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Subject: globalization, identity, power, nation state

Year: 2018

Type: Proceeding article

Title: Globalization and Identity: A Key Challenge for Contemporary Society

Author: Drakulovska Chukaleska, Marija
Author: Dragovikj, Anica

Abstract: This article was concerned with relationship between globalization and identity, a problematic that has dominated sociologist’s theoretical approaches in the last two decades. In addressing this relationship we began with ‘newness of our time’ by distinguishing three foci of discussion (1) persistence of identity; (2) globalization as a process; and finally (3)the relation of relation between globalization and identity.

Publisher: Институт за политичке студије, Београд

Relation: Култура, Политика, Разумевање (Култура, нација, држава - проблеми идентитета у савременoј политици)

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/9133
Identifier: Marija Drakulovska Cukalevska, Anica Dragovic. 2018. “Globalization and Identity: A Key Challenge for Contemporary Society”. In Proceedings from VI Megunarodna naucna konferencija: Kultura, politika, razumevanje.
Identifier: 978-86- 7419-304- 4
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9133

Globalization and Identity: A Key Challenge for Contemporary Society201826