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Year: 2017

Type: Article

Title: Anorexia: Anormal Phobia of Normal Weight

Author: Pop-Jordanova, Nada
Author: Zorcec, Tatjana
Author: Demerdzieva, Aneta

Abstract: Anorexia nervosa is a disorder of feeding behavior associated with distortion of body image, mood disturbance and a wide variety of hormonal and metabolic abnormalities. It is supposed that the disease could be the consequence of a combination of cultural-social, psychological and biological factors. Our study confirmed that anorexia mentalis is a serious, life threatening disorder which in our country appears earlier than it was expected and that is strongly related to environmental factors (family, school, fashion, society). We showed that specific personality traits are characteristic for both, young patients and mothers. Sublimation of emotional stress by exceptional performances, accompanied by food restrictive consumption together with hypersensitivity, oppositional behavior and aggression are specific for this disorder. High levels of self-imposed standards increase the risk for psychological distress, especially for eating disorder symptomatology. Both genders could be involved as patients. Boys must be especially followed for possible psychiatric manifestation. We confirmed that the biofeedback as additional therapeutic modality is very useful.

Publisher: Македонска академија на науките и уметностите, Одделение за медицински науки = Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Medical Sciences/ Sciendo

Relation: Prilozi (Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za medicinski nauki)

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/22139
Identifier: 1857-9345
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/22139
Identifier: 10.1515/prilozi-2017-0021
Identifier: http://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/prilozi/38/2/article-p45.xml
Identifier: https://www.sciendo.com/article/10.1515/prilozi-2017-0021
Identifier: 38
Identifier: 2

Anorexia: Anormal Phobia of Normal Weight201712