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1. Woodcarving in Macedonian house1998
2. Makedonija- podobe podezelske arhitekture1998
3. Rural architecture in Maleshevo from the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century1998
4. Придонесот на туризмот во економскиот раст на Република Македонија1998
5. Transformation of tourism and hospitality industry in Macedonia1998
6. A Mixed Method Using Whitney and Linear Edge Elements for High Accuracy and Low Computation Cost Eddy Current Analysis (in Japanese)1998
7. Development of Virtual Environment for Visualization of 3D Magnetic Field with Moving Object (in Japanese)1998
8. Optimal Design of Tank Shield Model of Transformer Using GA and the Gradient of the Constrained Condition (in Japanese)1998
9. Hybrid Element-Free Galerkin - Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Field Analysis (in Japanese)1998
10. Профаното архитектонско творештво во кумановската област во 19 и почетокот на 20 век1998
11. Одржување на муницијата е еден од битните услови за висока борбена готовност1998
12. Ispitivanje oksidnog sloja bakra1998
13. Одреѓивање утицаја површине узорака на брзину атмосферске корозије челика1998
14. The effects of the plough category of tractors and number of drive on the direst power consumption and working effects1998
15. Rapid diagnosis of chlamydia trachomatis infections by enzyme linked fluorescent assay1998
16. Географско-сообраќајни состојби, можности и перспективи на Битола во меѓународните транспортни коридори 1998
17. Crystallization and melting behavior of iPP studied by DSC1998
18. Isothermal crystallization of iPP in model glass‐fiber composites1998
19. Bitola - The urban and geographical development1998
20. Evaluting organization of spaces convinent for development and classification of the settlements in the region of the town Bitola1998
21. Inheritance of some productive traits in hybrids between cultivated white and red - grain rice genotypes1998
22. Recovery of copper and precious metals from chalcopyrite low grade ores - choice between flotation or microorganisms leaching1998
23. The effect of fertilizers on the yield and some productive properties of three recently developed rice cultivars1998
24. Taxonomic belong of the most represent red-grain rice forms of in the Kochani region1998
25. The falling refuse (-30+0)mm from the locality "Lakavica" - Stip and the possibility of complex utilization of present minerals 1998
26. The possibility from coals cleaning of "Suvodol" - mine Bitola class (-30+0)mm1998
27. Tourismus und Tourismuspotential Makedoniens1998
28. Технологија на материјали во рударството1998
29. Одговори на најчесто поставуваните прашања за Windows 951998
30. Tehnologija eksploatacije povrsinskog kopa lignita Brik Berovo - specificnost i dalji razvoj1998
31. Osnovne karakteristikie tehnologije eksploatacije i kapacitet povrsinskog kopa Suvodol1998
32. Computer Simulation and Operating Characteristics of a Three-Phase Brushless Synchronous Generator1998
33. On the Properties of Mixed Consistently and Non-Consistently First Order Edge Finite Elements1998
34. Performance Comparison Between Gray Coded and Binary Coded Genetic Algorithms for Inverse Shape Optimization of Magnetic Devicec1998
35. A New Method for 3-D Vector Field Visualization Utilizing Streamlines and Volume Rendering Techniques1998
36. Design Improvements on Graded Insulation of Power Transformers Using Transient Electric Field Analysis and Visualization Technique1998
37. Element-Free Galernik Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations1998
38. Inverse Shape Optimization of a Permanent Magnet Device Using genetic Algorithm and Finite Element Method1998
39. Evaluation of the Characteristics of Rotating Eddy-Current Probe for ECT using Edge FEM1998
40. Multigrid Solution Method for Electromagnetic Field Computation1998
41. 3 D Magnetic Field Visualization System Based on Virtual Reality Technique1998
42. A Fast Volume Rendering Method for Time-Varying 3-D Scalar Field Visualization Using Orthonormal Wavelets 1998
43. Површинска експлоатација на глини во наоѓалиштето на јаглен Брик - Берово и валоризација на истите1998
44. Некои погледи на стопанскиот успех и улогатана хуманите ресурси, како еден пример и патоказ за соцјално - пазарен, партиципативен развој1998
45. Нови аспекти на социјалната сигурност на тутунопроизводителите1998
46. The love - way, truth and life of TQM1998
47. Конзерваторско-реставраторски работи на археолошки локалитет Кале-Црвена Црква1998
48. The secondary quartzites hosting gold mineralization in the Crn Vrv - Plavica Volcanic Area1998
49. Ležišta i pojave titanomagnetita u Srpsko-Makedonskom masivu na teritoriji Republike Makedonije 1998
50. Microelements in the rocks and ashes of the plants violla alsharica and thymus alsharensis of the alshar site1998
51. Pollution of heavy metals in part of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia data on pollution of waters, soils, flora and fauna1998
52. Mineralogy of the magnetites in the Rzanovo Fe-Ni deposit, Republic of Macedonia 1998
53. Здравствено-воспитни активности на Македонскиот Црвен крст во мотивирање на граѓаните за дарување крв1998
54. Woodcarving in Macedonian house1998
55. Viral infections - complications and treatment in chldren in DD Idadija1998
56. Clinical and ultrasonographic investigation of congenital hip dislocation: a retrospective study1998
57. Dependence between the level of delta-aminolevulinic acid in urine and some parameters with workers of the Zletovo battery factory in Probistip1998