatment on quality of life in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia2022
866. Association of the treatment with 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors with the psychological well-being of patients with benign prostate hyperplasia2022
867. Moss biomonitoring of air pollution and assessment of the effects on archeological objects in Stobi, North Macedonia2022
868. Mineralogy of а stone tool from the Paleolithic station Uzun Mera village Mustafino by the SEM-EDS technique2022
869. Mineralogical and chemical characterization on stibnite from Allchar locality, North Macedonia2022
870. Ukraine crisis as a global security challenge2022
871. Трауматски дентални повреди во млечна дентиција2022
872. Traumatic dental injuries: etiology, prevalence and possible outcomes2022
873. Significance of the bazaar for preservation of the traditional urban form in Macedonia - Study case of Skopje’s old bazaar2022
874. Research on the influence of different types of anion-exchange cartridges on the quality of [18f]NaF radiopharmaceutical as part of production process development2022
875. Typology of housing units in the region of Ohrid2022
876. The influence of the Italian sofa design on Macedonian furniture production2022
877. Impact of new lighting technologies as an important element of the interior2022
878. Characterization and isothermal studies of Cd removal from aqueous solutions using sludge-based activated carbon2022
879. Културни димензии на меѓународната деловна средина2022
880. Транснационалните компании како субјекти на меѓународната трговија2022
881. Physical activity, sedentary time and breast cancer risk: a Mendelian randomisation study.2022
882. Common variants in breast cancer risk loci predispose to distinct tumor subtypes.2022
883. Rare germline copy number variants (CNVs) and breast cancer risk.2022
884. The highest frequency of c.3700_3704del detected among Albanians from Kosovo.2022
885. Comparative proteomics analysis of human FFPE testicular tissues reveals new candidate biomarkers for distinction among azoospermia types and subtypes.2022
886. New and updated geomagnetic repeat stations in the Republic of Kosovo2022
887. Глуварчето и неговиот лет низ превезот на спомените2022
888. Mineralogical and chemical characterisation on stibnite from Allchar locality, North Macedonia2022
889. A prototype system for monitoring the deformation and stability of different type of critical constructions2022
890. Abnormal uterine bleeding as a predictor for endometrial abnormalities, quick diagnosis of premalignant and malignant states and the impact of various risk factors2022
891. Analysis of crisis management in the hotel industry: the case of Macau2022
892. Безбедносните предизвици за Авганистан под талибанска власт2022
893. Mineralogical characterization of brucite (Mg(OH)2) from 'Rzanovo, North Macedonia2022
894. Comparing seasonal patterns across main inbound tourism countries in North Macedonia2022
895. The importance of the mathematical modeling in STEM education2022
896. Underground mining method selection with the application of TOPSIS method2022
897. Biowaste Management and Circular Economy: Usage of Pay as you Throw System and Autonomous Composting Units in Municipality of Probishtip2022
898. Constitutional Derogations of Human Rights in a State of Emergency – European Experiences in the COVID-19 Pandemic2022
899. Survey Analyses of The Specific Impacting Factors in Devising a Machine Learning Prediction model for The General Election Process in Kosovo2022
900. Modeling of the Ilovica-Štuka copper-gold deposit, mineral resource estimation and classification2022
901. Defect characteristics using automated fiber plasement2022
902. Automated fiber placement technology overview2022
903. Contemporary therapeutic approach in radicular cysts2022
904. Surgical procedures for soft tissue ridge augmentation - interposition grafting procedure2022
905. Interpositional grafting procedure in ridge defects reconstruction2022
906. The most common morphological and syntactical mistakes in academic writing2022
907. Basic Concepts and Definitions of Word Formation2022
908. Molecular mechanisms underlying hypertensive effect of fructose and the preventive properties of inulin – Global transcriptomic analysis in rat aorta2022
909. Trends and challenges for strategic human resources management in 21st century2022
910. Rights and obligations of employees in the world, in the N.Macedonia and during the Covid-19 crisis2022
911. Пентагон на брендот: градење и управување на успешен бренд2022
912. Influence of xerostomia on diet and nutrition among institutionalized elderly2022
913. Seismic explorations in the area of the Strumica field, the Republic of North Macedonia2022
914. 1018 and after: new reality and new perceptions in Byzantine Balkans2022
915. The Future of Voltammetry2022
916. Historical development of preschool education in the Republic of North Macedonia2022
917. Сликата на едно двојно растење прикажана во книгата раскази ,,Пак се тука Петар и Лука“ од Горјан Петревски2022
918. Intensity of dental caries and level of calcium and magnesium in saliva in 12-year-old children2022
919. Mirrleesian optimal taxation: Review of the static and dynamic framework2022
920. Why is environmental education important for children in the 21st century?2022
921. Product of the Generalized Functions x-- k and δ(p)(x) in Colombeau Algebra2022
922. Mathematical Model For Predictions of COVID-19 Dynamics2022
923. Vaccination queueing system simulation2022
924. Analysis and prediction of the spread of COVID-19 in North Macedonia2022
925. Recurrent solutions of the Lorenz system of differential equations2022
926. A particular solution of the third-order shortened Lorenz system via integrability of a class of differential equations2022
927. The legal aspects of telehealth2022
928. Private pensions funds in North Macedonia and Russia2022
929. Надомест на штета причинета поради медицинска грешка во домашната судска практика и во компаративните правни системи2022
930. Relationship between restaurant management and customer satisfaction2022
931. Why is it good to be a part of the teaching profession?2022
932. Основно образование на возрасни – КПД - Штип и ООУ „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип една успешна приказна2022
933. Зорнината на стихот - расветлување на идеите во стихозбирката „На работ на светот“ од Виолета Танчева-Златева2022
934. Синдром на „согорување“ како појава кај наставниците во одделенска настава2022
935. Petrography of lamproites from the village Mrzen, North Macedonia2022
936. The socio-economic development of tourism in rural environments2022
937. Medical textiles, possibilites and chalenges2022
938. Der Gebrauch der Sprechhandlung Ablehnung und die pragmatische Kompetenz bei den albanischsprachigen Germanistikstudierenden in Nordmazedonien2022
939. Трите фази на јазичниот израз2022
940. Editorial: Impact of Neurostimulation and Psychotherapy on Mental Health2022
941. „Бојата на времето“ од Стојмир Симјановски- синестезија на фолклорот и научната фантастика2022
942. Застапеност на граматичките форми во учебникот Welcome 2 од Елизабет Греј и Вирџинија Еванс2022
943. Приватни записи на Живко Чинго2022
944. De facto states2022
945. The Macedonian-Thessaloniki front 1916-19182022
946. Употреба на тактичко нуклеарно оружје во Рускоукраинскиот конфликт2022
947. Виктимизација на мигрантите и бегалците во Република Северна Македонија во кривични дела, со посебен акцент на трговијата со луѓе и криумчарењето мигранти2022
948. Distance Learning - Development, Types and Tools2022
949. The Civil Code and the reforms in Macedonian Family Law2022
950. External ophthalmomyiasis2022
951. Reverse logistics – possibility, expectation and sustainability perspectives2022
952. Surgical manipulation of soft and bone tissue in contemporary dental implantology2022
953. Analysis of the trade relations between the countries being part of the Open Balkan initiative2022
954. Metamorphoses of Time and Space in Marcel Proust’s Novel2022
955. Relationship between restaurant management and customer satisfaction2022
956. Social media as a tool for modern marketing2022
957. How humanities can tackle with the consumption and greenhouse effect: through the prism of green logistics2022
958. Distinction between film loss and enzyme inactivation in protein-film voltammetry: a theoretical study in cyclic staircase voltammetry2022
959. Phraseologisms and their function in the building of the motive "innocently prosecuted heroines" in the Grimm brothers’ fairy tales2022
960. Areas and activities influenced by the fintech industry2022
961. Analysis of the situation with textile waste2022
962. Integrating intercultural education in the primary school curriculum2022
963. Fashion in the period of the 19th and 20th century in the Eastern region of the Republic of North Macedonia as an inspiration for modern fashion solutions2022
964. Concept Development for Sensor Based Virtual Intensive Care Unit2022
965. Елиминирање на лидерот на „Ал Каеда“2022
966. Efficacy and Safety of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma in Hospitalized Patients—An Open-Label Phase II Clinical Trial2022
967. General features of some polymetallic ore deposits in the Republic of North Macedonia2022
968. Hiding Data in a Switched Network2022
969. Enamel and root surface roughness induced by ultrasonic instrumentation on treated premolars (an in vitro study)2022
970. Евалуација на спонтано коскено заздравување после цистектомија / Evaluation of spontaneous bone healing after cystectomy2022
971. Evaluation of early wound healing by different indexes after surgery incision2022
972. Speech Varieties of English Language: British vs. American2022
973. Morphological Productivity in English Language2022
974. The Most Common Morphological and Syntactical Mistakes in Academic Writing2022
975. Сказната низ призмата на симболичкиот јазик и нејзината рецепција во современ контекст2022
976. COVID 19 impacts on defense capabilities development2022
977. Oral erythema multiforme –case reports, diagnostic and treatment dilemma2022
978. Surgical treatment of an unusually large mandibular residual cyst: a case report2022
979. Application of piezosurgery in extraction of impacted third molars2022
980. Surgical procedures for soft tissue ridge augmentation - interposition grafting procedure2022
981. Comparison of Efficiencies of Neutralizing Agents for Heavy Metal Removal from Acid Mine Drainage2022
982. The right to social security – Normative content and conditions for effective enjoyment and protection in the republic of North Macedonia2022
983. Development of Botrytis cinerea under reduction of pesticides treatments in Macedonian viticulture production2022
984. Analysis of near-miss incidents (NMI) reporting in mining operations2022
985. Qualitative analysis of economic, innovation and scientific potential in North Macedonia2022
986. Гоце Делчев- учител и револуционер во Штип2022
987. Development of Expert Finding and Opinion from the Field of Electrical Sciences2022
988. Повеќеслојноста во романите на Петко Шипинкаровски2022
989. Radioimmunoconjugates of various monoclonal antibodies as potential anticancer therapy - review2022
990. Вестфалскиoт мировен договор и неговото влијание врз меѓународните односи2022
991. Rural tourism as an opportunity for economic development of the Mariovo region in the Republic of North Macedonia2022
992. Перспективи за развој на спа и велнес туризам во Северна Македонија2022
993. Pareto efficient income tax schedules and numerical solutions to Mirrlees’ optimal income tax model: A critical survey2022
994. Association of autoimmune status with ASST, Autoimmune and atopic diseases in CSU patients2022
995. Early and out-of-hospital use of COVID-19 convalescent plasma: An international assessment of utilization and feasibility2022
996. The role of cannabis flower sampling in quality control in medical cannabis industry: a review2022
997. Teachers’ perspectives on prevalence of the mother tongue in foreign language teaching2022
998. The consistency of peer-reviewers: Assessment of separate parts of the manuscripts vs final recommendations2022
999. A true story of the disappearance of stories by Biljana Stankovska2022
1000. Personalities shaping travel behaviors: Post-COVID scenario2022
1001. Analyses of the trade relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and Ukraine2022
1002. Personal noise exposure on underground mining workers2022
1003. Preparation and characterization of sludge-based activated carbon2022
1004. Управување со мигрантските текови во Европската унија согласно член 79 од Договорот од Лисабон2022
1005. Management in preschool institution2022
1006. Some examples for teaching mathematics in STEM context2022
1007. Self-healing time estimation of abandoned mine areas using remote sensing2022
1008. „Црната птица“ - симбол на надежта и љубовта кон животот и живеењето2022
1009. Синергија на елементите: вода-оган-воздух-ветер во романот „Мраз во пламенот“ од Евгенија Н. Веровска2022
1010. Deining the net of geomagnetic repeat stations in the Republic of Kosovo2022
1011. Evaluation of the efficiency of sinus lifting techniques2022
1012. Improvement of Hygiene Practices and Milk Hygiene Due to Systematic Implementation of Preventive and Corrective Measures2022
1013. Influence of indigenous and commercial yeasts on the production of red wine from Vranec, Merlot and Frankovka in Vinica wine region2022
1014. Impact of the hybrid on the fatty acid composition and thermal stability of cold-pressed sunflower oils produced from 17 newly cultivated hybrids from the region of North Macedonia2022
1015. Forecasting model based on cumulative degree days for incubation period of Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl. & De Toni2022
1016. Tourist valorization of active monasteries in R.N.Macedonia2022
1017. Distance Learning - Development, Types and Tools2022
1018. Anwendung und Funktion von Spielen im DaF-Unterricht an Kosovarischen Grundschulen2022
1019. Dependence of input energy from the rigidity of the foundation2022
1020. Qualitative-quantitative characteristics of the marbles from Pletvar area in North Macedonia and possibilities for their exploitation2022
1021. Global Supply Chains: European Union, Euro Area and New Member States2022
1022. Security and Privacy Issues of Home Globalization2022
1023. Electrochemistry of Lipophilic Redox Enzymes Associated with a Reversible Follow‐up Chemical Reaction‐Theoretical Consideration in Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry2022
1024. Perception of Women in Society Given through Proverbs and Sayings2022
1025. Case report: fire-needle acupuncture treatment in patient presented with gastric pain2022
1026. Periodontal status of institutionalized elderly2022
1027. Aesthetics of dental implants - periodontal and surgical aspects2022
1028. Оral signs and symptoms in COVID-192022
1029. The Phenomenon of Catalytic Wave in Surface Regenerative EC’ Mechanism in Square-wave Voltammetry2022
1030. Review of the scalar control strategy of an induction motor: constant V/f method for speed control2022
1031. Modeling and simulation of switched reluctance motor2022
1032. Improving Business Processes by Applying the Kaizen Philosophy in a Macedonian Textile Company2022
1033. Bladder mucinous adenocarcinoma as a diagnostic challenge: a case report2022
1034. Definition of state border, border line, border belt, border area and border crossing2022
1035. Personnel planning segment of human resource management2022
1036. Management of human resource2022
1037. Почеток на долга војна2022
1038. Туристичка промоција на културните вредности2022
1039. Искористеност на атрактивните мотивски фактори во функција на руралниот туризам2022
1040. Ulogata na menagmentot na covecki resursi vo turizmot2022
1041. Менаџмент на анимацијата во туристичко- угостителските претпријатија2022
1042. Production and Quality Assurance of Human Polyclonal Hyperimmune Immunoglobulins against SARS-CoV-22022
1043. International Society of Blood Transfusion survey of experiences of blood banks and transfusion services during the COVID-19 pandemic2022
1044. Impact of social status on the severity of Lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia2022
1045. Јуруците- македонските Амиши2022
1046. „Смртта како кума“ - архаичен мотив во една волшебна приказна од книгата „Араптази“ на Иван Котев2022
1047. The effect of fabric structure parameters on dimensional stability after domestic washing2022
1048. Late Miocene volcanism in the Tikveš Valley – North Macedonia2022
1049. Geomagnetic model of Lakavica depression2022
1050. Practical application of the Refraction method2022
1051. Geomagnetic research of the archaeological site Isar Marvinci, Republic of North Macedonia2022
1052. Gender equality - human right and basis for a prosperous and sustainable world2022
1053. Претприемништво во услови на Kовид пандемија: нови практики, стратегии и политики2022
1054. Специфичности на сметководствените активности кај непрофитни организации, здруженија на граѓани и фондации2022
1055. Evaluation of the uncertainty contribution of the natural thermocouple characteristics in the empirical modelling of temperature during metal cutting process2022
1056. Evaluation of the uncertainty contribution of the natural thermocouple characteristics in the empirical modelling of temperature during metal cutting process2022
1057. Underground mining method selection according to Nicholas methodology2022
1058. Aplication of USB methodology for underground mining method selection2022
1059. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the pre consumer textile waste in North Macedonia2022
1060. Dynamic optimal taxation Mirrlees’ approach : A Review2022
1061. Radon and radium concentration in self-bottled mineral spring water from the public fountain “Elixir” at the Moklište area, Republic of North Macedonia2022
1062. Mechanistic insights into dietary (poly)phenols and vascular dysfunction-related diseases using multi-omics and integrative approaches: Machine learning as a next challenge in nutrition research2022
1063. Романот „Лицето на самовилата“ од Стојмир Симјановски - спој на митологијата и научната фантастика2022
1064. Управувач на фази логика за предвидување на резултатите во онлајн наставата2022
1065. Fuzzy Logic Controller Development for Prediction of Student Performance Based on Activity Parameters2022
1066. Integrated RF-Wifi smart sensor network2022
1067. Implementation of national policies in relation to the fight against internal human trafficking in Republic of North Macedonia2022
1068. The importance of IT technologies in education in pandemic time2022
1069. Wine Faults: State of Knowledge in Reductive Aromas, Oxidation and Atypical Aging, Prevention, and Correction Methods2022
1070. Hemorrhagic shock as a primary and unusual manifestation of gastric cancer2022
1071. Using Fairy Tales for Enriching the Vocabulary of Foreign Languages2022
1072. Analysis of Grammar Vocabulary in Foreign Language Textbooks: Italian, German, English, and Macedonian2022
1073. „Зелените луѓе“ од Михо Атанасовски - спој на научната фантастика и митологијата2022
1074. Accuracy of brush biopsy method in oral malignancy detection2022
1075. Oral–surgical treatment of periodontal pocket with guided bone and soft tissue regeneration2022
1076. Светлината и Темнината во романот „Светлината на Сатурната“ од Кристина Димовска2022
1077. Evolution of ore-forming fluids in a post-collisional porphyry Cu-Au system:A case study from the Bucim deposit, Republic of North Macedonia2022
1078. Естетски реставрации-ламинати2022
1079. La présence du français à l’Université « Goce Delcev » de Stip – le prisme des étudiants et le prisme des professeurs2022
1080. Ортодонтски третман и влијанието на букалните коридори врз атрактивноста на насмевката2022
1081. Микроорганизмите како објекти за испитување на генотоксичност со примена на Aмесов тест2022
1082. Use of SEM/EDX methods for the analysis of ambient particulate matter adhering to the skin surface2022
1083. Systematic analysis of nutrigenomic effects of polyphenols related to cardiometabolic health in humans - evidence from untargeted mRNA and miRNA studies2022
1084. Surface catalytic mechanism: theoretical study under conditions of differential square-wave voltammetry2022
1085. Plant bioactive compounds affecting biomarkers and final outcome of COVID-192022
1086. Intriguing minerals: quartz and its polymorphic modifcations2022
1087. The Efficiency, Benefits and Profitability of Lohn Production in RN Macedonia for a German Textile Company2022
1088. Impact of intensity modulated radiation therapy on the salivary glands function and saliva flow rate2022
1089. Геополитичко будење на Европа2022
1090. Gender and level of teachers’ knowledge on key features of intercultural education2022
1091. Efficiency of trichloroacetic acid in the tretment of subclinical HPV infections of the uterine cervix2022
1092. Multigenomic modifications in human circulating immune cells in response to consumption of polyphenol rich extract of yerba mate ( Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) are suggestive of cardiometabolic protective effects2022
1093. Efficacy of trichloroacetic acid in treatment of HPV related infections of the uterine cervix2022
1094. Exploring hedonic and eudaimonic items of well-being in Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean countries: influence of sociodemographic and lifestyle factors2022
1095. ASST and autoimmunity in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria2022
1096. Methodology for determining the quantity of textile waste from the cutting process2022
1097. The difference betveen two brands (hotels) business systems in tourism and catering2022
1098. Spa tourism in the Municipality of Klokot2022
1099. Opportunities for development of spa tourism in Macedonia2022
1100. International cultural and sports events in Europe as a factor for urban tourism development2022
1101. The importace of managements financial decisions for the operations of tourism enterprises2022
1102. Opportunities for tourism development of the city of Krusevo in the Republic of Northern Macedonia2022
1103. Opportunities for tourism development of the city of Krusevo in the Republic of Northern Macedonia2022
1104. Gli accordi di riammissione tra l'Unione Europea e i paesi Balcanici: più di quanto sembri!2022
1105. Application of digital technologies in English language teaching2022
1106. Importance of management for the operation of companies in the field of tourism2022
1107. The access database for the Cukar 2 East ore body Buchim mine, Republic North Macedonia2022
1108. Opportunities for tourism development of the city of Krusevo in the Republic of Northern Macedonia2022
1109. Карактеристики на руската гастрономија2022
1110. Правописот во наставата по Македонски јазик во основното образование2022
1111. Комуникациски предизвици во мултикултурните општества2022
1112. Multi-scale application of advanced ANN-MLP model for increasing the large-scale Improvement of digital data visualisation due to anomalous lithogenic and anthropogenic elements distribution2022
1113. A Study of the Two Documents that Create the Framework of the Contemporary Relations between Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria2022
1114. Monetary Economics: Post-Keynesian Stock-Flow Consistent Approach (PK-SCF) Versus New-Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (NK-DSGE)2022
1115. The benefits of using the socket shield technique in partial extraction therapy: an article review2022
1116. Periapical lesions: current modalities2022
1117. Review—Women’s Contribution in the Pulse Voltammetric Theories and Applications: Pulse Voltammetry Stands on the Shoulders of Outstanding Women Electrochemists2022
1118. Two-Step Protein-Film Voltammetry Associated with Intermediate Reversible Chemical Reaction-Diagnostic Criteria for Characterizing Systems with Inverted Potentials in Square-Wave Voltammetry2022
1119. Reversible and Quasireversible Electron Transfer under Conditions of Differential Square-Wave Voltammetry2022
1120. Impact of Covid-19 and Retinal Blood Vessels2022
1121. Incremental Value of Cardiac Biomarkers in Mid-term Prognosis of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome2022
1122. Разликата помеѓу Spanglish и Chicano English2022
1123. An Approach of Empirical Model Uncertainty Estimation During Physical Quantities Investigation in Turning2022
1124. Die Sprechhandlung Aufforderung bei den albanischsprachigen Deutschlernenden2022
1125. Human Rights Derogation in Times of Emergency of Covid-192022
1126. Технологијата и тероризмот2022
1127. Bioactive phenolic compounds from Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.): extraction, chemical characterization, fractionation and cellular antioxidant activity2022
1128. Вклучување на фразеологизмите во раното детство-клуч за успех при усвојувањето на странскиот јазик2022
1129. Примена и можности на FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) методата во цитогенетски истражувања2022
1130. Cost effectiveness analysis associated to the treatment of primary open- angle glaucoma according to disease severity2022
1131. Simulating the Diamond-Pissarides-Mortensen model: Search model that gives realistic account of unemployment2022
1132. Parametric Analysis for Performance Optimization of Line-Start Synchronous Motor with Interior Asymmetric Permanent Magnet Array Rotor Topology2022
1133. Улогата и значењето на инспекцискиот совет за ефикасни инспекциски служби во Република Северна Македонија2022
1134. Улогата и значењето на односите со јавност при остварувањето на државните функции за ефикасни државни органи2022
1135. Извори на правото на индустриски односи од меѓународно потекло2022
1136. Украинскиот конфликт – извор на глобална нестабилност2022
1137. Legal and Judicial System Transformation in Transition Economy: The Macedonian Case2022
1138. Hemingway in "Hemingway's Girl"2022
1139. Literature Review on Life-writing Genre Blending2022
1140. An Approach of Empirical Model Uncertainty Estimation During Physical Quantities Investigation in Turning2022
1141. Information Hiding in the DICOM Message Service and Upper Layer Service with Entropy-Based Detection2022
1142. High frequency calibration of a finite element model of an irregular building via ambient vibration measurements2022
1143. Терористичката организација ИД-К нов безбедносен предизвик за Авганистан2022
1144. Polymerase chain re- action test for detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus and variants2022
1145. Осврт на Законот за вистински сопственици – заедничка активност на Централен регистар и Агенција за спречување на перење на пари2022
1146. Анализа на кредитната политика и кредитниот ризик на Комерцијална банка за времен на пандемијата во 2020 година2022
1147. Данте во контекст на светската класична литература2021
1148. Optimal taxation policy, monetary policy and state-contingent debt, time inconsistency in Ramsey problem, tax smoothing, non-CRRA preferences and taxation in LQ economy2021
1149. La scrittura autobiografica come strumento di autocostruzione: il caso degli scrittori migranti in Italia2021
1150. 64Cu-complex of the bifunctional chelator with PSMA targeting molecule in ex-vivo biodistribution study in healthy rats2021
1151. Употреба на дериват на емајловиот матрикс (emdogain) во пародонтална регенеративна и пластична хирургија2021
1154. Употреба на дериват на емајловиот матрикс (emdogain) во пародонтална регенеративна и пластична хирургија2021
1155. Implant Site Guided Bone Regeneration and Pontic Site Ridge Preservation: A Case Report2021
1156. The Vertical Soft Tissue Thickness and Subcrestal Implant Placement as Factors for Peri-implant Crestal bone Stability2021
1157. Визуелизација на латентни отпечатоци од прсти на неиспукани куршуми со хемиска депозиција на олово(II) сулфид2021
1158. Electrodeposition of palladium-dotted nickel nanowire networks as a robust self-supported methanol electrooxidation catalyst2021
1159. Determining Structure-Activity Relationships in Oxide Derived CuSn Catalysts During CO2 Electroreduction Using X-Ray Spectroscopy2021
1160. Type 2 diabetes in young adults, can we do more for them? – case presentation2021
1161. Graft-versus-host disease in patients treated with allogenic hematopoetic cell transplantation: experience from North Macedonia2021
1162. Comorbidities of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): thyroid abnormalities in stable COPD2021
1163. Electrocatalyst Derived from Waste Cu–Sn Bronze for CO2 Conversion into CO2021
1164. Urinary stone density measured on non-contrast computed tomography correlated with success rate by extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy treatment2021
1165. Situs inversus totalis: patient with post Covid-19 infection2021
1166. Left paraduodenal hernia2021
1167. Kuzey Makedonya’da Türkçe Eğitim Ve Öğretim2021
1168. Весници и списанија на турски јазик од македонското поднебје2021
1169. Анализа на Песната „Тешкото“ Од Блаже Конески2021
1170. Health-related quality of life of teen/adult patients with cystic fibrosis in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1171. Prevalence and Predictors of Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome2021
1172. Circular Economy Concept and Perspectives in Croatia2021
1173. Implant Site Guided Bone Regeneration and Pontic Site Ridge Preservation: A Case Report2021
1174. Electrochemical Determination of Antioxidant Capacity of Traditional Homemade Fruit Vinegars Produced with Double Spontaneous Fermentation2021
1175. Precision farming in improvement of dairy cattle welfare2021
1176. Influence of cattle rearing conditions on health, reproduction, growth, milk yield and meat and milk quality2021
1177. Treatment of venous ulcers in drug addicts: A case report2021
1178. Статус на инфлуенсерите во македонскиот правен систем2021
1179. Analysis of Accuracy and Precision of Shooting with Home - Made Automatic Rifles Using the AHP Method2021
1180. Морски природни производи како антиканцерогени лекови2021
1181. The role of D-dimer in relation to the clinical course of patients with COVID-192021
1182. Arterialization of great saphenous vein in situ for limb salvation: our clinical experiences2021
1183. Overview of the natural parameters from the geologicaleconomic assessment of the ore deposit Baltašnica, ore field Sasa2021
1184. Multiculturalism in English Language Teaching2021
1185. Achalasia of the cardia - a pediatric case report2021
1186. Communication in education2021
1187. Open education2021
1188. Family and school cooperation2021
1189. Teacher Education2021
1190. Тeacher competencies for the knowledge society2021
1191. Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in 4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for 20% of COVID-19 deaths.2021
1192. Correlation between collagen inducated arthritis and ANA in the white laboratory rat2021
1193. Role of Kegel exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth2021
1194. Effects of physical activity with different intensity on adult patients2021
1195. Effect of collagen induced arthritis on the CRP in white laboratory rat2021
1196. Correlation between collagen inducated arthritis and ANA in the white laboratory rat2021
1197. Clinical symptomatology of Covid-19 patient after an abortion2021
1198. Treatment of patients with partial edentuloissness2021
1199. Evaluation of the analytical value of SARS-CoV-2 antigen test in relation to Ct-values of RT-qPCR in patients suspected of COVID-192021
1200. Rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen testing compared with RT-qPCR in patients suspected for COVID-192021
1201. Safety and labelling in non-EU Countries2021
1202. Need for Developmental Assessment2021
1203. Benefits of using CRM (Customer Relationship Management) by Accounting Services Providers2021
1204. Свети Климент - учител на многу народи2021
1205. Онлајн наставата по германски јазик во време на пандемија. Искуства и предизвици2021
1206. Св.Климент како дел од предисторијата на македонската философија2021
1207. Evaluation of the effect of the nebulized local anesthetic for inhalation in patients with confirmed covid-19 pneumonia in series of cases2021
1208. Methodological evaluation of the study program Turkish language and literacy using operation research2021
1209. Two surgical approaches in implantation of total hip endoprosthesis - a single center experience2021
1210. Falstaff`s gluttony, lust, avarice, sloth and pride in Henry IV part I2021
1211. Covid-19 pneumonia associated with rhabdomyolysis in patient with previous chronic therapy with statin: coincidence or realted conditions?2021
1212. Covid-19 and pregnancy-our experiences2021
1213. Deep vein arterialisation: case report2021
1214. Улогата на преводот во глобализираниот свет во време на пандемија и инфодемија2021
1215. Representation of Femme Fatales in Gothic and Romantic Writings at the End of the 18th century2021
1216. Blood and Sexuality in Stoker's Dracula2021
1217. Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in ~ 4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for ~ 20% of COVID-19 deaths.2021
1218. Карактеристики на гастрономијата во полошкиот регион2021
1219. Родова перспектива на рекламните пораки во Република Северна Македонија2021
1220. Expression of personality through dressing2021
1221. Fashion during the digital era period2021
1222. Corelation between colagen induced arthritis and RF in white laboratory rat2021
1223. Curricula analysis in primary, secondary, and special schools in N. Macedonia, Spain, and Bulgaria, acquiring knowledge for protection in case of natural disasters2021
1224. Infrastructure for food safety and quality2021
1225. Пандемијата КОВИД-19 и остварување на правото на парични надоместоци од задолжително здравствено осигурување2021
1226. Sexual maturity as risk for development of deviant behaviours in pig production systems with entire males2021
1227. Нормативно регулирање на Интернет комуникацијата2021
1228. Political-cultural aspects of influence on the abolition of the Macedonian nation2021
1229. Functional annotation of the 2q35 breast cancer risk locus implicates a structural variant in influencing activity of a long-range enhancer element.2021
1230. Human rights law and humanitarian law: between complementary and contradiction2021
1231. On the integrability of a class of differential equations2021
1232. Влијанието на онлајн наставата врз средниот успех на одделението во основното училиште2021
1233. Јазичните предзнаења на учениците – првачиња како основа за совладување на наставната програма во прво одделение2021
1234. Колку програмата за образование за животни и активностите на часот на одделенската заедница придонесуваат за хуманизација на личноста на ученикот2021
1235. Утврдување на ставовите на учениците од предметна настава (7 – 9 одделение) во ООУ „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип во однос на инклузијата на учениците со посебни образовни потреби2021
1236. Mechanical and morphological analyses of laminated plates2021
1237. Мултидимензионални придобивки од проектирање на клинички болници со водечки принципи за иден развој2021
1238. Водечки принципи за иден развој при проектирање на клиничка болница2021
1239. The impact of augmented reality in architectural design2021
1240. Environmental education and the need for ecological awareness2021
1241. Негативни импликакации во Сајбер просторот2021
1242. Initiating and receptive factors of tourist movements in the role of tourist practice in а given social context2021
1243. Separatio Bonorum – Separation of the Estate from the Property of the Heir2021
1244. Influence of different substrates on the quality properties of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)2021
1245. Inclusive Education - Part of the Study Programs of the Teaching Faculties2021
1246. Laser removal of mucous cysts(case report)2021
1247. Application of a hybrid system for early detection of forest fire2021
1248. Investigation of efficiency aspects in 3x3 photovoltaic plant using model of shading2021
1249. The role of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and testosterone in erectile dysfunction in patients treated with 5 alpha reductase inhibitors2021
1250. Prostate cancer after surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia2021
1251. Низ пасажите на македонскиот јазик. Свето Стаменов: Јазикот - наша единствена комплетна татковина, I-II, Скопје, 2021. По повод 95-годишнината од смртта на Крсте Петков Мисирков (1926-2021) и 100-годишнината од раѓањето на Блаже Конески (1921-2021)2021
1252. Analysis and views on the report of the reflection group on NATO 2030: United for a new era2021
1253. Деца на улица во Република Северна Македонија и нивната ранливост во однос на трговијата со луѓе2021
1254. The south caucasus and non-military security threats2021
1255. Influence of different substrates on the quality properties of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)2021
1256. Seismic Analysis of Pine Flat Concrete Dam2021
1257. Gender and intercultural sensitivity: analysis of intercultural sensitivity among primary school teachers in North Macedonia2021
1258. Chemical Composition of White Wines Produced from Different Grape Varieties and Wine Regions in Slovakia2021
1259. Foreign language acquisition in schools2021
1260. The concept of leniency in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1261. Angela Carter's Bloody Chamber in Relation to the Second Wave Feminism2021
1262. Autogenous dentin grafting of osseous defects distal to maxilar secound molars after extraction of impacted third molars2021
1263. Devising an Algorithm for Election Prediction Using Survey of Voters Opinions2021
1264. Analyses of Methods for Prediction of Elections Using Software Systems2021
1265. Challenges of international humanitarian law in regulating conflicts from the era of hybrid warfare2021
1266. Cost-effective quality control method for radiochemical purity of 99m Tc-Tectrotyd used in a Hospital Radiopharmacy unit2021
1267. The place of Technetium 99m radiopharmaceuticals for imaging of neuroendocrine tumors2021
1268. Application of Millisecond Delays for Improvement of Contour Blastings Results – Case Study Bellanica2021
1269. The Determination of Optimal Parameters of the Geometry of Contour and Production Drillings2021
1270. Видови договор за осигурување живот во правната теорија и во македонското право2021
1271. За тагите и стравовите во детскиот свет2021
1272. Data processing using mathematical models in leather industry2021
1273. Insomnia Associated with Tinnitus and Gender Differences2021
1274. Winter tourism in North Macedonia and its impact in the economic growth2021
1275. Articulation disorders as a concomitant disorder of incoherence of speech - stuttering2021
1276. The impact of Covid pandemic and the policy action for recovery of the small and medium enterprises2021
1277. Analysis of wine tourism offer in North Macedonia2021
1278. NATO and EU role in dealing with COVID-192021
1279. Identification, definition, determination and promotion of large mountain tourist regions in the world2021
1280. Craniopharyngiomas: A 20-Year-Period Evaluative Single Center Study2021
1281. Опрема за одржување на ладниот ланец при снабдување со вакцини2021
1282. Систем за справување со цивилни несреќи и катастрофи – институционални предизвици2021
1283. Обуката и развојот на човечките ресурси во економисување на претпријатијата2021
1284. Corpus Iuris Civilis Romani - Контроверзите при создавањето на Јустинијановата кодификација2021
1285. Cybercrime regulations: need for a new international approach?2021
1286. The role and importrance of public relations on the functoning of the state functions for eficient state bodies2021
1287. Pediatric self-medication trends in Republic of North Macedonia2021
1288. E-contract–conclusion and validity/Е-уговор-закључење и пуноважност2021
1289. Улогата и значењето на Инспекцискиот совет за ефикасни инспекциски служби во Република Северна Македонија2021
1290. Европскиот налог за апсење и условите за притвор vis-à-vis Европската конвенција за човекови права: случајот Dorobantu2021
1291. Comparison of Pert and Monte Carlo simulation2021
1292. Повелбата за основните права и пристапувањето на Европската унија кон Конвенцијата за човекови права – постапка, преговори и неодамнешен развој2021
1293. Визната политика на Европската Унија во договорот од Лисабон: предизвици и перспективи2021
1294. Регулативата Еуродак: Кон подобар систем за евиденција и контрола на миграцијата и азилот2021
1295. The geopolitical interests of the international in resolving multicultural issues in Republic of Azerbaijan and Republic of North Macedonia2021
1296. Мултикултурализмот и влијанието врз развојот (со осврт на македонското општество)2021
1297. Компаративна анализа на мултикултурализмот во азербејџанското и македонското општество2021
1298. Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во Западниот регион на Република С. Македонија2021
1299. Видови застапување во граѓанското право - special types of agency in civil law2021
1300. Охридскиот рамковен договор и евро-атлантската интеграција, 20 години подоцна2021
1301. Историјата како оружје: митот за „насилната македонизација“ во бугарската политика и наука2021
1302. Социо-економското влијание на Ковид-19: Македонскиот случај со развој на е-трговијата2021
1303. Политики и практики за развој на социјалното претприемништво2021
1304. Pollution with Cr6+ of Groundwater and Surface Water from the Industrial Dump Jugohrom - Jegunovce – the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1305. Преглед на најчестите лажни парови меѓу италијанскиот и шпанскиот јазик2021
1306. Синтаксичко-семантички функции на предлогот SU и неговите можни еквиваленти во македонскиот јазик2021
1307. Vulnerability assessment of pollution of groundwater in the Stip aquifer with application of GOD method2021
1308. Предлошки конструкции за означување статична положба во италијанскиот јазик и нивните еквиваленти во македонскиот јазик2021
1309. Карактеристики и функции на говорот на младите во Италија2021
1310. Анализа на податоци и интерпретација на сеизмограм2021
1311. Договорот за јавно-приватно партнерство помеѓу императивните правила на Законот за концесии и јавно приватно партнерство и начелото на слободата на договарање2021
1312. Говорниот чин одбивање на покана кај студентите од Групата за турски јазик и книжевност2021
1313. Language as a Barrier For Achieving Intercultural Communication Between Teachers and Students in Primary School2021
1314. Intercultural Communication Cognition of English Language Teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria2021
1315. Intercultural Materials for Developing Intercultural Competence in ELT: The Case Of High-school Books in the English Language2021
1316. Issues of Intercultural Communication in English Language Teaching2021
1317. Стратегии при усвојување на шпански јазик (ј3) кај студенти со англиски јазик (ј2)2021
1318. The science fiction novel Mob-Ra, a look at the past and the future2021
1319. Development and economic significance of rural tourism2021
1320. Characteristics of economic factors for rural tourism development2021
1321. Европскиот мебел во делот на културното наследство во Штип и негова трансформација во современи концепти за простор2021
1322. Придавката „македонски“ во договорите со Бугарија (2017 год.) и со Грција (2018 год.)2021
1323. Осврт кон македонската терминологија2021
1324. Весници и Списанија На Турски Јазик Од Македонското Поднебје2021
1325. Данте во контекст на светската класична литература2021
1326. „Светот се обидуваше да ме фати, но не успеа!“ Предговор кон книгата „Харковски басни“ од Григориј Сковорода2021
1327. Балканските војни и Првата светска војна како мотиви во народните песни од Струмица и Струмичко (Кон книгата „Грозен бој се почна горе на Балкано“ (Македонски народни песни од Струмица и Струмичко за Балканските и Првата светска војна) од Иван Котев, Струмица, 20212021
1328. Intercultural communication cognition of English language teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria2021
1329. Proximity of the incentre to the excentres and inequality for the circumcevians of the incentre2021
1330. On the Brocard disc2021
1331. Word expression as a branch of lexicology2021
1332. Feedback: On 105.132021
1333. Mollweide’s formula and circumcevians of the incenter2021
1334. Proximity of the incentre to the inarc centres2021
1335. Teachers' techniques and steps in assessing2021
1336. Active listening and their implications in the educational process2021
1337. За недостигот и недостижното2021
1338. Предговор кон книгата „Грозен бој се почна горе на Балкано“ од Иван Котев (Македонски народни песни од Струмица и Струмичко за Балканските војни и Првата светска војна)2021
1339. Верувањата во болести и обредната практика за нивно лекување во Тиквешкиот Регион2021
1340. Kuzey Makedonya’da Türkçe Eğitim ve Öğretim2021
1341. Inflammatory biomarkers in patients with COVID-192021
1342. Зборовната група именки со емоционален признак во текстови од областа на политиката2021
1343. Aрхеолошка проспекција со примена на геофизика на археолошкиот локалитет Исар – Марвинци2021
1344. Kонзерваторско реставраторски работи на влезната партија на акрополот на средновековната тврдина Исар Штип2021
1345. Dental caries and salivary bacteria in school children at age of 12 with present and absent dental caries2021
1346. Проценка на ризик за кариес кај деца со млечна и трајна дентиција2021
1347. Macroeconomic impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on selected CEE countries2021
1348. Total bacterial count, somatic cell count and presence of Aflatoxin M1 in raw milk from the "Ovce Pole" region, Republic of North Macedonia2021
1349. Real time PCR method for PPV diagnostic on plums and apricot in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1350. Association of adverse pregnancy outcome with the values of serum biomarkers of Quadruple test2021
1351. The role and importance of agrobiodiversity for agriculture2021
1352. Covid 19 implications on financial reporting2021
1354. Антејскиот потенцијал во прозата на Конески2021
1355. Феноменот на животните фази во поезијата на Конески2021
1356. Даница Ручигај. Меѓу две нерамнини2021
1357. Review of stress recognition techniques and modalities2021
1358. Overview of Techniques and Methods for Stress Recognition2021
1359. Даница Ручигај - Alba avis на македонската поезија2021
1360. The traditional architecture in the region of Gevgelija in the 19th century.2021
1361. Солидарност и екстернализација на безбедноста во Европската политика за миграција и азил. Можен двоен концепт?2021
1362. Comparative analysis of synchronous motors2021
1363. ММеѓународните влијанија при создавање на уставите2021
1364. Corruption risk in implementing urgent public procurement during COVID -19 pandemia in R. North Macedonia2021
1365. Компоненти на оперативно ниво на менаџмент2021
1366. Анализа на Песната „Тешкото“ Од Блаже Конески2021
1367. Kuzey Makedonya’da Türkçe Eğitim Ve Öğretim2021
1368. Combined reflexology with acupressure and kinesitherapy methods after achilles tendon rupture2021
1369. Dynamical analysis of a third-order and a fourth-order shortened Lorenz systems2021
1370. Процена на загрозеноста од елементарни непогоди кај христијанските верски храмови во општина Kарбинци2021
1371. Конзервација и реставрација на фортификацијата на централниот комлекс на локалитетот Вардарски рид - Гевгелија2021
1372. Археолошки истражувања на локалитетот Градиште - Пештера село Киселица, Делчево2021
1373. Арапот - архетип или споделена вредност во културната меморија на балканските народи (врз примери на локалната сказна од Струмичкиот Регион)2021
1374. Примена на Меѓународните стандарди за финансиско известување во услови на Ковид 192021
1375. Современите методи за пресметка на трошоците како основа за подобрување на конкурентската предност на компаниите2021
1377. The Full VAT/GST Liability Regime of Digital Platforms in the Collection of Taxes on Online Sales2021
1378. Fiscal Challenges in Pandemic Times2021
1379. Basic Time Series Models in Financial Forecasting2021
1380. Economic Aspects of Public Debt2021
1381. The COVID-19 pandemic and violations of workers rights2021
1382. Legal aspects of eHealth development in North Macedonia2021
1383. ДВЕ ГОДИШНИНИ – ДВА СТОЖЕРНИ ВЕКА (Кон двата големи македонски јубилеи – 95 години од смртта на Крсте Петков Мисирков и 100 години од раѓањето на Блаже Конески)2021
1384. Оставината на Марко Цепенков низ призма на шаманистичкиот модел врз примери на сказни, легенди и песни.2021
1385. Чудовиштето во нас (Одгласи по прочитот на романите „Пропаст“ и „Чудовиштето“ од Владимир Зарев и преведувачкиот подвиг на Бранислав Мирчевски)2021
1386. Годината 2021 (Кон стогодишнината од раѓањето на Блаже Конески)2021
1387. Фолклорот како животен позив (Кон петте децении собирачка дејност на современиот македонски фолклорист Иван Котев)2021
1388. Фолклорот како животен позив(Кон петте децении собирачка дејност на современиот македонски фолклорист Иван Котев)2021
1389. Медицински растенија во превенција и третман на вирусни респираторни болести и механизам на дејство на хербалните компоненти како одбрана од КОВИД-192021
1391. Општ преглед на современата турска поезија2021
1392. Emotions in the models of Artificial Intelligence2021
1393. Data Mining in Client Oriented Businesses2021
1394. Data Mining in Client Oriented Businesses2021
1396. Data Mining in Client Oriented Businesses2021
1397. Осврт кон „Прагматички истражувања“ од Марија Кусевска и Билјана Ивановска2021
1398. Ars combinatoria како постструктуралистичка постапка во романот „Замокот на вкрстените судбини“ од Итало Калвино2021
1399. Urinary copper, biochemical marker for diagnostics and biomonitoring of patients with Wilson's disease2021
1400. Teeth whitening2021
1401. Fettsäurezusammensetzung und Sensorik von halblanglebiger mazedonischer Wurst Aco Kuzelov, Boban Malinov , Elena Joshevska2021
1402. The develompment of textile industry in Shtip2021
1403. An overview of image recognition and real-time object detection2021
1404. Mineralogical analysis of samples from the Bučim tailing dam drill holes2021
1405. Determination of the study program courses contribution to the provided qualifications in relation with the labor market needs using AHP2021
1406. Elements of the introduction to dissertation research2021
1407. Scandinavian design in children's environment2021
1408. Глобализација на економското деловно опкружување2021
1410. Development of park art in North Macedonia2021
1411. The light and the shadow in the park composition2021
1413. Managing the monetary and fiscal efforts to alleviate the turbulence from the COVID-19 crisis in the world and in our country2021
1414. Transformation of war – use of conventional military forces against non state actors2021
1415. Spatial Characteristics of the Traditional Village House in Skopje Region of the 19th Century2021
1416. State-of-the-art Survey of Data Hiding in ECG Signal2021
1417. Migraine and the effects of NSAIDS on renal function2021
1418. Potentional for ecotourism in Gevgelija region2021
1419. Values of DMFT components among children aged 12 from Skopje region-Republic of North Macedonia (RNM)2021
1420. A comparative analysis on apology speech acts in American English and Macedonian2021
1424. Representation of Jealousy and Innocence in Othello, Cymbeline and The Winter`s Tale by W. Shakespeare2021
1425. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Firms Performance: Analysis of the Companies from the MBI10 Index2021
1426. Methodology for estimation of burned areas caused by wildfires using data from the Sentinel-2 satellite2021
1427. Engagement of the armed forces in support of civilian autorities in crisis situation and state of emergency2021
1430. Oскултација на дренажниот систем на хидројаловиште бр. 3.2 и хидројаловиште бр. 4 на рудник Саса – М. Каменица за 2020 година2021
1431. Chemical charasteristic of rabbit hibrids2021
1432. The impact of cognitive functioning on the quality of life in patients with schizophrenia2021
1433. Поживотот на Конески2021
1434. Придонесот на функционалистичките теории во развојот на современата традуктолошка мисла2021
1435. Фактори за развој на верски туризам во Општина Битола со посебен осврт на манастирскиот туризам2021
1436. Tourist intensity in the Polog Region 2011-20192021
1437. Impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia in regards of potential tourist2021
1438. The COVID-19 pandemic impact on the tourist turnover in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1439. How a design can influence the choice of a hotel?2021
1440. Spa Tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1441. The Glacial Lakes of Shar Mountain as a Tourist Attraction2021
1442. Types of crises in the work of entrepreneurs: The impact of the global health crisis2021
1443. Fashion in a time of Pandemic2021
1444. Using Brain-Breaks® as a Technology Tool to Increase Attitude towards Physical Activity among Students in Singapore2021
1445. Exterior decoration of the traditional house in Macedonia from the 19th cen tur2021
1446. Health issues and nutrition in the Balkans2021
1447. Main Issues for Adoption of Cryptocurrencies as Payment Means2021
1448. Балканските војни и првата светска војна како мотиви во народните песни од Струмица и Струмичко ( Кон книгата „Грозен бој се почна горе на Балкано“ Македонски народни песни од Струмица и Струмичко за Балканските војни и за Првата светска војна од Иван Котев, Струмица, 2021)2021
1449. Ottoman heritage: Specific perception of students from North Macedonia2021
1450. Sustainability in hotel industry: The role of rooftop PV plants2021
1451. Employee motivation-factor for success2021
1452. Spc technigues in the non – manufacturing areas2021
1453. Менаџмент на квалитет во туризмот2021
1454. Улога и значење на финансикиот менаџмент за работењето на туристичко - угостителските претпријатија2021
1455. Влијанието на загадувањето врз развојот на туризмот во регионот на Ана Морава2021
1456. Women's rights are human rights: A decade of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention2021
1457. Политики за развој на родово претприемништво2021
1458. Towards accessible tourism in Republic of North Macedonia2021
1459. The specificity of Article 2 of the ECHR and its applicability in the Balkans: case studies2021
1460. Republicanism: Roman Res Publica as an inspiring concept for the Western constitutional thought2021
1461. Bequest taxation, estate taxation, land taxation, optimum town, Henry George theorem and capital taxation: A Survey2021
1462. Новиот протекционизам во трговските релации меѓу САД и Кина2021
1463. Analysis of the trade relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and Great Britain2021
1464. Influence of different substrates on the quality properties of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)2021
1465. One factorial ANOVA in assessment of groundwater quality in vulnerable area of agriculture pollution2021
1466. The right of paid sick leave as social insurance right and the coronavirus pandemic2021
1467. Current issues of the social status and protection of the family in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1468. Some aspects of the social security system in the Republic of North Macedonia during coronavirus pandemic2021
1469. Примена на најниска основица за пресметка и уплата на придонеси од задолжително социјално осигурување2021
1470. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the gender perspective of labour relations2021
1471. Kinesitherapy and rehabilitation of torticollis in newborns2021
1472. Biowaste Management and Circular Economy: Usage of Pay as you Throw System and Autonomous Composting Units in Municipality of Probishtip2021
1473. The assessment of spatial distribution of trace elements in soil and moss using artificial intelligence in the Bregalnica river basin, North Macedonia2021
1474. Degree of cognitive impairment in patients with carotid stenosis in relation to cerebral ischemic lesions2021
1475. The Adoption of a Foreign Language2021
1476. Verb Morphology in the English and Macedonian Language2021
1477. Intercultural Communication Cognition Of English Language Teachers In Our Country and Abroad2021
1478. Regional pattern and characteristics of essential elements in several medicinal plants using spectrometric methods combined with multivariate statistical approaches2021
1479. Distinctive chemical and aromatic composition of red wines produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae co-fermentation with indigenous and commercial non-Saccharomyces strains2021
1480. Effect of Unsaturated Fatty Acids on Intra-Metabolites and Aroma Compounds of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Wine Fermentation2021
1481. Cracked tooth syndrome2021
1482. Reopening the debate on the relationship among remittances, household consumption stability and economic growth in emerging markets2021
1483. De novo Stage IV Luminal Breast Cancer: Yes or No for Local Treatment? Serial Cases and Review2021
1484. Can Estrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor, and Proliferative Index be Considered as Isolated Prognostic Factors of Overall Survival in Early luminal Breast Cancer?2021
1485. Machine Learning with Remote Sensing Image Data Sets2021
1486. Турцизмите во „Речникот на синоними на македонскиот јазик“ од Толе Белчев и Снежана Веновска-Антевска2021
1487. Seismic exploration for defining slope stability in the Bansko late antique spa in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1488. Контрастивна анализа на гласовните системи на шпанскиот и на италијанскиот јазик2021
1489. Methodology for preparing expertise in the field of electrical engineering2021
1490. Ингениозно исплетена платенка на крилјата на фантазијата2021
1491. The Impact of Glucono Delta Lactone (GDL) and Starter Cultures over the Chemical Composition in Fermented Sausages2021
1492. Моравската мисија на Кирил и Методиј значаен фактор за словенската писменост2021
1493. The importance of anti-dsDNA antibodies screening as a useful tool for evaluation and treatment of patients with systemic rheumatic disease2021
1494. Budget system comparison between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Slovenia2021
1495. Commutative Neutrix Convolution Product of Generalized Fresnel Cosine Integrals and Convolution2021
1496. Application of molecular biological techniques and cytogenetic methods in human biomonitoring2021
1497. Shocked quartz in the samples from archeological locality Stobi2021
1498. Petrography of the Dren-Bohula massif as a part of the ophiolitic complex Demir Kapija–Gevgelija2021
1499. New information about the age of the Pelagonian metamorphic complex (??)2021
1500. Chemical composition of Roman coins from Pelagonia (North Macedonia) determined by the SEM-EDS method2021
1501. Barium in airconditioner filters in the city of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia)2021
1502. Unusual Cause of Death in a Patient with COVID-192021
1503. Synergetic Tl and As retention in secondary minerals: An example of extreme arsenic and thallium pollution2021
1504. Some geochemical and mineralogical features of samples from old Bor’s tailing dam2021
1505. The access database for the Northeastern Part of the Central Part Ore Body at the Bučim Mine, Republic of North Macedonia2021
1506. Overview of the natural parameters from the geological-economic assessment of the ore deposit Baltašnica, ore field Sasa2021
1507. Techno-economic parameters of the Northeastern part of Central Part Ore Body, Bučim Copper Mine, Republic of North Macedonia2021
1508. The needs and structure of modern tourist destinations2021
1509. Circular Economy, resources and environmental metabolism2021
1510. Nanotechnology–based biosensors in drug delivery systems: a review2021
1511. Nanotechnology–based biosensors in drug delivery systems: a review2021
1512. Effects of physical activity with different intensity on adult patients2021
1513. Application of photogrammetry for determination of volumetric joint count as a measure for improved rock quality designation (RQD) index2021
1514. Внатрешни и надворешни модификации на говорниот чин извинување2021
1515. Значење на модалните честички од перспектива на теоријата за говорни чинови2021
1516. New words in the lexicon during corona pandemic (Нови зборови во јазикот во време на корона пандемија)2021
1517. Psychometric Properties of the Chinese-Language Attitude toward Physical Activity Scale: A Confirmatory Study on Chinese Children2021
1518. Physical Education Teachers’ Opinion about Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Comparative Study of European Countries2021
1519. Statistical data for patients with breast cancer in the period from 2016 to 2019 in the eastern region of the republic of northern Macedonia2021
1520. Нов пристап кон воведување на дигитална гранулометриска анализа на издробен материјал2021
1521. Physical and chemical processes under the underground coal gasification2021
1522. Antioxidant Properties of the Native Khechechuri Pear from Western Georgia2021
1523. The Implication of Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidants in Knee Osteoarthritis2021
1524. First characterization of functionalized nanoparticles - tandem of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles conjugated with piperine2021
1525. Dental tourism -our perspectives2021
1526. Global review of Constitutional Law North Macedonia2021
1527. Statistical Data on Patients Registered With Cerebral Infarct in Strumica, Republic Of North Macedonia in the Period from 2015 To 20202021
1528. Breast cancer- statistics on patients in Negotino, Republic of Northern Macedonia in the period from 2017 to 20192021
1529. Конзервативен хируршки третман кај кератоцистични одонтогени тумори поврзан со помала стапка на рецидив2021
1530. Поетскиот ораториум на Блаже Конески (реобјава)2021
1531. Reduction of peak ground velocity by nonlinear soil response – II:excitation by a P-wave pulse2021
1532. Application of new mathematical models in the higher education evaluation process2021
1533. Equilibrium short-rate models vs no-arbitrage models: Literature review and computational examples2021
1534. Cultural Sustainability and Architectural Heritagе2021
1535. Одговорност за климатските промени2021
1536. Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti'nde Türkoloji Çalışmalarının Gerçekleştirildiği Kurumlar2021
1537. Лавиринт од книжевна фикција и животна стварност2021
1538. Метафората во романот „Ќерката на Математичарот“ од Венко Андоновски2021
1539. Data on multiple SARS-CoV-2 surface glycoprotein alignments2021
1540. Improvement of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria with Levothyroxine and Autohemotherapy (A case report)2021
1541. Implementation of innovative technologies pay-as-you-throw and autonomous composting units for biowaste management. Scaling up the biowaste project in the municipality of Probishtip, Republic of North Macedonia2021
1542. Good practice in cold drug supply chain2021
1543. Application of the Methodology of Six Sigma in Public Health Institution2021
1544. The impact of climate change on European countries and the necessity of multilateral cooperation2021
1545. Policies for recovery of the travel and tourism from Covid-19 pandemic2021
1546. From traditional to online methods for generating business ideas2021
1547. Impact of the type of cutting layout on the consumption of textile material2021
1548. Градската облека како дел од културното наследство во Штип и нејзината трансформација во современите модни трендови на облека2021
1549. Digitalization-Based Innovation — A Case Study Framework2021
1550. The impact of Covid-19 on world tourism2021
1551. Evaluation of PD-L1 expression in tumor tissue2021
1552. Anatomical variations of the Darwin's tubercles of the human ear in young population2021
1553. Mетафорични концепти кај соматизмите во германската и во македонската фразеологија2021
1554. Оцврт кон книгата „Прагматика: јазик и комуникација“2021
1555. Pterygoid implants – treatment option for an atrophic maxilla: an article review2021
1556. Modern surgical sets for installation of dental implants2021
1557. Complications with dental implantation2021
1558. Advantages of laser usage in dental implanology2021
1559. Reduction of peak ground velocity by nonlinear soil response – III: Excitation by an SV-wave pulse2021
1560. 20 години по 11 септември Колку е силна „Aл Каеда“ во 2021 година?2021
1561. Electrochemical Determination of Antioxidant Capacity of Traditional Homemade Fruit Vinegars Produced with Double Spontaneous Fermentation2021
1562. Некои недостатоци во учебниците по математика за основно образование по адаптираната наставна програма од 2015 и 2016 година за темата броеви2021
1563. Statistical data for cervical cancer screening from 2016 – 2020 and ambulatory and dispensary morbidity from 2011 – 2020 for Kocani, Vinica, Berovo, Pehcevo and Delcevo2021
1564. Acupuncture treatment in male infertility2021
1565. Statistical Data on Patients with Prostate Cancer on the Territory of Prilep, North Macedonia, from the Period 2014-20192021
1566. Breast cancer - statistical data for patients with breast cancer in the period from 2009 to 2018 in Eastern Macedonia2021
1567. Active listening and their implications in the educational process2021
1568. The reliability of the analytical methods for determination of conjugated antibodies after final preparation in serum samples of rat2021
1569. The role of animal models in pharmacokinetic- pharmacodynamic modelling for the evaluation of conjugated antibodies2021
1570. Phylogenicity of B.1.1.7 surface glycoprotein, novel distance function and first report of V90T missense mutation in SARS-CoV-2 surface glycoprotein2021
1571. Онлајн настава по шпански јазик во услови на пандемија2021
1572. Semantic features of kinship terms in Macedonian, English and German2021
1573. Uveal screening2021
1574. Conjunctivitis, types of inflammation of the conjuctiva, presentation and comparison of classic virus conjunctivities and conjuctivitis caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus2021
1575. Diabetic retinopathy2021
1576. Statistical data for children with malignant and benign diseases according to age and gender in Prilep in the period from 2015-20192021
1577. Statistics of Prevalence and Number of Registered Cases of Hypoglycemia in the Biochemical Laboratory at PhI "General Hospital"-Strumica in the period from 2012 to 20162021
1578. Physical Activity among Adults Residing in 11 Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown2021
1579. Role of Yumeiho therapy and acupressure in reducing back pain due to scoliosis and kyphosis of the spine2021
1580. Одредување на волумен на базен за изедначување на протокот и состав на отпадна вода2021
1581. Ефикасност на традиционалната кинеска медицина при лекување на хумероскапуларен периартрит2021
1582. Застапеност и рехабилитација на фрактури на клавикула во детска возраст2021
1583. Третман на мускулно-скелетна болка2021
1584. Qualitative features of oats grown in condition of organic production2021
1585. Analysis of the consumption of drugs for the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux issued on prescription in a four - year period2021
1586. Alternative forms of tourism in order to increase the tourist offer and attractiveness – the case of the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1587. The representation of information technology in the operation of travel agencies in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1588. Influence of Preventive Programs for Reduction of DMFT Index in 12 Years Old Children in RNM on Dental Arch Space Changes2021
1589. The role of the financial management for the operation of the enterprise in the field of tourism2021
1590. Archaeological location Stobi2021
1591. The rights against the obligations of the accountants2021
1592. The burden on the accountants caused by the COVID - 19 pandemic2021
1593. Telecommuting Best Practices Prior and During the COVID-19 Pandemic2021
1594. Anatomical variations of the helix and earlobe of the human ear in young population2021
1595. Clinical significance of circulating enzymes in patients with COVID-192021
1596. Blockchain technology and its impact on logistic enterprise performance2021
1597. Modern logistic technological trends -main drivers in the global industry2021
1598. The upcoming recession due to Covid 19 and its impact on economic growth and the digital transformation in the Balkan region2021
1599. Banking sector performance during the COVID-19 crisis in the Republic of North Macedonia2021
1600. COVID-19 and non-tariff measures2021
1601. Ardennite-bearing mineral association related to sulfide-free ores with chalcophile metals at Nežilovo, Pelagonian Massif, North Macedonia2021
1602. Optimization of flat solar collector based on the principle of entropy2021
1603. Square-wave voltammetry of two-step diffusional electrode mechanism coupled with a reversible follow-up chemical reaction2021
1604. Osteoporosis - statistical data for patients with osteo-porosis in the period from 2020 and the current 20212021
1605. Statistical Data on Total Number of Patients with Malignant Diseases and with Breast Cancer in the Period from 2017 to 2019 for the Municipality of Negotino2021
1606. Challenges and perspectives of the UN on the future of multilateralism2021
1607. FINKI Scholar, a Publications Database for Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Scholars2021
1608. Improving the Performance of the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics for the Needs of the Business Community2021
1609. Methodology for selection of the variant for opening the deeper parts of the Toranica mine2021
1610. Analiza prve autohtone subkulture u istoriji mode – Antimodni stil Enkroajabla i Mervejeza („Incroyables” i „Merveilleuses”)2021
1611. Application of technical textile in medicine2021
1612. A cut marker for aircraft seat cover2021
1613. Technological process of finishing of the men's shirt and quality control2021
1614. Systematic bioinformatic analyses of nutrigenomic modifications by polyphenols associated with cardiometabolic health in humans—Evidence from targeted nutrigenomic studies2021
1615. Circadian rhythm and time-of-day-effects of (anti)oxidant biomarkers for epidemiological studies2021
1616. Case report – Acupuncture treatment in subclinical hypothyroidism2021
1617. Case report - acupuncture treatment in patient with hormonal imbalance2021
1618. Melanoma- statistics on patients and deaths in the Republic of Northern Macedonia in the period from 2008 to 20122021
1619. Тероризмот, конфликтите и градење на мирот2021
1620. Епилог. Во агонијата на исчезнувањето Екфрастички пристап кон „Хамлет“ на Никола Пијанманов, скулптура работена за меѓународната скулпторска колонија „Велес 2020“2021
1621. Computer simulation for stochastic inventory management2021
1622. За македонците се говори – с тях не се говори - Българо-македонската историческа война2021
1623. Phraseological units -“A thorn in the side” or “Icing on the cake” for language learners?2021
1624. Market(ing) testing as a base for minimization of the business risk2021
1625. Internet of Thing (IOT) and Blockchain technology in supply chain ecosystem2021
1626. The continuation of communist-era totalitarian policies in the European Union: the case of Bulgaria, the Macedonian minority and Macedonia’s EU integration2021
1627. Методи на имплементација на стратегиите за читање2021
1628. Need of assistance for maintaining of oral hygiene among institutionalized elderly2021
1629. Influence of different periodontal therapeutic protocols on cementum thickness2021
1630. Dental caries among institutionalzed elderly2021
1631. Impact of The Nurses on Maintaining Oral Health in Institutionalized Elderly2021
1632. Association between socioeconomic status and the body mass index of 6 to 9-year-old children in urban and rural areas2021
1633. Review of the Usage of Telepresence Robots in Education2021
1634. Analysis of Moodle Activities Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic – Case Study at Goce Delchev University2021
1635. Развивање на ученичка автономија2021
1636. Association between socioeconomic status and the body mass index of 6 to 9-year-old children in urban and rural areas2021
1637. Спроведување на постапките за јавни набавки поради крајна итност во време на пандемија на Ковид - 192021
1638. Influence of Autochthonous and Commercial Yeast Strains on Fermentation and Quality of Wines Produced from Vranec and Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Varieties from Tikveš Wine-Growing Region, Republic of North Macedonia2021
1639. Повлекување на САД од Авганистан Мир или продолжен конфликт2021
1640. Amblyopia and strabismus in childhood2021
1641. Allergic conjunctivitis2021
1642. Влијанието на глобализацијата и културните политики врз видливоста на националните книжевности (Пример : Норвешка книжевност)2021
1643. Radon and radium in tap drinking waters in the city of Kavadarci2021
1644. Mineralogical characterization of chrysotile from Bogoslovec, North Macedonia2021
1645. Characterization of patients treated with acupuncture after COVID-19virus infection2021
1646. Teaching forms, methods and techniques used by EFL teachers and their influence on introverted students2021
1647. Radon footprint from the phosphogypsum waste stack near Zgrpolci locality, Veles, Republic North Macedonia2021
1648. Impact of gypsum from the Zgropolci landfill (Chemical Industry – HIV- Veles) on the sculptures at the archaeological site Stobi, North Macedonia2021
1649. Lung cancer-statistical analysis data from 2016 to 2019 in Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia2021
1650. Molecular determinants of the cardiometabolic improvements of dietary flavanols identified by an integrative analysis of nutrigenomic data from a systematic review of animal studies2021
1651. Persistent moderate-to-weak Mediterranean diet adherence and low scoring for plant-based foods across several southern European countries: are we overlooking the Mediterranean diet recommendations?2021
1652. The 2020 I·CONnect-Clough Center Global Review of Constitutional Law North Macedonia2021
1653. Современи предизвици за заштита на човековите права2021
1654. Computational methodology in determining shading among photovoltaic panels2021
1655. Design of an intelligent Wi-Fi sensor network2021
1656. Влијание на електромагнетно зрачење врз здравјето на човекот2021
1657. Mineralogical analysis of samples from the old Bor mine flotation tailing, Republic Serbia2021
1658. Methodology for automated approach in determining the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) index from drill core photographs2021
1659. Treatment of venous ulcers in drug addicts: A case reatment of venous ulcers in drug addicts: A case report2021
1660. A new type of anti-fairy tale against prejudice2021
1661. The traditional construction of the Macedonian house from the 19th century2021
1662. Јавни политики за справување со кризи: Лекции научени од Ковид-19 за климатските промени2021
1663. State sovereignty in international relations2021
1664. Employee stress management caused by the impact of the covid-19 virus: the Macedonian case2021
1665. Accountants stress management policies caused by the impact of COVID-19 virus: the Macedonian case2021
1666. The impact of the coronavirus crisis on climate action: lessons learned for the governments2021
1667. Public Policy and the response to Covid-192021
1668. Еден нов научно-фантастичен роман за млади или за ослободувањето на ѕверот во нас како нов начин на опстанок2021
1669. Дигитална трговија: предизвици и можности за земјите во развој2021
1670. Individual communication and automated negotiation in electronic contracts2021
1671. Ескалација на верскиот екстремизам во Франција2021
1672. Меѓујазикот на македонските изучувачи на германски како странски јазик во македонскиот корпус на меѓујазик (МАКОР)2021
1673. Auction theory and a note on game mechanisms2021
1674. Кинeзитeрaпијa и рeхaбилитaцијa нa дeцa co дeтcкa цeрeбрaлнa пaрaлизa2021
1675. Natural and natural-like polyphenol compounds: in vitro antioxidant activity and potential for therapeutic application2021
1676. Critical Aspects in Exploring Time Analysis for the Voltammetric Estimation of Kinetic Parameters of Surface Electrode Mechanisms Coupled with Chemical Reactions2021
1677. Analysis of early phase wound healing after Er: YAG laser assisted periodontal pocket debridement2021
1678. Laser assisted periodontal treatement2021
1679. Surface Electrode Mechanism Associated with Preceding and Follow up Chemical Reactions – Theoretical Analysis in Square-Wave Voltammetry2021
1680. Prognostic value of lactate dehydrogenase for in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients with Covid-192021
1681. Conjunctivitis caused by Covid-192021
1682. D-dimer levels as a biomarker for disease severity and mortality in Covid-19 critically ill patients2021
1683. Корелација помеѓу дентален кариес и индекс на телесна маса кај деца со млечна дентиција2021
1684. Characterization of Resveratrol Loaded Nanoparticles-A Review2021
1685. Migration periods in Macedonian history (XX century)2021
1686. Influence of the Process Parameters on Manufactured Prepregs by Solvent Impregnation2021
1687. Деснокрилниот екстремизам како глобален предизвик2021
1688. Intriguing minerals: corundum in the world of rubies and sapphires with special attention to Macedonian rubies2021
1689. Mental Health among Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Country Comparison2021
1690. The fortresses in RN Macedonia in function for enriching to tourist offer2021
1691. Acupuncture treatment in couple facing infertility2021
1692. Production and application of glucose oxidase enzyme in textile technology2021
1693. Migration of Moodle instance to the cloud - case study at Goce Delchev University2021
1694. Prediction of Surface Roughness Through Roughness Parameter Rz, During Hard Turning of Steel C55(DIN) Using Mixed Ceramics MC2 (Al2O3+TiC)2021
1695. Morphological and chemical assessment of juices and antimicrobial activity of peels from two varieties of pomegranates grown in the region of North Macedonia2021
1696. Cities branding as tourist destination: case Barcelona2021
1697. Tourist resources of the Skopje region in the Republic of Northern Macedonia2021
1698. Deep vein arterialisation: case report2021
1699. Entrepreneurial intentions of students at private universities in transition economies2021
1700. Statistical Analysis of Student Achievement Using Different Ways of Learning2021
1701. Changes in the teaching and learning caused of the COVID-19 pandemic2021
1702. Важноста на квалитативните и квантитативните биолошки методи за евалуација и скрининг на микотоксини2021
1703. Beginnings and conditions of mountain tourism in the R.N.Macedonia2021
1704. Application of Newton’s Backward Interpolation Using Wolfram Mathematica2021
1705. Mathematical Modeling of the Surface Roughness Parameters Rp and Rv in Hard Turning of Steel C55(DIN) Using Mixed Ceramics MC 2 (AI2O3+TiC)2021
1706. Професионални заболувања кај стоматолозите2021
1707. Општи и специфични лабораториски тестови за дијагностицирање на наследни коагулопатии (хемофилија и von Willebrandova болест)2021
1708. Polyphenols could prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection by modulating the expression of miRNAs in the host cells2021
1709. Comparative Analysis of Line-start Synchronous Motor and Asynchronous Motor2021
1710. Влијание на социо-економски услови во појавата на дентален кариес кај деца со трајна дентиција2021
1711. Molecular Epidemiology of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria Strains from the Balkan Peninsula Revealed by a New Multiple-Locus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis Scheme2021
1712. Pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum unusual complications in patients with Covid-19 pneumonia - report of three cases and literature review2021
1713. Monetary policy effectiveness, and some explanations of unemployment, fair wages and fair prices in a general equilibrium setting2021
1714. Current adoption state of cryptocurrencies as an electronic payment method2021
1715. Case report-acupuncture treatment for immunity in patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia2021
1716. Cloud computing in logistic and Supply Chain Management environment2021
1717. The Impact and the Potential Disruption of the Blockchain Technology on Marketing2021
1718. Au-Pd and Bi-Se Bearing pyrite and chalcopyrite from the Buchim copper mine, Eastern Macedonia2021
1719. Анализа на можноста за воведување на Друштво со ограничена одговорност со едно евро основна главнина според Германскиот модел2021
1720. Human security vs Biotherorism as a form of a hybrid threat2021
1721. The Importance of Qualitative and Quantitative Biological Methods for Evaluation and Screening of Mycotoxins 2021
1722. Sine inverter system based on special circuit2021
1723. Comprehensive analysis of MQTT 5.0 susceptibility to network covert channels2021
1724. Implementation of Brain Breaks® in the Classroom and Its Effects on Attitudes towards Physical Activity in a Chinese School Setting2021
1725. Предизвиците од политичката глобализација за државите2021
1726. Ранохристијански центри во источните области на Република Северна Македонија2021
1727. The pragmatic competence in Macedonian learners of German – an intercultural study on the example of speech act request2021
1728. Исламски тероризам - Грешка во наративот2021
1729. The influence of the Municipality of Berovo on the development of specific forms of tourism in Macedonia2021
1730. Примена на VARK моделот во процесот на учење 2021
1731. Примена на различни методи на учење на информатичките предмети2021
1732. Ambient Vibration Measurements in an Irregular Building2021
1733. Монетарната политика во случајот на Големата рецесија 2007-2009 преку примерот на федералните резерви на САД и европската централна банка2020
1734. Големата рецесија 2007-2009 во САД2020
1735. Ботокс (ботулински токсин тип а) третман на тригеминална неуралгија2020
1736. Association of TNF-a (rs361525 and rs1800629) with susceptibility to cervical intraepithelial lesion and cervical carcinoma in women from Republic of North Macedonia.2020
1737. Therapeutical procedures in patients with trigeminal neuralgia - literature review2020
1738. A comparative approach to screen the capability of Raman and infrared (mid-and near-) spectroscopy for quantification of low-active pharmaceutical ingredient content solid dosage forms: the case of alprazolam2020
1739. Употребата на коскен материјал кај имедијантно поставени импланти во пределот на мандибуларните молари2020
1740. Visualization of latent fingermarks on thermal paper: A new method based on nitrogen dioxide treatment2020
1741. Facile Synthesis of Hierarchical CuS and CuCo2S4 Structures from an Ionic Liquid Precursor for Electrocatalysis Applications2020
1742. Cuprous sulfide deposition method for visualization of latent fingermarks on unfired cartridge cases2020
1743. Prevalence and risk factors for Pulmonary Embolism (PE) and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) during Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (AECOPD)2020
1744. Treatment of Moderate-sized Kidney Stone with Third-generation Electromagnetic Shock Wave Lithotripter2020
1745. Everyday Practice of 2D/3D Vaginal Ultrasound in Reproductive Gynecology2020
1746. Pyoderma gangrenosum associated with ulcerative colitis. Case report and literature review2020
1747. Производи од растително потекло со цитотоксична активност2020
1748. Афион - храна и лек2020
1749. Аспекти на книжевните индустрии во Норвешка2020
1750. How parents background and attitude influences children motivation at school (educationally) and English language learning2020
1751. Comparison of student’s position at school in the past and nowadays2020
1752. Student Involvement in School Work2020
1753. Standards in the Teaching Profession2020
1754. Impact of TP53 (rs1042522) and MDM2 (rs2279744) polymorphisms on cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer in North Macedonian women2020
1755. Evaluation of function, occlusion and articulation in patients wearers of total dentures2020
1756. Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia:post-surgical treatment and child development2020
1757. Kuzey Makedonya Türk çocuk edebiyatı dergisi "Tomurcuk"2020
1758. Radoviş yöresi halk masalları2020
1759. Will islamophobia bring an end to the multiculturalism?2020
1760. Herbal food supplements safety and future regulation challenges2020
1761. History information's are indispensable in developmental assessment of children2020
1762. The impact of the Policies of the Great Powers on the Emergence and Development of Balkan Nati2020
1763. Austro-Hungarian Military Reports in Mirzsteg Reforms in Macedonia2020
1765. The Impact of Pneumonia on the Course and Outcome in Patients with Seasonal Influzenza. Cvetanovska M, Milenovic Z, Grozdanovski K, Demiri I, Spasovska K, Cvetanovski V. Pril (Makedon Akad Nauk Umet Odd Med Nauki). 2020 Sep 1;41(2):63-70. doi: 10.2478/prilozi2020-0034.PMID: 330117042020
1766. Квалитетот на животот наспроти должноста за зачувување на човековиот живот2020
1767. Right to disaster protection through the prism of crisis management systems in selected countries (N.Macedonia, Spain, and Bulgaria)2020
1768. Evaluation of the in vitro bee venom release and skin absorption from bioadhesive gel formulation2020
1769. Attitudes and beliefs of Eastern European consumers towards piglet castration and meat from castrated pigs2020
1770. Legal - political aspects and consequences of performance of search of official premises of political parties2020
1771. Безбедност или сигурност - современа дилема на општествениот пристап2020
1772. Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes.2020
1773. The Spectrum of Protein Truncating Variants in European Breast Cancer Cases.2020
1774. Саморефлексивноста на скриената камера2020
1775. Референцијалноста во романот „Мемоарите на Алберт Ајштајн“ од Кире Илиевски2020
1776. Infl uence of Claw Disorders on Milk Production in Simmental Dairy Cows2020
1777. Influence of rearing conditions on reproduction, growth, milk yield and quality of meat and milk of sheep and goats2020
1778. The influence of different concentrations of plant essential oils on growth and reproduction of Salmonella enteritidis2020
1779. Short communication: In vitro antimicrobial properties of basil and thyme essential oils against Salmonella Spp.2020
1780. Attitudes and Beliefs of Eastern European Consumers Towards Animal Welfare2020
1781. Effectiveness of Vitamin K antagonist for secondary prophylaxis of brain stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation in routine public care settings2020
1782. Multidisciplinary approach to management of hypofibrinogenaemia in pregnancy: A case report2020
1783. Correlation between post 5 ARI syndrome and dehidroepianderosterone levels in patients with BPH2020
1784. Третманот на книжевноста за деца и вредносните критериуми на книжевните текстови во списанијата за деца2020
1785. NATO burden sharing policy and Covid 19 implications on defence expenditures2020
1786. Феноменолошки аспекти на внатрешна трговија со луѓе во Република Северна Македонија2020
1787. Defence Education Enhancement Programme as Vehicle to Strengthen and Stimulate Cooperation Between NATO and Partners. Case Studies-South Cuacasus and Ukraine. ADL Perspective2020
1788. Advanced system for the prevention and early detection of forest fires (ASPires)2020
1789. Man in the middle attacks2020
1790. Demonstration of ARP attacking tools exploiting cyber -Security vulnerabilities of ARP2020
1791. Novel approach for finding shortest route using Dijkstra's Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic in a Wireless Sensor Network integrated into a Forest fire detection system2020
1792. Culturally Diverse Gifted Students – a brief overview of multicultural education context in Macedonia2020
1793. Analysis of traffic accidents in the Republic of North Macedonia in the period from 2010 to 20192020
1794. Legal norms and legal acts in the positive legislation of the Republic of North Macedonia; Правни норми и правни акти во позитивното законодавство на Република Северна Македонија;2020
1795. Added Value of Modified Anderson–Wilkins Acuteness Score in Prognostication of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction2020
1796. Усвојувањето на граматичката категорија начин (според резултати добиени од учениците од основното образование во Штипско)2020
1797. Влијанието на мултикултурните прашања врз правната регулатива во Република Северна Македониа и Кралството Данска2020
1798. Сказната како артефакт (кон книгата „Араптази“ волшебни народни приказни од Струмица и Струмичко, собрани и приредени од Иван Котев, Струмица 2020 год.)2020
1799. Заштита на правото на здрава животна средина низ праксата на Eвропскиот суд за човекови права2020
1800. Legislazione nazionale, integrazione europea e cooperazione internazionale e regionale in materia di asilo e migrazione nella Macedonia del Nord2020
1801. Тhe stance on smoking of visitors within catering facilities in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
1802. The impact of the human resources training on the tourism development2020
1803. Intestinal microbiota composition and the risk of colorectal cancer-novel approach of an old issue2020
1804. Интеркултурна компетенција - неопходна компонента за изучување странски јазици2020
1805. Serous adenofibroma of the fallopian tube with coexistent ectopictubal pregnancy2020
1806. The mainstreaming of underground coal gasification in European Union countries2020
1807. Approаch of application of mathematical modelling in geomechanical laboratory tests2020
1808. Пропусти во предзнаењата на студентите и учениците забележани при изучување на предметот математика2020
1809. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the XIX century in the practice of the fashion designers of women's fashion in the beginning of the XXI century – year 2002 Marija Kertakova2020
1810. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the xix century in the practice of the fashion designers of women's fashion in the beginning of the XXI century – year 20012020
1811. Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the xix century in the practice of the fashion designers of women's fashion in the beginning of the XXI century – year 20002020
1812. Use of weaponized unmanned aerial veHiCles (uAVs) supported by gis as a groWing terrorist tHreAt2020
1813. Twenty years after the first virtual-only annual shareholders’ meeting: can the virtual-only meeting be a solution during the time of covid-19?2020
1814. The importance of location in transport -logistics companies2020
1815. Криминолошка опсервација на последиците од европската мигрантска криза2020
1816. The designing of laser assisted automated tape laying process for obtaining of the thermoplastic composite parts2020
1817. Influence of the Process Parameters on Laser - Assisted Automated Tape Placement Process2020
1818. Challenges for legal and constitutional responses to covid-19: North Macedonia2020
1819. 2019 global review of constitutional law: North Macedonia2020
1820. Cross-cultural study of modifiers used in the speech act of complaining by American and Macedonian high-school students2020
1821. Smartphones as essential educational tools in the EFL classroom2020
1822. The Relationship of Culture and Language2020
1823. Approaches In Using Of Literature Forms In English Textbooks2020
1824. Усвојување на втор јазик – Педагошка граматика2020
1825. Developing talented students’ linguistic abilities2020
1826. The interaction of female age and active male smoking has negative influence on success rates of the in vitro fertilization treatments2020
1827. Dedicated to language variations2020
1828. Immature Ovarian Teratoma2020
1829. Different Timing of Adjuvant Low Dose hCG and GnRH Agonist Trigger Protocol, in OHSS High-Risk Patient with Peak E2 Level <4000 pg/mL2020
1830. Determination of the load in different operation In sewing model of woman shirt2020
1831. Appearance of protective clothing over the centuries2020
1832. Textile waste from confection industries and possibilities for its recycling2020
1833. Definite integral for calculating volume of revolution that is generated by revolving the region about the x (y) - axis and their visualization2020
1834. Марко Цепенков - меѓник меѓу два стожерни македонски века2020
1835. Laparoscopic TAPP versus Lichtenstein repair - early clinical outcome2020
1836. Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on dermatology services: Dermatology in isolation2020
1837. Insights into Professional Standards of Informing: Media Legislation and Protection of EU Values in Republic of North Macedonia2020
1838. Optimization of RP-HPLC method with UV detection for determination of ursodeoxycholic acid in pharmaceutical formulations2020
1839. The States in Digital Era: Internet Governance and Improving E-Democracy2020
1840. From ‘Nations’ to ‘Archontias’ (II) Terms ‘Sclavinia’ and ‘Sclavoarchontia’ and Incorporation of Balkan Slavs in Byzantium2020
1841. Qualitative characteristics of sausages made with addition of pumpkin and black seed oils2020
1842. Where directness and indirectness reside2020
1843. Subjective and objective in the national self-identification of Macedonians in Bulgaria2020
1844. From ‘Nations’ to ‘Archontias’ (I) ‘Sclavinia’ and ‘Sclavoarchontia’: Terms and Chronology2020
1845. Modeling Photovoltaic grid inter-shading2020
1846. Вело Марковски за Магазин: Се соочуваме со вештачки продолжен прв бран- вакви бројки требаше да има на почеток на пандемијата!2020
1847. Вело Марковски: Имаме нејасна доктрина како до колективен имунитет2020
1848. Ваков скок на заболени со Ковид 19 досега не е видено во ниедна држава во светот2020
1849. Вело Марковски: Европските држави сфатија дека погрешија и сега пак сме на почетокот2020
1850. Ugledni Makedonski znanstvenik – Virusolog Prof. dr. sc. Velo Markovski2020
1851. Гласовните системи на шпанскиот и на англискиот јазик2020
1852. Дијалектите на шпанскиот јазик во Соединетите Американски Држави2020
1853. Survey of Data Analytics and its Applications in Healthcare2020
1854. Основни начела на природниот пристап на Крешен и Терел 2020
1855. Главни карактеристики на комуникативниот пристап2020
1856. Esad Bayram’in “Aliveli’’ Çocuk Hikaye Kitabının İncelenmesi2020
1857. Историјски Развој Дечје Књижевности у Турској2020
1858. Overview of price discrepancies among hotels positioned in the same category2020
1859. Сестринска нега на пациенти со акутен инфаркт на миокардот,пред и после перкутана коронарна интервенција2020
1860. Access, care and diagnostics of patients with acute abdomen in the municipality of Stip for the period May 2017- May 20202020
1861. The role of patronage service in early screening, education and treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus 2020
1862. А камоли... имплицитна негација со градација.2020
1863. Different Teaching Strategies and Methods Applied at PHE Classes - Experiences of Classroom Teachers 2020
1864. Образование по Кембриџ – поблиску или подалеку од учениците?2020
1865. Motivation to learn during pandemic2020
1866. Модели на наставна работа2020
1867. Улогата на универзитетот и предизвиците во образованието на возрасни и доживотно учење2020
1868. Guide to Leading a Patient with Symptoms of an Acute Respiratory Infection during a Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)2020
1869. Immune response to COVID-19 compared to the immune response to SARS, MERS and Influenza2020
1870. A rare case of Amyand’s hernia with acute appendicitis in a 69- year-old woman: a case report 2020
1871. Собирачите на македонското народно творештво од Цепенков до денес (На 100-годишнината од смртта на Марко Цепенков) 2020
1872. Семантичкиот поттекст на локалната сказна во сооднос со универзалниот модел на сказновидната матрица (врз примери од необјавената книга „Араптази – волшебни народни приказни од Струмица и Струмичко“ од Иван Котев)2020
1873. Киро Донев - Живот посветен на литературата и децата2020
1874. Видое Подгорец - (не)зарастениот бунар во атарот на македонската литература2020
1875. За поетиката на Пушкин (Кон поезијата и прозата)2020
1876. Comparative Analyses of Primary School Teachers` Satisfaction with the Profession in Bulgaria and Macedonia2020
1877. Monitoring and Evaluating the Educational Role of the Teachers in Developing Students Personality 2020
1878. Просветителството во јужнословенските литератури (преглед)2020
1879. Differences between traditional bank model and fintech based digital bank and neobanks models2020
1880. Overview of perceived value for money score for five stars hotels in selected cities – comparison of online reviews2020
1881. Драмата во Среден век како основа за означување на културниот идентитет во Англија2020
1882. Пренебрегнувањето на статусот и должноста на принцот Хал, неговиот грев на мрзеливост, неговата реформација и неговото паѓање во гревот на гордоста. 2020
1883. The Use of Letters in Postmodern Biofictions: The Paris Wife2020
1884. Улогата на квалификуваните преведувачи во глобализираниот свет во време на пандемија и инфодемија2020
1885. Standards-based education in achieving language interoperability2020
1886. Моќта на фразеологизмите во светот на рекламите2020
1887. Предности при изучувањето на странски јазик од најмала возраст2020
1888. Рефлексијата на одделни телевизиски содржини и појавата на насилство кај децата2020
1889. Јазикoт и говорот во функција на општествена и индивидуална адаптација2020
1890. Зборовните групи со глаголски прилог во турскиот јазик и нивното предавање во македонскиот јазик2020
1891. Моќта на очите во „Дракула“ на Брам Стокер2020
1892. From Praise to Disparagement: Byron's Critical Reception2020
1893. Geo-values of the natural monument Markovi Kuli near Prilep2020
1894. Human resources and the development of SMEs in tourism 2020
1895. „Неподносливата едноставност“ на болката (Кон поетската книга „Ќе се завијам во песни“ од Снежана Стојчевска)2020
1896. Institutional framework for regulating the work of accountants as entrepreneur 2020
1897. Хипотекстот во поезијата на Блаже Конески2020
1898. Classicism and orientalism in the light of the new globalization theories2020
1899. The quest for unity - owning or sharing the traditions of the classical world2020
1900. The Mass Media Freedom in a State of Emergency: Infodemic vs. COVID-19 Pandemic2020
1901. The Importance of Diplomacy for the Foreign Policy and Modern Diplomacy Challenges2020
1902. Empowerment of women: Challenges and opportunities in the modern world 2020
1903. Поетски палимпсест за потрагата низ астралното2020
1904. Comparative study for application of polypropylene monofilament light mesh, polypropylene monofilament heavy mesh and self gripping polypropylene mesh in patients with inguinal hernia surgically treated with Lichtenstein technique2020
1905. Асоцијација помеѓу АБО крвногрупниот систем и Ковид-192020
1906. Влијанието на мултикултурните прашања врз правната регулатива во Република Северна Македониа и Кралството Данска2020
1907. Учебникот – нов предизвик на медиумската дидактика2020
1908. Процена на загрозеност од елементарни непогоди кај христијанските верски храмови во Општина Штип2020
1909. Политички систем и мултикултурни аспекти во Кралството Данска и Република Македонија2020
1910. Секуларизацијата и сакрализацијата во современото oпштество 2020
1911. Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во Источниот регион на Република С. Македонија2020
1912. Геополитичкиот аспект на одбранбената политика и воените сили на Израел, Сингапур и Република Македонија2020
1913. Одржливоста на принципот за правична и соодветна застапеност во Република С. Македонија vis-à-vis меритократски систем на вработување 2020
1914. Компаративна анализа на мултикултурализмот во Папуа Нова Гвинеја и Република Северна Македонија2020
1915. Hate speech on social networks and traditional media in Republic оf N. Macedonia2020
1916. Кон преводот на „Славната инвазија на мечките на Сицилија“ од Дино Буцати2020
1917. Association of IL-10 (rs1800872) and IL-4R (rs1805010) polymorphisms with cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical carcinomas2020
1918. Cognitive deficit, positive and negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia 2020
1919. Agro-biological and technologiacal characteristics of ‘Rkatsiteli wine grape variety, growing in Tikves vineyards 2020
1920. Using Python Programming For Assessing And Solving Health Management Issues2020
1921. The role of legal facts in the creation, modification, and termination of civil law relations2020
1922. Using world reference level (WRL) in the process of recognizing the learning outcomes – case study2020
1923. Case report – Acupuncture treatment in female patient presented with primary hypothyroidism2020
1924. Case report – Acupuncture treatment in patient with high TSH (thyroidstimulating hormone) 2020
1925. Gastric cancer-Statistical analysis data for 2015 to 2018 in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia2020
1926. Case report – Acupuncture treatment in femalepatients with elevated anti-TPO levels2020
1927. Geo-values of the natural monument Markovi Kuli near Prilep2020
1928. The importance of Enterprise Collaboration Systems during а pandemic2020
1929. Rapid and Simple Method for Determination of Target Organic Acids in Wine Using HPLC-DAD Analysis2020
1930. Ортодонтско-протетски пристап во третманот на хиподонција2020
1931. The Traditional architecture in the region of Prilep from the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century2020
1932. Spatial variability of indoor radon concentration in schools: implications on radon measurement protocols2020
1933. Application of methodology KAIZEN in Macedonian insurance company2020
1934. Формално-правните причини поради кои т.н. „Закон за употреба на јазиците“ не е закон (case study)2020
1935. Меѓународен и национален контекст на прашањето за насилство врз децата од страна на возрасни во современото општетество2020
1936. The Significance of the private and public buildings for the urban development of the city core in Skopje 2020
1937. Европското кривично право и заемната доверба во криза: студија на случај2020
1938. Resident's Perception on Tourism Impact Factors: A Study of Ohrid, North Macedonia2020
1939. Еднаква плата за работа со еднаква вредност2020
1940. Улогата на системот на социјална заштита во постапување со деца - жртви на сексуална злоупотреба2020
1941. Social media and social interaction to young people2020
1942. Didactic aspects in distance teaching2020
1943. Спречување на корупција во јавните набавки во домашниот правен систем2020
1944. Улогата на системот на социјална заштита во постапување со деца - жртви на сексуална злоупотреба2020
1945. Review of policies and models for the integration of minority groups in multicultural societies2020
1946. Улогата на системот на социјална заштита во постапување со деца - жртви на сексуална злоупотреба2020
1947. The didactic function of information technology in the educational process 2020
1948. Инсталирањето на Исламот на тлото на Европа и новиот свет низ призмата на имиграцијата2020
1949. Learning of Modern Interiors with Eclectic Movements2020
1950. Education in Synthesis of the Furniture and Art 2020
1951. Color as One of the Supporting Elements of Training in Minimalism2020
1952. Combinatory is received for design and furniture construction2020
1953. Проток на стимулирана плунка и пуферски капацитет кај деца со млечна дентиција2020
1954. The most common used antibiotic drugs among dental medicine doctors2020
1955. Devitilizing agents in endodontics2020
1956. Active Sport Tourism in Europe: Applying Market Segmentation Model Based on Human Values2020
1957. Comparative study on conditions of intoxication in patients received in „Clinical Hospital“ Shtip2020
1958. Тераписки пристап на caries profunda2020
1959. Основни слабости на правно - институционалната рамка за заштита на децата од сексуална виктимизација во Р. Северна Македонија2020
1960. Влијанието на медиумите врз правата на децата во современото општество со посебен осврт на состојбата во Република Северна Македонија2020
1961. Членот 50 од Договорот за Европската унија vis-a-vis Судот на правдата на Европската унија2020
1962. Time Limits of the European Arrest Warrant2020
1963. The European Arrest Warrant and the Role of Public Prosecutors2020
1964. The impact of Covid-19 on Western Balkans economies 2020
1965. E-Commerce Security Protocols2020
1966. Анализа на влијанието на бруто домашниот производ врз берзанскиот индекс МБИ 10 во Република Северна Македонија2020
1967. Влијанието на пандемијата предизвикана од вирусот Ковид-19 врз македонската економија2020
1968. Electronic Marketing and Social Networks-Електронски маркетинг и друштвене мреже2020
1969. Accuracy of try-in paste in predicting the final color of monolithic ceramic restorations2020
1970. Dyeing of textiles with natural dyes2020
1971. Контрола на квалитет на производство во различен временски период 2020
1972. Важноста на текстилната индустрија за економијата на Република Северна Македонија 2020
1973. Application of statistical process control in the production of women's blouse2020
1974. Textile industry in North Macedonia 2020
1975. An inequality for cevians and applications2020
1976. Mixtilinear radii and Finsler-Hadwiger inequality2020
1977. An inequality for the tanradii of a triangle2020
1978. Feedback On Iterating circum-medial triangles2020
1979. A new demonstration of Garfunkel-Bankoff inequality2020
1980. Sports event tourism - an evolving business opportunity for the hotel industry2020
1981. The circummmidarc triangle and the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality2020
1982. An inequality for the altitudes of the excentral triangle2020
1983. Problem proposal 121682020
1984. Problem proposal 121542020
1985. Влијанието на менаџерите на човечки ресурси врз организациските перформанси2020
1986. Health danger at work - reasons and consequences2020
1987. Корелација меѓу производите и трошоците – патоказ кон конкурентска предност2020
1988. Времето, трошоците и перформансите – релевантни системи во менаџирање со проекти2020
1989. Ability, motivation and employe work behaviors2020
1990. Understanding and quality control through a new product2020
1991. About one B.S. Popov's result2020
1992. Перспективите за европски устав2020
1993. Правната етика во САД елаборирана низ призмата на модел стандардите на ABA2020
1994. New Forms“ of Employment, A Challenge for Social Security System2020
1995. Competition Law in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
1996. Pathological changes of dental cementum during periodontal disease 2020
1997. Примена на автономни компостерски единици во управување со биоразградливиот отпад2020
1998. Еколошки ефекти од спроведување на проектот „Биоотпад“ во Општина Пробиштип2020
1999. Осврт кон примена на математичко – моделиски пристапи при геомеханички лабораториски испитувања2020
2000. Контрола на филтрационите процеси низ телото на браната на јаловиште 3-2 на рудник Саса2020
2001. Синонимните ликови во македонската драма меѓу двете светски војни2020
2002. Митот и вистината за Алшар и лорандитот 2020
2003. Petrology of volcanic rocks of area Dobro Pole-Gradesnica North Macedonia2020
2004. Macedonians and Albanians: Stereotypes and Ethnic Distance2020
2005. Ревизија на програми финансирани од Европската Унија кои се имплементираат децентрализирано во Република Северна Македонија2020
2006. Предизвици при обезбедување на соодветен ревизорски доказ2020
2007. Measuring the risk of lending to small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Serbia in light of modern banking regulations2020
2008. Therapeutic drug monitoring of valproic acid through plasma concentration2020
2009. IPOM Plus–an effective methodmin treatment of ventral hernia 2020
2010. Проценка на ефектите и индексите за пародонталното здравје во фазата на одржување кај денталните импланти2020
2011. Transversus abdominis release:a case report2020
2012. eTEP-retromuscular repair for ventral hernia; a technique closest to ideal2020
2013. The situation with the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Macedonia in relation to the sources for their 2020
2014. Системи на контрола во јавните набавки со посебен осврт на претходната (ex-ante) контрола 2020
2015. Меѓусебна корелација на несаканите ефекти во рамките на пост 5 алфа редуктаза инхибитори синдромот кај пациентите кои се на медикаментозен третман за бенигна простатична хиперплазија2020
2016. Genotoxicity Test Methods - a Tool for DNA and Chromosome Damage Biomonitoring 2020
2017. Зборовните групи со титула и зборовните групи со сложено сопствено име во турскиот јазик и нивното предавање во македонскиот јазик2020
2018. Translation of Slang: The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger in Macedonian2020
2019. Животот и поезијата на Катица Ќулавкова2020
2020. The Importance of Molecular Diagnostics and Screening Programs in Monitoring and Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer in the Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2021. The Importance of Molecular Diagnostics and Screening Programs in Monitoring and Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer in the Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2022. Risk assessment at workplace in underground lead and zinc mine with application of fuzzy TOPSIS method2020
2023. Пирот или пират, колаж или пејзаж? (Во Лотарингија, Емануел Рембер, Пагома Прес, Скопје, 2019) 2020
2024. Постулатите на полиситемската теорија и нејзиното влијание во традуктологија2020
2025. Internal and external quality control of results in clinical-biochemical laboratory2020
2026. (Un)sustainable and (ir)responsible tourism in Ohrid: Residents’ perception2020
2027. Семејно-работен баланс како главен столб на семејните политики2020
2028. Review of certain diagnostic testing for novel human coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) 2020
2029. Rewiev of some important characteristics of human coronaviruses 2020
2030. Политики на високо образование: Веројатност во перцепциите на средношколците за студирање на универзитетите2020
2031. Влијание на еколошката транзиција врз работните места2020
2032. Детерминирачки фактори на финансиските кризи2020
2033. Ризик и принос на акции од македонскиот пазар на капитал2020
2034. Сигнализирачкиот ефект на македонските дивиденди2020
2035. The intercultural sensitivity of the primary school teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2036. Critical points in Comet assay silver staining procedure2020
