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Subject: Christian pedagogy, holy fathers, upbringing, education, values, salvation, faith, eternal life.

Year: 2021

Type: Article

Title: Христијанската педагогија претставена во делата на светите отци

Author: Aneta Jovkovska

Abstract: Christian Pedagogy Depicted in The Works of The Holy Fathers The purpose of this paper is to present the role of the early Christian writers in the establishment of educational and upbringing principles. The works of the early holy fathers are analyzed and their pedagogical thought is exposed. The Christian pedagogy presented in the works of the holy fathers, above all, reveals the necessary inner basis for achieving salvation through the education of behavior and the overcoming of passions. According to the holy fathers, the main purpose of education, in its true sense, is to recreate the image of God in man and woman. The Holy Fathers agree that the main task of Christian pedagogy is to bring up a deeply religious person who will sacredly obey God's commandments and live in love, kindness and righteousness with other people. In the light of patristic thought, all pedagogical art ascends to Christ. Among the holy fathers, He is not an abstract pedagogical principle. He truly convinces, educates and teaches a believing heart. The works of the holy fathers, for us, are a source of creative inspiration and an example of Christian wisdom.

Publisher: Скопје: Институт за национална историја, 2021


Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/21954
Identifier: Анета Јовковска, „Христијанската педагогија претставена во делата на светите отци“ Религија: зборник на трудови од Осмиот меѓународен симпозиум за византиски и средновековни студии „Денови на Јустинијан I“: Скопје, 13-14.11.2020. / уредник Митко Б. Панов. Скопје: Институт за национална историја, 2021 (296-311).
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/21954

Христијанската педагогија претставена во делата на светите отци202122