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Subject: pterygium
Subject: histopathological characteristic of epithelium

Year: 2015

Type: Proceeding article

Title: Pterygium excision with limbal autograft transplantation and its histopathological caracteristics of the epithelium

Author: V. Cheleva Markovska
Author: L. Spasevska
Author: E. Dashtevska-Gjoshevska

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Pterygium is a chronic fibro vascular and degerenative process and originates from the basal limbal stem cells. AIM: The eximination of morphology and cytoceratin expresion of the epithelium of primary stationary and progressive pterygium. Also the method of pterygium excision with limbal autographt transplantation was evaluated. The post operative complications as recidives were evaluated. MATHERIAL AND METHOD: Impression cytology and imunohistohemical staining with antikeratin antibodies were performed in 140 eyes with pterygium. The pterygium was surgically excised using the limbal grapht from imferior or superior bulbar conjunctiva. Avidin – Biotin (ABC and LSAB) technique was performed for the imuno histochemical investigation of the tissue slides of pterygium on Poly-L-lysine-glasses. RESULTS: There were epithelial diversity in the tissues slides of primary stationary and progressive pterygium. Diversity of epithelium was found between the different cuts of the same pterygium depending which part of the pterygium was examined. The areas of squamous epithelial prone to keratinisations was relatively frequent. Also there were areas of erosion and even dysplastic areas. Goblet cells were found isolated or associated and were intensively PAS positive. The post operative incidence of recidivating pterygium was 7%. CONCLUSION: Pterygium shows significant changes in the epithelium even in the different slides of the same pterygium and its not associated with the stadium of the primary pterygium. Pterygium excision with limbal autographt transplantation is a surgical method of choice for primary stationary and progressive pterygium.


Relation: 12 Congress of South-East European Ophthalmological Society and 1 Congress of Montenegrin Ophthalmologist with international participation

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/23375
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23375

Pterygium excision with limbal autograft transplantation and its histopathological caracteristics of the epithelium201516