2037. Exploring the validity of the 14-item Mediterranean diet adherence screener (MEDAS): a cross-national study in seven European countries around the Mediterranean region2020
2038. Mediterranean diet adherence and subjective well-being in a sample of Portuguese adults2020
2039. Causes of non-payment of mortgage loans: theoretical and practical aspects2020
2040. Seismic explorations on the Bela Voda locality near Berovo2020
2041. Management versus leadership in the modern world 2020
2042. E-government and digital public services: The Macedonian case of digitalization 2020
2043. Geochemical properties of lead-zinc slag landfill from Mhk Zletovo in Veles, North Macedonia2020
2044. Discrete Element Method (DEM) for segregation analysis of granular materials: analysis of stockpile formed by conveyor belt2020
2045. Важноста на спроведување ревизии за осигурување на квалитет на ревизорските активности2020
2046. Transesophageal Evaluation of Reconstructive Surgery for Aortic Valve Stenosis2020
2047. Evaluation of Prognosis of Aortic Valve Stenosis: A New Approach Based on Transvalvular Energy Loss Index2020
2048. Pollution of water and sediments from Tabanovska river with heavy metals from the abandoned mine Lojane2020
2049. Turkish words in part of the work by Vidoe Podgorec2020
2050. Учтивоста и јазикот во телевизиска емисија2020
2051. Illegal migration, Republic of Macedonia and the European Union: Some osbervations on the readmission agreement 2020
2052. Growing season weather impacts on the physicochemical properties and quality of sunflower oils cold-pressed from hybrids grown in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2053. Investigation of Some Cryptographic Properties of the 8x8 S-boxes Created by Quasigroups2020
2054. Basic principles of geometric seismics2020
2055. Конфликтот во Нагорно Карабах2020
2056. Oppinions of students for their sport activity during Covid-19 pandemic – case of students from teaching faculty in Stip2020
2057. Теоријата на шема и процесите на читање2020
2058. Consequences of imposition of prison sentence on a woman as a perpetrator2020
2059. Gastric cancer-Statistical analysis data for 2015 to 2018 in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2060. Cervical Cancer - Representation and Management in the Member States of the European Union2020
2061. Acupuncture treatment in female patient with infertility due to elevated TSH 2020
2062. Statistical analysis and comparison of data on patients with thyroid cancer in the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Croatia in the period from 2014 to 20182020
2063. Statistical Analysis Data of Cancer Patients in a 5 Year Period in Strumica, Republic of North Macedonia2020
2064. Cervical cancer - statistical analysis data for 2016 and 2017 in Republic of North Macedonia2020
2065. Gastric cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia2020
2066. Брегалничката голгота2020
2067. Како да им се доближиме и да ги зачувме историските спомeници на културата во Источна Македонија2020
2068. I can't seem to find my glasses - the English verb seem and its Macedonian translation2020
2069. Multilocus Genotyping Reveals New Molecular Markers for Differentiating Distinct Genetic Lineages among “Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani” Strains Associated with Grapevine Bois Noir2020
2070. The Impact of Laparoscopic Treated Endometrioma on the Live Birth Rate in IVF/ICSI Cycles Compared with Unexplained Infertility: A Prospective Randomized Study2020
2071. Autologous platelet rich plasma intracortical ovarian injection restored ovarian function and foliculogenensis in poor responders after one month: a control pilot study2020
2072. Alpha glutathione S-transferase – a potential biomarker for intestinal epithelial damage in infants with acute gastroenteritis2020
2073. Impact of breast milk secretory immunoglobulin A on infants acute gastroenteritis2020
2074. Green logistics infrastructure: strategy concept and the environment planning2020
2075. Digital diplomacy as a form of change management in international relation in times of Covid-192020
2076. Diplomatics - the best tool for peace preservation in the conditions of contemporary politics 2020
2077. Diplomatics - the best tool for peace preservation in the conditions of contemporary politics 2020
2078. Осврт кон студиите за говорниот чин одбивање 2020
2079. Јазичните единици како модификатори на говорниот чин одбивање кај македонските изучувачи на германски како странски јазик2020
2080. Ставовите на студентите за учењето на далечина во време на корона криза 2020
2081. Користење јазични корпуси за научно-истражувачки и педагошки цели: Македонски корпус на меѓујазик (МАКОР) 2020
2082. Иницијална јавна понуда - ИЈП2020
2083. Потребата од ИТ експерти при спроведување на процесот на ревизија на финансиски извештаи2020
2084. Како до достатен и соодветен ревизорски доказ?2020
2085. Конечен ревизорски извештај2020
2086. The auditing profession - a lifelong challenge for Balkan’s students 2020
2087. Digital diplomacy as a form of change management in international relation in times of Covid-192020
2088. Улога на интестиналните транспортери во унапредување на биорасположливоста на лековите2020
2089. Impact of Covid-19 on human resources in small and medium enterprises: the case of Macedonia2020
2090. Determination on Microclimatic Conditions at Vines upon Development on Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea)2020
2091. Сложениот механизам на повеќегласните дувачки инструменти со клавиши2020
2092. In Memoriam Проф. д-р Томе Манчев (1950–2020)2020
2093. Seismic explorations for defining the damage to the earth dam Pishica in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2094. Association of TNF-a (rs361525 and rs1800629) with susceptibility to cervical intraepithelial lesion and cervical carcinoma in women from Republic of North Macedonia2020
2095. Foreign language teaching for gifted learners: overview of listening, reading, speaking and writing2020
2096. Work-Life Balance: Challenges of gender equality in the labor market in the The Republic of North Macedonia VS European Union2020
2097. Европски социјални модел - изазови и перспектива социјалног модела Републике Северне Македоније2020
2098. Application of Voltammetry in Biomedicine-Recent Achievements in Enzymatic Voltammetry 2020
2099. Vibrational spectroscopy studies on biosynthesized silver nanoparticles2020
2100. Association of TNF-a (rs361525 and rs1800629) with susceptibility to cervical intraepithelial lesion and cervical carcinoma in women from Republic of North Macedonia2020
2101. The Challenge for Engineering Pharmaceutical Crystalline Solids: Scientific and Regulatory Affairs perspectives for crystal structure design and prediction2020
2102. Women's folk costume, part of the promotion of cultural tourism in the Gevgelija region2020
2103. The economic sustainability of the catering and tourist facility through the role of the sommelier2020
2104. Слободата на говор VS насилниот екстремизам2020
2105. The Dudica Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit (Republic of North Macedonia)2020
2106. 3-Phase motor speed regulator based on microcontroller and intelligent power driver controller2020
2107. The importance of immunofluorometric method (DELFIA) in early diagnostics and screening of congenital hypothyroidism 2020
2108. Ефектот од оданочувањето врз просечната пондерирана цена на капиталот2020
2109. Ефектот од индивидуалниот избор во процесот на фискално одлучување2020
2110. Estimation of Dividend Policy on Aggregate and Firm’s level: Are Dividends Important for the Resident Shareholder2020
2111. Property Taxation in North Macedonia2020
2112. Community pharmacies in North Macedonia – legal status 2020
2113. The use of dendrimers as a modern drug delivery platform2020
2114. Во потрага по патот кон себе, кон човекот, кон љубовта2020
2115. Vocabulary size at four stages of language development2020
2116. Factors and conditions of the labor market in Macedonia and the region - condition and analyses2020
2117. How IT can add Value to logistic sector: Bar code systems and RFID (radio frequency identification) in logistics services2020
2118. Present Status of Erwinia amylovora in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2119. Влијанието на Ковид 19 врз трговијата со услуги2020
2120. Textile waste management practices2020
2121. Organization of the Buchim’s Cu deposit anthroghene access databases, Republic of N. Macedonia2020
2122. Analysis of the trade relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia2020
2123. Organizational culture in Balkan countries2020
2124. Interpretation and analysis of the results on the crowdsourcing in the management innovation process 2020
2125. Logistical supply chain management2020
2126. Фразеологизмите од бајките во наставата по странски јазик2020
2127. Various Rotor Topologies of Line-Start Synchronous Motor for Efficiency Improvement2020
2128. Some Experimental Investigation of Products from Thermoplastic Composite Materials Manufactured with Robot and LAFP2020
2129. Traditional Serbian countryside and second-home tourism perspectives2020
2130. Јазичен корпус на македонските изучувачи по англиски и германски како странски јазици 2020
2131. Dynamic analysis of the dual Lorenz system2020
2132. A modified Lorenz system: Definition and solution2020
2133. Differing unjust enrichment and damages in theory and practice under Macedonian law2020
2134. A Simple Proof of Kooi's Inequality2020
2135. Feedback On Note 104.092020
2136. Problem Proposal 104.F2020
2137. Nemo Hyperbolas2020
2138. Problem 12086: Maximizing the Area of an Incenter Triangle2020
2139. Problem 12068: Inequality with Altitudes and Exradii2020
2140. Problem 103.H2020
2141. Nemo Polygons2020
2142. Problem 44572020
2143. Bacterial and Fungal Diversity in the Lorandite (TlAsS2) Mine “Allchar” in the Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2144. Трагедија во Бејрут2020
2145. Анксиозноста кај учениците при изучувањето на странски јазик2020
2146. Приоди и активности за интегрирање на вокабуларот во наставата2020
2147. Ştip Gotse Delçev Üniversitesi Filoloji Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümüne Sayın Doç. Dr. Cemal Aksu'nun Katkısı2020
2148. Зборовните групи со постпозиција во турскиот јазик и нивното предавање во македонскиот јазик2020
2149. Urban air pollution in Skopje aglomeration – trafic vs background case2020
2150. Traditional architecture - models of protection and preservation2020
2151. Современата книжевност меѓу западниот антропоцентризам и источната теодицеја2020
2152. Семиологија на неантропоморфниот лик во романот „Ќерката на Математичарот“ од Венко Андоновски2020
2153. Developing cultural bonds between European citizens and migrants (Devcult)2020
2154. Distance based topological indices on multiwall carbon nanotubes samples obtained by electrolysis in molten salts2020
2155. Aerial Scene Classification through Fine-Tuning with Adaptive Learning Rates and Label Smoothing2020
2156. Турските елементи во македонскиот јазик како јазична и културна нишка меѓу турскиот и македонскиот јазик2020
2157. Quality of life in patients with psoriasis vulgaris uality of life in patients with psoriasis vulgaris during the COVID-19 pandemic2020
2158. The designing of composite laminates for aplication in autompotive industies2020
2159. Optimizing the time of work performance in the process of sewing woman shirt2020
2160. Real time alert system in Smart Home2020
2161. Energy efficiency in smart home system2020
2162. Comparison of clustering algorithms for thyroid database2020
2163. HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS monitoring of stilbenes content in Vranec red wines produced with traditional and modern fermentation methods2020
2164. Characterization of Lycium barbarum L. berry cultivated in North Macedonia: A chemometric approach2020
2165. Treatment of patellar tendinopathy2020
2166. Efficacy of acupuncture on pain relief in patients with rheumatoid arthritis2020
2167. Суптилните противречности во лириката на Петар Прерадовиќ2020
2168. Children still experience pain during hospital stay: a cross-sectional study from four countries in Europe 2020
2169. Systematic bioinformatic analysis of nutrigenomic data of flavanols in cell models of cardiometabolic disease2020
2170. Influence of the fertilizers Slavol and Biohumus on potato leaf area and stomatal density2020
2171. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international trade2020
2172. Annealing Effects on the Crystallinity of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polyetheretherketone and Polyohenylene Laminate Composites Manufactured by Laser Automatic Tape Placement2020
2173. Annealing Effects on the Crystallinity of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polyetheretherketone and Polyohenylene Laminate Composites Manufactured by Laser Automatic Tape Placement 2020
2174. Rules, Regulations and People Management: Critical analysis on employee promotions and relocations in the state owned companies of countries under transition process2020
2175. САД во борбата против тероризмот – 19 години по 11 септември2020
2176. Legislazione nazionale, integrazione europea,cooperazione internazionale e regionale in materia di asilo e migrazione nella Macedonia del Nord 2020
2177. Energy efficiency improvements of the industrial natural gas furnace using a heat recovery system 2020
2178. Дигитални уреди и човечки очи2020
2179. Хемиски корозивни болести на око2020
2180. Implementation of e-learning and ICT in the educational process of UGD in the situation of Covid-19 emergency2020
2181. The Role of Metacognition in Developing Reading Skills2020
2182. Teacher Roles in Foreign Language Instruction2020
2183. The influence of evaluation on students’ motivation to learn a foreign language2020
2184. Clinical and microbiologic patterns of acute gastroenteritis on infants of different age2020
2185. Defects detection in the first manufactured module - ensuring erors flow in the garment manufacturing process2020
2186. Enzymatic treatments for cotton2020
2187. The Relationship between E-Commerce and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Internet Sales Channels2020
2188. Revealing Reviewers’ Identities as Part of Open Peer Review and Analysis of the Review Reports2020
2189. Why do children spend less time in the natural environment?2020
2190. Teacher – manager in creating environmental culture of primary education students through integrating ecological contents into EFL/ESL teaching2020
2191. The impact of the usage of web animation in teaching molecular and cellular biology2020
2192. The role of intelligence from human sources in the fight against terrorism2020
2193. Healthcare of potato samples from imports in the Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2194. Observation of grapevine phytoplasmas status (Candidatus phytoplasma solani) in the Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2195. Сончевина во срцето, сончевина во зборот (Рецензија-поговор за стихозбирката „Сонцето во зборот“ од Андреј Јанков)2020
2196. The importance of the economic factors for the management of tourist destinations2020
2197. Accumulation of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity during Berry Development in Black ‘Isabel’ Grape (Vitis vinifera L. x Vitis labrusca L.) 2020
2198. Reform of the pension system in the European Union - various forms same challenges2020
2199. The corelation between feto-placental unit, fetal biometry and amniotic fluid in pregnant women with preeclampsia in second trimester2020
2200. A way to generate singular matrix2020
2201. The motivation for academic work of student – future physical education teachers2020
2202. Line-start synchronous motor a viable alternative to asynchronous motor2020
2203. Criminal and criminological aspects of trafficking in human beings and other crimes related to the foreigner's illegal status in Republic of Macedonia2020
2204. Advocate as a guardian of rule of law in criminal proceedings in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2205. Evaluation of breast milk sIgA protective role versus alpha glutathione S transferase in infants acute gastroenteritis2020
2206. Hereditary angioedema (HAE): a case report and literature overview2020
2207. "Burnout" синдром2020
2208. The Content of Copper and Heavy Metals in the Multilayer Soil Mud from the Buchim Lake Under the Buchim Mine’s Waste Dump, Republic North Macedonia2020
2209. First Report of Bacterial Fruit Blotch on Watermelon Caused by Acidovorax citrulli in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2210. Double-Sampled Differential Square-Wave Voltammetry2020
2211. Справување со глобалната миграција во услови на Covid-192020
2212. На брегот, живот! (Георги Барбаровски: „Покрај матицата“, Панили, Скопје 2020)2020
2213. „Не треба шум да се крева, туку темелно да се гради“(По повод: „Македонските лингвисти“, том I и II, од Иван Глигоровски, авторско издание, Скопје, 2019)2020
2214. Extra linguistic factors behind lexical change in modern English, Spanish and German2020
2215. Students’ habits and competencies for creating virtual learning environments2020
2216. A review of the binomial and trinomial models for option pricing and their convergence to the Black-Scholes model determined option prices2020
2217. Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung der Sprachentwicklung zweisprachig aufwachsender Vorschulkinder2020
2218. The folklore basis of Lila Arsova's artistic tale2020
2219. The revised finansial reports as a basic source of information for the work of the business entities in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2220. The text method in the history teaching reveals new knowledce and truths 2020
2221. Kinesitherapy effect in patients with shoulder bursitis2020
2222. Kinesitherapy effect in patients with lateral epicondylitis2020
2223. Kinesitherapy in patients with ligament injuries of the ankle2020
2224. Effect from the application of biodex isokinetic machine in the rehabilitation of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)2020
2225. Примена на кинезитерапевтски методи после руптура на Ахилова тетива2020
2226. Breast milk effects on clinical signs of acute gastroenteritis in infants up to 6 months of age2020
2227. Novel arsenic hyper-resistant bacteria from an extreme environment, Crven Dol mine, Allchar, North Macedonia2020
2228. Drug supply chain safety-fight against counterfeit drugs2020
2229. Историја на конфликтите во Израел2020
2230. Supply of the labor market with labor force - Condition in Macedonia2020
2231. Preliminary investigations of goethite and monazite from Sivec, Republic of North Macedonia2020
2232. Correlation of periodontal status of the adjacent teeth to implants and peri-implantitis2020
2233. Intercultural Education in North Macedonia: Challenges and Perspectives2020
2234. Diurnal and spatial variations of radon concentration and its influence on ionization of air2020
2235. Long-term measurements of equilibrium equivalent radon and thoron progeny concentrations in Republic of Srpska dwellings2020
2236. The indoor radon and thoron concentrations in schools of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia) and Banja Luka (Republic of Srpska) cities measured by Raduet detectors 2020
2237. Evaluation of radioactivity in the phosphogypsum stockpile of “HIV” Veles, the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2238. Correlation of oral health and diet among institutionalized elderly people2020
2239. An insight into the content of the marketing plan as a guide for business operations2020
2240. Значење на маркетинг планот за успешно деловно работење2020
2241. Theory of planned behavior: Personal attitude and perceived behavioral control as key determinants in creation of entrepreneurial societies and social inclusion of young people2020
2242. Conflict resolution in function of prevention and suppressing international terrorism 2020
2243. Legal aspects of security in cyberspace2020
2244. Лажните вести реална закана за демократските држави2020
2245. Content of vitamin “C” in cauliflower (brassica oleraca var.botrytis) and broccoli (brassica oleraca var. italica) grown using microbial fertilizers2020
2246. Споредба на два методи на рехабилитација на фрактура на колк2020
2247. Рехабилитација кај Душен мускулна дистрофија - студија на случај2020
2248. Multistep Surface Electrode Mechanism Coupled with Preceding Chemical Reaction-Theoretical Analysis in Square-Wave Voltammetry2020
2249. Current Conditions and Challenges of the System of Education and Professional Development of Preschool Teachers2020
2250. Transforming freight mobility in the cities and promoting of green logistics2020
2251. Measurement and visualization on analog signals with microcomputers connection2020
2252. Calculate on phase angle at RL- circuit supply with square voltage pulse2020
2253. The potential of cycling tourism to promote healthy lifestyle habits2020
2254. Statistical analysis of the effect of cutting parameters on the Average temperature in hard turning of steel C 55 (DIN) 2020
2255. 3D modeling of the Borov Dol porphyry copper deposit, Republic of North Macedonia2020
2256. Geochemistry of recent sediments at confluence of the Blaštica river into Tikveš Lake2020
2257. Gaussian method for computing the Earth’s magnetic field2020
2258. За една можна инклузија преку книжевноста за деца2020
2259. Различностите низ третманот на темата на болниот адолесцент во романот за млади „Јавачот на божилак“ од Горјан Петревски2020
2260. Улогата на семејната сестра во спроведување на имунизација и едукација на населението во општина Кочани за период 2015-2019 година2020
2261. The role of the patronage nurse in conducting and educating the elderly 2020
2262. Улогата на патронажната сестра при спроведување и едукација за нега на старите лица 2020
2263. The role of the family nurse in the implementation of immunization and education of the population in the municipality of Kocani for the period 2015-20192020
2264. What do hotel guests really want? An analysis of online reviews using text mining2020
2265. Phraseological equivalence as a communication tool2020
2266. Оксиморонот во „Нежното срце на варварот“ од Венко Андоновски (реобјава)2020
2267. How active hearing is necessary in the teaching process2020
2268. Active listening in the educational practice - conditions and problems 2020
2269. Enzymatic treatment of wool fabrics with lipase in the improvement of some properties of wool fabrics2020
2270. IN MEMORIAM - Моите сеќавања за Петко Шипинкаровски2020
2271. Three-phase electrodes: simple and efficient tool for analysis of ion transfer processes across liquid-liquid interface—twenty years on2020
2272. Необична женска нарација2020
2273. Improved Dye Removal Ability of Modified Rice Husk with Effluent from Alkaline Scouring Based on the Circular Economy Concept2020
2274. Case report – Acupuncture treatment in patient with high TSH (thyroidstimulating hormone)2020
2275. Historical and sociological aspects of Evlija Çelebi's travelogues for Macedonian cities2020
2276. Historical and sociological evidence for Isa Bey tomb in Konçe during Ottoman conquests2020
2277. Acupuncture and herbal treatment for human papillomavirus (HPV) and uterine myoma2020
2278. Perinatal Outcome in Gestational Diabetes Melitus Vs Normoglycemic Women2020
2279. Пандемијата – совршен терен за ширење на екстремизмот2020
2280. Statistical Analysis of the effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness profile height parameter Ra in hard turning of steel C(55) DIN2020
2281. The role of the principle of economics in business operation of the enterprises2020
2282. Prevailing Motives for Creating Ottoman Heritage Packaged Tours in Macedonia2020
2283. Surgical Treatment of Gangrene of the Urine Bladder, Review of Three Cases2020
2284. Positive and negative impacts of technogenic deposits2020
2285. Adolescent pregnancy occurrence and consequences2020
2286. Lung cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Strumica, Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2287. Interculturalism from the perspective of pedagogics and integration in preschool with emphasis on cooperation with parents2020
2288. Interculturalism from the perspective of pedagogics and integration in preschool with emphasis on cooperation with parents2020
2289. Managerial competences in hotel management in Kosovo2020
2290. Model for improving the quality of student life in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2291. Analysis of enzyme-substrate interactions from square-wave protein-film voltammetry of complex electrochemical-catalytic mechanism associated with reversible regenerative reaction2020
2292. A corpus-based analysis of the pragmatic marker 'like' in non-native conversation 2020
2293. Radiographic analysis of the mental foramen and mandibular canal localization2020
2294. Биотероризам 2020
2295. Биотероризам 2020
2296. More or Less Sustainable? Assessment from a Policy Perspective2020
2297. Monitoring of the renal function in Piroxicam treated patients with headache2020
2298. Sesame allergy: a growing food allergy of global proportions?2020
2299. Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by chlamydia trachomatis, experiences from the PHF Clinical Hospital “M.D. Trifun Panovski” – Bitola for the period from 2013 to 20192020
2300. Prostate cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia 2020
2301. Acupuncture treatment in patients with epilepsy2020
2302. Историја на конфликтите во Обединетите арапски емирати (ОАЕ)2020
2303. Simple voltammetric approach for characterization of two-step surface electrode mechanism in protein-film voltammetry 2020
2304. Искуството и мотивацијата на христијанинот како патник во патниот сообраќај во манастирскиот туризам од источна Македонија2020
2305. Treatment of patients with fibromyalgia with methods of traditional Chinese medicine2020
2306. Methods for neuromuscular reeducation for reducing motor deficit and muscle spasm in people with cerebral palsy2020
2307. Comparison of the adverse renal effects of different types of NSAID based on COX inhibition in patients with headaches2020
2308. Liver cirrhosis - statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia2020
2309. Concept of right - wing extremism and terrorism2020
2310. Effect of type and level of collagen supplements on morphological characteristics of cooked sausages2020
2311. Rural capital in small villages: An analysis of selected rural areas in Eastern Serbia and North Macedonia2020
2312. Determination of the risk at workplace, assessment and its rank calculation, in mining activities2020
2313. Analysis of Drug-Drug Interactions with Cyclic Voltammetry: An Overview of Relevant Theoretical Models and Recent Experimental Achievements 2020
2314. Prostate cancer – statistical analysis data in a 3year period in the Eastern region of Republic of North Macedonia2020
2315. Brain Breaks®Physical Activity Solutions in the Classroom and on Attitudes toward Physical Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial among Primary Students from Eight Countries2020
2316. Application of the Total Quality Management (TQM) Philosophy in a Macedonian Air Conditioning Company2020
2317. Die Sprechhandlung Ablehnung und ihre Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten bei Germanistikstudierenden in der Republik Nordmazedonien 2020
2318. Cervical cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5year period in Strumica and Republic of North Macedonia2020
2319. Cervical cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5year period in Strumica and Republic of North Macedonia2020
2320. Acupuncture treatment in osteoarthritis 2020
2321. Standardization of a method for freeze-drying of antibodies as ready to use therapeutic radiopharmaceutical2020
2322. Therapie der Insomnie im höheren Lebensalter 2020
2323. Electrochemistry in the twenty-first century—future trends and perspectives2020
2324. Milled rice in relation to variety and paddy grain moisture at harvest 2020
2325. Critical review of the (second wave) optimal tax theories 2020
2326. Пораст на деснокрилниот екстремизам-тероризам2020
2327. Traffic in the City of Skopje and its impact on air pollution2020
2328. Environment and sustainable development: how to tackle urban freight logistics consequences2020
2329. Treatment of insomnia in elderly patients2020
2330. Усвојување на вештината зборување во наставата по германски јазик 2020
2331. Human resources as an imporant factor for development of tourism in the Republic of N. Macedonia2020
2332. Institutional infrastructure of municipal settlements in the Black River Basin in the Republic of North Macedonia2020
2333. Терапевтска примена на вежбите во хирургијата и клиничко биолошка оправданост2020
2334. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a building model as a one-dimensional element2020
2335. Outline of Fictional Appropriations of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald2020
2336. Application of the Four-Color Theorem for coloring a city map2020
2337. The environmental impact of hotels: the future is green2020
2338. A methodology of determining the natural frequencies of low-rise buildings 2020
2339. Kако да го спречиме следниот терористички напад2020
2340. Проценка на одржливост на подземна гасификација на јаглен2020
2341. 1. Regional Seas2020
2342. Determinants of the Capital Demand in Macedonia: Do Low Tax Rates Really Play an Important Role for Domestic Investment2020
2343. Theoretical Analysis of a Surface Catalytic Mechanism Associated with Reversible Chemical Reaction Under Conditions of Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry2020
2344. Acupuncture treatment in anxiety2020
2345. Tauberian theorems for the Stockwell transform of Lizorkin distributions2020
2346. Candida albicans инфекции кај пациенти со акрилатни протези2019
2347. Comparison Between HPV DNA Testing and HPV E6/E7 MRNA Testing in Women with Squamous Cell Abnormalities of the Uterine Cervix.2019
2348. Influence of Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) Measurements for Successful Osseointegration of Dental Implants During the Healing Period and Its Impact on Implant Assessed by Osstell Mentor Device2019
2349. Non–enzymatic Amperometric Sensor for H2O2 Based on MnCO3 Thin Film Electrodes2019
2350. Почеток на ново геополитичко и трговско рекомпонирање на светот?2019
2351. Countering hybrid threats under the International Law2019
2352. Influence of Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) Measurements for Successful Osseointegration of Dental Implants During the Healing Period and Its Impact on Implant Assessed by Osstell Mentor Device2019
2353. Antimicrobial effect of thyme essential oil against Salmonella enteritidis inoculated in flour and homogenized eggs2019
2354. Antimicrobial effect of sweet basil essential oil against Salmonella enteritidis growth in vitro2019
2355. Towards harmonisation of entomological surveillance in the Mediterranean area2019
2356. Facing of Family Doctor with Hantavirus Infection2019
2357. Comparison Between HPV DNA Testing and HPV E6/E7 MRNA Testing in Women with Squamous Cell Abnormalities of the Uterine Cervix.2019
2358. Assessment of the Pain, Stress and Emotional Factor Related to the Occurrence of Bruxism2019
2359. Dental treatment оn Cephalea from orofacial origin2019
2360. Bruxism Unconscious Oral Habit in Everyday Life2019
2361. Sputum Quality Assessment Regarding Sputum Culture for Diagnosing Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children2019
2362. Brain rate parameter in children with General Anxiety Disorder2019
2363. Airtraq® is the preferred device for difficultintubation by residents?2019
2364. Arterial blood gas alterations in retroperitoneal and transperitoneal laparoscopy2019
2365. Prediction value of oxygenation index as predictor for postoperative pulmonary complications in urologic surgery2019
2366. Експлицитните објаснувања како неопходна или непотребна компонента во рамките на поучувањето граматика со обработка на инпут2019
2367. The human rights treatment and the role of the international community in the Syrian war2019
2368. Dissembling and redefining of one state and nation (the example of the Republic of Macedonia through the prism of the political, security, legal and international consequences for the Macedonian state and nation)2019
2369. Metodoloska istrazivanja u politici i sigurnosti kao dio kompjuterske manipulacije podacima u kreiranju sigurnosne percepcije javnosti2019
2370. Y-chromosome haplogroup architecture confers susceptibility to azoospermia factor c microrearrangements: a retrospective study.2019
2371. Growth of salmonella enteritidis in egg-based pasta2019
2372. Methodologies for Assessing Disease Tolerance in Pigs2019
2373. Enzimatic antioxidants in raw cow milk2019
2374. The most important dilemmas regarding the welfare of farm animals2019
2375. Појавата нa пост 5ари синдрoм кај третман на бенигна простатична хиперплазија co 5 алфа редуктаза инхибитори2019
2376. Quality of life assessment in patients treated with medicaments for benign prostatic hyperplasia2019
2377. The impact of migration on urban security and the quality of urban life2019
2378. Ефикасност на казненото законодавство од аспект на справување со инциденцата на внатрешна трговија со луѓе во Република Северна Македонија Еfficiency of criminal legislation from the aspect of management of internal human trafficking in the Рepublic of Нorth Мacedonia2019
2379. Značaj mobilnog poslovanja u pametnim gradovima The Importance of Mobile Business in Smart Cities2019
2380. E-learning platforms: The future of education2019
2381. Border Control and Using Analysis Tools due to the Humanitarian Aspect of the Immigrant Crisis2019
2382. Дистрибуција на оклузални вертикални сили кај мостовна конструкција со два носачи и дистално продолжен член2019
2383. Geo - Mapping opportunities for detecting different type of waste and transformation into eco-business solutions2019
2384. Strategy and concept on urban crime prevention2019
2385. Nasilje na sportskim priredbama i uloga medija2019
2386. Reforms in the communications monitoring system as a precondition for effective human rights protection2019
2387. Effectiveness Study On longitudinal Laboratory monitoring Of the INR in Patients Receiving Vitamin-K Antagonist For Atrial Fibrilation in R.Macedonia2019
2388. Advanced warehouse technologies – perspectives and possibilities2019
2389. Using SPSS for research and data analysis2019
2390. Comparative analysis of Macedonian and Slovenian crisis management system2019
2391. Сказната – меѓу книжевноста и животот (Осврт кон книгата Девојчето со златно срце, Македонски народни волшебни приказни од Струмица и Струмичко, Струмица, 2019)2019
2392. Implementation of Intercultural Education in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2393. Mathematical models with stochastic differential equations2019
2394. The role of diet and nutrition trends in the prevention and treatment in cancer patients2019
2395. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) expression in lung adenocarci-noma - clinicopathologic and morphologic features2019
2396. Rapid detection of mismatch repair proteins by immunohistochemistry in colorectal cancer patients2019
2397. Incentives motivating mentors and criteria for selecting mentors in the pre-graduation traineeship of future registered nurses2019
2398. Characteristics of the contracts from international trade -key legal instrument for successful foreign and trade operation2019
2399. Gender construction through fairy tales - female characteristics2019
2400. A mobile device approach to English language acquisition2019
2401. Laser assisted automated tape laying process for production of composite laminates2019
2402. The 2019 I·CONnect-Clough Center Global Review of Constitutional Law North Macedonia2019
2403. Protecting the right to health population2019
2404. Monitoring the safety of nilotinib in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia2019
2405. Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Values Evaluation of Macedonia2019
2406. Exposition in Pedagogy2019
2407. Language teaching and testing – a research of using literature forms in the English Language Schoolbooks2019
2408. A concept of writing in English language - basic sentence patterns2019
2409. Teaching and learning English language - motivation2019
2410. Listening as a special skill of teaching English language - transcribing2019
2411. Modeling and pedagogy2019
2412. Evaluation of the potential of convolutional neural networks and random forests for multi-class segmentation of sentinel-2 imagery2019
2413. On the Identities of Hellenistic Globalization - The Unified World of Diversity2019
2414. Some Observations on the Appearance and Use of the Term Sclavinia in the Middle Ages2019
2415. Идентитет, наука и политика: идеите за етногенеза во македонската медиевистика 1944 – 1991 (II): Интерпретација на етногенезата во трудовите на македонските медиевисти во 1970-те и 1980-те.2019
2416. The term Sclavinia in Byzantine sources:Re-examination of the chronological framework2019
2417. Наставни стратегии во наставата по природни науки и општество2019
2418. Addressing Macroeconomic Challenges In The Run-Up To EU: Macedonian Convergence 2019
2419. Андроцентричниот глас во драмата на Џон Озборн „Обѕрни се во гнев“2019
2420. The Origins of the Seven Deadly Sins2019
2421. „Дракула“ на Брам Стокер: Суеверие или религија?2019
2422. The significant role of the tourism in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals2019
2423. Self-determination as a fundamental principle and human right2019
2424. Русалиите – споделена вредност во културната меморија на Македонците и на Власите (врз примери на русалиската традиција во Гевегелиско-валандовскиот Регион), 2019
2425. Уставните права на немнозинските заедници во Република Северна Македонија и нивна примена во пракса 2019
2426. Application of Data Analytics with Python Programming In Healthcare2019
2427. Учебникот – нов предизвик на медиумската дидактика2019
2428. Секуларизацијата и сакрализацијата во современото општество2019
2429. Виртуелна закана или реална опасност-сајбер тероризмот низ призмата на најекспонираните case studies2019
2430. Истанбулска конвенција-сеопфатна регулатива или уште едно парче хартија во низа2019
2431. Уметничка транспозиција на фолклорните елементи во суита бр.1, од балетот „Лабин и Дојрана“ на композиторот Трајко Прокопиев2019
2432. Web application for analyzing power electronic converter data2019
2433. Spectral Analysis of Output Voltage for Buck and Boost DC-DC Converter2019
2434. Web application for analyzing power electronic converter data2019
2435. Annular pancreas with choledocholithiasis in an adult male patient: a case report2019
2436. Hydatid cyst migration in peritoneal cavity: a case report2019
2437. Laparoscopic appendectomy in Clinical hospital-Shtip (2014-2019)2019
2438. Postoperative complications in endoscopically operated patients with inguinal hernias2019
2439. The big business called hip hop: aspects of music tourism 2019
2440. Supply of the labor market with labor force - Condition in Macedonia2019
2441. Novel method of treating ovarian infertility: is Platelet-Rich Plasma a new promising therapy in the future?2019
2442. Live birth rates in poor responders’ group after previous treatment with autologous platelet-rich plasma and low dose ovarian stimulation compared with poor responders used only low dose ovarian stimulation before in vitro fertilization2019
2443. Artificial intelligence and human rights – legal challenge for the European Union2019
2444. National plan for the protection of critical infrastructure - a condition for providing a coordinated approach in establishing national goals and priorities for protecting key resources2019
2445. Contribution to the widening and confirmation of the mineral association in the Borov Dol ore deposit, based on SEM analysis2019
2446. Патријархалниот стереотип и менталитетот (За „женскиот“ стереотип во расказот „Жената на покојникот“ од Бора Станковиќ) 2019
2447. Retrospective overview of foreign direct investments in B&H during the period 2008-2009, with the focus on Kosovo2019
2448. Лечение на наранявания на меките тъкани при спортисти с акупунктура2019
2449. Сравнение на ефектите на две мануално - мобилизационни техники при функционални смущения в сакроилиачните стави2019
2450. Странски директни инвестиции-теоретска анализа2019
2451. Audit components: Literature Review on Audit Plan, Risk and Materiality and Internal Control2019
2452. The Importance of Cooperative Language Learning2019
2453. Pleuropneumonia in a 7 Year Old Boy2019
2454. Is This Caroli Disease?2019
2455. Child With Insect Sting Induced Anaphylaxis2019
2456. Structural analysis of x-ray irradiated carbon nanostructures2019
2457. Analysis of military-economic reforms in the Republic of North Macedonia with South-East European countries as a precondition for NATO accession2019
2458. A Simple Isocratic RP-HPLC Method for Determination of Nitisinone in Pharmaceuticals2019
2459. RP-HPLC method with indirect UV detection for determination of sodium ibandronate in pharmaceuticals2019
2460. Pragmatic Competence and Intercultural communication2019
2461. Народната песна од Струмица и Струмичко - ризница на автохтониот јазичен израз (врз примери на љубовни песни и балади)2019
2462. Приказни што боцкаат2019
2463. Etiology of peri-implantitis2019
2464. The Porch -spatial synthesis of the house in Strumica area2019
2465. Зборовни групи со присвоен суфикс во турскиот јазик и нивното предавање во македонскиот јазик2019
2466. Именската група во турскиот јазик и нејзиното предавање во македонскиот јазик2019
2467. Историја на современите конфликти во Иран2019
2468. Историја на конфликтите во Франција2019
2469. Историја на конфликтите во Пакистан2019
2470. Историја на конфликтите во Саудиска Арабија2019
2471. Историја на конфликтите во Јужен Судан2019
2472. Историја на конфликтите во Нигерија2019
2473. Историја на современите конфликти во Сомалија2019
2474. Rehabilitation of patients with ankylosing spondyloartritis2019
2475. „Имињата на времињата“ како мост за патување во минатото, историјата, сегашноста2019
2476. Diffusional Electrochemical Catalytic (EC’) Mechanism Featuring Chemical Reversibility of Regenerative Reaction-Theoretical Analysis in Cyclic Voltammetry2019
2477. The Battle at the River Bregalnica in the Balkan Wars - Short-Term but Bloody2019
2478. The distribution of occlusal vertical stress in shortened dental archs with cross-arch dental bridges2019
2479. Опсцената лексика во функција на создавање универзални пораки во трилогијата „Вечна игра” на Митко Маџунков2019
2480. Неоградени стихови (Oсврт кон стихозбирката „Струпки“ на Георги Барбаровски, Матица македонска, Скопје, 2016)2019
2481. Архетипските и митски симболи во драмската трилогија „Вечна игра“ на Митко Маџунков2019
2482. Шаманистички реликти во русалискиот обреден комплекс 2019
2483. Модерен шаманизам. Современи шаманистички искуства2019
2484. Преобразба на една праслика (Обид за толкување на муралот „Лузна“ на Никола Пијанманов)2019
2485. Семантостилемата „рака“ во романот „Ана Каренина“ од Лав Николаевич Толстој (морфостилистички и семантостилистички третман на детаљот-рака) 2019
2486. Flexibility of foundation increases the base shear and horizontal strains during an out–of–plane response to an SH pulse in linear and nonlinear soil2019
2487. Reduction of peak ground velocity by nonlinear soil response - I: Excitation by SH pulse2019
2488. Erythrodermia Ichtyosis Formis Congenital - Case Report2019
2489. n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids provoke a specific transcriptional profile in rabbit adipose-derived stem cells in vitro2019
2490. A novel P300 inhibitor reverses DUX4-mediated global histone H3 hyperacetylation, target gene expression, and cell death2019
2491. Assessment of the operating characteristics of brushless DC motors2019
2492. Lung cancer - statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia2019
2493. Acupuncture treatment in asthma2019
2494. One belt one road – how does it affect the Eurasian economic and security issue2019
2495. Contribution to Understanding of Ore Fluids in the Zletovo Mine Based on Fluid Inclusion Data2019
2496. Фразеологизмите како важна алка во процесот на усвојување на странскиот јазик2019
2497. Поемата „Петнаесетте“ од Иван Василевски - меѓу историската вистина и поетовата фасцинација2019
2498. The benefits of learning morphological cell image analysis for medical students 2019
2499. Значењето на италијанските прости предлози FRA и TRA и нивните еквиваленти во македонскиот јазик 2019
2500. Говорниот чин „одбивање“ и негова реализација кај македонските изучувачи на странски јазик2019
2501. Оксиморонот во „Нежното срце на варварот“ од Венко Андоновски2019
2502. Реликти на шаманизмот како нишка на поврзување во македонската и руската традиција2019
2503. Наставата по шпански како странски јазик во Република Северна Македонија2019
2504. Mеѓукултурни разлики во вербалната и невербалната комуникација2019
2505. Education - need of culture2019
2506. Невербална комуникација во наставата2019
2507. Супстантивираните придавки и прилошки определби во рускиот и во македонскиот јазик2019
2508. Суптилните противречности во лириката на Петар Прерадовиќ2019
2509. Жената во сајбер-просторот2019
2510. Profession teacher as a part of modern society2019
2511. Пренатален скрининг на инхибин A и фето-плацентарна циркулација како предиктори за прееклампсија кај бремени жени во втор триместар2019
2512. The influence of ideas of surrealism in fashion design2019
2513. Contemporary strategies for teaching and learning at academic teaching2019
2514. Translation of Technological Terminology Compounds from English into Macedonian2019
2515. Тhe role of intelligence in the fight against terrorism2019
2516. Brain Breaks Active Break in Macedonian Schools - Qualitative Study 2019
2517. Економската состојба во Македонија според британската дипломатска кореспонденција и извештаите на воените мисии (јануари 1945-август 1945)2019
2518. Компаративно техно-економска анализа при кроење на мермерни блокови2019
2519. Bulgarian and Macedonian Students` Experience in Volunteering and Opportunities for its Promotion2019
2520. Contribution of Physical Education in Primary Education Students Personal Development2019
2521. Creating healthy dieting habits based on scientific knowledge2019
2522. Examination of the effects of Gua Sha massage on myofascial trigger points2019
2523. Sustainable tourism as a concept of tourism development in Montenegro 2019
2524. Доне Штипјанчето-симбол на храброст и издржливост вграден во животите на сегашноста и иднината2019
2525. Infrared and Raman spectra of strontium and barium pimelates monohydrates2019
2526. Students Behavior Analysis to Improve the Learning Process Using Moodle Data2019
2527. First battle line on Salonica Front 1916-1918 2019
2528. Application of article 12 of the Convention on the rights of the child in judicial proceedings in Republic of North Macedonia 2019
2529. Душан Будимировиќ и Сергеј Михајлов основоположници на театарскиот и музичкиот живот во Штип помеѓу двете светски војни 2019
2530. „Американски предавања“ од Итало Калвино2019
2531. Фактори кои влијаат на бруто домашниот производ во Република Северна Македонија 2019
2532. Детерминанти на ликвидноста на комерцијалните банки во Република Северна Македонија 2019
2533. Determinants of Economic Growth in Republic of North Macedonia : An Empirical Study2019
2534. Determinants of Bank Credit Risk: Empirical Evidence for Commercial Banks from Republic of North Macedonia2019
2535. The Significant Role Of The Tourism in Achieving The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals2019
2536. Technetium Nitrido-Peroxo Complexes: An Unexplored Class of Coordination Compounds2019
2537. The Battle at the River Bregalnica in the Balkan Wars - Short-Term but Bloody2019
2538. Stilistisch-pragmatische Bedeutung von Anredepronomen, um Macht respektive Einfühlungsvermögen in der Sprache auszudrücken 2019
2539. Krivolak battle- example of a senseless human tragedy2019
2540. Military activities of Bulgarian and Serbian army during the First World War in 19152019
2541. Caesarean section anesthesia selection, spinal or general, and Apgar-score for newborn delivered with Caesarean section in Strumica2019
2542. A study of morphological variations of the human ear2019
2543. Националната мобилизација во Република Грција во однос на Македонското прашање2019
2544. Анализа на трговските релации меѓу Европската Унија и Русија2019
2545. Анализа на глобалните трговски текови за временскиот период 2008-2018 година2019
2546. Importance of Visualization in Math Problems at the Universities2019
2547. Детерминикација и демаркација на поимите „мала држава“ и „мала сила"2019
2548. Art modelling in children of early school age2019
2549. Graphic displays of managerial business logistics2019
2550. Practical work for students in the field of tourism: new perspective in a digitalization era2019
2551. Professional logistics and supply chain management2019
2552. Reactive implicit instruction vs. direct deductive proactive explicit instruction 2019
2553. Синтетизам и аналитизам во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик2019
2554. Потеклото на предлозите во италијанскиот јазик2019
2555. Когнитивен пристап за значењето на предлозите2019
2556. Употреба на фолклорните елементи и уметничката транспозиција на фолклорот во вториот став „Ламетозо“ од Симфонијата бр.5, на композиторот Тома Прошев2019
2557. Функционалните особености на лексемата камо.2019
2558. Pravo na privatnost i zaštita ličnih podataka-Right to Privacy and Protection of Personal Data2019
2559. Формирање на трговско судство како алтернатива за редефинирање на судството во Република Северна Македонија2019
2560. Стручно преведување и основни признаци на стручниот јазик2019
2561. Начини на манифестирање на синтаксичката повеќезначност во германскиот јазик2019
2562. Анализа на процесот на регионализација на Република Северна Македонија2019
2563. Tехноекономска анализа на подготовка и имплементација на подземната гасификација во рудниците за јаглен2019
2564. Извори на Медиумското право2019
2565. Selection of fusible interlining in apparel industry 2019
2566. A result by Silverman transferred on multivalent functions2019
2567. The role of innovations in fostering economic growth: an empirical analysis for selected CEE countries2019
2568. Empirical analysis of export performance and economic growth: the case of Macedonia2019
2569. Economic performance of north Macedonian economy and the EU integration challenges 2019
2570. Шапкаревиот запис за русалиите – вовед во истражувањата за шаманистичките остатоци во македонската традицијa2019
2571. Повеќејазичност – фундаментален принцип на европската јазична политика2019
2572. Source of Media Law2019
2573. Именската група во турскиот јазик и нејзиното предавање во македонскиот јазик 2019
2574. Quantitative characteristics of rabbit hybrids2019
2575. Цивилизациски и религиски аспекти менталитета у „Горском вијенцу“ 2019
2576. Reorganization and Financial restructuring of companies -Case Croatia and North Macedonia2019
2577. Социјална заштита на жртви на семејно насилство и ставови на јавното мислење2019
2578. Регулативата 2017/1939 за канцеларијата на европскиот јавен обвинител: меѓу засилена соработка и едногласност2019
2579. Trademark protection of letters in German and European law2019
2580. Етиологија на женското престапништво 2019
2581. Derivative acquisition of real rights in Macedonian contemporary law2019
2582. Classification of the Volcanic Rocks of Kozuf Mountain 2019
2583. The influence of the type and width of the cut marker on the utilization of textile materials2019
2584. Legal and institutional framework for safety and health at work in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2585. Determination of the presence of nano-plastic in bottled drinking water in the Republic of Macedonia by applying the SEM-EDS method2019
2586. The European arrest warrant and the protection of fundamental rights: the famous judgment in Aranyosi and Caldararu case2019
2587. The future of Article 50: Implications from the Wightman case2019
2588. Activity of enzyme catalase in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) as an indicator for abiotic stress2019
2589. The concept of the “national arrest warrant” and “judicial authority” for execution of the European arrest warrant2019
2590. Меморандумот од Нушател: Добри практики за правда за децата во антитерористички контекст 2019
2591. Critical review of the (second wave) optimal tax theories 2019
2592. Foreign fighters - perception of threat2019
2593. Geotectonic - valley and mountain regional spatial units in the Black River basin in the Republic of Northern Macedonia2019
2594. The influence of organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica)2019
2595. Effect of Thermal Treatment of Trepel at Temperature Range 800-1200˚C2019
2596. Effect of Thermal Treatment of Trepel at Temperature Range 800-1200˚C2019
2597. Testing of the Formal Statistical Validity of a Tax Model of the Investment Demand in the Republic of Macedonia2019
2598. The Importance of Fiscal Illusion in Public Choice2019
2599. Turkish Children Journals Published In The Republic Of Northern Macedonia2019
2600. Моделот на симболиката во творештвото на Матош2019
2601. Polyphenols in human nutrition: from the in vitro antioxidant capacity to the beneficial effects on cardiometabolic health and related inter-individual variability - an overview and perspective.2019
2602. Factors influencing the cardiometabolic response to (poly)phenols and phytosterols: a review of the COST Action POSITIVe activities.2019
2603. Historical and social aspects of Ataturk's activity in Macedonia2019
2604. Жени што убиваат (или повредуваат) од позиција на жртви на семејно насилство2019
2605. Arterial hypertension and oxidative stress in patients with coronary artery disease2019
2606. Virtual Reality as a Method of Promoting Architectural Cultural Heritage and Cultural Memory2019
2607. The traditional architecture in region of Veles from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th centuries 2019
2608. Improvement of the production technology of meat products with the addition of functional components 2019
2609. Digitalization in hospitality: Big data, trend that transformed the hotel industry2019
2610. Organization and Realization of Practical Teachings at the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Stip – Students’ Views2019
2611. Еротскиот фолклор како актуелен предизвик (Иван Котев, Играле моми по месечина, Eротска народна поезија и проза од Струмица и Струмичко, Струмица, 2018) 2019
2612. Примена на дендримери како современа платформа за испорака на лекови2019
2613. Characterization of Lycium barbarum L. berry cultivated in North Macedonia: A chemometric approach2019
2614. Implementation and financing of modern technologies in the production process2019
2615. Organizational structures based on information technology2019
2616. Procedure for determination of the calibration curve of the measurement device using the method of linear regression2019
2617. Statistical - ethnographic and economic - functional regional spatial units in the Black River Basin in the Republic of Northern Macedonia2019
2618. Effect of harvest time of paddy on milled rice yield and broken kernels2019
2619. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopy and cluster analysis as a rapid tool for classification of medicinal plants2019
2620. Влијанијата и последиците од елементарните непогоди кај спомениците од османлискиот период во Источниот регион2019
2621. Атриуми во ранохристијанските епископски центри во Република Македонија2019
2622. Заштита на стопанските места во доцноантичкиот период во виничкиот, кочанскиот, штипскиот и светиниколскиот регион2019
2623. Социјална заштита на вработената жена за време на бременост и мајчинство2019
2624. Парични примања од социјална заштита на деца – осврт на правото на детски додаток2019
2625. The Quality of Student Life in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2626. From ECCE to FACO2019
2627. How to prevent skin demage from air pollution. Part 1: Exposure assessment2019
2628. The Sarcophagus with Amazonomachy from Bargala 2019
2629. Нови сознанија за стопанско-економскиот дел во Баргала 2019
2630. Стратегии за одбивање на студентите од Групата за турски јазик и книжевност при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ 2019
2631. Евалуација на работилницата за творење афоризми за жената на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ 2019
2632. Numerical analysis of the behavior of the Dual Lorenz system by using mathematica2019
2633. Transfer pricing – definition and methods2019
2634. From a town to an attraction: the transformation of Ohrid, North Macedonia2019
2635. Rural tourism in the space of NP “Pelister” case study: “Eight Pelister villages”2019
2636. Application of second - order nonhomоgeneous differential equation with constant coefficients in serial RL parallel C circuit2019
2637. High level activity recognition using android smart phone sensors - Review2019
2638. Monte Carlo simulation of uncertain parameters to evaluate the evacuation process in an underground mine fire emergency2019
2639. System for prediction of carboxyhemoglobin levels as an indicator for on-time installation of self-contained self-rescuers in case of fire in underground mines2019
2640. Development of the labor market in the Republic of Macedonia2019
2641. Proving immunoglobulin E mediated allergy with allergotestes and interpretation of results2019
2642. Specific opportunities for visualization a reason for modern interior design education2019
2643. Role of graphic design in correlation with industrial design-product 2019
2644. Concept of radicalization2019
2645. Visualization of Ford-Fulkerson algorithm2019
2646. Environmental and occupational noise management process in cement industry2019
2647. The application of the sample method in the audit process by the audit companies in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2648. Characterization of phosphogypsum from dumps of Veles phosphate fertilizer factory (North Macedonia) and environmental implications2019
2649. Geophysical and geotechnical explorations on the fortress Isar – Štip 2019
2650. Evaluation methods for sustainable rural tourism development: Issues to be addressed2019
2651. Geophysic model of the Earth's crust and geodynamic position of lead-zinc deposits of the Republic of North Macedonia and neighboring countries2019
2652. The Economic Impact of Climate Change on the HPS Mavrovo2019
2653. Крсте Мисирков во наставата по предметот Македонски јазик2019
2654. Specific Opportunities for Visualization a Reason for Modern Interior Design Education2019
2655. Role of graphic design in correlation with industrial design - product2019
2656. Problems and features of sitting sites in the medicines of musics of living instruments2019
2657. Eko Furniture Design2019
2658. The Mystical Views Of Mevlana Xhelaladdin Rumi2019
2659. Consumer behavior in the process of consumer decision process in social media in hospitality2019
2660. Challenges for rural tourism development in North Macedonia2019
2661. Acupuncture Treatment in Allergies2019
2662. Civil liability in medicine in the legal system of the Republic of Macedonia 2019
2663. Fast Analysis of Total Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activity in Wines and Oenological Tannins Using a Flow Injection System with Tandem Diode Array and Electrochemical Detections2019
2664. Evaluation of androgenic competence of different pepper, tomato and eggplant genotypes2019
2665. Компетенции и методи при евалуација и оценување во наставата по италијански јазик и книжевност на странски студенти 2019
2666. Wood as a primary selection of material for furniture production2019
2667. The impact of the application of wood on the technological preparation for furniture manufacturing2019
2668. Problem Proposal 103.I2019
2669. A refinement of the Kooi's inequality, Mittenpunkt and applications2019
2670. Problem Proposal 44872019
2671. An inequality arising from the inarc centres of a triangle2019
2672. Problem 103.D2019
2673. Nemo Paradoxes2019
2674. Nemo Ellipses2019
2675. Nemo Parabolas2019
2676. Сатиричните елементи и дуализмот во расказот „Сфингата без тајна“ од Оскар Вајлд2019
2677. Problem 12038: An Inequality with Medians2019
2678. Problem 11984: Sum of Powers of the Sides of a Triangle2019
2679. Republic of Slovenia and the migrant crisis: history and perspectives2019
2680. Усвојувањето на перфектот во IX одделение во Штипско2019
2681. Reinventing the illusion or getting back to the reality: EU Myth vs. Balkan Identity 2019
2682. Preparation and integrity examination of freeze dried kit of trastuzumab-immunoconjugates and cold labeled immunoconjugates by applying SDS-PAGE electrophoresis2019
2683. Teacher perceptions for using computer and media learning (IKT) in Macedonian language teaching class in primary education2019
2684. Potential and possibilities of rebo – new grapevine variety (Vitis vinifera L.) in growing conditions in Republic of North Macedonia2019
2685. Investigation of seam puckering in women's blouse2019
2686. Job creation and local economic growth through efficient financial reporting2019
2687. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of creditworthiness of the companies2019
2688. Analysis of financial statements for credit apprisal2019
2689. Monitoring and quality control in the production of work uniforms for flight attendants 2019
2690. Fashion during the 20th century post-war periods2019
2691. Historical perspectives of euro-Atlantic path on Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina2019
2692. Alzheimer’s disease treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine2019
2693. Phase transitions of silica in diatomite from Besiste (North Macedonia) during thermal treatment 2019
2694. Differential Square-Wave Voltammetry2019
2695. Modern platforms on the Internet as a instrument of power in hands of violent religious extreme organization 2019
2696. Поврзаност помеѓу присуство на lactobacillus во плунка и дентален кариес кај деца со трајна дентиција2019
2697. Influence of kinesitherapy on patients with diabetic polyneuropathy2019
2698. Influence of kinesitherapy on patients with gonarthrosis2019
2699. Determining optimal distance from outlet of auxiliary forcing ventilation system to development of heading in underground mines 2019
2700. Acupuncture treatment in trigeminal neuralgia2019
2701. Improving the Quality of Higher Education 2019
2702. Managing at micro level in a classroom2019
2703. Internal changes in organizations and development by creativity and innovation2019
2704. Effects of acupuncture in the treatment of distortion of the articulatio talocruralis2019
2705. Challenges in managing your own career development2019
2706. Differential diagnosis between Bulbospinal muscular atrophy - Kennedy's disease and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2019
2707. The influence of hyperprolactinemia on the level of estradiol and progesterone in women2019
2708. Creation jobs in the real sector: case of the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2709. Covert Channels in the MQTT-based Internet of Things2019
2710. Injures for which first aid is needed in the school: can the teachers make the first aid?2019
2711. Relationship between erytrocyte and plasma concentration of malondialdehyde in patients with coronary artery disease2019
2712. Поетскиот вид газел во рамките на османлиската диванска книжевност2019
2713. Chemical, mineralogical and structural features of native and expanded perlite from Macedonia2019
2714. Macedonian Nation in Translation: Translating Macedonian Realia into “Big Cultures” 2019
2715. Здрави стихови за растење на децата2019
2716. Case Report - Fire-Needle Acupuncture Treatment In Skin Papillomas Located on the Neck2019
2717. Cervical cancer – statistical analysis of data in Republic of North Macedonia and municipality of Shtip in 2016, 2017 and 2018 2019
2718. Secure Storage and Secure Data and Information Transfer at Electronic Commerce and Electronic (Internet) Banking2019
2719. Challenges and improvement of the rights of the students with disabilities in the educational process2019
2720. Calculation of the parameters on output current in full─bridge serial resonant power converter2019
2721. Study of the size of the coronoid process of mandibule2019
2722. Managers’ role in achieving balance between people and organization2019
2723. Оскултација – техничко набљудување на хидројаловиште2019
2724. Корелација на пресметаната и филтрираната карта на гравиметриското влијание на мохо дисконтинуитетот2019
2725. Analysis of required construction time for drift in rock type – lead and zink ore2019
2726. Анализа на директното и индиректното изразување во македонскиот јазик2019
2727. Geography in geospatial intelligence - C4IRS and cyber security 2019
2728. Functions of the pragmatic marker 'like' in English and how Macedonian learners view it2019
2729. Transient tachypnea of the newborn2019
2730. Pregnancy induced hypertension and neonatal growth2019
2731. Types of explicit and implicit grammar instruction2019
2732. Analysis of RL-circuit supply by voltage with sinus or square waveform2019
2733. Application of IOTN and DAI indices for assessment in need of orthodontic treatment2019
2734. Is There Something Fishy About Fish Oil?2019
2735. Piperine: Old Spice and New Nutraceutical?2019
2736. Имунопрепарати во терапија и превенција на мигрена кај возрасни2019
2737. Territorial organization, relevant - typical and tourist regional space spaces in the Black River basin in the Republic of Northern Macedonia2019
2738. UNESCO lists for the protection of natural and cultural heritage in the world and their impact on tourism development - case of the Republic of Northern Macedonia2019
2739. Tourism and student excursions as a part of the educational system2019
2740. Types of violent behaviors in schools and prevention measures of school violence2019
2741. Types of violent behaviors in schools and prevention measures of school violence2019
2742. Determination of paraprotein in serum and urine by electrophoresis for diagnosing multiple myeloma (MM), experiences from the PHF University Clinic of Hematology for the period from 2015 to 20172019
2743. Determination of heavy metals in customized baby milk formulations2019
2744. Challenges and opportunities of the Macedonian pension system according the EU Recommendations (Social, legal and financial aspects) 2019
2745. Medical professional liability insurance in the Macedonian legal system 2019
2746. Правни положај чланова обавезних пензијских фондова у Републици С. Македонији с акцентом на накнаду штете 2019
2747. The importance of nuclear division index in biomonitoring human studies using the micronucleus assay 2019
2748. The European arrest warrant and the nonexecution grounds: case studies2019
2749. A case study of realgar and stibnite weathering in an iron-deficient environment: the abandoned Lojane flotation tailings dump, North Macedonia2019
2750. Arsenic in roméite-group minerals formed by weathering of realgar-rich tailings (Lojane mine, North Macedonia)2019
2751. Технички и репродуктивни карактеристики на музичкиот жичен инструмент харфа2019
2752. Annular pancreas with choledocholithiasis in an adult male patient: a case report 2019
2753. Case report - Acupuncture treatment in male patient with Hashimoto thyroiditis2019
2754. Content of total nitrogen and proteins collected in three slopes from alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.)2019
2755. Application of teaching methods in Biology and their impact on students’academic achievement2019
2756. Theoretical Aspects of a Surface Electrode Reaction Coupled with Preceding and Regenerative Chemical Steps: Square‐wave Voltammetry of a Surface CEC’ Mechanism2019
2757. Breast Cancer – Statistical Analysis Data in A 8 Years Period In Makedonska Kamenica And Delcevo, Republic Of North Macedonia2019
2758. Acupuncture treatment in hand and wrist pain2019
2759. The Migrations in the Old and the New World2019
2760. Historical overview of the phenomenology of crimes commited by women, with special emphasis on the middle ages2019
2761. Компаративен осврт на пенитенцијарни услови за жената - затвореник во земјите од поранешна Југославија2019
2762. Улогата и значењето на Државното правобранителство во македонскиот правосуден систем - II дел2019
2763. Креирање на стратегиска конкурентска предност 2019
2764. Planing for quality – organization and responsibillity for purchasing2019
2765. International Aspects and Identity Issues of the principle of Self-determination of people through the prism of the Prespa Agreement2019
2766. Стандардите на европската Конвенција за човекови права во поглед на забраната за мачење, нечовечко или понижувачко постапување или казнување2019
2767. SMEs in the development of tourism in the area of basin of Black River in the Republic of Macedonia 2019
2768. Isolation, chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of essential oil from Mentha Arvensis L. organically planted from Macedonia 2019
2769. Меѓународно воено/ хуманитарно право2019
2770. Significance and role of the State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia and the State Audit Institution of the Republic of Serbia2019
2771. The functioning of the State Audit in the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Montenegro2019
2772. Bicycle transport: Towards urban mobility or new culture symbol for healthy society2019
2773. Traffic safety promotion and awareness-raising campaign: organizational and ecological issues2019
2774. Foreign- Versus Domestic-Owned firms in the Predicament ‘Cui bono?’ 2019
2775. Меѓукултурни прагматички истражувања и прагматиката на меѓујазикот и нивно поврзување со практиката 2019
2776. Analysis of organic acids and total acidity in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different locations in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2777. Fire-Needle Acupuncture Treatment in Scapular Muscle Fasciitis2019
2778. Statistical analysis of breast cancer data in a 3 yearsperiod (2016-2018) in Republic of North Macedonia andthe Eastern region2019
2779. Market orientation as a business orientation for SME’s to strive for2019
2780. Tools for assessment of strategic business units in the marketing activities of companies2019
2781. Sprachliche Konzepte von Höflichkeit. Eine kontrastive Untersuchung zwischen den mazedonischsprachigen Germanistikstudierenden und deutschen Muttersprachlern2019
2782. Proust and Ariosto: Interpreting the Signs of Desire2019
2783. Oral Health Education of Staff in Long-Term Care Institutions2019
2784. Study of the size of the angle of the mandible 2019
2785. Bijective S-boxes of different sizes obtained from quasi-cyclic codes2019
2786. Историјатот и развојниот пат на гудачките инструменти: виолончело и контрабас (2)2019
2787. SERVQUAL: мерење на задоволството на потрошувачите како маркетиншка активност2019
2788. Пазарната ориентација како деловна ориентација кон која треба да се стремат МСП2019
2789. Accredited Molecular Methods for Detection of Infections Caused by HIV, Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus 2019
2790. Microbiological Diagnosis and Importance of Infections Caused by Influenzae-A Virus 2019
2791. Early detection of nephrotoxicity in patients with Medication-overuse headache (MOH)2019
2792. Ecological education and up bringing in function of sustainable development from an angle of socio-environmental view2019
2793. Application of total management of quality in the Macedonian hotel industry2019
2794. Globalization and its impact on the logistic systems of companies and new market challenges2019
2795. Online stores - the world trend and experience in Republic of Macedonia 2019
2796. Retrospective Analysis of Malignant Neoplasms of the Liver at the Level of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Municipalities of Radovis, Stip and Probistip in the Period 2007-20182019
2797. Значењето на книжевниот текст како процес2019
2798. Care and treatment in patients with hepatitis B in the municipality of Prilep2019
2799. The role of acupuncture in the rehabilitation of paralysis of n. facialis 2019
2800. The diagnosis of Phleum Pratense as alergogen on the immune system in white laboratory rat2019
2801. The diagnosis of Daucus Carota as alergogen on the immune system in white laboratory rat 2019
2802. Боите на детскиот свет на Марина Мијаковска2019
2803. Didactic issues in higher education and the future development of society 2019
2804. Transportation and mobility analysis of a target group 2019
2805. Intercultural schools need of modern society2019
2806. Guidelines for risk analysis and management in tunnelling2019
2807. Enzymatic desizing, bioscouring and enzymatic bleaching of cotton fabric with glucose oxidase2019
2808. Art principles in park art as a factor for street landscaping in cites2019
2809. Impact of foods and dietary supplements containing hydroxycinnamic acids on cardiometabolic biomarkers: A systematic review to explore inter-individual variability2019
2810. Square‐wave Voltammetry of Two‐step Surface Electrode Mechanisms Coupled with Chemical Reactions – A Theoretical Overview2019
2811. Optimization of Business Processes in a Transport Company in The Republic of North Macedonia2019
2812. Појавата на пост 5АРИ синдром кај третман на бенигна простатична хиперплазија со 5 алфа редуктаза инхибитори2019
2813. Quality of life assesment in patients treated with medicaments for benign prostatic hyperplasia2019
2814. Study of the size of the angle of the mandible2019
2815. Position of the mental foramen in corelation with the lower premolars: a panoramic radiographic study2019
2816. From Global Earth Magnetic Field to Therapeutic Experience: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Developing Tourism Product2019
2817. Performance optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motor by cogging torque reduction2019
2818. Решавање задачи со симплекс метод во EXCEL и MATHEMATICA2019
2819. Тextile as a sustainable insulating material for buildings2019
2820. Tactile properties of fabrics2019
2821. Organization of the access database of the Veles smelting facility area, Republic of North Macedonia2019
2822. Organization of the access database for the Lojane Sb-As mine waste dump, Republic of North Macedonia2019
2823. Geo - Mapping opportunities for detecting different type of waste and transformation into eco-business solutions 2019
2824. Tipology of personalities in fashion 2019
2825. Survival Drivers of Post-Incubated Start-Ups: The Effect of Academic Governance2019
2826. Inverse Kinematics Solution of a Robot Arm based on Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interface System 2019
2827. Attitude Determination of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Single Camera Vector Observations2019
2828. Enchasing anthropogenic element trackers for evidence of long-term atmospheric depositions in mine environs2019
2829. Shapley-Folkman-Lyapunov theorem and Asymmetric First price auctions 2019
2830. Мали, а сепак големи приказни од и за животот2019
2831. Bakhtin`s dialogism in the novel "Three daughters of Madame Liang" by Pearl S. Buck 2019
2832. Ерос и Танатос во романите „Марта“ и „Другата Марта“ од Горјан Петревски2019
2833. Two parametric functional dependents of time for construction of horizontal mining facilities in gneiss and schist2019
2834. Kinesitherapeutic approach in child cerebral palsy2019
2835. Effect of extended aging upon textural aspects of traditional Bulgarian dry-cured ham2019
2836. Mogućnosti i izazovi alternativnih strategija i nanotehnologije u kontroli antimikrobnih rezistencija i infekcija Possibilities and challenges of alternative strategies and nanotechnology in control of antimicrobial resistance and infections 2019
2837. The Application and Benefits of Comet Assay in Biomonitoring Studies2019
2838. Liver Enzymes as Biomarkers for Hepatotoxicity of Statins in Patients with Dyslipidemia2019
2839. The Usefulness of Papanicolaou test in cytomorphological evaluation of squamous cell abnormalities of the cervix2019
2840. Power Consumption Analysis of the New Covert Channels in CoAP2019
2841. Virtual Banking and Financial Inclusion 2019
2842. Nusret Dişo Ülkü’nün Kuzey Makedonya’daki Süreli Yayın Faaliyetleri2019
2843. Acquiring information using social engineering2019
2844. Управување со ризици и грешки во фармацевтската пракса2019
2845. Употреба на наночестички за дермална испорака на антиоксиданси2019
2846. Tourist valorization of the accommodation facilities on the E-75 motorway in the Republic of North Macedonia for the development of transit tourism2019
2847. Aerodromes in Republic of North Macedonia2019
2848. Transient performance of a three-way pressure reducing valve2019
2849. Implementation of the unique communication and information system in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2850. Procedures for dimension of flexible road constructions2019
2851. Association between the Gut Microbiota and Obesity 2019
2852. Breast cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Strumica, Republic of North Macedonia2019
2853. Acupuncture treatment in temporomandibular joint pain after tooth extraction2019
2854. Acupuncture treatment in patient with hyperthyroidism2019
2855. Social media and development of small enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia2019
2856. Electrophoresis and Raman spectroscopy characterization of integrity and secondary structure of p-SCN-Bn-DTPA- and p-SCN-Bn-1B4M-DTPA-conjugated trastuzumab2019
2857. Поимот функција во наставата по математика2019
2858. Square-wave protein-film voltammetry: new insights in the enzymatic electrode processes coupled with chemical reactions2019
2859. Determination of mineral composition in the alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different regions in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
2860. Challenges and opportunities of the Macedonian pension system according the EU recommendations (Social, Legal and Financial aspects) 2019
2861. Social engineering in the context of cyber security2019
2862. House always wins: Economic growth and development of Macau's hotel casino industry2019
2863. Influence of growth in treated class III growing patients with face mask therapy and untreated patients2019
2864. Indications for molar extraction during orthodontic treatment2019
2865. Difference in craniofacial characteristics in attractive male and female faces2019
2866. Assessment of agro-morphological variability in rice using multivariate analysis 2019
2867. Effect of weave of fabric and molding pressure on the mechanical properties of composite laminates2019
2868. Hand lay-up vs machine impregnation of the textile structures2019
2869. Research on pragmatic markers: Domains and approaches2019
2870. Impact of ampelotechnical measures in the grapevine protection from occurrence of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) (full paper)2019
2871. Placer gold prospection in Suševska River, Suševo Village, North Macedonia2019
2872. Пулмонална рехабилитација2019
2873. Продор на современиот салафизам во Германија 2019
2874. Mobile wireless monitoring system for prehospital emergency care2019
2875. A Telemedicine Robot System for Assisted and Independent Living2019
2876. Дигитална Валута на Централната Банка – новата стратешка интелигенција на централните банки? 2019
2877. Партнерството меѓу FinTech и банките – додадена вредност или нарушен "комфор" за банкарскиот сектор2019
2878. Internal audit in the public sector in Republic of Macedonia2019
2879. Мерење и сумирање на ревизорскиот ризик2019
2880. Улогата и значењето на интерната ревизија кај банките2019
2881. Intriguing minerals: lorandite, TlAsS2, a geochemical detector of solar neutrinos 2019
2882. Детската градина и нейната роля во граденето на общество на бъдещето2019
2883. Different group of tooth in relation of endodontic treatment2019
2884. Analyzing Teachers Behavior Using Moodle Data and Big Data Tools2019
2885. О путу ка себи (или о српском преводу “Исповести“ Аурелија Аугустина, Издавачка књижарница Зорана Сојановића, Сремски Карловци, Нови Сад, 2018) 2019
2886. Make It Happen: Marketing Processes for Competitive Market Positioning of Firms in Transitional Economy2019
2887. Analysis of the spatial variation of indoor radon concentrations (national survey in Bulgaria)2019
2888. Effective doses estimated from the results of Direct radon and thoron progeny sensors (Drps/Dtps), exposed in selected regions of Balkans2019
2889. Measurement of uranium in urine, hair and nails in Subjects of Niska Banja town, a high natural background radiation area of Serbia2019
2890. Analysis of radionuclides specific activities variations in soil within geotectonic units of Republic of Мacedonia2019
2891. Preliminary investigations of paragonite in marbles from Sivec, North Macedonia 2019
2892. Optimal taxation in theory2019
2893. Fashion as a social phenomenon-socio-psychological mechanisms of impact2019
2894. Barriers and challenges of transferring modern Project management principles in Western Balkan region2019
2895. Textile fibers and materials for design and construction of contemporary modular vest for special (military) purposes 2019
2896. Volcanic activity in the Kožuf Mountain area and implications for the distribution of rare earth elements in diatomite and tridymite2019
2897. Comparative Perception of the Position and Treatment of Gifted Children in the Czech Republic and the Republic of Macedonia 2019
2898. Пулмнонална рехабилитација2019
2899. Socioeconomic characteristics of patients with tension headache in municipality of Veles 2019
2900. Consumption analysis of most prescribed antibiotics financed by the Health Insurance Fund in Republic of Macedonia2019
2901. Simple liquid chromatography method with UV detection for determination of Bromazepam in solid pharmaceutical dosage forms2019
2902. Information and knowledge of the antibiotics and the antibiotic residence of the population from the southeast region of Republic of North Macedonia2019
2903. Рехабилитација на дијабетна полиневропатија2019
2904. The influence of hyperprolacтinemia on the level of FSH and LH in women2019
2905. Acupuncture Treatment in Cervical Spondylosis Due to Computer Use in Daily Practice2019
2906. Pragmatic markers in the spoken interlanguage of Macedonian learners of English2019
2907. Fingerprinting of traditionally produced red wines using liquid chromatography combined with drift tube ion mobility-mass spectrometry2019
2908. Огнот како терористичка алатка2019
2909. Сириските бегалци и нивниот пат дома2019
2910. American business culture: an overview of the national culture and organizational cultural dimensions in the USA2019
2911. The role of measures for support of SMEs on employment in the Republic of Macedonia2019
2912. Stress and quality of life among higher education students in Macedonia2019
2913. IPARD 1 Programme - Why and How Its Implementation Did Not Succeed in Macedonia2019
2914. Хербални дроги во третман на варикозни вени2019
2915. The importance of human resources in hotels2019
2916. Isolation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains from Macedonian “Tikveš” wine-growing region and their impact on the organoleptic characteristics of Vranec and Cabernet Sauvignon wines 2019
2917. Monolithic lithium-disilicate glass-ceramic restorations2019
2918. Incidence of pterygium in Eastern Macedonia for 20182019
2919. Relationship grandparents-grandchildren in literature for children 2019
2920. Role of crowdfunding platforms in rural tourism development2019
2921. Perspectives of the shadow banking in the global financial architecture - review of the case with China2019
2922. What makes and breaks foreign language learner communication: An interlanguage study of complaints2019
2923. Review—Quantification of Hydrogen Peroxide by Electrochemical Methods and Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy2019
2924. Elevation of Village Settlements by Municipalities in the River Basin of CrnaReka and Their Importance for Development of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2019
2925. Multiparameter Analysis for Efficiency Improvement of Single-Phase Capacitor Motor2019
2926. Сметководствените информации – квалитетна алатка за ефективен перфоманс на претпријатијата2019
2927. Protein‐film Voltammetry of Two‐step Electrode Enzymatic Reactions Coupled with an Irreversible Chemical Reaction of a Final Product‐a Theoretical Study in Square‐wave Voltammetry2019
2928. Analysis of students’ outcomes for the subject mathematics at university level2019
2929. Visceral leishmaniasis in a patient with aortic coronary bypass transplant and hepatitis case report2019
2930. Risk assessment resulting from radionuclides in soils of the Republic of Macedonia 2019
2931. Mineralogy and weathering of realgar-rich tailings at a former As-Sb-Cr mine at Lojane, North Macedonia2019
2932. Fast Analysis of Total Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activity in Wines and Oenological Tannins Using a Flow Injection System with Tandem Diode Array and Electrochemical Detections2019
2933. Osmanlı Divan Şiirine ve Şairlerine Genel Bir Bakış2019
2934. The value of social media as digital tool in hospitality2019
2935. Digitalisation in the hospitality industry - trends that might shape the next stay of guests2019
2936. The concept of beauty and love on the examples of poetry.2019
2937. Проценка на ефективноста на две предоперативни рехабилитациски програми при дискус хернија2019
2938. Tradition as the identity of the living of the Turkish woman2019
2939. The importance of the diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection on the tuberculosis control2019
2940. Quality management system applications in the hotel industry in Macedonia2019
2941. Application of methods and techniques for free production in a company for manufacture of bread and bakery products2019
2942. Assesment of effectivenes between two preoperative rehabilitation prorams for herniated disc 2019
2943. Activities of the medical nurses in the KARIL department 2019
2944. Human brucellosis in Republic of Macedonia in the period 2008 – 2017 2019
2945. The role of the nurse in medical care and treatment of he patients at the intensive treatment department 2019
2946. The impact on the development of the tapped furniture on the design and the materials of the modern furniture2019
2947. Specifications of eco-materials and their influence in the design of modern furniture2019
2948. Water vapour permeability as a factor of the thermophysiological comfort of knitted fabrics2019
2949. Карактеризација и евалуација на наночестички со PLGA за контролирана испорака на лекови2019
2950. Electronegative low-density lipoproteins as a cause of secondary cardiovascular diseases in chronically ill patients – a method for identification and monitoring2019
2951. Растителните симболи во книжевноста за деца на Видое Подгорец2019
2952. Factors Affecting Indoor Radon Variations: A Case Study in Schools of Eastern Macedonia 2019
2953. Preposition for new classification of oral mucosal changes2019
2954. Case report: Acupuncture treatment in male patient with primary hypothyroidism2019
2955. Behaviour of biopolishing on dyeability and certain properties of cotton fabrics2019
2956. Анализа на механизмот на дејство и антимикробната активност на одредени антисептици и дезинфициенси врз bacillus spp., acinetobacter spp., klebsiella spp., serratia marcescens и candida spp. како едни од најчестите предизвикувачи на интрахоспиталните инфекции2019
2957. Anticancer monoclonal antibodies and their radioimmunoconjugates - gateway to the more successful therapy2019
2958. Research studies comparing the effectiveness of explicit and implicit grammar instruction2019
2959. The Effects of Explicit Supplemental Instruction on Students' Language Competence 2019
2960. Стратегии за читање пред, за време и после читањето2019
2961. Inter-phase control of defects and reasons for their occurrence in the process of sewing women's trousers2019
2962. Review of the Anticancer and Cytotoxic Activity of some Species from Genus Euphorbia2019
2963. Vibrational Spectroscopy as a Tool for Examination to the Secondary Structure of Metal-labeled Trastuzumab Immunoconjugates2019
2964. Polyphenolic Characterization of Vranec, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes and Wines from the Black River Basin in R. Macedonia2019
2965. Contemporary Formulations for Drug Delivery of Anticancer Bioactive Compounds2019
2966. Phraseological Optimum in Teaching Foreign Languages2019
2967. Explicit instruction as a tool for improving language competence 2019
2968. Vitamin E supplementation in chronically hemodialyzed patients - influence on blood hemoglobin and plasma (anti)oxidant status.2019
2969. The Puigdemont Case: The European Arrest Warrant and Mutual Trust at Risks2019
2970. The impact of the border regions and procedures in the business in Macedonia 2019
2971. Instutional assumptions for the development of tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2019
2972. Regional historical – geographical overview of tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2019
2973. Terms of development of tourism in the Vardar region of the Republic of Macedonia2019
2974. New Framework For Job Creation: Circular Economy Activities 2019
2975. Circular Economy: Potential and Challenges2019
2976. Application of ground goji berry fruits in Macedonian bacon-folk sausage 2019
2977. Acupuncture and Yunnan Baiyao Treatment for Uterine Myoma2019
2978. New Aspects of Protein-film Voltammetry of Redox Enzymes Coupled to Follow-up Reversible Chemical Reaction in Square-wave Voltammetry2019
2979. Fluid Inclusions at the Plavica Au-Ag-Cu Telescoped Porphyry–Epithermal System, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)2019
2980. Strategy for market segmentation and differentiation: contemporary marketing practice2019
2981. Review of global menace of road traffic accidents with special reference to Macedonia - a economic and health perspective2019
2982. Financial technology companies as a positive disruptor for the hospitality industry2019
2983. Directional short-time Fourier transform and quasiasymptotics of distributions 2019
2984. Extension of Some Results of Inequality Relations Involving Multivalent Functions 2019
2985. Educational technology, threat or benefit to teachers 2019
2986. Застапеноста на вештината зборување во учебниците по германски јазик 2019
2987. Algorithms for genomic similarity search: a review2019
2988. Applying hash to zip DNA data2019
2989. Die emotional-wertende Lexik und die "Gewaltlexeme" im Deutschen2019
2990. Logistic strategy for solving traffic problems in the cities - urban (city)logistics 2019
2991. System architecture to bring smart personal protective equipment wearables and sensors to transform safety at work in the underground mining industry2019
2992. Generational differences in achieving work-life balance2019
2993. Tourists’ perception: the case of Ohrid, Macedonia2019
2994. Prospective sustainable production of safe food for growing population based on the soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) crops under Cd soil contamination stress2019
2995. Sjenica, a newly identified radon priority area in Serbia, and radon data correlated with geological parameters using the multiple linear regression model2019
2996. Strategic Management And Level Of Company’s Export Competitiveness Under Economic Uncertainty 2019
2997. The Role of Strategic Management In SMEs International Business Up-Grading 2019
2998. Egypt Currency Crisis: Analysis of the Causes2019
2999. Removal of Zinc Ions from Acid Aqueous Solutions and Acid Mine Drainage Using Zeolite-Bearing Tuff2019
3000. Impact of regulation on advertising and promotion of traditional herbal medicines and food supplements2018
3001. Пристап до бесплатна правна помош во Република Македонија2018
3002. Impact of regulation on advertising and promotion of traditional herbal medicines and food supplements2018
3003. Impact of regulation on advertising and promotion of traditional herbal medicines and food supplements2018
3004. Computer aided (filament winding) tape placement for elbows. Practically orientated algorithm2018
3005. Хируршки третман на пролиферативна дијабетична ретинопатија: функционален и анатомски исход после витректомија2018
3006. Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Used for Typing of Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamases- Producing Escherichia coli Isolated from Infant ҆S Respiratory and Digestive System2018
3007. Evaluation of analgesia, sedaton and agitation in intensive care unit2018
3008. Postoperative complications in patients undergoing thyroid surgery2018
3009. Humanitarian intervention as a question of sovereignty vs. responsibility to protect2018
3010. Consumer’s attitudes towards surgical castration of pigs in three Western Balkan countries2018
3011. Monitoring udder health and milk hygiene on-farm using quick screening methods2018
3012. TIMP3 Promoter Methylation Represents an Epigenetic Marker of BRCA1ness Breast Cancer Tumours.2018
3013. Treatment of a Patient with Merkel Cell Skin Carcinoma Using Radiation Therapy - A Case Report.2018
3014. Културниот и етничкиот идентитет на егејските Македонци врз примери од македонскиот роман2018
3015. Antibacterial activities of rosemary essential oils and their components against pathogenic bacteria2018
3016. End-userApplication for Early Forest Fire Detection and Prevention2018
3017. Standard Interfaces and Protocols at Sensor Network and Cloud Level Definition2018
3018. Challenges and perspectives of intercultural education in Macedonia2018
3019. Научната фантастика на Александар Белјаев2018
3020. Пристап до бесплатна правна помош во Република Македонија2018
3021. Can breast cancer metastasize to an unusual organ? : case report and review2018
3022. Mature teratoma of the fallopian tube2018
3023. Conditions and perspectives of the life insurance in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3024. Application of Taguchi method in production of samples predicting properties of polymer composites2018
3025. Protection of minority rights - a pillar of democratic society2018
3026. Алтернативни решенија за третман на парцијална беззабост - флексибилни протези2018
3027. A cross-cultural study of complaint strategies by Macedonian and American high-school students2018
3028. Classification of Small Sets of Images with Pre-trained Neural Networks2018
3029. An Alternative Decomposition of Catalan Number2018
3030. Tourist valorization of Skopje Old Bazaar2018
3031. The one world perspective - chronological overview of the development of Alexander’s Oikumene2018
3032. Treatment of a Patient with Merkel Cell Skin Carcinoma Using Radiation Therapy.2018
3033. Tuberculosis in the Prisons in the Republic of Macedonia, 2008-20172018
3034. Evaluation of the Directly Observed Treatment’s Acceptance by Tuberculosis Patients in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3035. Latent Tuberculosis Infection - Diagnosis and Treatment2018
3036. Practical Approach to Lung Health – Experience from the Republic of Macedonia2018
3037. Идентитет, наука и политика: идеите за етногенеза во македонската медиевистика 1944 – 1991. I. Развој на идеите за етногенезата од 1949 до 1970-те години2018
3038. US diagnosis of acute appendicitis2018
3039. Appearance of Krukenberg tumor from gastric carcinoma, ultrasound and computed tomography evaluation2018
3040. Signal Processing and Analysing Big Mass Data Using LabView2018
3041. Modelling of DC/DC Boost Converter in Visual Programing Environments2018
3042. Teacher’s intercultural competence – new professional identity 2018
3043. Cardiac autotransplantation and ex vivo surgical repair of giant left atrium: a case presentation2018
3044. Atypical Localizations of Hydatid Disease: US and CT Evaluation2018
3045. Comparative Analysis of the Access to the Right to Asylum in the Republic of Macedonia and other Countries of the s.c. “Balkan Route”2018
3046. Between promise and delivery – fundamental rights in the EU 2018
3047. Culture and cultural differences in the world2018
3048. Economic diplomacy in the function of economic interests of Bosnia and Herzegovina2018
3049. AI and its role in preserving cultural heritage- transforming the citys urban memory2018
3050. Using Constrained Multi-Optimization in Design of Composite for Filament Wound High Pressure Vessels2018
3051. Algorithmic approach to geometric solution of generalized Paden–Kahan subproblem and its extension2018
3052. Service quality model for restaurants2018
3053. Service Quality in Restaurants: Customers’ Expectation and Customers’ Perception2018
3054. Лечебна е моќта на Блажевата блажена поезија (личен обид да се прочита поезијата на Блаже Конески)2018
3055. The effect of levothyroxine treatment on left ventricular function in subclinical hypothyroidism2018
3056. Случувањата во Либија по падот на Гадафи2018
3057. Војната во Јемен2018
3058. Историја на конфликтите во Сирија2018
3059. Историја на конфликтите во Северна Кореја2018
3060. Историја на конфликтите во Авганистан2018
3061. Историја на конфликтите во Ирак2018
3062. Стихови од камерната сцена на животот(Краток осврт кон стихозбирката „Трнот е во надежта“ на Тања Кармзова Костиглиола)2018
3063. Послание од Небрегово. За едно патување до утробата на нашето битисување и назад2018
3064. Стожерната мисла на родољубивиот триптихон(Кон книгата „Триптих за Македонија“ на Раде Силјан)2018
3065. Метафорите во сликарскиот дискурс на Ниче Василев2018
3066. Турунџула Каравлашки– автохтон епски јунак во народната песна од Струмица и Струмичко (Осврт кон книгата „Турунџула Каравлашки“ македонски епски народни песни од Струмица и Струмичко од Иван Котев, Струмица, 2018)2018
3067. Последните воздишки на поетот (Осврт кон стихозбирката „Скршнување“ од Иван Василевски)2018
3068. Шаманистички претстави за задгробното патување на херојот во сказните (Врз примери од македонскиот и српскиот сказничен фолклор)2018
3069. Усвојувањето на перфектот во IX одделение во Штипско2018
3070. New Media Content - Meme2018
3071. Ученичкиот колектив како интеракциска средина2018
3072. Доживотното учење во одбранбениот сектор на Република Македонија2018
3073. Improved technical characteristics of the MI-8/17 in the Army of FYR Macedonia2018
3074. Нешто за удвојувањето на индиректниот предмет кај учениците од IX одделение – припадници на турската заедница со наставен македонски јазик2018
3075. Determination of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Copper and Zinc in Drinking Water from R. Macedonia2018
3076. Reducing of process model uncertainty towards smart machining systems2018
3077. Problem 11927: Proximity of Other Centers to the Circumcenter2018
3078. Прагматичката компетенција видена низ очите на наставниците на странски јазици2018
3079. Teaching English in a Multicultural Classroom2018
3080. Using literature texts in teaching English as a foreign language2018
3081. Status and challenges on defense reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina for Nato integration2018
3082. The Republic of Macedonia and the migrant crisis: history and perspectives2018
3083. Long and permanent standing of the teachers is one of the factors for the appearance of varicose veins on the lower limbs2018
3084. Teacher Education in F.Y.R.O.Macedonia 2018
3085. Social media: new tool for promoting hospitality facilities in the tourist destination2018
3086. Social media: new tool for promoting hospitality facilities in the tourist destination2018
3087. Образование и практика:Нови истражувања за унапредување на воспитно-образовната практика2018
3088. Развојот на културата под влијание на комуникациските медиуми2018
3089. Modeling of perspective concepts in education - planning and management -2018
3090. Formalnoto obrazovanie i profesionalnoto rabotenje2018
3091. Продор на современиот концепт за сурогатство низ државната легислатива2018
3092. Еволуцијата на казненото право низ призмата на историските рамки2018
3093. Боите на криминалот2018
3094. Експликација во преводот од македонски на германски јазик2018
3095. Блаже Конески – „Земјата и љубовта“ (1948) – за колективниот менталитет и националното себесознание 2018
3096. Makedonya Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatı Yazar ve Şairlerinden Sabit Yusuf Ve “Bahar Kız’ın Serüvenleri” Adlı Hikâye Kitabı Üzerine2018
3097. Makedonya Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatı Yazar ve Şairlerinden Sabit Yusuf Ve “Bahar Kız’ın Serüvenleri” Adlı Hikâye Kitabı Üzerine2018
3098. A Safe Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Relation to Preoperative Parameters: Our Experience2018
3099. Utilization of Laparoscopic Appendectomy – A Three-year Experience2018
3100. Labour market and Labour relations ;the case od Macedonia2018
3101. UN goal: Sustainable Tourism as a key contributor for sustainable development in developing countries 2018
3102. Процена на ризикот од тероризам и неговите компоненти2018
3103. Лидери на новото време2018
3104. Најмладите жртви на милитантната идеологија 2018
3105. Разузнавачката заедница во креирање на националната безбедносна и надворешна политика 2018
3106. Кој ќе биде новиот лидер на глобалниот џихад? 30 години од основањето на Ал Каеда2018
3107. Tourism as a composition of economic sciences and the economic process2018
3108. Türkçe Dil Bilgisi Öğretiminde Türkçe Atasözlerinin Kullanılması2018
3109. Fixed combinations in the treatment of glaucoma2018
3110. Strengthening of biotechnological education in Macedonia as an important development component2018
3111. Помеѓу демократските принципи и верската слобода2018
3112. Дали сме безбедни – 16 години по 11 септември2018
3113. Mass migration as asymmetric threat to the national security of modern democratic states2018
3114. The concept of hybrid threats 2018
3115. Artificial intelligence: benefit or risk2018
3116. Application of GIS in crisis situation – army and crisis responce 2018
3117. Analysis of center of gravity - terrorist organization „Islamic State“ 2018
3118. Militant Islamism, domestic terrorism and Macedonian national security2018
3119. Yeald and chemical composition of beet (Beta vulgaris ssp.esculenta L.) grown using microbial fertilizers 2018
3120. Анализа на директните говорни чинови во македонскиот јазик2018
3121. Makedonya’da Dünden Bugüne Türkçe Eğitim ve Öğretimi2018
3122. Virtual microscopy as a learning method in part time medical education 2018
3123. Yeald and chemical composition of beet (Beta vulgaris ssp.esculenta L.) grown using microbial fertilizers 2018
3124. Increasing water solubility, the prerequsite for improvement of bioavailability2018
3125. Formulation and characterization of niosomes as potential nanocarriers for drug delivery2018
3126. The influence of the microbiological fertilizer – Slavol on cauliflower growth 2018
3127. Царство, етницитет, наследства, интерпретации: Самoиловото царство меѓу националните митови и научните контроверзии2018
3128. „Склавинија“ кај Теофилакт Симоката2018
3129. Можност за примена на подземна гасификација на јаглен на наоѓалиштето Живојно2018
3130. Level of seasonality in Macedonian tourism and strategies and policies for coping with it2018
3131. Visitors animation programming in the eastern region of the Republic of Macedonia2018
3132. Улогата на ензимскиот цитохром P450 ензимски систем во интеракциите на некои позначајни лекови кои делуваат на централниот нервен систем со пушењето 2018
3133. The influence of different starter cultures on cheese yield and mass loss during ripening period of white brined cheese 2018
3134. Clinical evaluation and management of acute corrosive poisoning in adult patients - A ten year experience2018
3135. Wild Mushrooms: An Exclusive Delicacy or Last Meal2018
3136. Acute corrosive poisonings - Frequent cause for fatal outcome2018
3137. Role and task of the patronage nurse and work with pregnant women before and after giving birth2018
3138. Care and role of the nurse for children, elder people and persons with special needs in municipality of Radovis2018
3139. Care and treatment of neonatal jolt in new born children2018
3140. The role of the patronage nurse and establishment of communication with patients after spontaneous delivery of phiclinic for gynecology and obstetrics-Skopje for the period 2016-20182018
3141. The role of patronage nurse in education, care and treatment of woman after giving birth2018
3142. Treatment of diabetes, education on the complications from the disease and importance of the hygiene-dythetic regime2018
3143. Control of infection from nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis 2018
3144. The movement of the Turkish literature2018
3145. The road of the development of the Turkish literature in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3146. Poetic creation of Ilhami Emin published in Macedonian language2018
3147. Творештвото на турските поетеси во Република Македонија2018
3148. The doyen of Turkish literature in Republic of Macedonia Ilhami Emin2018
3149. The development of the contemporary Turkish literature in Macedonia2018
3150. Nâmik Kemâl’İn Hayati Sanati ve Eserleri Üzerine2018
3151. Квалитативни и квантитативни карактеристики на глините од наоѓалиштето Кокошиње (Република Македонија)2018
3152. Физичко-механички и минералошко-петрографски карактеристки на базалтите од локалитетот Камено брдо, Источна Македонија2018
3153. One implementation of mathematical morphology in medical (ecg) application2018
3154. Analysis of the distribution of occlusal vertical stress in cantilever dental bridges - method of finite elements2018
3155. Influence of the source square size on the accuracy of numerical simulation of wave propagation in half space2018
3156. Result on Colombeau product of generalized functions containing delta distribution2018
3157. Notion For Connectedness and Path Connectedness in Some Type of Topological Spaces 2018
3158. Use of cold-pressed olive oil for improvement the quality of Kranj sausages Vladimir Kuzmanovski*, Aco Kuzelov1, Elena Joshevska22018
3159. European model of regulating the media2018
3160. Заштита на приватноста во медиумите (право на приватност)2018
3161. Договорот од Преспа помеѓу Република Македонија и Република Грција низ призмата на меѓународното право 2018
3162. Екстрадиција на државјани на Европската унија во трети држави: Анализа на случајот Петрухин2018
3163. Судскиот активизам во рамки на Судот на правдата на Европската унија: корисна критика или преценет концепт2018
3164. Придонесот на здравствената економија врз здравјето на популацијата 2018
3165. Придонесот на здравствената економија врз здравјето на популацијата 2018
3166. Реформите во Меѓународниот монетарен фонд за побрз економски развој во земјите во развој 2018
3167. Industrial relations, political democracy and market economy2018
3168. Diagnosticing of styles of managing in conflict situations 2018
3169. Reforming the European Union Judicial System: Simplicity or Complexity2018
3170. Правниот и фактички контекст во постапката за претходно одлучување пред Судот на правдата на Европската унија - Анализа на случајот Огњанов2018
3171. Европски јавен обвинител: Анализа на членовите 85 и 86 од Договорот за функционирање на Европската унија2018
3172. Прекуграничната соработка на Европската унија во размената и процесуирањето на е-докази: студии на случаи2018
3173. The preliminary ruling procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Common Foreign and Security Policy2018
3174. Prevalence of first permanent molar caries among children at age 12 in Republic of Macedonia 2018
3175. Salivary fluoride concentration during orthodontic treatment using two types of adhesives2018
3176. DMFT evaluation of first permanent molars among 12 year old children in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3177. Економско влијание на фармакогенетските тестирања врз фармакотерапискиот пристап2018
3178. Дизајн на студија на стабилност на радиофармацевтски препарати2018
3179. Socia media marketing as a complementary activity within the marketing strategy 2018
3180. Economy and business: relations, conflicts and activities2018
3181. Synthesis of the new institutional economy: review of some visions of Daglas North creation2018
3182. Редукција на ДМФТ индексот после имплементација на „Национална стратегија за превенција на орални заболувања кај деца од 0-14 години на Република Македонија за периодот 2008 - 2018 година”2018
3183. Automated medical data analyses of diseases using big data2018
3185. Spect and pet radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis of infectious and inflammatory foci2018
3186. Contemporary entrepreneurial approaches for the needs of the labor market - a review of experiential knowledge in Macedonia and several European countries2018
3187. Phenomenology of child delinquency in Macedonia in the period from 2006 to 20162018
3188. Стилот на преводот на драмата на а. П. Чехов „Вишновата градина“ од Марија Најчевска-Сидоровска2018
3189. Foreign direct investments and effects in development countries2018
3190. Yeald and chemical composition of beet (Beta vulgaris ssp.esculenta L.) grown using microbial fertilizers 2018
3191. Rehabilitation and kinesiotherapeutic treatment during surgery for humerus fracture with pseudoarthrosis-a case report2018
3192. Rehabilitation and kinesiotherapeutic treatment during surgery for humerus fracture with pseudoarthrosis-a case report2018
3193. Anatomical variations of accessory foramina transversaria in cervical vertebrae 2018
3194. Семиотиката на „Прашките гробишта“ од Умберто Еко2018
3195. Право на еднаков пристап пред суд-The Right to Equal Access to Justice2018
3196. Differences in leisure-time activities among students from four different countries2018
3197. Computer games and the development of mathematical concept2018
3198. School Pedagogist – The Creator and the Core of the Professional Educational Development in the School2018
3199. The role of communication management in sports with special emphasis on handball2018
3200. Поезијата во романите на Венко Андоновски2018
3201. Гудвил-видови, пристапи и методи за вреднување2018
3202. Хидрохемиски карактеристики на подземните и површинските води од рудното наоѓалиште „Луке“ – Крива Паланка2018
3203. Образование и практика:Нови истражувања за унапредување на воспитно-образовната практика2018
3204. Развојот на културата под влијание на комуникациските медиуми2018
3205. Influence of olive oil on the fatty acids composition of coarse chopped boiled sausages2018
