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Subject: literary history, Blazhe Ristovski, Macedonian 19-century literature, Petar Draganov, scientific sensibility and objectification

Year: 2012

Type: Article

Title: Неуморен истражувач на трагите (Блаже Ристовски за македонистот Петар Драганов)

Author: Tasevska Hadji Boshkova, Iskra

Abstract: The appearance of history as a special acquisition in a text form and its investigation seem to be a problem in the whole epistemological field. Analyzing history as text (metatext) according to White creates a great deal of doubts about the status of the historical fact and its author/interpreter. Ankersmit relates transcendental reason with historism, as well as story, that is a specific aspect in defining historism. On the other hand, the relationship between history and literature evokes analysis of the whole cultural field, underlining wide supranational determinations. The literary and historical research of Blazhe Ristovski offers a critical survey, a look on the subject disinterestedly, which enables us to look again (and even better) to the facts that are exposed as a scientific (or sociopolitical) actuality, especially the studies of Macedonian 19th-century literature. There is a persistent need of such scholars – the privilege to have a broad knowledge of Macedonian language, literature, and history related to the whole cultural heritage represents an exquisite gift, in this case enriched with the perfect connection between scientific sensibility, and curiosity. The great advantage of Ristovski as a scientist is the constant struggle for objectification, which he managed to acquire even in the context of his own cultural tradition.

Publisher: Македонска академија на науките и уметностите

Relation: Прилози XXXVII 1-2, 2012.

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/7080
Identifier: Прилози XXXVII 1-2. Скопје: MАНУ, Одделение за лингвистика и литературна наука, 2012, 337-348.
Identifier: 1857-9345
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7080

Неуморен истражувач на трагите (Блаже Ристовски за македонистот Петар Драганов)201216