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Subject: awareness
Subject: b-adrenergic blockers
Subject: anesthesia

Year: 2013

Type: Article

Title: Свесност за време на општа анестезија на пациент на терапија со Beta-блокер - приказ на случај

Author: Александра Гавриловска -Брзанов
Author: Љупчо Тасевски
Author: Гордана Талеска
Author: Маја Мојсова - Мијовска
Author: Марија Јовановски-Срцева
Author: Дарко Анѓушев

Abstract: Introduction Awareness during anesthesia is a rare but significant complication with potentially devastating psychological consequences The causes of intra operative awareness are still unclear but it is supposed that is multi factorial As a contributing factor commonly is induced the use of adrenergic blockers and ACE inhibitors Case report An years old women was hospitalized at the Clinic for Maxillofacial surgery in Skopje for operation of the cyst of the maxillary sinus In the preoperative clinical assessment was established that patient had medical history of hypertension on therapy with blockers and ACE inhibitors Preoperative and intraoperative course was without significant hemodinamically changes but after extubation patient recallwhole procedure She develops posttraumatic stress disorder Conclusion Despite precautions and good technique some cases of awareness will still occur It may not be possible to prevent every case of awareness from happening but it is possible to identify high risk cases and modify anaesthetic technique accordingly The patient should receive adequate psychological support afterwards not only in the form of a regular visit by the anaesthetist but with the referral for counselling or psychotherapy if necessary

Publisher: Macedonian Medical Association = Македонско лекарско друштво

Relation: Macedonian Medical Review = Македонски медицински преглед

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/9055
Identifier: 0025-1097
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9055

Свесност за време на општа анестезија на пациент на терапија со Beta-блокер - приказ на случај201318