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Subject: number
Subject: syntax
Subject: agreement
Subject: singular
Subject: plural

Year: 2022

Type: Article

Title: Синтаксичко согласување по број во македонскиот и во англискиот јазик

Author: Naumoska, Aneta

Abstract: This paper covers an analysis of the differences in singular and plural syntactic agreement in Macedonian compared to English. What is analyzed is number in the noun phrase as a subject, which influences the following verb (singular or plural form). The examples (sentences) have been excerpted from selected works of literature and daily newspapers in Macedonian and English, together with their translation equivalents. The author shows the conclusions they have come to by analyzing the chosen corpus.

Publisher: Goce Delcev University, Faculty of Philology, Stip, Republic of Macedonia

Relation: Palimpsest

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/27497
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/27497
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.46763/PALIM22713075n

Синтаксичко согласување по број во македонскиот и во англискиот јазик202223