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Subject: AI Indexes (General)

Year: 2018

Type: Article
Type: NonPeerReviewed

Title: Original scientific paper Impact of cyclic external factor of Moon phases on the risk of Railway Accidents occurrence

Author: Ilija, Tanackov
Author: Dejan, Aleksić
Author: Gordan, Stojić

Abstract: The impact of three external cycle factors has been research on the sample of 3983 railway accidents from 2006 to 2012 at Serbian Railways. Year cycle, the cycle of Moon phases and day cycle have been verified as significant factors for the risk of railway accidents. Differentiation between the factors is performed precisely. The Moon phases have particularly significant impact on the frequency of railway accidents. Quite opposite to the traditional approach, which puts an accent on the negative impact of the Full Moon phase, the analysis in this paper emphasizes a complementary result – the positive impact of the Young Moon phase, as well as big spans in RA frequencies according to Moon phases, which are particularly significant.

Publisher: Faculty of Applied Sciences

Relation: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/170/

Identifier: oai:eprints.unite.edu.mk:170
Identifier: https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/170/1/3.pdf
Identifier: Ilija, Tanackov and Dejan, Aleksić and Gordan, Stojić (2018) Original scientific paper Impact of cyclic external factor of Moon phases on the risk of Railway Accidents occurrence. JAS - SUT Journal of Applied Sciences-SUT, 4 (7-8). pp. 28-43. ISSN 2671-3047

Original scientific paper Impact of cyclic external factor of Moon phases on the risk of Railway Accidents occurrence201825