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Subject: incisional hernia
Subject: weakness of the anterior abdominal wall
Subject: liver hernia
Subject: CT

Year: 2016

Type: Article

Title: Парцијална хернијација на црниот дроб низ инцизионален дефект на предниот абдоминален ѕид

Author: Антонио Глигориевски
Author: Ана Лазарова

Abstract: Introduction. Ventral hernias are quite common, but liver herniation is an extremely rare case. This type of abdominal protrusion of part of the liver usually occurs through incisional weak spots on the abdominal wall. Incisional herniation of the liver usually occurs 2 to 3 years after an abdominal operation consequently leading to focal weakness of the abdominal wall. Case report. We present an extremely rare case of incisional herniation of part of the left and smaller part of the right liver lobe in a woman aged 64 years, as a consequence of a previous open cholecystectomy, creating a focal abdominal wall weakness. Abdominal CT scan was performed. Analysis of the CT scans, as well as of the reconstruction made in the coronal and sagittal plane was performed. Herniation of the left and the smaller part of the right liver lobe through an incisive focal weakness of the right upper quadrant of the abdominal wall was detected. Discussion. Incisional hernias are delayed complications of abdominal surgery. They can occur anywhere on the abdominal wall and are more frequently encountered in a vertical than in a transverse incision. Typically, incisional hernias occur during the first months following surgery, but later occurrence has been reported as well. Herniation of the liver through the anterior abdominal wall is an extremely rare condition and usually related to previous surgery on the upper abdomen. Due to its rarity it is both a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Conclusion. We can conclude that there is a connection between liver herniation through the upper abdominal wall and a previously performed open abdominal surgery. CT is the method of choice for diagnosis of liver herniation through the anterior abdominal wall.

Publisher: Македонско лекарско друштво = Macedonian medical association

Relation: Македонски медицински преглед - Macedonian medical review

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/9007
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9007

Парцијална хернијација на црниот дроб низ инцизионален дефект на предниот абдоминален ѕид201611