3206. Influence of the seed size and variety on the seedling vigour and germinability in three varieties of soft wheat seed2018
3207. Елементите на традицијата и менталитетот во расказот „Старите дни“ од Бора Станковиќ2018
3208. Crystal Structure of the Double Homeodomain of DUX4 in Complex with DNA2018
3209. Low level DUX4 expression disrupts myogenesis through deregulation of myogenic gene expression2018
3210. Comment on structural basis of DUX4/IGH-driven transactivation2018
3211. Идно време во турскиот и во македонскиот јазик2018
3212. The excentral triangle and a curious application to inequalities2018
3213. Problem proposal 120422018
3214. Aufgabe 13742018
3215. Усвојување на трет јазик (Ј3)2018
3216. Креирање на активности со структуриран инпут во рамките на поучувањето граматика со обработка на инпут2018
3217. Многујазичен наставник 2018
3218. Protein profile of some genotypes of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) in the Strumica region, Republic of Macedonia 2018
3219. Examination of some quality features of oats grown in conditions of organic production 2018
3220. Ставовите и мислењата на студентите од одделенска настава на Факултетот за образовни науки за својата оспособеност за реализирање на наставата по Природни науки2018
3221. Mineralogical characterisation of titanite from Alinci, Republic of Macedonia2018
3222. Улогата на емпириските истражувања за развивање прагматичка компетенција кај изучувачите на странски јазици2018
3223. Начелото на законитост – нужен коректив против арбитрерноста на државните органи во кривичната постапка2018
3224. Правните аспекти на референдумот за т.н. Преспански договор меѓу Република Грција и „втората страна“ (case study)2018
3225. „Другата Марта“ од Горјан Петревски - ода на љубовта2018
3227. Mineralogical and chemical characterization of vivianite occurrence in sediments of the Pelagonia basin, Republic of Macedonia2018
3228. Mineralogical and chemical characterization of vivianite occurrence in sediments of the Pelagonia basin, Republic of Macedonia2018
3229. Менаџментот и одлучувањето 2018
3230. Воспоставување на преводна еквивалентност меѓу специфичните граматички феномени во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик2018
3231. Директор и работниот однос2018
3232. Античката патната комуникација Астибо - Визанум2018
3233. Cultural implications in the process of translation2018
3234. Културолошки импликации во изучувањето на деловен англиски како странски јазик и неговата културолошки импликации во изучувањето2018
3235. Attitudes to poetry in the antiquity and to dramatic poetry in Renaissance England2018
3236. Some common traits shared by English renaissance revenge tragedies2018
3238. ‘The Rose Sultana of the Nightingale’: Oriental Images, Characters and Setting in Byron's "The Giaour"2018
3239. The Endurance of the Gothic: The Romantics’Contribution to the Vampire Myth2018
3240. The Influence of learning and knowledge on the decision to choose life insurance 2018
3241. Compensation of damage in case of professional liability in legal professions under the law of the Republic of Macedonia2018
3242. Омбудсманот и правата на детето во Република Македонија2018
3243. Односот меѓу трудовото и социјалното право со осврт на предизвиците на социјалното право во Република Македонија2018
3244. Investigation of instrumental and integrative motivation of learning second/foreign language in Macedonia 2018
3245. Меѓународното право за животна средина во светот на глобализацијата2018
3246. Влијанието на културолошките особености врз процесот на преведување2018
3247. Мотивацијата како клучен фактор за изучување на германскиот јазик кај учениците од средно гимназиско образование 2018
3248. Местото и улогата на вештината зборување низ наставните методи2018
3249. Интерпретативната теорија во рамките на современите преведувачки теории2018
3250. Начелото на законитост – нужен коректив против, арбитрерноста на државните органи во кривичната постапка2018
3251. Реконструкција на бомбашкиот атентат во Штип од 1911 година 2018
3252. Нов предизвик во токсикологијата: нанотоксикологија2018
3253. A case report of intraoperatively diagnosed holangiocarcinoma after unsuccessful conservative treatment of ERCP complicated with hemorrhage2018
3254. Efficacy of intraperitoneal bupivacaine on pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomy2018
3255. The Effect of Rectus Sheath Block as a Supplement of General Anesthesia on Postoperative Analgesia in Adult Patient Undergoing Umbilical Hernia Repair2018
3256. Механизам на дејство и карактеристики на одредени антисептици и дезинфициенси во корелација со нивната активност врз селектирани микроорганизми2018
3257. Културноспецифични феномени во интерлингвалната комуникација (германски-македонски, македонски-германски)2018
3258. Карактеризација на препарати со хијалуронска киселина и нивна примена за козметички и медицински цели2018
3259. Defining objectives and measures for quality assurance at university2018
3260. Research on project management barriers in Western Balkan region2018
3261. Formularni elektronski ugovori-Formulary Electronic Contracts2018
3262. The traditional architecture in the region of Kichevo from the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century2018
3263. Култура на читање на ликовните дела2018
3264. Sommelier education and certification: the case of Macedonia2018
3265. Comparative analysis of wine tourism in Macedonia and Bulgaria2018
3266. Models for the Lorenz system2018
3267. Dynamical analysis of one two-dimensional map2018
3268. Antioxidant Properties of Synthesized Bicyclic Thiazolopyrimidine Derivatives as Possible Therapeutic Agents2018
3269. Soil metal pollution related to active Buchim copper mine, R. Macedonia2018
3270. Конзерваторско реставраторски работи на подот во малата црква на археолошкиот локалитет Баргала село Горен Козјак2018
3271. Конзерваторско реставраторски работи на подот во малата црква на археолошкиот локалитет Баргала село Горен Козјак2018
3272. Археолошките истражувања на локалитетот Киселичка Пештера, с.Киселица, Делчево2018
3273. Stock Movement Prediction Based on Social Media Sentiment Analysis2018
3274. Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring as a Basis for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) – Review of Methodologies and Devices2018
3275. Квалитетно менаџирање на организациско однесување во организацијата2018
3276. Financial management and control of the agrobusiness2018
3277. Orpiment mineralizations in tuffaceous dolomites in Allchar deposit-SEM_EDS investigations2018
3278. Еколошката жешка точка – депонија за индустриски отпад „ХИВ-Велес“ минералошки, геохемиски и радиохемиски истражувања2018
3279. The Law on Electronic Commerce - Ten years later 2018
3280. The role and significance of the State Attorney's Office in the justice system of the Republic of Macedonia2018
3281. Extradition of European Union nationals to third states: analyzing the Petruhhin case2018
3282. Улогата и значењето на Јавното правобранителство во правосудниот систем на Република Македонија (II) - The Role and Significance of the State`s Attorney Office in the Judicial System of the Republic of Macedonia (II)2018
3283. The court expert as a means of evidence in the litigation proceedings2018
3284. Доајенот на турската книжевност во Македонија–Илхами Емин2018
3285. Видови реченици во турскиот јазик и нивните еквиваленти во македонскиот јазик2018
3286. Граматичката категорија падеж во турскиот јазик и негово предавање во македонскиот јазик 2018
3287. Раскази на Етгар Керет на македонски јазик2018
3288. Cost accounting in function of quality management 2018
3289. The determining factors of the brain drain in the Republic of Macedonia and its effects on the economy of the country 2018
3290. Brand and Branding as Important Management Priorities2018
3291. The determining factors of the brain drain in the Republic of Macedonia and its effects on the economy of the country 2018
3292. Логистика и стратегии при производство на украсен камен2018
3293. Risk factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders in dentistry2018
3294. Dental care for children with autism2018
3295. Acupuncture treatment in patient with infertility2018
3296. Развојните фази на средновековната италијанска поезија2018
3297. Ризици и опасности од елементарни непогоди кај објектите и местата прогласени за културно наследство на територијата на Источниот регион2018
3298. Културната историја на градот Штип од антиката до доаѓањето на османлиите2018
3299. Душата и телото како белег на менталитетот (Категориите душа и тело во расказот „Жената на покојникот“ од Бора Станковиќ) 2018
3300. „Хераклеа Линкестис“ од Вања Лазарова или: за древноста, стаменоста, човечноста и бесконечноста2018
3301. Alternative forms for development of tourism in the municipality of Berovo2018
3302. Evaluation of teaching language and literature in higher education2018
3303. Улогата на англискиот јазик (Ј2) при усвојување на шпанскиот јазик (Ј3) од страна на македонски студенти2018
3304. The significance of Skopje´s palaces in the formation of the city´s urban development from the beginning of the of the 20th century2018
3305. Wood carving - traditional art embedded in the historic objects2018
3306. Усвојување на шпанскиот јазик како трет јазик кај македонските студенти2018
3307. Теоретски претпоставки на директното и индиректното изразување2018
3308. Le développement et la dégradation d'un personnage de Proust: le baron de Charlus2018
3309. Gastronomy as Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Function of Rural Tourism Development2018
3310. Улогата и значењето на Државното правобранителство во правосудниот систем на Република Македонија (I)2018
3311. Prospects and Constraints of the SMEs Sector from the East-Planning Region in the Republic of Macedonia: A SWOT Analysis Survey of the Entrepreneurial Environment2018
3312. Application of management plans in underground mines with emphasis to ventilation2018
3313. Активен третман на руднички води2018
3314. Гравиметриски истражувања на наоѓалишта на нафта и јаглен2018
3315. Analysing the work of one of the most eminent modelers who worked during the First half of the XXth century – Jacques Dusse, Paul Poiret, Madeleine Vionnet, Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo and Jeanne Paquin 2018
3316. Истражување на плитки подземни води со геоелектрично картирање2018
3317. Determination of the indicators for ore recovery and ore dilution with laboratory research2018
3318. Dilemmas of multiculturalism 2018
3319. Modeling of perspective concepts in education - planning and management -2018
3320. Ethical dimensions of teaching in interacting relations teacher –student2018
3321. From mass media and culture to mass society2018
3322. Textile applied element in the interior 2018
3323. Early Forms of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia: Ottoman Period, Bitola and Skopje Vilayet2018
3324. The role and significance of the State’s Attorney Office in the judicial system of the Republic of Macedonia (II)2018
3325. Analyses of the trade relations between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece2018
3326. Анализа на трговските релации меѓу Европската Унија и Кина2018
3327. Шпедитерските документи низ призмата на македонската судска практика2018
3328. The role and significance of the State Attorney's Office in the justice system of the Republic of Macedonia (I)2018
3329. The role and significance of the State's Attorney Office in the judicial system of the Republic of Macedonia(II) 2018
3330. Италијанската лауда во XIII век: „Дамата од Рајот“ или „Плачот на Богородица“2018
3331. Presence of Scandinavian design elements in chair manufacturing in Macedonia2018
3332. The influence of eco-materials on furniture and interior production in Macedonia2018
3333. Comparative analyses of antique furniture with regard to the Scandinavian design2018
3334. The role of active employment policies and the economic effects on the unemployment of young people in Macedonia2018
3335. The impact and the role of the small and medium enterprises on the employment in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3336. Acupuncture Treatment in Patient with Uterine Polyp 2018
3337. Other Tax Models That Alleviate the Burden on Equity Financed Investments: Analysis of the Full Integration Tax System, the Dividend Exemption Tax System and the Flat Tax Rate System2018
3338. Energy characteristics of some epicentral areas in the Vardar zone2018
3339. How to reinforce the social prevention2018
3340. Sources of the power and the authority of managers2018
3341. Експлицирање на имплицитните искази во преводот од германски јазик на македонски јазик2018
3342. Лексичка еквивалентност меѓу германскиот и македонскиот јазик согледана преку преводот на новелата „Смрт во Венеција“ од Томас Ман2018
3343. Supergene mineralogy of the Lojane Sb-As-Cr deposit, Republic of Macedonia: tracing the mobilization of toxic metals2018
3344. National Payment Systems Development in Balkan Countries2018
3345. The Role of the Central Bank in the National Payment System: Evidence for Macedonia2018
3346. Digital Innovations In The World Of Finance2018
3347. Fixing genomic data decompression errors2018
3348. Културолошки импликации во изучувањето на деловен англиски како странски јазик и неговата употреба како лингва франка2018
3349. Case report – Acupuncture treatment in patient with osteopenia and MEN12018
3350. Sexual abuse of children and their protection2018
3351. Demographic profile of tourists (guests), key factor for the hotel records: the case of Gevgelija, Republic of Macedonia2018
3352. Defining the timesharing hotel industry2018
3353. Analysis of the possibility of developing the timesharing hotel industry in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3354. Македонија и Македонците во извештаите на британската разузнавачка служба, 1942 – 1945 година 2018
3355. Theoretical Contribution Towards Understanding Specific Behaviour of “Simple” Protein‐film Reactions in Square‐wave Voltammetry2018
3356. Time-Independent Methodology to Access Michaelis-Menten Constant by Exploring Electrochemical-Catalytic Mechanism in Protein-Film Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry2018
3357. Принципот на целосна хармонизација во европското договорно право2018
3358. Building Capacities for Preventing Corruption in Higher Education in Macedonia2018
3359. Општествената / правната одговорност и вештачката интелигенција2018
3360. Улогата на вештачката интелигенција во остварувањето на социјалните права2018
3361. Why Academics Choose to Publish in a Mega-Journal2018
3362. Alternative financing sources supporting SMEs growth2018
3363. Примена на финансиската анализа во оценка на кредитната способност на компаниите2018
3364. Управување со готовинските текови на компанијата2018
3365. Улогата на сметководствениот информационен систем во работењето на претпријатието2018
3366. Türk Dünyası Edebiyatçılar Ansiklopedisi’nde Makedonyalı Yazar ve Şairler2018
3367. Заштита на приватноста и личните податоци од страна на трговците кај електронската трговија – Protection of Privacy and Personal Data by Companies within Electronic Commerce2018
3368. Security Aspects of Electronic Commerce2018
3369. Effekt einer Tinnitus-Kombinationsbehandlung mit repetitiver transkranieller Magnetstimulation und psychologischer Behandlung auf den Schlaf2018
3370. The role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in oncologic patients2018
3371. Quality of the pomegranates varieties “Hicaz” and “Karamustafa” from the region of Macedonia 2018
3372. Makedonya’da Bektaşilik Tarikatinin İzleri2018
3373. Д. Блахов во Британската документација2018
3374. Зборовни класи во турскиот и во македонскиот јазик2018
3375. Osmanlı Divan Şiirinde Gazeller2018
3376. Zamirler2018
3377. Türkçe ve Makedonca Atasözlerinin Özellikleri2018
3378. Occurrence of Tetranychus urticae on sour cherry trees in Southeastern of Macedonia 2018
3379. Management with the Quality Control System in the Hotel Industry in Macedonia2018
3380. The effect of pruning on fruiting capacity of Michele Palieri table grape variety growing in Tikves vineyard 2018
3381. The Role of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Fluids in the Formation of the Sasa Pb-Zn-Ag Skarn Deposit, Republic of Macedonia2018
3382. Употреба на вештачки коски и мембрани при третман на вилични коскени дефекти2018
3383. Education influence of artistic elements and principles on the street network 2018
3384. Treatment of hypertension and complications in the Emergency Department-Delchevo2018
3385. Method for determining the Air Change Effectiveness of the auxiliary forcing ventilation system in underground mines using CFD software2018
3386. Acupuncture Treatment after Shoulder Arthroscopy after Recurrent Dislocations2018
3387. Problem proposal 102.E2018
3388. Featured solution 101.I2018
3389. Problem 101.L2018
3390. Problem 101.K2018
3391. Problem proposal 43022018
3392. Problem 42252018
3393. Problem 42122018
3394. Can Language Learners Develop Their Pragmatic Competence with Self-study Modules?2018
3395. The Influence of Tax Culture in Improving the Tax Compliance2018
3396. Tax Burden on Investment at Shareholder Level: Calculating the Effects from Double Taxation in Macedonia2018
3397. Пазарниот ризик и принос како основни теоретски фундаменти на моделот САРМ2018
3398. Impact of Tuina massage techniques in treating muscular torticollis in infants2018
3399. Role of respiratory rehabilitation in patients with lung cancer2018
3400. Улогата на патронажната сестра при откривање и едукација со семејства на деца со телесни деформации2018
3401. The task of the nurse's nursing care, treatment and evaluation in post-operative patients2018
3402. Терапевтско дејство на кинезитерапијата кај пациенти со илиотибијален синдром2018
3403. Aнализа на предностите и недостатоците на одделни стратегиски алтернативи за влегување во меѓународниот бизнис2018
3404. Согледаниот квалитет како клучна димензија на капиталот на брендот2018
3405. Местото и значењето на текстилната индустрија во националната економија на Република Македонија: учество во БДП, извозот и вработеноста2018
3406. Identification of minerals from Sivec with application of XRD method2018
3407. Flexible Partial Dentures in Children 2018
3408. Социјални детерминанти и акутен гастроентеритис во детската возраст2018
3409. The relationship between mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy with the low birth weight2018
3410. The impact of social determinants on growth and health in preschool children2018
3411. Социјално-економскиот статус и перинаталниот исход2018
3412. Simple OLG Model Explained With Numerical Example in MATLAB2018
3413. Процена на ризични фактори за кариес со користење на вкупен и редуциран Cariogram кај училишни деца на возраст од 10-12 години2018
3414. Oral hygiene behavior during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances2018
3415. Heavy metal concentrations in vegetables with growth stage and plant species variations2018
3416. Перинатален исход во контекст на социјалните детерминанти на здравјето2018
3417. Analysis of the ore recovery and ore dilution in the underground mine for lead and zinc “SASA“ - M. Kamenica2018
3418. Истражување за употребата на енергетски пијалоци и нивните ефекти врз здравјето кај студентите во Република Македонија2018
3419. Dietary Sources of Vitamin D, Vitamin D Supplementation, and Its Bio-Viability2018
3420. Selection of a supplier of thermoplastic interlining by numerical evaluation matrix2018
3421. Hydrochemical characteristics of the groundwaters in Prilep’s part of Pelagonia Valley – Republic of Macedonia2018
3422. Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies2018
3423. Анализа на финансиски извештаи-основа за ефикасно деловно одлучување2018
3424. Социјално економски аспект и третман на лица со мозочен удар2018
3425. Multidrugresistant tuberculosis-challenges, dilemmas, treatment 2018
3426. Употреба на вештачки коски и мембрани при третман на вилични коскени дефекти2018
3427. Fast determination of lactic, succinic, malic, tartaric, shikimic, and citric acids in red Vranec wines by CZE-ESI-QTOF-MS2018
3428. Embedded Microprocessory SCADA System for Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition in the Process of Purification of Gasses in Ferro-Nickel Factor2018
3429. Verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlung von Insomnie im Alter – wann und wie behandeln?2018
3430. Comparative Analysis of Legislative Requirements About Patients' Access to Biotechnological Drugs for Rare Diseases in Central and Eastern European Countries2018
3431. Symbol of bird in book of short stories "Izgubenoto carstvo" by Vidoe Podgorets2018
3432. Denture Hygiene 2018
3433. Оправданост на употребата на хербални препрати од Valeriana officinalis L., во третман на анксиозност и несоница2018
3434. Природна радиоактивност во депонии на фосфорен гипс во хемиската индустрија Велес, Република Македонија2018
3435. Персонална изложеност на суспендирани честички во урбаните центри во Македонија - колку сме изложени навистина2018
3436. Карактеризација на аеросолите во урбаните средини во Македонија – пат до решение2018
3437. Влијанието на социо-економските фактори врз појавата и прогресијата на пародоналната болест2018
3438. Elements and structure of the normal geomagnetic field in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3439. The impact and role of the Traditional Chinese Medicine on human health2018
3440. Improving the process of reading for a successful understanding of the read 2018
3441. The process of reading and the method of work with text in primary teaching2018
3442. Ivoclar porcelain system empress max, part from modern dentistry2018
3443. Methods of selection of the sample and his function in the audit of the financial report 2018
3444. Material optimization in the process of cutting the modular model of vest for special purpose2018
3445. Нутела версус Нутела, Македонија версус ФИРОМ2018
3446. Application of mathematics in music combinatorics and twelve-tone music2018
3447. Когнитивните процеси на помнење и заборавање од семантички и синтаксички аспект (македонско-полски паралели).2018
3448. Classification of small data sets of images with transfer learning in convolutional neural networks2018
3449. Исхрана и третман на трудница2018
3450. Prevalence of myopia in preschool children in Radovish2018
3451. Prevalence of hypermetropy in preschool children in Delchevo2018
3452. Control of epidemic parotitis in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3453. Comparative overview of preschool and primary school education in the Republic of Macedonia and in Austria2018
3454. Ускрснуће Гргура Турског2018
3455. La traduction des éléments culturels macédoniens et croates dans le roman Sorcière de Venko Andonovski 2018
3456. Screening of glaucoma2018
3457. Financial management and control of the agribusiness 2018
3458. Конклузивот во бугарскиот литературен јазик и во македонските дијалекти2018
3459. Пазарот на антипсихотици во Република Македонија2018
3460. One approach in definition of acceptable level of risk for slopes in hard rocks2018
3461. Пречистителна станица за обработка на исцедок за отстранување на неопасен отпад-Барје, Љубљана2018
3462. Кинезитерапија кај пациенти со фрактура на лакотен зглоб2018
3463. Characterization of some domestic and introduced varieties of cotton in the agroecological conditions of Strumica region2018
3464. Проект за собирање и третман на отпадните води во општина Гросупље2018
3465. Управување со милта од Псов, предизвик и потреба во управувањето со водите и отпадот2018
3466. Значењето на стратешко планирање и европските директиви при управувањето со подземните води2018
3467. Прекажувањето на минатите дејства во македонскиот јазик2018
3468. Формите на евиденцијалноста во македонскиот и во бугарскиот јазик низ призмата на бугарската лингвистичка традиција2018
3469. Прекажувањето на сегашните дејства во македонскиот јазик2018
3470. Граматичката евиденцијалност во наставата по македонски и по бугарски јазик како втор/странски2018
3471. Евиденцијалноста во прозниот превод на македонски и на бугарски јазик од друг словенски јазик2018
3472. What are the responsibilities of being an university teacher 2018
3473. Establishment and functionality of the system of professional development of teachers in Republic of Macedonia2018
3474. Криминолошки аспекти на убиството на дете при пораѓање вршено од страна на жена2018
3475. Бангкочките правила – lex ferenda за жената затвореник2018
3476. Criminological aspects of pink collar crime2018
3477. The role of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNMF) techniques in rehabilitation of patients with stroke2018
3478. Changes in fatty acid composition of poultry meat after heat treatment 2018
3479. Peculiarities of the horse meat aging2018
3480. Innovative management concept as possibility for development of tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3481. Parameters of organizational structure in enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia – specifics and opportunities for their optimization 2018
3482. Paleoecological significance of benthic foraminiferal fauna from the Ovče Pole basin, Republic of Macedonia 2018
3483. Implications of the educational system on the development of entrepreneurship and the innovation of enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3484. Friction mechanism of polymers and their composites2018
3485. Youth and Entrepreneurial Intentions in four South-East European Countries2018
3486. Видови на стекнување без основа2018
3487. Осигурување од одговорност на извршителот во македонското право2018
3488. Comparison of the short term effects in the decrease of the pain in the treatment of dysfunction of the cervical part 2018
3489. Treatment of muscle pain with myofascial techniques and trigger points2018
3490. Фраземите со компонента глава во македонскиот и во рускиот јазик2018
3491. Developing language competences during the acquisition of the second language.2018
3492. The role of input in the teaching of grammar in second language acquisition.2018
3493. За и против употребата на аористот од несвршените глаголи2018
3494. The Impact of Social Determinants on Perinatal Outcome2018
3495. Дубитативот во бугарскиот наспрема македонскиот јазик2018
3496. Биткоин - револуционерност на финансискиот пазар и предизвик пред монетарната економија2018
3497. Научната фантастика на Александар Белјаев - привлечен жанр за младите читатели2018
3498. Knowledge, experience, and skills to get back the children in to the nature2018
3499. Analysis and implementation of "green marketing" in the Republic of Macedonia, with special focus on promoting healthy nutrition2018
3500. Business information management system for consumers – special emphasis on the satisfaction of consumers of heat energy2018
3501. Oral health benefits of vitamin C 2018
3502. Comparison of the Allchar Au-As-Sb-Tl Deposit, Republic of Macedonia, with Carlin-Type Gold Deposits 2018
3503. Transformation of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia in the last 100 years2018
3504. Oral health assessment among elderly in long term residences 2018
3505. Ecological and aesthetic parameters of park art as a factor for street landscaping in cities2018
3506. Influence of park art on the development of modern park composition2018
3507. The Impact of the Constructive Parameters of the Bumper over the Consequences Deriving from the Process of Collision2018
3508. Cultural historical memories and objects and their nature on the economic development of rural tourism in the municipality of Berovo2018
3509. The need for a quality system in a company for bread and bakery production in Macedonia2018
3510. HbA1C test for diagnosis diabetes mellitus, experiences of Phi Gotse Delcev in Delcevo in the period from 2015 to 20172018
3511. Green solution for clean environment: The case of Skopje, Macedoniа2018
3512. On Bilinear Quasigroups of Order 2^n2018
3513. Mobile Sensor System for Detection of Toxic Gases in Mines 2018
3514. Determination of structural and photoelectric characteristics of ZnO olycrystallinе thin films AND ZnO nanorod arrays obtained by spray pyrolysis2018
3515. Simplest oblivious transfer protocol in Python 2018
3516. The need for fintech companies as non-bank financing alternatives for sme in developing economies 2018
3517. Aпории за оданочувањето на црквите и црковните даноци – примери во Р. Македонија и Р. Србија2018
3518. Acupuncture Treatment for Fertility2018
3519. Chemical properties of several red wines available on Romanian and also on the international market2018
3520. Evaluation of total phenols in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different localities in Republic of Macedonia2018
3521. Mentoring in teaching profession2018
3522. ,,Значај и функције жига у пословном и потрошачком сектору"2018
3523. Употреба индивидуалних и колективних жигова за обележавање производа и услуга према Уредби бр.207/20092018
3524. Legal norms as building blocks of legal systems2018
3525. Вршење на родителското право по разводот на брак De Lege Lata, De Lege Ferenda 2018
3526. Legal protection of the trademark rights in license agreement 2018
3527. Higher Education in Republic of Macedonia: Challenges and Perspectives 2018
3528. Ревизорскиот извештај основа за донесување на деловни одлуки од страна на стејкхолдерите 2018
3529. Current approaches in the clinical management of pregnancy-associated breast cancer-pros and cons2018
3530. Времето и часот - контрастивна анализа во македонскиот, српскиот и германскиот јазик2018
3531. Examination on yield and some yield associated parameters in different rice genotypes2018
3532. Genetic and environmental effect on the grain yield of spring barley varieties cultivated in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3533. Marketing innovation in distribution channels in Macedonian enterprises2018
3534. Transport policy crucial factor for business competitivеness: effects and consequences2018
3535. Use of non – explosive material for crashing and cutting2018
3536. Fashion in the early XXth century-analysis of fashion and fashion tendencies during the first and second decade of the XXth century2018
3537. Influence of the Type and Amount of Liver Resection on the Survival of the Patients with Colorectal Metastases2018
3538. Possibilities for financing Small and Medium Enterprises in the field of rural tourism in Southeastern region of the Republic of Macedonia 2018
3539. Enzymatic scouring and bleaching of cotton terry fabrics – opportunity of the improvement on some physicochemical and mechanical properties of the fabrics2018
3540. Enzymes for Wine Fermentation: Current and Perspective Applications2018
3541. Јазичната политика и состојбите со рускиот јазик на истокот од Украина2018
3542. Финансирањето на иновативните маркетинг активности кај малите претпријатијата во секторот туризам-случај на Република Македонија2018
3543. Proposed Queuing Model M/M/3 with Infinite Waiting Line in a Supermarket2018
3544. Factors Determining the International Tourism Business: An Economic Approach2018
3545. Assumptions of Linking Innovation And Branding The High-profile Project In Tourism Sector2018
3546. Data analysis and structural equation modelling for direct foreign investment from local population2018
3547. Case Report: Acupuncture Treatment in Patient With Hypothyroidism and Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia2018
3548. Acupuncture Treatment in Patients with Low Back Pain2018
3549. Implementation of Brain Breaks® in the Classroom and Effects on Attitudes toward Physical Activity in a Macedonian School Setting2018
3550. Analysis of Apache Logs Using Hadoop and Hive2018
3551. Challenges and opportunities in teaching pediatrics2018
3552. Anatomical variations of mental foramen in adult human mandibules2018
3553. Change in parental knowledge, attitudes and practice of antibiotic use after a national intervention programme2018
3554. Termo-viziona analiza kao metod determinacije toplotne provodljivosti pletenina2018
3555. Analysis of the trade relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Czech Republic2018
3556. Contrastive analysis of the character of the fox in Macedonian and Turkish stories about animals2018
3557. Web service based genomic data retrieval2018
3558. Aplication of factorial experimental design in predicting properties of polymer composites2018
3559. Optimization models for scheduling in kindergarten and healthcare centers2018
3560. The symbol of bird in three novels for children and youth by Vidoe Podgorets2018
3561. Effect of bioactive compounds on antiradical and antimicrobial activity of extracts and cold-pressed edible oils from nutty fruits from Macedonia 2018
3562. Stress management in health workers in order to improve the satisfaction of patients2018
3563. Улогата на здравствените работници во едукација на пациенти со алергиски реакции 2018
3564. Употреба на отпечаточни материјали во фиксна протетика во источна Македонија 2018
3565. Clinical aspects of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis2018
3566. Нега и третман на стари лица2018
3567. Practical application of simplex method for solving linear programming problems2018
3568. Some Generalizations Of Recursive Derivates of k-ary Operations2018
3569. Conditioned Extreme, Determination and Visualization2018
3570. The emerging role of copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals as cancer theranostics2018
3571. Market segmentation factors: analysis of the confectionery industry in Macedonia2018
3572. Persuasion and sales of ideas and products: third party technique in marketing communication2018
3573. Integrated marketing communication: evolution, defining and implementation2018
3574. SMEs Empowerment Through International Aspirations2018
3575. Социјално - медицински аспект на деца со Даунов синдром 2018
3576. The role of the medical nurses in the patient education and the implementation of the polivalent patronage health care in the municipalities of Pehcevo and Berovo2018
3577. Застапеност на дебелината кај младата популација2018
3578. Состојба и перспектива на вакцинацијата на населението во Република Македонија - спроведување на задолжителната вакцинација во Република Македонија2018
3579. Venezuela Currency Crisis: Analysis Of The Causes2018
3580. Mexican Currency Crisis: Overview and Lessons2018
3581. Level Of Deepening Financial Infrastructure, Fintech Companies and Financial Inclusion: Theory and Evidence 2018
3582. Global Development Trend In Managing: Do Financial Strategies Offer Hopes Recovery? 2018
3583. Dependence of the Active Power of the Serial Resonant Bridge Converter from the Phase Difference and the Duty Cycle2018
3584. Acupuncture treatment in menstrual disorder after oocyte donation 2018
3585. Interaction of acid mine drainage with biota in the Allchar Carlin-type As-Tl-Sb-Au deposit, Macedonia2018
3586. Vitamin C and total antioxidant content in pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L.): Comparative analysis of peppers grown in conventional and organic agricultural systems2018
3587. The Role of the City Transport in Prilep and Its Application in the Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3588. Bronchus and lung cancer incidence in population living around the former uranium maining and miling sites2018
3589. Zur Analyse der relevanten kommunikativen und interimsprachlichen Fähigkeiten bei den L2-Fremdsprachenstudierenden2018
3590. Composite materials based on e-glass woven textile structures as reinforcement2018
3591. Revealed comparative advantage in trade between the Republic of Macedonia and CEFTA 20062018
3592. Career Management and New Organization Perspectives2018
3593. Rural tourism development in south-east region of the Republic of Macedonia and its financial support2018
3594. Proposed prototype model of QR code integration in underground mining industry using smartphones2018
3595. Morphological types of mineralization in the Lojane As-Sb deposit, Republic of Macedonia2018
3596. The access database for the Zletovo mine, Republic of Macedonia2018
3597. Effect of bioactive compounds on antiradical and antimicrobial activity of extracts and cold-pressed edible oils from nutty fruits from Macedonia2018
3598. Structure and physicochemical properties of antiseptics and disinfectants in relation to their activity2018
3599. О проблемах гарантирования прав македонского национального меньшинства в Болгарии2018
3600. East Vardar ophiolites revisited: a brief synthesis of geology and geochemical data2018
3601. Implications of the geological characteristics and genesis of the Allchar deposit for the Lorex Project2018
3602. Native gold composition and morphology through the mineral processing stages at the Bučim copper mine, Republic of Macedonia2018
3603. Programming of animation of visitors during their tourist stay in the basin of Black River in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3604. Mineralogical characterization of riebeckite from Alinci, Republic of Macedonia2018
3605. Characterization and application of clinoptilolite for removal of heavy metal ions from water resources2018
3606. Acupuncture treatment in regulation of hyperprolactinemia2018
3607. Zum Einsatz von Sprechakten zur Bekundung von Glaubwürdigkeit -am Beispiel der Textsorte Politisches Interview2018
3608. Sustainability of the textile waste stream in Macedonia,2018
3609. The importance of Pap smear as cytological screening methods2018
3610. Prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses in asylum seekers with follow-up2018
3611. Possibilities for project financing of non-government sector in the Republic of Macedonia 2018
3612. Macedonia’s exports toward Southeast Europe through the gravity model2018
3613. Development of urban (city) tourism in Kosovo2018
3614. Marginal Bone Resorption at Dental Implant – RTG Analys2018
3615. Development and impact of the usage of animation in teaching molecular and cellular biology student learning2018
3616. Basic aspects of the ecological culture among children from pre-school and early school2018
3617. Managing strategic approaches for tourism development: tourist perception of Ohrid, Macedonia2018
3618. Inter-functional coordination: importance of employee communication in marketing activities of entrepreneurial companies in a developing economy2018
3619. Контрастивна анализа на гласовите во турскиот и во македонскиот јазик и нивна класификација2018
3620. The Importance Of The Surface Layer Of Dental Implants For Successful Tissue Integration : A Clinical Case Report2018
3621. Productive features of oat varieties grown in organic production in the region of Strumica 2018
3622. The impact of marketing on healthy feeding in infancy and childhood2018
3623. Impact of marketing in preventing the occurrence of excessive weight and childhood obesity among children in Republic of Macedonia2018
3624. Summary of the foreign language learning strategies and overview of the strategies in acquiring proper pronunciation 2018
3625. Modeling of Some Chaotic Systems with AnyLogic Software2018
3626. A Time-Independent Approach to Evaluate the Kinetics of Enzyme-Substrate Reactions in Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry2018
3627. The position of licensed industries with special emphasis of the Republic of Macedonia2018
3628. Contemporary trends and challenges of the current system of managing and financing the public healthcare system of the Republic of Macedonia2018
3629. Lawyer’s professional liability insurance in Macedonian law2018
3630. Socio-economic opportunities for development of rural tourism in the municipality of Berovo2018
3631. Segments of rural tourism in the Maleshevo region in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3632. Promotion of tourism in Мacedonia, chance for economic development of the state2018
3633. Sustainable development in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3634. Interaction‐communication aspect of active listening in teaching2018
3635. Analysis of the Main Characteristics of the Population in the Mariovo Region as Part of the Crna Reka Basin in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3636. Case Study: Pollution of Air with PM Particles in the City of Bitola, Macedonia2018
3637. SMEs Empowerment Through International Aspirations2018
3638. Ниозоми-Современи наночестички за испорака на лекови2018
3639. Individual Learner Differences and Different Learning Styles2018
3640. Reading Strategies in English Language Instruction2018
3641. Преглед на стратегиите за учење на странски јазик со посебен осврт на стратегиите за совладување на правилен изговор 2018
3642. Мали музичко-формални градбени елементи на музичкото дело 2018
3643. Optimization of the Business Processes in a Company for Manufacture of Bread and Bakery Products in Macedonia2018
3644. Development and validation of HPLC method for in-vitro determination of dissolution of Bromazepam in tablets2018
3645. Прагматички истражувања и наставата по странски јазици2018
3646. The Balcony Loggia - a Vital Spatial Element of the 19th Century House in Shtip2018
3647. Белетризирање на теоријата и теоретизирање на белетристиката2018
3648. Residue analysis of difenoconazole in apple fruits grown in Republic of Macedonia 2018
3649. Removal of lead ions from acid aqueous solutions and acid mine drainage using zeolite bearing tuff2018
3650. Preserving cultural assets of others: Jewish heritage sites in Macedonian cities2018
3651. Parallel Fast Walsh Transform Algorithm and Its Implementation with CUDA on GPUs2018
3652. Zeolite bearing tuff as an adsorbent for heavy metals removal from aqueous solutions and a acid mine drainage 2018
3653. Comparative legal aspects of corporate crime2018
3654. Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Treated with Diet, Metformin or Insulin2018
3655. Woman and Music Tradition: Vocal Singing in the Ritual Henna Night 2018
3656. The Effects of Processing Instruction and Traditional Instruction on the Acquisition of the Present Perfect Tense in the Italian Language2018
3657. Developing Ideas for Writing Essays in Foreign Languages 2018
3658. How can We Make a Green Tourism Brand? The Evidence of Macedonia2018
3659. Oral health changes during pregnancy2018
3660. Middle Palaeolithic stone-tool technology from the Central Balkans: The site of Uzun Mera (eastern Republic of Macedonia)2018
3661. Building Companies Profit: SIS and Strategic Management Perspectives 2018
3662. Financial Crisis and Balkan Perspectives on the EU2018
3663. Economic and Political Implications of Credit Euroization: The Case of Macedonia 2018
3664. Building Linkage Between FDU and Exports of Macedonian Products2018
3665. Problem proposal SP.1142018
3666. Problem proposal SP.1132018
3667. Problem proposal SP.1122018
3668. Problem proposal Sp.1112018
3669. Problem proposal SP.1102018
3670. Beginnings, conditions and perspectives of tourism in the city of Shtip 2018
3671. Acupuncture treatment for lumbar disc herniation2018
3672. Неврорехабилитациски стратегии кај пациенти со мултипла склероза2018
3673. Bioactive compounds and ‘‘in vitro’’ antioxidant activity of some traditional and non-traditional cold-pressed edible oils from Macedonia2018
3674. Problematika udesa sa poljoprivrednom i šumarskom tehnikom u R. Sloveniji2018
3675. CFD simulation of the flowing process through the short length sharp edged orifices2018
3676. Perspectives For Development of Cultural Tourism in Kokino2018
3677. Incidence of haemophilia, genealogical inheritance and transmission of haemophilia into a family line in Macedonia 2018
3678. Treatment of a Patient with Merkel Cell Skin Carcinoma Using Radiation Therapy - A Case Report2018
3679. Optimization and Validation of a New Capillary Electrophoresis Method with Conductivity Detection for Determination of Small Anions in Red Wines2018
3680. Environmental Noise Reduction Measures in Cement Industry: Usje Cement Plant Case Study 2018
3681. Lorandite from Allchar as geochemical detector for pp-solar neutrinos2018
3682. Garment quality increasing by seam properties improving 2018
3683. Influence of Goji berries on oxidative changes, microbiological status and chemical properties of sausages 2018
3684. Comparative analysis of oats quality grown in conditions of organic production 2018
3685. Production and application of α-amylase enzyme in textile industry2018
3686. Bioactive compounds and “in vitro” antioxidant activity of some traditional and non-traditional cold-pressed edible oils from Macedonia2018
3687. Prevention of visual loss in diabetic retinopathy2018
3688. Operated patients from cataract of the department of ophthalmology at the Clinical Hospital Stip for the period of 2014/20172018
3689. EValuation of the number of patients with cataracts operated with the method of phacoemulsification of the department of ophthalmology at the Clinical Hospital Stip2018
3690. Evaluation of the number of patients with cataracts operated with еxtracapsular cataract extraction of thedepartment of ophthalmology at the Clinical Hospital Stip2018
3691. Female entrepreneurship in tourism: a strategic management perspective in Macedonia2018
3692. Risk assessment in the workplace band-knife cutting machine2018
3693. The Role of Management In Conflict Solving Situations In Enterprises2018
3694. Analysis of contents covering environmental topics in textbooks for contemporary English language2018
3695. Family as a factor in creating ecological culture of students in primary education2018
3696. Greater degree of equivalence of phraseologisms from mother tongue as a fertile ground for studying them in a foreign language2018
3697. Developing Phraseological Competence in Foreign Language Learners 2018
3698. Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Post-Operative Treatment with Chinese Herbs2018
3699. Contemporary school and its educational component2018
3700. The role of active listening in primary education and teaching2018
3701. Making hotels more energy efficient: the managerial perception2018
3702. Variation of Human Renal Artery 2018
3703. The relationship between maternal body mass index and offspring birth weight2018
3704. Results on the Colombeau products of the distribution x_+^−r−1/2 with the distributions x_-^−k−1/2 and x_-^k−1/2 2018
3705. Building Partnership with Suppliers of Macedonian Companies2018
3706. Literary text and its implications in teaching languages2018
3707. Krashen's theory of second language acquisition2018
3708. Why Can't We Make It? The Cardinal Business Sins of Domestic Companies in a Transitional Economy2018
3709. Application of management information systems in the business of real estate for rural development in the southeast region of the Republic of Macedonia2018
3710. Correlation between the road infrastructure and sustainable rural mobility: EU - Macedonia practices and needs2018
3711. Functional importance of the municipal center and characteristics of socio - geographic and economic developments for tourism development in municipality Novaci - as part of the flow of the Black River in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3712. Importance of agro-tourism for development of tourism in Northeastern Macedonia2018
3713. Effect of Competing Cations (Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb) Adsorbed by Zeolite Bearing Tuff from Macedonia2018
3714. Conditions and vaporization of tourism in Shtip, an old town in the Republic of Macedonia 2018
3715. Acupuncture Treatment of Subfertility and Ovarian Endometrioma2018
3716. Evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Bukovik-Kadiica porphyry Cu deposit, Republic of Macedonia2018
3717. An Adaptive FEM Based on Magnetic Field Conservation Applying to Ferromagnetic Problems2018
3718. Dental Medicine Students and the Usage of Additional Supplements for Better Oral Hygiene 2018
3719. Hepatitis B Treatment with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine 2018
3720. Преглед на комуникативниот пристап при изучувањето на странски јазик со осврт кон вештината зборување2018
3721. Hotel chains entering the Macedonian market2018
3722. Acupuncture treatment in Bell’s palsy 2018
3723. Oral Health Status among Students in Dormitories 2018
3724. Преглед на методите и техниките при изучувањето на странски јазик во однос на правилниот изговор2018
3725. Analysis tourist trends of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3726. Ski centers (resorts) in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3727. Базелски спогодби и нивното влијание врз управувањето со кредитниот ризик2018
3728. Управување со кредитен ризик суштина, потреба, значење и политика на управување со кредитниот ризик2018
3729. Efficacy of some insecticides and correlation between the dose of application and the number of live larvae of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in tomato cultivated in protected area2018
3730. Rural tourism and its development in Prizren area2018
3731. Policy implementation and tourism development in Kosovo2018
3732. Geographical position and physical geographic departments in the region Mariovo, as part of the flow of the Black River in the Republic of Macedonia2018
3733. Can We Predict and Prevent Subclinical Depression in Adolescents?2018
3734. The Role of Pharmacist in Treatment of Depression2018
3735. Трансферот на културните елементи при препевот на стихозбирката „Бели Мугри“ од Кочо Рацин2018
3736. EU Market Perspectives for Macedonian Companies2018
3737. Estimating the Causality Between REER and Tourism-Led Growth 2018
3738. Urban Development - Engine for Economic Growth: Evidence for Macedonia and Greece 2018
3739. Relation between Quantity of Disinfectant and Antiseptics Used and Appearance of Intra-Hospital Infections in the Region of Eastern Macedonia2018
3740. Measuring the (dis) Satisfaction of the Employees in the Macedonian Companies 2018
3741. Тhe Need for Analysis of Costs of Quality in Macedonian Companies 2018
3742. Symmetric auctions: finding numerical solutions by using auction solver 2018
3743. Acupuncture Treatment in Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease and Hip Pain 2018
3744. Environmental Management: Assessment of Macedonian Hotel Industry2018
3745. Heavy metals and their general toxicity on plants2018
3746. Effects From The Interaction Between Exchange Rate Regime And Economic Growth:The Case For Macedonia 2018
3747. Fintech firms opportunity or threat for banks?2018
3748. Comparative Analysis of The Monetary Policy of NBS and ECB 2018
3749. The Impact of Culture and Urban Life-Cycle on The Economic Development of City 2018
3750. Macedonian Convergence and the Role of Exchange Rate in the Run-Up to EU Accession 2018
3751. La valutazione e la verifica nell’insegnamento della letteratura italiana in un contesto di italiano LS: una continua sfida2017
3752. Human Papillomavirus as a Potential Risk Factor for Oral Premalignant Lesions.2017
3753. Potassium Birnessite Deposition on Unfired Cartridge Cases2017
3754. The role of preserving the inner sphincter mechanism and the bladder neck in the early achieving urine continence when performing radical retropubic prostatectomy2017
3755. Producing specially designed dentures in patients with conditions of occlusal parafunctions2017
3756. Human Papillomavirus as a Potential Risk Factor for Oral Premalignant Lesions2017
3757. Специфики на банкарската гаранција2017
3758. Efficiency of installed cooling systems in dairy barns during hot season2017
3759. Analysis of annual health records in one dairy farm2017
3760. Mastitis pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibility in early lactating dairy cows2017
3761. Analysis of Factors that Influence Hematopoietic Recovery in Autologous Transplanted Patients with Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Peripheral Blood2017
3762. Bladder explosion during bipolar transurethral resection of prostate - potential hazard in operating theatre2017
3763. Ndikimi i metodës mësimore të demonstrimit në arritjet e nxënësve në mësim2017
3764. Edukimi moral dhe karakteri i mësuesit si faktorë të rëndësishëm në formimin e personalitetit të nxënësit2017
3765. Нирнбершки процес2017
3766. Molecular and histological characteristics of early triploid and partial molar pregnancies2017
3767. Androgen Receptor Expression in Epithelial and Stromal Cells of Prostatic Carcinoma and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia2017
3768. Reactive stroma in prostatic carcinoma and correlation with tumor grade and tumor stage2017
3769. Molecular and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of Complete Hydatidiform Moles2017
3770. Detection of placental chromosomal aberrations in early spontaneous abortions in correlation with the histologic findings2017
3771. Molecular and histological characteristics of early triploid and partial molar pregnancies2017
3772. Retroperitoneal and pulmonary metastases from burned-out testicular germ cell tumour as initial clinical presentation: Report of two cases2017
3773. Bcl-2 and Ki67 as specific prognostic markers in estrogen receptor positive breast cancers2017
3774. Модата в началото на ХХ век – нови тенденции, нови перспективи2017
3775. Оформяне на стиловите линии в модата на дамските шапки в началото на XX век2017
3776. The compare of mechanical properties of composites at AFP technology with two technologies for curing2017
3777. A novel nested stochastic dynamic programming (nSDP) and nested reinforcement learning (nRL) algorithm for multipurpose reservoir optimization2017
3778. Идеите за етногенеза на македонскиот народ пред 1944 г. 2017
3779. Митското патување како иницијациско петешествие низ призмата на Јунг и на Проп2017
3780. Родосквернавењето како облик на сексуално насилство врз деца - општествена и казнено - правна реакција2017
3781. Right Ventricular Myxoma2017
3782. Trauma of the Heart and Great Vessels2017
3783. Право на посвоените деца да го знаат своето биолошко потекло и идентитетот на своите родители2017
3784. Protection of unaccompanied children in migrant crisis – test for the European Union2017
3785. Savremeni informacioni sistemi za bankarsko poslovanje2017
3786. Impact of the technological parameters for the production of UD prepreg2017
3787. Service quality assessment in the fast-food restaurant using a modified dineserv model 2017
3788. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes After Kidney Transplantation2017
3789. Multi–System Complications after Intravenous Cocaine Abuse2017
3790. Effects of structured diabetes education program on diabetes knowledge and metabolic control in insulin-treated diabetes patients from the Republic of Macedonia2017
3791. Postmenopausal breast cancer: European challenge and innovative concepts2017
3792. Кон творештвото на Киро Донев (По повод 50 години творештво и 75 години живот)2017
3793. Едно поинакво сведштво за Конески (Промотивна реч кон книгата „Мојот професор пророк“ од Вера Стојчевска-Антиќ)2017
3794. Мистичното патување на јунакот во задгробниот свет - шаманистички мотив во сказните од струмичкиот регион (аналитички пристап)2017
3795. The latest military conflicts in Eastern Macedonia at the end of the First World War from a historical point of view2017
3796. New findings regarding the economic part of Bargala2017
3797. Полезен турско-македонски учебник од Марија Леонтиќ2017
3798. Првиот речник на синоними во македонскиот јазик2017
3799. Intercultural communication in ELT2017
3800. Logistic support in NATO led operations2017
3801. Hybrid warfare through the prism of Ukrainian crisis2017
3802. Улогата на црквата некогаш и денес2017
3803. Активно слушање во наставата и поучувањето2017
3804. Приоритети на современото училиште од воспитен аспект2017
3805. Фактори на успешна комуникација на менаџерот во училиштето2017
3806. Образованието на Ромите и неговите слабости2017
3807. Purpose and benefit of intercultural education in Macedonian society2017
3808. Учителот и социјализацијата2017
3809. Decision aids against overuse of orthodontic services?2017
3810. Makedonya’da Çocukların Türkçe Sevinci “Bahçe” Çocuk Dergisi 2017
3811. Идеите за етногенеза на македонскиот народ пред 1944 2017
3812. Стратегија за борба против индивидуалниот тероризам2017
3813. Стратегија за борба против индивидуалниот тероризам2017
3814. Терор во Манчестер2017
3815. Што после поразот на Исламската Држава2017
3816. ЕУ и тероризмот во 2016 година2017
3817. Велика Британија под закана од домашен тероризам 2017
3818. Impact of microbiological fertilizers on soil microbiota2017
3819. Стара закана – нова стратегија! 2017
3820. Вистинското лице на заканата тероризам, екстремизам, исламизам…2017
3821. Ширењето на милитантниот исламизам на Балканот 2 2017
3822. Ширењето на милитантниот исламизам на Балканот 12017
3823. Inclusion and Exclusion by Means of Language in Italian Migrant Literature2017
3824. Контрастивна анализа на можниот начин во италијанскиот и македонскиот јазик врз примери ексцерпирани од романот Canone Inverso од авторот Паоло Мауренсиг и преводот на македонски2017
3825. Critical infrastructure protection and energy security – key factors for building sustainable energy strategy in the Republic of Macedonia2017
3826. Multi-System Complications after Intravenous Cocaine Abuse 2017
3827. Multi-System Complications after Intravenous Cocaine Abuse 2017
3828. Ratio Analysis: A “Coca Cola Company” Case 2017
3829. Quantitative and chemical traits in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.var. italica) grown with the use of microbiological fertilizer2017
3830. Variability of quantitative properties in oilseed rape- Brassica napus L. depending on the quantity, way and time of use of certain macro and microelements2017
3831. Self-Organized Networks 2017
3832. Турските суфикси во рамките на полиморфемните суфикси во македонскиот јазик2017
3833. Турските суфикси во рамките на полиморфемните суфикси во македонскиот јазик 2017
3834. Derivatives and recommendations for theory and practice2017
3835. Choosing the topic for doctoral study2017
3836. Фебрилни конвулзии во детската возраст2017
3837. Пристап кон доенчиња и деца до 3 години со покачена телесна температура2017
3838. Surgical trauma cause for marginal bone resorption around dental implants previous to prosthetic appliances 2017
3839. Британските идеи за федерации и за конфедерации на Балканот и во Југоисточна Европа за време на Втората светсла војна2017
3840. Denture hygiene among patients with complete dentures2017
3841. Self-Organized Networks2017
3842. Турцизмите во лексиколошките трудови на Олга Иванова2017
3843. The necessity of applying marketing strategies in tourism – the case of Slovenia and Tunisia2017
3844. The Balkan Wars as a Reason for Migration of Jews from Macedonia2017
3845. Mouse embryo development under an enriched atmosphere of negative air ions: a pilot study2017
3846. Analysis of trifloxystrobin in golden delicious and idaret by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) 2017
3847. Determination of chlorpyrifos in apple from the Resen region2017
3848. Придобивки од интернационализација на високото образование2017
3849. Компоненти на наставата CLIL 2017
3850. Immunoprophilaxy of the tetanus in the Skopje region for the period 2011 - 20162017
3851. Epidemiological characteristics of schizophrenia in Pelagonia region in the period 2012-20162017
3852. Diseases in school children resulting from improper diet2017
3853. A presentation of children with congenital anomalies in the municipality of Stip2017
3854. Улогата на патронажната сестра при едукација и третман на пациенти со дијабетес 2017
3855. XEN implant and fakoemulsyphication2017
3856. Standard computerized perimetry in function of diagnostic glaucoma2017
3857. Refractоry anomalies on preschool children in Stip 2017
3858. The impact of FDI on the performance and entrepreneurship of domestic firms2017
3859. FDI Uppers and Downers: A Macedonian Case Study 2017
3860. Problem proposal JP.1052017
3861. Problem proposal JP.104 2017
3862. Problem proposal JP.1032017
3863. Problem proposal JP.1022017
3864. Problem proposal JP.1002017
3865. News and informations -Modna revija - svetske poznate bajke inspacija za maštovit modni događaj.2017
3866. Komentar - Perspective razvoja tekstilne industrije u Republici Makedoniji2017
3867. Мишел Фуко на пример: Новиот атеизам како дискурс на моќ2017
3868. Bitola – from Eyalet capital to regional centre in the Republic of Macedonia2017
3869. One Foucauldian analysis of atheism and the notion of sovereignty2017
3870. A Double Life Cycle: Determining Tourism Development in Macedonia2017
3871. Correlation between indigenous and commercial strains of yeast in the production of wine from the grape variety Vranec2017
3872. Уметничката транспозиција на фолклорот изразена преку употреба на фолклорните елементи во делото „Стара песна“, концертни сцени за симфониски оркестар, опус 27 од композиторот Тома Манчев2017
3873. Уметничката транспозиција на фолклорот изразена преку употреба на фолклорните елементи во делото „Илинденски диптих“ за: мешан хор, вокален солист и гудачки оркестар од Стојан Стојков2017
3874. Does Financial Information Transparency and Objectivity Matter for Stock Market Development? A Panel Regression Analysis for The Selected European Countries2017
3875. Strengthening the pre-service teacher training system in a multi-ethnic society 2017
3876. Increasing the motivation of the students to learn mathematics2017
3877. Contemporary aspects of the medicament treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis2017
3878. Makedonya Türk Çocuk Yayinciliğinda “Kardelen”2017
3879. Makedonya`Da Türkoloji Bölümünün Kirkinci Yil Dönümü2017
3880. Scope of the economy and the model of Ricardo2017
3881. Income, wages, profits and rental: some views of Adam Smith2017
3882. Keynes and analysis of interest rate, savings and consumption2017
3883. A study of proper pronunciation as a factor of successful communication2017
3884. Condition of air assisted sprayers in Stip region and possibility of applying European standard EN 137902017
3885. Inspection of pesticide application equipment2017
3886. “Doktor Amcanin Yaninda” The Story By Avni Abdullah Tells The Importance And Teachings Of The Grandmather In The Family2017
3887. Impact of Interest Rate and Inflation on GDP in Bulgaria, Romania and FYROM2017
3888. Современото семејство и неговата социјализирачка функција2017
3889. Интеракцијата во наставата - од обележје до модел 2017
3890. Pregled tehnicke ispravnosti strojeva u zastitu bilja2017
3891. Through description and narration to mentality (Textual processes in the short story “The Iron Nurse” by Nemika Tuğcu) 2017
3892. Drivers of Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Macedonia and Bulgaria2017
3893. Turkish words and their presence in the daily speaking in the population of southeastern Macedonia2017
3894. Естетиката на комуникацијата и медиумите во наставата по литература2017
3895. The international society and the development of global political culture 2017
3896. Teaching profession – a good choice or not?2017
3897. Примена на одредени техники за управување со залихи на хипотетичен пример 2017
3898. Дополнителната настава прв чекор кон подобрување на јазичната компетенција на студентите на филолошкиот факултет - идни наставници по македонски, англиски и германски јазик 2017
3899. Performance of garment seams strengthened with thermoplastic stitched reinforced tape 2017
3900. The danger of “hybrid warfare” from a sophisticated adversary: the Russian “hybridity” in the Ukrainian conflict2017
3901. Светски искуства за наставникот и неговата воспитна улога2017
3902. Интегрирано учење на содржина и на јазик (CLIL)2017
3903. Усвојување на втор јазик2017
3904. Анализа на трошоците и нивното влијание врз ефикасноста на работењето на претпријатијата2017
3905. The role and the meaning of abbreviations in German and Macedonian business communication.2017
3906. The modern entrepreneurship in the process of modern tourism development in the Republic of Macedonia and municipality of Gevgelija 2017
3907. The role of the entrepreneur in managing the professional stress of the employees 2017
3908. E-Learning in the hands of generation Y and Z2017
3909. Свети Климент како наш и каков?2017
3910. Планирање на минатото - сонување на иднината: народи, етногенези и политика во бугарската и македонската медиевистика2017
3911. Морфологија на сепството и другостa во песната „Болен Дојчин“ од Блаже Конески2017
3912. „Минливоста“ и „вечноста“ во Његошевиот „Горски венец“ (Времето како белег на менталитетот) 2017
3913. Биргеровата „Леноре“ - парадигма за непреболна љубов 2017
3914. Аспектите на времето во драмскиот текст „Ничија земја“ на Харолд Пинтер2017
3915. Музеј и структура - од линеарен до централен простор 2017
3916. Метафорите во романот „Црно семе“ од Ташко Георгиевски и нивниот превод на германски јазик2017
3917. Мотивирање на наставниците (педагошките специјалисти)2017
3918. Активно слушање во наставата и поучувањето2017
3919. Приоритети на современото училиште од воспитен аспект2017
3920. Револуционерното дело на Ванчо Прке2017
3921. Дистинкција и поврзаност помеѓу експлицитното и имплицитното знаење на странскиот јазик 2017
3922. Теоријата на обработка на инпут на Ван Патен2017
3923. Позитивната педагошка комуникација на наставникот по историја-знаењата се трајни и корисни2017
3924. Фактори на успешна комуникација на менаџерот во училиштето2017
3925. За некои елементи во концептите на македонскиот систем на предучилишно воспитание и образование и Валдорф градинките во Германија 2017
3926. Образованието на Ромите и неговите слабости2017
3927. Музеите во наставата по историја2017
3928. Семиотика по сите сетила (Атрибутивноста како значење во песните „Седум навраќања кон мотивот трепетлика“ од Гане Тодоровски и „Ноќниче“ од Антун Густав Матош) 2017
3929. Зошто да се биде учител – причини, предизвици и перспективи2017
3930. Учителот и социјализацијата2017
3931. The influence of thermoplastic reinforcement tape location on seam performance2017
3932. Менталитетот во кусата проза на Чехов (За женскиот, чиновничкиот и народскиот менталитет во кусата проза на Антон Чехов) 2017
3933. Investigation of seam performance using two different methods2017
3934. Intercultural education for integrated education system2017
3935. Evaluation in education - conditions, challenges and perspectives2017
3936. За односот меѓу учителот и ученикот - од Климента до денес2017
3937. La valutazione e la verifica nell`insegnamento della litteratura italiana in un contesto di italiano LS: una continua sfida 2017
3938. Religious education – religious moral2017
3939. Possibilities for improvement of profitability of enterprises in tourism industry in the Republic of Macedonia2017
3940. Comparative strategies accession for entrepreneurial education in the Republic of Macedonia2017
3941. European Union's Cross-Border Cooperation in Exchanging and Processing Digital Evidence2017
3942. European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice After Brexit: Consequences and Future Prospects2017
3943. Европска жандармерија - организација и задачи2017
3944. European Union's Dilemma: Democratization vis-a-vis Integration2017
3945. Case Study: European Union’s Cooperation in Exchanging and Processing E-evidence2017
3946. Institutional vis-à-vis Policy Change: Crossing Pillars in the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 2017
3947. Права и обврски на работникот и работодавачот2017
3948. Inspection in the field of employment relationships and penalty provisions under the Labor Law2017
3949. Türkçede Fiilimsiler2017
3950. Оригиналната поезија и препеаната поезија за деца како уметнички дијалог меѓу културите 2017
3951. Потекло на турската лексема (х)ане/(х)ана (hane) и нејзина адаптација во македонскиот јазик како суфикс 2017
3952. Prevention and dental treatment of patients with epilepsy2017
3953. The role of the entrepreneur in managing the professional stress of the employees2017
3954. Effects of IFRS adoption on capital market:Empirical evidence2017
3955. Theories of foreign language learning and/ or acquisition2017
3956. The DUX4 homeodomains mediate inhibition of myogenesis and are functionally exchangeable with the Pax7 homeodomain2017
3957. Asocial behavior and young people in the Republic of Macedonia2017
3958. Application of new techniques and technologies in kindergartens from the perspective of preschool teachers2017
3959. Дополнителната настава прв чекор во подобрување на јазичната компетенција на студентите на Филолошкиот факултет-идни наставници по македонски,англиски и германски јазик2017
3960. p53-independent DUX4 pathology in cell and animal models of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy2017
3961. Muscle pathology from stochastic low level DUX4 expression in an FSHD mouse model2017
3962. Европски јавен обвинител: потреба или нужност2017
3963. Analysis of composite materials based on polyethylene fibres for protective clothes2017
3964. Македонија како потенцијална дестинација за руските туристи2017
3965. Англицизмите во германскиот јазик врз примери од списанијата „JOY” и „WOMAN“2017
3966. Анализа на трговските релации меѓу Република Македонија и Република Бугарија2017
3967. Поетскиот ораториум на Блаже Конески2017
3968. The influence of park art in the development of the composition of memorial parks2017
3969. Articular principles as a strong street factor2017
3970. Екстернализација на безбедноста на Европската унија надвор од границите на ЕУ: мит или реалност?2017
3971. Analysing and Comparing the Final Grade in Mathematics by Linear Regression Using Excel and SPSS2017
3972. The role of hemodialysis in treatment of acute acetic acid poisonings2017
3973. Wild Mushrooms: An Exclusive Delicacy or Last Meal2017
3974. Exploitation and hydrogeological parameters of hydrogeothermal system spa Kezhovica - Stip2017
3975. Улогата на црквата некогаш и денес2017
3976. Purpose and benefit of intercultural education in Macedonian society2017
3977. Conditions and impacts on industrial processes and atmospheric approaches of air pollution in the Skopje and Polog region2017
3978. The educator as a creativity ancourager in children2017
3979. Methodology for simulation of truck haulage in mines for underground exploitation2017
3980. Catching up quickly - Changes in work safety in Macedonian mines since their privatisation2017
3981. Минералошко петрографски карактеристики на гранодиоритите во близина на с. Бонче, Прилеп2017
3982. Гравитациско поле на Република Македонија2017
3983. Methods for development of geodetic data foundations for the needs in the field of mining and geology2017
3984. Methods for development of geodetic data foundations for the needs in the field of mining and geology2017
3985. Flexible textile photovoltaics: application of new generation in tourism2017
3986. The use of European funds for infrastructural development in the rural development in the Republic of Macedonia2017
3987. The place of teachers in transition2017
3988. Право на здравствено осигурување со акцент на правото на парични надоместоци на осигурените лица во Република Македонија2017
3989. Саморегулација на медиумите-компаративна анализа2017
3990. Personal Noise Exposure on Workers in Metal Industry2017
3991. Европското трудово право и глобализацијата2017
3992. Freedom of expression and decriminalization of the defamation in the Republic of Macedonia2017
3993. The right to form and to join trade unions as defined in international legal instruments2017
3994. Health Effects Associated With Exposure to Anesthetic Gas Nitrous Oxide-N2O in Clinical Hospital – Shtip Personel2017
3995. Freedom of the media 2017
3996. Nitrous Oxide Exposure of Health Care Personnel in the Operating Rooms and Intensive Care Units in Hospitals in Macedonia2017
3997. Проширување на ЕУ, историски приказ и моментална состојба2017
3998. Decriminalization of insult and defamation in the journalistic profession in the Republic of Macedonia through the prism of the law on civil liability for insult and defamation2017
3999. Моноклонални антитела како анти-канцер терапија2017
4000. Gestation diabetes and importance of diagnose during the pregnancy, experience of Clinic for gynecology and obstetrics in Skopje in the period from 2013 to 20152017
4001. Online booking: benefits and advantages2017
4002. Rural tourism as an alternative type of tourism2017
4003. Цицерон - Rex eloquentiae (III)2017
4004. Analysis of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia 1945-20152017
4005. Problem proposal JP.0542017
4006. Proposal Inequality in Triangle 2962017
4007. Indoor radon, thoron their progeny concentrations in high thoron rural Serbia environments2017
4008. Production of silica from rice husk2017
4009. Problem proposal SP.089.2017
4010. Problem proposal JP.090.2017
4011. Problem proposal JP.075.2017
4012. Problem proposal 119862017
4013. The influence of starter culture of lactic- acid bacteria and bifido bacteria over the sanitary- hygenic, sensor and physical – chemical indicators on the re – boiled – smoked durable sausage2017
4014. Chemical and fatty acid composition in meat of young chickens different hybrid lines2017
4015. Center manifolds for evolution equations associated with the Stefan problem2017
4016. Some new fixed point theorems in 2-Banach spaces2017
4017. An alternate proof of Gerretsen's inequalities2017
4018. Some methodological drilling - blasting parameters in the excavation of tunnel2017
4019. Novel approach for automating medical emergency protocol in military environment2017
4020. Развој на Електронската трговија - Development of Electronic Commerce2017
4021. Поврзаноста на прекршочната постапка со управниот спор2017
4022. Depressive disorder influence on the quality of life of the patient with degenerative pathology 2017
4023. Human resource management challenge for effective local government2017
4024. Парадигмата во односите кај органите на надзор и органите на управување кај акционерските друштва2017
4025. Effects determination of drift construction in ore and cipollino by application of different initiation systems2017
4026. Рехабилитација кај пациенти со цервикоартроза2017
4027. Кинезитерапија при повреди на ’рбетниот мозок2017
4028. New pharmaceutical salts containing pyridoxine2017
4029. Chlorargyrite and acanthite in PM-10 particles in Tikves area 2017
4030. Застапеност на пациенти со артроза на колкот (Coxarthrosis) во периодот 2015/2016 година на територијата на Општина Кочани2017
4031. The prevalence of postural disorders and spinal deformities among the pupils in the municipality of Berovo2017
4032. Air pollution in surrounding environment of domesti mines – ambient air and plant dust2017
4033. Rehabilitation of fractures in children's age2017
4034. Investigation of the quality of the underground water in part of Eastern Macedonia2017
4035. Water quality control in WWTP - Berovo2017
4036. Silicic volcanism on Kozuf Mountains evidenced by tridimite and perlite in high-SiO2 sedimentary rock at Allchar caldera2017
4037. The effect of pruning on fruiting capacity of Black Magic table grape variety2017
4038. Микрофосили и нивна примена во истражувањето на нафта и гас 2017
4039. Construction characteristics of the traditional city house from 19th century in Shtip2017
4040. The Court as a Guarantor of Natural Rights and Democratic Legal State 2017
4041. Електронски производи и услуги и е-трговија 2017
4042. Project Management as an instrument to support innovation for country development – Macedonia case study2017
4043. Genetic variability for yield and some yield-related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)2017
4044. Physical and chemical characteristics of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), cultivar Karamustafa2017
4045. Историјатот и развојниот пат на гудачките инструменти виолина и виола(1) 2017
4046. Основните функции на музичките инструменти при разработка на оркестарската партитура 2017
4047. Влијанието на странските пропаганди врз книжевното творештво на миладиновци2017
4048. Correlation between population dynamics of Tuta ansoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae) and climate, at tomato in protected area2017
4049. Почитување на основните човекови правa во борбата против тероризмот2017
4050. Total quality management in hotel industry2017
4051. Service quality in hotel industry2017
4052. Republic of Macedonia, the 30th Member of NATO?2017
4053. Активна имунотерапија на неситноклеточен белодробен канцер2017
4054. Characteristics of the traditional town house in the 19th century: The bey house in Kumanovo 2017
4055. Shaping Of the Chamber in the Traditional House of Shtip 19th Century2017
4056. Capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin variability in Capsicum sp. cultivars from Republic of Macedonia, revealed by validated HPLC method2017
4057. Сравнителен анализ на туристическото право и политика в Македония и България2017
4058. Physical and chemical characteristics of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), cultivar Karamustafa 2017
4059. Мултипликација на ликови-дублети во романот „Тунел“ од Петре М. Андреевски2017
4060. Promoting Macedonian Literary Heritage in German-speaking Countries2017
4061. The relevant public and the scope of its impact on the determination of the well- known trademark2017
4062. Synchronous Motor of Permanent Magnet compared to Asynchronous Induction Motor2017
4063. Synchronous Motor of Permanent Magnet compared to Asynchronous Induction Motor2017
4064. Грчката политика и Македонското прашање2017
4065. Fibrous structures as a reinforcement for composite materials.2017
4066. Life Cycle-Stages in History of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4067. La matrice de traductibilité comme modèle d’évaluation de la traduction (sur des exemples de la traduction française du recueil Les Aubes Blanches)2017
4068. Analyse comparative de l’étymologie des termes orthodoxes macédoniens et français 2017
4069. Anything goes theorem, incomplete markets and Ricardian equivalence hypothesis2017
4070. Еволутивниот пат на музичкиот инструмент контрабас 2017
4071. Symmetric auctions: Finding numerical solutions by using auction solver 2017
4072. Перспективи во развојот на имунотерапија на канцер2017
4073. FDONT: Fast Detection of Non-Crossing Tandems2017
4074. A review of the current methods for computational analysis of tandem repeats2017
4075. C# Desktop Application with Connection to the European Nucleotide Archive for Fast Identification of Tandem Repeats2017
4076. Comparing DNA Applying Dynamic Programming: A Historical Review2017
4077. Advantages of enzyme in textile technology2017
4078. Measuring agility in agile methodologies2017
4079. Bioindication abbility of Hypnum cupressiforme and Homolothecium lutescens for determination of arsenic distribution in environment 2017
4080. Low Cost Robotic Arm for Object Grasping Applications2017
4081. Treatment to pets presented in two animalistic novels for children2017
4082. The capital market functioning in the countries of former Jugoslavija in the period 2007 - 2017 2017
4083. Transfer prices and transactions with related parties2017
4084. Изучување на туристичкото право на високо образовните институции во Македонија и Бугарија2017
4085. Types of well-known trademarks in comparative law2017
4086. Однос на отштетното право и правото на осигурување во македонскиот правен систем2017
4087. Influence of kinesitherapy on functional independence in patients with supratentorial unilateral stroke in chronic period2017
4088. The role of ecplicit instruction in interlanguage pragmatic development2017
4089. Prototype Model for Fire Safety System in Underground Mining2017
4090. Economic-legal aspects of the trademarks2017
4091. Sources of law in the field of international legal protection of trademarks in the EU2017
4092. Nocturnal Enuresis – Treatment with Acupuncture 2017
4093. Correlative Valuesof Body Weight (Body Mass Index) And Dental Caries In Examinees With Primary Dentition2017
4094. The correlation between dental caries and socio-economic status in children from 4 - 6 years2017
4095. Teaching of natural sciences and society and her implementation in the combined classes2017
4096. Реализација на говорниот чин замолување кај изучувачи на англискиот јазик на различно ниво на јазична компетенција2017
4097. Students interests for wrestling and other martial arts and possibilities for their implementation in physical and health education primary school curriculum2017
4098. Gender differences in participation and use of leisure time between Macedonian and Bulgarian students at Teaching Faculties2017
4099. The extracurricular activities and their impact on leisure time of the young2017
4100. Traditional games in primary school curriculum2017
4101. Motives for enrollment in sports activities of students from pedagogic faculties from Bulgaria and Macedonia2017
4102. Insurance pools: Followers of classical insurance contracts in the field of nuclear law 2017
4103. Multigene characterization of ‘Candidatus phytoplasma solani’ in pepper and tomato plants in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4104. Polyphenolic content and sensory profile of Montenegrin Vranac wines produced with different oenological products and maceration2017
4105. Bioaccumulation and translocation factor of heavy metals in the plants Linaria sp., Moricandia sp. and Viola lutea Huds from the Alšar locality – Republic of Macedonia2017
4106. Меѓународното општество и развојот на глобална политичка култура 2017
4107. Можности и перспективи за развој на социјалното претприемништво-случај на Република Македонија 2017
4108. Micropropagation of ornamental species Brassica oleracea cv. Kyoto red given and Ageratum sp.2017
4109. Comparative analysis of capsaicin content in peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)grown in conventional and organic agricultural systems2017
4110. Screening of glaucoma on 2015 year2017
4111. The role of the nurse in obstetrics2017
4112. XEN implant and fakoemulsyphication2017
4113. Standard computerized perimetry in function of diagnostic glaucoma2017
4114. Potentially toxic elements and rare earth elements in plants from the Lake Kalimanci bank (ne Republic of Macedonia)2017
4115. Refractory anomalies on preschool children in Stip2017
4116. Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-TQ/MS) for Evaluation of Biogenic Amines in Wine2017
4117. Социо-демографски карактеристики на болни со депресивни растројства во ГOБ 8ми Септември, Скопје од 2014-2016 година2017
4118. Еквивалентни суфикси на турските суфикси во македонскиот јазик2017
4119. Nâzım Hikmet'in Şiirleri2017
4120. Türkçede Fiil Çekimi2017
4121. Ali Akbaş, Şiiri ve Ben2017
4122. Personalized approach in the treatment of tinnitus and insomnia: combining repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and cognitive behavioral therapy 2017
4123. Prediction and prevention of suicidality among patients with depressive disorders: comorbidity as a risk factor2017
4124. An Update on Brucellosis: Endemic and Potential Global re-Emerging Zoonotic and Foodborne Disease2017
4125. Establishing balance between professional and private life of generation Z 2017
4126. Perceived social support as a moderator between negative life events and depression in adolescence: Implications for prediction and targeted prevention2017
4127. The impact of small and medium sized enterprises in the development of health tourism in Macedonia2017
4128. Sport tourisam as the most important alternative form of tourism - strategies and challenge2017
4129. Социјално-здравствената заштита на децата во вардарскиот дел на Македонија во периодот меѓу двете светски војни2017
4130. Thematic analysis in the works of Yunus Emre2017
4131. Being a poetess in the Oriental-Turkish culture2017
4132. Contemporary Turkish literature in Macedonia2017
4133. The story of story in modern Turkish literature in Macedonia2017
4134. Survey for Determining the Current Status of Grammar Instruction in Foreign Language Teaching in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4135. Reuse of architectural space with artistic components contributing to circular economics2017
4136. Spatial features of the traditional city house from the 19th century in Strumica2017
4137. Physiotherapy in patients with chronic respiratory failure in clinical stage2017
4138. Expectations and brand experience: Millennials - the generation that can shape the future service quality of companies in a developing economy2017
4139. Effects of acupuncture treatment in reducing pain in patients with tennis elbow2017
4140. Effects of kinesiotaping in reducing pain in the heel in patients with plantar fasciitis2017
4141. Phase relations between Baryte – BaSO4, cymrite – BaAl2Si2O8· H2O and Hyalophane – (K, Ba) Al Si3 O8 from the ore occurrence no. 2 at Kalugjeri micro-locality near Nezhilovo village, Macedonia 2017
4142. Suppression of Intensive Care Unit False Alarms Based on the Arterial Blood Pressure Signal2017
4143. Просторни и регионални перспективи на Штип и очекувани туристички импликации2017
4144. Иновативни идеи за развој на туризмот во Југоисточниот регион на Република Македонија2017
4145. Современ третман и одржливо управување со комунален цврст отпад во Република Македонија2017
4146. The European court about the identical position of tenant and provider, as intermediaries of services, in terms of trademark infringement2017
4147. Parallel Fast Möbius (Reed-Muller) Transform and its Implementation with CUDA on GPUs2017
4148. S-Boxes from Binary Quasi-Cyclic Codes2017
4149. Motor activity in patients with supratentorial unilateral stroke2017
4150. Physical therapy and functional motor recovery in patient with Guillain-Barré Syndrome - Case report2017
4151. Mechanical Preparation of Samples For Profilometric Erosion Reserch2017
4152. The impact that the national cuisine has in Ohrid's tourist offer2017
4153. За женскиот менталитет и идентитет во расказот „Жената на покојникот“ од Бора Станковиќ2017
4154. Gastronomic tourism is much more than gastronomy: the case of the Republic of Macedonia2017
4155. Cryptocurrencies – advantages and disadvantages2017
4156. Analysis of the trade relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania 2017
4157. Defining the time-loss in the process of producing a men’s shirt2017
4158. Конзерваторско-реставраторски работи на објект Стоа, на археолошкиот локалитет Вардарски Рид – Гевгелија2017
4159. Конзерваторско реставраторски работи на објект Мала терма на археолошкиот локалитет Баргала2017
4160. Археолошки истражувања на Могила „На Манастир“ с. Габревци општина Конче2017
4161. Праисториски и раноантички утврдени населени места во Брегалничкиот басен2017
4162. Impact of Death on Adolescents and its representation as featured in Macedonian Adolescent Literature2017
4163. The roads as civilization symbol or brain drain booster: Culture changes in spirit of global challenges2017
4164. Сравнение на две методики за обработване на тригерни точки при пациенти с цервикоартроза2017
4165. Класификација на пепелта од термоцентралата РЕК Битола во Македонија и можности за нејзина употреба2017
4166. Сравнение на ефективността на два метода за намаляване на мускулен хипертонус2017
4167. Relationship between IL-1β production and endodontic status of human periapical lesions 2017
4168. Изводи и препоръки за теорията и практиката2017
4169. Избор на тема на дисертациионото изследване2017
4170. Similarities and differences between design and artwork 2017
4171. Chaos as Art principle - Reason for Composition Imbalance 2017
4172. Costumul aromânilor din estul Macedoniei. Conceptul de baza care a ghidat ideea de documentare a costumelor populare ale aromânilor din estul Macedoniei 2017
4173. New evidence for the stolbur phytoplasma development in pepper in Republic of Macedonia2017
4174. Managing Employees in Macedonian Companies2017
4175. In Search of Reliable Methods for Data Collection in Interlanguage Pragmatics Research2017
4176. Acupuncture Treatment for Sports Injury – Hamstring Muscles Group 2017
4177. Влијанието на промоцијата врз деловниот успех на претпријатието „Витаминка“ – Прилеп2017
4178. Урбаниот туризам преку моделот на транзитниот туризам на градот Скопје 2017
4179. Рековалесценција на мускулна сила после трауми и операции2017
4180. Anything goes theorem, incomplete markets and Ricardian equivalence hypothesis2017
4181. Британските идеи за федерации и за конфедерации на Балканот и во Југоисточна Рвропа за време на Втората светска војна2017
4182. Значење на дигиталната библиотека во универзитетското образование2017
4183. Case Report - Male Infertility Acupuncture Treatment 2017
4184. Low Cost Robotic Arm for Object Grasping Applications2017
4185. Choosing the Easiest Way: Attracting FDI or Branding Macedonian Business?!2017
4186. Addressing the Role of Risk Management and Digital Finance Technology on Financial Inclusion2017
4187. The key to Macedonian competitiveness success2017
4188. Анализа на резултатите од изработка на ходник во шкрилец со примена на две технологии во рудник „Саса“2017
4189. Assessment of androgenic genotypes obtained from sweet pepper varieties (Capsicum annuum L.) 2017
4190. Индивидуализирана фармакотерапија – поврзаност со ензимите за метаболизирање на лекови2017
4191. Permanently split capacitor motor-study of the design parameters2017
4192. Choice of optimal route for truck coal haulage from Mariovo mine to REK Bitola2017
4193. The impact of hotel chains on the customer satisfaction and loyalty2017
4194. Одговорност на стечајниот управник во Република Македонија2017
4195. Assessment of reproductive traits of different androgenic pepper lines (Capsicum annuum L.)2017
4196. Importance of probiotics for human health2017
4197. The Scope of Macedonian Research on Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression in the Developmental Period of Adolescence 2017
4198. Robotic Assistant for Elderly Care: Development and Evaluation 2017
4199. Preference of modern technological achievements and innovations in the management strategy of the enterprise2017
4200. Илегалното префрлање на луѓе и стока преку македонската граница и начини на откривање2017
4201. Систем на доброволно здравствено осигурување во Р. Македонија - предности и слабости2017
4202. Особини и дејство на стекнувањето без основа2017
4203. Nuclear insurance pools worldwide: the role in the nuclear law 2017
4204. Hans of the Ottoman period: An analysis of the spatial concept in function of a modern tourist purpose2017
4205. Human resource management challenge for effective local government2017
4206. Говорот на омраза на интернет и социјалните мрежи2017
4207. Управување со Оф-шор компанија и искористување на предностите преку примери од Карибите2017
4208. Finete element analysis of stress of vehicles friction clutch diaphragm spring2017
4209. Oxidative stability effect of basil, garlic and muscat blossom extracts on lipids and microbiology of minced meat2017
4210. Preserving cultural assets of others: Jewish heritage sites in Macedonian cities2017
4211. Increase of the intensity of illegal migration in North Africa through West-Balkan route in 2017 and its influence of smuggling of migrants2017
4212. Hypoglycemia, representation in the laboratory results in the public hospital in Strumica2017
4213. Dietary habits and proper nutrition in children2017
4214. Improper nutrition as a factor for diseases in school children2017
4215. Textile materials used in military protective clothes design2017
4216. Polymer composite based of textiles in various geometry2017
4217. Apparel Industry in Macedonia, Conditions and Challenges2017
4218. Early postoperative rehabilitation of patients with total endoprothesis of the hip2017
4219. Commonly used textile fibers in composite industry for special purposes2017
4220. Motivation: A significant factor for quality assurance in Macedonian companies2017
4221. Democracy and media—Types of theories for means of mass communication2017
4222. Human Rights as a subject of world politics2017
4223. The relationship between the attitudes of Marx, Keynes and the New Keynesians towards the economic crisis2017
4224. Employees’ participation in the management and decision making in public enterprises and institutions – the case of the Republic of Macedonia2017
4225. Platinum-group minerals and their host chromitites in Macedonian ophiolites2017
4226. Учеството на малите и средните претпријатија во меѓународната трговија: можности и предизвици2017
4227. Права, обврски и одговорности на членовите на органот на управување во јавните здравствени установи 2017
4228. Рhysiotherapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2017
4229. Present status of Zymoseptoria tritici (Mycospharella graminicola /Fuckel/ Schroter) of the wheat cultures in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4230. Impact of the Structural Forms of Diaphragm Spring Beginning on Dynamic Durability of Diaphragm Springs of Vehicle Clutches 2017
4231. Acupuncture Treatment for Psoriasis Present on the Soles 2017
4232. Глобалното донесување на стратегиски одлуки и улогата на транспортот: случајот на ЕУ2017
4233. Дистрибутивните канали и предизвиците на земјите без излез на море2017
4234. Does liquidity and bank capital affect commercial banks profitability? Evidence from countries of Southeast Europe2017
4235. The stress variation by changing the supporting point location in the motor vehicle clutch assembley2017
4236. Перење пари и други приноси од казниво дело во Македонското казнено законодавство2017
4237. Притвор во постапката спрема деца2017
4238. Diminishing inter-linkages of the South East European stock markets2017
4239. Motives for boosting cultural tourism in Štip: Ottoman heritage2017
4240. Влијанието на ситуациски менаџерски стилови во организациското однесување2017
4241. Health of first permanent molars in Prilep region after fissure sealing according dental preventive program in FYR Macedonia2017
4242. FEM 2D and 3D design of transformer for core losses computation2017
4243. The role of supplemental instruction in improving students’ language competence at the Faculty of Philology2017
4244. Application of methods and techniques for quality in the Macedonian companies2017
4245. Прагматиката на меѓујазикот наспроти интеркултурната комуникација2017
4246. Hospitals on the territory of Vardar Macedonia as part of Serbia during the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia (1918–1941) 2017
4247. Acupuncture treatment for diaphragm muscle damage after peptic ulcer surgery2017
4248. Geochemical Determination of the Solar pp-Neutrino Flux with LOREX: A Progress Report2017
4249. Application of heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms in solving constrained Weber problem with feasible region bounded by arcs2017
4250. Conditions for Existence, Representations, and Computation of Matrix Generalized Inverses2017
4251. ZNN Models for Computing Matrix Inverse Based on Hyperpower Iterative Methods2017
4252. Case Report - Acupuncture Treatment for Hyperthyroidism2017
4253. Empirical distribution of stock returns of Southeast European emerging markets2017
4254. Municipal Bonds in Developing Countries. Case Study: Municipality of Stip, Republic of Macedonia 2017
4255. The Bektashi Sect, under the Light of Sari Saltuk Legends, in Albania2017
4256. Methodology for optimization of coefficient for ore recovery in sublevel caving mining method2017
4257. Судењето на вештерките во Римското и во Средновековното право2017
4258. Употреба на Европското јазично портфолио за самооценување и развивање автономија при учењето странски јазици2017
4259. Graphic line as composer of forms in interior and exterior design 2017
4260. Application and transformation of traditional forms in contemporary interiors 2017
4261. Characteristics of ancient furniture correlated with Scandinavian modernism2017
4262. Creativity development concept in industrial design2017
4263. One line with respect to the industrial design and its psychological representation in green areas2017
4264. Bionika concept for design of furniture2017
4265. Influence of the politics on freedom of the media2017
4266. South Sudan Vehicle Workshop Hazardous Waste Management 2017
4267. International Recognition of the countries and the foreign policy (theories and precedents) 2017
4268. Ore Loses and Dilution of the Ore Vein No. 4 in the Zletovo Mine, Republic of Macedonia2017
4269. Zeolites - sustainable building material2017
4270. Picture books of Jalvach Ural2017
4271. Some technics to platform cutting and splitting of the marble blocks2017
4272. Review of drilling and blasting parameters and some effects during blasting operations2017
4273. Comparison of soybean Cultivars enriching Cd and the application foreground of the low-accumulating Cultivar in production2017
4274. Патриотското чувство во творештвото на Љонка Пантелеев и Оливера Николова2017
4275. Some thoughts about humor in education and literature 2017
4276. Rapid Determination of Trace Elements in Macedonian Grape Brandies for Their Characterization and Safety Evaluation2017
4277. Plavica Epithermal Au–Ag–Cu Deposit in Eastern Macedonia: Geology and 3D Model of Valuable Component Distribution in Ore2017
4278. Measuring the Business Results in the Macedonian Companies2017
4279. Европа како можно светско војувалиште2017
4280. Brief review of the geopolitical situation in the region with a special emphasis on the security threats and migrant crisis2017
4281. Effect of swimming and physiotherapy in patients with nephrolithiasis 2017
4282. Acupuncture treatment for Acne vulgaris2017
4283. The importance of financial reporting for investment decision making2017
4284. The effect of Foreign Direct Investment in Western Balkan economies for the period 2005-20152017
4285. New evidence for Monday's and January's effects on the Macedonian stock exchange index (MBI10) returns2017
4286. Case Report – Pediatric Bell's Palsy Treatment with Acupuncture2017
4287. Students' interest for sport and recreation at Goce Delcev University - Stip, depending the selected Faculty2017
4288. Herbal and acupuncture treatment for breast cancer after mastectomy2017
4289. Acupuncture treatment for infertility due to low antimüllerian hormone levels2017
4290. Leisure time activities of students at teaching faculties from three countries2017
4291. The Need for Employee Education and Training in Macedonian Companies 2017
4292. Tourist valorization of urban tourism: The case of regional centres in Republic of Macedonia 2017
4293. Researches in the phase of exploitation of the ore body Cukar 2 east in function of increasing lifetime of the Buchim Copper Mine, eastern Macedonia2017
4294. Organization of the access database for the Kadiica mineral deposit, Republic of Macedonia2017
4295. Soil and groundwater contamination around the Lojane As-Sb mine, Republic of Macedonia2017
4296. Micronucleus Assay as Genotoxicity Method to Determine the Human Health Risk2017
4297. Capturing of acid drainage mine water from the Bunardzik waste dump in function to installation for leaching of copper and protection of the environment in the Buchim Copper Mine, Republic of Macedonia2017
4298. The influence of the structural characteristics of cotton and pоlyester knitted fabrics on the thermo-physiological comfort2017
4299. Acupuncture treatment for tennis elbow2017
4300. Applying of different fabrics for design of the protective military clothes2017
4301. Tourism legislation and policy: Review of tourism law in selected Balkan countries 2017
4302. The Quality of Financial Information and Stock Market Development: A Panel Data Study for the European Economies2017
4303. Thyroid disorder:treatment with acupuncture2017
4304. Empirical analysis of Macedonian export structure: the role of metal industry2017
4305. Basic geotechnical parameters of metallic mineral deposits in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4306. Two Case Reports - Acupuncture for Hand and Wrist Pain 2017
4307. Co-Determination of Labor and Competitiveness: Evidence From Sample of Small Firms From R. Macedonia2017
4308. Mineralogy and geochemistry of trace elements from Crven Dol – Alšar deposit (Republic of Macedonia)2017
4309. Prospects of discovery of new deposits of lead and zinc in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4310. Prediction of long-term indoor radon concentration based on short-term measurements2017
4311. Historical review of travel guides in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4312. Importance of practical work for students in the field of tourism 2017
4313. Public-Public Partnership and Tourism Development Strategy: The Case of Municipality of Gazi Baba in Macedonia2017
4314. Прагматика наспроти граматика наспроти семантика2017
4315. The Success of Projecting and Implementing Quality System in the Macedonian Companies 2017
4316. High performance management practices and sustainability outcomes within higher education institutions2017
4317. Thoron, radon and air ions spatial distribution in indoor air2017
4318. European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)2017
4319. Полномошно2017
4320. Граѓанско-правна одговорност на застапникот, Civil Liability of Agent2017
4321. Present status of Fire Blight Caused by Erwinia amylovora on Quince Trees in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4322. Enzymatic treatment of wool fabrics - opportunity of the improvement on some physical and chemical properties of the fabrics2017
4323. Determination of weight loss of cotton fabrics in enzymatic treatment2017
4324. Турскиот суфикс -ли /-lİ/ (-lı, -li, -lu, -lü) во македонските презимиња 2017
4325. Симболиката на синтаксичките тријади во песната „Црква“ од Блаже Конески2017
4326. German native speakers’ use of modification devices of the speech act request2017
4327. Термините и нивните француски еквиваленти во зборникот „Терминологија од областа на теологијата“ од Јован Таковски2017
4328. Analytical study of the XIV century wall painting and lime mortars in the "St. George" church in Staro Nagoričane, Republic of Macedonia2017
4329. Evaluation and agronomic potential of androgenic pepper genotypes derived from Piran (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Piran)2017
4330. Неправилна исхрана како фактор за појава на разни заболувања кај школските деца2017
4331. Инцидентно усвојување на нов вокабулар преку читање басни2017
4332. A New Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method in FEA Based on Magnetic Field Conservation at Elements Interfaces and Non- conforming Mesh Refinement Technique2017
4333. A Computer Aided Education System Based on Augmented Reality by Immersion to 3-D Magnetic Field2017
4334. Simulation of Screening Current Reduction Effect in REBCO Coils by External AC Magnetic Field2017
4335. Entrepreneurial intentions in selected South-East European countries2017
4336. Numerical and analytical model of induction motor for computer aided design2017
4337. Branding the green tourism in Macedonia2017
4338. Преводната еквиваленција на лексичко ниво при преведување од турски на македонски јазик2017
4339. Standart Türk Dilinin Yumuşaklığı ve Ahenkliliği2017
4340. За зборот што направи успешна кариера во јазикот2017
4341. Statistic analysis of effectiveness of acupuncture treatment2017
4342. Семантиката на глаголот заборави и нејзините синтаксички проекции2017
4343. Разлики меѓу шпанскиот и италијанскиот јазик од фонолошка гледна точка2017
4344. Постмодернистички стратегии во македонската модерна и постмодерна поезија2017
4345. Перцепција на студентите за сопствените проблеми при читање англиски текстови2017
4346. Promoting Macedonian Literary Heritage in German-Speaking Countries2017
4347. Implementation of adaptive "E-school" System 2017
4348. Универзалноста на Климентовото дело – неизгаслива светлина за сесловенските народи2017
4349. Mobile Health Based System for Managing and Maintaining Health Data in Classroom: Case Study2017
4350. Контекстот св. Климент vs Прличев во македонската културна меморија2017
4351. Б. Конески - кодификатор на македонскиот стандарден јазик.2017
4352. Design and construction of advanced model of protective clothes2017
4353. Употреба на ласерска технологија во денталните терапевтски процедури 2017
4354. Influence of different auxins on rooting of rosemary, sage and elderberry2017
4355. Procedure for calculation of the parameters of device for induction heating2017
4356. Maloletnicka računarska pornografija u Republici Makedoniji2017
4357. Home Automation System Control Based on Speech Commands2017
4358. Seismic microzoning in Skopje, Macedonia2017
4359. Seismic microzoning of Štip in Macedonia2017
4360. The Late Cretaceous Klepa basalts in Macedonia (FYROM)— Constraints on the final stage of Tethys closure in the Balkans2017
4361. Acupuncture treatment for pain after tooth extraction2017
4362. The Transformation of the Cultural Processes Related To Treatment of the City Historical Buildings2017
4363. Management of Chronic Tinnitus and Insomnia with Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – a Combined Approach2017
4364. Книжевните „дешифрирања“ на Венко Андоновски2017
4365. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C viral infections, importance, microbiological diagnosis and incidence in Shtip, Republic of Macedonia2017
4366. Predicting tourism demand by A.R.I.M.A. models2017
4367. Service for controlling household electrical devices through the internet2017
4368. Mathematical modeling and using of the Matlab developed tools for industrial production and kinetic flotation modelling2017
4369. Analiza postojеćеg stanja makеdonskih kompanija u odnosu na model poslovne izvrsnosti2017
4370. Specifikite na bankarskata garancija kako instrument za obezbeduvanje na pobaruvanje2017
4371. Production of Gel with Menthol, Benzocaine and Procaine HCl for Topical Application in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients 2017
4372. Possibilities for the development of rural tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4373. Implementation of e-learning and ICT on the Faculty of Medical Sciences2017
4374. Environmental impact of heavy metals on the blood cells in professionally exposed workers2017
4375. Problem proposal 101.A2017
4376. Inequality in triangle 2932017
4377. Case Report: Fire Needle Acupuncture for Knee Pain 2017
4378. Management of Chronic Tinnitus and Insomnia with Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – a Combined Approach2017
4379. Case report - treating hypothyroidism with acupuncture2017
4380. Strategic and Finance Management – Determining Factors for the Success of the Companies in the Business World2017
4381. On Construction of Orthogonal d-ary Operations2017
4382. Performance Modelling of PV Arrays Under Specific Working Conditions2017
4383. Polyester Apparel Cutting Waste as Insulation Material2017
4384. Changes in kinetic parameters of gait in patients with supratentorial unilateral stroke in chronic period2017
4385. Подобрување на одот кај пациенти после мозочен удар2017
4386. The impact of interaction on providing conditions for listening in teaching2017
4387. Problema Lunii Martie 20172017
4388. Szolloszy's inequality2017
4389. Exradii of the triangle and Euler's inequality2017
4390. Турскиот суфикс -џи/-чи /-CI/ (-cı, -ci, -cu, -cü, -çı, -çi, -çu, -çü) во македонските презимиња - The Turkish suffix -џи/-чи /-CI/ (-cı, -ci, -cu, -cü, -çı, -çi, -çu, -çü) in Macedonian Surnames 2017
4391. Quantitative assessment of metal elements using moss species as biomonitors in downwind area of lead-zinc mine2017
4392. Long-term Geochemical Evolution of Lithogenic Versus Anthropogenic Distribution of Macro and Trace Elements in Household Attic Dust2017
4393. The theme od death in literature for children and youth 2017
4394. Steganography of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)2017
4395. Oil profile of some genotypes of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) manufactured in the Strumica region, Republic of Macedonia2017
4396. Acupuncture in the treatment of pain2017
4397. Fire Needle Acupuncture Treatment for Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) 2017
4398. Attitudes towards managing post-industrial apparel cuttings waste2017
4399. Two Case Reports: Acupuncture Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia2017
4400. Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine2017
4401. Практична примена на едно – димензионалната бранова равенка 2017
4402. Споредба на алгоритми за класификација2017
4403. Analysis of visual field changes in patients with early diagnosed open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension by standard computer-assisted perimetry2017
4404. Nemo answers on measuring2017
4405. Problem of the Month - March 20172017
4406. Investing in staff development - path to success for companies2017
4407. Harmony of furniture with matter of tradition 2017
4408. The effect of lighting exterior and interior design 2017
4409. Are age-appropriate antibiotic formulations missing from the WHO list of essential medicines for children? A comparison study2017
4410. Novel technique for Authentication & Encryption in Next Generation Networks2017
4411. Requirements for next generation business transformation and their implementation in 5G architecture2017
4412. Production of Macedonian contemporary music composers: stimulative measures for new musical works2017
4413. Comparative Overview of Agency (Commercial Agency)2017
4414. Euroisation in the Western Balkans: The Evidence for Macedonian Economy2017
4415. Impact of flavonols on cardiometabolic biomarkers: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled human trials to explore the role of inter-individual variability, review article2017
4416. Consumption of Carbonated and Fruit Drinks As A Risk Factor in The Onset of Dental Erosions in Examinees of Different Ages And Their Correlation to Salivary Calcium And Phosphates2017
4417. The Impact of Carbonated Drinks on the Onset of Dental Erosions inthe First Permanent Incisors and Molars in Examinees at the Age from 10 to 29 Years2017
4418. The implementation of the Quality Costs Methodology in the Public Transport Enterprise in Macedonia 2017
4419. Shoulder Bursitis Treatment with Acupuncture 2017
4420. Case Report Acupuncture And Herbal Treatment With Yunnan Baiyao For Hyperhidrosis 2017
4421. Demographic changes of fertility and life expectancy impact on food consumption tendencies2017
4422. EU Concergence: South East Europe Six Facing Macroeconomic Challenges2017
4423. Creating Successful Management through Risk Exposure Detection and Access to Finance of the Company2017
4424. Aufgabe 13472017
4425. Analysis of the current conditions in the Macedonian companies concerning the quality of products, services and processes2017
4426. The need for local government reform in the Republic of Macedonia2017
4427. Comparative view of the preambles of the Constitutions of Republic Of Portugal and Republic Of Macedonia 2017
