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Subject: AI Indexes (General)

Year: 2020

Type: Article
Type: PeerReviewed

Title: Stair Space As Horizontal Plane Multiplication

Author: Jakupi, Enis
Author: Besimi, Erda
Author: Elezi, Kujtim

Abstract: Different areas in the object serve people, so they relate and communicate with each other. This communication can be vertical and horizontal. Vertical communication connects the object areas in a vertical direction, respectively it connects the levels of objects, and this group also includes the stairs. The areas meant for people's movement are limited to two dimensions due to the gravity of the earth. Our bodies, while they are in a movement cannot explore the space behind us. According to this, our perception of the world develops in the horizontal orientation. Stair space, vertical communication is one of the major researches in architecture history because it offers us a good chance to link the vertical levels of space where one can move, communicate. Each type or kind of stairs enables us vertical communication, allows two types of different movements, the opposite movements. This is not just the physical aspect of ascension and descending, but also important terms of mythological and psychological significance.

Publisher: University of Tetova

Relation: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/622/

Identifier: oai:eprints.unite.edu.mk:622
Identifier: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/622/1/4.pdf
Identifier: Jakupi, Enis and Besimi, Erda and Elezi, Kujtim (2020) Stair Space As Horizontal Plane Multiplication. Journal of Applied Sciences-SUT JAS-SUT, 6 (11-12). pp. 43-49. ISSN 2671-3047

Stair Space As Horizontal Plane Multiplication202025