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Year: 2012

Type: Proceeding article

Title: di-wi-ja and e-ra in the Linear B texts

Author: Duev, Ratko

Abstract: As opposed to the established tradition according to which Okeanos and Tethys were the parents of all rivers known to the Greeks and of all unknown mythical rivers to the end of the world and in the underworld, Homer refers to Oceanus and ‘mother’ Tethys as to parents of the gods. This concept can also be found in the Babylonian theogony epic Enuma Elish, from the II millennium BC, where Oceanus, as a god, is the parent of the sweet waters, while Tethys is the goddess of the sea. It is interesting that this appears in the epic related to the goddess Hera, as if they were her parents. Also, the cult of Hera on the island of Samos distinguished from Argos. Undoubtedly, the process of transformation of the cult of Hera occurred in the Mycenaean period, only mere traces of that process remained in the historical period.

Publisher: Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa – Roma

Relation: XIIIe colloque international sur les textes égéens, Sèvres, Paris, Nanterre, 20-23 septembre 2010

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/7125
Identifier: Duev, R. (2012). "di-wi-ja and e-ra in the Linear B texts", in Pierre Carlier (ed.), Études mycéniennes 2010, Actes du XIIIe colloque international sur les textes égéens, Sèvres, Paris, Nanterre, 20-23 septembre 2010, Biblioteca di Pasiphae 10, Pisa-Roma, pp.195-206.
Identifier: 978-88-6227-473-9
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7125

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