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1. Лабораториската работа на учениците како можност за примена на проблемската настава1997
2. Предизвици на екотуризмот1997
3. Magmatism and tertiary mineralization of the Kozuf metalogenetic district, the Republic of Macedonia with particular reference to the Alsar deposit1997
4. Generation and Semitransparent Representation of Isosurfaces for 3-D Distributed Scalar Variables (in Japanese)1997
5. Automatic 3D Finite Element Subdivision Using Bubble System (in Japanese)1997
6. Adaptive Element Subdivision using Bubble System (in Japanese)1997
7. Објекти за чување и складирање на храната во селската архитектура во Македонија1997
8. Profane architecture in the Struga area in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century1997
9. Карактеризација на оксидниот слој создаден врз бакарот при корозија во синтетичка морска вода1997
10. Идетификација и изолација на некои флавоноиди и фенолни киселини од Verbascum scardicolum Bornm. и Melampyrum scardicum Wettst. со некои хроматографски методи1997
11. Microtechnique of 2-Mercaptoethanol test in Serologic Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis1997
12. The study of chlorination of nickel oxide by chlorine and calcium chloride in the presence of active additives1997
13. Геологија на лежиштето на кварцни песочници „Пржани" Синковица1997
14. Мetamorphic Evolution and the Composition of the Protolith of Plagioclase-bearing Eclogite-Amphibolites of the Buchim Block of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Macedonia1997
15. Development and Verification of a System for 2D Analysis of a Coupled Magneto-Thermal Problems1997
16. r-Adaptive method for Mesh Improvements Using Directly Magnetic Flux Density as an Error Norm Estimator1997
17. Automatic Mesh Generation Using Bubble System1997
18. Adaptive finite element analysis using dynamic bubble system1997
19. Inverse Shape Optimization Using Dynamically Adjustable Genetic Algorithms1997
20. Automatic mesh generation in finite element analysis using dynamic bubble system1997
21. Modeling of permanent magnets in three-dimensional space using edge finite elements1997
22. Visual Computing Concept in Finite Element Analysis1997
23. Content and distribution of some elements in the major minerals from the Topanica Pb-Zn deposit (NE Macedonia)1997
24. Geochemical investigations of the soils in the republic of Macedonia 1997
25. Копаничарот од Брусник1997
26. Mineralogical characteristics of johannsenite in the Sasa ore field 1997
27. Metamorphic Evolution and P -T Conditions of Eclogite -Amphibolites in the Buchim Block, Serbo -Macedonian Massif, Macedonia 1997
28. Mineral equilibria in high-temperature gneisses of the -Bogdanci low -pressure metamorphic complex, Macedonia 1997
29. Metamorphisam of the Impure Calcite Marbles from the Kriva Lakavica 1997
30. Alpine Plutono-Magmatism and Metamorphism in the South-Eastern Parts of the Vardar Zone and the Serbo­ - Macedonian Massif 1997
31. A neogean orogenic tectonics of East Macedonia (with use of the morphostructural analysis) 1997
32. Дијагностичко значење на малонилдиалдехидот во серум кај заболени од Diabetes mellitus1997
33. Prograde formation of Clinopyroxene -Plagioclase Symplectites in Garnet -Clinozoisite Amphiholites of the Ograzden Complex,Macedonia 1997
34. The influence of some herbicides on quality characteristic of the wheat seed material1997
35. Makedonija -podobe podezelske arhitekture1997
36. Immunohistochemical evaluation of p53 protein in bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma1997
37. Перинаталната асфиксија како потенцијален извор на деца попречени во психомоторниот развој1997
38. ¹³C NMR analysis of polyvinyl chloride synthesisized with manganese ( III ) diacetylacetone rhodanide as initiators 1997
39. Phytopathogenic bacteria on pepper in Macedonia 1997