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Subject: web service, optimization, SOAP compression, battery life

Year: 2008

Type: Proceedings

Title: Enhancing Performance of Web Services in Mobile Applications by SOAP Compression

Author: Ivanovski, Ivan
Author: Gramatikov, Sasho
Author: Trajanov, Dimitar

Abstract: since being proposed in May 2000, the SOAP Internet protocol has by now revolutionized application development by connecting graphic user interface desktop applications to powerful Internet servers using the standards of the internet: HTTP and XML. However the fact that it uses a text-based XML encoding unlike the traditional binary protocols, results in higher bandwidth consumption, bigger storage requirement and increased processing overhead. When using mobile devices, one additional question about the battery performance raises. This paper presents the results of implementing efficient compression and its positive impact to the overall performance of the mobile devices that use wireless communication with web services, in terms of significantly reduced bandwidth, quite improved response time, and extended battery life of the mobile devices.


Relation: Telekomunikacioni Forum Telfor 2008, Belgrade

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/25100
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25100

Enhancing Performance of Web Services in Mobile Applications by SOAP Compression200832