4428. Micropropagation of ornamental species Petunia grandiflora and Dianthus chinensis x barbatus 2017
4429. Concept of a joint stock company2017
4430. Bedestens from Ottoman period: factors of influence implemented in contemporary city concept2017
4431. Role of the nurse in gynecological endoscopic operations. 2017
4432. Spatial distribution and associated spatial uncertainty of potential toxic elements - the Lake Kalimanci case study (Republic of Macedonia)2017
4433. An Empirical Research on the Correlation between Human Capital and Career Success: Serbian and Macedonian Banking Sector2017
4434. Approximation for the solutions of Lorenz system with systems of differential equations2017
4435. Human Capital and Its Impact on the Career Success: Serbian and Macedonian Banking Sector 2017
4436. EU Convergence, Structural Adjustments and Growth: Is SEE6 Catching Up? 2017
4437. Impact of integrated communication on entrepreneurial companies’ financial performance - A developing economy2017
4438. Selection of 80 newly isolated autochthonous yeast strains from the Tikveš region of Macedonia and their impact on the quality of red wines produced from Vranec and Cabernet Sauvignon grape varieties2017
4439. Sabit Yusuf ‘un “Kötü Yürekli Olan Kimdir?”2016
4440. Comparative analysis of advertising and promotion of traditional herbal medicine and food supplement at different markets - case study2016
4441. Analysis of Marketing Strategy for Food Supplements and Over-The-Counter Medicines2016
4442. Etiology, diagnosis and therapy in patients with bruxism2016
4443. Association of p53Pro72Arg (rs1042522) and MDM2309 (rs2279744) polymorphisms with risk for cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer development in Macedonian women2016
4444. Optimization of enzymatic assay of superoxid dismutase and glutation peroxidase activity in milk whey2016
4445. Effects of non-genetic factors on daily milk production in Awassi breed of sheep in Macedonia2016
4446. The Effect of Thermal Environment on Daily Milk Yield of Dairy Cows2016
4447. Intestinal parasites of Salmo ohridanus (Steindachner, 1892) from Ohrid Lake2016
4448. Determination of natural radionuclide in pig production chain in Macedonia by gamma spectrometry2016
4449. Six sigma and design of experiments for improving the production of composite pipes2016
4450. Antioxidant status in dairy cows during transition period2016
4451. Management of acute renal colic according guidelines in general hospitalsand university hospitals2016
4452. Some basic principles of the intercultural education2016
4453. Перцепција на студентите за сопствените проблеми при читање англиски текстови2016
4454. Dedicated to the way of teaching English grammar2016
4455. The importance of the career counseling process2016
4456. Intra-linguistic analysis of requests in Macedonian2016
4457. Traveling Brokers of Legitimacy - the Shared Proto-history of Classical Archaeology and Modern Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe2016
4458. Некои прашања во врска со бугарскиот поход против Берзитија 2016
4459. Организирање на илегалната санитетска служба на територијата на Македонија в време на НОБ 2016
4460. History of Classical Archaeology and its Impact on the Identity, Culture and Politics of the European Nations2016
4461. Malignancy in patients with opioid use disorder A late diagnosis in patient on maintenance treatment with Buprenorphine, with lethal effect a case report2016
4462. Перфорација на жолчно ќесе (приказ на случај)2016
4463. Between Classical Archaeology and Neo-orthodoxy – the Transformations, Identities and Challenges of the Political Elites in Contemporary Greece2016
4464. Поим и казнено - правна уреденост на сексуалната експлоатација на деца во домашниот правен систем2016
4465. Улогата на центрите за социјална работа во остварувањето на концептот на ресторативна правда спрема децата2016
4466. Child Sexual Abuse: Legal frame, mechanisms and future challenges in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4467. New technique of compression anastomosis in colorectal surgery–first results in 25 patients in Macedonia2016
4468. Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the common bile duct:a case report and literature review2016
4469. Supramolecular hydrogen bonding patterns of co-crystals containing the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Phloroglucinol and N-heterocycles2016
4470. Crystal Structure and Packing Analysis of Nitrofurantoin N,N-dimethylformamide Solvate2016
4471. Појавата на неправилности и можна измама и превентивни мерки2016
4472. Public opinion and EU accession - basic in political rhetoric 2016
4473. Uticaj liderstva na motivaciju i nagrađivanje zaposlenih2016
4474. Avoiding heavy computations in inverse calibration procedure for 7 DOF robot manipulator2016
4475. Development and standardization of Rituximab-conjugates for labeling with Lutetium-177 and Yttrium-902016
4476. Determination of cannabidiol and Δ9tetrahydrocannabinol in Cannabis sativa L. preparations present2016
4477. Comment on Publications from OpT2mise Study2016
4478. Maternal 75-g OGTT glucose levels as predictive factors for large-for gestational age newborns in women with gestational diabetes mellitus2016
4479. Maternal lipids may predict fetal growth in type 2 diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancies2016
4480. Како да се остане човек меѓу луѓето - прашање е сега?(Осврт кон книгата афоризми „Изгоревме под сенка“ на Атанас Крлевски)2016
4481. Медијаторска атмосферска практика - змејовитиот човек во македонската и здухачот во српската народна традиција2016
4482. Овековечена Струмица (Краток осврт кон книгата „Опеана Струмица“ на Иван Котев)2016
4483. Two-dimensional translation, rocking, and waves in a building during soil-structure interaction excited by a plane earthquake SV-wave pulse2016
4484. Two-dimensional translation, rocking, and waves in a building during soil-structure interaction excited by a plane earthquake p-wave pulse2016
4485. 29 years of application of the first exchange transfusion with hemolytic diseases in newborns in Medical Center in Stip2016
4486. Expert system for managing logistic processes 2016
4487. Protection of the economic places in the late antique period in the regions of the Malesevo and Pijanec2016
4488. За вежбите поврзани со граматичките категории на именките од учебниците по македонски јазик за странци – почетно рамниште2016
4489. Незапирлив бран на современиот тероризам2016
4490. За чувањето на идентитетот на македонскиот јазик2016
4491. Нешто за резултатите од анонимниот тест спроведен кај учениците од VI одделение во Штипско2016
4492. Осврт кон усвојувањето на граматичките категории кај именките во македонскиот јазик како странски2016
4493. The Global Market and the Global Work Force2016
4494. The art of Business English2016
4495. Historical reasons for refugee-immigrant crises and its overall social impact on the Southeast European countries2016
4496. Воената индустрија и незиното влијание врз настаните во светот2016
4497. Status and challenges of the defense reforms in the republic of Serbia for Euro-Atlantic integration2016
4498. New educational policies and their reflections on social developments2016
4499. New educational policies and their reflections on social developments2016
4500. Mеѓуетничките односи во образовниот систем2016
4501. About some educational goals in teaching-socio-cultural problem or a challenge modern education2016
4502. Bronislaw Malinovski`s functinal view 2016
4503. Photosynthetic status, organic production and activity of the enzyme alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different sites in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4504. Традиционалниот азиски театар и драматургијата на Бертолд Брехт2016
4505. Исламската држава и митот за „осамените волци“2016
4506. Може ли да се спречи „домашниот“ индивидуален тероризам? 2016
4507. Незапирлив бран на современиот тероризам2016
4508. За корените на модерниот тероризам и борбата со него2016
4509. Application of ICT Tools in Teaching Literature 2016
4510. Reducing the risk of energy crisis in the Republic of Macedonia through the implementation of the strategy for energy development2016
4511. Change in radiation exposition in patients with renal colic 2004–20142016
4512. The impact of climate change on military activities2016
4513. Connection between organized crime and terrorism as a new security threat2016
4514. Organization of illegal sanitation service in Macedonia during the WWII2016
4515. Nutritional therapy in the treatment of acute corrosive intoxication in adults2016
4516. Minoxidil overdosage: A case report 2016
4517. Fissured tongue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – a case report2016
4518. Високо модифицирани полимерни материјали еволутивен чекор во денталната протетиката2016
4519. Фонетски и фонолошки девијации во употребата на македонскиот јазик кај полските и украинските студенти2016
4520. The impact of small and medium sized enterprises (SMS) in the development of sports tourism in the municipality of Dojran, Republic of Macedonia2016
4521. Една можна критика на Бахтиновата интерпретација на Достоевски2016
4522. Informal competencies for employment and entrepreneurship - conditions and opportunities for Macedonia2016
4523. A perfect storm: Macedonia’s political chaos and the refugee crisis2016
4524. Меѓународна соработка 3 Справување со асиметрични закани2016
4525. Потреба од меѓународна соработка 22016
4526. Потреба од меѓународна соработка2016
4527. Старо-нови безбедносни закани2016
4528. Crisis management and international cooperation from the perspective of a small country2016
4529. The role of army of Republic of Macedonia in dealing with the security challenges posed by migration crisis2016
4530. Suicide terrorism-threat for national security of modern democratic states2016
4531. The use of knowledge in natural-disaster relief management2016
4532. Development, theory and practice of the security functions in the armed forces of the Republic of Macedonia2016
4533. The Militant Ideology as a Center of Gravity of the Religious Militant Organizations 2016
4534. Specificity of the military police service in the implementation of search measures and activities2016
4535. Аassessment of threat to national security from CBRN terrorism2016
4536. Општествена улога на арм во изградбата на националната безбедност на Република Македонија2016
4537. Транснационалниот организиран криминал како закана за националната безбедност2016
4538. Тhe importance of organizational learning and knowledge transfer for efficient defense and security system2016
4539. Тhe role of knowledge in disaster risk reduction2016
4540. Тhe role of Interpol dealing with crime and terrorism2016
4541. Efficiency of Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser in Skin Resurfacing 2016
4542. Уште еден пристап кон „Сомнително лице“ – текст и театар2016
4543. Teachers for teachers - about some experiences in the pedagogical views on evaluation, self-evaluation and providing quality in the education and teaching -2016
4544. The cooperative activity of the teacher for the development of the educational process2016
4545. Потекло, адаптација и семантика на турскиот суфикс -ди/-ти /-DI/ (-dı, -di, -du, -dü, -tı, -ti, -tu, tü) во македонскиот јазик 2016
4546. Adipogenic potential of stem cells derived from rabbit subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue in vitro2016
4547. DUX4 recruits p300/CBP through its C-terminus and induces global H3K27 acetylation changes2016
4548. Transcriptional Inhibitors Identified in a 160,000-Compound Small-Molecule DUX4 Viability Screen2016
4549. Професионалните знаења и компетенции на наставниците по физичко воспитување2016
4550. On the occasion 120 years since publication of the book “Materials on the study of Macedonia” by Gjorce Petrov2016
4551. Емисија и имисијата на гасови во атмосферата од термоелектрани во Република Македонија2016
4552. Одређивања утицаја адитива у уља на раду мотора са унутрашњим сагоревањем преко експерименталних тестирања2016
4553. Влијание на температурата врз триболошките параметри на фрикционите спојки за моторни возила2016
4554. Thematic and Textual Comparison of the Tragedies "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare and "Antigone" by Sophocles2016
4555. The Byronic Hero: Emergence, Issues and Definition of his Progenies2016
4556. Студија на случај: Зошто некои општествени движења се поуспешни од други? 2016
4557. Comparative Linguistic Analysis of Russian and English Proverbs and Sayings2016
4558. Придонесот на ревизијата и ревизорските извештаи кон подигање на квалитетот на финансиското известување и кон зголемување на меѓународното движење на капитал2016
4559. The role of professional skepticism in financial statement audit and its appropriate appplication2016
4560. Model framework for off label use of medicines2016
4561. The traditional Asian theater and the dramaturgy of Bertold Brecht2016
4562. Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser in Treatment of Acne Scars2016
4563. Settlement of the Debt Crisis In A Member State of the Monetary Union and in a Country Having Its Own Currency2016
4564. Застапеноста на германските јазични вариетети во Австрија во учебниците по германски јазик како странски јазик „Schritte International”2016
4565. Интернационализација на високото образование 2016
4566. Транскрипцијата на турските имиња според стариот и според новиот Правопис на македонскиот јазик 2016
4567. Личните заменки во македонскиот и во турскиот јазик 2016
4568. Рамка за меѓукултурните истражувања на говорните чинови2016
4569. Историски преглед на употребата и дефинирањето на поимите инпут и интејк во методиката на наставата по странски јазик 2016
4570. Representation of folklore in textbooks primary school2016
4571. Energy Efficiency Practices: Assessment of Ohrid Hotel Industry2016
4572. Проблеми со прибележување на студентите при консекутивно толкување2016
4573. Intertextual references to J. Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness in F. F. Coppola’s film Apocalypse Now2016
4574. Pedagogical orientation in textbook literature for singing by notation of Stefan Gajdov2016
4575. Рано изучување на странски јазик2016
4576. Sleep apnea and sleep fragmentation contribute to brain aging2016
4577. Benthic foraminiferal morphogroups from the Paleogene of the Republic of Macedonia – characterization and paleoecological significance2016
4578. Шпанскиот јазик во високото образование во Република Македонија2016
4579. Influence of lodging of rice during vegetation on rice milling yield and quality.2016
4580. Antibiotic prescribing for children in primary care and adherence to treatment guidelines 2016
4581. Characterizing electrode reactions by multisampling the current in square-wave voltammetry2016
4582. Rules for electricity exchange for photovoltaic residential systems2016
4583. The influence of structural variations on wool fabrics air permeability2016
4584. Standard computerized perimetry in function of diagnostic glaucoma2016
4585. Unwanted side effects of travoprost2016
4586. Problem proposal 119452016
4587. Off-label and unlicensed use of medicines in Macedonian neonatal wards2016
4588. Few building blocks for evidence-based decision making2016
4589. Methods for vascular control in liver resection due to colorectal metastases - impact on residual parenchima2016
4590. Prognostic factors affecting survival of patients after liver resection due to colorectal liver metastases2016
4591. The role of the modern teacher in teaching music2016
4592. The role and importance of Ottoman office2016
4593. Didactic principle of visualization in mathematics2016
4594. Relationship between the extremes of a functional and its variation2016
4595. Problem proposal 119382016
4596. Featured Solution 40752016
4597. За гаранцијата на правата на македонското национално малцинство во Бугарија2016
4598. The Lisbon Treaty and the Police and Justice Cooperation: Special Emphasis to the European Public Prosecutor's Office2016
4599. Нараторите и наратерите во романот „Бабаџан“ од Живко Чинго2016
4600. „Македонска крвава свадба“ – нови интерпретативни аспекти2016
4601. Note on the Distribution Composition (x_+^\ mu)^\ lambda2016
4602. Defining Compositions of x^μ_+,|x|^μ,x^{−s}and x^{−s}ln|x| as Neutrix Limit of Regular Sequences2016
4603. Играта калочоина во западна Македонија2016
4604. Накитот и китењето суштинска одлика во сценските адаптации2016
4605. Водичарки во планинските села од Скопска Блатија2016
4606. Stanje mašina i opreme za aplikaciju pesticida u štipskom regionu i mogučnost primene evropskog standarda EN 137902016
4607. Challenges in modern management and modern business that Macedonian organizations face in gaining competitive advantage2016
4608. Государственная национальная политика как гарантия национального самоопределения (на примере России и Болгарии)2016
4609. Изучувањето на македонската национална историја во бугарските училишта2016
4610. Концепции за решавање на Македонското прашање на страните на весникот Пиринско дело (1945 – 1947)2016
4611. Јазик Словенски во старословенските текстови (IX – XIV век)2016
4612. Македонското малцинство во Бугарија од признавање кон негирање 1948 – 19892016
4613. Wavelets and Continuous Wavelet Transform2016
4614. Application of clean geometric indoors2016
4615. Tuscany style in interior and exterior2016
4616. Application of optical illusion of modern interior and exterior2016
4617. Fluency of English art on exterior and interior2016
4618. Review of the theory of economic development: some Shumpeterian insights2016
4619. Excavation between the levels H-910 and H-830 in the “Svinja Reka“ mine district of the “Sasa“ mine - Makedonska Kamenica2016
4620. Some research to determine the capacity of truck haulage in open-pit mining2016
4621. Писмата на Антоан де Сент Егзипери до мајка му 2016
4622. Development of alternative HPLC method for the determination of Tirofiban in rat serum2016
4623. Влијанието на глобализацијата врз кредитниот ризик2016
4624. Влијанието на глобализацијата врз сметководството2016
4625. Кон преводот на Ленка од Кочо Рацин на француски јазик2016
4626. Makedonya Türkoloji duayenlerinden Prof.Dr. Arif Ago’nun Türkçe Eğitimine Katkilari2016
4627. Предизвици на менаџерското сметководство во услови на глобализација 2016
4628. Турцизмите во македонскиот и во германскиот јазик од две различни перспективи 2016
4629. Investment in transport infrastructure as key determinant to boosting technological–industrial development zones in Republic of Macedonia2016
4630. Empirical estimation of the multiplicative effects of steel industry in Macedonia by using input-output model 2016
4631. Human Capital as a Binding Constraint to Economic Growth: The Case of Macedonia2016
4632. Economic impact analysis of steel industry in Republic of Macedonia: the case of Makstil a.d Skopje2016
4633. Evaluation of underwriter's municipal bond purchase proposal (predetermination of the proceedings in the case of eventual negotiated sale of municipal bonds in the city of Shtip)2016
4634. Advantages of using ICT in higher education2016
4635. Co-determination of labor and competitiveness: evidence from sample of small firms from R. Macedonia 2016
4636. Синтаксичка повеќезначност2016
4637. Corporate governance and financial reporting in Macedonia through the prism of independent auditors report2016
4638. Актуелна состојба со ревизорската професија во Република Македонија2016
4639. Reduction of pain in patients with lumbar syndrome2016
4640. Kinesitherapy in respiratory disorders in children2016
4641. Applying the isokinetic and the isokinetic diagnostics at the injures of Ligamentum anterior cruciate-ACL2016
4642. The role of kinesitherapy at the rehabilitation of paralysis of n. Facialis 2016
4643. Инженерско-геолошки карактеристики на свлечиште на површински коп Бунарџик во рудникот „Бучим“ - Радовиш2016
4644. Space, composition, vertical wall ... 2016
4645. Пространство и композиция в ентериерниот и екстериерниот дизайн2016
4646. Mеѓуетничките односи во образовниот систем2016
4647. Менаџирањето со Е-финансиите како предизвик пред македонската и руската економија2016
4648. Стратегиски фактори на капиталот на брендот2016
4649. Сигнализирањето на наталитетот и очекуваното траење на животот во Р.Македонија и Русија за креирањето на стратегија за развој на човечките ресурси2016
4650. The teaching as bipolar / interaction process2016
4651. Modern teaching for modern education2016
4652. Како известуваат медиумите во Република Македонија за активностите на јавното обвинителство за гонење на кривичните поврзани и кои произлегуваат од содржината на незаконското следење на комуникациите во периодот од 01.04.-30.06.20162016
4653. Анализа на одредбите на колективните договори во Република Македонија во периодот 1990-2010 од аспект на примена на начелото поповолност за вработените (in favorem laboratories)2016
4654. The identity of Albertine or the unreachable reality in Proust2016
4655. Методи и техники на часовите по турски јазик и книжевност според просеците на когнитивното учење2016
4656. First children artists of Turkish language in Macedonia2016
4657. Зурла - музички инструмент на еден етнос во Р. Македонија и Р. Бугарија2016
4658. Approaches to learning musical literacy2016
4659. Hydrogeological features and assessment of temperature in primary collector of the thermomineral water from the hydrogeothermal system of the spa Kežovica and L'dži – Štip2016
4660. Maternal cytokines and biochemical markers as indicators of moderate and severe preeclampsia2016
4661. Говорот на изучувачите на англискиот јазик наспрема говорот на родените говорители2016
4662. Местото и улогата на турските лексички елементи во историскиот развој на македонскиот јазик2016
4663. Референцијалните фразеологизми во преводот од германски на македонски јазик и обратно2016
4664. Улогата на правилниот изговор при комуникацијата на англиски јазик изучуван како странски јазик2016
4665. Utilization of garment industry textile waste2016
4666. Marcel Proust et les personnages juifs dans A la recherche du temps perdu2016
4667. Les motifs du matricide dans les écrits de jeunesse de Marcel Proust2016
4668. Учителот личност што треба да се следи и почитува 2016
4669. The achieved knowledge, skills and abilities of students of pedagogical fasulity "Goce Delcev" Stip as a "sine non" for successful mastering of the physical education curriculum 2016
4670. Содржините на наставните програми по балет во основните музички училишта - предизвик за учителот2016
4671. За предизвиците и перспективите на професијата учител 2016
4672. Интеркултурните компетенции – предизвик за наставниците во мултикултурните општества 2016
4673. За предизвиците и перспективите на професијата учител 2016
4674. Средината за учење и актерите во неа2016
4675. Семејството како средина за учење и позитивен развој2016
4676. Логичко мисловни операции неопходни за формирање на почетните математички поими2016
4677. Remote triage support algorithm based on fuzzy logic2016
4678. Implementation of a System for Physiological Status Monitoring by using Tactical Military Networks2016
4679. Критички осврт кон збирката раскази „Седмоглавиот џин“ на Мустафа Карахасан2016
4680. Makedonya’da ‘Türk Yazı Dili Tarihi’ Konusunu Üniversite Türk Dili Edebiyatı Bölümlerinde “Rol Oynama (Dramatizasyon) Yöntemiyle Öğretimi2016
4681. Sabit Yusuf’un Şiirlerinde Aile Değerleri2016
4682. Sabit Yusuf ‘un “Kötü Yürekli Olan Hikâyesinde Aile Kimdir?”2016
4683. Correct time management - condition for greater efficiency2016
4684. What kind of a mentor teacher do we want?2016
4685. Инклузивноста - индикатор за квалитетно образование2016
4686. Интеграциско-корелациска поврзаност на содржините од наставните предмети по физичко и здравствено образование и општество во одделенската настава2016
4687. Состојби и перспективи на универзитетскиот спорт во Република Македонија и некои Балкански земји со осврт на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип2016
4688. Зградата на ректоратот во Штип, објект што ги поврзува минатото, сегашноста и иднината2016
4689. Yugoslavya Vatandaşi Fettah Rauf’un Şiirlerinde Türkiyeli Üç Şair: Mehmed Âkif-Yahya Kemâl-Necip Fazil2016
4690. Poems from the Yugoslavian's Poet Fettah Rauf Three Poets n Turkey: Mehmed Âkif-Yahya Kemâl-Necip Fazil2016
4691. “Babam Öğretmendi“ the story by Lütfü Seyfullah tells the importance and teachings of the grandfather in the family2016
4692. The Wedding Traditions in Macedonia2016
4693. Traditional Architecture with Contemporary Use. Methods of Preserving the National Architecture of Macedonia2016
4694. Sequentially convergent mappings and common fixed points of mappings in 2-Banach spaces2016
4695. Featured solution 40652016
4696. Упатство за планирање на спортски активности кај деца од предучилишна возраст2016
4697. Sintering of ceramics based on mechanicaly activated fly ash2016
4698. Integration and correlation concepts in physical education 2016
4699. Establishing the relation between teacher and the student in a context of teacher`s educational role - perspective of the future physical education teachers 2016
4700. Menagement with time, academic obligation and posibilities for active break for the teaching staff at the Facylty of Educational Sciences at Goce Delcev University in Stip-Macedonia2016
4701. Compatibility between motor ability of seven year old children with physical education contents noted in national physical education curriculum for second grade2016
4702. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in E-Commerce2016
4703. Застапувањето и сродните институти-Agency and Related Institutes2016
4704. Застапување-минато и сегашност-Agency-Past and Present2016
4705. International Commercial Agency (Contract of International Commercial Representation)2016
4706. Commercial Communication and Information Society Services2016
4707. National architecture in Dojran and its vicinity during the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries2016
4708. Radiolabeled tirofiban – a potential radiopharmaceutical for detection of deep venous thrombosis2016
4709. Intercultural Medical Communication in Europe–IMED-COMM-EU2016
4710. Културата, културните разлики и предрасуди2016
4711. Examination of the biological properties of oats grown in condition of organic production2016
4712. The tumulus of the domina from Gaynov Dol2016
4713. A Double Life Cycle: Determining Tourism Development in Macedonia2016
4714. Создавање на Армија на Европската унија: Теориска анализа низ призмата на концептот на нормативната моќ на Европската унија2016
4715. Процентуална застапеност на капсаициноиди во плодови од Capsicum sp. култивирани во Република Македонија2016
4716. Демократијата како вредност на политиките за проширување на Европската унија2016
4717. Технологии во современата настава во средните училишта во Република Македонија2016
4718. Companies as capital companies and personal companies determination of the term company2016
4719. Отказ на договорот за вработување заради економски, организациони, технолошки, структурни или слични причини (деловни причини)2016
4720. Nutritional therapy in the treatment of acute corrosive intoxication in adults 2016
4721. Technological Industrial Development Zone - (DTIDZ) and international business hub: Macedonian experience2016
4722. Aspects of Competitiveness - Achieving Competitive Advantage of Organizations in Macedonia2016
4723. Probiotics and immunological disorders2016
4724. Approaches in evaluation of freeze-dried antibody conjugates2016
4725. Писмата на Антоан де Сент Егзипери до мајка му 2016
4726. Осигурување од одговорност на членовите на органите на управување кај АД2016
4727. Chemical composition of red Vranec wines from different locations 2016
4728. The Ombudsman role in the Republic of Macedonia as a controller of the state administration work2016
4729. Positive and negative еffects of the application of the citizenship law in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4730. Strategic management of the public sector in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4731. Нечесни договорни клаузули и нечесна деловна практика во авионскиот превоз2016
4732. University Master Program of Radiopharmacy – step forward for Good Radiopharmacy Education2016
4733. Democratization through stability of institutions 2016
4734. Високо модифицирани полимерни материјали еволутивен чекор во денталната протетика 2016
4735. Цицерон - Најречитиот од потомците на Ромул (II)2016
4736. Улогата на центрите за социјална работа во остварувањето на концептот на ресторативна правда спрема децата2016
4737. The role of cocrystallization screening for the assessment of structure-activity relationship in drug development2016
4738. Democratization vis-à-vis integration2016
4739. Europe at “war”: globalization vs. geopolitics2016
4740. Europe’s migration crisis: European Union at failure2016
4741. Europe’s Migration/Refugee Crisis: Globalization at Risk2016
4742. European Union Migration/Refugee Crisis: Opening the Pandora’s Box?2016
4743. The influence of reactive oxygen species on in vitro fertilization success2016
4744. Aflatoxins and ochratoxins, harmful mycotoxins for human and animal health2016
4745. Perspectives for applications of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in medicine2016
4746. Authenticity and Pride of Vernacular Settlements in Macedonia2016
4747. Кризата на историјата и на книжевниот лик во романот „Човек без својства“ на Роберт Музил2016
4748. Заштита на деца жртви на кривични дела и сведоци во кривичната постапка2016
4749. Постапки при преведувањето наслови на книжевни дела од германски на македонски јазик2016
4750. The ‘Gazi Baba’ Reception Centre for Foreigners in Macedonia: migrants caught at the crossroad between hypocrisy and complying with the rule of law2016
4751. Epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis a in Shtip and Strumica, in the period from 2010 until 20152016
4752. Communication, treatment and rehabilitation at patients with myocardial infarct2016
4753. Representation of epilepsy in children in municipality of Prilep in the period 2012 – 20142016
4754. Representation, care, treatment and communication with patients gastroenterokoliti2016
4755. Epidemiological properties of brucellosis in Sveti Nikole and the neighboring settlements for the period 2001 – 20152016
4756. Care, treatment and education at patients with coagulopathies in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4757. Религија и религиската дистанца во Република Македонија2016
4758. How to bring school closer to students, how to tailor school to them 2016
4759. У Журнала Юбилей2016
4760. Безбедносните прашања и создавањето на независна Р. Македонија2016
4761. Groundwater quality in alluvial and prolluvial areas under the influence of irrigated agriculture activities2016
4762. New findings for diatomite (Diatomaceous earth) between the villages of manastir and Bešište (Mariovo)2016
4763. Profiling Pragmatic Competence of Foreign Language Learners2016
4764. Children`s literature as means for dialogue between the cultures and as a basis for advancement of multiculturalism2016
4765. Problem 40682016
4766. Aufgabe 13442016
4767. Problem 100.C2016
4768. On Removing Blur in Images Using Least Squares Solutions2016
4769. Game-based learning: educational game Azbuka to help young children learn writing Cyrillic letters2016
4770. Evaluation of an Assistive Telepresence Robot for Elderly Healthcare2016
4771. Valorization of the Pelister National Park (Macedonia) for hiking, sport, education and recreational tourism2016
4772. Можности за користење на ониксот и травертинот од локалитетот Декова Дабица како архитектонски камен2016
4773. Comparisons of Different Measures of Anxiety Sensitivity2016
4774. Неутврдени доцноантички населени места во Брегалничкиот басен2016
4775. Неолитскиот локалитет Грнчарицa2016
4776. Вински региони во провинција Македонија Втора2016
4777. Ergonomic methods and techniques2016
4778. Personal noise exposure on mining workers2016
4779. Квалитативни карактеристики на амфиболските шкрилци од локалитетот „Почивало“ источна Македонија како основа за нивна употреба како архитектонско – градежен камен2016
4780. Минералошко – петрографски и хемиски карактеристики на гранитоидните карпи од локалитетот Пештани, западна Македонија2016
4781. Словенските сказни-основа на фолклорот кај словенските народи2016
4782. HPLC method validation and application for organic acid analysis in wine after solid-phase extraction2016
4783. Ѓорче Петров во администативната поделба на Македонија и во извештаите на Британските воени мисии во Македонија2016
4784. The effects of the duration of cold maceration on the composition and sensory properties of Smederevka wines2016
4785. Состојба на македонската сообраќајна мрежа и нејзиното влијание врз меѓународниот сообраќај2016
4786. Влијание на архитектурата, црквите, народната носија, соборските песни и ората врз развојот на бањскиот туризам во штипско Ново Село2016
4787. Претприемачка иницијатива за зголемување на туристичката понуда во општина Гевгелија 2016
4788. Претприемачка иницијатива и развој на здравствениот туризам на подрачјето на општина Гевгелија, Богданци, и Дојран 2016
4789. Corporate governance in transition economies, with reference to institutional framework in Macedonia2016
4790. Deblurring Image with a Barcode2016
4791. Arthur Laffer and theory of supply-side economy: a review2016
4792. Corporate Governance in Transition Economies, with Reference to Institutional Framework in Macedonia2016
4793. Fair value accounting – pros and cons2016
4794. HPLC method validation and application for organic acid analysis in wine after solid-phase extraction2016
4795. The Effects on the Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply during the Great Economic Depression2016
4796. The Great Economic Depression and the Fiscal Policy2016
4797. Comparative advantage of the Macedonian export in the Croatian market2016
4798. Suicidal thoughts as cognitive risk factors for suicide among cancer patients2016
4799. Production properties of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivated in Strumica region, Republic of Macedonia2016
4800. Choice of contents of literature in primary and secondary education education – an important element and paradigm in the educational curriculum2016
4801. Преглед на критичките интерпретации на Крешеновиот модел на усвојување/ учење на немајчин јазик2016
4802. External assessment in the educational institutions in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4803. The influence of islamic architecture on traditional way of building residental houses from 19th century in Macedonia2016
4804. An empirical analysis of stock market development and economic growth: the case of Macedonia2016
4805. Специфики на осигурувањето од граѓанско-правна одговорност за нуклеарна штета2016
4806. CFD simulation of the brattice barrier method for approaching underground mine fires2016
4807. Практичната настава во Република Македонија согледано преку дисциплината и посветеноста на студентите на Правните факултети 2016
4808. Трговските импликации на Брегзит2016
4809. Поврзаноста на корпоративното управување и остварените финансиски резултати со изразените ревизорски мислења за финансиските извештаи2016
4810. Locatio conductio од Римското право и неговите современи „правни наследници“ (I)2016
4811. Одговорност за неисправен производ во македонското право2016
4812. Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the central part of the Alšar deposit (Republic of Macedonia) with particular reference to investigations by X-ray diffraction2016
4813. Gold prospection in streams and recent alluvions in the western parts of the Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area2016
4814. A Case of depression screening in schools 2016
4815. Continuing professional development - challenge for professional organization2016
4816. Quality of community pharmacy service in Republic of Macedonia – professional supervision2016
4817. Small scale production of gel with menthol, benzocaine and procaine HCl2016
4818. The role of cocrystallization screening for the assessment of structure-activity relationship in drug development2016
4819. Pharmaceutical care for people with depression: experiences and challenges2016
4820. Inequality in Triangle 1102016
4821. Influence of Early Intensive Rehabilitation on Functional Mobility after Low Back Surgery 2016
4822. Металитературните сегменти во „Театарски роман“ на Булгаков и во „Вештица“ на Андоновски2016
4823. Различни концепции, различни креативни афинитети2016
4824. Equipment of extinguishing on initial fires in industrial facilities2016
4825. The role of the international and regional organisations in regulation of the legal issues in the electronic commerce2016
4826. Information systems auditing – legislation and standards2016
4827. Хидрогеолошки истражувања за обезбедување на потребните количини на подземна вода за водоснабдување на село Орел, општина Свети Николе2016
4828. Семантиката на „женскоста“ во лириката на Џахит Кулеби или: апотеоза на едноставната поетика2016
4829. From Efficiency to Innovation-Driven Economy with Stimulation of Innovation2016
4830. Алтернативни извори на финансирање на трговијата2016
4831. Historical–Geographic Overview Life Cycle of Tourism and Hospitality in Dojran and Dojran Lake in Republic of Macedonia 2016
4832. Case Report: Acupuncture Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis2016
4833. Културната историја на Штип во праисторијата2016
4834. Потенцијални ризици и опасности од елементарни непогоди врз средновековните православни цркви во Штип2016
4835. Потребата, значењето и придонесот на ,,Процената на загрозеноста на безбедноста од сите ризици и опасности“ кај недвижното културно наследство во Република Македонија2016
4836. Градежни техники во античкиот период во Брегалничкиот басен2016
4837. Одбранбени елементи кај доцноантичките утврдувања во Брегалничкиот басен2016
4838. Simetral balance minimalist kitchen2016
4839. Texture as a means of reorganization of space2016
4840. Адолесценцијата прикажана во романот „Супер девојче“ од Томе Арсовски2016
4841. Економски теории на јавен избор2016
4842. Analysis for еfficiency of work in underground mine using a computer application2016
4843. Ore losses in underground mines for metal minerals2016
4844. Physicochemical evaluation of lyophilized formulation of p-SCN-Bn-DOTA- and p-SCN-Bn-DTPA-rituximab for NHL radioimmunotherapy2016
4845. Environmental aspects of Sasa mine tailing dam No. 4 - M. Kamenica2016
4846. Колку се застапени мирот и толеранцијата во учебниците историја за основно и средно образование?2016
4847. А1 и А2 Заеднички референтни рамништа на Заедничката Европска референтна рамка за јазици и нивната примена при подготвување учебници за учење турски јазик во Турција и во Македонија2016
4848. Поврзаноста меѓу образованието, практиката и воспитно-образовните цели во општествен контекст2016
4849. Читање и работата со текст во одделенска настава2016
4850. Современото училиште како организациски систем2016
4851. Култура, глобализација, идентитет2016
4852. On translation on Church-Slavonic orthodox terms in French2016
4853. Are diabetes mellitus and lipoprotein(a) independently or causally associated with an increased cardiovascular risk?2016
4854. Comparison of Early Versus Delayed Oral β Blockers in Acute Coronary Syndromes and Effect on Outcomes2016
4855. Effects of Rosuvastatin Versus Atorvastatin, Alone or in Combination, on Lipoprotein (a)2016
4856. Visualization of the Geometry Problems in Primary Math Education -Needs and Challenges-2016
4857. Colombeau products of distributions2016
4858. Contemporary Trends and Prospects of Practical Training for Students in the Public and Private Sector in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4859. Флуоридите и нивната улога во профилакса на денталниот кариес2016
4860. Dental Interventions on First Permanent Molars2016
4861. Cioplea's Inequality2016
4862. Optimization of Business processes in Airport Services Company in Macedonia using the TQM Philosophy2016
4863. The Effects of Total Quality Management Practices on Performance within a Company for Frozen Food in the Republic of Macedonia 2016
4864. Начини на изразување на говорниот чин барање во јазичниот пар германски - македонски2016
4865. Говорниот чин барање и модалноста како негова карактеристика во меѓујазикот на македонските изучувачи по странски јазик2016
4866. Informative Perspective Of Financial Disclosure And Its Importance For Capital Market Efficiency2016
4867. Женскиот идентитет и менталитет на една руска и една македонска Ана (или: за родовата „другост“ на Толстоевата „Ана Каренина“ и на „Ана“ на Јован Котески)2016
4868. Multivariate factor assessment for lithogenic and anthropogenic distribution of macro and trace elements in surface water. Case study: basin of the Bregalnica river, Republic of Macedonia2016
4869. Архитектонски завеси во простор причина за драматичност во простор 2016
4870. Информационите системи за приватно сместување како фактор за културното значење на туризмот2016
4871. Diffuse Arterial Thrombosis as a First Manifestation of Occult Malignancy2016
4872. Преглед на позначајните туристички водичи2016
4873. Семантичка споредба на терминологијата на сродство во англискиот и германскиот со македонскиот и српскиот јазик2016
4874. Корелација и интеграција на наставните содржини со еколошка тематика на часовите по англиски јазик во основното образование во Р. Македонија2016
4875. Prefix negation in English, German, and Macedonian language in the teaching process - analysis of explicit lexical prefix negations2016
4876. Inequality in Triangle 972016
4877. Важноста и приодите при предавањата по правилен изговор во изучувањето на англискиот како странски јазик2016
4878. Correlation between climatic condition, yield and chemical compositiion in must on three grapes variety 2016
4879. Pronunciation Proficiency Level and Problematic Areas of Tertiary Level Students-Learners of English as a Foreign Language from Gotse Delchev University Shtip – Macedonia2016
4880. Креирање на менаџмент стратегија во здравствена установа со фокус на влијанието на одреден оддел2016
4881. Right approach in conflict management as a factor for rule of good organizational culture2016
4882. Health workers migration from Republic of Macedonia2016
4883. Human resource training with special overview on administrative clerks2016
4884. Ability assessment of the leader in the performance of employees2016
4885. Formation communication technologies in business activity2016
4886. The influence of payment system for employees’ job satisfaction2016
4887. The role of the management in the successful working of the financial institutions2016
4888. Присутноста, употребата и улогата на гудачките инструменти во дел од оркестарското творештво на Томислав Зографски2016
4889. Language culture - a segment of language education2016
4890. Der Sprechakt Aufforderung als Mittel zur Bewertung pragmatischer Kompetenz bei L2-Fremdsprachenstudierenden2016
4891. Руските имигранти и културните настани во Штип во периодот 1923 – 1927 година2016
4892. Integrated Solar-Thermal Power Plants: TPP Bitola Case Study2016
4893. Fire Needle Acupuncture For Shoulder Pain 2016
4894. Readiness of municipalities in the developing countries for issue of municipal bonds through the analysis of their budget accounts (overview of the municipality of Stip - R.Macedonia)2016
4895. The tourism attraction and language competences for promotion touristic resources 2016
4896. Society of knowledge and entrepreneurial economy: some views of Drucker2016
4897. The role of corporate governance in transition economies: contribution and development2016
4898. Правилниот пристап на управувањето со човечки ресурси како фактор на успешноста во современото работење 2016
4899. The Transformation of Cultural Memory through the Traditional Architecture in Macedonia2016
4900. Creativity of builder Maksim Krstic from Reka, part of the activities of Mijaks group of builders2016
4901. Acupuncture Treatment For Shoulder Bursitis2016
4902. La traduction de la tradition et de la modernité dans le roman Sorcière de Venko Andonovski2016
4903. Multivariate extraction of dominant geochemical markers for deposition of 69 elements in the Bregalnica River basin, Republic of Macedonia (moss biomonitoring)2016
4904. The history of Turkish written language taught at University Department of Turkish language and literature in Macedonia with roleplaying (dramatization) method2016
4905. Roof gardens as landscaping in modern times 2016
4906. Description botanical park in the world 2016
4907. Isolation and molecular determination of the fire blight pathogen, Erwinia amylovora, isolated from apple trees in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4908. Role of the modern entrepreneurship in the development of the health tourism in Republic of Macedonia2016
4909. The Role of Foreign Direct Investments in Southeastern Europe 2016
4910. Foreign Direct Investments Induced Innovation? A Case Study − Macedonia 2016
4911. Cigarette Smoking and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease2016
4912. Дефинирање на поимите преведување и преведувач во историскиот развој на човекот2016
4913. Avrupa Dilleri Öğretimi Ortak Çerçeve Programına, Karşılaştırmalı Dil Bilgisine ve Karşılaştırmalı Kültüre Dikkat Edilerek Hazırlanan "Gel Türkçeyi ve Makedoncayı Sevelim, Gel Türkçeyi ve Makedoncayı Öğrenelim! A1-A2" Adlı Kitap 2016
4914. Complex gold mineralizing system of the Plavica deposit, R. Macedonia2016
4915. About some educational goals in teaching-socio-cultural problem or a challenge modern education2016
4916. New educational policies and their reflections on social developments2016
4917. Post collision magmatism and metallogeny at the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, SE-Europe2016
4918. Describing Speech Acts from Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Perspective 2016
4919. Судбинската енергија на поетската реч (За поетската судбина на Гане Тодоровски, Атанас Вангелов и Тодор Чаловски) 2016
4920. Фораминиферна фауна од палеогените седименти на територијата на Република Македонија2016
4921. Incitement of mental activities and creativity of pupils in the process of their active engagement in natural education teaching2016
4922. Environmental education in service of sustainable development from the social-environmental aspect2016
4923. Teaching profession as a process of life long learning2016
4924. Technology and economic development: retrospective2016
4925. Fractals one reason and basis of design2016
4926. Role and place of roof gardens in the composition of landscaping 2016
4927. Анималистичкиот роман „Дивиот пес“ од Видое Подгорец 2016
4928. The bill of exchange as a means of payment and security2016
4929. Education of health workers and improving the quality of health services2016
4930. Education and learning on communication skills, a requirement for improvement of the correlation doctor - patient2016
4931. The Use of Request Strategies by EFL Learners2016
4932. Квалитет на амбиентален воздух-суспендирани честички (ПМ-10) во областа Тиквеш2016
4933. Volcanology of Kozuf Mountain in the Republic of Macedonia 2016
4934. New Investigations on Dunje Pegmatite, Macedonia II: Relation to Host Metamorphic Rocks and Adjacent Granite Intrusions2016
4935. New Investigations on Dunje Pegmatite, Macedonia I: The Contribution to the Knowledge about Alkali Feldspars and its Mineral Paragenesis2016
4936. Moissanite Meteorite in Teritory of the Republic of Macedonia 2016
4937. Lorandite and Orpimente From Edit-25 North Part of Alshar Deposit2016
4938. Geomicrobio Logical Observation in Majdanska Reka, Allchar, Macedonia 2016
4939. Role of the nurse in gynecological endoscopic operations2016
4940. Care and treatment of patients with ruptured aneurysm in spasm2016
4941. Превенција, нега и третман на пациенти заболени од дијабет во општина Кратово во време од 2012-2015 2016
4942. Пациентите со дијабетес, нивна едукација и третман комуникација и пристап на матичниот лекар кон пациентите со дијабетес, нивна едукација и третман2016
4943. Улогата на медицинската сестра во превенција, третман и нега на декубитални рани кај пациентите во единиците за интензивна нега2016
4944. Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis with Fire Needle Acupuncture and Fire Cupping2016
4945. Primenjena metodologija za zamenu cevnih lukova na integralnim cevovodima u TE Oslomej2016
4946. Double Character of EU's Neighbourhood policy2016
4947. Student Practical Training as part of Law Faculties through the Prism of the Public and Private Sector in Macedonia 2016
4948. Ресторативна правда спрема деца2016
4949. Problem 40382016
4950. За метафоричните концепти и културата.2016
4951. The idioms with the component heart in English and in Macedonian.2016
4952. Geochemical hunting of lithogenic and anthropogenic impacts on polymetallic distribution (Bregalnica river basin, Republic of Macedonia)2016
4953. Potential health implications of water resources depletion and sewage discharges in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4954. Mineralogical-petrographic and physical-mechanical characteristics of the travertine and onyx from Bešište Village (Western Macedonia)2016
4955. The Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage and participation by developing countries: A Western Balkans perspective 2016
4956. Идентификација на минералите од наоѓалиштетот за олово и цинк „Злетово" со примена на рендгенско дифракциона метода2016
4957. Говорниот чин барање и модификација на барањата 2016
4958. Economic Evaluation of Investment Project for Maintenance of Urban Forestry2016
4959. Expected Equity Risk Premium: Survey Approach in the Case of a Small Emerging Market2016
4960. Корпоративното управување во транзиционите економии2016
4961. Минералошко-петролошки карактеристики на микашистите од околината на с. Бонче, Прилеп2016
4962. Хидрогеолошки карактеристики на полимеаличното наоѓалиште Луке-Крива Паланка2016
4963. Financial impact strategy on SMEs in the business world2016
4964. Correlation of dental caries, total proteins, total antioxidant capacity, immunoglobulin A and G in children at the age from 4-6 years 2016
4965. Guerrilla marketing – an important tool for managers in tourist sector 2016
4966. Decisions about design and selection of marketing channels2016
4967. Distribution channels and optimizing competitiveness in business environment2016
4968. Modern entrepreneurship as a factor for success in the operation of tourism enterprises2016
4969. The influence of the garlic extract on the chemical composition, microbiological status and the sensory characteristics of minced pork meat and the semi-durable sausage2016
4970. Geriatric dietary meat-based products2016
4971. Preparation of curcumin loaded nanoparticles: physicochemical characterization and in vitro evaluation2016
4972. Analysis of consumption of insulin in the municipality of Stip from 2011 to 20142016
4973. Determination of input/output characteristics of full-bridge AC/DC/DC converter for arc welding2016
4974. Prebaikal formation on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia as significant bearers of quartz raw materials2016
4975. Map of the moho discontinuity of the Republic of Macedonia2016
4976. Тектонска реонизација и сеизмичност на Република Македонија2016
4977. Резултати од прелиминарните проспекциски испитувања на злато во алувионот на Пекљанска река, Виница2016
4978. Overview of the natural parameters from the geological-economical evaluation of the Borov Dol ore deposit, Republic of Macedonia2016
4979. The vrshnik ore body a possitive example for exploration, exploitation and filling in the Buchim copper mine, Eastern Macedonia2016
4980. 3D Modeling of some copper deposits in the Republic of Macedonia2016
4981. Structural-metallogenic map of the Republic of Macedonia: principles and criteria2016
4982. Crimes of Criminal Insolvency in Macedonian Legislation2016
4983. Loneliness as a key element in adolescence2016
4984. Study of performance characteristics of single phase motors2016
4985. E - testing against classical testing in subject Mathematics2016
4986. Patterns of word frequency used by Albanian and Turkish learners of English2016
4987. Macedonian law on financial discipline – challenge and benefits 2016
4988. Fracture Resistance of Composite Veneers with Different Preparation Designs2016
4989. Some aspects of globalization of world tobacco industry2016
4990. Wine and wine tourism in Macedonia2016
4991. Quantity of disinfectants and antiseptics used in general hospital in Gevgelija in relation to appearance of intra-hospital infections 2016
4992. Reverse phase LC method for in vitro dissolution test for determination of Bromazepam from tablet formulations 2016
4993. Present knowledge and experience on the strategies employed by mycoplasma contamination of the human cell cultures2016
4994. Can Macedonian Hotels Be Green: The Evidence of Hotel "Flamingo" - Gevgelija, Macedonia2016
4995. DC motor operation controlled from a DC/DC power converter in pulse mode with low duty cycle2016
4996. A novel approach for mitigating the effects of the TCP SYN flood DDoS attacks2016
4997. Some inequality relations involving multivalent functions2016
4998. Интернет базирано управување на системи2016
4999. SCADA System for Monitoring Water Supply Network: A Case Study2016
5000. Application of IS-MP-IA model and Taylor rule to CESEE economies 2016
5001. Mineralogical characteristics of phlogopite from Dupen kamen, Republic of Macedonia2016
5002. Summary of innovation models on a company level – creating a framework for an innovation model that will increase a company’s innovation activity2016
5003. European versus Macedonian principles of public procurement contracts2016
5004. Young adult dealing with serious and incurable diseases displayed throuh novel "Green horoscope" by Tome Bogdanovski2016
5005. Nocturnal enuresis in children - Treatment with acupuncture2016
5006. Sport activities and interests for sport during leisure time at the students of Faculty of Educational Sciences, University Goce Delcev in Stip2016
5007. Leisure time in contemporary society2016
5008. Application of the concept of modern entrepreneurship in the development of sports tourism in Macedonia2016
5009. The impact of corporate entrepreneurship on growth of the competitiveness of entreprises 2016
5010. Stress management as a strategy for increasing efficiency of operations with a special emphasis on enterprises of the tourism sector of the Republic of Macedonia2016
5011. Spontaneous abortion treatment with acupuncture and Cordyceps sinensis2016
5012. Case Report: Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, Treatment with Acupuncture2016
5013. Molecular mechanisms of capsaicin mediated cytotoxic activity2016
5014. Hydrochemical characteristics of the thermomineral water from the spa of Kežovica – Štip, Republic of Macedonia2016
5015. Co-extracted bioactive compounds in Capsicum fruit extracts prevents the cytotoxic effects of capsaicin on B104 neuroblastoma cells2016
5016. Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of particle PM10 in Tikveš area and their influence in the environment2016
5017. Results of radon CR-39 detectors exposed in schools due two different long-term periods 2016
5018. Neoclassical economics: some Marshallian insights2016
5019. Separation of Co(II) ions from water resources by natural zeolite (clinoptilolite)2016
5020. Акупунктурен третман за мигрена 2016
5021. Акупунктурен третман за ноќна енуреза кај деца (Приказ на случај)2016
5022. Implementation possibilities for the concept of management accounting in the Republic of Macedonia2016
5023. Turkish words in the longest Macedonian folk story Siljan Stork2016
5024. Simulation model for prediction of transient performance characteristics of single–phase shaded pole motor2016
5025. Accountancy planning and control-a necessity of management process2016
5026. Removal of Ni(II) ions from aqueous solutions by nanoporous material2016
5027. Problem proposal 41172016
5028. Can micro financing increase its role in support of accommodation investments of family owned tourist enterprises?2016
5029. Socio-economics impacts of tourism2016
5030. Impact of basalt based thread linings on the tribological parameters of the clutch linings for motor vehicles2016
5031. Impaired Metabolism Induced By Perinatal Hypoxia 2016
5032. Computing the Pseudoinverse of Specific Toeplitz Matrices Using Rank-One Updates,2016
5033. Интеркултурално комуникациски компетентен наставник2016
5034. Sem Evaluation of Eroded Dental Enamel After The Use of Different Types of Fluoride Tooth Pastes (In Vitro)2016
5035. The study of prevalence of hypercholesterolemia of east Macedonia - risk and prevention2016
5036. Безбедноста на пациентите во фокусот на акредитацијата2016
5037. Стандардите за акредитација како начин за подобра комуникација помеѓу здравствените работници и пациентите2016
5038. Educology, pedagogy, and teaching methods of the literary education2016
5039. Western Balkan Countries Before and After the Great Recession2016
5040. Criteria and Standards in the Higher Education – Basis for Quality Higher Education Staff in Republic of Macedonia2016
5041. Quality in a preaccreditation period as perceived by the healthcare professionals in hospitals in R. Macedonia2016
5042. Creating a contemporary classroom2016
5043. Extraction and evaluation of natural occurring bioactive compounds and change in antioxidant activity during red winemaking2016
5044. Musical Elements in the Performing Approach: Sonatina in C for Two Pianos from a Macedonian Contemporary Composer2016
5045. Сметководствен третман на користите за вработените со осврт на МСС 19 и неговата примена во Република Македонија2016
5046. Вреднување на залихите со осврт на МСС 22016
5047. Извештај за парични текови2016
5048. Консолидација на финансиски извештаи-дефинирање, постапки, потреби и ограничувања2016
5049. БАЗЕЛ 3 капитални барања-причини, нови барања и очекувани проблеми и предизвици при имплементацијата во економиите во развој и малите економии 2016
5050. Sustainable marketing and consumers’ preferences in tourism2016
5051. Reasons for difference between real and projected operating supplies for supporting during construction of ramps2016
5052. Are exchange rate exposure and hedging important for firm performances? Evidence for Macedonian SMEs 2016
5053. Exchange rate exposure and firm-level performances: The case for Macedonia 2016
5054. Survey evidence for influence in improvement on trade facilitation and economy growth: The case of Republic of Macedonia 2016
5055. Principles of managing currency risks by Macedonian companies 2016
5056. Implementation of the methodology for flawless operation at a frozen food company in the Republic of Macedonia2016
5057. Pre-Alpine evolution of a segment of the North-Gondwanan margin: Geochronological and geochemical evidence from the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif 2016
5058. Electrochemical Evaluation of the Synergistic Effect of the Antioxidant Activity of Capsaicin and Other Bioactive Compounds in Capsicum sp. Extracts2016
5059. The modern style in interior and exterior 2016
5060. Application of industrial design in green areas 2016
5061. The new classical economy and counter-revolution of the monetarism2016
5062. Problem 40092016
5063. Energetic diplomacy and its role on creation of a new multipolar world2016
5064. Optimization and validation of a derivatization method for analysis of biogenic amines in wines using RP-HPLC-DAD2016
5065. Positive influence of the Buchim’s copper leaching facility to the major drainage system around the Buchim Copper Mine and through the Lakavica River2016
5066. Three types of ore mineralization at the Vrshnik ore body, Buchim copper mine, Republic of Macedonia2016
5067. Strategic human resource management: assessment and evaluation of human resources as factors to achieving better economic performance2016
5068. The use of factor analysis to distinguish the influence of parent material, mining and agriculture on groundwater composition in the Strumica valley, Macedonia2016
5069. Preparation Design Selection For Porcelain Veneers Manufacturing: A Review.2016
5070. Pesticide analysis in water samples using GC-MS pulsed splitless injection2016
5071. Analysis of the Impact of AuthRF and AssRF Attacks on IEEE.11e-Based Access Point2016
5072. Environmental education and methods for successful learning2016
5073. Социјалните претпријатија и нивната улога во зголемување на економскиот развој2016
5074. Gold as instrument to financial (un)stability / towards a new architecture of the international financial system2016
5075. Learning Repository Adaptability in an Agent-Based University Environment2016
5076. Etepreneurship and cultural animation in toursm2016
5077. Предизвиците и ефектите од спроведувањето на договорот за олеснување на трговијата во рамките на СТО2016
5078. Analysis of the trade relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Kosovo2016
5079. Zur Bewertung der pragmatischen Kompetenz mazedonischer Fremdsprachenstudierender 2016
5080. Analysis of the contribution of menagement theories2016
5081. Theories of the classical and behaviour school for menagement as a base for extension of the menagement thought2016
5082. Theory of menagement the influence of the environmet on the enterprise working2016
5083. Улогата и значењето на ревизијата на финансиските извештаи на котираните ентитети2016
5084. Управување со ризиците во финансиското работење со посебен осврт на кредитниот ризик2016
5085. Where did the accounting proffesion in Macedonia halt?2016
5086. Effects of the application of targeting the exchange rate policy in Macedonia2016
5087. Sustainable tourism and hotel management in Macedonia through the use of renewable energy sources2016
5088. Strategic marketing positioning of Ohrid2016
5089. Cognition and Suicide: Effectiveness of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 2016
5090. Information and communication technologies in teaching music education2016
5091. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Upper Eocene sediments from the Ovče Pole basin, Republic of Macedonia2016
5092. Perspectives in Engineered Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells Based Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery Systems2016
5093. Evaluation of genotoxic variations in plant model systems in a case of metal stressors2016
5094. Approach to detect possible genotoxic effects of metals in plants2016
5095. Preclinical studies for evaluation of antitumor effects and normal tissue toxicity of antibody conjugates2016
5096. Ottoman Music Culture in the Balkans through the Prism of the Travel Writer Evliya Celebi2016
5097. Preferring of ethical norms and social responsibility in business activities2016
5098. Consumption of drinks and the effect on the intensity of dental erosions in population at the age from 30 – 50 years2016
5099. The application of enzymes for the removal of dyes from textile effluents 2016
5100. Trastuzumab and its radioimmunoconjugates in treatment of cancer2016
5101. The Global Environment as a challenge to Corporate Competitiveness2016
5102. Ground water isotopic investigation in the area of the village of Mrežičko, Kožuf Mountain, Republic of Macedonia2016
5103. Mineralogical investigation of the old episcopal basilica in archeological locality of Stobi2016
5104. Cu-Au minerals and transformed mineral phases in the oxidation zone of the Plavica ore deposit, Eastern Macedonia2016
5105. Dynamic Strain of Diaphragm Spring on Vehicles Friction Clutches Depending on the Spring Angle2016
5106. FEM Aided Design of Permanently Split Capacitor Motor under Different Operating Regimes2016
5107. Местото на методиката во современиот научен и воспитно-образовен систем2016
5108. Што треба модерното училиште да учи 2016
5109. New insights into the chemistry of Coenzyme Q-0: A voltammetric and spectroscopic study2016
5110. Redox chemistry of coenzyme Q—a short overview of the voltammetric features2016
5111. Dimensions of the Macedonian tourist market (facts and figures) – predictions and plan for the future2016
5112. Segmentation, positioning and branding of the tourist product of Ohrid2016
5113. Facial Expression and Physiological Changes in Newborns Following Procedural Pain2016
5114. Effects of enzymatic treatment on the physical properties of handloom cotton fabrics2016
5115. A new Macedonian novel about a young and growing2016
5116. PSIM as educational tool for teaching diode rectifier2016
5117. Detekcija i izolacija neispravnosti u sistemima automatskog upravljanja2016
5118. Controlling mobile robot via bluetooth2016
5119. FEM Aided Design of Distribution Transformer2016
5120. Application of software PSIM in simulation of power converters2016
5121. From Smart Rooms to Smart Hotels2016
5122. Integrated Solar-Thermal Power Plants: TPP Bitola Case Study2016
5123. The pedagogical benefits and pitfalls of applying tools for teaching and learning laboratory practices in the biological sciences2016
5124. Application of ICT in teaching biology2016
5125. Извештај за сеопфатна добивка2016
5126. Методи на кредитна анализа за проценка на кредитната способност на правни лица 2016
5127. Изготвување на извештај за готовински текови2016
5128. Conditions and perspectives for development of the tourism in Dojran as well as Dojran Lake2016
5129. Modern trends of geodesy works in underground mine for lead and zinc “Sasa”2016
5130. Перцепциите на граѓаните за транспарентноста и партиципативноста во процесот на донесување на одлуки во единиците на ликалната самоуправа во Источниот плански регион на Република Македонија2016
5131. Corporate Bonds аnd Тheir Bookeeping Records2016
5132. Gold as Instrument to Financial (Un)Stability / Towards a New Architecture of the International Financial System2016
5133. Мoral Hazard as One of the Main Reasons for the Financial Crisis of 20072016
5134. Methodology for Optimizations of Business Processes in Macedonian Railways - Transport in the Republic of Macedonia 2016
5135. Impact of interest rate and inflation on GDP in Bulgaria, Romania and FYROM2016
5136. Information Technology and Distribution Channels: Current Trends2016
5137. Marketing Strategy and Financial Performance: The Case of Chocolate Industry in Macedonia2016
5138. Information technology and distribution channels: emerging trends and customer satisfaction2016
5139. Transpositional usage of forms of grammatical tenses.2016
5140. Variation of indoor radon concentration and ambient dose equivalent rate in different outdoor and indoor environments2016
5141. Erosion rate study at the Allchar deposit (Macedonia) based on radioactive and stable cosmogenic nuclides (26Al, 36Cl, 3He, and 21Ne)2016
5142. Effect of different fat replacers and drying methods on thermal behaviour,morphology and sensory attributes of reduced-fat coffee creamer2016
5143. Salivary paramethers at children with primary teeth at age of 5 years with and without caries2016
5144. Socio Economic and Nutritional Status as Dental Caries Risk Factors in 12 Year Old Children2016
5145. Bioscouring and bleaching process of cotton fabrics-an opportunity of saving water and energy2016
5146. Acupuncture Treatment for Lumbar Disc Herniation2016
5147. Epilepsy - Treatment with Аcupuncture: Case Рeport2016
5148. Технички аспекти и анализа на можности за дистрибуирано производство и снабдување со електрична енергија кај изолирани енергетски потрошувачи2016
5149. Standpoint of Medical Staff about Accreditation in a Preaccreditation Period in Hospitals in Republic of Macedonia2016
5150. Swarming-based cyber defence under the framework of collective security 2016
5151. Прозното творештво на Нусрет Дишо Улку2016
5152. Aufgaben2016
5153. Porphyry Cu mineralization related to the small Tertiary volcanic intrusions in the Bučim ore deposit, Eastern Macedonia2016
5154. A note on Gautschi's inequality and application to Wallis' and Stirling's formula2016
5155. Application of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Macedonian Railways - transport in the Republic of Macedonia2016
5156. The speech act of request and its expressions in German interlanguage of Macedonian learners2016
5157. Preparing tomorrow's science teachers to use new technology2016
5158. TMO: time and memory optimized algorithm applicable for more accurate alignment of trinucleotide repeat disorders associated genes 2016
5159. Therapeutic approaches in treating myofascial trigger points2016
5160. Supramolecular hydrogen bonding patterns of co-crystals containing the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Phloroglucinol and N-heterocycles2016
5161. Assessment of essential and nonessential dietary exposure to trace elements from homegrown foodstuffs in a polluted area in Makedonska Kamenica and the Kočani region (FYRM)2016
5162. Dietary and nutritional status of children from preschool age in Еastern Macedonia2016
5163. Qualitative Study of Attitudes of Healthcare Professionals Regarding Accreditation and Quality, in the Pre- accreditation Period in R. Macedonia 2016
5164. Comparing of deposit model and life insurance model in Macedonia2016
5165. The Evolution of E-Learning and New Trends2016
5166. The Future of the Mobile Payment as Electronic Payment System2016
5167. The Benefits of the Electronic Customer Relationship Management to the Banks and their Customers2016
5168. Determination of some macro and micro elements in grain of winter barley genotypes 2016
5169. Comparative analysis for macro and trace elements content in goji berries between varieties from China and R. Macedonia 2016
5170. Case Report: Acupuncture Treatment for Hypothyroidism2016
5171. Analysis and performance of two PV cells under various weather conditions2016
5172. Profilierung der pragmatischen Kompetenz Fremdsprachenstudierender 2016
5173. An EPR and DFT study on the primary radical formed in hydroxylation reactions of 2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoquinone2016
5174. Biographical fictions about the great American authors F.Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway2016
5175. Brain damage and enzyme activity following birth asphyxia2016
5176. Connected-Health Algorithm: Development and Evaluation2016
5177. Application of PLC programming in cost efficient industrial process2016
5178. Geogenic and Anthropogenic Moss Responsiveness to Element Distribution Around a Pb–Zn Mine, Toranica, Republic of Macedonia2016
5179. Heavy metals pollution in muscle, craw, kidney, liver and plant food given to chickens in the area around Probishtip2016
5180. Acquisition of three word knowledge aspects through reading2016
5181. Fast Magnetic Flux Line Allocation Algorithm for Interactive Visualization Using Magnetic Flux Line Existence Probability2016
5182. Basic socioeconomic parameters for promoting tourism in the municipality of Dojran in the Republic of Macedonia 2016
5183. The main features of the urban house in Kriva Palanka from the 19th century2016
5184. Application of cluster analysis for evaluation of new Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton varieties and lines2016
5185. Nalysis of used disinfectants and antiseptics correlated with the occurrence of nosocomial infections - General Hospital Strumica, Republic of Macedonia in period of 2010 - 20142016
5186. Pattern Recognition and Natural Language Processing: State of the Art 2016
5187. Gender in the Macedonian adolescent literature2016
5188. Analysis of parallel resonat converters with computer simulations2016
5189. Design of polymer composite pipes produced by filament winding technology2016
5190. Application of Factorial Experimental Design in Predicting Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene based Composites2016
5191. Formal marketing planning and performance - the case of transitional economy2016
5192. Measuring the quality of the high education in the Republic of Macedonia2016
5193. The effect of plant growth regulators and sucrose on microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)2016
5194. EU Perspective of the Legal and Economic Aspects of Franchising2016
5195. The EU and International legal Framework in Maritime Safety2016
5196. The EU Strategy for Supporting Western Balkans Enlargement Process2016
5197. Legal and Economic Aspects of the Macedonian Model of Franchising2016
5198. On the Reliability of Discourse Completion Tests in Measuring Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Learners2016
5199. Enhancing The Ability Of Education In Prevention Of The Trafficking In Human Beings2016
5200. Are We Ready For Strategic Activities For Prevention In Human Trafficking?2016
5201. The Corporate Brand: An Intangible Resource as a Basis for Sustainable Competitive Advantage2016
5202. State as a Subject of International Law 2016
5203. The function President of the Republic of Macedonia and leading of the Macedonian foreign policy2016
5204. Position and Role of the Ambassadors according to Vienna Convention and Law on Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia2016
5205. Issuing the Antibiotics for Children with and without Prescription in Pharmacies in Republic of Macedonia2016
5206. Aggregate demand–inflation adjustment model applied to Southeast European economies2016
5207. Optimization and Validation of a Microwave Digestion Method for Multi-element Characterization of Vranec Wines2016
5208. Maximal Level Minimal Path Vectors of a Two-Terminal Undirected Network2016
5209. Entrepreneurial Competition Orientation and Profitability: The Case of a Developing Economy2016
5210. Physicochemical characterization and quality of cold-pressed peanut oil obtained from organically produced peanuts from Macedonian “Virginia” variety2016
5211. Integrating supplier satisfaction with customer satisfaction in the projection and implementation of the TQM system in Macedonian companies2016
5212. Assessing access to finance for tourism development: entrepreneurial approach2016
5213. The impact of some wine-making practices on the quality of Vranec red wines from Macedonia produced by the newly-selected local strain ‘‘F-78”2016
5214. Правните предизвици при уредување на граѓанско - правната одговорност за штета причинета со нуклеарен инцидент2016
5215. HPV E6/E7 mRNA versus HPV DNA biomarker in cervical cancer screening of a group of Macedonian women.2015
5216. Electrochromic thin films of sodium intercalated vanadium(V) oxide xerogels: Chemical bath deposition and characterization2015
5217. Economics of milk yield losses in one dairy farm in Macedonia associated with clinical mastitis2015
5218. The role of the media in dealing with crisis situation2015
5219. Некои предизвици на меѓуетничката интеграција во образованието во Македонија2015
5220. Non-Verbal Communication in Business and Culture2015
5221. Ethnography of communication - definitions, theory and literature2015
5222. Creative activities for teaching English as a foreign language by using musical song2015
5223. Theoretical and Experimental Bending Properties of Composite Pipes2015
5224. Дилеми за абортусот2015
5225. Redefinition of Macroeconomic and Macroprudential policy and BASEL III Concept2015
5226. Казнено - правна уреденост на абортусот во Република Македонија и европското законодавство2015
5227. Еколошката економија - услов,а животната средина - детерминанта на здравјето: Регулатива и предизвици во Македонија2015
5228. Функцијата на учителот и образованието во генезата на човечкиот капитал и економија базирана на знаење2015
5229. Процесна заштита на деца - жртви и сведоци на кривични дела во македонското законодавство2015
5230. Зајакнување на капацитетите на казнено - поправните установи преку образованието, обуката и стручното усовршување како облици на третман на осудените лица кои издржуваат казна затвор2015
5231. Најновите контролни механизми за казнено - правна заштита на јавните набавки во Р. Македонија во функција на спречување од злоупотреби на јавните финансии2015
5232. Улогата на внатрешната ревизија како алатка на врвното раководство 2015
5233. Влијанието на брзиот технолошки развој во современи меѓународно економски односи2015
5234. Diabetes Care in Republic of Macedonia: Challenges and Opportunities2015
5235. Цар Самуил и мотивот “Беласичка битка“ во современата македонска поезија - дијалог меѓу историјата и поетиката 2015
5236. USSR- China relations in the Cold and post Cold war era2015
5237. Introduction of the unified communications and information system E-1122015
5238. Introducing of measurement uncertainty in empirical power models of physical phenomena during machining processes2015
5239. Henry V: Shakespeare’s Portrait of The Perfect King2015
5240. English Language Teaching: Enhancing Students’ Motivation with Task-Based Activities2015
5241. Regional cooperation council of the SEE countries and the needs for defense reforms in the Republic of Montenegro for Euro-Atlantic integration 2015
5242. Социјализација и е-учење2015
5243. Состојбата во воспитанието и образованието денес е предизвик за утрешнината и перспектива за иднината2015
5244. Стручната подготвеност на наставниците за реализација на наставата по религиското образование во Република Македонија2015
5245. Наставникот - современото образование и глобализацијата2015
5246. Мултикултурализмот и професионалниот развој на учителот2015
5247. Проблеми и дилеми за воведување на религиско образование во образовниот систем на Република Македонија2015
5248. Reducing the risk of energy crisis in the Republic of Macedonia through the implementation of the strategy for energy development2015
5249. The presence of some humoral immunologic indicators and clinical manifestations in cryoglobulin positive heroin addicts without evidence of hepatitis virus infection 2015
5250. The Presence of Some Humoral Immunologic Indicators and Clinical Manifestations in Cryoglobulin Positive Heroin Addicts without Evidence of Hepatitis Virus Infection 2015
5251. Severe mushroom poisoning in one Macedonian family2015
5253. Stoicism and its Influence on the Roman Law2015
5254. The EU must take its share of the blame for the political crisis in Macedonia2015
5255. Современиот тероризам и пропаганда-трендови, модели и димензии2015
5256. Reserve components of modern armed forces in achieving security of the states2015
5257. Theories, models and challenges of intelligence in the support of national security2015
5258. The personality profile of terrorist leaders: theoretical aspects and ways of measuring2015
5259. Postizanje nacionalnog interesa prihvaćanjem sigurnosnih paradigmi2015
5260. Izgradnja kulture sigurnosti i otpornosti na katastrofe kroz obrazovanje2015
5261. Creating a stumulating environment fr teaching and learning mathematic2015
5262. Applications of the binary representation of integers in algorithms for boolean functions2015
5263. Искушението и спасението на Сер Гавејн и Зелениот витез2015
5264. Влијанието на интернетот врз јазичната култура, когнитивниот и академскиот развој на пладите2015
5265. The day of embryo transfer affects delivery rate, birth weights, female-to-male ratio, and monozygotic twin rate2015
5266. KIR Gene Frequencies in Women with Infertility Problems2015
5267. Osteonecrosis of the Jaw After Bisphosphonates Treatment in Patients with Multiple Myeloma2015
5268. Mechanical properties of zeolit samples from Strmosh mine, Republic of Macedonia2015
5269. Глобализацијата и процесите и заканите кои ги наметнува2015
5270. Лидерство во воени операции2015
5271. Општи особености на македонскиот и на франнцускиот стручен јазик на правото2015
5272. Sudden stops and current account reversals: the euro area experience2015
5273. Antimicrobial and Antioxidative Activity of Commercial versus Traditional Apple Vinegar2015
5274. Prescribing for acute childhood infections in developing and transitional countries, 1990–20092015
5275. Етичките аспекти на сурогатството наспроти ставовите на законската регулатива2015
5276. Каков наставник сакам да бидам?2015
5277. The Congress of Vienna: archaeology, nationalism and the values of the modern world2015
5278. Стварни права на странски лица2015
5279. Рехабилитација на пациенти со ампутации и нивно протезирање 2015
5280. Some random variables of continuous type2015
5281. Рехабилитација на пациенти со мозочен удар2015
5282. Застапеност на деформитетите на стапалата кај деца во училишна возраст при ЈЗУ „Општа болница” - Струмица и нивна рехабилитација2015
5283. Рехабилитација на спортски повреди на колено2015
5284. Regulatory considerations of biosimilars and clinical dilemma of their use2015
5285. Human Papillomavirus infection in cervical precancerous lesions2015
5286. Функционални белодробни промени и појава на респираторни симптоми кај работници изложени на испарувања од асфалт2015
5287. Рефлексиите на исламската цивилизација на македонскиот патронимиски фонд2015
5288. Композицијата "Dawn"- Vocal Cantata for a mixed choir - Gavrilovski Goce, испечатена од страна на странска издавачка куќа- „Композитор“- Русија 2015
5289. Потенцијални ризици и опасности врз археолошките локалитети во горниот тек на река Брегалница2015
5290. Динамика на линеарното пресликување f (x) = bx + c на R2015
5291. Model of crowdsorce enviromental application based on mobile photos2015
5292. Трансформација на доцноантичките во средновековни утврдувања во Брегалничкиот басен2015
5293. Едукацијата на младата популација во основното и средното образование за заштита на недвижното културно наследство2015
5294. Загрозување на недвижното културно наследство во Република Македонија од елементарни непогоди и потребата од мапирање и елаборирање на критични места2015
5295. Одбранбениот систем на градот Баргала2015
5296. Frequencies of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Haplotypes of the SLCO1B1 Gene in Selected Populations of the Western Balkans2015
5297. Макуларна ретиношиза и нејзината семиотска важност2015
5298. Pachymetry and visual fields in the diagnosis and prognosis of glaucoma2015
5299. Visual field defects and nerve fiber layer thickness determined by OCT in glaucoma patients2015
5300. La relazione spaziale e temporale della preposizione DA nella lingua italiana e i suoi possibili equivalenti nella lingua macedone2015
5301. Getting of Industrial Water for Steam Boilers with Treatment of Drinking Water from the Spring "Studenčica"2015
5302. Usability of high pressure steam pipelines in Thermal Power Planst for exploatacion after the expiry of designed period2015
5303. Анализа на процесот на сертификација на информациските системи на државните органи во Република Македонија согласно Законот за електронско управување2015
5304. Анализа на однесувањето на едно квадратно пресликување како дискретен динамички систем2015
5305. Impact of graphite and sooton the tribological parameters of the friction lining for the motor vehicles clutches2015
5306. Patient safety through the aspect of accreditation 2015
5307. Impact of exchange rate in the run-up to EU accession: An empirical analysis of Republic of Macedonia2015
5308. Leadership in military operations2015
5309. Personal pronouns and their phenomena in establishing relations in a pragmalinguistic context2015
5310. Улогата на земјите во развој во меѓународната трговија2015
5311. Анксиозност во наставата по странски јазик2015
5312. Анксиозност кај студентите во училницата по странски јазик 2015
5313. Ставовите на учениците во врска со изучувањето на граматиката на часот по странски јазик2015
5314. Турцизмите како јазична и културна нишка при превод на литературни текстови од турски на македонски јазик2015
5315. Problem 99.C2015
5316. Problem 99.B2015
5317. The role of internal audit in risk management system of the companies 2015
5318. Analytical and theoretical view towards Tomislav Zografski compositions inspired by the macedonian church music tradition2015
5319. Macedonian traditional folksinging of balladic type as example of music folklore in solfeggio class2015
5320. Milica Skaric: Interpretational problems of selected works for keyboard by J.S. Bach2015
5321. Music education - changes and opportunities2015
5322. Првиот прирачник по музичко воспитание за работа со деца од предучилишна возраст Детето, музиката и ние од Васил Попдучевски 2015
5323. The view of activities of the Tomislav Sopov – distinguished Macedonian conductor 2015
5324. Културните и музичките манифестации како значаен фактор за развој на туризмот во градот Дојран2015
5325. CICERO - Disertissime Romuli Nepotum (I)2015
5326. Збор-два за неколку современи руски раскази2015
5327. How to bring school closer to students, how to tailor school to them2015
5328. Problem proposal 40652015
5329. Performance Limits of Energy Detection Systems with Massive Receiver Arrays2015
5330. The Historical Development of Search Engine Optimization2015
5331. Türk Edebiyatı Sanatçıların Eserlerinde Kölelik ve Cariyelik Anlayışı2015
5332. On a numerical solution of the Laplace equation2015
5333. On a numerical solution of the Laplace equation2015
5334. Euro zone debt crisis: theory of optimal currency area2015
5335. „Срце“ од Едмондо де Амичис на македонски2015
5336. Consolidation of the banking sector in Macedonia: Effects and Benefits2015
5337. Текот на евроатлантските интеграции после украинската криза 2015
5338. A Fabian Society, Frankfurt School: Utopia, Dystopia, “Reality”2015
5339. Criminal law in the Lisbon Treaty and the police and justice cooperation in criminal matters2015
5340. Court of Justice of the European Union and the Common Foreign and Security Policy 2015
5341. Islamic Rdicalism and EU - Preventive Policy2015
5342. Post-Conflict Role of the European Security and Defence Policy 2015
5343. Case study: Concordia mission of the European Union and the Lessons Learned2015
5344. The Right of the Minorities to Participate in the Public Life on Local Level: The Case of Republic of Macedonia in the Framework of the EU Policy of ‘Regional Approach’2015
5345. Кога идеологијата ја заменува религијата – судирите се во експанзија2015
5346. Problem proposal 40032015
5347. Evolution equations for the Stefan problem2015
5348. Epidemiological features of tuberculosis in the Republic of Macedonia 2015
5349. Production and balance among of cereal plants in Republic of Macedonia2015
5350. The influence of the temperature at the intensity of the spread of the cotton bollworm (heliothis obsoleta fabr. = helicoverpa armigera hb.) as a pest of the peppers in the Strumica region2015
5351. Cellulose fibers extracted from agricultural biomass2015
5352. Воспитно-образовни вредности на спортско-рекреативните екскурзии наменети за студентите2015
5353. Physical-mechanical and mineralogical-petrographical characteristics of the granodiorite of “Lozjanska Reka”, village of Krusevica (Western Macedonia)2015
5354. Петрографско-минералошки и квалитативни карактеристики на мермерите од наоѓалиштето Леково2015
5355. Можности за користење на травертинот Поличе село Манастир (Западна Македонија) како архитектонски камен2015
5356. Mineralogical-petrogrpahic and chemical composition of the granitoid rocks from the locality Kalen, Western Macedonia2015
5357. Possibilities for using travertine from the Nabigori deposit, village of Velmej (Western Macedonia), as architectural stone2015
5358. Бахтин: Неговите крос-културни исток-запад концепти 2015
5359. Geo – electrical measurements in environment with presence of underground water2015
5360. Massage metods for prevention and treatment of lumbosacral pain syndrome2015
5361. Physiotherapy program for improving the quality of life in patients with coxarthroses2015
5362. Подземна гасификација на јаглен како алтернативна, економична и остварлива технологија2015
5363. Methods for determination of SO2 and reducing sugars in wines and alcoholic beverages2015
5364. Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions using opalized tuff2015
5365. Logistics of passengers at the domestic airports2015
5366. The hazardous medical waste – treatment technologies, location and origin2015
5367. Disposed biomass as a new origin for heat power – possibilities and perspectives2015
5368. National architecture in the village settlements of Polog from 19th to the first half of the 20th century2015
5369. Urbanization and fortification of the Skopje fortress in the medieval period2015
5370. Decorative motifs in the interior of the town house of the 19th century in Macedonia2015
5371. Shaping the interior of city house from 19th century in Macedonia2015
5372. Истражувачките методи и техники – основен услов за остварување на когнитивната настава во паралелките со турски наставен јазик2015
5373. Безбедносни аспекти од управување со конвенционална постројка за третман на отпадни води, согласно со законска регулатива во Р. Македонија2015
5374. Контрола на миризби од отпадни води2015
5375. Soybean phytoremediation of cadmium polluted agricultural soils2015
5376. Method for determination of 35 elements content in various samples with application of microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)2015
5377. Isotopic lead measurements in wine and edible oil using inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry2015
5378. Учеството на Евреите во НОД на Македонија2015
5379. Modeling of fire scenarios in underground mines2015
5380. Recovery and ore dilution at the mining methods2015
5381. Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies of Particles (Pm-10) from the Town of Kavadarci and Vilage Vozarci, Republic of Macedonia2015
5382. Chemical Characteristics of Some Drinking Waters from Eastern and South-Eastern Macedonia2015
5383. The Crven Dol Arsenic-Thalium Mineralization in Alsar Depost in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5384. “Emilina’s ABC Book” – Earliest childhood literacy supported by emotional intelligence development2015
5385. The method of aestetics of comunication in education - On the reception of literary work in teaching 2015
5386. O drugome i o dijalogu između mikrokosmosa i makrokosmosa u Gorskom vijencu – imagološki aspekti2015
5387. Другиот и другоста на просторот и времето во твоите = мои очи од Христо Петрески2015
5388. Imaging of deep venous thrombosis using radioactive-labeled tirofiban2015
5389. Хидрогеолошки истражувања на подземна вода во село К’шање, општина Куманово, Република Македонија2015
5390. Геофизичко истражување на геолошки комплекс со метода на геоелектрично сондирање2015
5391. Сеизмичност на територијата на Република Македонија2015
5392. Техники на мониторинг на изложеност на гасови на отворен простор во урбана средина2015
5393. Персонална изложеност на гасови на вработените во металургијата2015
5394. Industrial design in contemporary Scandinavian modernisam housing2015
5395. Color as winner of emotions and how building block design2015
5396. Progress and Prospect of Clinical Research on Acupuncture Treatment of Stroke 针灸治疗中风病临床研究进展与展望2015
5397. Early clinical massage in the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion clinical observation 早期临床推拿治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床观察2015
5398. Assessing Pragmatic Competence Of L2 Learners2015
5399. Оскултација на дренажниот систем и системот на циклонирање на хидројаловиштето на рудник „Саса“- М. Каменица2015
5400. Примена на опализиран туф за отстранување на тешки метали од раствор2015
5401. Qualitative - technological properties at domestic two row barley genotypes2015
5402. Сензорна и аналитичка евалуација на ладно - цедени масла од сончоглед2015
5403. Stimulation of vegetative propagation with auxins in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinialis L.) and sage (Salvia officinialis L.)2015
5404. Zygotic embryos culture from apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.)2015
5405. Присуство на вирусот на свиткување на листовите кај виновата лоза во Македонија 2015
5406. Нега и третман на пациенти со цероброваскуларни заболувања во период од 2010-2014 година во општина Велес2015
5407. Нега на болни со мозочен удар2015
5408. Деформитети на 'рбетниот столб кај децата и нивна рехабилитација и третман во Општина Штип во период 2010-2013 година”2015
5409. Диетални навики и правилна исхрана кај децата2015
5410. Motivation and achievements2015
5411. Comparative analysis of birth rate in Balkan countries2015
5412. About the translation into German of Turkish expressions found in Macedonian folklore2015
5413. Идиоматичност кај фразеологизмите во транслатолошко светло 2015
5414. The tracking of parcels by RFID and GPS2015
5415. Кон преводот на „Светата ноќ“ од Тахар Бен Желун2015
5416. Güneş Kimi İzler - Duşan Curişiç2015
5417. Влијанието на технологијата и иновациите врз креирањето на менаџмент стратегија на претпријатието2015
5418. Влијанието на лидерството врз извршувањето на стратегијата на претпријатието2015
5419. Селекција на човечки ресурси со фокус на државна администрација2015
5420. Организациската стратегија - водич за создавање и одржување на конкурентска предност на пазарот2015
5421. Планирањето како почетна фаза за формулирање на стратегија на организационите субјекти2015
5422. Тематските преокупации во „Долга црнечка песна“ на Ричард Рајт2015
5423. Teacher professional role and challenges in modern society2015
5424. Професионални компетенции на воспитувачите2015
5425. Mentor teacher - role, competences, challenges2015
5426. Practical teaching at the Faculty of educational sciences-sometimes, today at the future2015
5427. Hydrogeological investigations of the locality "Mitev Most" for water supply to Kumanovo with ground water2015
5428. Hoop tensile properties of filament wound pipes2015
5429. The design of glass fiber//epoxy composite pipes by the implementation of the full factorial experimental design2015
5430. Thermal Stability and Hoop Tensile Properties of Glass Fiber Composite Pipes2015
5431. Ballistic Impact Resistance Mechanism of Woven Fabrics and their Composites2015
5432. Adsorption of copper ions from aqueous solutions on natural zeolite2015
5433. Android smart phone application for control process in progressive agriculture production2015
5434. Obtaining functions from fourier series with Matlab2015
5435. German lexical variations and their Macedonian functional equivalents2015
5436. General Assisted Living System Architecture Model2015
5437. Evaluation of Health Care System Model Based on Collaborative Algorithms2015
5438. Prosthetic rehabilitation in patient with advanced degree of functional disorders (case report)2015
5439. Poor oral hygiene and show of caries in 12 year old children2015
5440. Assessing the caries risk factor among children at age prom 4-5 using the cariogram program2015
5441. Lighting as melodies residential objects2015
5442. Land Art – Аrt of Landscape2015
5443. Mediterranean in design interior and exterior 2015
5444. Impact of water in designing landscape2015
5445. Вештачењето и „еднаквоста на оружјата“2015
5446. Semantics of life and death in Jordan Radickov’s “We, the sparrows” 2015
5447. SWOT analysis of the emmision of municipal bonds in the Republic of Macedonia (comparative with the Republic of Croatia)2015
5448. Teaching Modern Languages in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5449. Ставовите на наставникот и личните афинитети – детерминанти за ефикасна реализација на физичкото воспитание2015
5450. Компетенции на наставниците од аспект на физичкото образование 2015
5451. Motor abilities of six years old children2015
5452. Possibilities for development of agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5453. Договор за вработување со приправници, пробна работа, волонтерство и волонтерски стаж2015
5454. Equivalence in Translation through German, French and Macedonian Examples2015
5455. Bitola plate - dilemmas and interpretations2015
5456. Естетски реставрации со нанокомпозит предизвик за целосна дентална естетика (клинички случај)2015
5457. Македонское меньшинство в Болгарии и бессилие международной правозащитной системы 2015
5458. Фикцијата на објективните критериуми против правото на самоопределување: примерот на македонското малцинство во Бугарија2015
5459. Бугарскиот етнос и мултиетничка Бугарија: константа и еволуција на сфаќањата во византиските извори во X век2015
5460. Повеќезначност во македонскиот и во германскиот јазик2015
5461. Историски развој на институтот застапување2015
5462. Менаџмент – процес подложен на постојани промени2015
5463. The personnel capacities and needs of small and medium trade companies seen through the traineeship in Republic of Macedonia2015
5464. Употреба на Herceptin® (трастузумаб) и неговиот конјугат Kadcyla® (трастузумаб-емтанзин) во терапија на рак на дојка2015
5465. About some challenges in the practicum of future teachers and kindergarten teachers in multicultural environments2015
5466. Воспитанието и образованието низ призмата на идните перспективи и развоj2015
5467. Наставникот - некогаш и денес2015
5468. Домашните задачи на учениците и поддршката на родителите2015
5469. Компетенциите и професионалниот развој на учителот во 21 век 2015
5470. Friendship, Dreaming and Invention as a path to Maturation shown in the novel “Clever Inventors” by Violeta Martinovska2015
5471. Arguments for and against retaining exchange rate regime: an empirical analysis for Republic of Macedonia2015
5472. Export-led growth in SEE6 – Facts and recommandations: The case of Republic of Macedonia2015
5473. Assessment of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in subclinical hypothyroidism2015
5474. Influence of the Subclinical Hypothyroidism on the Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function (pilot study)2015
5475. Ethical aspects of nursing practice2015
5476. Care and treatment of patients with cerebrovascular diseases in the period from 2010 – 2014 in the municipality of Veles2015
5477. Comparative Analysis of the Hostel Sector in Macedonia and Bulgaria2015
5478. Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems2015
5479. The ‘Equality of arms’ in Macedonian criminal procedure2015
5480. The Non - Discrimination Principle Through The Concept Of Establishment Of Companies In European Union2015
5481. Договор на обем во меѓународниот превоз на стоки според Ротердамските правила2015
5482. Management in schools in a multiethnic environment2015
5483. Креативноста и знаењето го креираат патот до училишниот успех2015
5484. Зошто да се учат странските јазици?2015
5485. The impact of the capital on the economic development of the developing countries2015
5486. Contemporary trends in the world trade2015
5487. Естетски реставрации со нанокомпозит предизвик за целосна дентална естетика (клинички случај)2015
5488. Hydrochemical properties of springs Slatinski Izvor and Solenica (Republic of Macedonia)2015
5489. Acupuncture treatment of cervical spondylosis2015
5490. Туристичкото законодавство во Македонија2015
5491. Слобода на медиумите2015
5492. Usage of Kanban methodology at software development teams2015
5493. Software System for Automated Support of Endusers2015
5494. Automated Chess Playing with a Robot Manipulator2015
5495. Седумдесет години настава на македонски јазик во Цапари и цапарско2015
5496. Occurrence of grapevine leafroll-associated virus complex in the Republic of Macedonia (full paper)2015
5497. Компаративните истражувања во образованието2015
5498. Application of ICT in teaching in secondary schools in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5499. Through cooperative learning and humanization of the education to multiculturalism2015
5500. Use of free software in mathematics classes and presenting the results of the research2015
5501. Les relations sémantiques des termes orthodoxes macédoniens et français de point de vue traductologique2015
5502. Les relations sémantiques des termes orthodoxes macédoniens et français de point de vue traductologique2015
5503. International relations as constitutional matter in Republic of Macedonia2015
5504. Development of the Pan European corridors in Macedonia, as a backbone of the South Eastern European Region2015
5505. Review and contemporary approaches in the discovery and work with talented students of mathematics in Macedonia2015
5506. Modern approach to improving the math evaluation process2015
5507. Blasting of broken marble zones2015
5508. Linguistic features of journalistic texts treating Macedonian Euro-Atlantic integrations2015
5509. Seismic effects on the environmental related to blasting series2015
5510. Преводните решенија во македонскиот превод на збирката раскази „Продавница на тајни“ од Дино Буцати2015
5511. Методи на терминолошката работа2015
5512. Assessment of the energy efficiency practices in the hotel industry2015
5513. Intra-entrepreneurship management in tourist organizations in the east region of R. Macedonia2015
5514. The language of education and the recommended bilingualism in the country2015
5515. Социјализација и е-учење2015
5516. Состојбата во воспитанието и образованието денес е предизвик за утрешнината и перспектива за иднината2015
5517. Интегрирање на модерната технологија во наставата по англиски јазик2015
5518. За комплексноста на изучување нови зборови во наставата по странски јазици2015
5519. Environmental influence in the incidence of bladder cancer2015
5520. Finding Forensic Evidence for Several Web Attacks2015
5521. Нараторите и фокализаторите во романот „Смртта на дијакот“ од Драги Михајловски2015
5522. Естетската функција на симболот во „Бели мугри“ од Рацин2015
5523. Нараторите во „Ќерката на Математичарот“ од Венко Андоновски2015
5524. Македонски поеми и епови за најславниот македонски крал2015
5525. The French Third Republic through the Narrative Experience2015
5526. The Memory and the Reconstruction of Postcolonial Identities: Toni Morrison`s Novel Beloved2015
5527. The EU Restrictive Measures – What if the Court of Justice of European Union finds them not Being Legal: Cases in Croatia and Republic of Macedonia2015
5528. Пpoeктот „Улогата на експлицитните инструкции за стекнување прагматичка компетенција при учењето англиски и германски јазик“ и негово претставување2015
5529. Лингвистички осврт кон туѓите зборови и заемките во стручниот лексички фонд на јазикот2015
5530. `Blended learning` како метод во изучувањето странски јазик во струка 2015
5531. Пиџин и креолски јазик2015
5532. Улогата на модалните глаголи како ублажувачи во англискиот и во македонскиот јазик2015
5533. Development and evaluation of virtual laboratory for engineering education2015
5534. Дескриптивните „слики“ во романот „Селидби“ од Милош Црњански2015
5535. Портретирање преку дескрипција (За портретите на Францка и Лојзе во романот „На пругорнината“ од Иван Цанкар) 2015
5536. Семантиката на јазикот во рубриката „Сакам да кажам“ во дневниот весник „Вест“ 2015
5537. Canone inverso или за уметноста и бескрајот (критички осврт на романот од Паоло Мауренсиг)2015
5538. Потекло, адаптација и семантика на турскиот суфикс -лак /-lIk/ (-lık, -lik, -luk, -lük) во македонскиот јазик 2015
5539. Измислување или реалност на детскиот свет 2015
5540. The need to improve the educational process in high education institutions in the Republic of Macedonia by applying management methods and techniques2015
5541. Карло Голдони и реформата на италијанскиот театар2015
5542. Стручната подготвеност на наставниците за реализација на наставата по религиското образование во Република Македонија2015
5543. Наставникот - современото образование и глобализацијата2015
5544. Violence in YAL with special emphasis on contemporary Macedonian YAL 2015
5545. Scales toward Adulthood – Scales through Life2015
5546. Patriotism in the work for children by Olivera Nikolova2015
5547. Simulation and optimization of evacuation routes in case of fire in underground mines2015
5548. Енергетска безбедност – причина за некохерентната политика на Eвропската унија кон Украина и украинската криза2015
5549. Does Innovation Capacity Constraint Economic Growth in Republic of Macedonia2015
5550. Мултикултурализмот и професионалниот развој на учителот2015
5551. Импликации на финансиските иновации врз банкарскиот сектор – примена на нови финансиски методи во банкарското работење2015
5552. The innovation capacity and economic growth: Empirical estimation for the CEE countries2015
5553. Импликации на финансиските иновации врз банкарскиот сектор – примена на нови финансиски инструменти во банкарското работење2015
5554. Утицај дебљине чиниесте пружине у спојке моторних возила врз њихове напоне2015
5555. Оправданоста на англосаксонскиот концепт на обврзност на понудата во меѓународната продажба на стока2015
5556. Perspectives of NATO’s Partnership Policy2015
5557. The improvised explosive devices unsurgent artillery in modern warfares2015
5558. Слободното судско уверување и индивидуализацијата на санкциите во светлината на законските решенија за воедначување на казнената политика2015
5559. Влијанието на финансиските институции врз економскиот раст и финансиската стабилност2015
5560. Lending conditions during the global economic crisis2015
5561. Демаскирање на илузиите за „новите“ теории2015
5562. Полифункционалноста на да-не прашањата2015
5563. Проблеми и дилеми за воведување на религиско образование во образовниот систем на Република Македонија2015
5564. Енергетска ефикасност као енергетска карактеристика термалних система у републици Македонији2015
5565. Заштита од пожара са економског аспекта у енергетици2015
5566. Примена на социјалните медиуми2015
5567. O subjektivitetu subjekata-The subjectivity of subjects2015
5568. Etiopathogenetic Cellular Mechanisms in Oral Lichen Planus 2015
5569. Specific types of representation2015
5570. The Sway of Foreign Direct Investments on the Performance of Domestic Firms2015
5571. Coob-Douglas Production Function on FDI in Southeast Europe 2015
5572. Ownership and Control Structures: A Case Study2015
5573. On the Electrocatalytic Properties of YCo1-xFexO3 (x = 0, 0.5 and 1) Perovskite Series2015
5574. Recognition features for Old Slavic letters: Macedonian versus Bosnian alphabet 2015
5575. Некои аспекти на злоупотребите кај Електронската трговија-Some aspects of misuse of E-Commerce services2015
5576. Cytogenetic abnormalities in lymphocytes evaluated with micronucleus assay in medical personnel occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation2015
5577. The Comprehension of the Financial Crises2015
5578. The Coordination of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Context of Economic Stability - The Case of Macedonia2015
5579. The impact of the new technologies on the international relations2015
5580. Effects of foreign direct investments. Evidence from Southeast Europe 2015
5581. Using GPU for Query of Email Spam Detection Systems and IDS2015
5582. A Novel Method for Control and Operation of Induction Motors Implemented in Intermitted Working Regime for Musical Fountains2015
5583. Foreign capital, labor markets and efficiency effects. A case study of a small open economy2015
5584. Geochemical maps of trace elements in moss around Tikveš Lake near Kavadarci, Republic of Macedonia2015
5585. Sivec type of marble (mineralogical, whiteness and physico-mechanical features)2015
5586. Lithological distribution of rare earth elements in automorphic and alluvial soils in the Bregalnica river basin2015
5587. Lead distribution in soil due to lithogenic and anthropogenic factors in the Bregalnica river basin2015
5588. Определување прагматичка компетенција кај изучувачите на англиски и германски јазик2015
5589. Accounting treatment of intangible assets2015
5590. Influence of kinesitherapy on gait in patients with ischemic stroke in the chronic period2015
5591. Influence of kinesitherapy on balance reactions in patients with ischemic stroke in the chronic period2015
5592. Türkçede Ad Durumları2015
5593. Финансиската криза во Бразил и Аргентина2015
5594. Природата и ефектите на даночната инциденца (со посебна анализа на некои одбрани земји)2015
5595. The Comprehensive Business Income Tax System: A Proposal for Ultimate Neutrality between Debt and New Equity Issues?2015
5596. ACE Tax vs ASE Tax:The Croatian and Nordic Experience for Higher Neutrality2015
5597. How Do Institutions Determine Economic Growth: Evidence from the CEE Countries Before and During the Global Economic Crisis2015
5598. Економска анализа на директните ефекти на индустријата за основни метали во македонската економија2015
5599. Empirical estimation of transmission mechanisms of the global economic crisis spill-over in the South-East European economics 2015
5600. Mineral assemblages group of major and associated mineral phases in the Kadiica porphyry copper deposit, Eastern Macedonia2015
5601. Функцијата на лексиката во расказот Samsung од Ранко Младеноски2015
5602. Literacy, health and economic factors2015
5603. Macro and microfauna in Upper-Eocene sediments at the site Crna Skala, Republic of Macedonia2015
5604. Birds: Mythical Symbol of Migration, Beauty and Bestiality2015
5605. Geoelectrical Model of Strumica Valley - Bansko Spa2015
5606. Battery of tests for evaluation of motor abilities at 7 years old children2015
5607. Precissenes at 6 years old children – manifestation, assessment and development2015
5608. Економска анализа на директните ефекти на индустријата за основни метали во Република Македонија 2015
5609. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: summary of five years results2015
5610. Evaluation of kidney dimensions in preterm infants at various gestational ages2015
5611. Estimation of fetal weight based on anthropometrical fetal growth measurements2015
5612. Influence of the sweet red paper extract on the quality and oxidative changes in fats of sausages 2015
5613. Ги разбираме ли метапораките?2015
5614. Adolescence in тhe literature for young adult of Tome Arsovski2015
5615. Antioxidative Wirkung von Gewürzextrakten2015
5616. Cultural models through the prism of language2015
5617. Хетеролошките аспекти на романот „Бајазит и Оливера“ од Драги Михајловски2015
5618. Логистички информационен систем и значењето за современиот бизнис: посебен осврт на организациона поставеност на логистиката кај КБР сервиси2015
5619. Аспекти на социјалната медицина во превенција на наркоманијата2015
5620. Ревизорската професија во Македонија и во светот2015
5621. Квалитетното управување со залихите предуслов за брза и ефикасна ревизија2015
5622. Суштинските дилеми за историјата и културата на античка Македонија2015
5623. Effects of rose-hip and grapeseed dietary supplementation on serum oxidative stress parameters in dogs before and after physical exercise2015
5624. Clinical Relevance of Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress2015
5625. Serum Biomarkers of (Anti)Oxidant Status for Epidemiological Studies2015
5626. Chemical composition and antioxidant potential of essential oil and menthol extract from Mint (Mentha piperita L.) growing in Macedonia2015
5627. Mинимално инвазивна препарација-модерен пристап во терапијата на кариес 2015
5628. Managing change through management development process2015
