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Year: 2020

Type: Proceedings

Title: Beacon and beacon-less indoor assisted navigation

Author: Dimitrievski, Ace
Author: Mishev, Anastas
Author: Savoska, Snezana
Author: Trajkovikj, Vladmir

Abstract: In this comparative paper, we review the technologies for indoor navigation for persons with disabilities and persons that require monitoring in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environments. We focus on the distinction between beacon-based and beacon-less technologies. We present the categorization of indoor navigation technologies based on the approach taken to determine the location. We identify features of localization technologies that provide classification based on constraints for deployment. We also propose using floor plans to generate a navigation graph, and we give the algorithm for graph creation.


Relation: AIIT 2020

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/24189
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24189

Beacon and beacon-less indoor assisted navigation202024