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Subject: полонистика, Македонија, развој, настава, гости, преведувачка дејност

Year: 2016

Type: Article

Title: Полските традиции во Македонската култура

Author: Миркуловска, Милица
Author: Танушевска, Лидија

Abstract: AbstractIn this article we traced the relations between Macedonia and Poland through the information about the character of the Polish university studies in Macedonia at the University St Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philology “Blazhe Koneski” in the period of 55 years. Throughout the following points:1. History of relations between Polish and Macedonian slavists2. Stages of university Polish studies in Macedonia3. Scientific activities of university Polish studies in Macedonia3.1. Polish-Macedonian and Macedonian-Polish linguistic ties in coordination MANU4. University Polish studies in Macedonia on Internet5. Translation work of university Polish studies in Macedonia5.1. Polish studies Translation Laboratory at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski”5.2. The role of the University Polish studies due the popularization of Polish literature translated into Macedonian and vice versa6. Teaching activities of the University Polish studies in Macedonia and care for the graduated students 7. Guest professors from Polish universities8. Supporters of the University Polish studies in Macedonia in period of 55 years

Publisher: Институт за национална историја

Relation: Гласник на Институт за национална историја (материјали од меѓународната научна конференција „МАКЕДОНИЈА И ПОЛСКА ВО МОДЕРНИЗАЦИСКИТЕ ПРОЦЕСИ ВО XIX – XXI ВЕК: ИСТОРИЈА – ПОЛИТИКА – ЈАЗИК – КУЛТУРА – ЛИТЕРАТУРА“, (Скопје, 26-27 мај 2015 година), год. 60, бр. 2

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/7722
Identifier: 0583-4961
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7722

Полските традиции во Македонската култура201623