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Year: 2020

Type: Proceeding article

Title: Божјиот збор во Стариот завет‎

Author: Ѓоко Ѓорѓевски

Abstract: The Word of God is one of the most characteristic features of the living God in the biblical revelation: He speaks to man, and the importance of His word in the Old Testament only prepares the time of the New Testament, when this Word becomes flesh. The Word of God can be considered from two aspects, which are indivisible, but also different: the Word of God reveals and the Word of God acts. And, before the Word of God, man cannot remain indifferent: the listener is called to take a stand, which further directs his own destiny.

Publisher: ПБФ „Свети Климент Охридски“ - Скопје

Relation: Словата и Словото, III Светиклиментов научен собир, декември 2019 ‎

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/21958
Identifier: ‎„Божјиот збор во Стариот завет“,, Словата и Словото, Зборник на трудови ‎од III Светиклиментов научен собир, Православен богословски факултет „Свети ‎Климент Охридски“ 2020, Скопје, 21-27.‎
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/21958

Божјиот збор во Стариот завет‎202028