5629. Static Characteristics of the Orifices in a Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valve2015
5630. Does event tourism prevent seasonality? Assessment of the East Region of Macedonia2015
5631. The antonymy in Macedonian and French legal language2015
5632. Значењето на стратешкото менаџерско сметководство како позитивен индикатор во современото бизнис опкружување2015
5633. Влијание на нематеријалните средства врз пазарната вредност на компаниите2015
5634. Финансиската рацио анализа – основа за донесување на одлуки за инвестирање2015
5635. Charismatic leadership and power: using the power of charisma for better leadership in the enterprises2015
5636. Economic Aspects and Significance of SMEs2015
5637. Практични насоки на неврорехабилитацијата после мозочен инсулт2015
5638. Категорија просторa у „Горском венцу“ (простор у функциjи менталитета и идентитета)2015
5639. For the categories `east` and `west` in the stories `White Fortress` by Ohran Pamuk and Zona Zamfirova by Stevan Sremac2015
5640. Примена на општа и спинална анестезија при операција на ингвинална хернија2015
5641. Characterisation of traditional Macedonian edible oils by their fatty acid composition and their volatile compounds2015
5642. Цревни заразни дијарејални заболувања - Најзначајни бактериски причинители (1) 2015
5643. Значење на Акредитација на постапките за микробиолошко испитување на колиформни бактерии во водата за пиење2015
5644. Evaluation of changes in serum concentration of sodium in a transurethral resection of the prostate2015
5645. Enzymatic desizing of cotton fabric and glucose generation in desizing liquor2015
5646. Impact of the Thread Diameter on the Tribological Parameters of the Friction Lining for the Motor Vehicles Clutches2015
5647. Cost Analysis in the Construction of Underground Mining Structures and Opportunities for Their Reduction2015
5648. Минералошки карактеристики на гранатите од Прилепец, Република Македонија2015
5649. Оксидното оруднување во рудното тело Вршник, Рудник Бучим, важна суровина за инсталацијата за лужење на бакар2015
5650. Хемиски и морфолошки карактеристики на злато од aлувиони во Р. Македонија2015
5651. Димитар Масевски - 50 години композиторска и продуцентска работа2015
5652. The importance of the scientific research of the languages for special purposes2015
5653. Newly Diagnosed Diabetes and Stress Glycaemia and Its’ Association with Acute Coronary Syndrome2015
5654. Antiphospholipid Syndrome - A Case Report of Pulmonary Thromboembolism, Followed with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patient with Systemic Sclerosis2015
5655. Театарскиот роман на Булгаков на македонски јазик2015
5656. Ликот на Александар III Македонски во македонскиот расказ од 20 век2015
5657. Robert Lucas and the theory of rational expectations2015
5658. Soy Protein–Gum Karaya Conjugate: Emulsifying Activity and Rheological Behavior in Aqueous System and Oil in Water Emulsion2015
5659. Entrepreneurship and financing: The evidence of Macedonia2015
5660. Water monitoring around the Buchim copper mine drainage system and installation for copper leaching2015
5661. The importance of listening and comprehension skills in listening excercises in German language classes2015
5662. The Fight Against Terrorism2015
5663. The epistolarity as a genre in the modern Macedonian literature for children (“Shareni pisma” Coloured letters by Violeta Tancheva-Zlateva)2015
5664. Leadership and management: practice of the art of influence2015
5665. Economic thought through the prism of new keynesian economics2015
5666. Transparency vs. Corruption: The case of Republic of Macedonia2015
5667. Interleukin-6andinterleukin-8 as predictors of chronic lung disease in premature infant2015
5668. Expressions of oxidative injury markers in preterm infants during the first postnatal week2015
5669. The best practices and risks assessment strategy for unlicensed and “off -label” use of medicines in pediatric population2015
5670. Assessment of Procedural Pain in Term Neonates in Neonatal Department in Skopje 2015
5671. Self-evaluation as a basic approach in the implementation of TQM strategy within Macedonian companies2015
5672. Application of the methodology for improving the business processes for the compamy for Airport services TAV Airports Holding, Macedonia2015
5673. Economic Аnalysis of the Purchasing Function of the Health Insurance Fund with Focus on Methods of Payment2015
5674. Contradictions of the Process of Globalization in the World Economy2015
5675. Comparison of two treatment modalities for chronic pain syndrome due to sacroiliac joint dysfunction 2015
5676. Physical therapy approaches in treatment of sacroiliac joint dysfunction 2015
5677. Tobin's q Q and R&D investment in CESEE countries2015
5678. Random Access Protocols With Collision Resolution in a Noncoherent Setting2015
5679. Finite-SNR Bounds on the Sum-Rate Capacity of Rayleigh Block-Fading Multiple-Access Channels With No A Priori CSI2015
5680. Comparison between general and spinal anesthesia in inguinal hernia repair in Clinical University Hospital "St. Naum Ohridski" - Skopje2015
5681. The parents’ level of education and its influence on the educational achievements of students from different ethnic groups 2015
5682. Табу, време на страв и страдање, прогонувањето на Македонците во Бугарија во време на комунизмот (1944 -1989)од Стојко Стојков: рецензии-прикази 2015
5683. Болничко–превентивни установи во вардарскиот дел на Македонија под бугарска управна власт (1941 – 1944) 2015
5684. The case of the carbonatite-like dyke of the Madenska River complex at the Kriva Lakavica section in the Republic of Macedonia: oxygen and carbon isotopic constraints2015
5685. Mechanical properties of filament wound pipes: effects of winding angles2015
5686. Flexural properties of hybrid composite parts2015
5687. Крводарителството во општина Делчево во период од 2000 до 2014 година- анализа на бројот и структурата на крводарителите и промотивните активности2015
5688. Serum cortisol and DHEA-S levels in schizophrenic patients with different response to antipsychotic therapy: association with psychopathology2015
5689. Serum cortisol in patients with schizophrenia: association with psychopathology and response to antipsychotics 2015
5690. Association between Serum Cortisol and DHEA-S Levels and Response to Antipsychotic Treatment in Schizophrenia2015
5691. Типологија на фунерарните форми во североисточна Македонија2015
5692. Opportunities for development of tourism and small enterprises in Dojran municipality in Macedonia2015
5693. Synthesis and crystal structure determination of YCo1−xFexO3 (x = 0,0.33, 0.5, 0.67 and 1) perovskites2015
5694. Циркониум керамика за современи дентални надоместоци2015
5695. Chemical Induced Xerostomia Among Institutionalized Eldery2015
5696. Resurfacing of Perioral Wrinkles in Correlation with Individual Dental Aesthetic Outcome2015
5697. Study Regarding the Use of Er: YAG Laser for Initial Treatment of Periodontal Disease2015
5698. DMFT Index among Institutionalized Elderly2015
5699. Dietary habits and nutritional status of children in preschool age2015
5700. Етички аспекти на сестринската практика2015
5701. Застапеност на остеопорозата во општина Куманово за периодот од 2007 до 2013 година, и нејзина превенција и рехабилитација2015
5702. Лекување со акупресура и традиционална кинеска масажа2015
5703. Rare Earth Elements Related to Major Tertiary Volcanic Complexes in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5704. Music as a Vital Factor for the Continuity of the Cultural Identity 2015
5705. Survival in triple negative metastatic breast carcinoma-case report2015
5706. Провокативен феминистички поетски дискурс2015
5707. Колумни за аномалиите во општеството и кај индивидуата2015
5708. Tourism development in Macedonia: evaluation of the wine route region2015
5709. „Emilina’s ABC Book“ – earliest childhood literacy supported by emotional intelligence development2015
5710. Usage of wondershare quizcreator software for assessment as a way of improving math evaluation2015
5711. Attitude of secondary students towards mathematics and its relationship to achievement in mathematics 2015
5712. Several aspects of measuring performance of university study cycles using DEA2015
5713. Role of the entrepreneur, owner of the company in motivating the employees in the tourist sector2015
5714. Rehabilitation and correction of spine in children2015
5715. Ethics in medical research involving human subjects2015
5716. Анализ на промени на папилата на очни нерви на пациентите с okуларна хипертенсиа и първично отkритоъголна глаукома, с оптична кохерентна томография2015
5717. Analysis of nerve fiber layer in patients with ocular hypertension аnd early open angle glaucoma measured with TOPCON 3d OCT 20002015
5718. OCT като метод за разграничаване на очна хипертензия от глаукома анализирайки осем важни параметри измерени с TOPCON 3d OCT 20002015
5719. Contemporary methods for the diagnosis of glaucoma2015
5720. Study nepafenac 0.1% suspension in treating postoperative inflammation and ocular pain associated with surgery of cataract patients2015
5721. Предизвикот на глобалниот свет - од философија на антропоцентризам до философија на екоцентизам2015
5722. Europe – a desert “Noah’s Ark” - risk or challenge!?2015
5723. Global issues and English as global language2015
5724. Transitive as functional mark of the touristic location of Republic of Macedonia as precondition for developing transit tourism2015
5725. The influence of transit tourists towards the development of hospitality in the Southeastern region2015
5726. Emanuel syndrome (ES): new case-report and review of the literature2015
5727. Severe scoliosis, torticollis and short stature in a woman with Wildervanck syndrome (WS)2015
5728. Stvaralastvo makedonskih kompozitora u uslovima tranzicije od 2001. do 2012.godine2015
5729. A Novel Iterative Method for Polar Decomposition and Matrix Sign Function2015
5730. Утицај дебљине чиниесте пружине у спојке моторних возола врз њихове напоне2015
5731. Baza za stvaralaštvo makedonskih kompozitora u periodu od 1991 do 2001 godine2015
5732. A novel nested dynamic programming (nDP) algorithm for multipurpose reservoir optimization2015
5733. Тhe impact of starter culture on the pH and the content of lactic and volatile fatty acids in boiled-smoked sausages2015
5734. The autobiographical discourse in Autobiography by Marko Cepenkov2015
5735. Self assessment of dental students as learning modality in preclinical dental education 2015
5736. Recommendations of antibiotic treatment in paediatric dentistry2015
5737. The use of Fidelis lll laser in everyday dental practice2015
5738. Фолклорните елементи во Суита бр.1, од балетот „Лабин и Дојрана“ на композиторот Трајко Прокопиев,СМЕ2015
5739. Улогата на фидбекот во подобрувањето на учењето и на успехот кај учениците2015
5740. Groundwater quality as a source for irrigation in Strumica valley, Republic of Macedoniа2015
5741. Long-term measurements of radon, thoron and their airborne progeny in 25 schools in Republic of Srpska2015
5742. Feasibility of interactive video games for influence on balance in institutionalized elderly people2015
5743. Меѓународната трговија пред и после глобалната економска криза2015
5744. Analysis of the trade relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Germany2015
5745. Quaestio maiestatis - суђење пред мајестатском квесцијом као редовним римским кривичним судом2015
5746. Orthostatic reactivity in patients with ischemic stroke in the chronic period2015
5747. Преведувањето и културата2015
5748. Evaluating Perceptions of the Healthcare Providers Concerning Accreditation in Healthcare Organizations in the R. Macedonia2015
5749. 200 years of the Congress of Vienna: Switzerland's Way to Modern Democracy 2015
5750. Evaluating tourism development of South East Macedonia: a micro region perspective2015
5751. Characteristics of tempranillo grape variety (Vitis vinifera L.), grown in Tikveš's vineyard2015
5752. Дигитален воден жиг во слика во фреквентен домен со дискретна косинусна трансформација2015
5753. Mineralogical and geochemical study of Lake Dojran sediments (Republic of Macedonia)2015
5754. Geographical Pattern of Cultural Values, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development 2015
5755. Каузалитет во рамки на граѓанско-правната одговорност за нуклеарна штета2015
5756. Sulfur isotope composition in the Plesenci native sulfur mineral deposit, Republic of Macedonia2015
5757. Architectural valorization of rural house in Macedonia2015
5758. Transformation and adaptability of the spatial distribution of different types of houses on the urban concept in cities from 19th century in Macedonia2015
5759. Effect of bud loads on mechanical composition of cluster and chemical content of must in Victoria table grape variety (Vitis Vinifera L.)2015
5760. Diurnal Variation of Hormonal and Lipid Biomarkers in a Molecular Epidemiology-Like Setting2015
5761. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Industrial relations profile2015
5762. Имплементација на опрема за далечинско управување во трафостаниците во Р. Македонија2015
5763. Increasing the Attractiveness of Locations for Investment in SHPP in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5764. Computer aided design of simulation and experimental model of buck-boost converter2015
5765. Energy improvements in the hotel industry2015
5766. Effects of tourism seasonality at local level2015
5767. Relations Between the Longitudinal Dimensionality of the Skeleton, the Mass and the Volume of the Body and the Repetitive Strength in the Students of First Year 2015
5768. Manifestation, Assessment and Development of Precissenes At 7 Years Old Children2015
5769. Organization And Realization Of University Sport Activities In Goce Delcev University - Stip2015
5770. Status and the Future of Organic Farming in the Republic of Macedonia and the Mediterranean Countries2015
5771. Thoracic Aortic Disease - Aortic Dissection2015
5772. Дијалогизмот и интертекстуалноста во македонскиот роман2015
5773. Obtained Yield and Financial Parameters of Organically Grown Mint in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5774. Information as a strategic resource critical to military operations and defence of the nation2015
5775. Determination of Pb and Cd in Macedonian Wines by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (ETAAS)2015
5776. Корупцијата, медиумите и новинарите2015
5777. Analysis of the new legal acts on mobbing protection of the employees in the Republic of Macedonia.2015
5778. The role of the administration in the process of the decision making in the local self government in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5779. Managing the achievement process through selfcontrol2015
5780. Design as mediator between the form and the reality of the user2015
5781. Movement and rhythm in indoor and outdoor space indoor2015
5782. Modern trends of the 21st country way of looking at the design during adolescence2015
5783. Composition of futurism in landscape architecture2015
5784. Antimicrobiological effect of extracts from spices during production of semidurable national sausages2015
5785. Content of nitrites and salt and chemical composition of some meat products2015
5786. Influence of the basil extracts and arillus myristicae on antioxidative changes in semidurable sausages2015
5787. Clear rule and regulation in state department basic for effectiveness public administration2015
5788. Approaches for the Advancement of Business Processes in a Company that Deals with Graphic Production 2015
5789. To apply the six sigma method or the new TQM (Total Quality Management) strategy in the Macedonian companies2015
5790. Full commitment of top management in Macedonian high education institutions2015
5791. Business environment factors and business performance: the case of Macedonia – a developing economy2015
5792. The Need for Implementation of Integrated Management Systems (IMS) in Macedonian Companies2015
5793. Nanoparticles as platforms for delivery of curcumin2015
5794. Curcumin loaded pH-sensitive hybrid lipid/block copolymer nanosized drug delivery systems2015
5795. Раѓањето на македонската нација: етно-лингвистичките и територијално-политички основи на македонскиот идентитет2015
5796. Prognostic value of normal myocardial perfusion imaging in asymphtomatic diabetic patients with moderate and high calcium score SCORE2015
5797. Students’ Performance in Face-to-Face Communication: Apologising in English2015
5798. Soil contamination study around the Buchim Copper Mine, Republic of Macedonia2015
5799. Translation, torsion, and wave excitation of a building during soil-structure interaction excited by an earthquake SH pulse2015
5800. Calculation of variation and ore-bearing coefficients in the Plavica epithermal polymetallic deposit, Eastern Macedonia2015
5801. Polymetallic ore paragenesis in the Plavica ore deposit, Eastern Macedonia2015
5802. Медиумите, корупцијата и новинарството 2015
5803. Акредитацијата треба да биде потврда на квалитетот преку имплементирани стандарди2015
5804. The Balkan Muslim discourse: Identity among the Muslims of Slavic origin2015
5805. Aкредитацијата треба да биде потврда на квалитетот преку имплементираните стандарди2015
5806. Fire risk assessment and computer simulation of fire scenario in underground mines2015
5807. Основот на граѓанско-правната одговорност разгледуван во историски контекст 2015
5808. Corrective justice as a principle of civil liability2015
5809. Determination and monitoring of ore recovery and dilution coefficients in Sasa lead and zinc mine - M. Kamenica, R.Macedonia2015
5810. Beginnings and development of the Tukish and Macedonian children’s literature in Macedonia2015
5811. Semantics of life and death in Jordan Radickov’s “We, the sparrows” 2015
5812. Geochemical assessment of some natural waters from eastern and south-eastern Macedonia2015
5813. The epistolary genre in the literature for youth by Gorjan Petrevski2015
5814. Role of Age and Sex in Short-term Mortality After STEMI in Eastern Europe: the ISACS-TC Initiative 2015
5815. Factors Affecting the Development of ICT Competencies of Teachers in Primary Schools2015
5816. Hydrochemical data for the ground waters in the Bitola’s art of the Pelagonia Valley, Republic of Macedonia2015
5817. Heavy and toxic metals in water and sediments of the Vardar river in Skopje2015
5818. 3D Modelling of the Plavica Au-Cu polymetallic deposit, Republic of Macedonia2015
5819. The Balkan Wars through the Prism of the Wider Theoretical Framework of the Concept of the “Security Dilemma”2015
5820. Learning reading in the lower grades2015
5821. Legal and institutional framework for resolution of collective labour disputes2015
5822. Tools for software visualization2015
5823. Big data for education data mining, data analytics and web dashboards2015
5824. The enforcement of the decision of prejudicial question2015
5825. The correlation between structure and β-nucleation efficiency of Ba, Sr, Ca and Mg pimelates in isotactic polypropylene2015
5826. Accuracy of the Crank-Nicolson method depending on the parameter of the method r2015
5827. A modern and futuristic materials in architectural design2015
5828. Modern concept design of intelligent buildings in architecture2015
5829. The fairy tale pillows of Slavka Maneva 2015
5830. Amphibolite-Hosted Fe–Ti Oxide Mineralization of the Mitrashinci Deposit, Eastern Macedonia2015
5831. Industrial Contamination of Soil Related to Some Active and Closed Mine Facilities in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5832. Learner autonomy in foreign language education and in cultural context2015
5833. On the plural forms of nouns in German compared to Macedonian language2015
5834. Estimations procedures with RATS 8.0 or higher for Introduction to time series and forecasting, book by Brockwell & Davis (2 ed)2015
5835. Effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes of the SLCO1B1 gene on the pharmacokinetic profile of atorvastatin in healthy Macedonian volunteers2015
5836. Спроведување на кодекс на етика на интерните ревизори во ревизорската професија2015
5837. Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Banking sector in Macedonia2015
5838. Вкупни хидропероксиди – маркер за липидна пероксидација кај коронарна артериска болест2015
5839. Estimations procedures with RATS 8.0 or higher for Commandeur and Koopman's book: Introduction to State Space Time Series Analysis2015
5840. Does democracy and government policy affect labor market outcomes in CEE countries?2015
5841. Enzymes and wine – the enhanced quality and yield2015
5842. Entrepreneurship and management of animation in tourism2015
5843. Fine Needle Aspiration in Thyroid Nodules - One Year Experience2015
5844. Assessing tourism development: the case of Krusevo, Macedonia2015
5845. Soil metal pollution related to active Zletovo Pb-Zn Mine, Republic of Macedonia2015
5846. Prognostic value of normal myocardial perfusion imaging in asymphtomatic diabetic patients with moderate and high calcium score SCORE2015
5847. Ius Militare – Military Courts in the Roman Law (I)2015
5848. Анализа на степенот на ориентација кон потрошувачите во МСП во Р. Македонија2015
5849. Процес на прифаќање на производите од потрошувачите (дифузија на иновации)2015
5850. Предизвици на современиот банкарски маркетинг -интегрирани маркетинг комуникации: случајот на Република Македонија2015
5851. Конфликтно партнерство рефлектирано низ организациската зрелост на претпријатието2015
5852. Application of principal component analysis in the assessment of essential and toxic metals in vegetable and soil from polluted and referent areas2015
5853. Improving Human Capacity–One of the Ways to Overcome the Decrease in Organic Farming2015
5854. Comparison of Results from Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment of Tuberculosis in Republic of Macedonia2015
5855. Evaluation of C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease2015
5856. Bioavailability and bioaccumulation characterization of essential and heavy metals contents in R. acetosa, S. oleracea and U. dioica from copper polluted and referent areas2015
5857. Railway traffic and sustainable development: measures and recommendations for an effective transport system2015
5858. Process of acceptence of products by the consumers diffusion of innovations2015
5859. Challenges of global markets: The role of transportation in supply chain management2015
5860. Изучувањето на рускиот јазик на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип2015
5861. The influence of environment on yield and yield components in two row winter barley varieties2015
5862. Mitigating disagreement: Cross-cultural perspective2015
5863. Manifestation, Measurement and Assessment of Balance in 7 Years Old Children 2015
5864. Примери за слободата како сопствена антитеза2015
5865. Stoicism and its Influence on the Roman Law2015
5866. HPV E6/E7 mRNA Versus HPV DNA Biomarker in Cervical Cancer Screening of a Group of Macedonian Women 2015
5867. Türkçede Vurgu2015
5868. Esat Bajram'in "Aliveli" Hikâye Kitabinda SosyelleŞme Olgusu2015
5869. Monuments of Islamic Culture and Civilization in Shtip2015
5870. The “Extension” of the Roman Criminal Law in Today’s Macedonian Criminal Laws2015
5871. Правната заштита на јавните набавки низ призмата на кривичното граѓанското и управното право2015
5872. Quality evaluation of cold-pressed edible oils from Macedonia2015
5873. Influence of Y-ion substitution on structural and electrochemical characteristics of YCo0.5Fe0.5O32015
5874. Native Gold of the Borovik Ore Field, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)2015
5875. The External Migrations in Macedonia during the Transition Period and Today2015
5876. The Significant Role of Music in the Educational System through the Various Scientific Disciplines2015
5877. Laser assisted crown lengthening in the anterior maxilla2015
5878. Role of humoral mechanisms in etiology of lichen planus2015
5879. Studying the ion transfer across liquid interface of thin organic-film-modified electrodes in the presence of glucose oxidase2015
5880. Electrode Kinetics from a Single Square-Wave Voltammogram2015
5881. A Simple Method for Determination of Protodioscin in Tribulus Terrestris L. and Pharmaceuticals by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Using Diode-Array Detection2015
5882. Revision permissiability in civil procedure in Republic of Macedonia2015
5883. Comparison between conventional chemical processes and bioprocesses in cotton fabrics2015
5884. Патот до значењето: улогата на дискурсните маркери при декодирање на пораката/ прагматичката функција на дискурсните маркери2015
5885. Legal significance and protection of possession in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5886. Antibacterial Activity of Selected Silver Nanoparticles Coatings - Our Initial Experience 2015
5887. Ethnic Conflict as a Social Phenomenon - Reasons and Anatomy of Conflict2015
5888. Post-corrosive complications in different age intervals2015
5889. Исхраната како фактор за убава насмевка2015
5890. Organizational and legal assumption for creating reliable public administration2015
5891. The molecular epidemiology of bois noir grapevine yellows caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5892. New aspects of the electrochemical-catalytic (EC’) mechanism in square-wave voltammetry2015
5893. Зајакнување на акузаторните елементи преку новиот концепт на главната расправа во кривичната постапка на РМ2015
5894. Correlation between grain yield and yield components in winter barley varieties2015
5895. Family and School - Creators of a Child’s Educational Context2015
5896. Kinetic studies of manganese removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on natural zeolite2015
5897. Clinical Study on the Effect of Chlorhexidine Mouth Rinse in Improving Oral Health in Orthodontic Patients with Fixed Appliances 2015
5898. Test results for machine and human hours spent producing different grape varieties2015
5899. Interferenzfehler in Schriftlichen Arbeiten Mazedonischsprachiger Deutschstudierender2015
5900. The impact of intermittent exposure to ambient temperature of 40 °C, at different development stages, on the blood picture of albino lab rat2015
5901. Evaluation of the Parallel Computing Performances based on the nVIDIA GeForce GPU2015
5902. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Macedonian red wines2015
5903. The influence of glass fibers on the morphology of β-nucleated isotactic polypropylene evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry2015
5904. Правото на штрајк и неговото остварување во практиката2015
5905. Between Religion and Nation: The Identity of Makedonci muslimani in Republic of Macedonia2015
5906. Гаргара за душата2015
5907. Наративните структури во романите на Славчо Ковилоски2015
5908. Монодрамски транскрипт за хероите на „Ножот“2015
5909. Application of the Least Squares Solutions in Image Deblurring2015
5910. Bitola Destination for Cultural Tourism – 7000 Years of History – (From Gurgur through to Heraclea Bitola)2015
5911. Optimized and numerical models of electromechanical devices coupled with computation of performance characteristics2015
5912. Analysis of used disinfectants in correlation with the occurrence and causes of hospital infections - a comparison of data for general hospital in Ohrid in the period 2009 to 20132015
5913. The relations between Macedonia and Serbia2015
5914. Learning Grammar and Vocabulary through Reading: A Case Study2015
5915. Corpus-based versus traditional learning of collocations2015
5916. Rule of Law and Inclusion in the Republic of Macedonia2015
5917. The Ukraine Crisis and New Security Challenges for Euro Atlantic Integrations2015
5918. Evaluation of non-radioactive lutetium- and yttrium-labeled immunoconjugates of rituximab - a vibrational spectroscopy study2015
5919. Јазична археологија2015
5920. Evaluating an Ordered List of Recommended Physical Activities within Health Care System2015
5921. Expertise as evidence in civil procedure2015
5922. Determination of the factors that form the students’ attitude towards mathematics2015
5923. Agreement on Transfer of Property during Lifetime in the Legal System of the Republic of Macedonia 2015
5924. Introduction of Religious Education in The Republic of Macedonia 2015
5925. Model of e-learning acceptance and use for teaching staff in Higher Education Institutions2015
5926. Current State of Pre-Consumer Apparel Waste Management in Macedonia2015
5927. The meaning of the employers’ liability provisions for raising the level of workers safety 2015
5928. Specific Properties of the Agreement for Lifetime Support in the Legal System of the Republic of Macedonia2015
5929. The process of civil law codification in Western Balkans2015
5930. Common Interference Errors in Macedonian - Speaking German as a foreign language - Students2015
5931. Модел на прифаќање и употреба на репозиториумот наменет за наставниот кадар при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев" - Штип2015
5932. Targeted analysis of bioactive phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Macedonian red wines2015
5933. Решавање на топлинска равенка со Neumann гранични услови со употреба на Crank Nicolson методот2015
5934. Application of Innovative Models in Teaching Methods for Introduction to Nature and Society and Students’ Success2014
5935. Recent achievements in square-wave voltammetry (a review)2014
5936. Causal relationship between wages and prices in R. Macedonia: VECM analysis2014
5937. Environmental and health risks of Kozuf metallogenic district2014
5938. Remarks for heavy metals transport pathways in groundwater and surface water of Alshar and Dudica areas2014
5939. Placer gold and following minerals along the Stara Reka around the Lukar water intake, Kozuf area, R. Macedonia2014
5940. Use of the Surfer package in the interpretation of the geochemical data from the Alshar mineralized area, R. Macedonia2014
5941. Major ore deposits in the Kozuf metallogenic area, R. Macedonia2014
5942. Prague as the destination for Macedonians in the product of tourism agencies2014
5943. Protection of the traditional architecture from 19th and the beginning of the 20th century in Macedonia2014
5944. Modern Urbanization and its impact on the modern concept of the city2014
5945. The Impact of urbanization on the contemporary concept of habitat2014
5946. The Practical Component of the Study Program for the Education of Class Teachers - Faculty of Educational Sciences, the Republic of Macedonia2014
5947. The Importance of Hunting and Hunting Areas for Big and Small Game (Food) for the Tourism Development in the Crna River Basin in the Republic of Macedonia2014
5948. Улога на фармацевтот во рационалната употреба и факторите кои влијаат на рационалната употреба на лекови2014
5949. The Liver Parameters In The Collagen-Induced Arthritis Rat Model2014
5950. Global cultural processes in the continuity and the prospective of the musical tradition2014
5951. Carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumanii versus MRSA isolates in ICU in Clinical Center Skopje2014
5952. Доселеници од мочуриштето2014
5953. The Sports-Recreational Animation as a Factor for Tourism Development2014
5954. Self-evaluation in the implementation of TQM strategy within Macedonian companies2014
5955. Projection and Implementation of Total Quality Management Systems within the Textile Production2014
5956. Преглед на странски туристи и ноќевања по земји на припадност кои ја посетиле Република Македонија во периодот од 2006-2010 г.2014
5957. Преглед и состојба на поштенскиот сообраќај, мрежата и бројот на претплатници во телекомуникацискиот сообраќај во Република Македонија во периодот од 2005-2010 година2014
5958. Преглед на патничкиот и товарниот сообраќај во Република Македонија во периодот од 1982-2010 г.2014
5959. Стакелберг моделот и свитканата крива на побарувачка:Динамични Олигополи 2014
5960. Democracy, demography and economic growth: Empirical investigation of association between those three2014
5961. Кинезитерапија и рехабилитација кај пациенти со инфаркт на миокардот2014
5962. Кинезитерапија кај жени во текот на бременоста2014
5963. Quality management in hospitals: analysis of the prescribing practice of cardiovascular medicines2014
5964. Energy consumption, economic development and prices: Time series evidence in CESEE countries2014
5965. Human Brucellosis in the Republic of Macedonia by Regions Depending on Vaccination Procedures in Sheep and Goats2014
5966. Парадигмата на апсурдот и потрагата по смислата на постоењето во „Тврдина“ од Меша Селимовиќ 2014
5967. New-Keynesian economics tales with algebraic notations2014
5968. Unconventional monetary policy measures in a world without global currency2014
5969. Публикувана стручна литература од областа на туризмот во новиот милениум2014
5970. Local government management in the Republic of Macedonia2014
5971. Flame seedless grape variety (Vitis vinifera L.) and different concentration of gibberellic acid (GA3)2014
5972. How Macedonian educational context supports leadership role of elementary school teachers2014
5973. Application of a Novel Small-Scale Sample Cleanup Procedure Prior to MALDI-TOF-MS for Rapid Pigment Fingerprinting of Red Wines2014
5974. Специјални минирања при изградба на патишта во функција на стабилност на косини2014
5975. The Euro-Atlanticaspirations of the Republic of Macedonia2014
5976. Theoretical and Legal Framework of Foreign Policy the Example of the Republic of Macedonia - Official EU Candidate Country2014
5977. On Products of Distributions in Colombeau Algebra2014
5978. Keynesian macroeconomics without the LM curva: IS-MP-IA model and Taylor rule applied to some CESEE economies2014
5979. За потребата од ревидирање на Инкотермс правилата2014
5980. Mathematical Modeling of High Energy Plasma Technologies with Account for some of the Fundamental Problems2014
5981. Mathematical Modeling of Spray Material Acceleration and Heating during the Formation of Plasma Cluster Coatings 2014
5982. Increasing stiffness of diaphragm-spring fingers as a part of system approach improvement of friction clutch function2014
5983. Противуставноста на одредбите за Синдикална репрезентативност во Законот за работните односи2014
5984. Каков наставник всушност сакаме2014
5985. Успешен трансфер на поговорките и пословиците од еден во друг јазик2014
5986. Успешен трансфер на поговорките и пословиците од еден во друг јазик2014
5987. Determining the basic motivational factors of teachers to use ICT in their teaching using factor analysis2014
5988. Personnel economics issues: What causes increasing work intensity, and what are the policy responses?2014
5989. Препородот на витештвото и појавата на џентлменот во Велика Британија2014
5990. Implementation of Genetic Algorithms in Efficiency Factor Optimization of Electromechanical Devices2014
5991. Essential themes in Personnel economics2014
5992. UTAUT and its Application in an Educational Environment: State-of-the-Art 2014
5993. Примена на Crank-Nicolson методот за решавање на топлински равенки2014
5994. Personnel Economics essay: Issues in Human Capital Theory, training and earnings of workers2014
5995. Adjustment of currency convertibility2014
5996. Еconomic theory and the New-Keynesian school2014
5997. Analysis of the WSN MAC Protocols under Jamming DoS Attack2014
5998. Enzymatic desizing of cotton: a review2014
5999. Analyses of Student’s Achievement Depending on Math Teaching Methods2014
6000. Evaluating the success of the company designing the TQM System2014
6001. Global Path Planning in Grid-Based Environments Using Novel Metaheuristic Algorithm2014
6002. Improved alignment of homologous DNA sequences2014
6003. Holokaust u Makedoniji 2014
6004. Глобализацијата и нејзиното влијание врз образованието2014
6005. Thiol anchoring and catalysis of gold nanoparticles at the liquid interface of thin-organic film-modified electrodes2014
6006. Sustainable rural tourism in the revitalization of villages in the border region between Macedonia and Serbia2014
6007. The Role of Literature in Foreign Language Acquisition2014
6008. A simple microscale gas generation apparatus - Sencillo aparato de generación de gas para los experimentos de microescala2014
6009. Chemical deposition of nano-sized electrochromic thin films of Na0.33V2O5 ∙ H2O xerogels2014
6010. Treatment Algorithm for Chronic Anal Fissure – A Review of Literature and it’s Apply in University Clinical Center Mother Teresa – Skopje2014
6011. Applicability of a Spectrophotometric Method for Assessment of Oxidative Stress in Poultry2014
6012. Udder-related risk factors for clinical mastitis in dairy cows2014
6013. Vehicle routing and scheduling – The traveling salesman problem2014
6014. Функцијата на обредите со маски и нивна манифестација во тримерските празнувања и карневалот во Струмица2014
6015. Развојот на современите комуникациски технологии и нивното влијание на проблемот на сексуална злоупотреба на деца2014
6016. Развојот на современите комуникациски технологии и нивното влијание на проблемот на сексуална злоупотреба на деца2014
6017. Bilateral inguinal hernia, laparoscopic repair with single mesh (case series) 2014
6018. Лапароскопска ингвинална херниопластика2014
6019. Splenectomy for hematological disorders 2014
6020. Улогата и значењето на различните видови на ревизија како инструмент за заштита на финансиските интереси и подобрување на успешноста во работењето2014
6021. Ревизијата и измамата2014
6022. Logistics supply chain and their application2014
6023. An approach for measurement uncertainty evaluation of cutting force in machining by turning2014
6024. Monte Carlo simulations in validation of measurement uncertainty of cutting force during machining by turning2014
6025. Influence of the end effects on roughness parameters for short non-periodic profiles2014
6026. Усвојување на граматичките категории род, број и определеност кај именките во македонскиот јазик од страна на студентите – слависти2014
6027. The Struggle of Power and Passion in Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre2014
6028. The Gothic and supernatural metamorphoses of the Byronic hero in Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre2014
6029. Byron’s View of the Otoman Empire: The Case of Don Juan2014
6030. Retrorectal Dermoid Cyst Manifested as an Extrasphincteric Perianal Fistula - Case Report2014
6031. Risk Factors for Early Postoperative Complications after Surgery for Crohn's Disease2014
6032. Traditional pear varietes in the west region of Republic of Macedonia2014
6033. Numerical analysis of behavior for Lorenz system with mathematica2014
6034. Membership Categorization Analysis as a Tool in the Studies of “Migrant Literature” 2014
6035. Acute unintentional intoxication with paraffin in a 25-year old patient2014
6036. Respiratory Complications from Acute Corrosive Poisonings in Adults2014
6037. Influence of Age on the Survival and Mortality Rate in Acute Caustic Poisonings 2014
6038. Acute unintentional intoxication with paraffin in a 25-year old patient2014
6039. Мобилноста на наставниците во високото образование2014
6040. Difference between sports betting and gambling on the aspect of educational level of citizens who are active users of the games of chance in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6041. Интернационализмите во говорот на младите во Италија2014
6042. Резервниот состав на АРМ 32014
6043. Резервниот состав на АРМ 22014
6044. Резервниот состав на АРМ2014
6045. Influence of the ideology of peace in the Balkans2014
6046. Примена на разузнавачката дејност при спроведување на мисиите на воените аташеа2014
6047. Регионализам и социјален идентитет во контекст на националната безбедност2014
6048. Interoperability of the operational planning process at operational level in arm with operational level planning with NATO2014
6049. Воено технолошките трендови и безбедносните односи2014
6050. Simple sufficient conditions for bounded turning2014
6051. Positive Psychology Enviroment for children and adolescents with disabilities2014
6052. Сказновидното во творештвото на Славка Манева, со посебен осврт врз збирката раскази за деца „Ѕвездени перничиња“2014
6053. Adverse Effects of Thalidomide Administration, in Patients with Myeloma Multiplex?2014
6054. Tretatment Approach of Nontransplant Patients with Multiple Myeloma2014
6055. Influence of Prognostic Factors on Overall Survival in Myelodysplastic Syndromes2014
6056. Anti Citrullinated Protein / Peptide Antibody Assay, Rheumathoid Factor or Both as Shifted Test in Diagnostic and Prognostic Evaluation in Patients with Rheumathoid Arthritis2014
6057. Целта ни е да прераснеме во Агенција препозналива на глобално ниво2014
6058. Imaging of deep venous thrombosisusingradioactive labeled Tirofiban: animal model evaluation2014
6059. Фактори за определување на родот во германскиот јазик2014
6060. Многујазична методика2014
6061. Improved algorithm for tag-based collaborative filtering2014
6062. Улогата на фармацевтот во порационалната употреба ба антибиотици и сузбивање на антимикробната резистентност2014
6063. Variety specifity of two rows barley in Republic of Macedonia2014
6064. 5G Mobile Networks: the User-side Approach2014
6065. Next Generation Mobile Networks Architecture2014
6066. Ratio of middle cerebral artery/umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry and status of newborn in preeclampsia2014
6067. The correlation between visual field defects and nerve fiber layer tickness measured with optical coherence tomography 2014
6068. Значење на периметрија, пахиметрија и окуларна кохерентна томографија во раниот третман на глауком2014
6069. Visualization of discrete random variables2014
6070. Мирот како вредност на надворешната политика на Европската унија2014
6071. The verbs with the semantic feature “emotionality” in the contemporary German and Macedonian language2014
6072. Correlation possibilities between teaching music and physic education2014
6073. Methodological possibilities of realization of music folklore in the educational process 2014
6074. Comparative analysis of curriculum of Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Srpska ‒ example of the analysis of teaching program documents of music from I to III grade2014
6075. Родна Величковска: Македонско традиционално народно певање – етномузиколошки огледи2014
6076. Makedonya`da Turk Izleri2014
6077. Посттрауматски мекоткивен импиџмент на скочен зглоб: артроскопски наод и клинички резултати2014
6078. Биоетика, мултикултура, мултилингвалност и аквизиција на странски јазик2014
6079. Редефинирање на семејните вредности во САД: Прогресивен идеализам со регресивна ерозија2014
6080. Книгата „Зошто шепотиме“, од Џим Деминт: За загрозената слобода на изразување2014
6081. Development trends of tobacco production, compared to the production of wheat, corn and sunflower2014
6082. Collaborative Health-Care System (COHESY) Model2014
6083. Managing with organizational environments - strategy of e-business2014
6084. Зборообразување во современиот македонски јазик2014
6085. A review of the children’s narratives of the first generation of Turkish writers in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6086. Possibilities for simulating the smoke rollback effect in underground mines using CFD software2014
6087. Можности за симулирање на ефектот на реверсирање на чадот и пожарните продукти со помош на CFD софтвер во рудниците за подземна експлоатација2014
6088. The challenge of diabetes treatment in Macedonia2014
6089. Influence of Age on the Survival and Mortality Rate in Acute Caustic Poisonings2014
6090. Respiratory Complications from Acute Corrosive Poisonings in Adults2014
6091. Analysis of Transmission Channels and Mechanism of the Global Economic Crisis from Developed to South-East European Countries2014
6092. Злоупотреба на супстанции во спортот2014
6093. The influence of estrogen on the gingival health of girls2014
6094. Segmentum II: Кратовско - Злетовската област во антиката2014
6095. Role of humoral mechanisms in etiology of lichen planus2014
6096. The presence of subjective feelings of xerostomia in the institutionalized elderly2014
6097. Хигена на протетските помагала кај институционализираните стари лица2014
6098. Анализа на промените во видното поле 2014
6099. Analysis of nerve fiber layer in patients with early open angle glaucoma measured with TOPCON 3D OCT 2000 and visual field evaluation with standard automated perimetry2014
6100. What makes us think that the experiences and relationships of children with the natural world are so important?2014
6101. Наставникот и неговата улога во инклузивната училница2014
6102. Последиците од мултилатералните трговски договори во рамките на СТО за земјите во развој2014
6103. Нерамномерната распределба на доходот во ера на глобализација2014
6104. Нецаринскиот протекционизам во одделни земји во развој2014
6105. Energy-efficiency in decentralized wireless networks: A game-theoretic approach inspired by evolutionary biology2014
6106. The Reforms in the Institutional Structure of the European Union in Compliance With the Lisbon Treaty2014
6107. Comparing of the binomial model and the black-scholes model for options pricing2014
6108. Valuation of factors affecting the unemployment rate of young people in Republic of Macedonia2014
6109. The liability of Freight forwarder according to Macedonian i International law2014
6110. School bullying - A comparative approach -2014
6111. The causes of death among patients with tuberculosis 2014
6112. Variability assessment of metals distributions due to anthropogenic and geogenic impact in the lead-zinc mine and flotation „Zletovo” environs (moss biomonitoring)2014
6113. HPLC Анализа на девет кортикостероиди во магистрално изработени креми за атопична егзема2014
6114. Одбраната и заштита кај доцноантичките утврдувања во долината на река Брегалница2014
6115. Damage Compensation: Employee’s Responsibility of the Damage and Employer’s Responsibility2014
6116. Environmental education in R. Macedonia objectives, tendencies, paradigms2014
6117. Understanding of what is read and communicating with a text in class teaching2014
6118. Understanding of what is read and communicating with a text in class teaching2014
6119. Design of glass/phenolic ballistic composites by implementation of factorial experimental design2014
6120. Damage compensation: employee’s responsibility of the damage and employer’s responsibility2014
6121. On Maximal Level Minimal Path Vectors of a Two-Terminal Network 2014
6122. Остварување и заштита на правата, обврските и одговорностите од работен однос2014
6123. Парична казна, отказни рокови и приговори против одлуките на работодавачот и застареност2014
6124. Positive Psychology Enviroment for children and adolescents with disabilities2014
6125. 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management: The Joint Task Force on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA).2014
6126. Rhabdomyolysis and Cardiomyopathy in a 20-Year-Old Patient with CPT II Deficiency.2014
6127. Самосталне активности и њихова улога у развоју критичког и креативног мишљења код ученика2014
6128. Pre-consumer apparel waste mangement in Macedonia2014
6129. Римските воени судови (I дел)2014
6130. Професионални стандарди на новинарската професија2014
6131. Сказновидното во творештвото на Славка Манева, со посебен осврт врз збирката раскази за деца „Ѕвездени перничиња“2014
6132. Application of Apparel Cutting Waste as Insulation Material2014
6133. Enzymatic treatment of wool: A review2014
6134. Enzymatic treatment of wool: A review2014
6135. Enzymatic treatment of wool: A review2014
6136. Enzymatic treatment of wool: A review2014
6137. Biopolishing enzymes and their applications in textiles: A review2014
6138. Industrial enzymes in textile processing and the healty environment: A review2014
6139. Phraseological units with the component ‘part of the human body’ in German and Macedonian2014
6140. Предизвици при изработка на општите и посебните услови кај договорите за осигурување2014
6141. Е-комерција наспроти е-банкарството – сличности и разлики2014
6142. Basic professional education and permanent improvement – career development paths2014
6143. Practicing supply chain management in the wine industry and recommendation to the wine industry in regards to improvement of the supply chain in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6144. The Liver Parameters In The Collagen-Induced Arthritis2014
6145. Comparative Evaluation of Viability of Encapsulated Lactobacillus casei Using Two Different Methods of Microencapsulation2014
6146. Критики и лимити на концептот на „Нормативна моќ на Европската унија“2014
6147. Rituximab-immunoconjugate kit-formulations for NHL radioimmunotherapy2014
6148. Улогата на измамата и маските во „Хамлет“2014
6149. Pediatric Drug Formulations: A Review of Challenges and Progress2014
6150. Measuring the Electrode Kinetics of Surface Confined Electrode Reactions at a Constant Scan Rate2014
6151. Special investigative measures in the obstruction and prevention of organized crime and corruption in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6152. Концепти и техники на убедување и манипулација во текот на изборната кампања2014
6153. Главни истражувачки наоди на дискриминацијата во огласите за вработување во Република Македонија2014
6154. Специфичности на тероризмот во периодот на подготовка за негово извршување2014
6155. Пактот за стабилност – одраз на политичката волја на Меѓународната заедница 2014
6156. Sprovat siriane ...2014
6157. Analysis of used disinfectants in correlation with the occurrence and causes of hospital infections – a comparison of data for general hospital in Ohrid in the period 2009 to 20132014
6158. Participation and Anti-Discrimination Based Local Strategic Documents – Case of Macedonian Municipalities 2014
6159. Evaluation of the contents of the military education according to the needs of contemporary military missions2014
6160. Computer gaming technology for military training – serious games2014
6161. Contemporary challenges in military education – Macedonian Military Academy in the context2014
6162. Determination of aluminium content in the potable water in the Republic of Macedonia from the period from 2011 – 20142014
6163. Евалуација на кариесот кај деца од 12-15 години од Штип2014
6164. Trends in bio-processing of textiles2014
6165. Tekstilna industrija i tekstilni otpad u R. Makedoniji2014
6166. Selection of Belt Conveyors Drive Units Number by Technical –Economical Analysis2014
6167. Ревизијата со посебен акцент на дозволеноста на ревизијата2014
6168. ОХИ, пуферскиот капацитет на плунката како ризик фактори на кариес2014
6169. ОХИ, пуферскиот капацитет на плунката како ризик фактори на кариес2014
6170. Ethical attitude and presence of glaucoma in Stip 2014
6171. Treatment of patients with cataracts 2014
6172. Treatment of patients with cataracts 2014
6173. Treatment of patients with cataracts 2014
6174. Професионални стандарди на новинарската професија2014
6175. Theoretical foundations of programmed training in elements of science2014
6176. Defining the sliding plane in micro plan on rocky massif using geoelectrical method2014
6177. Assessment of slope stabiility in open pit mines in correlation of specific electrical resistance in rocks2014
6178. Defining the sliding plane and deformation of the terrain2014
6179. Народните музички инструменти во функција на етнотуризмот - со посебен осврт на зурлата и тапанот2014
6180. Oдредување на вкупни антиоксидативни особини на капсаициноиди во Capsicum видови култивирани во Република Македонија 2014
6181. Fruit analysis of pepper androgenic lines P3 and P4 (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Piran) in different maturation stages.2014
6182. Microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)2014
6183. Organic production of mixed cereal crops2014
6184. Texture - a tendency to contemporary interiors 2014
6185. Combinatorics networks based on solution compositional symmetry with in the park 2014
6186. Effectiveness of some insecticide - acaricide to the eradication of Aculops lycopersicae m. at tomatoes grown in greenhouses2014
6187. Radial symetry base for decorative design2014
6188. Basic structure of chair - DNA on a chair2014
6189. Determination of SO2 and reducing sugars in Macedonian wines2014
6190. Gnomonia Leptostyla (Fr.) Ces. et de Not. causer of walnut anthracnose in the east part of the Republic of Macedonia2014
6191. Powdery mildews (Microsphaera Diffusa) on Godji Beri (Lycium chinense) in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6192. Presence of Stolbur Phytoplasma on local variety Stanusina2014
6193. On the generalized fresnel cosine integrals and convolution2014
6194. Mineralogical characteristic of rutile from Bonče, Republic of Macedonia2014
6195. Странските инвеститори со „Бела книга“ за бизнис-климата во Македонија2014
6196. Нега и третман и рехабилитација на лица со краниоцеребрални повреди2014
6197. Дали во Македонија се воведува економски неоколонијализам?2014
6198. The Policy of the European Union toward the Yugoslav Successor States 1996–1999: Stabilization through Regional Cooperation2014
6199. Risk assessment for diabetes mellitus type 22014
6200. Epidemiological aspects of brucellosis in the Radovish area in the period from 2000 to 2013 2014
6201. Genotoxicological Effects of Heavy Metals on Humans Cells2014
6202. Улога на медицинската сестра при лекување на болен со епидурален хематом2014
6203. Улога на медицинска сестра во нега на дијабетично стопало2014
6204. Правилна исхрана и диететски навики, кај деца и адолесцент2014
6205. Нега кај деца болни со β-таласемија2014
6206. Образование и компетенции со кои се стекнува медицинската сестра со завршување на Втор циклус на специјалистички студии, и местото на патронажната и семејната специјализирана сестра во здравството2014
6207. Морфолошките и топографски карактеристики на retropyelic артерија со бубрезите2014
6208. Морфолошките и топографски карактеристики на retropyelic артерија со бубрезите2014
6209. Njega i liječenje bolesnika sa moždanim udarom2014
6210. Die Ich Perspektive und innere Welt des Menschen2014
6211. Иницијалното образование на воспитувачите и учителите Во Холандија - Педагошки факултет (Pedagogische Academie) во Гронинген2014
6212. Financial-Economic Time Series Modeling and Prediction Techniques – Review2014
6213. Written expression represented by retelling a fairy2014
6214. Гуслата во кратовско – гусларот Станко Стојанов од с. Туралево, Кратовско2014
6215. Просторни особености на традиционалната куќа во Штип во 19 и почетокот на 20 век2014
6216. Metaheuristic Global Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robots2014
6217. Традиционалните вредности на сокакот како урбан елемент на македонскиот град во 19 век2014
6218. Solving Kakuro Puzzle using Self Adapting Harmony Search Metaheuristic Algorithm2014
6219. Perspectives on regeneration of alveolar bone defects2014
6220. Characteristics of domestic and introduced durum wheat varieties (Triticum durum desf.) in the agri-environment conditions of Strumica, Republic of Macedonia2014
6221. Evaluation of physical activities recommendation methodology for blood glucose level regulation2014
6222. Continuous realtime monitoring of patient’s vital signs based onZigBee standard2014
6223. The use of QR codes in education2014
6224. Metaheuristic approach to optical character recognition of Old Slavic letters2014
6225. Area coverage in wireless sensor network by using harmony search algorithm2014
6226. The main function of plant design of parks and gardens2014
6227. Planning of urban green areas of Štip2014
6228. Innovative concept spatial volume in historic buildings2014
6229. Art decorative appearance of children park2014
6230. Role of industrial design in the process of product development2014
6231. A Novel Quad Harmony Search Algorithm for Grid-based Path Finding2014
6232. Текстуална анализа на пресудите во Република Македонија и во Република Франција2014
6233. Физичко-механички и минералошко- петрографски карактеристики на базалтите од локалитетот Ежево Брдо, Источна Македонија2014
6234. Физичко – механички и минералошко – петрографски карактеристики на амфиболските шкрилци од локалитетот „Почивало“ Источна Македонија2014
6235. Последици и технички решенија за намалување на сообраќајните несреќи со трактори во Република Македонија2014
6236. Потрошувачко однесување на демографските генерации во услови на намален наталитет, со осврт на Македонија и Русија2014
6237. Гарантните писма наспрема коносманите во транспортното право и практики2014
6238. Influence of the lactate on the microbiological and sensory properties in semi-durable sausages2014
6239. About the Terms "Yugoslavia" “Balkanization” and “Third Balkan War”2014
6240. Some Theoretical Considerations on the Situation before the Outbreak of Conflict in Croatia During the Dissolution of Yugoslavia2014
6241. The Effect of Smoking on Biomarkers of (Anti) oxidant Status2014
6242. Ankyrin is the major oxidised protein in erythrocyte membranes from end-stage renal disease patients on chronic haemodialysis and oxidation is decreased by dialysis and vitamin C supplementation2014
6243. Results from the research on the colective negotiation in Republic of Macedonia during the transition2014
6244. Dominant lethal pathologies in male mice engineered to contain an X-linked DUX4 transgene2014
6245. High-throughput screening identifies inhibitors of DUX4-induced myoblast toxicity2014
6246. Predicting the ballistic strength of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene/fiber composites by implementing full factorialexperimental design2014
6247. Legislative view of the conditions and the procedures for appointmenting an ambassador2014
6248. Measurements of indoor radon concentration in kindergartens in Sofia, Bulgaria2014
6249. Perfectionism Dimensions in Children: Association with Anxiety and Depression2014
6250. Како да ја унапредам сопствената наставна практика?2014
6251. Predicting the ballistic strength of aramid fiber composites by implementing full factorial experimental design2014
6252. Linguistic units with the semantic feature “emotionality” from communicational and functional aspect in German language2014
6253. Multiculturalism and interculturalism in education2014
6254. Mineralogical characteristic of amazonite from Čanište- Republic of Macedonia2014
6255. Managing sustainability: Poetry of motion2014
6256. Семејна дисфункционалност и депресија во период на адолесценција2014
6257. Перцепција на телото и фантомската болка – феномен од интерес за физикалната медицина 2014
6258. Рехабилитација на пациенти со тумори на глава и врат2014
6259. Connecting development of pragmatic competence with the CEFR2014
6260. Methodology for development of economic assessment for determining justification for exploitation of ore deposits2014
6261. Comparative analysis of technologies for constriction raise in underground mines2014
6262. Воздушна абразија како метод во современата реставративна стоматологија. 2014
6263. Стручни, научни трудови - методолошки упатства стручен труд2014
6264. Self-evaluation in pre-school - situation, challenges2014
6265. Draft Batery of Tests for Evaluation of Motor Abilities at 6 Years Old Children 2014
6266. Институционална веб меморија2014
6267. Development Changes in Motor Space at 6 and 7 Years Old Children 2014
6268. The perspective of Rotterdam Rules in International Transport2014
6269. Теоретски аспекти на комуникацијата како процес за размена на информации2014
6270. Productivity potential of wintering oat genotypes (Avena sativa L.) under the south Бulgaria agroecological conditions2014
6271. Results of the Procedure for Determining the Representativeness of Trade Unions and Employers' Associations in the Republic of Macedonia in 2010 (First count)2014
6272. Civil law versus common law concept of Freight forwarders2014
6273. Alluvial gold occurrences in Macedonia2014
6274. Physical-mechanical and mineralogical-petrographical characteristics of the diabases at the locality “Udovo” (Vardar Zone, Republic Macedonia)2014
6275. Religious education in the function of multiculturalism from Macedonian perspective2014
6276. Some aspects of Macedonian multiculturalism in textbooks for primary education2014
6277. Односот на религијата и глобализацијата во современиот свет2014
6278. Possibilities for using granodiorite of “Lozjanska Reka” (village of Kruševica, Western Macedonia) as an architectural stone2014
6279. The impact of Russian novel on the work of Marcel Proust2014
6280. Communication and functioning of the triparties social dialogue trough the economic social council in the Republic of Macedonia in the period of 1997- 20122014
6281. Крунисувањето на Самуил за цар и митот за царот евнух2014
6282. The Legal aspects and Institutional Framework of Mediation in Republic of Macedonia2014
6283. Characteristics of Successful Systems for the Evaluation of Teachers’ Work 2014
6284. Моќта и дострелот на родителското воспитание2014
6285. The Art of Mitigation: How EFL Learners Do It2014
6286. Хидрогеолошки истражувања на минерална вода и гас Co2 во село Рибарци, општина Новаци, Република Македонија2014
6287. Хидрогеолошки истражувања на минерална вода и гас Co2 во село Рибарци, општина Новаци, Република Македонија2014
6288. Зајакнување на акузаторните елементи преку новиот концепт на главна расправа во кривичната постапка на РМ2014
6289. Macedonian Question Reframed: Politics, Identity and Culture in Republic of Macedonia2014
6290. Примена на фораминиферите за дефинирање на условите на животната средина 2014
6291. Experimental analysis for defining forming limit diagram for thick sheets2014
6292. Medical Pharmacological Treatment (A. K. A. Chemical Castration) in the Macedonian Criminal Code2014
6293. Biocomposites based on polylactic acid and their thermal behavior after recycling2014
6294. Comparative analysis of Macedonian and French legal terms etymology2014
6295. Mineralogical characteristics of kyanite from Prilepec, Republic of Macedonia2014
6296. 'Демократијата' како основна вредност на надворешната политика на Европската унија2014
6297. Multiple gene analyses identify distinct “bois noir” phytoplasma genotypes in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6298. За преводот на архаизмите...2014
6299. Respiratory Symptoms and Ventilatory Function in Never-Smoking Males Working in Dusty Occupations2014
6300. The brothers Grimm's fairy tales in Macedonian language teaching in primary education2014
6301. Measuring seasonal concentration of tourism demand: comparative study of SEE countries2014
6302. Влијанието на температурата врз останувањето на јони на Co и Ni од водени раствори со клиноптилолит2014
6303. Methodology for transition probabilities determination in a Markov decision processes model for quality-accuracy management2014
6304. Рефлексивноста на одделни теориски учења врз моделирање на ефективна воспитно-образовна комуникација2014
6305. Рефлексијата на некои тенденции во современото воспитание и образование2014
6306. По патот на учителот Димитар Мирасчиев2014
6307. Advanced treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C2014
6308. The self-evaluation and quality of knowledge2014
6309. Ефективната настава од перспектива на комуникацијата2014
6310. Самооценување на студентите во наставата по дидактика како современа тенденција на наставничките факултети2014
6311. Възпитателя и предучилищното дете в съвременното общество2014
6312. Възпитателя и предучилищното дете в съвременното общество2014
6313. Книжевна историја и културниот идентитет како агенс за промени2014
6314. Novel First Responder Script as a Tool for Computer Forensics 2014
6315. Litostratigraphic characteristics of Paleogene basins in the Republic of Macedonia 2014
6316. Turkish woman in Macedonia and woman's role in literature 2014
6317. Autobiographical discourse in some novels from Мacedonian literature for children and youth2014
6318. The relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria2014
6319. Petrology of the Kokino volcanic rocks, Kumanovo district, Republic of Macedonia2014
6320. Македонија е судбина на светот - светот е судбина на Македонија2014
6321. Corporate Taxation and Investment: The Case of the Split Rate Corporate Tax System in Macedonia2014
6322. Geochemistry and origin of particles PM-10 in the area of Tikveš, Republic of Macedonia2014
6323. Geochemistry and origine of thermo-mineral waters on Kožuf Mountain2014
6324. Composition of some major mineral phases from the Plavica epithermal gold deposit, Eastern Macedonia2014
6325. Форми во македонските играорни обрасци 2014
6326. Глувонемите ора, нивната стилска и морфолошка анализа2014
6327. Реквизите при изведба на орската традиција2014
6328. Empirical investigation on gastronomy and wine tourism2014
6329. Просторно-популациски карактеристики на населбите од ридско - планинските области во Република Македонија2014
6330. The Effects of Macerating Enzyme Treat Treatments and Aging on Phenolic Content and Chromatic Characteristics in Vranec Wines 2014
6331. Помошниот глагол сум во македонскиот јазик и помошниот глагол i- во турскиот јазик 2014
6332. Mеthods for investigation in environmental mineralogy2014
6333. Hyperthermophilic Enzymes with Industrial Applications2014
6334. Индустриската револуција и големите градови во Америка2014
6335. Mineralogical characteristic of fluorite from Sivec, Republic of Macedonia2014
6336. Нарушувања на темпоромандибуларниот зглоб2014
6337. Preparatory activities for the successful implementation of the methodology for after sales support to customers in the TQM system2014
6338. Стратешките ведности на воените утврдувања во доцната антика по долината на Река Брегалница2014
6339. Прилог кон проучувањето на железното време во Брегалничкиот басен2014
6340. Feature Selection for Classification of Old Slavic Letters2014
6341. Женскиот менталитет во раскажувачката проза на Јосип Козарац(За љубовта, еротиката и сексуалноста во „Тена“ и „Мира Кодолиќева“) 2014
6342. Приказната за Силјан штркот и македонската стварност2014
6343. За категориите „исток“ и „запад“ во романите „Белата тврдина“ од Орхан Памук и „Зона Замфирова“ од Стеван Сремац2014
6344. За традицијата и менталитетот во драмата „Бегалка“ од Васил Иљоски2014
6345. Private living dwelings in the traditional architecture of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century2014
6346. Einbeziehung von Stereotypen und Klischees der Sprachbenutzer in die Kommunikation, gesehen an Beispielen von der literarischen Übersetzung 2014
6347. Македонија и Балканот во Византискиот Комонвелт 2014
6348. Потенцијални ризици и опасности од елементарни непогоди врз недвижното културно наследство во Ново Село2014
6349. The effects of usage of sequential teaching method on the academic achievement and retention level of students in area of biological sciences or biochemistry2014
6350. Impedance and AC Conductivity of GdCr1−xCoxO3(x = 0, 0.33, 0.5, 0.67 and 1) Perovskites2014
6351. About the translation of the Turkish words from Macedonian into German language as well as the Latin and French words from German into Macedonian language – a parallel2014
6352. Модерни наставни принципи во наставата по Германски, како странски јазик2014
6353. The role and the power of women in Macedonian and Turkish folk literature2014
6354. Quasigroup Representation of Some Lightweight Block Ciphers2014
6355. E-government information communication system and transparency: an overview of the situation in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6356. Правна и институционална рамка на нуклеарната енергија во Р.Македонија2014
6357. Автобиографскиот дискурс во Автобиографијата на Григор Прличев2014
6358. Collective Security – The Role of International Organizations – Implications in International Security Order2014
6359. What are the psychological, pedagogical and social factors that influence successful learning in environmental education?2014
6360. Specifics of managing the educational process2014
6361. Basic capital: Comparative aspects in European Union and Macedonia law2014
6362. Advantages and disadvantages of Seadocs and Bolero systems in electronic transfer bill of lading2014
6363. Developing the ability of learning and thinking at a higher level at science classes creative challenge or intellectual risk?2014
6364. Еволуција на „ноксалната одговорност“ од римското право во „одговорност за друг“ во современото македонско право2014
6365. The Role of Fiscal Rules in Ensuring Fiscal Discipline2014
6366. Managing the access to information in Macedonia2014
6367. The kingdom of Greece and The First Balkan War: Aspirations and achievements2014
6368. За преводот на некои специфични културни феномени од германски на македонски јазик во Шницлеровата новела „Поручникот Густл“2014
6369. Efficiency optimization of single phase motor using GA approach2014
6370. Анализа на фразеолошките единици со компонентата „уста“ во германскиот и во англискиот јазик2014
6371. „Прекрасен нов свет“ - преглед и социофилософска анализa2014
6372. Влијанието на културната политика и творештвото на македонските композитори во Република Македонија 2014
6373. Информациско и информатичко описменување на учениците во современата училишна библиотека2014
6374. Веберовата теорија за власта: типови на легитимна власт 2014
6375. The multiethnic coexistence on the Balkans2014
6376. The Role of Information Technology in the Business Sector2014
6377. The legal aspects of the mobbing in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6378. The impact of information systems in organizations2014
6379. Genotoxicological effects of heavy metals on humans cells2014
6380. Tourism policy of Balkan countries: review of national tourism development strategies2014
6381. Потенцијални можности за истражување и користење на гео-термалната енергија во Република Македонија2014
6382. The Flow of Capital and the Eurozone Crisis2014
6383. Determination of some volatile compounds in fruit spirits produced from grapes (Vitis Vinifera L.) and plums (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars2014
6384. Determination of pesticide residues in plant-based foods from the Republic of Macedonia 2014
6385. Distribution of the total arsenic content in drinking water obtained from different water sources in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6386. Development and validation of a method for the simultaneous determination of 20 organophosphorus pesticide residues in corn by accelerated solvent extraction and gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detection 2014
6387. Knowledge and the knowledge worker in the era of great technological development2014
6388. Современи аспекти на неврорехабилитацијата и кинезитерапијата после мозочен удар2014
6389. Bionics in industrial design2014
6390. E-decisions - mobile information system to support the decision process2014
6391. Карактеристики на успешен воспитувач2014
6392. Македонецот К. Миладинов кај Хрватот С. Томаш2014
6393. Моралните вредности, информацијата и науката2014
6394. Curriculum and value orientantion in secondary schools2014
6395. Effective financial reporting as a knowledge for boosting the economic growth2014
6396. E-commerce vs. e-banking - similarities and differences2014
6397. Basic professional education and permanent improvement – career developement paths2014
6398. The impact of mobile technologies on e-banking2014
6399. The process of de-Euroisation in the Macedonian banking sector in the period of sovereign debt crisis2014
6400. Како до квалитетна економска проценка?2014
6401. Меѓукултурни истражувања на говорните чинови2014
6402. Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition from Reading an Authentic Text2014
6403. From Industrial Relations to Employment Relations with Focus on Employee Relations2014
6404. Улогата на ревизијата во подобрување на квалитетот на финансиското известување2014
6405. Споредбен преглед на специфичните културни феномени во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик 2014
6406. Релевантноста на фискалните стимулации2014
6407. Теории за буџетска рамнотежа2014
6408. Intrahospital infection in General Hospital in Strumica (2005-2011)2014
6409. Imaging of deep venous thrombosis using radioactive labeled Tirofiban: animal model evaluation2014
6410. Терминологијата како наука и терминолошката работа2014
6411. Antioxidative effect of Capsicum oleoresins compared with pure capsaicin2014
6412. Enzymes in textile industry: a review2014
6413. Application of the Good Manufacture Practice standards for production of food products for assuring microbiological cleanness and control of the residues of disinfectants2014
6414. Analysis of used disinfectants and antiseptics correlated with the occurrence of nosocomial infections – Clinical hospital Stip, Republic of Macedonia in period of 2007 – 20112014
6415. The world economic crisis, its impact on the Macedonian economy and Governmental anti-crisis measures2014
6416. Три методи за учење на новите генерации2014
6417. The role of literature in learning English and its effects on learners' linguistic competence2014
6418. The use of language learning strategies by primary and secondary school EFL learners2014
6419. Важноста на интеракцијата во наставата по странски јазици2014
6420. Преглед на традиционалните модели за повратноста во македонскиот и во германскиот јазик2014
6421. Изучувањето на странските јазици на факултетите за туризам во Република Македонија2014
6422. Дидактички пристап кон толкувањето на синтаксичката повеќезначност2014
6423. Maastricht Treaty in the Shaping and Development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)2014
6424. The role and importance of the control functions in the educational process2014
6425. Семантиката на турскиот суфикс -ли /-lİ/ (-lı, -li, -lu, -lü) во турскиот и во македонскиот јазик 2014
6426. Inter-Religion dialogue and tolerance in schools in Macedonia2014
6427. Семејното насилство - социјална појава на денешницата2014
6428. Фактори на меѓучовечкиот однос – како императив за успешно воспитно делување2014
6429. Towards computational improvement of DNA database indexing and short DNA query searching2014
6430. Prve zdravstvene ustanove na oslobođenoj teritoriji za vreme Solunskog fronta First health care institutions in the liberated territory during the Salonika front2014
6431. Диференцијална анализа на категоријата определеност/неопределеност во македонскиот и италијанскиот јазик2014
6432. Македонските преводни еквиваленти на глаголите во германскиот јазик што искажуваат психичка состојба2014
6433. Поетско-прозното творештво за деца на Фахри Каја2014
6434. Теориско промислување на епистоларниот жанр2014
6435. Correlation between some anthropometrical parameters of the fetal kidney2014
6436. Масовни отворени онлајн курсеви (МООК)2014
6437. Морфосинтаксички особености на француските правни текстови и нивно преведување на македонски јазик2014
6438. Востановување на науката за преведувањето и на нејзините називи во научната средина2014
6439. Улогата на „па“ како адверсативен дискурсен маркер2014
6440. Attitudes of students of the study program biology at the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences about their competence for practical realization of teaching biology in the nine-year primary education2014
6441. Formulation and Characterization of “Ready to Use” 1B4M-DTPA-rituximab for Lu-177 Labeling2014
6442. Formulation and Characterization of “Ready to Use” 1B4M-DTPA-rituximab for Lu-177 Labeling2014
6443. Development and validation of reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of Tirofiban in serum2014
6444. Preparation and first biological evaluation of novel Re-188 Tc-99m peptide conjugates with substance-P2014
6445. Plant protection practice of organic farmers in Macedonia and the role of Higher education institutions in providing support2014
6446. Preparation and frst biological evaluation of novel Re-188/Tc-99m peptide conjugates with substance-P2014
6447. Биолошки опасности во храната2014
6448. Detection of transfusion transmissible diseases in the past 10 years in the Regional center for transfusion medicine in Shtip2014
6449. Determination of the parameters of crystallization of maleic anhydride modified polypropylene in model composites with glass fibres2014
6450. Diagnostic procedures, therapy and complications of haemophilia2014
6451. Formulation and Characterization of “Ready to Use” 1B4M-DTPA-rituximab for Lu-177 Labeling2014
6452. First report of alder yellows phytoplasma associated with common alder (Alnus glutinosa) in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6453. Influence of our weight loss program on the psycho emotional status of patients2014
6454. Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution using Clinoptilolite and Stilbite2014
6455. Our experience in the reduction of overweight and cellulite2014
6456. Attractiveness of accounting profession 2014
6457. Градската куќа во Струмица од 19 и првата половина на 20 век2014
6458. Корелативна зависност на наталитетот и склучените бракови во Македонија2014
6459. Синонимните ликови во романите на Венко Андоновски2014
6460. Equilibrium Studies of Zinc Ions Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption on Natural Zeolite 2014
6461. The spatial development of Kratovo townhouse from the 19th and early 20th century2014
6462. Македонскиот национален идентитет во британската дипломатска кореспонденција2014
6463. Pseudomonas population causing tomato pith necrosis in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6464. Корелативна зависност на наталитетот и склучените бракови во Македонија2014
6465. Харизматичното лидерство како извор на конкурентска предност2014
6466. Корелативна зависност меѓу БДП по жител и наталитетот во Македонија2014
6467. Значење и примена на пазарна ориентација во работењето на МСП2014
6468. Бизнис интелигенција-историски развој и перспективи2014
6469. Анализа на комуникацискиот процес во домашните МСП2014
6470. Улогата на малите и средните претпријатија во националното стопанство2014
6471. Извештај за финансиската состојба-подготовка и анализа2014
6472. Anthropoghenic soil contamination connected with active mines, smelting and plants in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6473. External debt as a fundamental problem of developing countries2014
6474. Ergonomics at dentistry2014
6475. A contrastive analysis on the meaning of some German adjectives compared to Macedonian2014
6476. Creating a marketing strategy with preference for organic production as a factor of influence on the birth rate and life expectancy of the population2014
6477. Measuring and reporting of the healthcare systems performances2014
6478. Списанијата и творештвото за деца на турски јазик во Република Македонија2014
6479. Applicability of Atomic Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Variability Assessment of Trace and Macro-Elements Content in Moss Species from Pb-Zn Mine Environment2014
6480. Chemical Treatment of Water for Steam Boilers in Mining Power Complex “Oslomej”in Kicevo2014
6481. The travelogue as a literary genre in children`s prose works “Pisma od Africa” by Vidoe Podgorec 2014
6482. Comparison of response of moss, lichens and attic dust to geology and atmospheric pollution from copper mine2014
6483. Performance Analysis of Statistical QoS Routing Schemes for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks2014
6484. Performance Analysis of Statistical QoS Routing Schemes for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks 2014
6485. Балканот мегу Балканските војни и Европа без граници - реалност или утопија2014
6486. Интертекстуалноста во книжевното творештво на Марсел Пруст2014
6487. Интеркултурните релации меѓу Истокот и Западот и нивната репрезентација во литературата (преку примери од делото на Марсел Пруст)2014
6488. Family Structure and Behavior Disorders in Students in Primary Education in Macedonia2014
6489. The Role of Professional Primary School Services (Pedagogue, Psychologist) in the Process of Inclusion (with Special Aspect of Hyperactive Children)2014
6490. Early Intervention and Prevention of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities2014
6491. Надворешното обликување на куќата од Ново село и Штип во контекст на македонското профано градителство од 19-от век2014
6492. Wind Power Plant Bogdanci and Its Impact on the Price of Electrical Energy in Macedonia2014
6493. Раѓањето на Американската Демократија2014
6494. Retrospective of Macedonian Capital Market for the Period 2004-20132014
6495. Cost and Benefits of Adopting Euro2014
6496. Лекови за ретки болести - Orphan drugs2014
6497. About the Translation of Expressions with Metaphoric Meaning in Keller’s Short Story "A Village Romeo and Juliet" in Macedonian Language2014
6498. Correlation between some anthropometrical parameters of the fetal head2014
6499. A Comparative Review of the False Friends (Macedonian - French and Macedonian – German) 2014
6500. Animator’s Roles in Enriching the Content of Tourist Stay 2014
6501. Образовните институции и јавната политика2014
6502. Cultural needs and their impact on the transformation of contemporary urban living in Macedonia2014
6503. Postural Control and Balance Reactions in Patients With Ischemic Stroke in the Chronic Period 2014
6504. Postural Control and Balance Reactions in Patients With Ischemic Stroke in yhe Chronic Period 2014
6505. Corpus evidence for the acquisition of modal verbs of obligation by Macedonian Learners of English 2014
6506. Preliminary results from time integrated measurements concentrations of indoor radon, thoron and their progenies in schools of Republic of Macedonia2014
6507. The I-perspective and the individual's inner world reflected in emotional vocabulary2014
6508. Модел на превод сконцентриран на преведувачот2014
6509. Форми на работа во наставата по странски јазици2014
6510. Reading and Vocabulary Acquisition2014
6511. Incidental Vocabulary Learning through Reading2014
6512. La costruzione sociale dell’identità attraverso il linguaggio nella letteratura italiana della migrazione 2014
6513. Contents of elements in traces in the hair of various population groups in Кavadarci as indicator of the aero pollution2014
6514. Правна рамка на договорот за осигурување живот во Р.Македонија2014
6515. Oral will like specific form of will2014
6516. Transient response of a pilot operated pressure relief valve with compensating control piston2014
6517. Европската унија во меѓународните односи: помеѓу теориите за меѓународни односи и европска интеграција2014
6518. Нормативните инструменти на концептот на нормативна моќ на Еворпската унија кон украинската криза 2014
6519. Effect of smoking on the accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hidrocarbons, in M. Longisimus dorsi from pigs and possibilities for reducing their content2014
6520. Интердисциплинарноста во науката и лингвистиката.2014
6521. Topological MRI Prostate Segmentation Method2014
6522. Tekstilni otpad kao materijal za toplinsku izolaciju2014
6523. Governance: the case of Macedonia2014
6524. SEM-data for placer gold related with some valley around Borov Dol porphyry copper deposit, R. Macedonia2014
6525. Trace elements in soils and vine from Tikves area-Republic of Macedonia with particular references to nickel distribution2014
6526. Zeolite bearing tuff in the Vetunica deposit northern marginal part of the famous Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area, Eastern Macedonia2014
6527. 3D modeling tools jointly applied on Gerakario (Greece) and Kadiica (FYROM) porphyry copper mineralisations2014
6528. Geochronological and geochemical studies on crystalline rocks from the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif with implications on its pre-Alpine evolution2014
6529. Cenozoic magmatism in the border area of W Bulgaria - E Macedonia - SE Serbia: temporal evolution, geochemical trends and fertility in changing compression-extension regime2014
6530. The Ilovitsa porphyry Cu-Au deposit: Vein sequence, sulfide deposition and fluid inclusion study2014
6531. Константин Кирил Филозоф во „Папокот на светот“2014
6532. Marketing planning: state of the art in a transitional economy2014
6533. Стилски обележја на јазикот во фудбалот2014
6534. Relationship between Gastroesophageal Refluh Disease (GERD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adult population in Macedonia2014
6535. Традуктолошка анализа на стручен текст врз пример: анализа на преводот на Уставот на Република Македонија од македонски на француски јазик2014
6536. Developing Pragmatic Competence at A1, A2, B1 and B2 Level: Requests2014
6537. Complex analysis of performance characteristics of single phase shaded pole motor2014
6538. Application of numerical methods in calculation of electromagnetic fields in electrical machines2014
6539. Битола и mузичките врски меѓу Македонија и Србија2014
6540. Rodna Veličkovska: glasbeni dijalekti v tradicionalni makedonski ljudski obredni pesmi (recenzija treh knjig)2014
6541. Факторите на влијание врз перформансите на здравствената работна сила2014
6542. Единката, општеството и концептот на семејството во „Тврдина“― од Меша Селимовић2014
6543. Македонија демографски старее2014
6544. Sustainable rural tourism in the revitalization of villages in the border region between Macedonia and Serbia2014
6545. Глобализација и савремена италијанска литература: Италијани у свету, свет у Италији 2014
6546. The American real estate bubble - Trigger for the biggest financial crisis in the last century 2014
6547. City of Bitola – destination for cultural tourism2014
6548. The Non-tariff Barriers in the Developed Countries (The Case of USA, EU and Japan)2014
6549. Basis for the design and implementation of the quality system in Cad - Cam textile production2014
6550. Создание системы обеспечения качества для текстильных компаний Македонии2014
6551. Illegal Decisions of a Shareholders Assembly – The Case of the Republic of Macedonia2014
6552. Adequacy of the new terminology in the Law for justice for children2014
6553. Аутизмот во светот и кај нас2014
6554. Dysphagia in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)2014
6555. Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)- important pepper pests in greenhouses, in Strumica region, Republic of Macedonia2014
6556. Examination od some morphological properties of domestic and introduced durum wheat varieties (Triticum durum DESF.) in the agri-environment conditions in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia2014
6557. Development of a web application for water resources based on open source software 2014
6558. A novel nested dynamic programming (NDP) algorithm for multipurpose reservoir optimization 2014
6559. Инвестициската клима во Република Македонија низ призмата на законската регулатива2014
6560. Globalization and the income distribution between the countries2014
6561. Излезни стратегии од режимот на фиксен девизен курс за македонската економска политика 2014
6562. The macroeconomic effects of remittances in southeast Europe 2014
6563. Contribution and problems of foreign investment to sustainable development of developing countries2014
6564. Economic Cost-Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Quality Standard ISO 9001 in the Health Sector2014
6565. The implications of global financial crisis on developing countries-with special reference to Macedonia2014
6566. Functional dependence on construction costs of horizontal mining facilities in lead-zinc ore2014
6567. Success and Failure of the Macedonian Entrepreneurs2014
6568. Медијални настапи и прагматичен туризам2014
6569. Results from Time Integrated Measurements of Indoor Radon, Thoron and their Decay Product Concentrations in Schools in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6570. Planning strategies in negotiate conflict situations2014
6571. Job satisfaction (an employees) is general attitude toward the job2014
6572. Orthostatic Reactivity in Patients With Diabetic Neuropathy 2014
6573. Анализа на дискурсот поврзан со перцепцијата на студентите за печатените медиуми во Република Македонија 2014
6574. Концепт и историски развој на политичката пропаганда во глобален контекст2014
6575. Методи за типизација на HPV вирусот и значење при дијагностицирањето на цервикален карцином2014
6576. Culture and Human Development Through Music Education: Specifics of the Interpretation and Complementariness in Chamber Musicianship, Characteristic for the Educational Development of Music Students2014
6577. The Educational Process in Mastering and Developing Pianistic Technique through Performance of Modern Pieces for Intermediate and Advanced Level Students2014
6578. Makedonya'da Çocuk edebiyatı ve Çocuk Gelişimi2014
6579. Racial, social, national, cultural, religious and gender stereotypes in Macedonian literature for children, their social context and their aesthetic function2014
6580. Biotechnological applications of laccases in the Textile Industry2014
6581. Времето е мускул2014
6582. Adapted Program for Independent Home Rehabilitation for Patients with Ischemic Stroke in the Chronic Period2014
6583. Corporate Mission: Much Ado about Nothing or Essential Strategic Step?2014
6584. Funding ecotourism certification programs2014
6585. Determinants of tourism contribution to national economy2014
6586. Application country style in modern interior and exterior2014
6587. Influence of Japanese trends on the concept for minimalist gardens2014
6588. Functional tests for оverdentures2014
6589. Distribution of the total arsenic content in drinking water obtained from different water sources in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6590. The Variability of Fruit Characteristics of Traditional Pear Karamanka in Different Ecological Conditions 2014
6591. The Variability of Fruit Characteristics of Traditional Pear Karamanka in Different Ecological Conditions 2014
6592. The Variability of Fruit Characteristics of Traditional Pear Karamanka in Different Ecological Conditions 2014
6593. The Variability of Fruit Characteristics of Traditional Pear Karamanka in Different Ecological Conditions 2014
6594. Vehicle routing and scheduling – The traveling salesman problem2014
6595. The multiple travelling salesman problem and vehicle routing problem for different domestic drinks2014
6596. The intelligent transport systems – Risks and Benefits2014
6597. The using of solver software and vehicle routing for the traveling salesman problem2014
6598. Можни ресурси за рециклирање од индустриски и електронски отпади со современи технологии2014
6599. Параметри за мониторинг и ефективна заштита од суша во Република Македонија2014
6600. Методологија за мониторинг на емисија на неоргански цврсти честички во воздухот од депонија за отпад2014
6601. Distribution and mobility of arsenic and antimony at mine sites in FYR Macedonia.2014
6602. Фармацеутска комора Македоније 2014
6603. Corporate mission statement and business performance: Through the prism of Macedonian companies2014
6604. Application of methodology for business process improvement in specialized diagnostic laboratory2014
6605. Nazım Hikmet'in Sevdiği Kadınlar2014
6606. Kinetic studies of zinc ions removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on natural zeolite 2014
6607. Effect of competing cations (Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb) adsorbed by natural zeolite2014
6608. First Report of Grapevine virus A (GVA) and Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia2014
6609. Complex Lexical Unites in the Legal Language and their Translations from French into Macedonian and Vice Versa 2014
6610. Features of musical traditions in Macedonia through the centuries2014
6611. Воведување на вкрстеното испрашување преку одредбите на новиот Закон за кривична постапка2014
6612. Фрикционе материјале за спојнице моторна возила2014
6613. Imperium Militiae(I)2014
6614. The design of nylon fiber/phenolic ballistic composites by the implementation of the full factorial experimental design2014
6615. The effect of the water on the curcumin tautomerism: A quantitative approach2014
6616. Analysis of the WSN MAC Protocols under Jamming DoS Attack2014
6617. Qualitative quantitative features of clay from the site Bazernik (Western Macedonia)2014
6618. Geochemical characteristics of polymetallic deposit Kazandol Area (R. Macedonia)2014
6619. Qualitative-quantitative characteristics of the marbles from Tumba Area (MK) and opportunities for their exploitation2014
6620. Фосилните горива како извор на енергија (резерви и ресурси)2014
6621. Технологии комбинованих циклуса за интегровање гасификације термоенергетских постојења у функции заштите животне средине2014
6622. Развој и перпективе гасно турбинског погона у савремене возила2014
6623. Потрошња енергије, економски развој и цене: доказ са временске серие за CESEE земље2014
6624. Heavy and toxic metals in the ground water of the Prilep region from the Pelagonia valley2014
6625. Post-Sale Customer Support Methodology in the TQM System2014
6626. Education data mining with Moodle 2.42014
6627. Covert channels in TCP/IP protocol stack - extended version-2014
6628. Hybrid liposomal PEGylated calix[4]arene systems as drug delivery platforms for curcumin2014
6629. Glass Ceramics Composites Fabricated from Coal Fly Ash and Waste Glass2014
6630. Composites based on fly ash and clay2014
6631. Arbo-вирусни (сезонски) менинго енцефалитиси2014
6632. Predicting ballistic strength of life-saving aramid fiber composites for personal protection2014
6633. Пребарување информации во ЕРП системи: АртАИИС студија на случај2014
6634. Проектот како важен елемент во остварување на наставниот процес2014
6635. S-Boxes–parameters, characteristics and classifications2014
6636. Evaluation of assays for measurement of serum (anti) oxidants in hemodialysis patients2014
6637. Determination of pesticide residues in plant-based foods from the Republic of Macedonia2014
6638. Morphological and chemical characteristics of the placer gold deposits from MeckinDol, locality BorovDol, Eastern Macedonia2014
6639. Connecting air mobile and desktop applications with social networks2014
6640. Two Access databases organization for Sasa lead-zinc deposit and tailings, Republic of Macedonia2014
6641. Баретов езофагус - морфолошки карактеристики и дијагноза2014
6642. Adapted Program for Independent Home Rehabilitation for Patients with Ischemic Stroke in the Chronic Period2014
6643. Techno-economic parameters related to the Vrshnik Cu-Au ore body, Buchim copper mine, Eastern Macedonia 2014
6644. Influence of the Buchim copper leaching factory on the environ around the active Buchim copper mine2014
6645. Информационе и комуникационе технологије и компетенције за предмет Природне науке на Педагошким факултетима2014
6646. Foraminifer fauna in paleogene sediments at Rabrovo and Dedeli sites in the Valandovo-Gevgelia basin, Republic of Macedonia 2014
6647. Економија базирана на знаење - глобални трендови и импликации2014
6648. Banking concentration and developments in FYROM: A country in transition2014
6649. Study of the influence of maceration time and oenological practices on the aroma profile of Vranec wines2014
6650. The structure of GDP as an indicator for economic development: a note on the economy of FYROM2014
6651. The influence of foreign investments on employment and economic growth in FYROM2014
6652. Uranium in different samples from Eastern Macedonia – a case study2014
6653. Reinventing the banking for poor concept for transitional countries2014
6654. Foreign direct investments in Republic of Macedonia: an opportunity for domestic enterprises to participate in global supply chains2014
6655. Theoretical model for defining seismic energy 2014
6656. Market orientation and business performance: through the prism of Macedonian SMEs2014
6657. Preliminary investigations of deterioration on monument to fallen soldiers in the Second World War in Stip, Republic of Macedonia2014
6658. Влијанието на англискиот јазик врз италијанската лексика во фудбалот2014
6659. Поучувањето граматика во наставата по странски јазик 2014
6660. Geochemical study and 3D modelling of the Kazan Dol copper deposit, Republic of Macedonia2014
6661. Wavelet application in solving ordinary differential equations using Galerkin method2014
6662. Електронски докази во кривичната постапка2014
6663. New "types" of students - creators of new schools2014
6664. Orthostatic Reactivity In Patients With Diabetic Neuropathy 2014
6665. Image deblurring process based on separable restoration methods2014
6666. Да ли ће наша озбиљно неуравнотежена цивилизација преживети?2014
6667. Internet application for image processing with matrix transformations2014
6668. Preview of methods for image restoration from video2014
6669. Knowledge - factor of influence on charismatic leadership2014
6670. Implications of the legal framework for the development of entrepreneurship2014
6671. Procedure for marble classification from boreholes with particular references to the sivec mine 2014
6672. Distribution of traces elements in the grapes from the Tikves area with a special references to distribution of Ni, Fe, Cu and Cr2014
6673. Micro-Raman spectra of extremely rare and endemic Tl-sulfosalts from Allchar deposit2014
6674. Use the interactive whiteboard in teaching biology 2014
6675. Original and translated poetry as a module for a dialogue among cultures2014
6676. The proposed methodologies for the Six Sigma Method and TQM strategy as well as their application in practice in Macedonia2014
6677. An evaluation of thoron (and radon) equilibrium factorclose towalls based on long-term measurements in dwellings2014
6678. Geographical distribution of the annual mean radon concentrations in primary schools of Southern Serbia e application of geostatistical methods2014
6679. Radon levels and resulting effective doses of residents in Gornja Stubla at Kosovo applying dosimetric lung models based on ICRP 65 and ICRP 66 methodology2014
6680. Radon levels and resulting effective doses of residents in Gornja Stubla at Kosovo applying dosimetric lung models based on ICRP 65 and ICRP 66 methodology2014
6681. Measurements of outdoor radon concentration over 24-hour periods in different settlements in Bulgaria2014
6682. The music education subject in modern educational trends in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6683. The origin of volcanic section of the Vardar ophiolitic zone: a comparative petrological and geochemical study of latecretaceous volcanics from Macedonia with their jurasic counterparts from Balkans2014
6684. Trace elements in soils and vine from Tikves area-Republic of Macedonia2014
6685. Trace elements in the onion originated from the Tikves area (Republic of Macedonia)2014
6686. Geochemistry of the endemic flora violla alsharica and thymus alsharensis of the Alshar site-Macedonia2014
6687. Списанија за деца и млади во Р.Македонија, нивната интермедијалност со книжевноста за деца, нивната сознајна, естетска, социјална и воспитна функција 2014
6688. Agroecological assessment of new Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton varieties2014
6689. Between Social Transformation and Continuity: Bektashi Sufi Music Tradition in the Republic of Macedonia2014
6690. Повторно поврзување на детскиот свет со светот на природата2013
6691. Paleogene hyaline benthic foraminifera (Lagenina and Rotaliina)from the Republic of Macedonia2013
6692. Applying web animation in the ICT frame in teaching contents of natural sciences at Pedagogical Faculties2013
6693. Integrating teaching contents of teaching subjects My environment and English language for III grade of the nine-year primary education2013
6694. Main characteristics of urban concept of Novo Selo - Shtip at 19th and the early 20th century2013
6695. Urban concept of the city of 19th and early 20th century in Macedonia2013
6696. Взгляды и мнения студентов факультета педагогических наук о своем практическом потенциале и реализации учебной программы по предмету «Ознакомление с природой» через содержание учебника «Методика преподавания природы и общества»2013
6697. Makedonca-Türkçe ve Türkçe-Makedonca Konuşma Kılavuzlarının Türkçe ve Makedoncanın Öğrenilmesinde Yararları2013
6698. Geochemical Characteristics and Significance of Tailing Dump from Polymetallic Pb - Zn Deposit Zletovo (Republic of Macedonia)2013
6699. Heavy and Toxic Metals and Nutrients in Separate Places in the River Bregalnica (Eastern Macedonia)2013
6700. „Очерки Белграда“ од Константин Петкович - автентично сведоштво за мешањето на културите на балканот2013
6701. Game as a necessary technique for learning foreign languages2013
6702. The epochal personality of the teacher2013
6703. Историските и книжевните заблуди за античкиот свет2013
6704. Physical-mechanical and mineralogical-petrographical characteristics of the diabases at the locality “Košarska Reka” (Vardar zone, Republic Macedonia), as basis for the use of the diabases for construction stones2013
6705. Nesreče sa vozačima traktora u javnom saobračaju Republike Makedonije za period 2005 – 20102013
6706. Track or wheels – perspectives and aspects in agriculture2013
6707. Fatal Consequences in Traffic Accidents with Tractors in the Agriculture of Republic of Macedonia2013
6708. Usage of emulsion explosives on surface open pit mine “Zelenikovec” - Skopje2013
6709. Techno – economical analyses of the methods for producing of dimension stone blocks 2013
6710. Analysis of the obtained statistical measurement values of seismical blasting tremors 2013
6711. Web базиран софтвер за SCADA апликации IntegraXor2013
6712. Transient Analysis of Induction Motor Using Different Simulation Models2013
6713. The education system in the Republic of Macedonia – is (was) there bilingualism in it? – a review. 2013
6714. Комитско оро2013
6715. Форми и облици во македонскиот играорен репертоар2013
6716. Protection of personal data in criminal legislation in Macedonia vs. its protection in EU2013
6717. The New Logistics Trends in Support of Retail2013
6718. Изложба - Стари кошули млади невести2013
6719. The history of the department of Turkish language and literature in Macedonia - Stip2013
6720. Метод на случај2013
6721. Основни карактеристики на музичкиот фолклор во Република Македонија2013
6722. Characterization of fatty acid profile, polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of cold pressed and refined edible oils from Macedonia2013
6723. Isolation of Anthocyanins by high-speed countercurrent chromatography and application of the color activity concept to different varieties of red grape pomace from Macedonia2013
6724. Rights, interests and responsibilities of business2013
6725. Од методи и постапки на менаџментот до економски развој2013
6726. Музичките инструменти во македонските народни песни2013
6727. The Reasons for the Collapse of Yugoslavia2013
6728. Етичките вредности во бајките од браќата Грим2013
6729. Втор странски јазик во современото образование – аспекти и услови за негово изучување2013
6730. Најважни показатели кои имаат влијание врз искористувањето (загубите) и осиромашувањето на рудата кај методата со подетажно зарушување2013
6731. Koncept raskida ugovora zbog (materijalnih) nedostataka ispunjenja2013
6732. Примена на меничните правила врз товарните листови2013
6733. Специфики на правните односи кај институти асигнација2013
6734. Hybrid clouds and mass customization strategy a mid market utilization 2013
6735. Representation of colorectal cancer2013
6736. The Relations between Macedonia and Kosovo2013
6737. Effect of trifluraline herbicide on soil microflora in tomato seedlings in outdoor conditions in Karaorman, Stip area2013
6738. The number of somatic cells and microorganisms – indicators of the quality of raw cow milk in the Republic of Macedonia 2013
6739. Interactive learning in programmed teaching of the subject “Based of nature science” at Faculty of educational science– R. Macedonia2013
6740. Distribution of lead in selected animal organs and tissues in Probistip and its surroundings2013
6741. Economic activity, trade flow and gravity model2013
6742. Application of graph method in spatial economic problems2013
6743. Analysis of the transport distances in defining the exploitation costs of depth open pits of metals2013
6744. Application of geoelectrical research in working environment for slope stability in surface mines assessment2013
6745. Synchronization of overburden dumping in Bucim open pit mine in function of minimal costs2013
6746. Rock mass properties in minimizing of general slope in surface mining of metals2013
6747. Принципы восстановления связей детей с природой2013
6748. Sanitary chemical and bacteriological analysis of drinking water in Kocani 2013
6749. Промените во наталитетот и очекуваното траење на животот како фактор за прилагодување на маркетинг стратегијата кон однесувањето на потрошувачите2013
6750. Познавањето на потрошувачите како клучен чекор во формулирање маркетинг стратегија2013
6751. Лидерот како креатор и мобилизатор во извршување на стратегијата на претпријатието2013
6752. Реинжинерингот како метод и пристап за адаптирање при организациските промени2013
6753. Именските фразеологизми со компонентата зооними разгледувани во македонскиот, германскиот и англискиот јазик2013
6754. Учебникот како наставно средство и извор на знаење2013
6755. Methodology for selection of the most convenient ore tranportation system in regard to the environmental protection 2013
6756. The economic crisis and Industrial relations system in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6757. Challenges to the institutional infrastructure for protection against ethnic discrimination- case of multiethnic society2013
6758. Улучшение когнитивных способностей учащихся, как следствие инновационного подхода в преподавании естественных наук. Творческий вызов или интеллектуальный риск?2013
6759. Public Health Aspects of Human Brucellosis in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6760. Comparative approach to international tourism in the 19th century: the case of Macedonia2013
6761. Курсевите за странски јазици како фактор за продолжување на туристичката сезона2013
6762. Improving enterprise efficiency using IT collaboration systems2013
6763. Insulin, insulin resistance and anthropometric parameters in overweight and obese women2013
6764. Correlation of serum leptin with anthropometric parameters and abdominal fat depots determined by ultrasonography in overweight and obese women2013
6765. Correlation of serum leptin with anthropometric parameters and abdominal fat depots determined by ultrasonography in overweight and obese women2013
6766. Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6767. Мерење и вреднување на репетативната снага и статичката сила кај децата на 6 и 7 годишна возраст 2013
6768. Подвижните игри во функција на емоционалниот развој на децата во предучилишна возраст2013
6769. Критичко есеистички преглед радова Шукри Рама 2013
6770. Естетското доживување во расказите за деца 2013
6771. Milli Şaririmiz Mehmet Akif Ersoy’un Türk Kimliği Hakkinda2013
6772. Представе о различитом у турским причама за децу у Републици Македонији2013
6773. Makedonya Türkleri Tarafindan Söylenen Düğün Türküleri 2013
6774. Collection of short stories for children by the Balkan Nobel laureate Ivo Andric2013
6775. Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6776. Digital Evidence in Criminal Procedures - A comparative approach 2013
6777. New geomagnetic measurements in the Republic of Macedonia 2013
6778. Combined effect of lycopen, ascorbic acid and phosphates on the quality sharacteristics of cooked sausages 2013
6779. Струмица и Струмичко во Балканските војни (сеќавања на очевидци во извештајот на Карнигиевата комисија)2013
6780. Владимир Полежиновски - шеф на југословенската воена мисија во Франкфурт (Германија)(1945-1948)2013
6781. Потреба од промена на правилникот за начинот на определување и оддржување на заштитните зони околу изворите на водите за пиење во Република Македонија2013
6782. Примена на геохемијата на стрим седиментите при проспекциските истражувања2013
6783. Кијанит и неговата индустриска примена2013
6784. From traditional to modern concepts of teaching contents of the subjects the world around us and nature and society2013
6785. Civic and uncivic values in Macedonia: value transformation, education and media (review)2013
6786. Проблемы использования информационно-компьютерных технологий как средств в учебном процессе 2013
6787. Имаголошки и родови аспекти кон „Златоустиот“ од Стјепан Томаш2013
6788. Современи тенденции во лингвистиката на стручните јазици2013
6789. Синтаксичката структура на глаголите со признакот „емоционалност“ во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик2013
6790. Преглед и класификација на глаголите што искажуваат психичка состојба во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик2013
6791. Traffic noise in small urban areas2013
6792. Buyer analysis from life expectancy aspect as a factor in formulating marketing strategy2013
6793. Човекот во функција на идејата - партитура или дивертисман?2013
6794. Olivine websterite veins cutting the Rabrovo serpentinites (South Macedonia): new evidence of the arc setting of the east Vardar ophiolites?2013
6795. Филмот како дополнително наставно средство во процесот на усвојување на немајчиниот јазик2013
6796. Scanning electron microprobe characterization of air filters from the Kavadarci town and Tikveš valley2013
6797. Mineralogical-geochemical characteristics of the neogene sediments at the coal mine of Živojno in the Pelagonia depression2013
6798. The Problem of Child Trafficking Enriched with Its Newest Purpose - Establishing Illegal Adoption 2013
6799. The occurence of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Surficial Lake Sediments before and after a Tailings Dam Failure. 2013
6800. Potentially toxic contamination of sediments, water and two animal species in Lake Kalimanci, FYR Macedonia: Relevance to human health 2013
6801. An evaluation of trace metal distribution and environmental risk in sediments from the Lake Kalimanci (FYR Macedonia)2013
6802. Geochronology, geochemistry and isotope tracing of the Oligocene magmatism of the Buchim–Damjan–Borov Dol ore district: Implications for timing, duration and source of the magmatism2013
6803. Примена на класификација на карпест материјал во рударството2013
6804. Development of a novel recommendation algorithm for collaborative health: Care system model2013
6805. Production and application of laccase enzyme in textile industry2013
6806. Using the Brain-Rate as a Preliminary Indicator of General Mental Activation in Cognitive Neurorehabilitation of TBI Patients2013
6807. Correlation between seismic velocities and geotechnical parameters of carbonate deposits2013
6808. Geo-electrical models based on data gained from the coal mine “Suvodol”2013
6809. Applying geomagnetic research method in alluvial deposits of gold2013
6810. Using seismic methods for defining optimal parameters for blasting2013
6811. MR Neurography: Advances2013
