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Year: 2020

Type: Article

Title: Мудроста преку христијанско-етичката призма. За една градителка на човековото битие

Author: Stefan Gogovski

Abstract: The article, through its pages, systematically conducts a profound analysis of the manifestation of wisdom through the prism of ethical teaching as an integral part of the orthodox theology. Primary, the significant portion of the research is focused on defining wisdom in its actual means and how it displays itself in context of the human being. The accent is put on wisdom as a gift of God, the meaning of its growth, and demonstration in everyday life, or in other words, in what way the wisdom transforms the human personality from the orthodox Christian perspective. The Orthodox Ethics as a normative science, which through its teaching is more focused on guiding the person toward the moral good, rather than condemnation and rigid legalism, gives a great amount of importance to wisdom, considering it intrinsically linked to conscience and particularly significant for the development of human personality individually.

Publisher: ПБФ „Свети Климент Охридски“ - Скопје

Relation: International Conference, St. Sophia – “Wisdom has built her House” (Pr 9,1), 11-13 ‎October 2019, Ohrid – Struga

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/23445
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23445

Мудроста преку христијанско-етичката призма. За една градителка на човековото битие202022