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Subject: AI Indexes (General)

Year: 2020

Type: Article
Type: PeerReviewed

Title: Bonta’s Interpretation Of An Architectural Myth

Author: Elezi, Kujtim
Author: Saliu, Nuran
Author: Jakupi, Enis

Abstract: The paper aims to through some light on the so called ‘connection’ between Le Corbusier and Macedonia, the way it was described through years and by different authors, a connection that indeed it didn’t exist in the reality. The research shows that most of the authors that spoke about the ‘Macedonian connection’ were wrong, and Le Corbusier’s visit to Macedonia in 1927 was indeed a myth created by them, not a reality. The present study charts the growth of an error and its gradual transformation into an accepted fact– albeit in a local context. The further research aims to interpret the architectural myth, created in decades by authors in Macedonia, taking Juan Pablo Bonta’s ‘way of interpretations in architecture’ simply because the myth about Le Corbusier visiting Macedonia in 1927 makes a perfect example in Bonta’s architectural interpretation. The myth of Le Corbusier’s visit to Macedonia is not a historical work but a theoretical one, indebted to the influential studies by Juan Pablo Bonta’s well- known essay. The obtained results of the myth interpretation, gives a clear approach to all stages of Bonta’s view in architectural interpretation. The architectural myth created in Macedonia, can be totally explained, even one can presume what might happen in the upcoming time and how the myth will permutate in the future time. Based on this investigation, it can be concluded that Le Corbusier never visited Macedonia, there is impossible to exist a Macedonian influence in his work.

Publisher: University of Tetova

Relation: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/624/

Identifier: oai:eprints.unite.edu.mk:624
Identifier: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/624/2/6.pdf
Identifier: Elezi, Kujtim and Saliu, Nuran and Jakupi, Enis (2020) Bonta’s Interpretation Of An Architectural Myth. Journal of Applied Sciences-SUT JAS-SUT, 6 (11-12). pp. 60-70. ISSN 2671-3047

Bonta’s Interpretation Of An Architectural Myth202021