6812. Advanced Tourist Trip Planning Using Hybrid Recommender2013
6813. Analyse comparative du phénomène de la synonymie dans les terminologies juridiques française et macédonienne2013
6814. Buyer analysis from life expectancy aspect as a factor in formulating marketing strategy2013
6815. Corpvs Ivris Civilis Romani – About Controversies During the Creation of the Justinian’s Codification2013
6816. Similarities In Latent Structures In Motor Space Obtained With Longitudinal Approach At 6 and 7 Years Old Children2013
6817. Biocomposites based on PLA and kenaf fibers: Effect of fibrillated celulose2013
6818. Motor Abilities At 7 years Old Children 2013
6819. Impacts of Moodle on electrical engineering courses:opportunities and challenges2013
6820. Geotectonic model of the Alpine development of Lakavica graben in the eastern part of the Vardar zone in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6821. Contemporary Pedagogical Approaches for Developing Higher Level Thinking on Science Classes 2013
6822. Village house in Krivopalanechko and its prospects2013
6823. Поимите општ, заеднички и стручен јазик и нивниот заемен однос2013
6824. Проблеми при усвојување на правната терминологија2013
6825. Linguistic and translatology analysis of the Macedonian version of the European convention on human rights2013
6826. Strengthening global economic growth through regional cooperation2013
6827. National Ideology and Its Transfer: Late Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Relations2013
6828. From “Balkanization” toward “West-Balkanization”: The Republic of Macedonia’s Euro- Atlantic prospects2013
6829. Review: Robot Devices for Gait Rehabilitation2013
6830. Challenges of videoconferencing distance education - a student perspective2013
6831. Modeling and Simulation of 3D Laser Range Scanner with Generic Interface for Robotics Applications2013
6832. Theory and practice of communication in the educational process2013
6833. Комуникациските компетенции потребни на менаџерот во образованието2013
6834. Предизвиците на глобалната музичка култура во 21 век2013
6835. Estimating tourism demand: the case of FYROM2013
6836. The impact of music education on the preference of musical genres in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6837. Ore-fluid evolution at the Sasa Pb-Zn skarn deposit, Republic of Macedonia2013
6838. Rare mineral phases related with major sulphide minerals in the Bučim porphyry copper deposit, R. Macedonia2013
6839. Fuels made from agricultural biomass - (biogas) alternative types(Alternativne vrste goriva iz poljoprivredne biomase - biogas) 2013
6840. Indicators of the corporate income tax burden in Macedonia2013
6841. Les aspects terminologiques des textes juridiques français et les défis de leur traduction en macédonien2013
6842. Електронски терминолошки ресурси за преведување правни текстови од француски на македонски јазик и обратно2013
6843. Применливост во здравството на системите за управување со квалитет2013
6844. The significance of the quality management system in making management decisions2013
6845. Positive and negative effects of financial globalization on developing and emerging economies2013
6846. The Impact of Financial Instability on FDI Dynamics2013
6847. Business TQM culture in the world compared with the situation in the Macedonian companies2013
6848. The Ohrid wood carver- Dimitri Jankov2013
6849. Maintaining the Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Businesses 2013
6850. Влијанието на глобалните трансформации врз модерниот дизајн2013
6851. Аспекти на зачувување на локален архитектонски идентитет во услови на глобализацијата2013
6852. Capital Flows and the Eurozone Crisis-Implications for Economic Policy2013
6853. Biocomposites based on poly(lactic acid) and kenaf fibers: effect of microfibrillated cellulose2013
6854. Contribution of tourism to economic development in Macedonia2013
6855. Organic Cultivation of Lemon Ballm (Melissa officinalis) in Macedonia2013
6856. Impact of Technological Procedures Safety of Meat Products Producer In Industrial Conditions 2013
6857. Motivating students through practice2013
6858. Experts inclusion in the audit for better audit reports2013
6859. The future of IFRS (Iinternational Financial Reporting Standrads)2013
6860. Sindikalizam u Republici Makedoniji: činjenični i pravni položaj (1991-2013)2013
6861. Од традиционално кон инклузивно образование/училиште/настава/наставник2013
6862. Образованието и воспитанието - од традиција до современост- 2013
6863. Оценка на работата в детската градина2013
6864. Граматичка структура на реченицата во македонскиот и во турскиот јазик 2013
6865. Македонскиот јазик во образовниот процес кај турската националност во Македонија2013
6866. Evliya Çelebi’nin “Seyahatname” sinde Makedon şehirleri ve onlarin tasviri 2013
6867. Bati dünyasina pencere açan Kâtip Çelebi’nin Makedonya için önemi ve değeri2013
6868. Македонскиот корпус на англискиот меѓујазик и неговата примена во лингвистиката и во лингводидактиката2013
6869. International education standards for professional accountants 2013
6870. Мултикултурните општества и етничко-културната дистанца2013
6871. Demographic and Infrastructure Problems of Villages in the Hilly-Mountainous Areas of Prilep2013
6872. Application of the partitioning method to specific Toeplitz matrices2013
6873. Синергичан приступ македонском образовном систему у функцији повећања квалитета образовања2013
6874. Teachers and modern educational information technology2013
6875. Tolerance in multicultural societies: Practices to mitigate ethnic and cultural distance2013
6876. Strategic approach to the treatment of human resources in public institutions2013
6877. The productive characteristics on black magic table grape variety, growing in the Tikvesˈs vineyard, Republic of Macedonia 2013
6878. Employment contract for teleworking- working off the employer’s premises2013
6879. Optimization of technological process of cutting by use of software applications for cut order planning2013
6880. Quartz raw materials in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6881. Application of geophysical methods in exploration and exploitation of mineral raw materials2013
6882. Impact of the system of cultivation on the vegetative growth and reproductive development of oats2013
6883. Пристап во третманот на човечките ресурси во државните институции2013
6884. Use of Force in Self-Defense Against Cyber-Attacks and the Shockwaves in the Legal Community: One more Reason for Holistic Legal Approach to Cyberspace2013
6885. Prediction of indoor radon risk from radium concentration in soil: Republic of Macedonia case study2013
6886. Ecotourism contemporary type of tourism2013
6887. Macedonian tourist destinations with a built identity and image2013
6888. Femme fatale (семантички импликации)2013
6889. Имплементирање тимови од деловниот сектор во системското управување на високообразовните институции - клучен фактор за целосен квалитет2013
6890. Карактеристики на ефективно управување 2013
6891. The strategic aspect of planning the personnel local policy in the direction of sustainable development of the local market2013
6892. Volatility and growth2013
6893. Македонската лингвистика и литературнојазичната норма /теориски и практичен пристап кон проблематиката врз основа на моделот на Б. Корубин/. 2013
6894. Role of the Game in the Development of Preschool Child2013
6895. Примената на МСФИ за МСЕ, императив за унифицирано финансиско известување 2013
6896. Факторите за промена на сметководствената професија како глобална, општествена, економска, организациона и институционална активност2013
6897. Multi-element analysis of Macedonian wines by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) and inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (IP–OES) for regional classification2013
6898. The provision of quality of enterprise's supply as a basic factor for increasing of the market share on the global market 2013
6899. Терапија со наночестички како носачи на лекови за третман на гастроинтестинална инфламација2013
6900. Балансирање на интересите на сите учесници во системот2013
6901. Liquidity of tourism sector enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6902. The impact of the combination of citrates and acetates on the shelf-life of beef packaged in a modified atmosphere2013
6903. Static and dynamic characteristics of direct operated pressure relief valves2013
6904. Investigation of static characteristics of pilot operated pressure relief valves2013
6905. Marketing strategy to differentiate the offer2013
6906. Process of change in marketing strategy and structure2013
6907. Процес на промени во маркетинг стратегијата и структурата2013
6908. Methods and instruments for assessing human resource performance2013
6909. Clear indicators and pointers for measurements of the achievment in the state service basis for motivated administration 2013
6910. Wine tourism in Macedonia, a qualitative analysis2013
6911. Имплементација на е-учење на УГД–наученитe лекции2013
6912. Preconditions for efficient public administration in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6913. Влијанието на глобалната финансиска криза врз сметководствената конвергенција2013
6914. Подобрување на деловното одлучување преку ефикасно финансиско известување2013
6915. Дијагноза на тумори во максилофацијалната регија2013
6916. Neuroimaging методологијата и студиите на развој на мозокот кај адолесцентите2013
6917. Economic value of information systems in production processes2013
6918. Web service for ambiguous transliteration of full sentences from latin to cyrillic alphabet 2013
6919. Methodologies for recognition of old Slavic Cyrillic characters2013
6920. Wavelet-Galerkin solution of some ordinary differential equations2013
6921. Marcel Proust`s "Time Regained" in the whirlwind of interpretations2013
6922. Дијалогизам у роману „Хари Потер и Камен мудрости“2013
6923. Physiotherapy for patients with cervical spondylarthrosis2013
6924. University E-studying in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6925. Physical therapy for obesity and cellulite2013
6926. Exercise program for reduction of body weight in case of overweight and cellulite2013
6927. Књижевност за децу и њена улога у васпитању и образовању деце школског узраста2013
6928. Анализа и интерпретациски проблеми на Квинтетот за обоа и гудачи од англискиот композитор Арнолд Бакс2013
6929. Spatial distribution and characterization of some toxic metals and lithogenic elements in topsoil and subsoil from copper mine environs2013
6930. Александар Македонски како интеркултурен код во современиот македонски роман2013
6931. Removal of blur in images based on least squares solutions2013
6932. Уделот на Георги Сталев во македонската книжевна историографија2013
6933. Глобална маркетинг конкуренција2013
6934. Different views towards the satisfaction improvement of the consumers based on national and global level2013
6935. Economic Freedom And Conflicts Tendencies In The Balkan Countries2013
6936. Communication beyond the lecture room as a challenge of education in the modern era2013
6937. Mineral nutrient imbalance, total antioxidants level and DNA damage in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) exposed to heavy metals2013
6938. Influence of heavy metal stress on antioxidant status and DNA damage in Urtica dioica2013
6939. Comparative Analysis of Serum (Anti)oxidative Status Parаmeters in Healthy Persons2013
6940. Oxidative stress and protein carbonylation in adipose tissue - Implications for insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus2013
6941. Развивање на вештините на читање 2013
6942. Interview with Maja Kikiritkova for the Spanish webside WWW.ONE-DS.COM 2013
6943. Wine geochemistry in the Tikves region2013
6944. Geochemistry of soil of Kavadarci and the environs 2013
6945. Petrology and geochemistry of the Kozuf volcanic area, Republic of Macedonia2013
6946. Трговија со малолетни лица заради незаконито посвојување2013
6947. WebQuest – an effective online tool for language learning and development 2013
6948. Ostrich meat shows nutritional advantages2013
6949. Project solution for water use from the catchment area on Kozuf, Republic of Macedonia2013
6950. Square-Wave Voltammetry: A Review on the Recent Progress2013
6951. Assessment of blast effect open pit,”Ranci’’ of shock waves on constructed facilities and environment2013
6952. Opportunities for utilization of fly ash from thermal power plant, Republic of Macedonia2013
6953. Mineralogy of the part of Kozuf area, Republic of Macedonia2013
6954. Ефектите од глобализацијата на светот што се менува2013
6955. Variety specificity of soft wheat varieties at organic production2013
6956. Impact of Pb-Zn mining activity on surficial sediments of Lake Kalimanci (FYR Macedonia)2013
6957. Анализа на актуелните аспекти на трудот и негова хуманизација2013
6958. Александар III Македонски во македонската поезија од 21 век2013
6959. Employing forgotten profession: Macedonian military diplomacy as a mean to the strategic ends2013
6960. Noise Exposure of School Teachers-Exposure Levels and Health Effects2013
6961. Social Engineering vs. Democratic Reform: The Search for Appropriate Platform to the Upcoming Earthquake in the Gulf Cooperation Council's Region2013
6962. Using of the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix in Image Restoration2013
6963. Global Security Challenges and Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6964. Using sculpture, principle of common links between art and park2013
6965. Status, problems and trends to address green space in Skopje, Macedonia2013
6966. Urban exterior graphical design in botanical garden2013
6967. Composition of vertical gardens2013
6968. Process design (exterior – interior design)2013
6969. Illumination in residential interiors – emotional effects2013
6970. Мултукултурализмот во образовниот систем на Р. Македонија2013
6971. Мини-жанрите во „Горски венец“ (Исказите-формули како единици на културниот систем) 2013
6972. Македонски vis a vis српски менталитет (О „елементима традиције“ у „Бегалка“ Васила Иљоског и „Зона Замфирова“ Стевана Сремца)2013
6973. Uticaj sirovinskog sastava i strukturnih karakteristika dvoslojnih interlok pletenina na fizičko-mehanička svojstva2013
6974. Relationship between economic freedom and conflict in the Balkan region2013
6975. Св. Климент Охридски – апостол на словенското просветно дело2013
6976. The effect of different methods of extractions of capsaicin on its content in the capsicum oleoresins2013
6977. Combining ability analysis of some yield components in rice (oryza sativa l.)2013
6978. Biological and genotoxic monitoring as integral part of predictive and preventive medical surveillance of children living in polluted area2013
6979. The Italian literature of immigration as a cultural crossroad: the significance of realia and onomastic elements in the narrations 2013
6980. Collective negotiations in the European Union2013
6981. Professional illnesses in miners caused by heavy metals and toxic substances2013
6982. Morphological and molecular characterization of Colletotrichum coccodes isolated from pepper cultivated in Bulgaria and Macedonia2013
6983. The importance of communication in the process of integration in the European Union: case study of the Republic of Macedonia2013
6984. Influence of food on the birth rate of the population in the Republic of Macedonia2013
6985. The relation of classroom climate and students achievements2013
6986. Kuhn-Tucker Theorem Foundations and its Basic Application in the Mathematical Economics2013
6987. ND: YAG Laser in the therapy of hypersensitivity teeth2013
6988. Solid waste treatment technologies2013
6989. Ržanovo Metamorphosed Lateritic Fe–Ni Deposit, Republic of Macedonia2013
6990. Texture and quality parameters of Slovenian Dry-Cured Ham Kraski prsut according to mass and salt levels2013
6991. New data related with schlich analysis from the Lukar and Stara Reka, the Kozuf area, R. Macedonia2013
6992. Metallogeny of the Kozuf ore district, R. Macedonia2013
6993. Water and soil analyses of some parts in the Kozuf area, R. Macedonia2013
6994. Empirical evidence on calculating optimum hotel accommodation supply2013
6995. Animator roles in enriching the content of tourist stay2013
6996. Njemački dokument o aktivnosti VMRO-a i Vanča Mihajlova u Drugom svjetskom ratu2013
6997. Reduction of the development cost for SHPP utilizing a container-type mini hydropower plants2013
6998. Sulfur isotope compositions from different type of deposits in the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol ore district, eastern Macedonia2013
6999. Statistical process control in wine industry using control cards2013
7000. Using of statistical methods in the making decision process in some Macedonian companies2013
7001. Selective pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients with endometrial carcinoma - Селективна пелвична лимфаденектомија кај пациентки со ендометријален карцином2013
7002. Necessity for appropriate resuscitation skills at birth of term neonates2013
7003. Pediatric treatments - a challenging field of research!2013
7004. Does ovarian endometriosis have an impact on perinatal outcomes in IVF pregnancies: to operate before IVF or not?2013
7005. Состојбата со неонаталниот тетанус во Р. Македонија2013
7006. Fertility impairments in patients with infertility and endometriosis 2013
7007. Twin pregnancy: a comparison study of preterm labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes, gestational age at delivery, maternal age and length of hospital stay2013
7008. Застапеност на анемијата кај бремените жени во општина Кочани во периодот 2011-2012 год.2013
7009. The role of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in prenatal screening2013
7010. Vehicle emission of greenhouse gases in municipality solid waste collecting and handling 2013
7011. Banking Concentration in FYROM: Evidence from a Country in Transition2013
7012. Utilizing gabbro of sites Pantelej as a contribution - technical stone2013
7013. Gold grain morphology and composition in some locality composition in some locality on R.Macedonia2013
7014. Geological and chemical characteristics of Diatomaceous earth from the deposit Veshje near Negotino - R. Macedonia2013
7015. Задолженоста и неликвидноста – најгорлив проблем за македонските компании 2013
7016. Traditional Macedonian bodice- corset, similarities and differences2013
7017. Textile effluent & waste water: a review2013
7018. Role of biotechnology in textile industry: а review2013
7019. Corporate taxes and their potential effects on investment2013
7020. Effective tax burden on investment at corporate level in Macedonia2013
7021. Public debt management2013
7022. The effects of discretionary fiscal policy on macroeconomic aggregates2013
7023. Stabile Norwegian economic system and challenges of fragile global financial flow2013
7024. Rootcanal treatment and radical therapy of dog’s teeth: Case report2013
7025. Специфики на комплексната постапка за обработка на буква2013
7026. Стекнување прагматичка компетенција2013
7027. Правото на заштитата на лични податоци при примена на посебните истражни мерки2013
7028. Како бугарската војска ја „ослободи" Македонија во 1941 и 1944 година2013
7029. Варијации во настанувањето на интрареналната апикална сегментална артерија кај човечкиот бубрег2013
7030. Educational activity of Emanuel Chuchkov Before and after Second World War2013
7031. Educational activity of Emanuel Chuchkov Before and after Second World War2013
7032. The Rganovo Fe–Ni Deposit: An Example of the Reworked Lateritic Weathering Crust in the Vardar Ophiolite Zone2013
7033. Media in preschool age of child's life2013
7034. The global economic integration has no prospects without global currency2013
7035. Процесот на економска глобализацијата пред и по глобалната криза2013
7036. Глобализацијата како генератор на економски диспаритети во светската економија2013
7037. Oтсуството на глобална валута придонесе за појава на кризата и го сопира процесот на глобализација2013
7038. Системот на меѓународни економски односи и земјите во развој во ера на глобализација2013
7039. Trends of population natality in Macedonia and neighboring countries2013
7040. Determinants of a healthcare information system2013
7041. Differences between International Financial Reporting Standards and Genarally Accepted Accounting Principles2013
7042. Transfer of rights incorporated into a bill of lading as a type of commodity security2013
7043. Debt–to-GDP Ratio and the rate of indebtedness of the Republic of Macedonia2013
7044. Reasons for reduction of the stock exchange activities in the Republic of Macedonia2013
7045. The relations between Macedonia and Greece in the context of the name issue2013
7046. The Right to strike: International and regional legal instruments with accent of legislation in Republic of Macedonia 2013
7047. Input factors for Successful Implementation of Decentralized Bioenergy Projects in Practice2013
7048. Rock mass classification and their uses in mining2013
7049. New parameters for optimization of working diesel engines at drilling machines2013
7050. Asvanced modern techniques for exploitation of dimension stones2013
7051. Theoretical basis of explosion effects using al - granules in bulk explosives2013
7052. Inheritance of grain weight per plant in rice2013
7053. Normative Regulation of Internal Communication within the Government Bodies in the Republic of Macedonia2013
7054. Правичноста како основ на одговорност за причинета штета во нашето и во споредбеното право 2013
7055. FWSK: Maja Kikiritkova "On a quest to immortality"2013
7056. Секогаш е време за мода!- интервју со Маја Кикириткова во списанието Капитал2013
7057. FWSK: Maja Kikiritkova S/S 20132013
7058. Fashion Weekend Skopje SS132013
7059. Длабочината во еросот ја бараме со очите2013
7060. Black Rose2013
7061. Modelling of level of underground water in surface mining of sands 2013
7062. Content of capsaicin extracted from hot pepper (Capsicum annuum ssp. microcarpum L.) and its use as an ecopesticide 2013
7063. Content of capsaicin extracted from hot pepper (Capsicum annuum ssp. microcarpum L.) and its use as an ecopesticide 2013
7064. Being the corresponding accents of red in one interior and one exterior as2013
7065. Architecture ornaments – inspiration for contemporary interiors2013
7066. Chardak-universal functional space in a traditional house from the 19th and the beginning of 20th century in Republic of Macedonia2013
7067. Use of kitchen colors (the example of a kitchen laboratory)2013
7068. Strengthening culture, knowledge and innovation as drivers of economy growth2013
7069. How to teach environmental education during efl/esl lessons? 2013
7070. Why IFRS – reasons for transition2013
7071. The implications of European debt crisis on EU enlargement2013
7072. Implementation of global IFRS in the national accounting regulations, with special reference to Macedonia2013
7073. How the Textile Companies in South-East Europe Create Value: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia2013
7074. E-Government as an Efficient Tool towards Good Governance (Trends and Comparative Analysis throughout Worldwide Regions and within West Balkan Countries)2013
7075. Bitcoin Schemes- inovation or a threat to Financial Stability?2013
7076. Miners` Exposure to Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide in Underground Metallic Mines in Macedonia2013
7077. Use of enzymes in wine making: А review2013
7078. Семиологија на ѓаволот во македонскиот и во италијанскиот јазик2013
7079. Мултикултурализам и многујазичност како дел од европската јазична политика2013
7080. Прича Силјан Штркот Марка Цепенкова –парабола људске и македонске судбине2013
7081. Музичкото образование, идниот наставен кадар, современите образовни тенденции2013
7082. What Mathematics School Beginners Know and Can Do – a Matter of Importance or Not2013
7083. Optimization of the formulation for preparing Lactobacillus casei loaded whey protein-Ca-alginate microparticles using full-factorial design 2013
7084. Optimization of the formulation for preparing Lactobacillus casei loaded whey protein-Ca-alginate microparticles using full-factorial design 2013
7085. Strengthening institutional architecture to support the small-medium enterprises to make Macedonian economy more competitive in global challenges2013
7086. Creative and culture entrepreneurship in global business world2013
7087. Capital flows to emerging and transition economies during and after the global financial crisis in 2008 2013
7088. Современите финансиски кризи во ерата на глобализацијата2013
7089. Историски развој на финансиската глобализација 2013
7090. Liberalization of capital flows in the EU accession countries2013
7091. Greenhouse gas emissions from transport source2013
7092. Replacement (reconstruction) of the active steel end zone of the turbogenerator2013
7093. Investment of human capital in tourism and hospitality with a specific reference of R. Macedonia2013
7094. Comparison between the European Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights2013
7095. Mesenchymal stem cells for anti-cancer drug delivery2013
7096. Expression of the Human FSHD-Linked DUX4 Gene Induces Neurogenesis During Differentiation of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells 2013
7097. Comparison of the performance of the artificial boundaries P3 and P4 Stacey depending on interval2013
7098. RootScape: a landmark-based system for rapid screening of root architecture in Arabidopsis.2013
7099. Несогласувањето, лицето и интеркултурната комуникација2013
7100. Au-Pd bearing pyrites and chalcopyrites from the Buchim porphyry copper deposit, Eastern Macedonia2013
7101. Улогата на денотацијата и конотацијата во правната терминологија и при преведувањето правни текстови од француски на македонски јазик и обратно2013
7102. Преведувањето од лингвистички аспект 2013
7103. Macedonia’s exports and the gravity model2013
7104. Agro-biological characteristics of three Sauvignon blanc (Vitisvinifera L.) clones, growing in R. Macedonia2013
7105. The role of crop production in receiving of biodisel as a new entrepreneurial opportunities in the Republic of Macedonia2013
7106. Further Results on Colombeau Product of Distributions2013
7107. Feature of successful educator2013
7108. Sustainable technology and natural environment2013
7109. Sustainable technology and natural environment2013
7110. Creation of lifelong learning network for development of sustainable technologies2013
7111. Environmental issues in materials science and engineering2013
7112. Comparison of three Chardonnay clones (Vitis vinifera L.), growing in Skopje'vineyard region, R. Macedonia2013
7113. Influence food has on human’s sugar status2013
7114. Protection of personal data in the criminal legislation in Macedonia2013
7115. Classification of dry-cured hams according to the maturation time using near infrared spectra and artificial neural networks2013
7116. New findings of Paleogene agglutinated and porcelaneous foraminifera from the Republic of Macedonia2013
7117. Што изгубивме низ времето (на примери од јазикот)2013
7118. The amount of protein and influence of various acid solution and water in microbiology of fresh and frozen pork skins2013
7119. Microbiological status of smoked meat products2013
7120. Developmental Psychopathology and Education 2013
7121. Production potential of wheat in Strumica region2013
7122. Native Gold from the Plavica Epithermal Deposit, Republic of Macedonia2013
7123. Implementing teamwork for quality in agribusiness2013
7124. Commitment to quality in agribusiness2013
7125. Business processes optimization possibilities2013
7126. Cyber Terrorism– Global Security Threat2013
7127. Causal relationship between wages and prices in R. Macedonia: VECM analysis 2013
7128. Grain quality parameters of wintering oat genotypes (Avena Sativa L.)2013
7129. Енергетска ефикасност и економска оправданост индивидуалног станбеног објекта преко побољшања топлинске изолације2013
7130. Захтеви моторних уља од аспекте ограничења емисије штетних гасова2013
7131. Управување со заштитата на животната средина -правно-аналитички аспекти на законот за животна средина2013
7132. International tourism demand in Macedonia: Current status and estimation2013
7133. Planning rural tourism development in Macedonia2013
7134. Attracting foreign direct investment in transition economies with special reference to the Republic of Macedonia2013
7135. The role and importance of the textile industry in the national economy of the Republic of Macedonia: share of GDP, exports and employment2013
7136. Kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza konfekcijskog otpada u Makedoniji2013
7137. Standardization of the Macedonian and French Legal Terminology as a Pre-Condition for a Successful Implementation of Euro-Atlantic Integrations2013
7138. Web-based platform for enhancing tourism development: An exploratory study2013
7139. Општо за договорната одговорност во правото на ЕУ2013
7140. Nuclear energy and nuclear law in Macedonia and neighbor countries Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania2013
7141. Water monitoring around the Buchim copper mine drainage system2013
7142. Cu-Au valorization from poorly mineralized ore bodies in the Buchim copper mine, Eastern Macedonia2013
7143. Formal Marketing Planning in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises vs. Large Companies and its Impact on Performance: The Case of Macedonia2013
7144. Comparative View of the Problem with Human Trafficking In the Balkan Countries2013
7145. Maternal 75 g OGTT glucose levels as predictive factors for large-for-gestational age newborns in women with gestational diabetes mellitus2013
7146. Епитафните модалитети во стиховите на Гане Тодоровски2013
7147. Analysis of the SYN Flood DoS Attack 2013
7148. The superior customer’s value of the new economy implemented within Macedonian companies2013
7149. Tips for creating iOS mobile applications on Windows2013
7150. The access database organization for some mineral deposits in the Republic of Macedonia2013
7151. Младите во Фејсбук комуникацијата2013
7152. The new logistics trends in support of retail 2013
7153. Governance and Enterprise Restructuring in Southeast Europe – gross domestic product and foreign direct investments2013
7154. Governance and enterprise restructuring in Southeast Europe 2013
7155. Models of TQM Strategy in the World and the Need for Macedonian Model of Excellence2013
7156. The Need for Information System Design in Building a House of Quality2013
7157. Governance and Enterprise Restructuring in Southeast Europe 2013
7158. Tourism Recommendation Systems: Analytical Approach2013
7159. A cognitive behavioral depression prevention program for early adolescents2013
7160. Recommending Ideal Holiday at National Level2013
7161. Paleogene planktic foraminifera of the Republic of Macedonia2013
7162. Cicada species on vine plantations in the Strumica region, Republic of Macedonia2013
7163. Gravity modeling: International trade and R&D2013
7164. Управување со димензиите на одржливоста како детерминанти на одржливиот развој2013
7165. Sanitary chemical and bacteriological analysis of drinking water in Kocani2013
7166. The influence of Macedonian mentality and the old habits in creating business2013
7167. Capsaicin - Inhibitory Factor for Somatic Embriogenesis in Pepper Anther Culture2013
7168. The Demir Kapija Ophiolite, Macedonia(FYROM): a Snapshot of Subduction Initiation within a Back-arc2013
7169. Influence of a Nickel Smelter Plant on the Mineralogical Composition of Attic dust in the Tikveš Valley, Republic of Macedonia2013
7170. Фолклорната основа на „Сказна за Вилен“ од Глигор Поповски2013
7171. Функциската шема во делото „Сказна за Вилен“ од Глигор Поповски2013
7172. Hydroxylated derivatives of dimethoxy-1,4-benzoquinone as redox switchable earth-alkaline metal ligands and radical scavengers2013
7173. Македонската поезија од 20 век за Александар Македонски2013
7174. Синхрониска и дијахрониска анализа на правните термини во францускиот и во македонскиот јазик2013
7175. Интерференцијата на културните семиосфери во македонската книжевност низ ликот-знак Александар Македонски2013
7176. Volatile Composition of Macedonian and Hungarian Wines Assessed by GC/MS2013
7177. Развој на меѓукултурната комуникација како наука2013
7178. Some results of a radon survey in 207 Serbian schools2013
7179. Effective dose for real population exposed to indoor radon in dwellings of the former uranium mine area Kalna (Eastern Serbia)2013
7180. Radon measurement in schools and kindergartens (Kremikovtsi municipality, Bulgaria2013
7181. Measurements of radon concentration in soil gas of urban areas, Bulgaria2013
7182. Prediction of indoor radon risk from radium concentration in soil: Republic of Macedonia case study2013
7183. Варијабилност на говорот на младите во Италија 2013
7184. Гестовите во италијанскиот јазик2013
7185. Јазикот како обележје на француската култура во книжевното творештво на Марсел Пруст2013
7186. Internal communication as a precondition for successful management - theoretical approach2013
7187. Ozone depleting substances elimination management: The success story of Macedonia2013
7188. Empirical analysis of seasonality patterns in tourism2013
7189. Managing economic development by tourism contribution: Empirical evidence2013
7190. Investigating tourism seasonality in Macedonia2013
7191. Harmfulness and population dynamics of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) in Strumica region2013
7192. Tuning PID controlling parameters for DC motor speed regulation2013
7193. Time complexity improvement of the first processing stage of the intelligent clustering2013
7194. Tuning PID controlling parameters for DC motor speed regulation2013
7195. Граѓанското здружување и неолиберализмот - Како НВО-секторот во Македонија го задуши општествениот активизам2013
7196. Uticaj gustine useva na prinos soje u postrnoj setvi2013
7197. FLAG: Fast Local Alignment Generating Methodology2013
7198. Managing environmental policy for tourism development2013
7199. Tourist profile of young-adults in Macedonia and their perception of e-tools2013
7200. Communication Schemes with Constrained Reordering of Resources2013
7201. IUS Naturale- Подзаборавениот правец во Философијата на правото 2013
7202. Linguistic culture – active attitude toward (standard) language norm2013
7203. Market value of the firms and R&D investment: Theoretical overview and empirical estimation for the panel of countries2013
7204. The influence of physiotherapy in gait dynamics for patients with sub-acute stroke2013
7205. Prediction of indoor radon risk from radium concentration in soil: Republic of Macedonia case study2013
7206. Село Зрново/The Village of Zrnovo2013
7207. Село Зрново/The Village of Zrnovo2013
7208. Electrochemical production, characterization, and application of MWCNTs2013
7209. Преглед на потеклото на имињата на деновите во неделата2013
7210. Wild pear - Pyrus pyraster as a new host of Erwinia amylovora in Macedonia 2013
7211. Метафората во стручниот јазик на правото и предизвикот таа да се преведе2013
7212. Македнонски vis a vis српски менталитет (О "елементима традиције" у "Бегалка" Васила Иљоског и "Зона Замфирова" Стевана Сремца) 2013
7213. Принципи на усната комуникација 2013
7214. Сакрална архитектура во градот Баргала од IV век до крајот на првата деценија на VII век2013
7215. Античката патна комуникација2013
7216. Influence of the specific sliding work on tribological parametars of friction linings for heavy vehicle clutches2013
7217. Factorial design analysis and optimisation of alginate—Ca-chitosan microspheres2013
7218. Preparation of electrochromic thin films by transformation of manganese(II) carbonate2013
7219. Pharmacoeconomics2013
7220. Clinical mastitis in Macedonian dairy herds2013
7221. Подизање свесности о интеркултурној комуникацији2013
7222. Teaching literature - how we could do it better2013
7223. The value of ultrasound in dygnosing and monitoring patients with blunt abdominal injury compared with computerized tomography, clinical process, and the operative finding2013
7224. Асепична некроза2013
7225. Multivisceral resection for advanced duodenal adenocarcinoma:a case report and review of literature2013
7226. Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair in obese patient:a case report2013
7227. Предизвици на лапароскопската поправка на ингвинална хернија2013
7228. Laparoscopic versus open splenectomy:a single center eleven-year experience2013
7229. Тромеѓата во поезијата на Стојче Балкански и Егејската прародина на Љубен Ташковски - рецедив од стогодишната голгота на македонските откорнатици2013
7230. Euro-Atlantic integration in SEE trough regional cooperation2013
7231. Morphological and molecular characterization of Colletotrichum coccodes isolated from pepper cultivated in Bulgaria and Macedonia2013
7232. 60 години служба за трансфузија на крв, 60 години организирано крводарување во општина Штип2013
7233. The threat from non-state actors in XXI century through the lenses on the Klauzevic triad2013
7234. Бајроновските Херои во Новелите на Сестрите Бронте - „Оркански Височини“ и „Џејн Ер“2013
7235. Victorian Age covered through Byronic heroes in Brontë Sisters’ Novels Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre2013
7236. Determination of broccoli leaf area and stomatal number using different application methods of microbiological fertilizer - Slavol2013
7237. Primary Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma Emerging from the Retrorectal Space in A Male Patient - A Case Report2013
7238. The number of microorganisms in depts in alluvial soil in skopje region2013
7239. Yield and technological quality in some Macedonian wheat varieties2013
7240. Sexual dysfunction as a side effect of hyperprolactinemia in methadone maintenance therapy2013
7241. Severe renal function impairment in adult patients acutely poisoned with concentrated acetic acid 2013
7242. Ingestion of caustic substances in adults 2013
7243. Coservative therapeutic approach to corrosive poisonings in adults2013
7244. Selection of an optimal Landfill Location using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods2013
7245. Oblici ugrožavanja ljudske bezbednosti u savremenom društvu2013
7246. Adaptation of national security systems in conditions of global society changes2013
7247. Democratic legal guarantees of the Republic of Macedonia as a modern state2013
7248. The role of OSCE in the SEE countries2013
7249. National border security as a condition for Euro-integration of the Republic of Macedonia2013
7250. Developmental Psychopathology and Education 2013
7251. Основни претпоставки за поставеноста на правниот систем во рамките на доцноосманлиската империја 2013
7252. Symmetric dimethyl arginine and N-acetyl-β-Dglucosaminidase lysozimuria of proximal renal tubules as a target for nephrotoxicity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with disease modifying antirheumatic drugs2013
7253. Determination of the Diagnostic Values of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine as an Indicator for Evaluation of the Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis2013
7254. Mechanisms and kinetics of electrode processes at bismuth and antimony film and bare glassy carbon surfaces under square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry conditions2013
7255. Interventions to Improve Antibiotic Prescribing in Upper Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Literature 1990 2009 2013
7256. Have we improved use of medicines in developing and transitional countries and do we know how to? Two decades of evidence2013
7257. HPV status after cold knife conization2013
7258. Творештвото на Хусејин Сулејман во контекст на целокупната турска книжевност за деца2013
7259. Examination of heavy and toxic metals in the Kozjak lake and Treska river with protection measures2013
7260. The possible negative aspects of the adoption procedure2013
7261. Balkanlarda (Arnavutluk)Bektaşi Tarikatının Yayılmasında Sari Saltuk Efsanelerin Rölü2013
7262. За традицијата и менталитетот во романот „Зона Замфирова“ од Стеван Сремац2013
7263. Интердисциплинарна споредба: американската бит култура социјално активирана од постмодернизмот2013
7264. Research Progress on the Effect and Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Scar 中医治疗瘢痕的作用及机制研究进展2013
7265. Application of GPS technology for management with mobile mining machinery in copper mine "Bučim"2013
7266. Fatal cardiovascular risk assessment with SCORE model in type 2 diabetes patients from Republic of Macedonia2013
7267. Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with the model of United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study2013
7268. Comment on the Publication: Lazarevik V, Kasapinov B. Medical Doctors’ Attitudes towards Pay-For-Reporting in Macedonia: A Web-Based Cross-Sectional Survey. Maced J Med Sci.2012;5(4):437-443.2013
7269. Risk assessment of cardiovascular mortality in Macedonian type 2 diabetes patients based on Decode model2013
7270. Sexual Dysfunction as a Side Effect of Hyperprolactinemia in Methadone Maintenance Therapy2013
7271. Sexual Dysfunction as a Side Effect of Hyperprolactinemia in Methadone Maintenance Therapy2013
7272. Globalization, Information Technology and new Digital Economic Landscape2013
7273. Прилог кон доцноантичките утврдувања во североисточниот дел на Македонија2013
7274. Двигательная программа для редукции массы тела при избыточном весе и целлюлите 2013
7275. The Importance of Down Syndrome Phenocopies in the Newborns in Tertiary Obstetric Hospital 2013
7276. The Importance of Down Syndrome Phenocopies in the Newborns in Tertiary Obstetric Hospital2013
7277. Cord blood superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity in premature infants2013
7278. Tuberculosis among the Roma population in Macedonia2013
7279. Significance of contacts in the manifestation of tuberculosis as an infectious disease2013
7280. Значење на фармацевтот во правилна и безбедна употреба на хербалните лекови2013
7281. Association between Gene Polymorphism of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase and Prostate Cancer Risk2013
7282. Natural antioxidants in cancer prevention2013
7283. Role of the Game in the Development of Preschool Child. 2013
7284. Фикција или реалност: популарната кутура на 21 век и постмодерната литература2013
7285. Concept and practice of cyber hate speach in international and domestic law2013
7286. Influence of the Cold War on the realism2013
7287. Безбедносни состојби и предизвици на Балканот2013
7288. Регионални способности за елементарни непогоди во духот на „паметна одбрана“ 2013
7289. Siguria në Republikën e Maqedonisë në Kontekstin e sigurisë në Ballkan dhe më gjerë 2013
7290. Трговија со конвенционалното оружје како глобален предизвик2013
7291. Operational Value and Accessibility of Services in SOA-based Intelligence Information Systems 2013
7292. Breach of Personal Security through Applicative use of Online Social Networks 2013
7293. Humanitarian and human rights law in the context of wound ballistics and selection of handgun ammunition2013
7294. USB flash drives - security risks and protection2013
7295. Reforms in military education - gender issues in Republic of Macedonia2013
7296. Operational value and accessibility of services in SOA-based intelligence information systems2013
7297. Глобализацијата денес - Дали "локалното" е новото "глобално"?2013
7298. Постапка за измени на Уставот на Република Македонија2013
7299. Пеачката традиција во кривопаланечкиот регион2013
7300. Васпитно дејство бајке код деце предшколског и школског узраста2013
7301. Physiological bases of reading2013
7302. Teaching method for Introduction to nature and society and students’ success (lesson – What is soil?)2013
7303. Образованието и воспитанието во современите општества2013
7304. Citizens participation at local level in the Republic of Macedonia2013
7305. Теориските аспекти на социометрискиот статус на учениците (отфрлени/прифатени) и неговото образовно значење2013
7306. Литиум – микроелемент значаен за човековиот организам2013
7307. Расказите и патописите на Ацо Шопов2013
7308. Productive characteristics of the Macedonian varieties soybean2013
7309. Productive options in Bulgarian winter wheat varieties in Macedonia2013
7310. Доцноантичките цивилни утврдувања по долината на река Брегалница2013
7311. Pest insects at tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in Strumica region, Republic of Macedonia2013
7312. Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) and their predators, in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and in the weeds from Poaceae family in the Strumica region2013
7313. The influence of the variety and the sowing density on the yield and some quality characteristics on the barley2013
7314. Material Requirement Planning – MRP2013
7315. Heavy metals toxicity and bioaccumulation in vegetables from potentially polluted area2013
7316. Турцизмите во македонските презимиња што изразуваат дејност2013
7317. Macroeconomic challenges and experience on the road to EU 2013
7318. The education system in the Republic of Macedonia – Is (was) there bilingualism in it? - A review2013
7319. Американската идеологија во Здрав разум на Томас Пеин2013
7320. Категоријата простор во поезијата на Христо Ботев (просторот во функција на менталитетот и идентитетот)2013
7321. Има ли дан?!... за њих...и за нас О поезији Коче Рцина и музици Тошета Проеског2013
7322. Балканскиот менталитет и елементите на традицијата (За женскиот „идентитет“ и „менталитет“ во јужнословенските литератури) 2013
7323. Евреите од Солун во британската дипломатска кореспонденција непосредно по завршувањето на Првата светска војна2013
7324. Концептот на наративен идентитет кај Пол Рикер и неговата применливост на творештвото на Марсел Пруст2013
7325. Experience in using e-learning materials for environmental education2013
7326. Student Perceptions of Interactive Whiteboards in a Biology Classroom 2013
7327. За проблематичната природа на еквивалентноста во споредбената лингвистика2013
7328. Затворање преку преводот на лексичките празнини во македонскиот јазик2013
7329. Политика за контрола и управување на бучавата во урбани средини2013
7330. Modern geodesy approach in underground mining2013
7331. Сличности и разлики помеѓу екстерните и интерните ревизори2013
7332. Договор за дар во македонското право2013
7333. Концептот на нормативна моќ на Европската унија2013
7334. Општите услови на работење и нечесните договорни одредби кај договорот за осигурување2013
7335. Улогата на интерната ревизија за успешно менаџирање на компаниите2013
7336. Прашања и дилеми во врска со капиталната либерализација-посебен осврт на Република Македонија2013
7337. Толкување на првиот став од Думбартон-Oкс, концерт за камерен оркестар од Игор Стравински2013
7338. Имињата од странско потекло како културни референци при превод на книжевни текстови 2013
7339. Улогата на фискалната политика во рамките на кризата во Мексико или “Tequila Crisis” од 1994 – 1995 година2013
7340. The basic principles for optimal monetary policy implementation2013
7341. Македонската проза и поезија на италијански јазик 2013
7342. I toponimi e il loro significato culturale nelle traduzioni dalla letteratura macedone in italiano2013
7343. Development of a rapid and simple voltammetric method to determine total antioxidative capacity of edible oils2013
7344. Односот на македонистите од 19 век кон античка Македонија2013
7345. Increasing the flexibility and application of the B-spline curve2013
7346. Water as a component in the formation of the composition of the park2013
7347. External and internal spatial composition of the church of St. Blagoveshtenie - Prilep, Macedonia 2013
7348. Анкетата како метод за научно истражување2013
7349. Профилот на идниот преведувач и толкувач во пресрет на влезот на Македонија во ЕУ 2013
7350. Животното дело на Шукри Рамо (1918-1988)2013
7351. Лексиката во фудбалот во италијанскиот јазик2013
7352. Самолекувањето може сериозно да го наруши здравјето2013
7353. The I-perspective and the individual's inner world reflected in emotional vocabulary2013
7354. Western Balkans tariff systems on non-agricultural products2013
7355. Влијанието на договорот за „доброволно” ограничување на извозот врз глобалните трговски текови2013
7356. Sterically stabilized liposomes as a platform for salinomycin metal coordination compounds2013
7357. Семантиката на турскиот суфикс -џи/-чи /-CI/ (-cı, -ci, -cu, -cü, -çı, -çi, -çu, -çü) во турскиот и во македонскиот јазик2013
7358. Музичко образование и потреба за доживотно учење2013
7359. Geochemical Analysis of a Bean seed in Certain Regions in the Republic of Macedonia2013
7360. Accumulation and Distribution of Heavy Metal in Perennials Parts of Vine in Five Local Varieties (Rizling, Smederevka, Hamburg, Kratošia and Afus ali) from Ovče Pole (R. Macedonia)2013
7361. Уметност, култура и музичко образование2013
7362. Integrating music and dance into school curriculum2013
7363. Влијание на применетиот терапевтски третман врз раниот клинички тек кај пациенти со акутен миокарден инфаркт со СТ-сегмент елевација од источниот регион на Република Македонија (втор дел)2013
7364. Blending the teaching of environmental matters and English as a second or foreign language2013
7365. Analysis of the Energy Sector in Macedonia2013
7366. Analysis of the labour market in the Republic of Macedonia according to the level of education2013
7367. The Influence of the Greek Economic Crisis on FYROM Exports2013
7368. Примена на модели за утврдување на конкурентската позиција на претпријатијата на пазарот2013
7369. The use of brainwashing in the process of changing the organizational culture of the German and Japanese workers2013
7370. Evaluation of two different types of extra-coronal frictional attachments with plastic matrices in contemporary dental prosthodontics2013
7371. Третирање на цврст текстилен и комунален органски отпад2013
7372. Decorative designs in interiors and exteriors2013
7373. Use of artistic principles exterior and interior design (examples of unity and contrast)2013
7374. Култура и јазик2013
7375. Creating comparative advantage through marketing research companies2013
7376. Подобрување на квалитетот на карпестата маса со инјектирање2013
7377. Physiochemical characteristic of goat meat according to breed and finishing system2012
7378. The Policy of the USA and EU towards the Disintegration of Yugoslavia2012
7379. Carcass Categorization and Chemical Composition of Ostrich Meat2012
7380. Economical Benefit from Ostrich (Struthio Came/Us L.) Breeding and Primary Processing2012
7381. Експресивноста и импресивноста на турцизмите во поезијата на Блаже Конески2012
7382. Klanicne karakteristike mesa Jarke nesilje razlicitih hibridnih linija2012
7383. Klanicne karakteristike nojeva2012
7384. Frequency Distribution of Letters, Bigrams and Trigrams in the Macedonian language2012
7385. Study newly yeast strains for wine production from the area of Demir Kapija, Macedonia2012
7386. Книжевноста, културата, науката и религијата за поимање на конечноста и вечноста2012
7387. Разликите помеѓу инвестициското и комерцијалното банкарство2012
7388. Анализа на тековната состојба и идни трендови на пазарот на кондиторски производи2012
7389. Соединувања и преземања (М & A) и улогата на инвестициските банки во овие процеси2012
7390. Possibilities to use the diabases from the Udovo locality (Vardar zone, Republic of Macedonia) as construction stones2012
7391. Кореографското творештво на Трајко Прокопиев во ансамблот Танец 2012
7392. Стилски карактеристики на ората кај Мијаците2012
7393. Свадбениот циклус во Малешево2012
7394. Русалиски поворки – сличности и разлики со други поворки2012
7395. Релевантни етнокореолошки и етнолошки карактеристики на орото Ибраим Оџа, претпоставка за следење на регионалната идентификација2012
7396. Поводи и места за играње во етничкиот предел Скопска Црна Гора2012
7397. Орската традиција во село Врбјани – Прилепско поле2012
7398. Ороводните песни и нивната територијална дистрибуција во македонското традиционално обредно-пејачко изразување2012
7399. Методски аспекти на ората во Пијанец2012
7400. Историски аспекти на орската традиција во Овче Поле2012
7401. Балетската едукација во Штип2012
7402. Кореографското творештво на Трајко Прокопиев во ансамблот Танец2012
7403. Примена на Гордон -Тестот за испитување на музичките способности на учениците во прво одделение (албански наставен јазик) на основните училишта во Тетово2012
7404. Децата и музиката во виртуелната реалност2012
7405. Улогата на семејството, наставникот по музичко образование и учебникот во откривање и поттикнување на музички талентирани ученици2012
7406. Значењето на мотивацијата во музичко воспитно – образовниот процес2012
7407. Значењето од примената на прстната гимнастика во решавањето на техничките проблеми при пијанистичката интерпретација2012
7408. Уделот на домашните композитори во создавањето на музика за македонските играни филмови2012
7409. Акордската структура застапена во вокалната кантата „Псалми“ од композиторот Стојан Стојков2012
7410. Полифонијата во композицијата Fantasia Corale од Томислав Зографски2012
7411. Оркестрациска и темброва идеја и нивната звучна материјализација во делото „Болеро“ од Морис Равел2012
7412. Population and economic growth theme: Longitudinal data for a sample of Balkan countries 2012
7413. Рихард Штраус - Аспекти на оркестарскиот јазик и симфониската поема „Дон Кихот”2012
7414. Том Соер и Хаклбери Фин– симбол на желбата на детето за слобода и самостојност 2012
7415. Организиран третман на хронична болка во првиот мултидисциплинарен центар за болка во Македонија2012
7416. Школовање анестетичара у Мекдонији2012
7417. Улогата на анестетичарот при реанимација и транспорт на витално загрозен болен во карил2012
7418. Epidemiology of distal radius fracture2012
7419. Engagement of Students in Environmental Activities in School2012
7420. Влијанието на странските директни инвестиции во Р.Македонија врз вработеноста за период 1997-2011 година2012
7421. Процес на промени во маркетинг стратегијата и структурата2012
7422. The role of promotion in creation of positive accounting firm image2012
7423. L’aspetto culturologico dell'antroponimia letteraria nelle traduzioni della narrativa macedone in italiano2012
7424. The role of Gastroesophageal reflux disease questionnaire in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7425. Some quantitative aspects of the major types of ores at the Ržanovo Fe-Ni lateritic deposit, R. Macedonia2012
7426. Distribution of chemical elements in attic dust as reflection of their geogenic and anthropogenic sources in the vicinity of the copper mine and flotation plant2012
7427. Application of the pseudoinverse computation in reconstruction of blurred images2012
7428. Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution with Heavy Metals in the Copper Mine Vicinity Located near Radovis, Republic of Macedonia2012
7429. Changes in the Chemical Composition of Some Pieces of Pork Stored and Different Temperatures2012
7430. Professional Development of the Teachers from the Angle of School Managers2012
7431. Türkçe-Makedonca Kitapların Türk Dilinin Öğretilmesinde ve Türk Edebiyatının Tanıtılmasında Etken Olarak (Turkish-Macedonian Books as a Factor in Teaching Turkish Language and Presentation of Turkish Literature) 2012
7432. Саканите наспроти несакани ефекти од лековите2012
7433. Ќе давам нови импулси за зголемување на професионалниот рејтинг на фармацевтите2012
7434. Ататурк, турскиот јазик и алфабетската реформа2012
7435. Реинжинерингот како метод и пристап за адаптирање при организациските промени2012
7436. Learning versus "Training and teaching" for quality (LTT) in agribusiness2012
7437. Aggregation behavior and in vitro biocompatibility study of octopus-shaped macromolecules based on tert-butylcalix[4]arenes 2012
7438. Наночестички како носачи на лекови2012
7439. JAVA IDEs for easily learning and understanding object oriented programming2012
7440. Systems of difference equations approximating the Lorenz system of differential equations2012
7441. Хакслиевите погледи на литература2012
7442. Program for reduction body mass and cellulite including aesthetic physiotherapy2012
7443. PLM and Business Perspectives of the New Paradigms in Information Technology2012
7444. Modeling and Mapping of Urban Noise Pollution with SoundPLAN Software 2012
7445. Usage of the exploration and exploitation drilling in the ore deposit site "Svinja Reka - Sasa", R. Macedonia2012
7446. Achieving greater security through a new approach in applying strategy of nonproliferation and arms control2012
7447. Образовната политика и осврт кон разликите во образовните постигнувања по етничка основа во Република Македонија2012
7448. Мултикултурализам - етнички конфликт како општествен феномен - причини и анатомија на конфликтот2012
7449. Метафората „земја“ во „Дневник по многу години“2012
7450. Фактори за развој на перманентна опструкција на дишните патишта кај пациенти со тешка астма2012
7451. Субсегментен белодробен емболизам: третман да или не?2012
7452. Историското и наративното време во романот „Под игото“ од Иван Вазов2012
7453. Споредбено испитување на брзината на ослободување на Еналаприл малеат од Еналаприл таблети á 10 mg2012
7454. Some results on Colombeau product of distributions2012
7455. The Black-Scholes model and valuation of the European Call option2012
7456. Correspondence between One-Parameter group of Linear Transformations and Linear Differential equations that describe Dynamical Systems2012
7457. Analysis of changes in the parameters of the maturation of sremski sausage with previosly given tenical characteristics of the chamber 2012
7458. Comparison of the performance of the artificial boundaries p3 and p4 of stacey2012
7459. The Optimization of the Profit of a Parallel System with Independent Components and Linear Repairing Cost2012
7460. Улогата и значењето на толкувачот2012
7461. Risk Assessment and Guidelines for Risk Reduction in Mining2012
7462. Total and extractable formsof Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb and Fe in vineyard soil (Valandovo Valley, Macedonia) determined by a sequential extraction procedure2012
7463. Безбедност кај компјутерските мрежи од аспект на контрола на пристап2012
7464. Specifics of local level in organization of space2012
7465. Influences of the economic crisis on modern design2012
7466. Students’ mobility2012
7467. Потреба од воведување на активности за обработка на инпут на часот по немајчин јазик2012
7468. Кооперативното учење како метод за развивање на комуникативните вештини2012
7469. Расказите - записите на Ацо Шопов2012
7470. Comparative Economic Analysis of Wheat Production Using Certified and Uncertified Seed: The Case of Ovcepole Region in Republic of Macedonia2012
7471. Application of the progressive wavelet correlation for image recognition and retrieval from the collection of images 2012
7472. Shapeless Quasigroups Derived by Feistel Orthomorphisms2012
7473. Tourism in Macedonia-Before and After the Crisis 2012
7474. Maintenance of Human iPS Cells in a Feeder-free Culture System2012
7475. Enhancing Tourism Promotion by Enriched Web-based Portal2012
7476. The new Macedonian concept of lay judges and their role in the criminal procedure 2012
7477. Projecting Accommodation Capacities in Macedonia2012
7478. Tourism in Regional Development: Empirical Evidence2012
7479. Forecasting International Tourism Demand: the Evidence of Macedonia2012
7480. Development of a National Tourism Web Portal with Enriched Recommender: Empirical Evidence2012
7481. Economic Impacts of Tourism: the Evidence of Macedonia2012
7482. Planning and Promotion of Sustainable Tourism Development in Macedonia2012
7483. Tourism and Crisis – Past Patterns and Future Challenges 2012
7484. Application of E-Tools for Tourism Promotion by Young-Adults in Macedonia2012
7485. Роль директора в формировании профессионального развития учителей2012
7486. Библиотекарь как менеджер в школьной библиотеке2012
7487. Managing changens in schools2012
7488. Indicators for Sustainable Tourism Development in Macedonia2012
7489. Изучување на странски јазик преку игра/Learning a foreign language through game2012
7490. Empirical Evidence of Contribution to E-Tourism by Application of Personalized Tourism Recommendation System2012
7491. Influence of trellis system on productive and technological characteristics of variety Victoria in Strumica vine growing district2012
7492. The Role of Government in Planning Tourism Development in Macedonia2012
7493. Energy dissipation by nonlinear soil strains during soil-structure interaction excited by SH pulse2012
7494. A note on predetermined earthquake damage scenarios for structural health monitoring2012
7495. Tourism and Economic Development in Macedonia2012
7496. Accidents with tractors and agricultural machinery in public transport of Republic of Serbia without provinces2012
7497. National security versus protection of personal data in the EU2012
7498. The natural additive with antioxidant properties for meat products2012
7499. „Копачите” и „Приспивна” - Стефан Гајдов2012
7500. Ивана Јанков - Гоце Гавриловски: Анализа на музичките параметри од аспект на интерпретација во дел од хорското творештво на Стефан Гајдов2012
7501. Determination of Ketoconazole in Tablets by Using Three Different Methods2012
7502. Comparative analysis of present marketing strategy: David vs. Goliath in confectionery industry2012
7503. Развојна психопатологија: Концепти и нови предизивици2012
7504. Application of it in teaching and effective learning in primary education2012
7505. Family participation in school2012
7506. Addition to the Classification of the Gymnastic Elements 2012
7507. Relations Between Anthropometric Variables and Motor Tests Used at 6 Years Old Male Children2012
7508. X-Ray Diffraction and Mineralogical Study of Vertisol in Eastern Macedonia2012
7509. Usage of Service-Oriented Architecture for developing prototype of intelligence information system 2012
7510. Aggregate Composition and Water Stability of Structural Aggregates of Vertisols Spread out in Štip, Probištip and Ovče Pole Valleys2012
7511. Менаџментот во одбраната и успешното владеење во демократиите2012
7512. Cyber terrorism and cyber-crime – threats for cyber security2012
7513. Computer aided engineering of the surface layer in the machining process by material removal2012
7514. Status and New Data of the Geochemical determination of the pp-Neutrino Flux by LOREX2012
7515. State of geoscientific research within the lorandite experiment (LOREX)2012
7516. Status and New Data of the Geochemical Determination of the pp-Neutrino Flux by LOREX2012
7517. Делата на Мажовски, Цепенков и Прличев за Александар III Македонски2012
7518. Chemical composition and molecular structure of polysaccharide-protein biopolymer from Durio zibethinus seed: extraction and purification process2012
7519. Banking with the poor and women entrepreneurship development in emerging economies2012
7520. Applied Paleontological Methods for Determining Geological Age of Paleogene Sediments in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7521. Foraminifers and nannofossils from upper flysch lithozone in the Tikves Paleogene basin, Republic of Macedonia2012
7522. Influence on structural characteristic of the rock material on expenditures for construction on horizontal mining facilities2012
7523. Rational selection of mining excavation methods2012
7524. Предизвик и преводливост на топонимите: Старата чаршија и Бит-пазар во италијанските преводи на современата македонска книжевност2012
7525. The political thought and the literary work of Niccolo Machiavelli in XVI century Italy2012
7526. Tourism contribution to regional development: best practice in Macedonia2012
7527. Aortic root reconstructive surgery - new created technique 2012
7528. Preoperative antra-aortic balloon pump in patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery2012
7529. Direct circular repair for left ventricle aneurysm2012
7530. Cardiac surgery in patients under chronic hemodialysis2012
7531. ALCAPA syndrome associated with dilatative cardiomyopathy: a case report2012
7532. Initial experience with perceval suturiess valve 2012
7533. Hybrid procedure for petient with aortoectasia and aortic coarctation- case report 2012
7534. Inetrventional procedures for congenital heart disease 2012
7535. Surgery for patients with diffuse atherosclerotic disease 2012
7536. Aortic root reconstructive surgery new created technique 2012
7537. Reconstructive surgery for aortic disease 2012
7538. Suction-assisted bioglue application for reinforcement of suture line - new haemosthatic technique in aortic surgery 2012
7539. Emergencies in cardiovascular surgery – A Clinical judgment and treatment strategy2012
7540. Interprofessional and Team-Based Continuing Education for Health Professionals2012
7541. Simulation Modeling and Analyzing in Underground Haulage Sistems with Arena Simulation Software2012
7542. Body mass index and health-related quality of life in patients preparing for coronary angiography 2012
7543. A note on predetermined earthquake damage scenarios for structural health monitoring2012
7544. Qualitative and quantitative Analysis of the Parenting Styles, Coping Strategies and Perceived Stress in Mothers of Children who have undergone Cardiac Interventions2012
7545. Personality traits seen trough five dimensions of EPI instrument at CAD patients with Diabetes mellitus2012
7546. On the generalized Fresnel sine integrals and convolution2012
7547. Control Architecture of a 10 DOF Lower Limbs Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation2012
7548. Analysis of the medicines pricing procedure in the Republic of Macedonia. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and outcome Research (ISPOR)14th Annual European Congress, Value in Health 14 A4852012
7549. Izrada građanskog zakona2012
7550. Creation of university-enterprise cooperation networks for education on sustainable technologies2012
7551. La terminologie et les relations sémantiques dans la langue du droit2012
7552. Physical-chemical characteristics of ground waters in the area between the villages Injevo and Kalugerica, Radoviš2012
7553. Preliminary investigations of fluoride content in the water of three main lakes in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7554. Metamorphism of the skarn rocks from the Sasa ore field2012
7555. Role of technology2012
7556. In vivo and in vitro production of some genotypes of cherry tomato Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (Dunal)2012
7557. Уметност на маргините / Art on the margins2012
7558. Proposed methodology for implementing quality methods and techniques in Macedonian companies2012
7559. Geoelectrical measurements with Terrameter SAS 10002012
7560. Инженерскогеолошки карактеристики на неврзаните карпи од околината на Охридското езеро2012
7561. Инверзна екстраполација на браново поле – миграција2012
7562. Hybrid cloud computing challenges and mass customization2012
7563. Termo-fiziološki komfor dvoslojnih pletenina 2012
7564. Загаџивање животне средине емисијом загаџивача из термоенергетских постројења у Републици Македонији2012
7565. Консекутивно толкување2012
7566. Утицај могучег увоџења нових електрана на ветар на електроенергетски систем у Републици Македонији2012
7567. Ризичнo и импулсивно однесување, депресија кај адолесценти, низ призма на Neuroimaging студии на развој на мозок2012
7568. Когницијата и теоријата за умот кај деца со пореметувања од аутистичен спектар2012
7569. Интерперсоналните односи како индикатори за педагошката клима во училиштето и одделението2012
7570. Личноста на наставникот и атмосферата во одделението 2012
7571. Општа правна уреденост на граѓанско – правната одговорност за причинета штета во правото на Европска Унија2012
7572. Критериуми за утврдување на нематеријална штета во нашето и споредбеното право2012
7573. Some technical characteristics of shaft hoist machines installed in the shafts of Macedonian lead and zinc mines2012
7574. Some technical characteristics of shaft hoist machines installed in the shafts of Macedonian lead and zinc mines2012
7575. Спомен парк за македонските војни и негова туристичка валоризација2012
7576. „Претсказанието“ на Атанас Македонец и еден расказ за Александар Македонски2012
7577. Unfair Contract terms in the Contract law of the Republic of Macedonia 2012
7578. Public health impact of the refernce pricing system of medicines in Republic of Macedonia in 20092012
7579. Incidence of patients with acute aortic dissection2012
7580. Infants born with risk factors in the period 2009-2011, in Stip2012
7581. Location of a landfill for hazardous waste in the Republic of Macedonia - planning and development2012
7582. Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the development and control of microbial biofilms attached to the surface of dental materials and dental prostheses in particular2012
7583. Даночните реформи во насока на унапредување на меѓународните текови на капиталот2012
7584. Даноците и меѓународните текови на капиталот со посебен осврт врз меѓународната даночна конкурентност на РМ2012
7585. Corporate tax reform in Republic of Macedonia2012
7586. Афирмација на македонскиот јазик во германско-јазичните земји2012
7587. Kinder lernen leicht Fremdsprachen – ist das richtig?2012
7588. Критика на преводот - да, но каква?2012
7589. Аналгетици и антибиотици земање на своја рака или посета на стоматолог2012
7590. Подготовка на сценска адаптација2012
7591. Moodle as a teaching tools in mathematics - case study in Goce Delcev University, Stip2012
7592. Historical financial flows compared with the actual financial crisis2012
7593. Компетенции на наставникот менаџер2012
7594. “Knowledge management for SMEs in the knowledge based economy”2012
7595. Management of banking operations to avoid crises2012
7596. Deposit or investment in voluntary pension fund – case study in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7597. Финансиските кризи низ историјата споредени со кризата од 20072012
7598. The macroeconomic effects of remittances in Southeast Europe2012
7599. Innovative methods on managing of resources in banks, caused by the influences of the current crisis on the working process of these institutions2012
7600. SMEs innovation and growth in EU2012
7601. „Ланецот на вредности како извор на конкурентска предност на текстилните претпријатија“2012
7602. “SMEs innovation and growth in EU”2012
7603. The impact of capital controls on maintaining macroeconomic and financial stability in emerging market economies2012
7604. “Systemic approach to teamwork - a model for team building”2012
7605. Evaluation of the satisfaction the doctors have about health care services in the specialized and consultative clinics in Skopje2012
7606. Правната судбина на долготрајните облигации после отворањето на стечајната постапка2012
7607. Remedies for non performance in sales contracts - damage and interest 2012
7608. Liability for material defects2012
7609. Histological composition of lumbar disc herniations related to the type of herniation and to the age2012
7610. Правната рамка на мултимодалниот транспорт и правните односи помеѓу учесниците во мултимодалниот транспорт2012
7611. Мапирање на теми од психологијата за добра медицинска пракса2012
7612. Психологија на болка: психолошки аспекти на болката и постапки на сузбивање2012
7613. Миофасцијален болен синдром во краниомандибуларна регија2012
7614. Analysis of the existing management system in Macedonian companies and the necessity of accepting the TQM philosophy2012
7615. Characterisation of heavy metals in lichen species Hypogymnia physodes and Evernia prunastri due to biomonitoring of air pollution in the vicinity of copper mine2012
7616. Advancing with Ceramic Biocomposites for Bone Graft Implants2012
7617. Treatment in patients with speech problems2012
7618. Pervasive alert system for fall detection based on mobile phones2012
7619. Evaluation of the knowledge of the personnel included in control of the intrahospital infections as an indicator for training and education2012
7620. Влијанието на ХБО терапијата врз брзината на заздравувањето на раните кај пациенти со дијабетично стапало2012
7621. Heroin Dependence Duration Influences the Metabolic Parameters Mechanisms and Consequences of Impaired Insulin Sensitivity in Hepatitis C Virus Seronegative Heroin Dependents2012
7622. Rural tourism development zones: the case of Macedonia2012
7623. Tourism recommendation system: empirical investigation2012
7624. Vascular pathways of human deciduous dental pulp2012
7625. Зошто децата поминуваат помалку време во природната средина?2012
7626. Kако и зошто да се вклучи еколошкото воспитување на часови по англиски јазик како втор странски јазик?2012
7627. Влијанието на видот на работна средина врз времето за изработка на хоризонтални рударски простории2012
7628. Functional dependency of the expenditure for the construction of horizontal mining facilities2012
7629. Cenozoic structures and polymetallic mineralizations in the central part of the Serbo-Macedonian massif2012
7630. Racin’s Spirit in Blaze Koneski’s Verses 2012
7631. Methodology for designing an educational subsystem as a poll from the house of quality in Macedonian companies2012
7632. The need for planning and implementing educational activities in Macedonian companies2012
7633. Proposal methodology of the subsystem - internal standardization as part of TQM system2012
7634. Печатарството и издаваштвото во Битола2012
7635. Психолого-педагогические выгоды от повторного соединения мира ребенка с природой2012
7636. Les tropes dans la langue juridique et leur traduction du français en macédonien et vice versa 2012
7637. Interview with Jonathan Evan Zohar, project manager at Euroclio2012
7638. Примена на електронските медиуми во туристичката промоција2012
7639. Impact of economic determinants on the production of new works of art music2012
7640. Analysing Customer Profiles using Data Mining Techniques 2012
7641. Потекло и адаптација на турскиот суфикс -ли /-Lİ/ (-lı, -li, -lu, -lü) во македонскиот јазик (Origin and Adaptation of the Turkish Suffix -li in the Macedonian Language)2012
7642. Посвојувањето на деца – меѓу материјалното и емоциите2012
7643. Како и зошто да се вклучи еколошкото воспитување на часови по англиски јазик како втор странски јазик?2012
7644. Дилеми по прашањето дали работното и политехничкото воспитание претставуваат наставен предмет или принцип2012
7645. Литературните јазици во современ контекст /Standard languages in contemporary context2012
7646. Marketing and SMEs: Can an Organization of Any Size Use Marketing Plans? 2012
7647. Компетенции на наставникот менаџер2012
7648. Managing changens in schools2012
7649. Why should literature be used in the language classroom?2012
7650. Association of Subclinical hypothyroidism with clinical symptomatology2012
7651. Completed legal structure basis for responsible working of the state administration (paper of a case Republic of Macedonia)2012
7652. Shaping the Future of Transatlantic Civil Security Education2012
7653. Economic analysis of the investments for clean production in TPP2012
7654. Noise Dispersion Modelling in Small Urban Areas with CUSTIC 3.2 Software2012
7655. Multiculturalism in the educational system of the Republic of Macedonia 2012
7656. The business perspective of cloud computing for small and medium enterprises2012
7657. Hybrid cloud computing model and its mid market utilization2012
7658. Implementation of Proper Hand Hygiene among Microbiological Laboratory Workers Respectively to WHO Guidelines2012
7659. The effect of a small dose of ketamine on postoperative analgesia and cytokine changes after laparoscopic cholecystectomy2012
7660. Съвременни тенденции в предучилищното възпитание в Република Македония-за някои наши опити 2012
7661. Adaptive E-learning System in Secondary Education 2012
7662. Васпитно дејство бајке код деце предшколког и школског узраста2012
7663. Турско-македонски книжевни преводи2012
7664. Турско-македонски книжевни преводи2012
7665. Теории образования2012
7666. Gas emission from thermal power plants in Macedona2012
7667. A general overview of the healthcare system in the Republic of Macedonia: health indicators, organization of healthcare system and its challenges2012
7668. Makedonya Türk Hikayelerinde Çocukların Sosyaleşmesi 2012
7669. Atatürk’ün Çocuk Sevgisi2012
7670. За една нова концепциска платформа на наставата во насока на зголемена ефикасност и продуктивност2012
7671. The Winery of the Late Antique City of Bargala2012
7672. Care for the stability of the euro in resolving the debt crisis in the Eurozone2012
7673. Exchange rate of the denar in an export oriented development strategy2012
7674. Тесната поврзаност на преводот и вистинатa 2012
7675. Crisis and critique of school system in 20-th century (Historical perspective) 2012
7676. Mining drainage treatment from the horizon 830 in mine Sasa by simulation anaerobic wetland2012
7677. Sanidine twins from Zvegor, Republic of Macedonia2012
7678. Presence of Plum Pox virus in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7679. Stress state in the process of deep drawing of sheet metal cover as a part of a clutch cover for commercial motor vehicles2012
7680. Production of complex parts by deep drawing - deformation analysis2012
7681. Kvintet za oboa i gudaci od Artur Blis - Analiza i interpretaciski problemi2012
7682. Inequity as a cause of financial and debt crisis2012
7683. Lieblingsgetränk der Deutschen von der Vergangenheit bis heute2012
7684. Управување со заштитата на животната средина -правно-аналитички аспекти на законот за животна средина2012
7685. Динамика на репродуктивниот развој каj меката пченица во различни системи на производство2012
7686. Prevention of white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment2012
7687. Концептот на општествена одговорност на претпријатијата2012
7688. Загадување на подземните води2012
7689. Mineralogical investigation of enclaves present in calc-silicate rocks from Novo Selo-Kriva Lakavica, Eastern Macedonia2012
7690. Влијанието на медиумите врз интересот за тргување со хартии од вредност2012
7691. Teacher Competences between Yesterday and Tomorrow-Macedonian Case Study2012
7692. Map of quasicomponents induced by a shape morphism2012
7693. Книжевните дела како средство и медиум за развивање позитивни морални вредности кај младите 2012
7694. Македонската јавна дипломатија и нејзините основни предности и слабости2012
7695. Some chemical and microbiological characteristics of modified atmosphere vacuum - packaged beef meat2012
7696. Sustainable development of green areas the city of Skopje, R. Macedonia2012
7697. Influence of park Mogila, city of Prilep - a tool for sustainable development of tourism2012
7698. Analysis of the composition and decorative monumental sculpture in the park "Mogila" – Prilep2012
7699. The presence of a common link between artistic expression and garden. Compositional solution botanical garden Strumica2012
7700. Creating a database for the dendrarium using remote sensing and GIS technologies – examples of experimental forest department “Petrohan”, R. Bulgaria2012
7701. Aesthetic evaluation of forest landscapes within the training and experimental forest range (TEFR) Yundola, R. Bulgaria2012
7702. Песнички свет Елене Пренџове2012
7703. Успешна естетско-драмска приказна (Славчо Ковилоски, Крале Марко (или Синот на Волкашин), монодрама, Современост, Скопје, Општина Прилеп, 2010)2012
7704. Александар III Македонски во македонскиот книжевен 20 век2012
7705. Рударството - перспективи, показатели и плати2012
7706. Stilbene levels and antioxidant activity of Vranec and Merlot wines from Macedonia: effect of variety and enological practices2012
7707. Defining the optimal bandwidth in bridge power converters2012
7708. За расказноста во лирски контекст (Кон „Ѓулабии“ на Станко Враз)2012
7709. Нов македонистички труд на Калоѓера(Goran Kalogjera, Makedonsko devetnaesto stoljeće, Zajednica Makedonaca u Republici Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, 2011) 2012
7710. Романескна мозаична композиција (Славчо Ковилоски, Синот на кралот, Современост, Скопје, 2011) 2012
7711. Ликот на Александар Македонски во македонскиот роман од 20 век2012
7712. Зеолити и нивна употреба2012
7713. Деконструкции и рефлексии (Елена Пренџова, Пораки од морето, Дом на културата „Кочо Рацин“, Скопје, 2011) 2012
7714. Светото тројство на татковината2012
7715. Заштита на подземни води2012
7716. Тематско-мотивската структура на македонските фолклорни дела за Александар Македонски2012
7717. Геолошки методи на истражување - Шлиховска проспекција2012
7718. Quality function and the effective manager2012
7719. Electromagnetic fields calculation at single phase shaded pole motor2012
7720. За поимот „лице„ во прагматиката (On the notion of "face" in pragmatics)2012
7721. Maxillary Follicular Cyst with Mesiodens–case Report2012
7722. The Influence of the Tailing Dump and Flotation Hydro - Tailing over the Environment in the Domestic Copper Mine2012
7723. The treatment of Medical Waste – technologies, location and origin2012
7724. The recent trends and perspectives for final refusing of the hazardous waste in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7725. The solid municipal waste recycling as the origin of the renewable source2012
7726. Logwin AG as an example for successful transport logistics 2012
7727. Application of the multimedia for web page 2012
7728. The recent trends and perspectives of leaching or bioleaching from nickel oxidized ores2012
7729. The recovery of the biomass waste for industrial pellets by recycling 2012
7730. Блаже Конески и неговиот однос кон турцизмите во современиот македонски јазик2012
7731. Eвалуација на некои генотипови oд црешовиден домат и одредување на нивната способност за микропропагација во in vitro услови2012
7732. Die Bedeutung der Werke von Blaze Koneski für die Entwicklung der interkulturellen Relationen deutsch-mazedonisch (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Buches “A historical phonology of the Macedonian language“) 2012
7733. Александар III Македонски во современата македонска книжевност2012
7734. Ликот на Александар III Македонски во средновековната „Александрида“2012
7735. Studies on zeolite contribution to the sun protection properties of plant oil lotion rich in vitamin E2012
7736. Transport corridors: challenges and constraints for economic development2012
7737. Optimization of work of the excavator bucket wheel in exploitation of coal in the function of minimizing moving costs2012
7738. Using the AHP methodology to evaluate strategic investment alternatives of new paradigms in information technology2012
7739. Agricultural English:"English Plant names and their Romanian counterparts".2012
7740. Concentration of trace elements in some coals from Republic of Macedonia, with emphasis on the potentially hazardous2012
7741. Agricultural English:"English Plant names and their German counterparts".2012
7742. Motives for Socialization, Sociability and other Positive Characteristics in Children's Stories2012
7743. Определување на тешки и токсични метали во водите од градскиот водовод во Штип со примена на методата на ICP - AES2012
7744. Motives for sociabiliti and other positive charakteristics in children's stories2012
7745. Preliminary investigations into the mineralogy and potential uses of the stilbite rich tuffs from Kratovo–Zletovo volcanic area, Republic of Macedonia2012
7746. On the Macedonian equivalency of English plant idioms2012
7747. Примена на електронската микроанализа на примероци од културното наследство2012
7748. Mineralogy and the fluid inclusion data of the Bonče tourmaline-bearing pegmatite, the Selečka Mts., Republic of Macedonia2012
7749. Geology and mineralogy of allchar Sb - As - Ti - Au deposit2012
7750. Structural research on dolomite marbles in Belovodica mine from the aspects of marble exploitation2012
7751. Кризата – извор на претприемнички можности: адаптација на (маркетинг) стратегијата кон новите пазарни услови2012
7752. Simple sufficient conditions for bounded turning2012
7753. Sacral architecture in the city of Bargala from the IV century to the end of the first decade of VII century2012
7754. HRM in public administration (Case study: Effects of the Public Administration Reform in the Republic of Macedonia) 2012
7755. Од семантиката на фати и фатален / Lexemes fati and fatalen - semantic analysis2012
7756. Потекло и адаптација на турскиот суфикс -џи/-чи(-cı, -ci, -cu, -cü, -çı, -çi, -çu, -çü)во македонскиот јазик (Origin and Adaptation of the Turkish Suffix -џи/-чи (-cı, -ci, -cu, -cü, -çı, -çi, -çu, -çü) in the Macedonian Language)2012
7757. Потекло и адаптација на турскиот суфикс -џи/-чи(-cı, -ci, -cu, -cü, -çı, -çi, -çu, -çü)во македонскиот јазик (Origin and Adaptation of the Turkish Suffix -џи/-чи (-cı, -ci, -cu, -cü, -çı, -çi, -çu, -çü) in the Macedonian Language)2012
7758. Resistance testing analysis of stator winding for prophylastic tracking of large turbogenerators2012
7759. Сто и предизвиците за финансирање на меѓународната трговија2012
7760. Геоелектричен модел на Кочанската депресија2012
7761. Can the implementation of the EU 2020 strategy assure sustainable growth in global crisis period? 2012
7762. Nâzım Hikmet’in Hayatı ve Şiirleri (Nazim Hikmet`s Life and Poetry2012
7763. New Materials for Production of Advanced Pneumatic and Hydraulic Valves2012
7764. Towards a Patient-Centered Collaborative Health Care System Model2012
7765. Collaborative Augmented Reality (AR) Mobile Phone Game for Co-located Players2012
7766. MRI Based Visualization and Evaluation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome2012
7767. Software platform for visualization and evaluation of carpal tunnel syndrome2012
7768. Providing Collaborative Algorithms Support for Personal Health Care2012
7769. A simple chemical method for deposition of electrochromic potassium manganese oxide hydrate thin films2012
7770. Influence of the number of the clutch engagement on the wearing of friction linings of clutches for motor vehicles2012
7771. Profession of landscape architects – situation in the Republic of Macedonia and some neighboring countries2012
7772. Optimization of diaphragme springs for clutches motor vehicles clutches2012
7773. Asymmetry of nonlinear soil strains during soil-structure interaction excited by SH pulse2012
7774. Ема Бовари или: за ликотворечката функција на детаљот2012
7775. „Вербалниот детаљ во ’Пиреј’ (За женскиот стенограматски говор)“2012
7776. Полска семантичка синтакса / The Polish School of Semantic Syntax2012
7777. Design and Evaluation of a Cell Phone Pointing Interface for Interaction with Large Projector based Displays2012
7778. Design and Evaluation of Cell Phone Pointing Interface for Robot Control2012
7779. Nazim Hikmet`s life and poetry2012
7780. Лексичка компетенција2012
7781. Ментален лексикон2012
7782. Информатичката технологија, стиловите на учење и видовите на интелигенција2012
7783. A contrastive analysis in the meaning of the linguistic units in the contemporary German and Macedonian language2012
7784. Бугарски сведоштва за обидот на Ванчо Михајлов да ја отцепи Пиринска Македонија од Бугарија2012
7785. Фискалната политика во функција на заштита на животната средина 2012
7786. Съвременни тенденции в предучилищното възпитание в Република Македония-за някои наши опити- 2012
7787. Constitutional and legal base for sustainable development in Macedonia2012
7788. Managing investment conditions: The case of Macedonia2012
7789. FDI’s Attracting - the Case of the Republic of Macedonia - 2012
7790. Осврт на проектот „Спас на Дојранското Езеро”2012
7791. Enforcement and compliance of environmental legislation in water sector in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7792. Policies coordination in public administration in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7793. Legal Aspects of Environment Policies in the Republic of Macedonia 2012
7794. How does reading affect reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary knowledge?2012
7795. Learner motivation and interest2012
7796. Cultural objects in Shtip since the time of the visit of Evliya Celebi2012
7797. Intercultural Comunication in Modern Society2012
7798. Геохемија на стрим седиментите и нивна примена во проспекцијата на наоѓалишта во Р. Македонија2012
7799. Биостратиграфија на Овчеполскиот Пелагониски басен, Р. Македонија2012
7800. Хидрогеолошки карактеристики на субартескиот водоносник во селото Крушеани – Прилеп2012
7801. CEFTA 2006 – Effects, challenges and opportunities2012
7802. Fluid inclusions study in the quartz from the Zletovo Mine2012
7803. Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au-Ag-deposits of the northeast of Russia, comparison with similar deposits of the R. Macedonia segment of the Tethys Belt2012
7804. Hydrogen isotopic study of the Borović mineralized system, Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area2012
7805. Hydrogen isotopic study of the Borović mineralized system, Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area2012
7806. Effect of winemaking treatment and wine aging on phenolic content in Vranec wines2012
7807. Effect of winemaking treatment and wine aging on phenolic content in Vranec wines2012
7808. Инженерскогеолошка класификација на неврзаните карпи од околината на Охридското езеро2012
7809. Размислувања за висината на општата стапка на данокот на додадена вредност2012
7810. Практични идеи за предавање (начини како да се добие „feedback“ - повратна информација од студентите) 2012
7811. Персонализацијата во наставата по странски јазик не е само наука, туку и уметност2012
7812. Модалните честички во германскиот јазик и нивните преводни еквиваленти во македонскиот јазик 2012
7813. A Contrastive Analysis in the Meaning of the Linguistic Units in the Contemporary German and Macedonian Language. Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 46, 1198-12022012
7814. Стокообменъш между Р.Македония и Р.България2012
7815. Moisture Retention Characteristics in the Vertisols of the Stip, Probistip and Sv. Nikole Region2012
7816. Udder quarter risk factors associated with prevalence of bovine clinical mastitis2012
7817. Evaluation of hygiene practices in meat processing plants2012
7818. Minimal Residual Disease as a Predictive Factor for Relapse after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant in Adult Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First and Second Complete Remission2012
7819. Geology - Ekonomic evaluation and transition in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7820. The investigation drilling in function of evaluation on the deposit for architectural construction stone2012
7821. Marketing knowledge and strategy for SMEs: Can they live without it?2012
7822. Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analyses of a Wolbachia-Free Filarial Parasite Provide Evidence of Trans-Kingdom Horizontal Gene Transfer2012
7823. The genome of a blood fluke associated with human cancer 2012
7824. Effects of doxycycline on gene expression in Wolbachia and Brugia malayi adult female worms in vivo2012
7825. Transcription profiling reveals stage- and function-dependent expression patterns in the filarial nematode Brugia malayi2012
7826. Exploring metazoan evolution through dynamic and holistic changes in protein families and domains 2012
7827. Optimizing read mapping to reference genomes to determine composition and species prevalence in microbial communities. 2012
7828. Spiritual islamic Music Tradition in The Balkans at The Time of The Ottoman State2012
7829. Economic cost-effectiveness of the implementation of the quality standard ISO 9001 in the health sector2012
7830. Стандардизација на квалитетот на услугите и важноста на ISO 9001 во фармацевтскиот сектор2012
7831. Poly(lactic acid) /kenaf fiber composites: effect of microfibrillated cellulose on interface-sensitive properties2012
7832. Waste treatment from polymer composite materials2012
7833. Dedicated to the use of literature forms in the English language schoolbooks2012
7834. Области на имплементација на јавното приватно партнерство во Р. Македонија2012
7835. Validation of a Method for Analysis of Aroma Compounds in Red Wine using Liquid–Liquid Extraction and GC–MS2012
7836. Role of technology as a basis of cleaner production2012
7837. Sustainable technologies as a basis of cleaner production2012
7838. Environmental issues in materials science and engineering2012
7839. Research of thermo-physiological comfort of single jersey knitted structures with method of thermo-vision analysis2012
7840. Research of parents’ attitudes concerning cooperation with primary school in relation to their socio-demographic characteristics2012
7841. Causal relationship between wages and prices in UK: VECM analysis and Granger causality testing2012
7842. New Keynesian Macroeconomics: Empirically Tested in the Case of Republic of Macedonia2012
7843. Feldstein-Horioka puzzle for a panel of 14 CEE countries: Empirical evidence2012
7844. Metabolic Reconstruction for Metagenomic Data and Its Application to the Human Microbiome 2012
7845. Regional models of the geophysical fields in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7846. A framework for human microbiome research 2012
7847. Наоѓалишта на вулкански туфови и бречи2012
7848. Micropropagation of Potato Solanum tuberosum L.2012
7849. The Macedonian economy in the process of globalization2012
7850. Conditions and perspectives of the electronic commerce in Republic of Macedonia2012
7851. l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate influence on age- and heat exposure-dependent peroxidation in rat's liver and kidney2012
7852. Globalization and developing countries2012
7853. Улогата и значењето на инвестициското банкарство во финансиската индустрија2012
7854. Globalization, growth, and poverty2012
7855. The role of operational risk in the riskmanagement function2012
7856. Traffic sources for travel related web sites in Albania2012
7857. The aspects and activities of international banking2012
7858. l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate influence on age- and heat exposure-dependent peroxidation in rat's liver and kidney2012
7859. Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome 2012
7860. Socio- economic inequalities at the health of groups with various socio-economic status2012
7861. NATO in planning process of modern operations and recommendations to the R. Macedonia as its actor2012
7862. Досегашни сознанија за мерењето на музичките искуства2012
7863. Параметри за составување тестови за мерење на музички постигнувања2012
7864. Organized treatment of chronic pain in the first multidisciplinary pain center in Kocani-Macedonia2012
7865. Логички шпедитерски оператор како перспектива на класичниот шпедитер2012
7866. Application of spinal and anesthezia for inguinal hernia repair compared patient satisfaction at the Clinical Center in Stip2012
7867. EU financial assistance to Western Balkan Countries with special focus on Albania2012
7868. Со екперти против експерти - одбрана од сајбер закани2012
7869. Homegrown terrorism – new challenge for the security sector of the Republic of Macedonia2012
7870. Nerve fibers in human deciduous dental pulp2012
7871. Annual and seasonal variations of indoor radon concentration in Skopje (Republic of Macedonia)2012
7872. Diagnostics of Anodic Stripping Mechanisms under Square-Wave Voltammetry Conditions Using Bismuth Film Substrates2012
7873. ROS and SOCE: recent advances and controversies in the regulation of STIM and Orai2012
7874. ORAI1 Ca2+ Channels Control Endothelin-1-Induced Mitogenesis and Melanogenesis in Primary Human Melanocytes2012
7875. Insurgency and its mutable nature in the 21 century2012
7876. Heavy metals in sediments along the River Zletovska in Eastern Macedonia 2012
7877. Can We See PIP3and Hydrogen Peroxide with a Single Probe?2012
7878. Packing the products from the ecological point of view 2012
7879. Геохемиски карактеристики на вина произведени во домашни услови во областа Тиквеш 2012
7880. Минералошки и хемиски карактеристики на керамичките глини од наоѓалиштето Градец, Виница, Р.Македонија 2012
7881. Qualitative coal features from deposit Negotino, R.Macedonia 2012
7882. The possibilities to use the travertine and onyx-Gulabova cave, Besiste village (western Macedonia) as an architectural stone 2012
7883. Фосилните горива како извор на енергија (резерви и ресурси) 2012
7884. The potential of the nonmetallic mineral resources in the Republic of Macedonia 2012
7885. The future - oriented solution designed for decentralized wasterwater treatment and reuse 2012
7886. Geochemical characteristics of the water from the geothermal system Zdravevci 2012
7887. Clinical and Epidemiological Features of Acute Corrosive Poisonings2012
7888. Changes of some humoral immunologic indicators an clinical manifestations cryoglobulinemia in heroin addicts2012
7889. Corrosive Poisonings in Adults2012
7890. Clinical and Epidemiological Features of Acute Corrosive Poisonings 2012
7891. Heroin dependence duration influences the metabolic parameters: mechanismus and consequences of impaired insulin sensitivity in hepatitis C virus seronegative heroin dependents 2012
7892. Heroin dependence duration influences the metabolic parameters: mechanismus and consequences of impaired insulin sensitivity in hepatitis C virus seronegative heroin dependents 2012
7893. Последиците од економската криза врз процесот на конвергенција и хармонизација на финансиското известување2012
7894. Значење на следењето на безбедноста на примената на лековите по нивното пуштање во продажба2012
7895. Geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements (REEs) in the paddy soil and rice (Oryza sativa L.) system of Kočani Field, Republic of Macedonia2012
7896. Традиционалната музичка практика во Република Македонија во услови на доминација на глобалната музичка култура, денес2012
7897. The Role of Music Education in Preserving Traditions in a Multiethnic Society 2012
7898. Marketing knowledge and strategy for SMEs: Can they live without it?2012
7899. Influence of social determinants in preference of public audience at music performances in the Republic of Macedonia2012
7900. Медиумите наспроти претпријатијата - Улога во креирањето на промотивната порака и медиа планот2012
7901. The Islamic Mystical Spiritual Music Tradition in the Era of New Musical Tendencies2012
7902. Предизвици и решенија на промовирање на производи за широка потрошувачка од аспект на малите и средни претпријатија во РМ2012
7903. Exchange of goods between Macedonia and Bulgary2012
7904. Knowledge Management for SMEs in the Knowledge-Based Economy2012
7905. Знаењето како најважен претприемачки ресурс 2012
7906. Geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements (REEs) in the paddy soil and rice (Oryza sativa L.) system of Kočani Field, Republic of Macedonia2012
7907. Applying of the Pseudoinverse Matrix in the Removal of Blur in Images2012
7908. Applying the Algorithm of Lagrange Multipliers in Digital Image Restoration2012
7909. Сравнителен теоретичен анализ на теориите от класическия подход и възможности за приложението им в съвременната бизнес практика2012
7910. Application of Non-Iterative Method in Image Deblurring2012
7911. Internal Audit in Banks in a Function of Risk Management2012
7912. Progressive Wavelet Correlation as a Tool for Recognition of the Images 2012
7913. Marketing Research of the Chocolate Market in Macedonia2012
7914. Раст на пазарот преку градење и предвидување на побарувачката: низ призмата на МСП 2012
7915. The instability of Euro zone and the threats of its collapse2012
7916. Interpersonal Communication - Condition for Successful Teaching2012
7917. IC: Intelligent Clustering, a new time efficient data partitioning methodology2012
7918. Implementation of National Qualification Framework for Higher Education in Republic of Macedonia 2012
7919. Designing descriptors of learning outcomes for Higher Education qualification 2012
7920. External audit and the relation between internal auditors,supervisory body and external auditors of the banking sextor in the Republic of Macedonia 2012
7921. Anther Culture of Pepper: Morphological Characteristics of Fruits of Androgenetic Pepper Lines (Capsicum Annuum L.)2012
7922. Pharmaceutical biotechnology in pharmacy education: USA pharmacy schools2012
7923. Reimbursed orphan medicines in Bulgaria and the share of biotechnology-derived products2012
7924. Осврт на лексичкиот фонд во „Граматиката на македонскиот литературен јазик“ од Б. Конески (Review of the lexical stock in the Grammar of the Macedonian literary language by B. Koneski)2012
7925. Impact of active female smoking on controlled ovarian stimulation in intracitoplasmic sperm insemination cycles 2012
7926. Дискурсниот маркер ама: прагматичка анализа на неговата употреба во говорните чинови на несогласување (The Discourse Marker "ама": pragmatic analysis of its use in the speech act of disagreement)2012
7927. Internal Audit in Banks in a Function of Risk Management2012
7928. Feldstein-Horioka puzzle for a panel of 14 CEE countries: Empirical evidence2012
7929. Financial reporting quality and investment efficiency2012
7930. Интерфејс менаџмент во фармакотерапијата2012
7931. Does shortening the training on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness guidelines reduce its effectiveness? A systematic review2012
7932. Towards European identity: The role of national historiografies in creation of Balkan myths 2012
7933. Примената на моделот на позитивна дисциплина-Фридрих Џонс во современото училиште 2012
7934. Мерки на одбрана на акционерските друштва од преземање контрола 2012
7935. Сравнителен теоретичен анализ на теориите от класическия подход и възможности за приложението им в съвременната бизнес практика2012
7936. Opportunities for cooperation between Macedonia and Bulgaria in the field of tourism as a tool against poverty2012
7937. Financial statements as "Business card" of business 2012
7938. Control and audit - tools for preventing economy frauds 2012
7939. Control and audit - tools for preventing economy frauds 2012
7940. Улогата и значењето на медиумите во промоцијата на производите–со посебен осврт на компанијата Витаминка АД, Прилеп2012
7941. Investigation of motivation and anxiety in Macedonia while learning English as a second/foreign language2012
7942. Мотивот на вештерките во македонската книжевност за деца и млади2012
7943. Резултати од истражувањето на процесот на колективното договарање во РМ во периодот 1990-2010 година (практична димензија), Правник, мај 20122012
7944. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM): Industrial Relations Profile2012
7945. The Role of Social Partners in Collective Agreements Negotiations in R.M.: The Period from 1990-ties to 20122012
7946. Концептот на нематеријална штета - правна регулатива и правни тенденции2012
7947. Heavy metal characteristics in Kočani Field plant system (Republic of Macedonia)2012
7948. Encircled reform of the public administration basis for responsible working (case study of the Republic of Macedonia) 2012
7949. Socially - optimal level of co-determination of labor and the European directive on workers' councils2012
7950. Microbial cellulases and their applications in textile processing2012
7951. Microbial Alpha-Amylases and their Industrial Applications: A Review2012
7952. Enzyme Scouring of Cotton Fabrics: A Review2012
7953. Protein film voltammetry: electrochemical enzymatic spectroscopy. A review on recent progress2012
7954. Enzyme Applications in Textile Preparatory Process: A Review2012
7955. Exchange rate volatility and trade: A Meta-Regression Analysis2012
7956. Electrochemical deposition of gold at liquid–liquid interfaces studied by thin organic film-modified electrodes2012
7957. Naselenieto i ekonomskiot rast, primerok so nadolžni podatoci od Balkanskite zemji2012
7958. International trade and Economic growth: cross-country evidence2012
7959. The effects of pectolytic enzyme treatments of Merlot red grape mashes on the microbiological quality of wines2012
7960. Lifelong learning and the need of designing and implementing an educational subsystem in Macedonian companies2012
7961. Free Access to Public Information - More Transparency, Less Corruption: The Case of Republic of Macedonia2012
7962. Разлики во современата меѓукултурна комуникација2012
7963. Теоријата за висококонтекстуалните и нискоконтекстуалните култури од Едвард Хол2012
7964. Indoor Exposure of Population to Radon in the FYR of Macedonia2012
7965. The Evolution of the Čanište Epidote-Bearing Pegmatite, Republic of Macedonia: Evidence from Mineralogical and Geochemical Features2012
7966. State of Geoscientific Research Within the Lorandite Experiment (LOREX)2012
7967. Geophysical aspects of the geotectonic processes in the Vardar zone and the Eastern Macedonian zone2012
7968. Fluid inclusions and K/Ar dating of the Allsvar Au-Sb-As-Tl mineral deposit, Macedonia2012
7969. Allchar Deposit in Republic of Macedonia-Petrology and Age Determination2012
7970. New Data on Mineralogy, Petrology and the Origin of Calc--Silicate Rocks from Novo Selo-Kriva Lakavica, Eastern Macedonia2012
7971. Relationship between methadone dose and sexyal dysfunction in methadone maintenance patients2012
7972. Сексуална функција кај машки хероински зависници поставени на метадонски третман на одржување2012
7973. Clinical implications of prolactine disfunction in men receiving methadone maintenance for opioide dependence2012
7974. Heroin dependence duration influences the metabolic parameters: mechanisms and consequences of impaired insulin sensitivity in hepatitis C virus seronegative heroin dependents.2012
7975. Heroin dependence duration influences the metabolic parameters: mechanisms and consequences of impaired insulin sensitivity in hepatitis C virus seronegative heroin dependents.2012
7976. Локалитетот „Стара Црква с.Довезенце - Кастел и културен простор“2012
7977. Криза на културата во Република Македонија?2012
7978. Theoretical aspects of several successive two-step redox mechanisms in protein-film cyclic staircase voltammetry2012
7979. Annual and seasonal variations of indoor radon concentration in Skopje (Republic of Macedonia)2012
7980. Правото на приватен живот и правото на заштита на лични податоци во Европското законодавство во судир со националната безбедност2012
7981. Evaluation of Measles Outbreak During 2010/2011 in Skopje, Macedonia2012
7982. Correlation of Serum Adiponectin and Leptin Concentrations with Anthropometric Parameters in Newborns2012
7983. Трката за профит ја заслепи грижата за клиентите2012
7984. Економијатана туризмот и нејзиното изучување на додипломските студии на Факултетите за туризам во Република Македонија2012
7985. Early neonatal death due to intracranial haemorrhage: Can be predicted? 2012
7986. Neonatal outcome following multi-risk pregnancy 2012
7987. Mogućnosti razvoja termalnog turizma u Republici Makedoniji2012
7988. Should There be Redesign or Reengineering of the Business Process in Macedonian Companies2012
7989. Association Between Self-Oriented Perfectionism, Levels of Positive and Negative Affect, and Test Performance in Test Situation2012
7990. Frequency and characteristics of pleural effusions in pulmonary embolism2012
7991. Association of GPX1 polymorphism, GPX activity and prostate cancer risk2012
7992. A Simple Isocratic RP-HPLC Method for Quality Control of Oseltamivir Capsules2012
7993. Карактеристики на термоминералната вода на бања „Кежовица“2012
7994. Стабилност на косини на површински копови2012
7995. Co-operative learning as a humanistic approach to the educational process 2012
7996. Функционална храна-тренд или неопходност?2012
7997. Менаџментот во одбраната и успешното владеење во демократиите2012
7998. Трансформација на армијата на Република Македонија2012
7999. Клаузевиц во светлоста на Современите военотеориски мисли 2012
8000. Mundësitë dhe nevojat mbrojtëse të Europës2012
8001. Globalizimi dhe terrorizmi2012
8002. Концепт на резервни сили на армијата на република македонија согласно новата структура (идеeн проект)2012
8003. Менаџментот во одбраната и успешното владеење во демократиите2012
8004. Менаџментот во одбраната и успешното владеење во демократиите2012
8005. Примена на научни методи во процесот на донесување воени одлуки2012
8006. Developing skills for critical thinking in the process of security problem solving2012
8007. Роля на околната среда при рехабиаитацията на хората с увреждания2012
8008. Народни прикзни за смртта и вечноста на фолклорната литература на Македонија и САД2012
8009. The Policy of the USA and EU towards the Disintegration of Yugoslavia2012
8010. Sensory and nutritive quality of fermented dry sausages produced in industrial conditions2012
8011. Can Automatic Thoughts ant Test Anxiety Explain School Success and Satisfaction in Adolescents2012
8012. Perfectionism, Levels of Positive and Negative Affect and Test Performance Following a Midterm Test in Development Psychology2012
8013. Analysis of Some Quasigroup Transformations as Boolean Functions 2012
8014. Assessment of the Genotoxicity of Heavy Metals in Phaseolus vulgaris L. as a Model Plant system by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis2012
8015. Законска забрана за конкурентското дејствување и договорна забрана на конкурентското дејствување2012
8016. Еволуција на ноксалната одговорност од римското право во одговорност за друг во современото македонско право 2012
8017. Agro-biological and technological characteristics of four Cabernet Franc (Visit vinifera L.) clones grown in Republic of Macedonia2012
8018. Плаќање на работата2012
8019. Atatürk’ün Çocuk Sevgisi2012
8020. Macedonian Students: Their Awareness of EU Studies and a Sense of Belonging to EHEA2012
8021. Aspects of Communication Management in the Global World2012
8022. Невербалната комуникација како транскултурна категорија2012
8023. Портфолио анализа – алатка за диверзификација на ризикот при инвестирањето2012
8024. Simple criteria for bounded turning of an analytic function2012
8025. Личноста на претприемачот2012
8026. Кредитна политика и стратегија на портфолиото на кредитни пласмани на банките2012
8027. Основи на каматата - детерминанти и предвидување2012
8028. Primena savremenih nastavnih sredstava u muzičkoj nastavi2012
8029. О македонској црквеној музици2012
8030. Socioeconomic status in relation to BMI in Macedonian adolescents2012
8031. Some results on Colombeau product of distributions2012
8032. Eкономско планирање на туристичката побарувачка во Македонија2012
8033. Quality features of some oats genotypes cultivated in different systems of production 2012
8034. Видови на интерна ревизија на финансиското работење 2012
8035. A new, space-efficient local pairwise alignment methodology2012
8036. Nominal effective exchange rate neutrality: the case of Macedonia2012
