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Subject: gastric schwannoma
Subject: immunohistochemistry
Subject: rare gastric tumors

Year: 2024

Type: Article

Title: Gastric schwannoma: a case report

Author: Kostovski, Ognen
Author: Trajkovski, Gjorgji
Author: Ristovski, Gligor
Author: Kostadinova Kunovska, Slavica
Author: Kostovska, Irena

Abstract: Gastric schwannomas are rare mesenchymal tumors that arise from the intestinal nerve plexuses. They present with nonspecific symptoms and are often discovered incidentally. We present the case of a 68-year-old patient who had been suffering from abdominal discomfort for 6 months. After a complete examination, including abdominal computed tomography and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, we discovered a submucosal gastric lesion with benign gross features without evidence of lymph node or metastatic involvement. He underwent an open laparotomy. Final pathohistological and immunohistochemically identification of the surgical specimen established the diagnosis of benign schwannoma. Considering the excellent prognosis of the tumor, no adjuvant treatment was suggested other than simple clinical monitoring every 6 months. Despite the accessibility of advanced endoscopy and imaging techniques, the diagnosis of gastric schwannoma is rarely made preoperatively. In the latter case, the best treatment is still complete excision with wide margins.

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Relation: Journal of Surgical Case Reports (JSCR)

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/29869
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/29869
Identifier: 2042-8812

Gastric schwannoma: a case report202414