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Subject: AI Indexes (General)

Year: 2020

Type: Article
Type: PeerReviewed

Title: The Technical System and Responsibility to Manage Respective Production Dosing System

Author: Zeqiri, Nderim
Author: Idrizi, Ferit

Abstract: The paper is focused on computer production systems. The computer network is competitive to give corresponding communication, and not only this, to share data, and to have respective command, on the client-side, end-user, etc. The paper also gives the solution to how to create a model and algorithm, which is responsible to command-and interconnect all the questions related to this system and to implement them concretely in the company. For example, the management of the industrial system requires a more professional approach in terms of building a corresponding algorithm, to be available and to manage through the computer control system. Also, here must emphasize that this point of view in the paper, is only, one part, of any general structures design and to support the company, but here the paper describes, the main objectives, which is necessary to realize all the opportunity, in the production systems. The paper also gives us specifically address the construction of the technical system to manage a sequential part of the industrial system, with the support of control algorithms, computer systems, and related software, where is obtained facilitate in the context of management of the technical system. In the paper, are presented indirectly, three main systems such are; electrical, computer, and control system. Each of these systems is interdependent with one another for the normal functioning and better competency to general overview for the respective production.

Publisher: University of Tetova

Relation: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/629/

Identifier: oai:eprints.unite.edu.mk:629
Identifier: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/629/1/11.pdf
Identifier: Zeqiri, Nderim and Idrizi, Ferit (2020) The Technical System and Responsibility to Manage Respective Production Dosing System. Journal of Applied Sciences-SUT JAS-SUT, 6 (11-12). pp. 121-127. ISSN 2671-3047

The Technical System and Responsibility to Manage Respective Production Dosing System202021