8037. Раст на пазарот преку градење и предвидување на побарувачката: низ призмата на МСП 2012
8038. Marketing and SMEs: Can an Organization of Any Size Use Marketing Plans? 2012
8039. Медиумите наспроти претпријатијата - Улога во креирањето на промотивната порака и медиа планот2012
8040. Предизвици и решенија на промовирање на производи за широка потрошувачка од аспект на малите и средни претпријатија во РМ2012
8041. Marketing Research of the Chocolate Market in Macedonia2012
8042. Comparative analysis of present marketing strategy: David vs. Goliath in confectionery industry2012
8043. The Importance of Operational Risk 2012
8044. The impact of the information technology on the business sector development2012
8045. The structure of GDP-indicator for economic model for development of Macedonian economy2012
8046. Managing with the business performances through application of business intelligence2012
8047. Ostrich – yield and chemical composition2012
8048. За жанрот синфониета2012
8049. Договор за организирање на патување и општи услови за патување2012
8050. Римското воено право2012
8051. Услови и постапка за полноважност на брак според измените на Законот за семејство од 2010 година2012
8052. Use of Learning Media in Music Education2012
8053. Стоматопротетски третман кај повозрасната популација2012
8054. The Foreign Policy - Theoretical Overview2012
8055. Music and movement2012
8056. Влијание на применетиот терапевтски третман врз раниот клинички тек кај пациенти со акутен миокарден инфаркт со СТ-сегмент елевација од источниот регион на Република Македонија (прв дел)2012
8057. Емпириска анализа на детерминантите на економскиот раст и нивото на доходот во контекст на новата теорија на раст2012
8058. Нецаринскиот протекционизам во регионот Југоисточна Европа2012
8059. Representation of campylobacter spp. in meat and meat products imported intо R. Macedonia2012
8060. The effect of teaching methods on cognitive achievement, retention, and attitude among in biology studying2011
8061. How to use an active board in the classroom2011
8062. Cahit Külebi'nin Hayatı, Edebi Fikirleri ve Eserleri2011
8063. Злобната жена во македонските народни семејни песни и во македонската народна балада2011
8064. Децата на турската заедница и турското народно творештво во Република Македонија2011
8065. Комуникацијата, ученик - литературно дело - наставник, основа на современите пристапи во наставата по литература2011
8066. Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Machines using Finite Elements Method2011
8067. Јосиф Ковачев - ученик и учител2011
8068. Улогата и значењето на оркестарот на народни инструменти на македонската радио телевизија во одржувањето на сопствената музичка традиција2011
8069. Antibacterial activity of Ethyl Acetate extract from Sideritis montana L.Species2011
8070. Different simulation models based on parameter variation using method of genetic algorithms2011
8071. Model - Integral Methodology for Successful Designing and Implementing of TQM System in Macedonian Companies2011
8072. Necati Zekeriya'nın Şiirlerinde Çocuk Sevgisi 2011
8073. Статусот на лексемите со турски суфикси во македонскиот јазик денес 2011
8074. Pasture utilization in the East Planning Region in Republic of Macedonia and the necessity for determination of their grass composition2011
8075. New Learning Environments: Ecology of the Soul – An innovative approach to teaching ethics and culture2011
8076. The State of Table Grape Varieties in R. Macedonia2011
8077. Un prototipo di Gait Trainer2011
8078. Interaction between players of mobile phone game with augmented reality (AR) interface2011
8079. The Effect of Pectolytic Enzyme Treatments on Red Grapes Mash of Vranec on Grape Juice Yields2011
8080. Thickening methods in sludge processing2011
8081. The impact of reading on three aspects of word knowledge: spelling, meaning and collocation2011
8082. Професионалното развитие на възпитателите от детските градини в Република Македония - проблеми и перспективи - 2011
8083. Професионалното развитие на възпитателите от детските градини в Република Македония - проблеми и перспективи - 2011
8084. The impact of reading on three aspects of word knowledge: spelling, meaning and collocation2011
8085. Impact of economic crisis on the world economy in Bulgaria and Macedonia 2011
8086. Didactical principles in the teaching and education for human relations2011
8087. Multiculturalism, globalization and the implications on education 2011
8088. Contemporary modern industrial societies and the role of education2011
8089. Intellectual Capital - a New Form of Creating an Economic Competitiveness in a Global Economy2011
8090. Современите развојни процеси, образованието и вработувањето2011
8091. Современиот образовен менаџмент основа за успешно функционирање на образовните институции2011
8092. Финансови,инвестиционни и очетни проблеми на търговския бизнес2011
8093. Theory Keynes-modern exit from crisis-problems and solutions 2011
8094. International standard on auditing 800 the auditor`s report on special purpose audit engagements 2011
8095. Difference between DAS 28 and IAS 282011
8096. Местото и задачите на менаџментот во здравството2011
8097. Совладување на предизвиците поставени од реформските процеси2011
8098. Поетскиот палимпсест на Блаже Конески2011
8099. Ликот на Александар Македонски во македонската драма2011
8100. Книжевната интеркултурна и интердисциплинарна постколонијална критика2011
8101. Поскурникот како клуч за античката порта2011
8102. Македонските народни умотворби за Александар III Македонски2011
8103. Александар III Македонски во проектот „Веда Словена“ на Верковиќ и Гологанов2011
8104. Influence of Bioregulator Gibberellic Acid on Some Technological Characteristics of Cluster and Berry from Some Seedless Grape Varieties 2011
8105. Разграничување на поимите преведување и толкување 2011
8106. Експлицитно и имплицитно усвојување на странските јазици 2011
8107. Важноста на јазикот и на културата во системот на здравствена заштита 2011
8108. Supply Chain’s Performance Measurement System and Integrated Framework2011
8109. Модели на процесот на читање2011
8110. Crystal morphology of sanidine phenocrysts from Zvegor, Republic of Macedonia2011
8111. Importance of Planning in the Protection of the Environment2011
8112. First Appearance of White Mould on Sunflower Caused by Sclerotinia Minor in the Republic of Macedonia 2011
8113. Pepper Diseases in Balkan Region 2011
8114. Теорија на оптимизација и примена2011
8115. Factors that Influence on the Noise Propagation in the Environment2011
8116. Impact of the waste-water as an indicator for quality of water resources in Republic of Macedonia2011
8117. Водни ресурси на Република Македонија2011
8118. Uticaj pektolitičkog enzima na hemijski i polifenolni sastav i na senzorna svojstva vina Vranac2011
8119. The traditional buildings in Strumica region from the 19 th and the beginning of the 20th century2011
8120. Дизајнот како концепт, форма, теорија, наука, технолошки и еколошки процес2011
8121. Possibilities for Using Programing Packet Mathematica in Math Education2011
8122. Journey toward developing a drug for FSHD2011
8123. Inducible cassette exchange: a rapid and efficient system enabling conditional gene expression in embryonic stem and primary cells.2011
8124. Nitrogen economics of root foraging: Transitive closure of the nitrate–cytokinin relay and distinct systemic signaling for N supply vs. demand2011
8125. The Characteristics of some Macedonian Wheat Genotyps in Organic and Conventional Production2011
8126. Information-communication technologies in teaching (prerequisites and perspectives)2011
8127. Мотивираност на наставникот за самообразование и професионален развој2011
8128. Vrste saobraćajnih nesreća sa traktorima u Makedoniji2011
8129. Enhancing the Food Safety in the Tourism Sector - The Case of Macedonia 2011
8130. Класификација и насоки на развој на тракторите2011
8131. Economic Planning of Tourism Demand in Macedonia2011
8132. Reforms in the military education as part of the euro-atlantic integration processes2011
8133. Создавање и одржување на конкурентската предност на претпријатијата преку градење на маркетинг стратегија2011
8134. Колузии: Бертранд решение на теоремата на неразликување претставена од Коурнот Дуполот, големата Prisioner's Dilemma2011
8135. Quality of the Grain of Macedonian Wheat Genotype in Different Production Systems2011
8136. Contemporary teacher and core competences for lifelong learning2011
8137. Computer information technology in the function of permanent high quality informal education of the teachers2011
8138. Corporate Governance in Macedonia - Micro and Macro Analysis2011
8139. Governance and Enterprise Restructuring: The Case of Macedonia2011
8140. Сајбер криминал и заштита на дигиталните податоци во компјутерските мрежи2011
8141. An intelligence information system based on service-oriented architecture: A survey of security issues2011
8142. Wireless Network Behavior under ICMP Ping FloodDoS Attack and Mitigation Techniques2011
8143. Overview and Analysis of the Performances of ZigBee-based Wireless Sensor Networks2011
8144. Студиите на Лаура Салмон Коварски за превод на сопствените имиња и нивна примена во преводите од македонската книжевност на италијански јазик2011
8145. On the Possibility to Simultaneously Determine the Long-Term Average Fluxes of Solar pp-neutrinos and Cosmic Ray Muons. 2011
8146. За „Нумерологијата“ на неолибералистичкиот глобализам (сиромаштијатa - второ име на структурното насилство)2011
8147. Macedonian-Croatian intercultural relations in the novel "The Witch" by Venko Andonovski2011
8148. Air pollutants emission estimation from mining industry in Macedonia2011
8149. Методологија за избор на рударска откопна метода2011
8150. Разработка на класификациите на рударските откопни методи2011
8151. Процеси на читање2011
8152. Видови на наставни програми по странски јазици2011
8153. Tourism in the Global Development Strategy of Macedonia: Economic Perspectives2011
8154. Interpersonal and Cognitive Factors Associated with Adolescent Depressive Symptomatology2011
8155. Occurrence of potentially toxigenic Fusarium verticillioides and low fumonisin B1 content on barley grain in Bosnia and Herzegovina2011
8156. Accommodation Capacities in Macedonia as a Factor for Competitive Tourism Supply2011
8157. Monitoring deposition of anthropogenic introduced elements in air. Case study: Copper mine environ2011
8158. Model - Integral Methodology for Successful Designing and Implementing of TQM System in Macedonian Companies2011
8159. Radiologic-pathologic correlation of 100 consecutive biopsied soft tissue musculoskeletal lesions after multimodality imaging.2011
8160. Resuscitation after prolonged cardiac arrest: effects of cardiopulmonary bypass and sodium - hydrogen exchange inhibition on myocardial and neurological recovery2011
8161. Intramuscular cavernous hemangioma in the left soleus muscle: successful surgical treatment2011
8162. ECG-gated 64-MDCT angiography –Diagnosis of acute aortic dissection2011
8163. Expression of secretagogin in clear-cell renal cell carcinomas is associated with a high metastasis rate.2011
8164. Age related changes in pancreatic beta cells: A putative extra-cerebral site of Alzheimer’s pathology2011
8165. Surgical treatment of giant extracranial internal carotid artery aneurysm2011
8166. Correlation of heavy metals and theirs impact to epidemiological survey in the miners blood donors and other human population2011
8167. Determination of generated textile waste in clothing companies of different technological level2011
8168. Maximizing fusible interlinings bonding strength by optimizing the fusing conditions2011
8169. Методот тандем - алтернативен начин на учење на странските јазици2011
8170. Методот тандем - алтернативен начин на учење на странските јазици2011
8171. Early and recent debates on the role and efficiency of fiscal policy in stabilization of the economies2011
8172. Колку универзитетските наставници во Македонија се сметаат себе си за компетентни за вршење на високообразовна дејност?2011
8173. Толкувачки проблеми2011
8174. Production and consumption of meat in Republic of Macedonia2011
8175. The influence of foliar fertilizing with liquid organic fertilizers on beet yield growing in the Gevgelija area2011
8176. Multifunkcionalna poljoprivreda - osnova za razvoj ruralnog turizma2011
8177. Teen – Депресија2011
8178. Теоретски дискусии за учењето странски јазици2011
8179. Видови повеќезначност во македонскиот јазик2011
8180. Анализа на синтаксичката повеќезначност во толкувањето од германски на македонски јазик-Магистерски труд одбранет на 28.12.2010 на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“-Скопје2011
8181. „Степскиот волк“ од нобеловецот Херман Хесе, преведен на македонски јазик од Емилија Бојковска2011
8182. Young Brides, old treasures, Macedonian embroidered dress2011
8183. Tehniki i metodi pri etnokoreoloski istrazuvanja2011
8184. Корпоративно управување: улогатa на одборот на директори2011
8185. Investments consalting (Advisory)2011
8186. On the roads of natural and cultural heritage - the trail "The Little Two" - Zabrđe, Municipality of Dimitrovgrad, Serbia2011
8187. Experimental verification of a mathematical model of static characteristics of pilot operated pressure relief valves2011
8188. Интегрален модел за проектирање и имплементирање на TQM системот во компании2011
8189. Модел за оптимизација на деловниот процес по воведување тотален менаџмент на квалитет (TQM2011
8190. English common names of plant and their Romanian counterparts2011
8191. "English plant names containing animal names and their German counterparts"2011
8192. Emotional-wertender Wortschatz der deutschen und der makedonischen Gegenwartssprache 2011
8193. „Историска фонологија на македонскиот јазик“ на Блаже Конески како мост меѓу германската и македонската култура 2011
8194. Тенденција кон интернационализација на наставните програми во високото образование2011
8195. Терминолошки особености на македонските правни текстови и нивно преведување на француски јазик2011
8196. Preparation and characterization of CoeRu/TiO2/MWCNTs electrocatalysts in PEM hydrogen electrolyzer2011
8197. Нормата и македонската наука за јазикот2011
8198. Animal idioms in German and their Macedonian equivalents2011
8199. On the Romanian equivalency of plant idioms in English2011
8200. Estimation on the switching losses at IGBT bridges power converter2011
8201. Results of the Work of the Newly Constructed Machine for Plant Protection2011
8202. Operating and Economic Tests of Taking Test Probes of Grapes for Determination of Quality2011
8203. Strategy for the hydrogen transition2011
8204. Организираниот педагошки процес влијае на развојот на музикалноста и општиот развој на детето2011
8205. Pests on tomatoes caused by tomato leaf miner tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) in Strumica region2011
8206. Chemical, Microbiological and Sensory changes of musculus semimembranosus of pork stored at diferent temperatures2011
8207. Control of population number of tomato leaf miner tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) in the Strumica region2011
8208. Experimental verification of a mathematical model of static characteristics of pilot operated pressure relief valves2011
8209. Динамика на репродуктивниот развој кај меката пченица во различни системи на производството2011
8210. Варијабилност на некои квалитетини својства на семето кај пченицата2011
8211. Influence of the size of an hole derived in the initial material on the drawing workability of the cold-rolled metal sheets2011
8212. Influence of the placement of a previously derived ellipse shaped aperture in the starting material on the processing with drawing of the cold rolled sheet steels2011
8213. Опис за населеното место Мерово, етимолошко и јазично објаснување за ојконимот2011
8214. A note on predetermined earthquake damage scenarios for structural health monitoring2011
8215. Culture, Otherness and Literature2011
8216. Truncus arterious communis (TAC) associated with malformations of other organ systems2011
8217. Медицинска терминологија – вовед, основи и општо за јазикот во медицината 2011
8218. Aнглицизмите во наставата по германски јазик како странски јазик2011
8219. Важноста на јазикот и на културата во системот на здравствена заштита2011
8220. Осврт врз јазичното влијание во германскиот и македонскиот современ јазик2011
8221. Mathematical calculation of H – bridge IGBT power convertor2011
8222. Regulating of the output power at the resonant converter2011
8223. Estimation of minimal path vectors of multi state two terminal networks with cycles control2011
8224. Орално здравје за сите генерации2011
8225. Analysis of the regulation for exploration, exploitation and utilization of the geothermal water in the Republic of Macedonia2011
8226. GIS model of the basic geological map as a basis for Geodatabase of the Republic of Macedonia2011
8227. Modern Development Processes, Education and Employment2011
8228. Interculturalism and Multiculturalism as Dimensions of the Modern Educational System2011
8229. Modern educational management, a basis for successful functioning of educational institutions2011
8230. For some new Tendency in the Process of Evaluation in Teaching2011
8231. Educational institutions, communication with public and quality of the life2011
8232. The Upbringing Dimension of the Educational Institutions2011
8233. Social Changes, Education and Educational Policy2011
8234. The Profession – Teacher and the Modern Society2011
8235. Professional Retraining and Supplementary Education for Information Society2011
8236. Topological Concepts in Early Chilhood and Elemenrary School Education2011
8237. The Willingness of Teachers for Application of Computers in Primary School (I-V Grade)2011
8238. Information Technology and Learning Styles2011
8239. Ethical Problems in Pathology Practice2011
8240. Opportunities for upheaval in developing market securities in Macedonia2011
8241. Патот на денарот по прифаќање на еврото2011
8242. The Predicate-Argument Structures with Prepositional Phrases / Предлозите во предикатско аргументските структури на предикати од втор ред2011
8243. Application of Innovative Models in Teaching Methods For Nature and Society Studies and Students' Success2011
8244. The Method of Aesthetic Communication, a Basis for the Communication: Student - Literary Work – Teacher2011
8245. Do our schools need teachers – leaders2011
8246. The Need of Integration New E-Methods in the Learning of the Subject Musical Education in the Republic of Macedonia2011
8247. Systematic Teaching in Music Education2011
8248. Opinions for Teaching Subject Sport and Recreation Determined among Students From Seven Different Faculties at University “Goce Delcev” in Stip2011
8249. Distinguish the concepts of translation and interpretation2011
8250. Differences Among(Between) Male and Female Students at the University “Goce Delcev” in Stip, About There Opinions for Teaching Subject Sport and Recreation2011
8251. Forbidding discrimination (second part)2011
8252. Forbidding discrimination2011
8253. Evaluation of Some Cherry Tomato Genotypes and Determination of Their Ability for In Virto Micropropagation2011
8254. Development of green system in the city of Skopje, R. Macedonia according to bio-environmental elements2011
8255. Forecasting varieties for green system development in city of Skopje, R. Macedonia2011
8256. The quality of green areas and a comparison between environmental factors and the effectiveness of existing green areas of the city of Skopje, Macedonia2011
8257. Theory of mixture and classification of colors2011
8258. Concept of designing energy efficient residential building following the principles of passive house2011
8259. Геотермален потенцијал на кочанската котлина2011
8260. Different simulation models based on parameter variation using method of genetic algorithms2011
8261. Sensitivity and specificity of anti-cyclic citrullinate peptide antibody and IGM rheumatoid factor in serologic diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis2011
8262. Ehogenicity of thyroid gland on ultrasonography in primary hypothyroidism2011
8263. За феноменот на „тврдоглавоста“ („македонизмите“ во романот „Тврдоглави“ од Славко Јаневски)2011
8264. Поетската елоквенција на Прличев и Мажураниќ (Морфологија и семантика на два описни ентитета во „Сердарот“ и „Смртта на Смаил-ага Ченгиќ“) 2011
8265. Интервју со поетот кој не успеа да умре (Реквием за Гане Тодоровски, последниот великан на македонската култура) Една година од смртта на Гане Тодоровски (1929-2010) 2011
8266. Има ли ден?! …за нив…и за нас (За поезијата на Кочо Рацин и музиката на Тоше Проески) 2011
8267. Неподносливата „едноставност“ на таинственото (Кон ентитетите „тајна“ и „таинственост“ во расказите Ковчег и Реквием за Рубина Фаин од Славко Јаневски)2011
8268. National Centre for Research and Application of Renewable Energy Sources2011
8269. Distribution of the temperature and energy at induction heating of work piece copper2011
8270. Development of improved optimised motor models using optimisation and numerical tools in motor design2011
8271. Implementation of QMS and EMS in Tobacco Companies according to the Strategic Development of this Branch in EU2011
8272. The choice between preparation of elemental lead or lead powder from galena concentrates from FYROM mines 2011
8273. Technical solution for drainage carpet for tailing dump Toranica - Kriva Palanka, Macedonia2011
8274. Some hazardous appearances in flotation tailings dumps in domestic mines2011
8275. The producing of lead and elemental sulfur by new technologies from galenite ores 2011
8276. The choice between production of lead selective concentrate or recovery of lead and elemental sulphur from galenite domestic ores2011
8277. Computer presentation of equipments and devices by mathematical and software programmes methods2011
8278. The application of appropriate information systems in different processes2011
8279. The appropriate logistics and business informatics in local educational environment2011
8280. The focusing of influence from mining activities of Sasa mine, waste water for the animal and plant products downstream and upstream of the surrounding river 2011
8281. The comparison of segregation-flotation, leaching and bioleaching techniques for recovery nickel from low grade nickel bearing laterite2011
8282. Focus and challenge of national applied information systems in production processes or academy and accounting firms2011
8283. Information technology in logistics: advantages, challenges and opportunity for efficiency from problem decision in diferent activities2011
8284. Business informatics and appropriate logistics as a challenge for education or economy globalization in Macedonia2011
8285. Possible sources of water pollution from the catchment area of the Sasa mine2011
8286. Variability of some quality characteristics in wheat seed2011
8287. Blended Learning Approach in Higher Education2011
8288. The direction of international trade: participant and winners2011
8289. Implementation of the programmes for learning Macedonian as a foreign language at the Faculty of Philology, Stip - a step towards sucessfl multicultural education 2011
8290. Education and Culture2011
8291. Investigation of fly ash heavy metals content and physico chemical properties from thermal power plant, Republic of Macedonia2011
8292. Fractions and operation with fractions, using of interactive table2011
8293. Sоmе characteristics of the development of teachers’ education in the Republic of Macedonia (from School of Teachers' Education to Faculty of Education)2011
8294. Introduction of Basel III: Opportunities and Challenges2011
8295. Production of biogas from waste waters using pure cultures from the strain Methanosarcinabarkeri2011
8296. EEG spectrum gravity as a preliminary arousal indicator and neurofeedback parameter2011
8297. Changes in chemical composition of Musculus quadriceps femoris of beef kept at different temperatures2011
8298. Selecting and assessing a target firm for an international merger or acquisition2011
8299. New approach ion design of a internal overburden dump in Bucim open pit in function on minimal cost of transport2011
8300. Развојот на просветната дејност во Штип пред, за време и по Јосиф Ковачев2011
8301. Улогата на фискалната политика во текот на најголемата финансиската криза на XXI век2011
8302. Metoda prethodno procenjenih mogućih oštećenja od zemljotresa (PEDS) za sanaciju konstrukcija2011
8303. Object Recognition Based on Local Features Using Camera – Equipped Mobile Phone2011
8304. Marjan Jankoski - "Me inspirira zvukot na makedonskoto tlo" (TEA Moderna)2011
8305. Environmental protection as a factor for tourism development - nonfiscal goals of taxes2011
8306. The legal framework and its influence on the scope and the structure of the FDIs – the case of the R. of Macedonia2011
8307. The influence of the legislation on the FDIs the case of the R. of Macedonia in the period 2001-2010 2011
8308. Can reading authentic texts improve EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge? 2011
8309. Семејството како клучен фактор во работата на современото училиште2011
8310. Comparison of some parameters from the old and the new control system in mine Bucim2011
8311. The visit of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to an orthodox performance in Shtip in July 1909 2011
8312. The new approuche performance in maintenance of the mining mechanization in the Sasa mine2011
8313. Примена на претпроизводни тестови за испитување на квалитет на термопластични меѓупостави во конфекциската индустрија2011
8314. Регулација на комерцијалните банки:Осврт на регулацијата на комерцијалните банки во Република Македонија2011
8315. Identification of polyphenolic compounds in red and white grape varieties grown in R. Macedonia and changes of their content during ripening2011
8316. Polyphenolic content of Vranec wines produced by different vinification conditions2011
8317. Effect of the Winemaking Practices and Aging on Phenolic Content of Smederevka and Chardonnay Wines2011
8318. Rapid MALDI-TOF-MS Detection of Anthocyanins in Wine and Grape Using Different Matrices2011
8319. Discovering knowledge about synonyms from corpora2011
8320. Concentration of heavy metals in the environment around Zletovo mines 2011
8321. Ризик фактори за нарушена плодност кај високомлечните крави2011
8322. The possibilities of using the granodiorite of Kosovska river, village of Canishte (western Macedonia), as an architectural stone2011
8323. „Јасмин револуција“ – првата автентична револуција во арапскиот свет - Тунис2011
8324. Медицинска рехабилитация и ерготерапия при пациенти с цервикоартроза2011
8325. Кинезитерапия при хроничен болков синдром в лумбо-сакралната област2011
8326. Климент Охридски -првиот словенски просветител и уцител на македонскиот народ2011
8327. Анализа на ефектите на увозните квоти2011
8328. Stage-specific excretory/secretory small heat shock proteins from the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti: putative links to host's intestinal mucosal defense system2011
8329. HelmCoP: An Online Resource for Helminth Functional Genomics and Drug and Vaccine Targets Prioritization2011
8330. Cadmium concentration in the soils of the village Gujnovci2011
8331. Spatial distribution of K,Th and U elemental concentration in soils of the Republic of Macedonia 2011
8332. Results of measurements of soil activity, soil gas and indoor radon concentrations in Prilep and Skopje2011
8333. Life Cycle Stage-resolved Proteomic Analysis of the Excretome/Secretome from Strongyloides ratti—Identification of Stage-specific Proteases2011
8334. Македонската Хорска Традиција преку дејноста на диригентите Ивица Зориќ и Сашо Татарчевски2011
8335. Quantitative determination of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants using disinfection activity coefficient of solution2011
8336. Activity of antiseptic solutions in relation to their physicochemical properties2011
8337. Интерпрофесионално и тимско континуирано образование на здравствени работници2011
8338. Redox regulation of calcium ion channels: Chemical and physiological aspects2011
8339. Sustainable technology and alternative energy sources in the food industry2011
8340. Sustainable development of gree solvent separation process2011
8341. Sustainable development in materials engineering2011
8342. Industrial symbiosis and eco-industrial networks2011
8343. Students Engagement in Ecological Activities in Schools2011
8344. Resin content and molding pressure influence on ballistic properties and trauma effect of aromatic amide fibers composites2011
8345. Ballistic properties of polyethylene composites based on bidirectional and unidirectional fibers2011
8346. Analysis the factors that determine dynamic of Macedonian economy (models of new theory of growth)2011
8347. Неокласична теорија на егзоген раст (модел на Solow и Swan) 2011
8348. Labor market and natural rate of unemployment in US and Canadian time series analysis2011
8349. Targeting Protein-Protein Interactions for Parasite Control 2011
8350. Deep small RNA sequencing from the nematode Ascaris reveals conservation, functional diversification, and novel developmental profiles2011
8351. A vertebrate case study of the quality of assemblies derived from next-generation sequences2011
8352. Characteristics of Portfolio Under Risk2011
8353. Using of textile waste for production of composite materials2011
8354. Thermal characterization of the composites based on poly(lactic acid) 2011
8355. RNAi Effector Diversity in Nematodes 2011
8356. Transcriptome Analysis of Female and Male Xiphophorus maculatus Jp 163 A2011
8357. Приложение на манипулативен масаж, ставно-мопбилизационни и мускулно инхибиторни техники след руптура на ахилесовото сухожилие2011
8358. Gender-associated genes in filarial nematodes are important for reproduction and potential intervention targets 2011
8359. Export and GDP - the case of Macedonia2011
8360. Marketing strategy – foundation for SMEs development on Macedonian consumer market of confectionery products2011
8361. Влијанието на надградбите на алгоритмот на пребарувачот Google врз онлајн бизнисите2011
8362. Channels of distribution and their impact on the value-chain strategy2011
8363. Формирање на цена во фазата на воведување од животниот циклус на производите2011
8364. Decreased Proliferation Kinetics of Mouse Myoblasts Overexpressing FRG12011
8365. Functional Myogenic Engraftment from Mouse iPS Cells2011
8366. Production of new eco-materials based on poly (lactic acid) and natural fibers2011
8367. Calculation of carbon footprinting – making the invisible visible2011
8368. Design of protective clothes2011
8369. The draft genome of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis 2011
8370. The draft genome of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis 2011
8371. Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes 2011
8372. Trend analysis in assesment and prediction of slope stability in open coal mines2011
8373. Enhancing technical vocabulary knowledge in ESP courses 2011
8374. Пари се бројат колективно2011
8375. Компаративна анализа на безбедносната соработка во Европа и во Пацифик-Азија2011
8376. Заболување на венскиот систем2011
8377. The use of venostasis test for evaluation of the fibrinolytic capacity in the perioperative oral surgical period2011
8378. Брсјачката буна од 1881 година2011
8379. Разловечкото востание од 1876 година2011
8380. Карпошевото востание од 1689 година2011
8381. Колузии:Бертранд решение на теоремата на неразликување претставена од Коурноут дуополот2011
8382. Чекор пред непријателот - обезбедување и заштита на ВИП личности2011
8383. Democracy as a mechanism in prevention of asymmetrical security threats 2011
8384. Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Risk to Carotid Atherosclerosis 2011
8385. „Најчести проблеми при изучувањето на македонскиот јазик како странски“2011
8386. Catalytic mechanism in successive two-step protein-film voltammetry—Theoretical study in square-wave voltammetry2011
8387. Планирање на трошоци за истражување и развој2011
8388. Музичките ансамбли - форми за културна комуникација меѓу младите2011
8389. Методи за сузбивање на модерниот тероризам2011
8390. Importance of planing in the protection on the environment 2011
8391. Evaluation of circulating immune complexes and antiphospholipid antibodies ( anti beta 2 glycoprotein 1) in heroin addicts and their clinical significance 2011
8392. The role of urgent esophagogastoduodenoscopy in prognosis of acute caustic poisonings 2011
8393. Program of the University Clinic of Toxicology, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in Treatment of Drug Addiction (Buprenorfin Treatment Protocol)2011
8394. Evaluation of circulating immune complexes and antiphospholipid antibodies (anti beta 2 glycoprotein 1) in heroin addicts and their clinical significance2011
8395. Plasma apo/lipoproteins distrubamces as a precondition,for metabolic syndrome in HCV seronegative herion addicts 2011
8396. Nutritional Therapy in Adult Patients with Post-corrosive Injuries of GastrointestinalTract2011
8397. Нови трендови во музичката култура кај младата популација во Скопје, Република Македонија2011
8398. The need for integration of modern e-methods in studying of the subject Musical education in Republic of Macedonia2011
8399. Особеностите на народните музички инструменти во делото Трета Симфонија- „Рустика“, оп. 58, за симфониски оркестар, на композиторот В. Николовски2011
8400. Marketing strategy - a strong base for tourism growth and development: A Case study analysis – Republic of Macedonia2011
8401. Формирање на цена на производ во фазата на воведување од животниот циклус 2011
8402. Видови на превод2011
8403. Teaching in the religious education in the Republic of Macedonia today2011
8404. Учење со помош на компјутерски игри2011
8405. Зависност на децата од Интернет2011
8406. Some Physiological Characteristics of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) produced In vitro 2011
8407. Calcium binding and transport-A novel function of Coenzyme Q2011
8408. Differences in strength performances between groups of 7-year-old male Macedonian students with different levels of explosive strength abilities2011
8409. Creating a competitive marketing strategy for B2C businesses through market research: analysis of the chocolate market in Macedonia2011
8410. Comparative analysis of factors from marketing and legal perspective and policies that affect SMEs in Macedonia and EU2011
8411. Understanding the influence of international economics and promoting the developing countries as the new “Robin Hood” of FDI - an international marketing perspective2011
8412. hsCRP and all cause mortality in hemodialysed patients2011
8413. Светскaта економска криза и нејзиното влијание на пазарот на капитал согледано преку инвестициските фондови2011
8414. Effects of formulation variables on viability of L. casei loaded in whey protein-Ca alginate microparticles in simulated in vivo conditions2011
8415. Students’ attitudes at the Faculty of Education –Stip towards the model quality for practical qualification of the students/potential teachers 2011
8416. Pharmacy practice in the Republic of Macedonia2011
8417. Акредитивот како средство за плаќање во меѓународниот промет 2011
8418. Influence of fibrinogenic paste application and antibiotic administration on pilonidal sinus surgery2011
8419. An attempt of integration of teaching contents of the subjects ecological education and English as a foreign language2011
8420. Евалуација и реконструкција2011
8421. Solving the problem of waste2011
8422. Главни цели и приоритети на ИПАРД програмата во Република Македонија2011
8423. “Expectations gap" – current phenomenon in the contemporary auditing profession2011
8424. Accounting as a control system2011
8425. Правен режим на системот на платите со посебен осврт на минималната/најниската плата2011
8426. Правен режим на системот на платите со посебен осврт на минималната/најниската плата2011
8427. Analaysis and observations from the rivision of the state budget of the Republic of Macedonia in the last 5 years2011
8428. Capari village - New rural tourism offer the municipality of Bitola 2011
8429. Geochemical Study of the Mineralized System Bukovik–Kadiica, Eastern Macedonia2011
8430. The Role of Media in Linguistic Upbringing and Education2011
8431. Geochemical investigation of Sasa tailings dam material and its influence on the Lake Kalimanci surficial sediments (Republic of Macedonia) – preliminary study2011
8432. Eкономската теорија и новата-Кејнзијанска школа2011
8433. Utilization of recycled polymer matrices for production of eco-composites2011
8434. Effect of sonication applied during production of carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry and thermo-gravimetric analysis2011
8435. Macroeconomic analysis of trade in some CEE countries2011
8436. Effect of the Winemaking Practices and Aging on Phenolic Content of Smederevka and Chardonnay Wines2011
8437. The macroeconomic implication of exchange rate regimes2011
8438. Pričinsko - posledična vrska pomeđu patent rastot i rast od BDP so kvartalni podatoci vo G7 zemjite: kointegracija, APDL i korekcija na grešni modeli2011
8439. Американски студии: Илегалните дроги меѓу американската младина2011
8440. Analysis of the optimal size of the government consumption2011
8441. Дилемата: Еволуција или Инволуција во македонската литература за деца и млади2011
8442. IS-LM model for US economy: testing in JMULTI2011
8443. Благородна и иновативна книга за светот на најмладите2011
8444. Institutions and growth revisited: OLS, 2SLS, G2SLS random effects IV regression and panel fixed (within) IV regression with cross-country data 2011
8445. Киндер квачка - прекрасен пример за ониричка фантастика2011
8446. Empirical testing of Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis with German and UK data 2011
8447. Monopolistic competition: Critical evaluation the theory of monopolistic competition with specific reference to the seminal 1977 paper by Dixit and Stiglitz 2011
8448. Cobb-Douglas production function revisited, VAR and VECM analysis and a note on Fischer/Cobb-Douglass paradox2011
8449. Comparison of effects of three commercial pectolytic enzyme preparations in white winemaking2011
8450. Correlation Dependence between Consumer Needs Satisfaction and Profit Making in Agribusiness2011
8451. Говорот на омразата и нетолеранцијата во македонската литература за деца и млади2011
8452. Agro ecological conditions for viticulture development in Gevgelija region2011
8453. Calcium Binding and Transport by Coenzyme Q2011
8454. Злобната жена во македонските народни семејни песни и македонската народна балада2011
8455. Drugs like risks factors for oral-facial clefts2011
8456. Drugs like risks factors for oral-facial clefts in newborn baby2011
8457. Prevention from transfusion transmissive diseases in the regional center for transfusion medicine in Stip, Republic of Macedonia for the period 2009-20102011
8458. Petrologic, Morphologic and Functional Analyses of Ground and Abrasive Stone Tools from Rug Bair, Ovce Pole Valley2011
8459. Economic analysis of the cost savings after implementation of antibiotic policy in hospital2011
8460. Determination of the primary depth of ore bodies of the Alšar Sb-As-Tl deposit (Republic of Macedonia)2011
8461. Rb, Sr, K and Pb in the soils of Tikves area2011
8462. Vertical mineralization interval and forecast of the position of an ore-body in the Alсar Sb-As-Tl deposit, FYR Macedonia2011
8463. Присутноста, употребата и улогата на музичките инструменти во дел од оркестарското творештво на Томислав Зографски (1934- 2000)2011
8464. Од Балкански национализми до Европски Супранационализам: Улогата на националната историја во градењето на колективната меморија2011
8465. Животниот стандард наспроти здравјето на економијата2011
8466. Колку универзитетските наставници во Македонија се сметаат себе си за компетентни за вршење на високообразовна дејност?2011
8467. Глобализирани Словени - проблеми и перспективи, со примери од македонскиот јазик2011
8468. Осврт кон старото рударство и металургија во североисточна Македонија 2011
8469. Acute gallbladder hydrops and arthritis: unusual initial manifestations of Wilson’s disease (WD)2011
8470. Свети Никита и Бесите во светлината на новите проучувања на Кумановската област2011
8471. Congenital erythropoietic porphyria with two mutations of the uroporphyrinogen III synthase gene (Cys73Arg, Thr228Met)2011
8472. Early-onset ocular ochronosis in a girl with alkaptonuria (aku) and a novel mutation in homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (HGD)2011
8473. Non-coherent and semi-coherent schemes for physical-layer wireless network coding2011
8474. Protocol coding with reordering of user resources: Capacity results for the Z-channel2011
8475. Предности и слабости во конституирањето на Европскиот Јавен Обвинител2011
8476. Појавата на македонскиот протонационализам: употребата на терминот македонски јазик во грчките извори од почетокот на хх-тиот век2011
8477. Inadequate antioxidant protection in preterm babies: possible cause for hyperbilirubinemia2011
8478. Од Балкански национализми до Европски Супранационализам: Улогата на националната историја во градењето на колективната меморија2011
8479. Користење на “мета – анализата” во наставата од областа на медицината2011
8480. Предиктивна вредност на биохемиски и клинички параметри кај новородени со родилна асфиксија2011
8481. Алгоритам за рано препознавање на деца родени со фактор на ризик.2011
8482. Guidelines on Neonatal seizures2011
8483. Зачестеност на факторите на ризик кај новородените деца2011
8484. Селски райони с развит манифестационнен туризъм в Република Македония2011
8485. Content of Total Antioxidants in Infusions Prepared From Medicinal Plants Frequently Used in Republic of Macedonia2011
8486. Prognostic power of normal spect MPI in patients with and without significant CAD2011
8487. Управление на качеството в застрахователните дружества2011
8488. Performance evaluation of different HPLC columns in sildenafil and tadanafil analysis2011
8489. Determination of All-Rac-Alpha-Tocopherol and All-Rac-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate (Synthetic Vitamin E) in Cosmetic Preparations2011
8490. International aspects of human trafficking – Especially trafficking with minors2011
8491. Assessment of Genotoxicity of Xenobiotics by RAPD-PCR2011
8492. Пишаните и визуелни извори за традиционалните игри во крајот на 19 и почетокот на 20 век2011
8493. Antioxidant Status and DNA Damage Induced by Heavy Metals in Matricaria recutita L. (Asteraceae)2011
8494. Комуникациски вештини-предуслов за подобри предавања2011
8495. Сајбер криминал и заштита на дигиталните податоци во компјутерските мрежи2011
8496. Апликација на географските информациски системи (ГИС) во воените симулации во одбраната2011
8497. Примена на симулации во процесот на планирање и подготовка на воени единици за мисија2011
8498. Mодели за донесување воени одлуки во АРМ и во НАТО2011
8499. Social changes, education and educational policy2011
8500. Turizmi rural, mundësia për zhvillim rural në Republikën e Maqedonisë2011
8501. Influence of formulation variables on survival of L. casei loaded in chitosan-Ca-alginate microparticles prepared by spray-drying2011
8502. Zastita na licni podatoci vo sistemot za elektronska krivicna evidencija na EU (ECRIS) i makedonskoto zakonodavstvo za zastita na licni podatoci izvadeni od krivicnata evidencija2011
8503. Metalic Trace Elements in Medicinal Plants from Macedonia2011
8504. The effect of teaching methods on cognitive achievement in biology studying2011
8505. A model for communication management - Daily journalism2011
8506. The EU policy towards the dissolution of Yugoslavia Special emphasis on the EU policy towards the Republic of Macedonia 2011
8507. Tourism in the global development strategy of Macedonia – economic perspectives2011
8508. Оданочување на удели кај инвестициските фондови 2011
8509. Comparison of four merlot clonal selections from Skopje's vineyard region, R.Macedonia2011
8510. Relationship between tourism policy, place image and business investments2011
8511. Total deposited dust as a reflection of heavy metals distribution in area with intensively exploited copper minerals2011
8512. Разграничување на поимите преведување и толкување 2011
8513. Толкувачки проблеми2011
8514. Дишење во врат пред банкомат2011
8515. The world energy production, consumption and productivity in the energy sector, population and the per capita growth: Regression analysis2011
8516. Analysis of Purchasing power parity with data for Macedonia2011
8517. Михайло Трандафиловски и неговият цикъл „Cekori” (Крачки) за цигулка и пиано2011
8518. Неофолклорните толкувања на жанрот соната и сонатина во областа на камерното дуо2011
8519. Faunistic composition of species from the family aphidiidae at pepper in Strumica Region 2011
8520. Синтеза на додекафонија и модалност: Тенденции во камерното творештво на Гоце Гавриловски концептот на делото „CIRCLE“2011
8521. The Upbringing Dimension of the Educational Institutions2011
8522. Дијалогот меѓу Истокот и Западот и патот до среќата2011
8523. Влијанието на турскиот јазик врз македонскиот јазик2011
8524. Characteristics of some Macedonian and introduced oats genotypes cultivated in organic and conventional production2011
8525. Comparative analysis of factors from marketing and legal perspective and policies that affect SMEs in Macedonia and EU2011
8526. The Role and Importance of Investment Banking in the Financial Industry and Innovation2011
8527. Наставник по музичко образование - подготовка за реализација на изборните предмети во основните училишта 2011
8528. Порцелански забни фасетки2011
8529. Поглед кон животот и дејноста на Јосиф Ковачев – истакнат македонски педагог и реформатор од Штип2011
8530. Педагошката пракса во едукативниот процес на идните наставници по музичко образование 2011
8531. Техники и алатки на податочното рударење како поддршка на процесот на донесување бизнис одлуки2011
8532. Alternativni pogon kod teskih traktora gusenicara i radnih masina2011
8533. Evaluation of Different Methods for Hygienic Microbiological Control from the Working Surfaces in the Microbiological Laboratories2011
8534. Comparative study of Pterygium surgery2011
8535. Експозиција на одредени професионални канцерогени и ризик од појава на белодробен карцином2011
8536. Емпириска анализа на Solow-Swan моделот на раст2011
8537. Main Objectives and Priorities of the Ipard Programme in the Republic of Macedonia2011
8538. Microorganisms -indicators of the level of soil pollution with lead 2011
8539. Distribution of lead in the waters, sediment, rice and vegetable crops in the basin of the river Bregalnica2011
8540. Applying appropriates methods for teaching cell biology2011
8541. Опасности и несреќи при експлоатација на тракторите во земјоделското производство2010
8542. Dependence on the floral content and the weed number from growing system oat in Strumica region2010
8543. Braid of Fantastic and Realistic Elements2010
8544. Stаrter culture, prebiotics and probiotics in dairy industry2010
8545. Impact on the quality of the meat by the lenght of transport of pigs2010
8546. Makedon Soyadlarına Yansıyan İslam Medeniyetinin Etkileri 2010
8547. Воспитната димензија на воспитно-образовните институции2010
8548. Турските елементи во македонските имиња и презимиња 2010
8549. Ucesce masa misica muskulus semimembranosus i muskulus semitendinosus u trupovima i butovima kod svinja rase Daland 2010
8550. Можности за производство на храна за домашните миленици2010
8551. Можности за производство на храна за домашните миленици2010
8552. Лингвистички структурализам2010
8553. Теорија на преведувањето2010
8554. Anatomsko - topografske karakteristike unutrasnih organa kod svinja2010
8555. Измишљени пријатељи у два македонска романа за децу2010
8556. On the prop ratio tables of Extended Feistel networks and their quasigroups2010
8557. Anemia in pregnancy:laboratory diagnostic procedures2010
8558. Anemia in pregnancy:laboratory diagnostic procedures2010
8559. Rezultati individualnog logopedskog tretmana kod deteta sa razvojnom disfazijom – Studija slučaja2010
8560. Multiculturalism and the bilingualism in the Republic of Macedonia2010
8561. Traditional vs. Relativistic Ethics - Cases in American Culture2010
8562. Current cigarette smokers and their risk for occurrence of laryngeal cancer2010
8563. Epidemiology of Down’s syndrome in the Republic of Macedonia during the period of 1995 - 20072010
8564. Vision-based gesture recognition for human-computer interaction and mobile robotʼs freight ramp control2010
8565. A Comparison of Effects of Three Commercial Pectolytic Enzyme Preparations in Red Winemaking2010
8566. The contemporary teaching and the social competences of the student2010
8567. Multiculturalism and the bilingualism in The Republic of Macedonia2010
8568. Теоретически постулати на комуникацията в обучението 2010
8569. Didactical-methodical aspects of planning the educative work at the Macedonian educational system2010
8570. Умения за 21 век2010
8571. Project-based learning through appliance of ICT in the teaching2010
8572. The changes in the curricula in function of the improvement of the quality in education2010
8573. The Effects of Different Carbon Sources on Biosynthesis of Pecinolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus niger2010
8574. The necessity of cultural knowledge during the foreign language studies2010
8575. Intellectual efforts and the economy2010
8576. The Foreign Trade of Bulgaria in the Period 2000-2008 Trends and Problems2010
8577. Performance of the Progressive Wavelet Correlation for Image Retrieval2010
8578. Using of the Algorithm of Lagrange Multipliers in Image Restoration2010
8579. Семантичка дезинтеграција на ликот2010
8580. Roman jednostavne složenosti2010
8581. Experimental Investigations of Submerged Fermentation and Synthesis of Pectinolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus niger: Effect of Inoculums Size and Age of Spores2010
8582. The Effects of Inorganic Salts on Biosynthesis of Pectinolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus Niger2010
8583. Улогата на негацијата во неутрализирање на антонимностите во македонскиот, англискиот и германскиот јазик2010
8584. Forest areas in Mariovo and valley Raechka and their thematic cartographic representation2010
8585. Екстензивното читање во функција на усвојување на вокабуларот на странски јазици 2010
8586. Mogućnosti povezivanja sadrzaja iz oblasti it obrazovanja sa sadrzajima drugih predmeta2010
8587. Attributes and Success Factors in Partner Relations Trough Supply Chains Jit Case Study for a Manufacturing Company2010
8588. Impact of recession on the macroeconomic variables in the Republic of Macedonia2010
8589. Креирање на економско-социјален модел состојба и перспективи2010
8590. Formation Mechanizsm of Dwarfish Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits of Macedonia2010
8591. Колку за Македонија е блиска иднината на „општество без кеш“ - Кожниот не се менува лесно со електронски паричник2010
8592. Македонија во рамките на унитарното раководење2010
8593. Деловните банки можат да бидат и посредници2010
8594. Инвестирање во доброволен пензиски фонд или орочување на средствата?2010
8595. Редизајнирање на меѓународната финансиска архитектура за изградба на стабилен економски систем2010
8596. Heavy metals in the water from the drain-basin of the Mavrovica hydro-acumulation – Eastern Macedonia2010
8597. Механизми за транзиција од IPv4 во IPv62010
8598. Genetic Diversity in Southeast European Soybean Germplasm Revealed by SSR Markers2010
8599. Quality Characteristics of Wheat Seed Producer and Processed in "Uniservis Agro" - Stip between 2008 and 20102010
8600. Appearance and Identification of the Causer of "White Mold" at Sunflower Plants in the Republic of Macedonia 2010
8601. Identification of the Causer of Tomato Pith Necrosis in the Republic of Macedonia 2010
8602. Едно друго доказателство на теоремата на Островски-Канторович за сходимост на метода на Нотон2010
8603. Неконтролирана конфликтност - во организациското однесување2010
8604. Управување на организациски конфликти2010
8605. Mogućnost primene laserskog sistema upravljanja radnim procesom univerzalnog skreperskog ravnjača2010
8606. Nesreće sa traktorima na javnim putevima u R. Makedoniji2010
8607. Nesreće sa traktorima na javnim putevima u R. Makedoniji2010
8608. Влијанието на римскиот казненоправен систем врз модерните казнени системи2010
8609. The Causes and Consequences of Global Crisis2010
8610. Методи и начини на земање на мостри од почви и седименти2010
8611. Gravity separation for oil wastewater treatment2010
8612. Applications of zeolites for wastewater treatment with ion exchange and adsorption2010
8613. Applications of electroflotation for recovery fine and ultrafine particles2010
8614. Значење на истражувањето на пазарот за креирање на ефективни стратегии на работење2010
8615. Конститутивните договори на Европската Унија и нејзините стратегии низ призма на одржливиот развој 2010
8616. “Developing Spectrum Innovation for Survival and Success in the Global Economy”2010
8617. Стапката на смртност на доенчињата како последица на сиромаштијата, пер капита доходот, бројот на доктори и популациониот раст во САД2010
8618. The role of leadership in determining of the organizational culture2010
8619. Анализирање на зависноста помеѓу бруто - домашниот производ и трговијата на мало во Република Македонија во период од 1990 до 2009 година со примена на економетриски модели2010
8620. Членството на Република Македонија во светската трговска организација со посебен осврт на трговската размена со земјоделско - прехранбени производи2010
8621. Pure Consciousness as a Factor for True Leadership2010
8622. Biomedical versus biopsychosocial model in medicine: Needs of curriculum development 2010
8623. Моторните тестови за проценка на моторните способности кај деца од 7 годишна возраст2010
8624. Релации на моторните тестови за проценка на координација со моторни тестови за проценка на други моторни способности кај деца од 7 годишна возраст2010
8625. Congruation of motor structures with boys at the age of 6 and 7 years2010
8626. Relations of the Motor Latent Dimensions With the Motor Knowledge and Habits Among the High School Female Student2010
8627. Attributes to corporate governance and enterprise restructuring in Macedonia2010
8628. Principal-paradigm for professional ethics2010
8629. Некои согледувања за „звучната метода“ на Јосиф Ковачев2010
8630. Професионалната етика на наставникот2010
8631. Adolescents’ Computer Mediated Learning and Influences on Interpersonal Relationships 2010
8632. Economic Implications from Deficit Finance2010
8633. Tectonic Evolution of the Paleogene Basins in the Republic of Macedonia 2010
8634. Analysis of hardware and software solutions in function of the reliability of experimental research results during investigation of cutting forces and temperature in the cutting process2010
8635. Application aiding rapid selection of cutting parameters on the example of aluminium alloys turning2010
8636. New Data for the Geochemical Determination of the Solar pp-neutrino Flux by Means of Lorandite Mineral2010
8637. Content of raw proteins in oat depending on the growing system in Strumica region, Macedonia2010
8638. Development of creativity as a basic task of the modern educational system2010
8639. Отворање, разработка и откопување на подлабоките делови во ревирот „Свиња Река”, рудник „САСА”2010
8640. Примена на софтвер за проектирање на дупчачко-минерски работи во рударството2010
8641. Рударски музеи за прикажување на начинот за подземна експлоатација на минерални суровини2010
8642. Influence of surface exploatation on the environmental2010
8643. Application of Monte Carlo simulation for risk evaluation in mineral investment projects2010
8644. The problem of law in the work of Franz Kafka2010
8645. Integrated production of pepper in Republic of Macedonia2010
8646. Can corpora help EFL learners improve their knowledge of collocations?2010
8647. Surgical treatment of giant extracranial internal carotid artery aneurysm 2010
8648. Surgical treatment of multylocular hydatid cyst of the left ventricle 2010
8649. Spontaneous rupture of left ventricular true aneurysm 2010
8650. Descending aorta replacement through median sternotomy 2010
8651. Surgical treatment of aortic aneurysms in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 2010
8652. Transcatheter VSD closure after cardiac surgery in patient with Sy eisenmenger - A case report 2010
8653. International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) report, data summary for 2003-2008, issued June 20092010
8654. International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium(INICC) Report, Data Summary of 36 Countries, for 2004-20092010
8655. Impact of International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium(INICC) Strategy on Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection Rates in the Intensive Care Units of 15 Developing Countries2010
8656. Replacement aortic valve leaflets2010
8657. Resuscitation After Prolonged Cardiac Arrest: Role of Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Systemic Hyperkalemia2010
8658. Dual left anterior descending artery distribution2010
8659. Use of red cell salvage for abdominal aneurysm2010
8660. Asessment of coronary arteries with ECG GATED 64-multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in patients with suspected aortic dissection Stanford type A2010
8661. Трансезофагеална ехокардиографија во дијагностиката на аортната дисеквија2010
8662. Инвазивни и неинвазивни резултати на перкутана балон валвулопластика на пулмоналната валвула2010
8663. PCI vs CABG во третман на повеќесадовна коронарна артериска болест2010
8664. Трансрадијален пристап и амбулантски третман кај перкутани интервенции - наши искуства2010
8665. Cloning and molecular characterization of Dashurin encoded by C20orf116, a PCI-domain containing protein2010
8666. Elevated blood markers 1 year before manifestation of malignant glioma2010
8667. Expression of TAU in insulin-secreting cells and its interaction with the calcium-binding protein secretagogin2010
8668. Ultrasonography in the diagnosis and management of infant hip dysplasia2010
8669. Usefulness of 64 –detector-row scanner peripheral angiography in patients with skeletal tumors of lower extremities2010
8670. Cardiac silhouette following a mitral valve replacement, tricuspid annuloplasty and atrioplasty of both atria2010
8671. Surgical treatment of giant extracranial internal carotid artery aneurysm2010
8672. Cervical plexus block for carotid artery surgery2010
8673. Cardiac silhouette following a mitral valve replacement, tricuspid annuloplasty and atrioplasty of both atria2010
8674. ALCAPA Syndrome (Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery): A case report2010
8675. Amplatzer оклузија на паравалвуларен leak на механичка протеза по реоперација на дехисценција на митрална механичка протеза- Приказ на случај2010
8676. The influence of structural properties and characteristics of the fiber on the physical-mechanical properties and thermo-physiological comfort of single jersey knitted fabrics2010
8677. Како зборуваат младите Италијанци денес2010
8678. The technological factor of the economic growth through the stages of the economic theory2010
8679. Функции на менаџментот2010
8680. The influence of the economic crisis to the textile industrial production in the Republic of Macedonia2010
8681. Визуелни нарушувања при пишувањето2010
8682. Health Organization in Republic of Macedonia – The place of preventive health care in the medical health system- advantages and disadvantages2010
8683. Immunological aspects related to the biomaterials used in bone additions2010
8684. The Impact of Augmentation Materials on the Receiver Bones2010
8685. The role of titanium and its alloys in the process of osseointegration2010
8686. Dental management of patient with psychiatric disorders2010
8687. Victor Babeş's contribution to the development of dental medicine2010
8688. Glavni karakteristiki na igraornite podracja2010
8689. Развојни фази што треба да ги поминат македонските компании во имплементацијата на интегралната методологија за проектирање и имплементирање на TQM системот2010
8690. Role of benchmark strategy within the market sustaining2010
8691. Реинженеринг на деловните процеси - темел во примената на TQM стратегијата2010
8692. Криза во постоечкиот менаџмент систем на македонските компании и потребата од прифаќање на TQM филозофијата I дел2010
8693. Криза во постоечкиот менаџмент систем на македонските компании и потребата од прифаќање на TQM филозофијата - II дел2010
8694. Analysis of the quality costs – competitive advantage within Macedonian companies2010
8695. Similarities and differences in the meaning of the linguistic units in contemporary German and Macedonian2010
8696. The responsibility of the teacher teaching medical English2010
8697. Behaviors associated with alcohol consumption among students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Stip2010
8698. Односите меѓу терминологијата и преведувањето (врз примери од правни текстови на француски и на македонски јазик) 2010
8699. Терминолошки предизвици при преведувањето текстови со правна содржина: Преведување називи на судски институции од француски на македонски јазик и обратно2010
8700. Co-Magneli phases electrocatalysts for hydrogen/oxygen evolution2010
8701. Uniting information technologies with studying language2010
8702. English common names of plants and their Romanian counterparts2010
8703. Pflanzen in Deutschen und Makedonischen Redensarten2010
8704. Fluoride content and dependence on other elements in some geotermal waters in Republic of Macedonia2010
8705. Leaders and managers-leadership and change IOC2010
8706. Corporate against corporate management2010
8707. Globalization and the movement of financial capital2010
8708. Некои хемиски својства на смолниците распространети во штипскиот, пробиштипскиот и светиниколскиот регион2010
8709. An overview of introducing of different diagnostic tests for human brucellosis in the Republic of Macedonia2010
8710. How to help children understand and respect nature?2010
8711. Комплексната постапка за обработка на буква како креативност во образовниот развој2010
8712. Rapid MALDI-TOF-MS detection of anthocyanins in wine2010
8713. Предизвиците и дилемите со кои се соочуваат професорите по германски јазик во својата кариера2010
8714. Потребен е нов модел на развој и стабилизација на економијата на Република Македонија2010
8715. Control circuit at H– bridge IGBT power converter with constant duty cycle on the output2010
8716. Calculation of induction device with simulation methods2010
8717. Influence of the surface quality due to a hole derived in initial material processing of cold sheets with drawing2010
8718. The role of evidence-based medicine in healthcare management2010
8719. Das verstehende Hören als Zusammenspiel verschiedener Faktoren im Fremdsprachenunterricht2010
8720. New tendencies in teaching German language using children’s literature 2010
8721. Осврт на расказите за деца на првата повоена генерација турски писатели во Република Македонија2010
8722. Времето и просторот како физичка и метафизичка категорија во романот „Татарска пустина“ од Дино Буцати2010
8723. Control and data log of functions for protection in the hydraulic excavator2010
8724. Artesian mineral water of the Raotince site, Tetovo2010
8725. Analysis of an Algorithm for finding Minimal Cut Set for Undirected Network2010
8726. "Prostumot" Kole Casule against Bulgarian stony vision2010
8727. Anaysis of Power Converter with Computer simulation 2010
8728. Меѓународната трговија како импулс за економски раст2010
8729. Model of the Hydro-information System in the Republic of Macedonia2010
8730. Инвестиционите фондови - недоволно развиен сегмент на пазарот на капитал во Република Македонија2010
8731. Видови на работен однос2010
8732. Amplification of linear strain in a layer excited by a shear-wave earthquake pulse2010
8733. Net of repeat stations and tectonic regionalization of the Republic of Macedonia2010
8734. Со „цвет“ за „цветот“2010
8735. Дескриптивната микроструктура во романот „Див занес“ од Атанас Вангелов2010
8736. Nummerical and simulation methods for calculation of dynamical transient characteristics of squirrel cage induction motor2010
8737. Development of Simulation Models of Induction Squirrel Cage Motor for Varialble-speed Applications2010
8738. Тековни филозофии на развојот2010
8739. Диајтомејска флора од наоѓалиштето -Вешје во близина на Неготино-Р. Македонија2010
8740. Применети методи на истражување на појави и наоѓалишта на злато во Р. Македонија2010
8741. Practical Method for Real-Time Path Planning and Optimization for Mobile Robots2010
8742. Етно-културната засебност на античките Македонци во делото на Павсанија 2010
8743. Cost Effective Microscale Gas Generation Apparatus2010
8744. Начини за финансирање на буџетскиот дефицит2010
8745. Оправданост за примена на буџетски дефицит2010
8746. Instigation and development of gifted in school2010
8747. Experimental Animal Models as a Fundamental Tool for the Development of New Radiopharmaceuticals2010
8748. Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in R. Macedonia Using a Plant Assay2010
8749. Примена на современи совтверски решенија во рударството2010
8750. Паста - Совршен материјал за заполнување на подземните откопани простори2010
8751. Технологијаза изработка на поткоп 8302010
8752. Нови истражувања за геометриските параметри на подетажниот метод со зарушување2010
8753. Determination of Total Flavan-3-Ols in Wines from Macedonia2010
8754. Трговските текови во глобализираниот свет2010
8755. Европска централна банка2010
8756. Motivation for achieving succes in school2010
8757. Determination of the polyphenol contents in Macedonian grapes and wines by standardized spectrophotometric methods2010
8758. Empaty as a human value in modern education; Partnership in teaching - a base for student development2010
8759. Empathy as a human value in modern education2010
8760. Educational, developmental goals in the nine - year primary school from grades I to III in Republic of Macedonia2010
8761. Methods of successful learning in environmental education2010
8762. The international trade as an impuls for economic growth2010
8763. Литературата во наставата по англиски јазик2010
8764. Makedonski kompozitor - aktuelni sostojbi2010
8765. Trace element in wines produced at home in the Tikvesh area2010
8766. Содржина на некои биогени елементи и други физиолошки карактеристики кај пиперка (capsicum annuum l.) добиени во in vivo и in vitro услови2010
8767. Производствeни карактеристики на црешовиден домат Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme (Dunal) во струмичкиот реон2010
8768. Trichinella spiralis: Genomic Application to Control a Zoonotic Nematode2010
8769. Споредба на ефикасноста на подвижен и неподвижен рамен сончев колектор2010
8770. Распоред на машинскиот парк во линија за монтажа на џинс2010
8771. Прилагодување на производната линија при воведување на нов модел на женска кошула2010
8772. Линиска контрола во процесот на шиење на женски панталони2010
8773. Други инструменти на надворешно трговската политика2010
8774. Nematode.net update 2011: addition of data sets and tools featuring next-generation sequencing data2010
8775. Differences in educational achievements of pupils belonging to different ethnicities in R.Macedonia2010
8776. Identification of hookworm DAF-16/FOXO response elements and direct gene targets2010
8777. Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Novel Genes Essential for Heme Homeostasis in Caenorhabditiselegans 2010
8778. Characterizing Ancylostoma caninum transcriptome and exploring nematode parasitic adaptation 2010
8779. Оптимизам или нереални очекувања и надежи за решавање на глобалните проблеми со кои се соочуваат Европа и светот2010
8780. Massively Parallel Sequencing and Analysis of the Necatoramericanus Transcriptome 2010
8781. Endosymbiont DNA in Endobacteria-Free Filarial Nematodes Indicates Ancient Horizontal Genetic Transfer 2010
8782. A Catalog of Reference Genomes from the Human Microbiome 2010
8783. A practical, bioinformatic workflow system for large data sets generated by next-generation sequencing 2010
8784. Development of new actuators, materials and technology for the production of advanced pneumatic and hydraulic valves-materials selection2010
8785. E!4548 De-Amatech: Development of new actuators, materials and technology for the production of advanced pneumatic and hydraulic valves2010
8786. Novel venom gene discovery in the platypus2010
8787. Специфичности во работата со надарени ученици- дефинирање и идентификација2010
8788. Decision making of technological system for exploitation of coal in “Brod - Gneotino” coal deposit2010
8789. An aproach of systems analysis of CRM and improving customer satisfaction through the management of perception of waiting2010
8790. Нова технологија – софистицирани криминалци2010
8791. Црната боја легитимација на богатството2010
8792. Поевтини пари за совесните клиенти 2010
8793. Во банките се повеќе фиктивни комитенти и колекционери на книшки2010
8794. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity in pregnant women with gestational and diabetes type 12010
8795. New Data on Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Opalized Tuff in the Strmosh Deposit near Probishtip, NE Macedonia 2010
8796. Битолската битка од 16-19.11.1912 година2010
8797. Зародишот на македонскиот непокор2010
8798. Битката на Марица од 25/26.09.1371 година2010
8799. Атентатите и нивната генеза - методи на напад и оружје што се користи при атентати2010
8800. Атентатите и нивната генеза - операции за обезбедување и заштита2010
8801. Споредба меѓу „магацинска откопна метода” и „подетажна откопна метода со отворени откопи” за откопување на тенки рудни жици2010
8802. Razgleduvanje na moznostite za primena na tehnologijata za otkopuvanje so zapolnuvanje na otkopanite prostori so zasip od slabi betoni vo rudnicite za olovo i cink2010
8803. Насоки за намалување на ризикот во рударството2010
8804. Изработка на геотермални дупнатини2010
8805. The influence of the exploatation of the gas CO2 and mineralwater from vicinity "Popojci" village Dolno Orizari - Bitola on the living environment2010
8806. Дали шизофренијата е неизбежна2010
8807. Генетски скрининг во првиот и вториот триместар од бременоста2010
8808. Tuning calcium responses2010
8809. ATP modulates Ca2+ uptake by TRPV6 and is counteracted by isoform-specific phosphorylation2010
8810. Pharmacology of ORAI channels as a tool to understand their physiological functions2010
8811. Differential Redox Regulation of ORAI Ion Channels: A Mechanism to Tune Cellular Calcium Signaling2010
8812. Post corrosive late complications in esophagus and stomach-role od the esophageal rest2010
8813. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoscopic classification in diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of patients with acute caustic poisonings2010
8814. Artifitial nutrition in therapeutic approach of acute caustic poisoning2010
8815. Nutritive support in the control of nutritive status in acute corrosive poisonings2010
8816. Nutritive support in the control of nutritive status in acute corrosive poisonings2010
8817. Analiza stabilnosti radnih kosina i mere za njihovu stabilizaciju u rudniku Suvodol Bitola2010
8818. Post corrosive late complications in esophagus and stomach-role of the esophageal rest2010
8819. Post corrosive injuries of upper gastrointestinal tract 2010
8820. The role of urgent esophagogastoduodenoscopy in prognosis of acute caustic poisonings2010
8821. Преку интегрирани маркетинг комуникации до подобро пазарно позиционирање на македонското вино2010
8822. Улогата на музичката едукација во функција на спроведување на предметот Музичко образование во одделенската настава2010
8823. Зошто ни е потребна катедра за словенска филологија, односно славистика на Филолошкиот факултет при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип?2010
8824. Странските директни инвестиции акцелератор на стопанскиот развој2010
8825. Intellectual Efforts and Economic 2010
8826. Можности за искористување на геотермалната енергија во Република Македонија 2010
8827. Municipal Solid Waste management2010
8828. Application of the Progressive Wavelet Correlation in Image Retrieving2010
8829. Practical strategies to improve learning and achievements of pupils with special educational needs in elementary school 2010
8830. The need of continuous professional teacher development 2010
8831. Стручниот профил на дипломиран музички теоретичар - педагог2010
8832. The integrated access in the preparation and planning of the teaching process at the primary schools in Republic of Macedonia2010
8833. Applying of the Combination of Content-Based Search and Progressive Wavelet Correlation in Image Retrieving2010
8834. Oral Findings in Anaemias2010
8835. Пазарна ориентација и маркетинг стратегија – основни бизнис чекори за обновување на силната врска со потрошувачите2010
8836. Filozofski sistem Dostojevskog (pokušaj rekonstrukcije)2010
8837. Резултати от изпитването на нови бјалгарски сортове памук в Струмица, Македонија2010
8838. Analysis of the “Human Factor” as an Information Threat to Trade Secrets and Counteractions – Spying is in!2010
8839. The influence of period of sowing of winter fodder pea variety of tuber - formation and plant residues content for improving soil fertility2010
8840. Облигациони односи настанати со причинување на штета во македонското право2010
8841. Ликвидација на отворени инвестициски фондови 2010
8842. Utilization of recycled polymer matrices for production of eco-composites2010
8843. Biocomposites Based on Poly (Lactic Acid) and Their Recyclability2010
8844. Влијанието на економската и финансиската криза врз туризмот2010
8845. Емпириско тестирање на Баласа –Семјуелсон хипотезата со специфичен осврт на стручниот труд на Џефри Пју и Боб Бичил од 1998 година2010
8846. Macedonia age on demographic (Summary chronological) 2010
8847. Primary school education Standards for student’s assessment in primary school2010
8848. Initial English language competences in elementary state schools in Macedonia2010
8849. Гимназиското образование во Штип меѓу двете светски војни 2010
8850. Менторската улога на наставникот по географија во процесот на изработка на проектна задача2010
8851. Безбедноста и здравјето на работниците во Република Македонија 2010
8852. Distribution and mobility of heavy metals in paddy soils of the Kočani Field in Macedonia2010
8853. Ultrasound assisted process for enhanced interlaminar shear strength of carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites2010
8854. Фармацевтски производи за примена кај педијатриски пациенти2010
8855. Терапија со лекови кај гравидни жени2010
8856. Major Alpine Structures and Cu-Porphyry Mineralization in the Serbo-Macedonian Massif2010
8857. A Preliminary Investigation of the Production of English Stress and Intonation by Macedonian Learners2010
8858. Егзотизмот на времето во научната фантастика за деца2010
8859. Боите на животот2010
8860. How Do Young Italians Speak Today2010
8861. Nationalistic competition over Internet: Legal Regulation and Social Impact2010
8862. Acquiring vocabulary through reading: A replication of the Golden Fleece study2010
8863. Pre-transfusion testing of blood examples at WU transfusiology at General Hospital in Stip, Republic of Macedonia2010
8864. Плетенка од фантастични и реалистични елементи2010
8865. Детството како неисцрпна инспирација2010
8866. Химна на убавината на живеењето2010
8867. Assessing of anthropometric parameters in patients with Crohn’s disease in acute and remission phase2010
8868. Estimation of number of diabetic patients requiring primary prevention for coronary heart disease2010
8869. Нациите и национализмите на Балканот: создавање на услови за градење на одржлив мир2010
8870. Детските измислици и стварноста2010
8871. Состојбите во Македонското револуционерно движење од потпишувањето на Мајскиот манифест до убиството на Тодор Александров2010
8872. Принципите на индустриските односи во процесот на колективното преговарање2010
8873. Mineralogy of the pliocene trachyte and its carbonatitic minette inclusions in Ostrvica, FYR of Macedonia2010
8874. Distribution of some elements in surface soil over the Kavadarci region, Republic of Macedonia2010
8875. Неколку култни конституции од Кумановско2010
8876. New data for the geochemical determination of the solar pp-neutrino flux by means of lorandite mineral2010
8877. Heavy metal contamination of topsoils around a lead and zinc smelter in the Republic of Macedonia2010
8878. Состојбите во Македонското револуционерно движење од потпишувањето на Мајскиот манифест до убиството на Тодор Александров2010
8879. Application of solid-state fermentation for cellulase enzyme production using Trichoderma viride2010
8880. Нациите и национализмите на Балканот: создавање на услови за градење на одржлив мир2010
8881. Исхрана на доенчињата и малите деца2010
8882. Неонатален апстиненцијален синдром2010
8883. Tobacco influence on the neonatal outcome2010
8884. Positive Health Program: Depression in Early Adolecence2010
8885. Предиктивна моќ на перфузионите и функционалните параметри добиени со СПЕКТ МПС кај пациентите со коронарна артериска болест2010
8886. Immunocompromised patients with shingles - Therapeutic approach2010
8887. Самоубиствените напади-новото лице на тероризмот2010
8888. Трговија со конвенционалното оружје како глобален предизвик2010
8889. Самоубиствените напади-новото лице на тероризмот2010
8890. Самоубиствените напади-новото лице на тероризмот2010
8891. Примена на методологиите и технологиите за моделирање и симулации во полето на одбраната и безбедноста2010
8892. Подобрување на военото образование и обука со примена на технологијата на компјутерски игри2010
8893. Theoretical assumptions of using ICT in education2010
8894. Туризмот – можност за развој на градовите2010
8895. Higher education in tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy: an answer to the need for professional staff in this area in the Republic of Macedonia2010
8896. Some Toxic and Essentials Metals in Medicinal Plants growing in R. Macedonia2010
8897. Content of Toxic and Essential Metals in Medicinal Herbs Growing in Polluted and Unpolluted Areas of Macedonia2010
8898. Yield components and yield of f1, tomato hybrids2010
8899. The influence of climate on the grapevine phenology and content of sugar and total acids in the must2010
8900. Production characteristics of oat in Republic of Macedonia2010
8901. Production characteristics of Macedonian genotypes soft winter wheat2010
8902. Pests on tomatoes produced in greenhouses in Strumica region2010
8903. За Плебејската идеологија2010
8904. Development and Productivity of the Serbian Oat Cultivars under Agrometeorological conditions in Bulgaria 2010
8905. Роля на изкуството при хората с увреждания2010
8906. Dwarf Copper-Gold Porphyry Deposits of the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol Ore District, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)2010
8907. The Inspirational and Deceptive Point in the Stories Children for of the First Postwar Generation of Turkish Writers in Republic of Macedonia 2010
8908. A Segment of Oceanic Crust, in Macedonian (FYROM) Ophiolites, seen through Sheeted Dyke Diabases, Keratophyres and Adakite-like Volcanics2010
8909. Значењето на туризмот во економската активност на Македонија2010
8910. Поетиката на авторот и поетиката на преведувачот2010
8911. Интерпретацијата и комплементарноста како проблеми во ансамблото музицирање, поставени од принципите и карактеристиките на современите македонски композитори 2010
8912. Breeding and Evaluation for Improved Rice Varieties in Macedonia2010
8913. Insect pests at seed wheat in Republic of Maceonia2010
8914. Analysis of the “Human Factor” as an Information Threat to Trade Secrets and Counteractions – Spying is in!2010
8915. Учество на основните делови и ткива во труповите од крстоски добиени помеѓу буша и сименталец2010
8916. Economic trends in FYROM during and after the economic crisis2010
8917. Strategies of Distribution Channels2010
8918. Hidden shocks from the economic crisis in Macedonia during 20102010
8919. Музичката форма на ораториумот „Похвала Кирилу и Методију“ од Томислав Зографски - Синтеза на музички традиции2010
8920. Qualitative and quantitative analisys of cicadas (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha)at grapevine in region of Kavadarci, Republic of Macedonia2010
8921. Evaluation of the Ostrich Carcass Reared and Slaughtered in Macedonia 2010
8922. Предметот музичко образование во рамките на основното образование2010
8923. Settlements in Mariovo Raechka Valley and their thematic cartographic representation2010
8924. Nesrece sa vozacima traktora u javnom saobracaju Republike Srbije2010
8925. Changes of Some Biochemical and Physiological Parameters in Capsicum annuum L. as a Consequence of Increased Concentrations of Copper and Zinc 2010
8926. Ecology of the Diatomic Flora in Thermo-Mineral Springs of Katlanovska Banja in the Republic Of Macedonia2010
8927. Lead concentrations in different animal tissue, muscles and organs at specific localities in Probistip and its surroundings 2010
8928. Why children need nature and nature needs children2009
8929. Application of a new micro­ enzymatic preparation in processing of canned beef meat products 2009
8930. Application of a new micro­ enzymatic preparation in processing of canned beef meat products 2009
8931. Statistical processing of the chemicalanalysis of some meat products 2009
8932. The influence of different doses of gamma ray radition on the emergence and appearance of selected mutants in some genotypes of rice2009
8933. Multicultural Social Environment and Kindergartens in the Spirit of Globalization 2009
8934. Dressing percentage of white rice in corelation with the havrest time of the rice2009
8935. Variability of some phenotype propreties on domestic genotype rice (Oryza Sativa L)2009
8936. Gelatinization Behavior of Grains and flour in Relation to Physico-chemical Properties of Milled Rice (ORYZA SATIVA L.)2009
8937. Фолклорната фантастика како инспирација2009
8938. Modeling and Simulation of Custom Developed 3D Laser Range Scanner2009
8939. Characterization and Modeling of a 3D Scanner for Mobile Robot Navigation2009
8940. Control Architecture for a Lower Limbs Rehabilitation Robot System2009
8941. Finding a clue for the gifted and talented children2009
8942. Циљеви и задаци у концепцијама основног васпитања и образовања у Републици Македонији2009
8943. Професионалното развитие на възпитателите в детските градини в Република Македония - за един наш опит 2009
8944. Control and sertification of organic product2009
8945. Researching the Possibilities of the Pectolytic Ensyme Biosynthesis with the Aspergillus Species of Microscopic Fungi2009
8946. New approach of management in organizational conflict situation2009
8947. У лавиринту модерне комуникације2009
8948. Content of Raw Proteins in Oat Depending on the Growing System in Strumica Region, Macedonia 2009
8949. Pectolytic Ensyme Biosynthesis with the Aspergillus Species of Microscopic Fungi2009
8950. Населби во Мариово и Раечка котлина и нивно тематско картографско претставување2009
8951. Метод на учење на странски јазици преку задачи2009
8952. Човечки ресурси во јавно-здравствениот систем - од адекватна работна сила до квалитетна здравствена заштита2009
8953. Менаџмент на здравствено-информациски системи - од податоци, преку информации до знаење 2009
8954. Платон vs. Аристотел2009
8955. Условна осуда со заштитен надзор2009
8956. Процесот и методите на признавање на држави2009
8957. Sovremeni metodi za remedijacija na zagadenoto zemjiste2009
8958. Примена на повеќекритериумската оптимизација за решавање на проблеми во рударството2009
8959. Продолжување на животниот век на безжичните АD HOC мрежи2009
8960. Primena informatiĉko-komunikacijske tehnologije u obrazovnim institucijama u Makedoniji2009
8961. Процесот на дизајнирање помеѓу теоријата и праксата2009
8962. Tapesia Yallundae Walwork&Spooner, Cause of Eyespot Disease of Wheat and Barley in the Republic of Macedonia 2009
8963. Identification of Pseudomonas Viridiflava (Burkholder) Dowson, as One of the Causers of Tomato Pith Necrosis in the Region of Strumica 2009
8964. Family as a factor of education in the Republic of Macedonia - an ethnic dimension2009
8965. Лозарството и винарството во Република Македонија - состојба и трендови2009
8966. The influence of climate on the grapevine phenology and content of sugar and total acids in the must2009
8967. Where is the moral education today?2009
8968. Tragične posledice nesreća sa traktorima za period 1999 – 2008. godina u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije2009
8969. Корелациска зависност меѓу живородени деца и склучени бракови и живородени деца и разведени бракови во Република Македонија2009
8970. Toward an applied positive psychology in inclusive education2009
8971. Утврдување на валидноста на некои тестови за проценка на статичката силина кај деца на 6 и 7 годишна возраст2009
8972. Нумерички и структурни разлики во моторни тестови за проценка на снага, применети кај деца на 6 и 7 годишна возраст2009
8973. Заблуди за физичкото образование во одделенската настава2009
8974. Техничка изведба на гимнастичкиот елемент прекопит назад згрчено во зависност од морфолошките и моторичките фактори2009
8975. Соодветни активности на развојните можности на децата во предучилишна возраст кои имаат влијание врз нивниот севкупен фитнес статус2009
8976. Што ни се случува?2009
8977. Differences in the Gained Results of the Male Students’ Achievements in First Year in Sport and Sport’s Activities Schooling2009
8978. Structure of Motor Space in Children at 7 Year Age2009
8979. Numeric and Structural Differences in Motor Tests for Evaluation at Same Motor Abilities Implemented to the Children at 6 and 7 Years Old Children2009
8980. Adolescent’s motivation and relationships in the context of computer mediated and face to face learning 2009
8981. A new challenge: Model of positive health and clinical psychology2009
8982. Акционите истражувања и нивната примена во педагошката практика2009
8983. Teachers in primary schools and their abilities for using ICT in the teaching process2009
8984. What we must to do to strengthening teacher’s abilities for permanently using ICT in the teaching process?2009
8985. Integrisanje IKT u nastavnom procesu2009
8986. Educator and his capacity for implementation of the initial mathemathical education2009
8987. Sugestion for educational content for the education at physical and health education (PE) for children at 7 year age, according to figured structure for motor space2009
8988. Methodic aspects of realization of physical education teaching process according to development characteristics at 6 and 7 years old children2009
8989. Technical performance of the gimnastic element circuit frontleg at horse with handles depending from the morfological and motor dimensions2009
8990. R&D National Policy in the Republic of Macedonia According to the Security Related and Generally R&D Scene – Current Status and Shortfalls2009
8991. Investigation of cutting forces during machining process by high speed turning2009
8992. Investigation of temperature during machining process by high speed turning2009
8993. Monitoring system for automation of experimental researches in cutting2009
8994. Управување со квалитот на водата во Охридското Езеро – значаен елемент за збогатување на туристичката понуда2009
8995. Fiscal Stimulations for Improving the Business Environment in Republic of Macedonia2009
8996. Вредносните ориентации кај адолесцентите2009
8997. Protective role of vitamins E and C in carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver damage2009
8998. PGE2 concentration in teeth pulp tissue as a marker for the effectivenes of different types of treatment for periodontopathy2009
8999. Heavy metals in the water of the River Kalnistanska and the vicinity2009
9000. Употреба на крв и крвни компоненти во кардиохирургија наше искуство (2004-2008)2009
9001. Teaching ESP to nurses using corpora2009
9002. Angiogenic factors in plasma of brain tumour patients.2009
9003. Просторно-популациски обележја на населбите во висинската зона од и над 1000 м.н.в. во функција за развој на планинскиот туризам во Република Македонија2009
9004. DeBekay repair for type III thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm 2009
9005. Aorto-Bilateral-Femoral-Bilateral-Popliteal Bypass for Leriche Syndrome With Occlusion of Both Superficial Femoral Arteries2009
9006. Psychological issues: quality of life and hope in patients with head and neck cancer2009
9007. Рецесија-дефиниција, мерки и прогноза2009
9008. Сегашна структура и перформанси на банкарскиот сисетем во Р.Македонија2009
9009. Корелациска зависност меѓу наталитетот и живородени деца и наталитетот и вкупно починати лица во Република Македонија2009
9010. Корелациска зависност меѓу наталитетот и живородени деца и наталитетот и вкупно починати лица во Република Македонија2009
9011. Analysis of information threats and counteractions in consumer oriented organizations (separating the best from the rest2009
9012. Принципи на менаџментот2009
9013. Значење и цели на менаџментот2009
9014. Структурата на капиталот како фактор во вреднувањето на претпријатијата и инвестиционите вложувања2009
9015. Начини на одбрана од каматното влијание кај банките и другите финансиски институции2009
9016. Политиката на девизниот курс во услови на фиксен режим при неговото формирање2009
9017. Основни поими во транслатологијата, кус осврт кон толкувањето како дејност2009
9018. Општите психолошки фактори на однесување на потрошувачите2009
9019. Евидентни недостатоци во регулирањето на финансискиот сектор2009
9020. Safety of the information bank system in the Repuplic of Macedonia2009
9021. Значењето на стандардот Базел 2 во заштита на банкарскиот систем од ризици2009
9022. Проектирање и имплементирање на TQM системот преку тимската работа 2009
9023. A practical introduction: corpus linguistics2009
9024. A report on the Conference in honor of the Department's 50th anniversary, Department of English language and literature, Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski", Skopje, R.Macedonia2009
9025. Methodology for improvement of business processes2009
9026. Providing quality of the business processes through motivation and establishing an efficient communication with the employees2009
9027. Creating innovative environment in total quality management system within companies2009
9028. Методологија за унапредување на деловните процеси2009
9029. Теоријата на хаосот како можност за разбирање на MICE во време на криза2009
9030. Folklornata fantastika kako inspiracija2009
9031. Osvežitelen naučno-fantastičen roman za mladi2009
9032. Effect of activation/purification of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)on the activity of non-platinum based hypo-hyper d-electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution2009
9033. Effect of non-stationary current regimes on the morphology of silver electrodeposits2009
9034. New nano-structured and interactive supported composite electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution with partially replaced platinum loading2009
9035. Балканизмите во Четиријазичникот на Ѓ. Пулевски / Balkanisms in the GJ. Pulevski`s Dictionary of Four Languages2009
9036. Smart learning with smart board2009
9037. За Јазичната култура /Linguistic culture2009
9038. Супстантивизацијата на придавките како продуктивен зборообразувачки модел во македонскиот јазик2009
9039. Комплексната постапка за обработка на буква во почетното читање и пишување2009
9040. Surface ECE mechanism in protein film voltammetry—a theoretical study under conditions of square-wave voltammetry2009
9041. Surface ECE mechanism in protein film voltammetry—a theoretical study under conditions of square-wave voltammetry-Supplementary material for the Theoretical Model applied in the MATHCAD Software2009
9042. Computer simulation on the topologies of resonant converters used in induction cookers 2009
9043. Possibilities for ground water pollution of the Stip aquifer regarding its hydrogeological characteristics2009
9044. Блумова таксономија на воспитно - образовните цели2009
9045. Model of the Hydro-Information System of the Republic of Macedonia2009
9046. Development of the Prototype Geodatabase GEO-DATA2009
9047. Начело на недискриминацијата - забрана на дискриминацијата2009
9048. Historical development and modern condition of the green areas in the city of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia2009
9049. Transient and permanent shear strains in a building excited by strong earthquake pulses2009
9050. Transient and permanent rotations in a shear layer excited by strong earthquake pulses2009
9051. Rotations in a shear beam model of a seven-story building caused by nonlinear waves during earthquake excitation2009
9052. Митот за Ахил или феноменот на исклучителното херојство2009
9053. Correlation of Blood Fibrinolytic Activity and Clinical Outcome After Oral Surgery Interventions2009
9054. Evaluation models for contaminated sites – biological system at risk2009
9055. Определување на содржина на тешки метали во почви од Злетово2009
9056. Ecological evaluation of polluted soils from Sasa mine2009
9057. Application of dispersion analysis for determining classifying separation size2009
9058. Mine project evaluation techniques2009
9059. Computer presentation in mineral processing by software comuputer packets2009
9060. Some incidents in flotation tailings dumps in Macedonian mines2009
9061. New processing methods for producing lead and elemental sulfur from ores2009
9062. Компјутерска и мрежна безбедност на системи за управување со документи2009
9063. Developed transport systems as a generator of economic growth2009
9064. Production characteristics on soyabeen in microregion of Strumica2009
9065. The influence of crooping menagement system on protein contents in grain of wheat2009
9066. Значајноста на фискалните правила за имплементација на стабилна фискална политика2009
9067. Улогата на пактот за стабилност и раст во креирањето на фискалната политика во Европската Унија2009
9068. Скриеното Ius Publicum во македонското уставно право- Конституционални елементи на современите правни системи реципирани од Римското јавно право2009
9069. Подземна експлоатација на наоѓалиштето за јаглен Живојно2009
9070. Разгледување на можностите за примена на технологијата за откопување со заполнување на откупните простори со засип од слаби бетони во рудниците за олово и цинк2009
9071. Отворање, разработка и откопување на подлабоките делови во ревирот „Свиња Река“, рудник „Саса“2009
9072. Educational values of questioning and self questioning2009
9073. Современи техники на Ускопно пробивање како алтернатива на конвенкционалните методи на за изработка на окна и ускопи2009
9074. Assay of the phenolic profile of Merlot wines from Macedonia: Effect of maceration time, storage, SO2 and temperature of storage2009
9075. Methodology for choice an optimal belt conveyor in underground mines 2009
9076. Attitude of the future teaching staff towards the subject music education in the elementary education2009
9077. Технолошки развој на малите и средни претпријатија во РМ преку програми за соработка со странски партнери2009
9078. Улогата на Светската банка во светската економија2009
9079. Where is the moral education today?2009
9080. Современи тенденции во развојот на интелектуалното воспитание2009
9081. Влияние музъlки на человека:педагогические размъишления и набљодения 2009
9082. Technical and Biological Reclamation of the Topolnica Tailing Dump2009
9083. Одржлив развој - Императив на современиот свет 2009
9084. Cтекнување на компетентност на наставникот кој предава предмети од природните науки2009
9085. Giberella fujikuroi (Wollenweber) the new parasitical fungus on rice in the Republic of Macedonia 2009
9086. Bipolaris sorokiniana (teleomorph Cochliobolus sativus), causer of barley leaf lessions and root rot in Macedonia 2009
9087. Integrating genomics and phylogenetics in understanding the history of Trichinella species2009
9088. Molecular determinants archetypical to the phylum Nematoda2009
9089. The impact of international cooperation upon the modern university education2009
9090. Distribution of the disease Bois noir (stolbur) in some vineyards in Macedonia2009
9091. The transcriptomes of the cattle parasitic nematode Ostertagia ostartagi2009
9092. CT evaluation of gastric lymphoma2009
9093. Large-scale sequencing and analytical processing of ESTs2009
9094. Transcriptomes and pathways associated with infectivity, survival and immunogenicity in Brugia malayi L3 2009
9095. Systematic analysis of insertions and deletions specific to nematode proteins and their proposed functional and evolutionary relevance2009
9096. Expressed sequence tags of the peanut pod nematode Ditylenchus africanus: The first transcriptome analysis of an Anguinid nematode2009
9097. Sequence mining and transcript profiling to explore cyst nematode parasitism 2009
9098. Role of horizontal gene transfer in the evolution of plant parasitism among nematodes 2009
9099. Nematode.net update 2008: improvements enabling more efficient data mining and comparative nematode genomics . 2009
9100. Матрица за е-бизнис настап на македонските компании и претприемачи2009
9101. “Free money” for the agricultural sector as helping hand for investment activities in times of financial crisis2009
9102. Profitability Parameters in the Banking System of Macedonia (FYROM)2009
9103. Biphasic Myopathic Phenotype of Mouse DUX, an ORF within Conserved FSHD-Related Repeats2009
9104. Engraftment of mesenchymal stem cells into dystrophin-deficient mice is not accompanied by functional recovery2009
9105. Recycling ability of the polypropylene for production of the natural fiber composites2009
9106. Korisčenje recikliranih polimernih matrica za prozvodnju eko-kompozita2009
9107. Utilization of recycled polymer matrices for production of eco-composites2009
9108. Helminth Genomics: The Implications for Human Health 2009
9109. Principles of rock mass stabilisation after excavation of underground structures2009
9110. Principles of rock mass stabilisation after excavation of underground structures2009
9111. Повеќе пластика – поголеми долгови 2009
9112. Metalogenetic Characteristics of the Groot Fe-Ni Deposit Republic of Macedonia 2009
9113. Улогата на партиското членство во внатрепартиските активности и во изборната кампања2009
9114. Нациите и национализмот на балканот2009
9115. Izbor na optimalni vrednosti za iskoristuvanje i osiromasuvanje na rudata pri podetazniot metod so zarusuvanje na krovinata vo revir Svinja Reka vo rudnikot Sasa2009
9116. Possibility of application of optimization methods to solve problems in mining2009
9117. Примена на GIS програма во рудниците со подземна експлоатација2009
9118. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – The Impact оf Maternal Body Mass Index аnd Glycaemic Control оn Baby’s Birth Weight2009
9119. Association between Foetal Growth and Different Maternal Metabolic Characteristics in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus2009
9120. Possibilities for ground and surface water pollution from the lead and zinc ore processing in Zletovo mines2009
9121. Chemical and geochemical characteristics of the major minerals in the ore deposit Mitrasinci (Eastern Macedonia)2009
9122. Aquifer in Mt Galicica and possibilites for water supply Ohrid with ground - water 2009
9123. Prostorska analiza napetostnih in deformacijskih polj območja odkopavanja premoga2009
9124. Корелациска зависност меѓу наталитетот и живородени деца и наталитетот и вкупно починати лица во Република Македонија2009
9125. Лесново - природна и културна дестинација за развој на руралниот туризам2009
9126. Inorganic Chemical Chracterization of the Bitola, Oslomej, and Berovo Coals and their Waste Products from Burning, FYROM2009
9127. Оптимално орално здравје кај возрасната популација на територија на Република Македонија.2009
9128. Квалитетот на пченицата во системте на конвенционалнио и органско производство2009
9129. Квалитетот на овесот во системите на конвенционално и органско производство2009
9130. Влијанието на системот на одгледување врз некои морфолошки и производни својства на меката пченица2009
9131. Друштво за управување со отворени инвестициски фондови2009
9132. Dyslipidaemia and Hypertension in Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism2009
9133. Application of cluster analysis for evaluation of new Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton varieties and lines2009
9134. Comparative analysis of oat quality grown in organic and conventional conditions2009
9135. Дејствувањето на Оркестарот на народни инструменти при Македонската Радио Телевизија 2009
9136. The affects from the financial crisis over the agro economy in developed and developing countries with a Review for Republic of Macedonia 2009
9137. Бихејвиористичката економија и нејзиниот придонес кон објаснувањето на компензационите шеми за задржување на критичните работници2009
9138. Ballistic strength of woven fabrics for personal protection2009
9139. Utilization of Recycled Polypropylene for Production of Eco-Composites2009
9140. Preparation and recycling of polymer eco-composites i. Comparison of the conventional molding techniques for preparation of polymer eco-composites2009
9141. Молчењето како начин на изразување волја на понудениот2009
9142. Composite material based on an ablative phenolic resin and carbon fibers2009
9143. Понуда на неопределени лица - општа понуда2009
9144. Корелациска зависност меѓу живородени деца и склучени бракови и живородени деца и разведени бракови во Република Македонија2009
9145. Models of strategys for demographique development and populations politices 2009
9146. Излет, екскурзија и теренска настава по географија2009
9147. Assessment of the heavy metal contamination in the surfcial sediments of Lake Kalimanci (Macedonia): a preliminary study2009
9148. Heavy metal contamination of paddy soils and rice (Oryza sativa L.) from Kočani Field (Macedonia)2009
9149. REE in Some Tertiary Volcanic Complexes in the Republic of Macedonia2009
9150. Distribution of Pb and Zn and their chemical specieisations in the paddy soils from the Kočani Field (Macedonia)2009
9151. Providing quality of the business processes through motivation and establishing efficient communication with the employees2009
9152. Prednost poznavanja engleskog jezika u procesu korišćenja interneta što kasnije vodi internet plagijatorstvo2009
9153. Corpus-based activities in the EFL classroom2009
9154. Iron deficiency in repeated blood donors in WU transffusiology at General Hospital in Stip2009
9155. The influence of the concentration of heeavy metals in the blood of miners-blood donors in the municipality of Probistip2009
9156. Relationship between blood group of ABO blood system and coronary arterial disease2009
9157. Фолклорната фантастика како инспирација2009
9158. Освежителен научно-фантастичен роман за млади2009
9159. Животот сепак е убав2009
9160. Водич низ лавиринтите на животот2009
9161. Мостови од Светислав Ракиќ како беседа со себе 2009
9162. Пеперут - симбол на љубовта2009
9163. Use of Framingham model for identifying type 2 diabetes patients for primary prevention of coronary artery disease with statin treatment2009
9164. Reduction of absolute risk for coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes patients as assessed by UKPDS model 6 months after initiation of insulin treatment2009
9165. Comparison of type 2 diabetes patients identified for primary prevention of coronary heart disease with statin treatment according to Adult Treatment Panel III and Framingham model2009
9166. Rating of cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by using the system SCORE2009
9167. Европа и Балканот: Историско наследство и конструкција на колективните идентитети2009
9168. New model for reaching a new society consensus2009
9169. Distribution of cobalt in soil from Kavadarci and the environs 2009
9170. Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of marble of Bela pola deposite2009
9171. Minerals from Macedonia. XX. Geological Setting, Lithologies, and Identification of the Minerals from Ržanovo Fe-Ni Deposit2009
9172. 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Geological Events of the Allchar Deposit and its Host Rocks2009
9173. Silicate minerals from Macedonia. Complementary use of vibrational spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction for identification and detection purposes2009
9174. Казнено - правна уреденост на производство и дистрибуирање на детска порнографија преку мас-медиумите 2009
9175. Етно-лингвистичката и религиска основа на идентитетот кај Македонците муслимани: видени преку теориите за етничките групи и нивните граници на Фредрик Барт2009
9176. Европа и Балканот: Историско наследство и конструкција на колективните идентитети2009
9177. Increased oxidative/nitrosative stress and decreased antioxidant enzyme activities in prostate cancer2009
9178. Education of the gifted and talented2009
9179. Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology and Psychotherapy: a new Perspectives 2009
9180. Теориски пристапи во училишниот менаџмент2009
9181. Research Tendencies in the Area of Parent-School Cooperation2009
9182. Pedagogical aspects of integration of ICT in educational practice2009
9183. Спортскиот туризам во Штип - можности и перспективи2009
9184. Феноменот на долгата опашка во функција на туризмот2009
9185. Atmospheric pollution with copper around the copper mine and flotation, Bučim,Republic of Macedonia, using biomonitoring moss and lichen technique2009
9186. Био-библиографија на проф. д-р Ванче Стојчев2009
9187. Правилниот избор - пред трошоците2009
9188. Електронското банкарство предизвик за комитентите2009
9189. Современи тенденции од идеолошка полидимензионалност кон идеолошка нивелација на изборните и партиските програми2009
9190. Трет Балкански семинар за телемедицина и е-здравство2009
9191. Дијагностички сродни групи (ДСГ) како систем за плаќање на здравствените услуги2009
9192. Морфолошки карактеристики на плодови од андрогенетски линии пиперка (Capiscum annuum L.) одгледувани во пластеник (2007-2009)2009
9193. Analysis of information threats and counteractions in consumer oriented organizations (separating the best from the rest2009
9194. Improving the business climate for SME from the food industry2009
9195. Estimating and Managing Country Risk 2009
9196. Managing security in an e-business environment2009
9197. За музичката форма на "Simfonietta in Si" од Томислав Зографски - аналитички белешки2009
9198. Nesreca sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije za period 1999 - 2008, godine2009
9199. Periodic quasigroup string transformations2009
9200. Proektiranje na sistem na motivacija - nuznost v ostvaruvanje na strategijata i celite na kompaniite2009
9201. Primena na metodite i tehnikite za bezdefektno proizvodstvo vo proektiranjeto na sistem za kvalitet i optimizacija na delovnite procesi2009
9202. Generating huge quasigroups from small non-linear bijections via extended Feistel function2009
9203. Хемиски состав на јајцевата содржина кај различни видови живина2008
9204. Uticaj sastav mesa na kvalitet cajnih kobasica2008
9205. Историја на оралната имплантологија2008
9206. Diallel Analysis for Productive Tillering in Rice2008
9207. Производни и технолошки својства на некои новосоздадени хибридни генотипи ориз2008
9208. Оризот значајна стратешка култура во Република Македонија2008
9209. Развојни и производно-технолошки карактеристики кај интродуцирани генотипови ориз (Oryza sativa L.) во агроеколошки услови на кочанскиот регион 2008
9210. Драми за македонската драма2008
9211. За одродувањето на сродниците2008
9212. Моралниот лик на наставникот - предуслов за квалитетно етичко образование2008
9213. Компаративнo истражување на решенијата за забрзување и поедноставување на казнената постапка2008
9214. Криминолошки обележја на македонскиот економски криминалитет низ податоците на органите на казнениот прогон 2008
9215. Улогата на судијата за малолетници во системот на малолетничка правда2008
9216. Survey of Barley and Wheat Parasitic Microflora in the Republic of Macedonia 2008
9217. Mycosphaerella graminicola (Fuckel.) Schroter. (Anamorf: Septoria tritici Rob ex Desm.) - Causer of Leaf Blotch Diseases (Septoriosa) on Wheat 2008
9218. Molecular Detection and Characterisation of Grapevine Phytoplasmas in Macedonia 2008
9219. Homing air-defence missile systems using a novel fuzzy-logic mode of fire control2008
9220. Казнено-правната реформа и почитувањето на човековите права во Република Македонија2008
9221. Социјална перцепција - како фактор за добри меѓучовечки односи2008
9222. Consequences of tractor accidents in the agriculture in Republic of Macedonia2008
9223. Influence of raw matter origin and production period on fattyacid composition of dry-cured hams2008
9224. Posledice nesreća sa traktorima u poljoprivredi sa učešćem starije populacije farmera2008
9225. Оптимални валутни области и асиметрични шокови2008
9226. Видови педагошки истражувања2008
9227. Модели на професионален развој на наставникот2008
9228. Teacher’s professional development and Bologna process2008
9229. What worth is fighting to do to improve school educational role?2008
9230. Role and meaning of ICT in longlife education2008
9231. Постапки и инструменти за собирање на податоци-тестирање и тестови на знаења2008
9232. Correlation of Drected Body Activities With the Rest of the Educational Activities in the Preschool Education2008
9233. Утврдување и споредување на факторската структура во морфолошкиот и моторниот простор кај учениците и ученичките на 11 годишна возраст, како основа за избор на наставни содржини на предметот физичко образование2008
9234. Компарирање на латентната моторна структура кај ученици од 12 и 13 годишна возраст2008
9235. Towards a Psychology of Media Education 2008
9236. Development of Social Mediation and Emotional Regulation in Virtual Learning Environment Research 2008
9237. Lorandite from Allchar, a long-term double detector for pp-neutrinos and fast myons2008
9238. 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Geological Events of the Allchar Deposit and its Host Rocks:preliminary results 2008
9239. Влијанието на концентрацијата на тешките метали во серумот врз здравјето кај рударската популација во Пробиштип2008
9240. Здружување на наставниците по географија услов за успешна и транспарентна работа2008
9241. The incidence of HbsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and treponema pallidum antibodies in repeated blood donors for the eastern part of Republic of Macedonia2008
