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Subject: Lipoprotein(a), apolipoprotein(a), phenotypes

Year: 2007

Type: Article

Title: Lipoprotein (a) and apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes in healthy Macedonian children

Author: Tosheska K
Author: Labudovic D
Author: Alabakovska S
Author: Handziski Z
Author: Spiroski M
Author: Todorova B

Abstract: Plasma levels of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] are determined largely by genetic variation in the gene encoding apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)], the unique protein component of Lp(a). High plasma levels of Lp(a) increase the risk of premature atherosclerosis. However, the association of apo(a) phenotypes with the development of these diseases remains largely unexplored.

Publisher: Slovak Academy Press s.r.o.

Relation: Bratislavske lekarske listy

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/8212
Identifier: 0006-9248
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8212
Identifier: 108
Identifier: 4-5

Lipoprotein (a) and apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes in healthy Macedonian children200721