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Subject: еквиваленција, метафора, тематска прогресија, перспектива, модуланти, парафраза

Year: 2017

Type: Article

Title: Одбрани стратегии, техники или проблеми во преводот на литературните текстови од полски на македонски јазик

Author: Танушевска, Лидија

Abstract: This article sublimes theoretical tasks of Translation Studies concerning the analysis done on certain literature texts. Special accent is put on the phenomena, such as: metaphor, thematic progression, perspective, discourse markers, paraphrase and untranslatability. The author deals with the justification of the literal or loose translation of metaphors and paraphrases, as well as of the cultural elements. Thematic progression, on the other hand, contributes to the development of different styles, which guide the reader through the texts in a special way. Analysis of the perspective shows differences between the two languages throughout the lexical and grammatical means, used to express the reader’s, author’s or character’s point of view. Discourse markers prove to be of a great importance for meaning modification and for the cohesion of the whole text, but their meaning is determined mostly by the context. Common problems that translators face are also concerned here, like intentional names, cultural elements, poetry etc.

Publisher: Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“

Relation: Славистички студии 17

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/7725
Identifier: 0352-3055
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7725

Одбрани стратегии, техники или проблеми во преводот на литературните текстови од полски на македонски јазик201721