9242. International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium report, data summary for 2002-2007, issued January 20082008
9243. Somatosensory evoked potentials in patients with thalamic CVI2008
9244. Treatment of non-metastatic high-grade osteosarcoma 2008
9245. Amplatzer occlusion of paravalvular leak of mitral mechanical prosthesis following a reoperation for thrombosed mitral mechanical prosthesis2008
9246. Cardiac silhouette following a mitral valve replacement,tricuspid annuloplasty and atrioplasty of both atria2008
9247. Рушење на згради и други градежни објекти со помош на експлозивни и неексплозивни материи2008
9248. Рекултивација на површинските копови2008
9249. Поим за менаџмент2008
9250. Местото и значењето на интервентните кардиоваскуларни процедури во оптималниот третман на вродените срцеви маани, досегашни резултати и идни перспективи 2008
9251. Congenital heart diseases - strategy for treatment 2008
9252. Анимацијата содржина на вонпансионската туристичка понуда2008
9253. Економско инвестициски процеси, криза и надежи2008
9254. Како источноевропските валути ќе реагираат на кризата2008
9255. Добрите страни на неразвиеноста2008
9256. И Источна Европа чувствителна на криза-најранливи новите членки на ЕУ2008
9257. Методи за појаснување на вокабуларот во наставата по германски јазик2008
9258. Предностите на електронското банкарство и можностите за негова имплементација2008
9259. Quality projection of manufacturing processes relating to environmental protection2008
9260. "A report on the 17th National BETA-IATEFL Conference"2008
9261. "New tendencies in teaching ESP two-year working experience"2008
9262. Staff planning and development as a business resource within Macedonian companies2008
9263. Methodology for optimization of the quality costs2008
9264. Distribution and ecology of genus type Tricholoma (Tricholomataceae) in the Republic of Macedonia2008
9265. Структурата на дидактичкиот материјал при комплексната постапка на обработка на буква како метод кај надарените деца2008
9266. Стратиграфско Распространение На Фораминиферите Од Тиквешкиот Басен Во Република Македонија2008
9267. Correlation of stratigraphic distribution of the foraminifers in the Ovče pole and Tikveš paleogene basin, the Republic of Macedonia2008
9268. Хидрогеолошки карактеристики на околината на Дојранското Езеро и можности за искористување на подземните води2008
9269. Заштита на подземните води во Република Македонија2008
9270. Analysis of Geophysical models on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia2008
9271. Models of the geomagnetic field on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia2008
9272. Software implementation of the geodatabase model of the Republic of Macedonia2008
9273. Geo-Database Model of the Republic of Macedonia2008
9274. Влијанија на експолатацијата на минералните суровини врз животната средина2008
9275. Ефектот на високата надворешна температура во интраутериниот и раниот постнатален период врз масата протеините и нуклеинските киселини во тимусот кај белиот лабораториски стаорец2008
9276. Фокусот на „ексцентричноста“ во расказите на Хулио Кортасар2008
9277. Приказна(и) за судбините човечки2008
9278. QC-CE-Pyramid model in the designing of the information system within a company2008
9279. Repo operations such instrument of monetary policy2008
9280. Современи инженерско-геолошки процеси и појави во околината на Охридското езеро2008
9281. Using IPA funds to promote economic and social development cohesion (special overview of transport policy in Republic of Macedonia) 2008
9282. Reliability: Reliability of improved network2008
9283. Statistical analysis and predicting of tourism movements in Republic of Macedonia2008
9284. Стандардизација при експлоатацијата и обработка на камен во Република Македонија2008
9285. Примена на методот за нето-сегашна вредност (NPV) за оценување на исплатливоста на инвестициите во рударството2008
9286. Модернизација на главниот транспорт на ровната руда во рудникот Саса со примена на јамски камиони2008
9287. Примена на информатичката технологија при проектирање на подетажните методи со зарушување2008
9288. Минералошко -хемиски карактеристики на талкот од наоѓалиштето Ржаново2008
9289. Контаминираност на почвите со тешки и токсични метали во околината на с. Лојаане2008
9290. Видови на отпад, негово одстранување, одлагање и рециклирање2008
9291. Петрографски карактеристики на гнајс-гранититте од околината на с. Дупјачани-прилепско2008
9292. "Tourism in the 21 century from the aspect of climatic and social changes, the future of tourism and trade law"2008
9293. Underground exploitation of the coal in the Pelagonia's region with application of modern technologies2008
9294. HPLC method for determination of verapamil in human plasma after solid-phase extraction2008
9295. Pseudomonas agglomerans and Pseudomonas sp. as causes of tomato pith necrosis2008
9296. Advances in the sequencing of the genome of the adenophorean nematode Trichinella spiralis2008
9297. Potential benefits and controversies related to use of amygdalin (Vitamin B17)2008
9298. Isolated malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of kidney capsule 2008
9299. Intestinal Transcriptomes of Nematodes: Comparison of the Parasites Ascarissuum and Haemonchuscontortus with the Free-living Caenorhabditiselegans 2008
9300. NemaPath: online exploration of KEGG-based metabolic pathways for nematodes 2008
9301. Генетски ресурси на Capsicum spp. во генбанката на ЈНУ Институт за јужни земјоделски култури2008
9302. Exploring the transcriptome of the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis 2008
9303. Mining the secretome of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne chitwoodi for candidate parasitism genes 2008
9304. The Pristionchus pacificus genome provides a unique perspective on nematode lifestyle and parasitism 2008
9305. The canine hookworm genome: analysis and classification of Ancylostoma caninum survey sequences 2008
9306. DUX4c, an FSHD candidate gene, interferes with myogenic regulators and abolishes myoblast differentiation2008
9307. Prospective Isolation of Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells with a Pax7 Reporter2008
9308. Pax3 activation promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells toward the myogenic lineage2008
9309. An isogenetic myoblast expression screen identifies DUX4-mediated FSHD-associated molecular pathologies2008
9310. White Fat Progenitor Cells Reside in the Adipose Vasculature2008
9311. Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution 2008
9312. Истражно и експлоатационо дупчење во наоѓалиштето Свиња - Река - Саса2008
9313. Coal reserves in Bitola' s part of Pelagonia - Primary factor for termoenergetic development of Rek Bitola2008
9314. Komparativna analiza za podgraduvanje na horizontalna rudarska prostorija so elasticna i drvena podgrada2008
9315. Izbor na otkopen metod za podzemno otkopuvanje na rudno naogaliste2008
9316. Possibility for produsing of lufa (Luffa sp.) in area of Skopje 2008
9317. Contamination and protection of ground waters in the alluvial sediments of the Bregalnica river in the Delcevo region, depending on their hydrogeological characteristics2008
9318. New data on the hydrothermal alterations in the Plavica deposit (Eastern Macedonia) 2008
9319. Подземните води на локалитетот Дивјак како алтернатива за водоснабдување на Свети Николе 2008
9320. Payment mechanisms for health services2008
9321. Quality and equity health care2008
9322. Probing the redox activity of T-lymphocytes deposited at electrode surfaces with voltammetric methods2008
9323. Критичка евалуација на теоријата на монополистичка конкуренција со осврт на стручниот труд од Диксит и Стиглиц од 1977 година2008
9324. An Algorithm for Calculating Multi-State Network Reliability with Arbitrary Capacities of the Links 2008
9325. Крвните дискразии и промени на оралната лигавица2008
9326. Evolution and dynamics of the Cenozoic tectonics of the South Balkan extensional system 2008
9327. Крвните дискразии и промени на оралната лигавица2008
9328. Sedimentation value of aestivum wheat grain produced in organic crop menagement system 2008
9329. Production status of some crops in the cucurbitaceae family in the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2000-2006 2008
9330. Cotton irrigation regime under conditions of regulated water deficit2008
9331. Географски искуства и практики во идентификацијата и работата со надарените ученици2008
9332. Recycling of polypropylene 1 based eco-composites2008
9333. The population and system of settlements in the region of Pelagonia(Present states) 2008
9334. Preparation and characterization of poly(lactic acid)/rice hulls based biodegradable composites2008
9335. Concentration end depopulacion spatialis postulates in population politics in Republic Macedonia 2008
9336. Determination of heavy metals in paddy soils (Kočani Field, Macedonia) by a sequential extraction procedure2008
9337. Постмодерен пристап во теоријата на државата- политичка тријада: интереси- легитимација- избори и изборна кампања. 2008
9338. Однесувањето на гласачите како една од детерминантите во креирањето на изборната стратегија на политичките партии2008
9339. Formation Conditions of Copper Porphyry Mineralization in the Kadica–Bukovik Ore District, Eastern Macedonia2008
9340. The composition of major minerals from the Buchim porphyry copper deposit, Republic of Macedonia2008
9341. „Заборавениот колосек” од Глигор Поповски - крик кон општествената совест2008
9342. Еден антиутописки роман2008
9343. Талкањата на Марија Гркова2008
9344. Reduction of cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes patients as assessed by SCORE system 6 months after initiation of insulin treatment2008
9345. Mineral researches of the examples of the archeological locality “Stobi” using the method of the x-ray diferaction2008
9346. Менаџментот во креирање на здравствена стратегија2008
9347. Redox properties of the calcium chelator Fura-2 in mimetic biomembranes2008
9348. Late Miocene to Pleistocene potassic volcanism in the Republic of Macedonia2008
9349. Mineralogy of the Plio-Pleistocene potassic and ultrapotassic volcanic rocks from the Republic of Macedonia2008
9350. Coupling of Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Probing the Thermodynamics of Facilitated Ion Transfer Reactions Exhibiting Chemical Kinetic Hindrances2008
9351. Финансиска и материјална поддршка на политичките партии пред и за време на изборната кампања и моделите на транспарентност (светско и македонско искуство)2008
9352. Functional outcome and quality of life after coronary artery bypass surgery in patients with severe heart failure and hibernated myocardium.2008
9353. C-reactive protein in patients with normal perfusion and mild to moderate perfusion defects who have undergone myocardial perfusion imaging with 99m-Tc sestamibi gated spect.2008
9354. N-terminal-proB natriuretic peptide in patients with stable coronary artery disease evaluated for ischemia with myocardial perfusion imaging.2008
9355. Positive Psychology: Positive Emotions and Emotional Intelegence 2008
9356. Functional outcome and quality of life after coronary artery bypass surgery in patients with severe heart failure and hibernated myocardium2008
9357. A new rapid and simple method to determine the kinetics of electrode reactions of biologically relevant compounds from the half-peak width of the square-wave voltammograms2008
9358. Protein-film voltammetry: A theoretical study of the temperature effect using square-wave voltammetry2008
9359. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) genetic polymorphism is associated with risk of early-onset prostate cancer2008
9360. Glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) genetic polymorphism, erythrocyte GPX activity, and prostate cancer risk2008
9361. N-terminal-proB natriuretic peptide in patients with stable coronary artery disease evaluated for ischemia with myocardial perfusion imaging2008
9362. Probing of the Voltammetric Features of Graphite Electrodes Modified with Mercaptoundecanoic Acid Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles2008
9363. Hospital Acquired MRSA Penumonia2008
9364. Climate influence on the grapevine phenology and anthocyanins content in wines from the Skopje vineyard area, Republic of Macedonia2008
9365. Native Gold of the Porphyry Copper Mineralization in the Borov Dol Deposit (Republic of Macedonia)2008
9366. Биотехнологија и биодиверзитет: Аспекти на подобрување на генетските ресурси на земјоделските култури2008
9367. Experimental evaluation of dynamic behavior of pipeline systems of thermal power plants exposed to seismic loads2008
9368. Tehnicka resenja uredzaja i opreme za povecanje sigurnosti rada mobilnih masina i traktora u poljuprivredi2008
9369. Примена на андрогенезата како метод за подобрување на разновидноста на земјоделските култури2008
9370. The Darwin evolution theory – society, social system designed in accordance with Darwin’s concept of nature2008
9371. Evaluation of the lipophilic properties of opioids, amphetamine-like drugs, and metabolites through electrochemical studies at the interface between two immiscible solutions2007
9372. Денот кога заврши иднината на Емилија2007
9373. Comperative examination of some productive - technological characteristics of introduced and standard varieties of rice (Oriza sativa L.)2007
9374. Weed vegetation in rice grown in precrop of some fooder plants2007
9375. Application of green manure from fodder plants as precondition for organic production of rice 2007
9376. Дејство на основното ѓубрење и прихранувањето со различни азотни ѓубрива врз приносот и квалитетот на ПРИМА РИСКА - новосоздадена сорта на ориз2007
9377. Деконструкциите кај Солев2007
9378. Траги за книжевните струења во едно време2007
9379. Хуманистичка порака за вечноста на животот2007
9380. Корените и меѓите на постоењето2007
9381. Генезата на вечниот живот2007
9382. Театарскиот лет на македонскиот феникс2007
9383. Спојување и раздвојување на постапката како претпоставки за успешно раководење со постапката2007
9384. Заемните карактеристики и влијаниа помеѓу градската и селската куќа во Кратово и кратовско2007
9385. Primena multimedijalnih tehnologija2007
9386. Medijumska pismenost2007
9387. The new communication media - new possibilities in the development of the culture2007
9388. IKT u nastavnoj komunikaciji u cilju stvaranja društva znanja i učenja2007
9389. With partnership between teachers and parents to a more effective teaching2007
9390. Education and its role in the changes in modern society2007
9391. Characteristics of contemporary school seen through the prism of moral education2007
9392. Ефикасноста на процесот на учење на телесните движења во зависност од примената на дидактичкиот принцип на систематичност и постапност2007
9393. Примена на дидактичкиот принцип на систематичност и постапност во процесот на учење и усовршување на гимнастичкиот елемент премет напред на партер2007
9394. Методски аспекти на реализација на игрите во воспитно - образовната работа2007
9395. Споредба на добиените разлики од резултатите во моторичките тестови кај ученичките на 11 и 12 годишна возраст2007
9396. Примена на елементи од структурата на телесната вежба при одредување на оптеретувањето на часот по аеробик со хетерогени групи2007
9397. Surgical treatment of multylocular hydracyst of the left ventricle - A case report 2007
9398. Autotransplantation for treatment of a giant left atrium 2007
9399. Direct circular repair for left ventricle aneurysm 2007
9400. Clinical results from stentless aortic valve replacement 2007
9401. Use the software for prediction of rock fragmentation2007
9402. Ефектот на валпроат на кортикалната електрогенеза2007
9403. Имуногенетски истражувања кај пациенти со епилепсија2007
9404. Diagnostic and treatment problems with parosteal osteosarcoma. A clinical and a histological study of 7 cases and review of the literature2007
9405. Suture line reinforcement using suction-assisted bioglue application during surgery for acute aortic dissection2007
9406. 24 hours ECG Holter monitoring evaluates types of arrhythmias in accordance to type of cardiac surgery 2007
9407. Berg encyclopedia of world dress and fashion - East Europe, Russia, and the Caucasus - Macedonia: ethnic dress, embroidery, jewerly and adornment2007
9408. Application of the concept of total quality management in information management of an enterprise2007
9409. The influence of colagenaza enzyme upon structural mechanical properties of meat cans2007
9410. Effect of carbon nanotubes support in improving the performance of mixed electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution2007
9411. Study of structural and electrochemical characteristics of Co-based hypo–hyper d-electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution2007
9412. Stratigraphic distribution of the foraminifers of the Ovce Pole paleogene basin, the Republic of Macedonia2007
9413. Неопходност од набавка и воведување нова земјоделска техника во земјоделското производство во Р.Македонија2007
9414. Exploitation parameters of machine for processing soil in a row, in vineyard2007
9415. Examination of possibilities for introduction of hybrid maize made in the institute for maize-kneza, R.Bugaria for manufacturing in the Strumica region of R.Makedonia2007
9416. Нумерус2007
9417. Comparative analysis of the traditional approach and the approach according to the montessori model in the pre-educational institutions in the Republic of Macedonia with a review to the educational area of mathematics2007
9418. Integracija e-ućenja u kurikulum metodike vaspitno-obrazovnog rada iz matematike2007
9419. Hydrological investigation of the ground waters in the Gladnica site, Kumanovo2007
9420. Thermal and Thermomineral springs related to the seismotectonic activity of faults in the Republic of Macedonia2007
9421. Application of soft magnetic materials in development of new experimental model of single phase shaded pole motor2007
9422. Correlation between IGRF2000 model and measured geomagnetic data on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia from measurements in 2003 and 20042007
9423. Basic model of the Geo-Database of the Republic of Macedonia2007
9424. Портфолио како модел на школо без неуспешни ученици2007
9425. Permanent deformations and strains in a shear building excited by a strong motion pulse2007
9426. Arima modelling of annual rainfalls in the Bregalnica River basin2007
9427. Energy and power of nonlinear waves in a seven story reinforced concrete building2007
9428. Одржливиот развој и Европската Унија2007
9429. Избор на економски најефективна метода за откопување според критериумот на оптималност, со обзир на рударско - геолошките услови на наоѓалиштето2007
9430. Cooperative learnig in heterogeneous groups - A model for establishing class cohesion and school success inprovement2007
9431. Основата за одржливо управување со шумите во законите и стратешките развојни документи во Република Македонија2007
9432. Possibility of applying the multicriteria analysis method when selecting a conveyance system in a lead and zinc mine 2007
9433. Retrofit of a cavity formed during excavation using room and pillar mining "Svinja reka - West" part of "Sasa" mine2007
9434. Heavy metals in the water of the river Zletovska and the vicinity2007
9435. Presence of grapevine phytoplasmas in summer 2006 in the Republic of Macedonia 2007
9436. The bandit, a New DNA Transposon from a Hookworm— Possible Horizontal Genetic Transfer between Host and Parasite2007
9437. SSEA-4 identifies mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow2007
9438. Draft Genome of the Filarial Nematode Parasite Brugia malayi2007
9439. Divergent evolution of arrested development in the dauer stage of Caenorhabditis elegans and the infective stage of Heterodera glycines 2007
9440. Some morphological and technological characteristics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) from Macedonia2007
9441. Heavy metals in sediments and soils along the Bregalnica river in the part of simulation Kalimanci Kocani2007
9442. Epidemoilogy of severe poisonings caused by ingestion caustic substance 2007
9443. Nurturing democracy through education2007
9444. Kontrola na prašinata pri procesiranje i rakuvanje so mineralnite surovini2007
9445. Somatic embryogenesis in pepper anther culture: the effect of incubation treatments and different media 2007
9446. Production characteristics of potato in Strumica region for period 1999-2007 2007
9447. Occurrence of diseases, pests and weeds of pepper, variety "Kurtovska Kapija", from seeding production up to harvest2007
9448. Effectiveness of androgenesis induced in anther culture of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)2007
9449. Herbicide influence on the yield and some quality characteristics of the soybean2007
9450. Harmful insects on pepper in Strumica region2007
9451. Makedonya Türk Çocuk Oyunlarında Sayışmacalar2007
9452. Characterization of coal from the Mariovo basin, Macedonia – Insights from organic geochemical and sulphur isotopic data.2007
9453. Demographical structure of Bitola jews before deported in 1943 years 2007
9454. Од идеја до профит - Започнете сопствен интернет бизнис2007
9455. Претприемнички мрежи2007
9456. Изградба на претприемнички мрежи2007
9457. Major and trace elements in paddy soil contaminated by Pb–Zn mining: a case study of Kočani Field, Macedonia2007
9458. Acid mine drainage systems and metal pollution around the active polymetallic mines in the Eastern Macedonia 2007
9459. Redox Chemistry of Ca-Transporter 2-Palmitoylhydroquinone in an Artificial Thin Organic Film Membrane2007
9460. Ore forming fluids in the Allchar Au-Sb-As-Tl deposit, FYR Macedonia 2007
9461. Трипартизмот - предизвик во процесот на приближување кон Европска Унија2007
9462. Социјалниот дијалог – неразделен дел од општествен економскиот истем 2007
9463. Trace Elements in the Soils of the Tikves Region2007
9464. Voltammetric insights in the transfer of ionizable drugs across biomimetic membranes: recent achievements.2007
9465. Relationship between myocardial viability and improvement in left ventricular function and heart failure symptoms after coronary artery bypass surgery.2007
9466. Arterial hypertension in patients with coronary artery disease treated with surgical myocardial revascularization.2007
9467. Carotid ultrasound, blood lipids and waist determination can predict a future coronary revascularisation in the type 2 diabetic cohort.2007
9468. Air pollution and the birth weight - are they correlated? 2007
9469. Does the cigarette smoking influence the perinatal outcome?2007
9470. Rapid and Simple Determination of Plasma and Erythrocyte MDA Levels in Prostate Cancer Patients by a Validated HPLC Method2007
9471. Ориентациона програма за педагошко образование на родители2007
9472. The effect of pruning and cluster thinning for producing of dessert wine's raw material from semillon cultivar in Skopje wine district's conditions2007
9473. Phyllometric study of some wine grapevine cultivar (vitis vinifera l.) from the Balkan subgroup (subconvarietas balcanica negr.)2007
9474. Investigations of anatomical characteristics of some wine and table - grapevine cultivars, in Skopje area of vineyards2007
9475. The influence of pinching on some technological characteristics of cluster and berry of Italia grape variety2007
9476. Toxic influence of excessive concentrations of some haevy metals upon anthocians, flavonoids, and phenols in pepper (Capsicum annuum) as a vegetable 2007
9477. Mineralogical and Chemical Characteristics of the Most Important Minerals in the Volcanic Rocks of the Kratovo - Zletovo Volcanic Area2007
9478. Moving from biophobia to biophilia2007
9479. Вегетативно размножување кај некои растителни видови во in vitro услови2007
9480. Добивање на хаплоиди во култура на антери од пиперка Capicum annum L. и нивно вклучување во процесот на селекција2007
9481. Немерлива љубов кон Македонија2007
9482. Spice paprika oleoresin extraction under different conditions involving acetone and ethanol2007
9483. Resistance of Pepper Accessions and Lines to Economically Important Diseases 2006
9484. Tomato Bacterial Diseases in Macedonia2006
9485. Суштински студии за наративната граматика2006
9486. Наратолошки прирачник2006
9487. Ликови-референти во современата македонска проза2006
9488. Деконструкција на ликот во прозата на Драги Михајловски2006
9489. Мистична антропологија на обожувањето2006
9490. The Balkans at the Crossroads2006
9491. Болести кај житните култури во Република Македонија2006
9492. Перспективи за пречистување и повторна употреба на комуналната отпадна вода од општина Карбинци2006
9493. Ecological education, need and challenge of today2006
9494. A positive relation between the teacher and the pupil in teaching - a condition for a more successful teaching2006
9495. Distant learning - challenge and social need in the European family2006
9496. Утврдување на факторската структура, промените и идентичноста на латентната стурктура во морфолошкиот простор кај ученичките на 11 и 12 годишна возраст2006
9497. Компаративна анализа на добиените резултати од просечните вредности на применетите моторички тестови кај учениците од 5 и 6 одделение2006
9498. Computer aided system for investigation of cutting forces and temperature in turning2006
9499. Quartz from Allchar as Monitor for Cosmogenic 26Al: Geochemical and Petrogenetic Constraints2006
9500. Left Ventricular Reconstruction In Off Pump Technique2006
9501. Complex Reconstruction of Hydatic Cust-Destructed Left Ventricle: A Case Report2006
9502. Intracapsular and para- articular chondroma of knee: a report of four cases and review of the literature2006
9503. Septal structure and function relationships parallel the left ventricular free wall ascending and descending segments of the helical heart2006
9504. The effect of ventricular sequential contraction on helical heart during pacing: high septal pacing versus biventricular pacing2006
9505. Sequential deformation and physiological considerations in unipolar right or left ventricular pacing2006
9506. Transoesophageal echocardiography imaging for diagnosis of acute aortic dissection 2006
9507. Reconstructive surgery of the aortic annuli2006
9508. The insufficiency of exercise stress test in assessment of coronary status in patients with bypass surgery2006
9509. Микропропагација на домат (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)2006
9510. Glycono-delta lacton influence upon pH changes in the ripening process of rough smoked sausages2006
9511. Демографските модели на руралниот развој во Република Македонија во услови на глобални структурни промени2006
9512. UKIM on the road to the EHEA2006
9513. Modifications for the improvement of catalyst materials for hydrogen evolution2006
9514. Improvement of performances of complex non-platinum electrode materials for hydrogen evolution2006
9515. Preliminary results of the work of the newly constructed (prototype) machine for plant protection2006
9516. Нумерус2006
9517. Response spectra for differential motion of columns, paper II: Out-of-plane response2006
9518. Determination the level of erosion in the Bregalnica river Basin2006
9519. The role of leader to effectuate the employees in realization of aims of organization2006
9520. The Cultural, Social and the Economic Determinants of the Public Music Perforamnces in the city of Skopje, 20042006
9521. Новооткриен термален објект во Баргала2006
9522. Quartz of the lakavica deposit2006
9523. Mineralogical-chemical characteristics of calcite from Zletovo,Sasa and Bucim deposits2006
9524. Explosive devices magazine - dimensioning and designing2006
9525. Optimization of the parameters of sublevel caving method on the example of the Sasa Mine 2006
9526. Possibilities of transportation of hydro-stowing in the form of paste for the purposes of back-filling the cavities in the mine Sasa (Macedonia)2006
9527. Ecological advantages of the application of horizontal curves belt conveyors in coal conveyance2006
9528. Примена методе аналитичких хиерархијских процеса (АХП) код избора утоварно-транспортне машине2006
9529. Characterization of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria isolated from peppers in Macedonia 2006
9530. Recycling and reuse facilities of lignocellulosic material filled eco-composites2006
9531. Caracterization of kenaf / pla composites2006
9532. Identification and analysis of genes expressed in the adult filarial parasitic nematode Dirofilaria immitis 2006
9533. A Symbiont-Independent Endo-1,4-β-Xylanase from the Plant-Parasitic Nematode Meloidogyne incognita 2006
9534. Codon usage patterns in Nematoda: analysis based on over 25 million codons in thirty-two species 2006
9535. Chondrogenic differentiation of bovine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in different hydrogels: Influence of collagen type II extracellular matrix on MSC chondrogenesis2006
9536. Alpha-gliadin genes from the A, B, and D genomes of wheat contain different sets of celiac disease epitopes 2006
9537. Меѓународна и национална законска рамка за човекови права за Македонија2006
9538. Inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B by reactive oxygen species leads to maintenance of Ca2+ influx following store depletion in HEK 293 cells2006
9539. Comparative Effects of NaCl and CaCl2 Salinity on Cucumber Grown in a Closed Hydroponic System 2006
9540. Економски аспекти на осигурувањето2006
9541. GPS results for Macedonia and its importance for the tectonics of the Southern Balkan extensional regime2006
9542. Преглед на руската философија и утврдување на нејзините особености2006
9543. Influence of Lovastatin and combined antioxidant therapy on oxidative status parameters2006
9544. Компоненти на приносот и принос кај некои F1 хибриди од домати2006
9545. Fauna of species of predator family chrysopidae at the pepper in Strumica region2006
9546. Male sterility in cotton and possibilities for its utilization2006
9547. Vocationalisition of school education in developing countries2006
9548. Educational sistem in developing countries2006
9549. Actinolite-Phengite-Chlorite Metasomatites from the Toranica Pb-Zn Ore Deposit in Macedonia2006
9550. The distribution of rare earth elements (REEs) in paddy soil and rice seeds from Kočani Field (eastern Macedonia) 2006
9551. New data concerning the major ore minerals and sulphosalts from the Pb-Zn Zletovo Mine, Macedonia2006
9552. Petrological and Geochemical Features of the Neogene Volcanites of the Osogovo Mountains, Eastern Macedonia2006
9553. The Alshar Epithermal Au-As-Sb-Tl Deposit, Southern Macedonia2006
9554. Molecular dynamics study of nitrobenzene and 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether saturated with water2006
9555. A Comparative Study of the Anion Transfer Kinetics Across a Water/Nitrobenzene Interface by Means of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Square-Wave Voltammetry at Thin Organic Film-Modified Electrodes2006
9556. Tectonic Position of the Alshar Au–As–Sb–Tl Deposit, Macedonia2006
9557. Simple Electrochemical Method for Deposition and Voltammetric Inspection of Silver Particles at the Liquid−Liquid Interface of a Thin-Film Electrode2006
9558. Molecular Dynamics Study of 2-Nitrophenyl Octyl Ether and Nitrobenzene2006
9559. Comparison of type 2 diabetic subjects identified for CHD primary prevention with statins by Adult Treatment Panel III Guidelines and Framingham Model2006
9560. Effect of insulin therapy on lipid profile in type 2 diabetes subjects receiving simvastatin therapy for prevention of cardiovascular diseases2006
9561. Trace elements in the soils of the Tikves region in the Republic of Macedonia2006
9562. Late Alpine Ultra- to High Potassic Volcanic Rocks in Republic of Macedonia: Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Age2006
9563. Quartz from Allchar as monitor for cosmogenic 26 Al: Geochemical and petrogenetic constraints 2006
9564. Prognostic utility of carotid ultrasound and cardiac SPECT imaging in coronary artery bypass patients.2006
9565. Factors influencing graft potency in patients who underwent CABG for treatment of CAD.2006
9566. Predictors of in-hospital morbidity and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease treated with coronary artery bypass surgery.2006
9567. Prognostic utility of carotid ultrasound and cardiac SPECT imaging in coronary artery bypass patients2006
9568. Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in non-metastatic prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia2006
9569. Determination of ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel in oral contraceptives with HPLC methods with UV detection and UV/fluorescence detection2006
9570. The Seedtime and the Maturity Groups Influencing the Number of Pods Per Plant on Soybean2006
9571. Велешко-франкофонски осврти2006
9572. Потрага за свежим поетским дискурсом2006
9573. Промените во супервизијата во банкарската индустрија под влијанието на Базел I и Базел II спогодбата (дел четири)2006
9574. Промените во супервизијата во банкарската индустрија под влијанието на Базел I и Базел II спогодбата (втор дел)2006
9575. Petrologic and Geochemical Characteristics of the Volcanic Rocks in the Bucim District2006
9576. Полнозначност во едноставноста2006
9577. A new method for computing the number of n-quasigroups2006
9578. Промените во супервизијата во банкарската индустрија под влијанието на Базел I и Базел II спогодбата (прв дел)2006
9579. За живото дело на Димитар Митрев2006
9580. Морална деградација на ликот (книжевно-теориски аспекти)2006
9581. Книга од душата за душата2006
9582. Функциите на фуснотите во македонската книжевност2006
9583. Electrochemical Characterization of Polyelectrolyte/Gold Nanoparticle Multilayers Self-Assembled on Gold Electrodes2005
9584. Развојот на предучилишниот курикулум со посебен осврт на курикулумот - Desirable Outcomes(посакувани резултати)2005
9585. Организация на финансовия контрол в Република Македония2005
9586. Possibilities for Production of Soybean as Second Crop and Herbicides Application 2005
9587. За особеностите на руската философија2005
9588. After the Election of Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholicism Turned to the Authentic Values of Christianity2005
9589. „Солидарност”, како одраз на желбите на народите од Југоисточна Европа за Обединета Европа2005
9590. Народното градителство на Шопската етничка заедница во источна Македонија2005
9591. Ethnographic park Pijanec, Reconstuction of traditional way of dwelling2005
9592. New Sources of Tobamoviruses, CMV and Bacterial Spot Resistance in Pepper2005
9593. Traditional architecture in the Radovis district2005
9594. Brucellosis- Advanced Diagnostic Methods and Update on Epidemiology/ Epizootology in the Balkan Region2005
9595. Современото училиште и неговата воспитна функција2005
9596. The language of education and the recommended bilingualism in the country2005
9597. Ethnic distance and ethnic tolerance in schools in the Republic Macedonia2005
9598. Развојот на далечинското учење во Европа и светот2005
9599. Споредбена анализа на факторските структури и промените во латентниот моторички простор кај учениците од машки пол во возрасниот период од 11 - 12 години2005
9600. Аеробикот како средство за остварување на целите и задачите на часот по физичко образование, спорт и спортски активности2005
9601. Problems in seed production of wheat in R. Macedonia2005
9602. Transventricular Mitral Valve Annuloplasty2005
9603. Теоретските поставки на маркетингот2005
9604. Демографски контрасти на населението во Република Македонија според националност, мајчин јазик и вероисповед (Попис 1994-2002)2005
9605. Comparative analysis of the prices of essential medicines among Bulgaria and Macedonia2005
9606. Impact of the centralized procurement on the medicines prices - (example with oncology products in Bulgaria and Macedonia)2005
9607. Ecological risk assessment of genetically modified wheat (Triticum) in Europe2005
9608. CROPWAT – Assessment of irrigation strategies in the region of Skopje2005
9609. За првпат во Република Македонија натпревар за цртање карта за животната средина2005
9610. Effect of Foliar Split Application with Kristalon Special Upon Yield and Dressing White Rice2005
9611. Uniform Ends2005
9612. Извештај од реализирана студиска посета во Лондон, Велика Британија2005
9613. Geological characteristics of the Gorna Brca clay deposit, Veles (Republic of Macedonia)2005
9614. Geochemical features of the thermomineral waters of the Borovic site, Kratovo (Republic of Macedonia)2005
9615. Hydrogeological investigations for mineral water and CO2 gas in the village of Bac, Bitola, The Republic of Macedonia2005
9616. Comparison between two target functions for optimization of single phase shaded-pole motor using method of genetic algorithms2005
9617. Digital Model of the Basic Geological Map of the Republic of Macedonia2005
9618. Water supply from the karst aquifers in the Republic of Macedonia2005
9619. Басната во одделенската настава2005
9620. The use of chemicals for protection of crops in some farming enterprises and co-operatives in the Republic of Macedonia2005
9621. Efficient transport system as key factor of economic and social development: Special attention to the case of Republic of Macedonia2005
9622. Activity and effects in tourist development in EU Possibility experiences for touristic policy in R. of Macedonia2005
9623. Determination of Geothermal Potential of the by geophisical investigation of the Karbinci - Tarinci area2005
9624. Dynamics in the production of wheat, maize and sunflower2005
9625. The effect of economic and social factors on tobacco production in the R.Macedonia2005
9626. Quality management in production of tobacco2005
9627. Trends in consumption of plant protection products in Republic of Macedonia2005
9628. Development trends in production of tobacco in the Republic of Macedonia in reference to the European Union and global world management2005
9629. Производството на тутун и други индустриски култури во Р.Македонија2005
9630. Mobbing in the era of a new economy2005
9631. Менаџмент на себеразвојот клуч за успехот во кариерата2005
9632. Осовременување на производните операции со посебен осврт на операциите берење и нижење на тутунот2005
9633. Лидерството и христијанските поуки во него2005
9634. Користење на средствата за заштита на растенијата во земјоделските претпријатија и земјоделските задруги во Р.Македонија2005
9635. Динамиката на раст на населението во Р.Македонија, со осврт на децата до 14 години2005
9636. Примена комбинованих ротационо-пробојних машина у рударству2005
9637. HPLC determination of hydrochlorothiazide in urine after solid-phase extraction2005
9638. Identification and Quantification of Bis-GMA and Teg-DMA Released from Dental Materials by HPLC2005
9639. Баргала, Конзерваторско-реставраторски работи (1996-1998г.)2005
9640. Minerals from Macedonia. Complementary use of vibrational spectroscopy and powder x-ray diffraction for identification and detection purposes2005
9641. Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada) Wollenweber, the new parasitical fungus on rice in region of Kocani 2005
9642. Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pavon new weed in rice field in the region of Kocani 2005
9643. Review of the most important bacterial deseases in Republic of Macedonia 2005
9644. Trace Elements in the Soils of Some Regions in the Republic of Macedonia2005
9645. The alshar polymetallic deposit and its impact on the lake Tikves 2005
9646. Phase composition of the slag of the Feni Industry metallurgical plant and its impact on the environment2005
9647. Comparative genomics of nematodes2005
9648. A White Paper on Nematode Comparative Genomics2005
9649. Nematode Gene Sequences: Update for December 20052005
9650. Profiling of gender-regulated gene transcripts in the filarial nematode Brugia malayi by cDNA oligonucleotide array analysis2005
9651. Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitor RECK Expression in Canine Tumors2005
9652. Molecular Cloning of Canine Membrane-Anchored Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase, RECK2005
9653. Isolation and multilineage differentiation of bovine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells2005
9654. Detection of putative secreted proteins in the plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii 2005
9655. Expressed sequence tags from life cycle stages of Trichinella spiralis: Application to biology and parasite control 2005
9656. Investigating hookworm genomes by comparative analysis of two Ancylostoma species 2005
9657. Trace elements in the soils in the vicinity of the village of Pisica 2005
9658. Nonmetallic skarn minerals of the Sasa ore field 2005
9659. Mineralogical and petrological characteristics of the andesite rocks near the village of Ratavica2005
9660. Globalized thinking as a means of reaching a promising future for both mankind and Earth2005
9661. Contents of heavy metals in bone and muscle of fish in the water of the river Bregalnica2005
9662. Application of theory graphs in coloring of the geographical maps2005
9663. Карактеристични просторно-популациски обележја на селските населби во регионот на Битола2005
9664. Theoretical study of a surface electrode reaction preceded by a homogeneous chemical reaction under conditions of square-wave voltammetry2005
9665. Determining the Gibbs Energy of Ion Transfer Across Water-Organic Liquid Interfaces with Three-Phase Electrodes2005
9666. Mineralogic-petrographic investigations carried out on the rocks on the right side of the Tikves water reservoir by X-Ray diffraction2005
9667. Minerals from Macedonia2005
9668. Mineralogical and heavy metal signature of acid mine drainage impacted paddy soil from the western part of the Kočani field (Macedonia) 2005
9669. Multilevel Structure of Ore-Magmatic Columns in Large Ore Deposits2005
9670. Sulfur isotope composition of some polymetallic deposits in the Republic of Macedonia2005
9671. Heavy metals in sediments and soils around the Bucim copper mine area 2005
9672. Enzymatic formation of ions and their detection at a three-phase electrode2005
9673. Electrochemical Study of Ion Transfer of Acetylcholine Across the Interface of Water and a Lipid-Modified 1,2-Dichloroethane2005
9674. The ore forming fluids in the Allchar polymetallic ore field, FYR Macedonia.2005
9675. Introduction to Good Clinical Practice2005
9676. Gibbs energies of transfer of chiral anions across the interface water|chiral organic solvent determined with the help of three-phase electrodes2005
9677. Gender differences in detecting coronary artery disease with dipyridamole stress myocardial perfusion imaging using 99m-Tc sestamibi gated SPECT.2005
9678. Predictive value of left ventricular function on prognosis in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery.2005
9679. Trace elements in the soils and ashes of the plants Violla Alsharica and Thymus Alsharensis of the Alshar site-Macedonia2005
9680. Quarz und Cristobalit aus Allchar als Monitore fuer kosmogenes2005
9681. Цитат, парафраза и плагијат (книжевно пиратство)2005
9682. Деконструкција на постојното2005
9683. Хрватско-македонски книжевни мостови2005
9684. Сублимиран книжевно-историски преглед2005
9685. Низ лавиринтите на злото2005
9686. Детерминации и дескрипции2005
9687. Едноставност и дискретна дидактика2005
9688. Збркана збирка2005
9689. Стихови за македонските делби2005
9690. Вредни српско-македонски компаративни студии2005
9691. Вредна книга за вреден автор2005
9692. Пет до дванаесет!2005
9693. Драмската мрежа на стварноста и фикцијата2005
9694. Поема за македонските подеми и падови2005
9695. Збркана збирка2005
9696. Стихови за македонските делби2005
9697. Screening of Chlamydia trachomatis urogenital infections among the male and female population of the Republic of Macedonia2005
9698. За мудрата и автентична македонска приказна2005
9699. Талија во градот на конзулите2005
9700. Патишта и крстопати2005
9701. Electrochemical Characterization of Polyelectrolyte/Gold Nanoparticle Multilayers Self-Assembled on Gold Electrodes2005
9702. Seed production from papper obtained in in vitro anther cultere2004
9703. Семантичките слоеви во „Папокот на светот“2004
9704. Динамичен дискурс во променлив сетинг2004
9705. Синтеза на фолклорното и современото во циклусот „Марко Крале“ од Блаже Конески2004
9706. Книга за македонскиот преродбенски век2004
9707. Нагласен асемантизам2004
9708. Книга за книгите2004
9709. Духот на слободоумните2004
9710. A New Interactive Visualization System with Force Feedback Device in 3-D Electromagnetics2004
9711. Škola bez neuspešnih učenika - mit ili stvarnost?2004
9712. Modern school from student's angle2004
9713. Демократското општество и граѓанското образование 2004
9714. Компаративна анализа на разликите во аритметичките средини на антропометриските мерки меѓу ученици и ученички на 11 годишна возраст2004
9715. Компаративна анализа на разликите на аритметичките средини на моторичките тестови меѓу ученици и ученички од 5 одделение2004
9716. Personal computer interface for temperature measuring in the cutting process with turning2004
9717. AMS measurements of 26Al in quartz to assess the cosmic ray background for the geochemical solar neutrino experiment LOREX2004
9718. AMS Measurements of 26Al in Quartz to Assess the Cosmic Ray Background for the Geochemical Solar Neutrino Experiment LOREX2004
9719. Computer assisted diagnosis of benign bone tumours2004
9720. Rules of good practice in drugs' supply2004
9721. Наставата по географијата во чекор со географските системи и новото картографско општество2004
9722. Миграции на доселувања и демографски промени во Битола во XIX век2004
9723. Предлози и размислувања за нова територијална организација на локалната самоуправа во Република Македонија2004
9724. Electrocatalysts in the last 30 years – from precious metals to cheaper but sophisticated complex systems2004
9725. Prolonged activity effects of mineral fertilizers on white rice yield and rice protein content2004
9726. Use of Rice Hulls and Bran for Removal of Metal Ions from Wastewater2004
9727. Characterization of Components Obtained during the Processing of Three Rough Rice Cultivars2004
9728. Prolonged activity effects of mineral fertilizers on some morphological - biological and productive properties in rice2004
9729. Inheritance of certain components of grain yield in Rice2004
9730. Inheritance of the stem height of hybrids obtained by diallel cross of seven rice varieties(Oryza sativa L.)2004
9731. Information regarding production of hybrid maize seed created in the institute of arable crops and horticulture Novi Sad, Serbia, on fields of AC Pelagonija, Bitola, R.Macedonia2004
9732. Information regarding production of hybrid maize seed created in the institute of maize "Zemun pole"-Zemun, Serbia, on fields of AC Pelagonija, Bitola, R.Macedonia2004
9733. Креирање на објекти за учење2004
9734. Систематизирање на технолошките трендови кои го обликуваат „училиштето на иднината“2004
9735. Uniform separation2004
9736. Optimization - an essential key for decision making in project management in mining2004
9737. Hydrogeological investigations carried out in mount Kozuf for the water supply system of the town of Gevgelija2004
9738. Development of tobacco production in the Republic of Macedonia in compliance with intentions of the EU2004
9739. The notion of “ecosystem” in ecological education2004
9740. The presence of ecological topics in textbooks of English as a foreign language2004
9741. Improvement of quality management in the processes of tobacco production2004
9742. Importance of military demogeographic characteristics of population in Republic of Macedonia2004
9743. Military-demo graphical charachteristics of ethnical and confessional structure of population in Republic of Macedonia2004
9744. Management, motivation and entreprenuing - the basic factors for improvement of effectiveness of tobacco producing organizations 2004
9745. Managing strategic change in implementing of QMS and EMS in organization2004
9746. Одржлив развој на агрокомплексот - придонес за европска интеграција2004
9747. Improving of the management quality of human resources2004
9748. Properties of pultruded composites with different polymer matrices 2004
9749. mRNA sequences for Haemonchus contortus intestinal cathepsin B-like cysteine proteases display an extreme in abundance and diversity compared with other adult mammalian parasitic nematodes2004
9750. Анализа на температурно поле на синхронен генераратор земајќи ги предвид врливите високо-фреквентни хармоници на магнетното поле2004
9751. Ballistic properties of bidirectional fiber/resin composites2004
9752. Ballistic properties of bidirectional fiber/resin composites2004
9753. Својства на пултрудирани материјали со разни типови полимерна матрица2004
9754. Nematode.net: a tool for navigating sequences from parasitic and free-living nematodes 2004
9755. A survey of SL1-spliced transcripts from the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans 2004
9756. Regeneration of Cartilage Tissue by Autologous Chondrocytes Transplantation for Cartilage Defects in a Experimental Bovine Model2004
9757. Chondrogenic differentiation of bovine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in pellet cultural system2004
9758. Gene discovery in the adenophorean nematode Trichinella spiralis: an analysis of transcription from three life cycle stages2004
9759. Comparative genomics of gene expression in the parasitic and free-living nematodes Strongyloides stercoralis and Caenorhabditis elegans2004
9760. Tertiary pluton Pantelej in the Vardar zone, Republic of Macedonia 2004
9761. Geochemical properties of the waters of the river Bregalnica2004
9762. Minerals from Macedonia XII. The dependence of quartz and oral color on trace element composition - AAS, FT IR and MICRO-RAMAN spectroscopy study 2004
9763. Phase Transitions and Precursor-induced Dif­fuse Scattering in V-diluted Lead Phosphate 2004
9764. Tertiary intrusive rocks in the central part of the Vardar zone 2004
9765. Geochemical investigation of the soils in the vicinity of the river Zletovska2004
9766. Waste waters of the town of Stip and their characteristics2004
9767. 50 години организирано крводарување во општина Штип со очекувани предизвици во наредниот период и можна организациона поставеност на трансфузиолошката служба во Република Македонија2004
9768. English-Macedonian 2004
9769. Реализација на воспитно образовната работа во непосредната природна околина2004
9770. Total nitrogen and exchangeable ammonium in the soils with rice, barley and wheat 2004
9771. Rare elements in the soils with rice crops near the village of Krupiste, Stip 2004
9772. Минералошко-хемиски карактеристики на мермерот од "Мемешли"-Струмица 2004
9773. Mineralogic-petrographic characteristics of the amhibole gabbro of Novo Selo-Kriva lakavica2004
9774. Square-wave thin-film voltammetry: influence of uncompensated resistance and charge transfer kinetics2004
9775. Fugitive dust control at conveyor transfer points – a solution for puzzle2004
9776. Basic characteristics of the wheat variety Mila 2004
9777. Faunistic structure of coccinellidae (Coleoptera)of pepper crop in Strumica region2004
9778. Промовирање на рурални училишта за реализирање на разни видови воспитно-образовна настава со користење на објекти од непосредната и природната средина2004
9779. A Comparison of the Solvation Properties of 2-Nitrophenyloctyl Ether, Nitrobenzene, andn-Octanol as Assessed by Ion Transfer Experiments2004
9780. The determination of the standard Gibbs energies of ion transfer between water and heavy water by using the three-phase electrode approach2004
9781. Minerals from Macedonia. X. Separation and identification of some oxide minerals by FT IR spectroscopy, AAS, AES-ICP and powder XRD2004
9782. Square-Wave Voltammetry of Cathodic Stripping Reactions. Diagnostic Criteria, Redox Kinetic Measurements, and Analytical Applications2004
9783. Бескрајната имагинација на малиот човек2004
9784. Наративните сегменти во романот „Пророкот од Дискантрија“ од Драги Михајловски (прв дел)2004
9785. Поетска обнова на детството2004
9786. Анегдотски фолклорни записи2004
9787. Книжевни преобразби на фолклорот2004
9788. Неслучајна критика за неслучаен автор2004
9789. Наративните сегменти во романот „Пророкот од Дискантрија“ од Драги Михајловски (втор дел)2004
9790. Борците и со збор2004
9791. Недефинирани книжевни дефиниции2004
9792. Книга за гордите и непокорни Македонци2004
9793. On a Class of Differential Equations of Second Order with Polynomial Coefficients2004
9794. Drought as a Factor for Cob Yield of Maize2004
9795. Application of Biophysics Methods in Crop Production and Plant Protection2004
9796. Сонот на Асен Каваев2004
9797. Chemical constituents of pungent spice pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) from Macedonian origin2004
9798. Capsaicin - possible inhibitory factor of androgenesis of pepper 2004
9799. Content of photosynthetic pigments in pepper in vitro cultures 2004
9800. In vivo and in vitro content of capsaicin in pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)2004
9801. Компаративна библиографска книга2003
9802. Тагата по распарчената татковина2003
9803. Семантичките конструкти во песната „Црква“ од Блаже Конески2003
9804. Зајадливи стихови што боцкаат2003
9805. Разграничени литературни вредности2003
9806. Книга за гордите и непокорни Македонци2003
9807. Потрага по семантиката на не-говорот 2003
9808. Парадоксална генеза2003
9809. Ѓаволестата енигма наречена жена2003
9810. Чекајќи ја егзегезата2003
9811. Амоновите ликови во Чинговиот „Бабаџан“2003
9812. Пламеница на оризот2003
9813. Bacterial Crown of Grapes with Particular Devote on the Seedling Material 2003
9814. Попер, Кун и Фаерабенд за проблемот на научното откритие2003
9815. Cochliabolus Miyabeanus (Ito & Kuribayashi) Drechs2003
9816. Когнитивно-развојни теории на моралот и моралното воспитание2003
9817. Механички и термички карактеристики на композитен материјал за вградување во противградна ракета2003
9818. Влијание на притисокот на пресување врз трауматолошките ефекти и балистичките карактеристики кај унидиреакционални и бидирекционални композити врз база на полиетиленски влакна со ултрависока молекулска маса2003
9819. Coronary artery bypass grafting in awake setting2003
9820. Природногеографски карактеристики и население2003
9821. Методологија на ученичкото истражување во наставата по географија2003
9822. Хидромелиоративен систем „Стрежово“2003
9823. White rice yield and products obtained during paddy rice de hulling depending on the variety and cultivation2003
9824. The prolonged activity of the mineral fertilizers upon yield of pady and white rice2003
9825. Inharitance of the number of productive tillers in hibrid obtained by top-cross in rice(Oryza Sativa L.)2003
9826. Heritability of yield components in rice(Oryza Sativa,L.)2003
9827. Some productional, more signifikant economic properties at the new genotypes of rice and proteins content of the white rice2003
9828. Екскурзијата и нејзиното значење во наставата по природа и општество2003
9829. Улогата на наставникот во образовниот менаџмент2003
9830. Творештвото на К.С.Причард2003
9831. Дилемата - Дали е потребна обработка на содржини од множества во предучилишните установи ?(Различни согледувања и предлози )2003
9832. Социолошко - културните теории - еден од основните теориски постулати на наставната комуникација2003
9833. Дидактичко - методски аспекти на создавањето на ТВ програмите и нивната примена во наставата2003
9834. Религијата како фактор за образование во Република Македонија2003
9835. Дечиња - Пролетни цветчиња2003
9836. Природната околина - извор на сознанија за еколошко образование и воспитание на децата од предучилишна возраст2003
9837. Детето и телесното воспитување-Вежбање творечката личност и креативноста во наставата2003
9838. Демократија, добро општество и развиено образование2003
9839. Пресликувања кои се помеѓу непрекинати и рамномерно непрекинати2003
9840. Современата образовна технологија и комуникацијата во педагошката пракса во функција на современата настава2003
9841. Скица на една телеологија2003
9842. Преку наставата по природа и општество до еколошко воспитание и образование2003
9843. Првиот македонски учебник по пијано на Лепша Пиперковска2003
9844. Попер, Кун и Лактош за проблемот на научното откритие2003
9845. Поглед на лексиката на Пулевски и обид за нејзина актуелизација2003
9846. Некои конструктивни идеи за визијата на Педагошките факултети во Р.Македонија2003
9847. „Ајдучка чешма“ и „Македонска голгота“ Историски и уметнички аспекти2003
9848. Наставни стратегии2003
9849. Педагошко - просветната и револузионерната мисла на Гоце Делчев во Штип и штипско2003
9850. Конструкција на слободните групоиди со верига парцијалните групоиди: слободен Штaјнов групоид2003
9851. Пасивни форми во англискиот јазик2003
9852. Индивидуализација и диференцијација во наставната работа2003
9853. Кога одевме во Стамбол2003
9854. Една теоретско-емпериска рамка за истражување на моралноста кај учениците од 10-14 год. на територијата на Р. Македонија2003
9855. Демократизација, опсервација, акултуризација и комуникација на музичката уметност2003
9856. Вежбовен курикулум со деца од 5-7 години во функција на унапредување на експерименталната педагогија на балканските простори2003
9857. Современи трендови за примена на компјутерите и интернет како технологија за далечинско учење2003
9858. Determination of Standard Gibbs Energies of Transfer of Organic Anions across the Water/Nitrobenzene Interface2003
9859. Ceramic clays of the rice valleys in the surroundings of the Jakimovo Pole in the vicinity of Vinica, Eastern Macedonia2003
9860. Влијание на Флотациските јаловишта на рудниците „Злетово“ на загадувањето со тешки и токсични метали на површинските и подземните води2003
9861. Neotectonic and seismotectonic features of the Pelagonian, Kicevo and Porec depressions and the surrounding block structures2003
9862. Contamination of surface and underground waters owing to the disaster of the Sasa mine tailing pond2003
9863. New data on the chemical composition of the thermomineral water of the "Zdravevci" geothermal system - Kratovo2003
9864. Потенцијалните области за истражување на Петрогеотермална енергија во Република Македонија2003
9865. Можното влијание на еколошката катастрофа на јаловиштето на рудниците Саса на загадувањето на подземните води од рудникот до градот Штип2003
9866. Мултикултурна димензија на националниот наставен план2003
9867. Application of graph theory in domain the geography and military geography2003
9868. „Урбаниот“ детаљ во поезијата на Гане Тодоровски2003
9869. Leaching method for producing lead and elemental sulfur from domestic galena concentrates2003
9870. Градовите како центри на мобилност на населението во Република Македонија2003
9871. Економско-социјални аспекти на тутунопроизводството во Република Македонија2003
9872. Христијанскиот придонес за градење на вредносните системи на лидерите2003
9873. Хипотетични модели за приходите на македонските композитори за делата од уметничката музика2003
9874. Tourism Impacts on Authenticity: The Case of Old Bazaar in Skopje, North Macedonia2003
9875. Tourism-Induced Transformations of Cities: Insights from the Old Bazaar in Skopje, North Macedonia2003
9876. Нови наоди од железно време источно од реката Вардар2003
9877. Developing Process on National Assessment Report on Sustainable Development of Republic of Macedonia 2003
9878. Социјалниот и економскиот ефект од капиталното финансирање на пензиските фондови2003
9879. Археолошки истражувања и конзерваторско-реставраторски работи на археолошки локалитет Градиште2003
9880. Molecular identification of a phytoplasma infecting grapevine in the Republic of Macedonia2003
9881. Analysis and functional classification of transcripts from the nematode Meloidogyne incognita2003
9882. Minerals from Macedonia XI. Silicate varieties and their localities - Identification by FT IR Spectroscopy2003
9883. Mechanical and thermal properties of composite material for anti-hail rockets2003
9884. Influence of molding pressure on blunt trauma effect and ballistic properties of unidirectional and bidirectional composites based on ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fibers2003
9885. Biological Properties of Allogenic Articular Chondrocytes on the Surface of Bovine Cartilage Explants in vitro2003
9886. Relationship of Disease Progression and Plasma Histamine Concentrations in 11 Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors2003
9887. 400 000 nematode ESTs on the Net2003
9888. Геохемиски карактеристики на термоминералните води на планината Кожув2003
9889. Die bestimmung der erosionsrate im allchargebiet (Mazedonia) mit iilfe langlebiger kosmogener radionuklide 2003
9890. Flotation separation of Cd, Co, Cr, CU, Ni and TI from calcium minerals and their determination by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry2003
9891. Chemical composition-of the actinolite-hornblende assemblage as indicator for the P-T metamorphic conditions in chlorite-amphibole schits and metadiabases Vrteska, Plackovloa Mt, Eastern Macedonia 2003
9892. Optimal measures against weeds in the cotton2003
9893. Cotton varyetyes examination in different reones at the Republic of Macedonia2003
9894. Morphological and economical characteristics of several lines of cotton at the area of Strumica2003
9895. An electrpochemical method for single and simultaneous determination of geometric isomers citraconic and mesaconic acid2003
9896. Mineralogical characteristics of andradite and grossular of the Sasa ore field2003
9897. The surface catalytic mechanism: a comparative study with square-wave and staircase cyclic voltammetry2003
9898. A Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Two-step Quasireversible Surface Redox Reaction by Square-wave Voltammetry2003
9899. Makedonya Türk Çocuk Edebiyatının Birinci Kuşak Yazarları2003
9900. The determination of standard Gibbs energies of transfer of cations across the nitrobenzene|water interface using a three-phase electrode2003
9901. Lipophilicity of Peptide Anions: An Experimental Data Set for Lipophilicity Calculations2003
9902. Standard Gibbs energies of transfer of halogenate and pseudohalogenate ions, halogen substituted acetates, and cycloalkyl carboxylate anions at the water|nitrobenzene interface2003
9903. Standard partition coefficients of anionic drugs in the n-octanol/water system determined by voltammetry at three-phase electrodes2003
9904. The Odyssey of the Roma Refugees from Kosovo2003
9905. The Plavica epithermal polymetallic system: mineralogical and geochemical data 2003
9906. Mineral deposits related to tertiary magmatism in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula2003
9907. Neogene ultrapotassic-potassic volcanic association in the Vardar zone (Macedonia)2003
9908. Determination of the standard Gibbs energies of transfer of cations and anions of amino acids and small peptides across the water nitrobenzene interface.2003
9909. Вкоренување и аклиматизација на микропропагирана пиперка(Capsicum annuum L.)2003
9910. Anther culture in pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) 2003
9911. Content of capsaicin in pepper fruits(Capsicum annuum L.)2003
9912. The effect of incubation treatmen on the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) androgenesis 2003
9913. Долгорочна проекција на туристичката побарувачка во Република Македонија2002
9914. Дистинкции2002
9915. Светот на сонот и светот на јавето2002
9916. Допирот на крајностите2002
9917. Неверство кон моделот2002
9918. Генетскиот празничен код2002
9919. Onion Smut2002
9920. Rust of Garlic, Leek and Onion 2002
9921. Скица на еден нихилизам2002
9922. The Health Condition of Pepper Plants in 2001 in Strumica District2002
9923. The Rosette as Constitutive Element of the Wood - carved Ceilings of the Traditional Macedonian House2002
9924. Ischemic dilatative cardiomyopathy and aneurysms of the left ventricular cavity: transplantation vs alternative surgery2002
9925. EEG changes in patients with Parkinson disease and epileptic attacks 2002
9926. Анимацијата на туристите за време на туристичкиот престој2002
9927. Study of the drug prescribing in Macedonia2002
9928. Габрото кај с. Пантелеј како украсен архитектонско-градежен камен2002
9929. Динамиката на движење на населението и националната припадност на населбите со над 1000 жители во Република Македонија2002
9930. Modeling of auxiliry ventilation systems by use of davents software2002
9931. Inheritance of protein content in grosses of cultivated white and red-grain rice genotypes2002
9932. Рамномерна разделеност2002
9933. Екстензија на рамномерна непрекината функција2002
9934. Отворање на длабока етажа во рудникот за мермер Бела Пола - Прилеп2002
9935. Примена на повеќекритериумската оптимизација при отворање со усек на површински коп на јаглен2002
9936. Amphibolitic rocks of the lower precambrian matamorphic complex of the Pelagonian massif2002
9937. Magnetite-Ilmenite mineralization related to the metagabbroid and chlorite-epidode shits in the Brezovec locality (Western Macedonia)2002
9938. Hydrogeological characteristics of the alluvial sediments of the river Bregalnica at the Fortuna locality water supply, Stip2002
9939. Извештај од студискиот престој во Мелме - Шведска2002
9940. Implementation of scientific and world achievments in the development of family business in tobacco production2002
9941. Harmonic distortion in Macedonian power system, the needs for adequate standards and measurements under deregulation2002
9942. Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generalization Using Shape Recognition Technique and Tree Method2002
9943. Comparative study of the data obtained from the questionnarie related to production of type Prilep P-12-2/1 and P-23 2002
9944. Some aspects of the quality control in working operations with a special reference to the production of cigarettes2002
9945. Biodegradation and drug release studies of BSA loaded gelatin microspheres2002
9946. Some aspects of quality management in operations related to tobacco production2002
9947. Devotion as a component of motivation and a factor of success of failure of the organization2002
9948. Consciousness as a factor for maintaining and improving the quality2002
9949. Granitoid formations in the Republic of Macedonia2002
9950. Thermal properties of ablative phenolic resins2002
9951. Analyze with fast thermal neutrons for explosives detections2002
9952. Смалување на убојното дејство на фрагментите на рачните бомби со помош на контролирана фрегментација2002
9953. Термичка карактеризација на композитен материјал за вградување во противградна ракета2002
9954. Minerals from Macedonia IV.Discrimination between some carbonate minerals by FTIR spectroscopy2002
9955. The influence of some herbicides on quality characteristics of the cotton2002
9956. Detection of HBsAg and HCV antibodies at i.v drug users2002
9957. Hepatitis B and C at drug addicts of i.v.drugs2002
9958. The influence of several characteristic on the yield of flax seed Linum usitatissimum L. 2002
9959. The influence of the climatic conditions as a factor on some quantitative characteristics of sunflower in the region of Ovce Pole2002
9960. The influence of the climatic conditions as a factor on some quantitative characteristics of sunflower in the region of Ovce Pole2002
9961. The influence of the sowing period as a factor on some productive characteristics on flax - Linum usitatissimum L.2002
9962. Dynamic of the movement of the population and national beloning of the settlements with over 1000 inhabitants in the Republic of Macedonia2002
9963. Demographical contrastes at population according to nationality, mother language and religion in R.Macedonia since 1994-20022002
9964. Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric Behavior of Probucole. Experimental and Theoretical Treatment2002
9965. Demogeographic models of rural development in the Republic of Macedonia in times of global structural changes 2002
9966. Metallic mineral resources of the Karpatho-Balkan metallogenic province: Eastern Serbian Sector (general review)2002
9967. An electrochemical method for determination of the standard Gibbs energy of anion transfer between water and n-octanol2002
9968. Determination of Standard Gibbs Energies of Transfer of Organic Anions across the Water/Nitrobenzene Interface2002
9969. Determination of the standard Gibbs energies of transfer of cations across the nitrobenzene|water interface utilizing the reduction of iodine in an immobilized nitrobenzene droplet2002
9970. The Age of Ophiolite Rocks in the Territory of the Republic of Macedonia2002
9971. Minerals from Macedonia. IV. Discrimination between some carbonate minerals by FTIR spectroscopy2002
9972. Quantification of the chiral recognition in electrochemically driven ion transfer across the interface water/chiral liquid2002
9973. Square-Wave Voltammetry of a Second Order Cathodic Stripping Process Coupled by Adsorption of the Reacting Ligand2002
9974. An overview of the epidemiology and epizootology of brucellosis in selected countries of Central and Southeast Europe2002
9975. Callus induction of pepper anthers2002
9976. Micropropagation of some ornamental plants2002
9977. Деградирани карактери („полнење на ликот“ во романот „Дублер“ од Димитар Солев – втор дел)2001
9978. Деградирани карактери („полнење“ на ликот во „Дублер“ од Димитар Солев)2001
9979. Генетика на отпорност на оризот кон pyricularia oryzae cav2001
9980. Тројцата сурови реалисти: Кјеркегор, Ниче и Достоевски2001
9981. A few proposals for a European preventive conservation strategy2001
9982. Butomus Umbellatus New Weed at Rice Fields in Macedonia 2001
9983. Nucleation activity of glass fibers towards iPP evaluated by DSC and polarizing light microscopy2001
9984. Туристичката анимација и туристичката понуда2001
9985. Интерперсоналната комуникација - суштина на туристичката анимација2001
9986. Impact of the decarbonated layer on the dynamic persistence (durability) of diaphragm springs of motor vehicles clutches2001
9987. Investigations carried out on the intake of the thermomineral water of the Kezovica Spa near the town of Stip2001
9988. Хидрогеолошки карактеристики и нови податоци за хемискиот состав на термоминералните води на бањата Кежовица и Лџи, кај Штип2001
9989. Тектонската разместеност на геотермалните појави во Вардарската зона како критериум за понатамошни истражувања2001
9990. Geological characteristics of the Mirata caoline clay deposit in the vicinity of Rusinovo, Eastern Macedonia2001
9991. Руралната патна мрежа како фактор за економско-функционален развој на селата во Република Македонија2001
9992. Automatic Quadrilateral Mesh generation for FEM Using Dynamic Bubble System2001
9993. Economic-organizational aspects for development of farm tobacco production for increase of the employment, social security and effectiveness of tobacco production2001
9994. Exemplary management - a basic function of TQM2001
9996. Некои економско-организациони аспекти за развој на фармерското производство н атутунот од типот Вирџинија2001
9997. Приврзаноста како компонента на мотивацијата и фактор за успехот или неуспехот на организацијата2001
9998. Mehanicke i toplotne karakteristike kompozitnog materijala za ugradnji u raketnoj tehnici2001
9999. Comparative ballistic characteristics of composite material based on polyethylene and ARAMID reinforcing fibers2001
10000. Utjecaj procesnih parametara i duljine ugljikovih vlakana na mehanička i toplinska svojstva fenolnih kompozita2001
10001. Макроекономскиот амбиент и економскиот просперитет на Р.Македонија2001
10002. Magnetite-ilmenite-hematite mineralization related to the metagabbroide and granitoide rocks in the Shipkov rid locality (Eastern Macedonia)2001
10003. Some genetic aspects of the bor copper-gold deposit(Serbia)2001
10004. Tertiary magmatism within the Republic of Macedonia: a review2001
10005. Single pass cDNA sequencing – a powerful tool to analyse gene expression in preparasitic juveniles of the southern root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita2001
10006. Physico-Chemical investigations of limestones from different localities in the Republic of Macedonia2001
10007. Hidrogeological characteristics of the area in the vicinity of the springs for water supply of the municipality of Kavadarci with regard to the determination of protection zones2001
10008. Minerals from Macedonia VI. Separation and identification of some sulfide minerals2001
10009. The influence of processing parameters and length of carbon fibres on mechanical and thermal properties of phenolic based composites2001
10010. The earth's heat2001
10011. Fibrous silicates in the envirnonment2001
10012. Fibrous silicates in the envirnonment2001
10013. Examination of some domestic and introduated varietioes of cotton in the agro ekological conditions at Strumica2001
10014. Развој на Трансфузиолошката служба во Република Македонија со посебен осврт на развојот на Трансфузиолошката служба во Општина Штип2001
10015. Развој на крводарителството во Република Македонија со посебен осврт врз развојот во општина Штип2001
10016. Утврден ризик од трансмисија на hepatitis C вирус преку трансфузии со анти-HCV неконтролирана и анти-HCV негативна целокупна крв, еритроцитни концентрати и свежо изогрупна плазма2001
10017. Characterization of the Redox reaction of V(V) in Ammonia Buffers with Square-Wave Voltammetry2001
10018. Dust control technologies for mineral processing plants2001
10019. Природниот прираст и неговите импликации врз промените во националната структура на населението во југозападниот дел од Република Македонија2001
10020. Capari' s carneval under masks2001
10021. Можности за развој на астротуризмот на Пелистер2001
10022. Surface Catalytic Mechanism in Square-Wave Voltammetry2001
10023. The demographic resources of mountain villages on Pelister and Baba mountain in function of the touristic economy 2001
10024. Theoretical and experimental study of the surface redox reaction involving interactions between the adsorbed particles under conditions of square-wave voltammetry2001
10025. Square-Wave Voltammetric Method for Determination of Fumaric and Maleic Acid—Determination of Fumaric Acid in Wine2001
10026. Geochronological and structural investigations of the northern Pelagonian crystalline zone. Constraints from K/AR and Zircon and Apatite fission track dating2001
10027. Allchar mineral assemblage2001
10028. Состојби и можности за производство на соја во Република Македонија2001
10029. Состојби и можности за производство на соја во Република Македонија2001
10030. The effect of some cytokinins on pepper ogranogenesis (Capsicun annuum L.c.v. Kurtovska kapija and zlaten medal) cultured in vitro2001
10031. Possibilityes of uses of some new methods for free of viruses production of plants2001
10032. Миграциите на градителите од Реканското подрачје од 19 и почетокот на 20 век2000
10033. Characterization of a maleic anhydride-modified polypropylene as an adhesion promoter for glass fiber composites2000
10034. Теоретски аспекти на туристичката анимација2000
10035. Анимацијата во туризмот - најзначаен сегмент на туристичката понуда2000
10036. Просторно-популациски обележја на Мариовските населби во минатото и нивна трансформација денес2000
10037. The production potential of some introduced rice varieties in the agroecological conditions of Macedonia2000
10038. Influence of time and method of nitrogen fertilisation on the yield and the grain protein content of some rice varieties2000
10039. Resistance of some rice varieties to species hydrellia griseola fall.(Diptera, Ephydridae)2000
10040. Dynamics of manganese and iron in various rice plant parts and stages at different lokalities in Kocansko pole2000
10041. Содржината на вкупните и леснодостапни форми на манган и магнезиум во оризовите почви во Кочанско Поле2000
10042. Како до модерно и конкурентно електростопанство на Македонија2000
10043. A Design Method for Graded Insulation of Transformers by Transient Electric Field Intensity Analysis2000
10044. Coarse-Ceramic clays of the top parts of the brik coal mine - Berovo, Eastern Macedonia2000
10045. Comparison between Nested and Non-Nested Multigrid Methods for Magnetostatic Field Analysis2000
10046. Fast Multigrid Solution Method for Nested Edge-Based Finite Element Meshes2000
10047. Genetic Algorithms with Assistant Chromosomes for Inverse Shape Optimization of Electromagnetic Devices2000
10048. Hybrid Element-Free Galerkin-Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations2000
10049. Interactive Visualization System for Education and Design in Electromagnetics2000
10050. Population and demographic development in community Bogomila2000
10051. Некои аспекти на етиката во менаџментот2000
10052. Некои аспекти на развојната стратегија на тутунското стопанство2000
10053. The value system of manager, i.e leader - the main factor of Tqm2000
10054. Ефектите од левериџот во финансирање на компанијата2000
10055. Iron mineralization related to the pazeozoic granitoids in the Curev rid locality (Eastern Macedonia) 2000
10056. General metallogenic features and comparison of the metalliferi mountains and the Lece-Chalkidiki metallogenic zone2000
10057. The role of organic matter in the evolution of coal deposits in the Pelagonian basin (Republic of Macedonia) 2000
10058. Serpentin minerals in some geochemical samples from the border cross Blace (Republic of Macedonia) 2000
10059. Minerals from Macedonia V.Characterization of gypsum, barite and their synthetic analogues by FTIR and RAMAN spectroscopy 2000
10060. Determination of Co, Ni, Cr and Cu in galena and sphalerite by zeeman electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry2000
10061. Characterization of bacterial strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae isolated from pepper leaf spot in Macedonia2000
10062. Square-wave voltammetry of Ofloxacin2000
10063. Square-wave voltammetry of 5-fluorouracil2000
10064. Square-Wave Voltammetric Method for Determination of Aconitic Acid2000
10065. Nd-Sm Age of Feldspar Eclogites from the Eastern Macedonia2000
10066. Corridors 8 and possibility influence to economic development in Republic Macedonia2000
10067. Prikaz knjige: Sigurnost u turizmu1999
10068. Inverse Optimization of Core Shape of Electromagnetic Devices using Genetic Algorithms1999
10069. Недеструктивно тестирање на материјали со помош на вртложни струи (дел II)1999
10070. Недеструктивно тестирање на материјали со помош на вртложни струи (дел I)1999
10071. Facade (surfaces) composition of the rural architecture in Macedonia1999
10072. The folk architecture in the rural settlement of Ovce Pole1999
10073. Solutions of exchanges of exibitions in European partnership1999
10074. Фотоелектрохемиски испитувања на оксидните слоеви на бакар во деаерирана синтетичка морска вода1999
10075. DSC analysis of crystallization and melting behavior of polypropylene in model composites with glass and poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers1999
10076. Characteristics of some new hibrid of rice genotypes 1999
10077. Combined processing method of low- grade nickel bearing laterites1999
10078. Недеструктивно тестирање на материјали со помош на вртложни струи1999
10079. Identification of the friction linings structure parameters with significant influence on heavy vehicles friction clutches working characteristics1999
10080. Impact of string/impregnant ratio of the composition of the linings material on the tribological characteristics of the motor vehicles clutches1999
10081. Investigation of the Efficiency of the Multigrid Method for Finite Element Electromagnetic Field Computations Using Nested Meshes1999
10082. Computer Simulation of a Three-phase Brushless Self-Excited Synchronous Generator1999
10083. 3-D Automatic Mesh Generation for FEA Using Dynamic Bubble System1999
10084. Описното рамниште во прозата на Конески1999
10085. Extraction and Visualization of Semitransparent Isosurfaces for 3-D Finite Element Analysis1999
10086. Shape Optimization of Magnetic Devices Using Genetic Algorithms with Dynamically Adjustable Parameters1999
10087. Fast electromagnetic Field Computations Using Multigrid Method Based on Nested Finite Elements Meshes1999
10088. Improvement of quality and productivity in tobacco production - a primary task of tobacco producer1999
10089. Motivation as a factor for improvement of the quality1999
10090. Ризикот и приносот во контекст на САРМ1999
10091. Управување со портфолио од хартии од вредност1999
10092. The world biggest crystals of the brucite, Mg(OH)2, from Rzanovo, Macedonia 1999
10093. Association of the World Biggest Crystals of the Brucite, Mg(OH)2 from 'Rzanovo, Macedonia1999
10094. Rodignite Rocks in the Jurassic Serpentine Masses From the Area of 'Rzanovo, Republic of Macedonia1999
10095. Minerals From MacedoniaIII. Determination of Calcite and Aragonite in Mineral Mixtures Using FT IR Spectroscopy 1999
10096. The Geology and abundance of grey slates in the eastern parts of the Pelagonian tertiary basin1999
10097. Heavy and toxic metals in the waste from some industrial facilities in the town of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia1999
10098. Determination of Zn, Mn and Fe in some minerals by atomic absorption spectrometry1999
10099. Polietilenski filc i tkaenina za balisticka zastita1999
10100. Opredeluvanje na optimalni uslovi za dobivanje na pres masa vrz baza na karbonizirani vlakna i fenol-formaldehidna smola za visokotemperaturna namena1999
10101. Square-Wave Voltammetric Determination of Sulpiride1999
10102. Adsorptive Stripping Square-Wave Voltammetry of Creatine1999
10103. MATHCAD – a Tool for Numerical Calculation of Square-Wave Voltammograms1999
10104. Occurrences of Fe mineralization in the vicinity of Trsino аnd Pekljani, Vinica (Eastern Macedonia)1999
10105. New Interpretation of the Lithogeochemical Data from the Alsar Epithermal Au-Mineralized Area1999
10106. Effect of Laser Light on Early Stage Development of Australian Variety of Poppy1999
10107. Respect of Laser Treatments and Yield at Barley1999
10108. Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato the causal of black spots on leaves and scabs of tomato fruits in condition of greenhouse production 1999
10109. A Mixed Method Using Whitney and Linear Edge Elements for High Accuracy and Low Computation Cost Eddy Current Analysis (in Japanese)1998
10110. Профаното архитектонско творештво во кумановската област во 19 и почетокот на 20 век1998
10111. Одржување на муницијата е еден од битните услови за висока борбена готовност1998
10112. Ispitivanje oksidnog sloja bakra1998
10113. Одреѓивање утицаја површине узорака на брзину атмосферске корозије челика1998
10114. Crystallization and melting behavior of iPP studied by DSC1998
10115. Isothermal crystallization of iPP in model glass‐fiber composites1998
10116. Evaluting organization of spaces convinent for development and classification of the settlements in the region of the town Bitola1998
10117. Inheritance of some productive traits in hybrids between cultivated white and red - grain rice genotypes1998
10118. The effect of fertilizers on the yield and some productive properties of three recently developed rice cultivars1998
10119. Taxonomic belong of the most represent red-grain rice forms of in the Kochani region1998
10120. The falling refuse (-30+0)mm from the locality "Lakavica" - Stip and the possibility of complex utilization of present minerals 1998
10121. The possibility from coals cleaning of "Suvodol" - mine Bitola class (-30+0)mm1998
10122. Performance Comparison Between Gray Coded and Binary Coded Genetic Algorithms for Inverse Shape Optimization of Magnetic Devicec1998
10123. A New Method for 3-D Vector Field Visualization Utilizing Streamlines and Volume Rendering Techniques1998
10124. Design Improvements on Graded Insulation of Power Transformers Using Transient Electric Field Analysis and Visualization Technique1998
10125. Element-Free Galernik Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations1998
10126. A Fast Volume Rendering Method for Time-Varying 3-D Scalar Field Visualization Using Orthonormal Wavelets 1998
10127. The love - way, truth and life of TQM1998
10128. Конзерваторско-реставраторски работи на археолошки локалитет Кале-Црвена Црква1998
10129. The secondary quartzites hosting gold mineralization in the Crn Vrv - Plavica Volcanic Area1998
10130. Ležišta i pojave titanomagnetita u Srpsko-Makedonskom masivu na teritoriji Republike Makedonije 1998
10131. Microelements in the rocks and ashes of the plants violla alsharica and thymus alsharensis of the alshar site1998
10132. Pollution of heavy metals in part of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia data on pollution of waters, soils, flora and fauna1998
10133. Mineralogy of the magnetites in the Rzanovo Fe-Ni deposit, Republic of Macedonia 1998
10134. Здравствено-воспитни активности на Македонскиот Црвен крст во мотивирање на граѓаните за дарување крв1998
10135. Viral infections - complications and treatment in chldren in DD Idadija1998
10136. Dependence between the level of delta-aminolevulinic acid in urine and some parameters with workers of the Zletovo battery factory in Probistip1998
10137. Generation and Semitransparent Representation of Isosurfaces for 3-D Distributed Scalar Variables (in Japanese)1997
10138. Automatic 3D Finite Element Subdivision Using Bubble System (in Japanese)1997
10139. Adaptive Element Subdivision using Bubble System (in Japanese)1997
10140. Објекти за чување и складирање на храната во селската архитектура во Македонија1997
10141. Profane architecture in the Struga area in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century1997
10142. Карактеризација на оксидниот слој создаден врз бакарот при корозија во синтетичка морска вода1997
10143. The study of chlorination of nickel oxide by chlorine and calcium chloride in the presence of active additives1997
10144. Геологија на лежиштето на кварцни песочници „Пржани" Синковица1997
10145. Мetamorphic Evolution and the Composition of the Protolith of Plagioclase-bearing Eclogite-Amphibolites of the Buchim Block of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Macedonia1997
10146. Development and Verification of a System for 2D Analysis of a Coupled Magneto-Thermal Problems1997
10147. r-Adaptive method for Mesh Improvements Using Directly Magnetic Flux Density as an Error Norm Estimator1997
10148. Automatic Mesh Generation Using Bubble System1997
10149. Inverse Shape Optimization Using Dynamically Adjustable Genetic Algorithms1997
10150. Automatic mesh generation in finite element analysis using dynamic bubble system1997
10151. Modeling of permanent magnets in three-dimensional space using edge finite elements1997
10152. Visual Computing Concept in Finite Element Analysis1997
10153. Content and distribution of some elements in the major minerals from the Topanica Pb-Zn deposit (NE Macedonia)1997
10154. Geochemical investigations of the soils in the republic of Macedonia 1997
10155. Mineralogical characteristics of johannsenite in the Sasa ore field 1997
10156. Metamorphic Evolution and P -T Conditions of Eclogite -Amphibolites in the Buchim Block, Serbo -Macedonian Massif, Macedonia 1997
10157. Mineral equilibria in high-temperature gneisses of the -Bogdanci low -pressure metamorphic complex, Macedonia 1997
10158. Metamorphisam of the Impure Calcite Marbles from the Kriva Lakavica 1997
10159. Alpine Plutono-Magmatism and Metamorphism in the South-Eastern Parts of the Vardar Zone and the Serbo­ - Macedonian Massif 1997
10160. A neogean orogenic tectonics of East Macedonia (with use of the morphostructural analysis) 1997
10161. Prograde formation of Clinopyroxene -Plagioclase Symplectites in Garnet -Clinozoisite Amphiholites of the Ograzden Complex,Macedonia 1997
10162. The influence of some herbicides on quality characteristic of the wheat seed material1997
10163. Immunohistochemical evaluation of p53 protein in bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma1997
10164. Перинаталната асфиксија како потенцијален извор на деца попречени во психомоторниот развој1997
10165. ¹³C NMR analysis of polyvinyl chloride synthesisized with manganese ( III ) diacetylacetone rhodanide as initiators 1997
10166. Controlled limb reperfusion in patients having cardiac operations1996
10167. Популациско-просторни карактеристики и трансформација на малите села во општините во Пелагонија1996
10168. The raw material for the cement industry-deposit performance: computer application of the discrete interpolation or finite differences method1996
10169. A Novel Tetrahedral Mesh Generation Method for Rotating Machines Including End-Coil Region1996
10170. Analysis of Magneto-Thermal Coupled Problem Involving Moving Eddy-Current Conductors1996
10171. Improved Interactive Visualization of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space Using Edge Finite Elements1996
10172. Влијание на природните фактори на состојбата и перспективите на крупнолосните тутуни во Република Македонија1996
10173. Резултати од контролното археолошко ископување на локалитетот "Долна Бежанија" с. Криви Дол1996
10174. Локалитет "Орлова Чука" - Тумул III1996
10175. Баргала, истражување од 1988 година со преглед на позначајните наоди од досегашните истражувања на средновековната некропола1996
10176. Types of geochemical associations in the Borov Dol - Shopur area interpretation of the data of primary and secondary haloes1996
10177. Stratigraphic position of the Novo selo - Kriva Lakavica river carbonaceous complex in the wider geological sequence of the Mocharnik - Damjan - Kriva Lakavica area 1996
10178. The amphibolite rocks south-west of the village of Mitrashinci, the Serbo-Macedonian massif, Republic of Macedonia1996
10179. Metallogeny of the Kratovo-Zletovo volcano-intrusive complex1996
10180. Genetic model of the Buchim porphyry copper deposit, Republic of Macedonia1996
10181. Types of lateritic weathering crust along the Vardar river, Republic of Macedonia1996
10182. General genetic model of the alshar deposit1996
10183. Contamination of the soil along the river Zletovska by metals as by products of economic production of Pb-Zn1996
10184. Macedonian-Italian migrational connections and Italian in Republic Macedonia by the register from 1948 to 1994 year 1996
10185. Change in the Elements in Yield Due to Influence of Laser Stimulation1996
10186. In vitro органогенеза на хипокотили и котиледони од пиперка (Capsicum annuum L. сорта Куртовска капија)1995
10187. Одгледување на врвни пупки од пиперка (Capsicum annuum L.) сорта Куртовска капија во култура in vitro1995
10188. Simulation of Induction Heating of Steel Billet Considering its Movement using 3-D FEM (in Japanese)1995
10189. Народната архитектура во кратовско1995
10190. Bacterial Canker of Tomato Caused by Bacteria Clavibacter Michiganenese Sussp Michiganense (Smith 1910) Jense 1934 in Strumica District1995
10191. Parametri elektrodne reakcija kod korozije bakra i mesinga u sintetickoj morskoj vodi1995
10192. The effect of surface treatment on the interfacial properties in carbon fibre/epoxy matrix composites1995
10193. Географија, геологија и геоморфологија на Битола и околината1995
10194. Историски развој на индустријата во Битола и Битолско1995
10195. Direct Solution Method for Finite Element Analysis Using Hopfield Neural Network1995
10196. The Influence of Mesh Density in 3-D Eddy-Current Analysis using First Order Edge-based Finite Elements of mixed Type1995
10197. On the Current Input in 3-D Finite Element Analysis using Tetrahedron Edge Finite Element1995
10198. An improved 3-d Edge Finite Element Method for Eddy -Current Analysis of Induction Furnace Using Sliced Models1995
10199. A Mixed Solving Procedure for Ungauged 3d Edge Finite Element Analysis1995
10200. Трансформационите чекори на македонското осигурување1995
10201. Fifty years of education in Macedonian language in the village of Capari and its region1995
10202. Characteristics of some atypical strains of the bacteria pbtained in the cource of Erwinia amylovora isolates1995
10203. Pathogenic and bacteriological characteristics of Erwinia amylovora, the pathogen of pear and quince - trees in Macedonia 1995
10204. Bacterial Fire Blight Diseases in Macedonia 1994
10205. h-Adaptive Mesh Generation using Electric Field Intensity Value as a Criterion (in Japanese)1994
10206. Селската куќа во областа Сува Гора - тетовско1994
10207. New Surgical Treatment for Severe Limb Ischemia1994
10208. Reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle: controlled limb reperfusion reduces local and systemic complications after prolonged ischaemia1994
10209. Moho - discontinuity in correlation with some geophysic parametars1994
10210. Метода на корелација и линеарна регресиона анализа1994
10211. FUZZY методологија во геологијата и рударството1994
10212. An improved method for magnetic flux density visualization using three‐dimensional edge finite element method1994
10213. The Hopfield Neural Network and its Application for direct Solution and inverse Optimization in Finite Element Analysis1994
10214. Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space1994
10215. Analysis of Induction Skull Melting Furnace by Edge Finite Element Method excited from Voltage Source1994
10216. A parallel Processing Method in Finite Element Analysis using Domain Division1994
10217. A new 'floating nodes method' for 2d h-adaptive mesh refinement using electric field intensity values as a criterion1994
10218. Non-Sensus бариери1994
10219. Државен "Тигар"1994
10220. Огледало на перфомансите на акционерското друштво1994
10221. Запоставен инвестиционен потенцијал1994
10222. Природата на акционерскиот капитал1994
10223. The composition of some ore minerals from the Titano-Magnetite ore mineralization near Mitrasinci1994
10224. Occurrences of Fe-Ti mineralization in the vicinity of the village of Mitrašinci1994
10225. The metallogenetic features of the Bučim ore field (Eastern Macedonia)1994
10226. The distribution of the heavy metals in the soil along the river Zletovska and its tributaries 1994
10227. Минерални фази во предредуцираните пелети од металургискиот процес на Фенимак Кавадарци1994
10228. Quantitative mineralogical analysis of the ore from the Rzanovo and nikelbearing deposit, Republic of Macedonia1994
10229. HCV infection in the transfusion service: approach and control1994
10230. Clinical importance of imunoglobulin classes of HCV antibodies1994
10231. Icidence of HBsAg and HCV antibodies among workers exposed to HBV and HCV infection in Stip Medical Centre1994
10232. Incidence of HCV antibodies among blood donors in Stip area1994
10233. HCV antibodies among blood donors in the Republic of Macedonia1994
10234. Occurrence of HCV infection in patients viral hepatitis in the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Stip, 1991-19921994
10235. HCV-antibodies in orthopaedic patients1994
10236. ¹³C NMR analysis of polyacrylonitrile synthesized with manganese ( III ) diacetylaconate rhodanide as initiators 1994
10237. Еркерот како традиционален изразен елемент во селската архитектура во Македонија1993
10238. Changing patterns of patients undergoing emergency surgical revascularization for acute coronary occlusion1993
10239. Controlled limb reperfusion as a new surgical technique to reduce postischemic syndrome1993
10240. Surgical revascularization in patients with acute myocardial infarction1993
10241. Фабули и игли од железнодопските наоѓалишта во Штипско1993
10242. Chrom bearing hlorite and biotite from the Nickel - iron deposit Rzanovo - Macedonia1993
10243. Минеролошки испитувања со ренгенска дифракција на материјали од металуршкиот објект, Фелимак - Кавадарци1993
10244. Trace elements in some minerals from Alshar Deposit1993
10245. Geology of Alshar Polymentallic Deposit, Macedonia1993
10246. Генеза и типологија на прозорскиот елемент како спој помеѓу просторот за живеење и екстериерот во Реканскиот крај1992
10247. Typology and evolution of the profane architecture in village Zdunje in Porece1992
10248. The synthesis and characterization of polydibromoacetylene1992
10249. Polymerization of diiodoacetylenes, their structure and electrical properties1992
10250. Минерален состав и парагенетски односи во порфирското бакарно наоѓалиште Боров Дол1992
10251. Интрузивни карпи од терциерна старост од околината на Турско Рударе - Панталеј1992
10252. Асосијација на елементите во олово - цинковото наоѓалиште Голема Река (Рудници "Саса")1992
10253. Терциарен магматизам во Динаридите на Вардарската зона и Српско - Македонската маса1992
10254. Results of the mass spectrometric examinations of the sulphide minerals and concentrations in the Pb-Zn deposit Toranica (Eastern Macedonia) 1992
10255. Form of presence of gold in porphiry copper deposit Buchim (Eastern Macedonia) 1992
10256. Composition of some of the main mineral phases in the products of the prereduction of the Nickel bearing ores from Rzanovo deposit (Macedonia)1992
10257. Oligocen-Neogenic Magmatism in the LOocality of yhe Buchim Block1992
10258. Intrusive Rocks with Teritary Age from the Vicinity of Tursko Rudare-Pantelej1992
10259. Kristalografski i kristalohemiski karakteristiki na rodonitot od rudnoto pole Sasa1992
10260. Нови сознанија за илваитот од рудното поле Саса1992
10261. Тестот - брзина на ослободување на активната компонента - освремено испитување за потврда на квалитетот на цврстите фармацевтски облици1991
10262. Современи приоди кон испитувања на нови лекови1991
10263. Determination of polythiazide in the presence of vanillin in Renese tablets by second odred derivate UV spectroscopy1991
10264. Simultaneous determination of polythiazide and prazosin in tablets by second-order derivative UV spectroscopy1991
10265. The correlation between electrical properties and structure of substituted polyacetylenes1991
10266. Корелациони коефициенти неких физичких параметра земљине коре и сеизмичност територије Македоније1991
10267. Обликувањето на Нова Европа1991
10268. Структурно - Морфоструктурни карактеристики на рудниот реон Бучим-Дамјан-Боров дол1991
10269. Примена на дериватна UV - спектрофотометрија за симултано определување на нафазолин и дифенхидрамин во капки за нос1990
10270. Определување на metamizol natrium во фармацевтски препарати1990
10271. Physicochemical basic for the microbicidal action of aqueous solution of polyvinylpyrrolidonone - iodine1990
10272. Physicochemical basis for the microbicidal action of disinfection solutions. I. Polyvinylpyrrolidinone-iodine1990
10273. Нарушување на квалитетот на животната средина во Битола1990
10274. Уште нешто за трагите од фосилниот, глацијален релјеф на Пелистер1990
10275. Оптимирање на реагенсниот режим во фазата на груба Pb-Zn флотација во рудникот Злетово1990
10276. Процесите на опализација врзани со неогениот вулканизам на примерот на лежиштето Спанчево1990
10277. Изотропен состав на сулфурот во сулфидите од As-Sb наоѓалиште Алшар1990
10278. Морфоструктурни карактеристики на рудниот реон Кратово-Злетово1990
10279. Хидротермални измени во оловно-цинковото наоѓалиште „Злетово“ врз примерот на рудна жица II и III1990
10280. Hydrothermal Alternations in LEAD-ZINC Deposit "ZLETOVO" on the Sample ore Veins II and III1990
10281. Изотопите во Стронциумот во Терциерните Магматски Карпи од Територијата на Македонија1990
10282. Петролошки Карактеристики на Вулканските Карпи од Околината на Алшар1990
10283. Наше двегодишно искуство во лекување на болни во дневната трансфузиолошка болница1990
10284. Клинички и епидемиолошки карактеристики на епидемија на дизентерија бациларис1990
10285. Биолошка активност на плазмин-инхибиторите во патогенезата на венските тромбози1990
10286. Компликации на очите кај заболени од бруцелозис1990
10287. Spectrophotometric, potentiometric and HPLC determinations of ketoconazole in solid pharmaceutical formulations1989
10288. Primena racunara za odredzivanje kinetike flotacije minerala galenita olovne - cinkove rude rudnika "SASA"1989
10289. По трагите на јапонското чудо 1989
10290. Sistem podsticanja izvoza kreditiranjem kao determinanta regionalnog prelivanja dohotka1989
10291. Постинфективна антирабична профилакса со HDC – вакцина на лица јавени во период од 1985-1988 година1989
10292. Посттрансфузиони реакции на крв и крвни компоненти во изминатите шест години во работните единици на ро Медицински центар-Штип1989
10293. Крвни групи АБО, Rh фактор и застапеност на крвните подгрупи А2 и А2Б кај населението од источниот здравствен регион во СРМ1989
10294. СИДА - сите заедно ќе ја победиме1989
10295. Детекција на HBsAg кај доброволни дарители на крв1989
10296. Испитување присуство на анти-ХИВ антитела во серум од доброволни дарители на крв и пациенти од неколку ризични групи1989
10297. Постигнати резултати на полето на крводарителството во општина Штип за периодот 1979-1988 година1989
10298. Развој на Стоматолошката служба во Медицински центар-Штип преку стратегијата на Светската здравствена организација1989
10299. Suzbijanje korova i ostaci herbicida u proizvodnji princa1988
10300. In vitro испитувања на бактерицидната активност во разредени Betadine раствори1988
10301. Summary of a Situation from Laboratory Investigation of Yugoslav Nickel Bearing Ores by Segregation-Flotation-Magnetic Separation1988
10302. Suzbijanje korova i ostaci herbicida u proizvodnji pirinca1987
10303. Određivanje brzine korozije metala metodom brojanja mjehurića vodika1987
10304. Низ поетскиот израз на Матеја Матевски1987
10305. Research into Possibly of Intensification of Segregation Roasting of Laterite Nickel Ores at Localities from Cikatovo and Rudjinci Subject to Nickel Concentration1987
10306. Третманот на математичката резерва во осигурувањето на животот како штедење1987
10307. Хидро-мелиоративен систем Стрежево1986
10308. Rice Diseases and Other Problems in Yugoslavia 1986
10309. Vae Soli (Светот на осаменоста, стравот и смртта во поезијата на Матеја Матевски)1986
10310. Entropija kao mera nehomogenosti rudnog lezista primenjena na leziste Studena voda - Makedonija1985
10311. Metamorphism of Fe - Ni ores from Rzanovo - Studena Voda (Yugoslavia) and the Zone Almopias (Greece)1985
10312. Prilog кon proucuvanjeto na nekoi herbicidni kombinacii vo orizot1984
10313. Segregational roasting of the oxid-silicate nickel ores from "Rudjinci" and "Rzanovo" Macedonia1984
10314. Tektonski polozaj termomineralnih izvora u kocanskoj depresiji1984
10315. Транснационалните компании и земјите во развој1984
10316. Болен Дојчин меѓу vis major и ендорфините1983
10317. Испитување на ефикасноста на некои фунгициди за дезинфекција на семето ориз1982
10318. „Јана" или портрет на младоста1981
10319. Болести на оризот1980
10320. Study of Some Morphologic and Physiologic Properties of Helminthosporium Oryzae Breda De Haan 1979
10321. Проучавање helminthosporium oryzae br. de haan паразита пиринча у кочанској котлини1979
10322. Дијагностички модели1979
10323. Алтернативата меѓу фиксните и флуктуирачките девизни курсеви и спогодбата во Јамајка1978
10324. Kraci opis nekih parazitnih gljiva na pirincu iz Makedonije1977
10325. ,,Плуто" на Иван Точко1973
10326. Гласот на лебедите1972
10433. Analysis of cybercriminals and where they fall on the spectrum of crime2022
10434. Development of mobile app through React Native hybrid framework2022
10450. COVID – 19 AND SPORTS EVENT2022
10519. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN NORTH MACEDONIA: Period of Analysis 2018-20192020
10565. The Management Systems Challenges for Processes and Computers Performance Analysis2020
10566. Introduction to Ethics on the Traffic System as a Valuable Factor on the Traffic Accidents2020
10567. Evaluation of Crash Tests and the System of Evaluation Through Analysis of Collision Processes. Case Study2020
10568. Quality Evaluation of High-Frequency Electric Resistance Welded Joint2020
10569. Determination of Heavy Metals on the Earth's Surface near the Jugohrom Factory by AAS Method2020
10570. Determination on Fire Resistance Composite Beams in the Fire Sector2020
10571. The Technical System and Responsibility to Manage Respective Production Dosing System2020
10572. The Impact of Changes in Geometric Parameters And The Amount of Water on the Stability of the Working Slope and the General Slope in the Surface Mine of the Marls in Elez Han2020
10573. Analysis And Evaluation of The Security Factor (Fs) by Changing the Values of The Water Coefficient (ru )2020
10574. From Dimensional To Non-Dimensional Simple States: A Computational Design Method for Early Stages of Design2020
10575. Bonta’s Interpretation Of An Architectural Myth2020
10576. Social Housing In The Case Of Republic of North Macedonia2020
10577. Stair Space As Horizontal Plane Multiplication2020
10578. The Interior Design Market In Albania2020
10579. Urban Mobility In Pristina: Flow, Problems And Challenges2020
10580. Organic vs Planned: The Evolution of The Spatial Configuration of Tetovo2020
10638. Different renal effect during analgesics use in patients with headache2020
10685. Impact of Double Taxation Agreements in Foreign Direct Investment2019
10686. The Impact of International Tourist Movements on the World Economy2019
10687. Management of Diaspora Potential in the Function of Economic Development – The Case of North Macedonia2019
10688. Loan portfolio of banks and economic growth2019
10689. Sustainable social enterprises as impetus of sustainable local and regional socio-economic changes in the Republic of Macedonia2019
10690. Empirics of Financial Aid and Growth2019
10691. Economic challenges of North Macedonia’s bridging toward European Union, with focus on real and nominal convergence2019
10692. The Role of Factors and Motivators Influencing Entrepreneurial Intentions2019
10693. The Impact of Corruption, Unemployment, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Stability in the Country's Economic Development2019
10728. Universities in the Republic of Macedonia in the Era of the European Union's Ambitious Plan for Research and Innovation2019
10729. The contribution of religious communities in promoting tolerance in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
10730. The language of the communities as important element of coexistence and stability in interethnical relationship2019
10731. Imprisonment - evolution, actuality and perspectives2019
10732. The new model of mechanisms of police external control in North Macedonia2019
10733. North Atlantic Treaty Organization2019
10734. Religion and linguistic culture2019
10735. The importance and basic characteristics of the process of identifying criminal situations with economic characteristics2019
10736. Basic subjects responsible for environment security in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
10737. Presidential Elections in Different States (comparisons)2019
10738. Assessing the quality of democracy: Consultation process in pre-legislative stage in North Macedonia2019
10739. Free professions in European Union Attorneys (The lawyers)2019
10740. Opening of the Chapter 23-24 in the Process of Negotiation with the European Union: Corruption in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
10741. Comparative examination of the witness protection2019
10742. The trıal of Internatıonal Crımes from the Practıce of the Court of Bosnıa and Herzegovına2019
10743. The rights derived from the European Union Citizenship2019
10744. The role of the European Court of Human Rights at the Improvement of the National System of the Republic of North Macedonia on respect and Protection of Freedom and Human Rights2019
10745. The burden of proof in contested procedure2019
10746. Modern Types of Terrorism Expression and the Fight against It2019
10747. Social policy-policy in terms of insurance unemployment2019
10748. Study analysis on the marriage and divorce institute in normativ aspects2019
10749. Why Hate Crimes should be punished more rigorously2019
10750. The respect of implementation of the fundamental attributes of legal institutions expressed and democratic, over the last decade in the Republic of North Macedonia2019
10751. Methods and techniques for revealing latent fingerprints2019
10752. The fight against corruption, current situation and challenges inthe Republic of North Macedonia2019
10753. European Union foreign policy2019
10754. Lie detection during the investigative interviewing2019
10755. European Legal Mechanisms of Freedom of Expression and why Hate of Speech Crimes Should Be Punished More Rigorously2019
10756. The international position of the minorities after the World War I2019
10757. Internationalism, Regionalism or seclusion – Rethinking North Macedonia’s future prospects2019
10758. Digital Media Shaping Democracy: The need for Media Literacy2019
10759. Mitigation of harm from the perspective of court decisions and arbitral awards2019
10760. Women’s Status Upon the Intestate Succession in Roman and Contemporary North Macedonian Law2019
10761. Ethnic cleansing and colonization in the case of Historical Palestine: comparative analysis from 1948 to today2019
10762. Public relations and lack of transparency in the environmental debates2019
10772. FEJA DHE KOMBI2019
10816. Sweet waters in the territory of Republic of Macedonia2018
10818. The features of periglacial processes in Shpat-Polis mountainous range2018
10821. Dark Web and its impact2018
10832. Blockchain: General overview of the Architecture, Security and Reliability2018
10836. Synthesis and Characterization of Ru(II) and Co(III) Complexes with Schiff Bases Derived from Salicylaldehyde2018
10842. Determination of the quantity of Lycopene in Tomato Concentrate2018
10848. Application of mathematical models for predicting the trihalomethanes’ content in drinking water in the city of Tetova2018
10878. LIRIKA MBIJETESE NË KOHËN E PAKOHË “Kohë e djegur në bebëza” - Ibrahim Kadriu2018
10886. Stoneflies (Plecoptera, Insecta) from Sharr Mountain: A review2018
10895. The importance of architecture and hardware specifications in Programmable Logic Controllers2018
10896. Implementation of graphical programming languages in automation and control processes using PLC controllers2018
10897. An approach to tune Controller parameters via Bio-inspired evolutionary optimization strategy (µ + λ)2018
10898. Selection of filler materials for submerged arc welding of steel pipes2018
10899. Relation between associative ternary operations and neutral sequences2018
10900. Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations2018
10901. Application of DDE numerical methods in determination of leukocyte oscillation period2018
10902. Graphical illustration of perturbed system of linear equations and computed number of condition via SDV2018
10903. Geographical-Touristic presentation of the most important Touristic Geomorphological Motifs of Bjeshkët e Nemuna-Territory of Kosova2018
10904. Perspectives for the Devlopment of Alternative Kinds of Tourism in the Polog Valley2018
10905. Sweet waters in the territory of Republic of Macedonia2018