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Year: 2017

Type: Proceeding article

Title: Continuous Vital Parameters Monitoring by Using Biosensors and Smart Technology Solution

Author: Koteska, Bojana
Author: Koceska, Natasa
Author: Simjanoska, Monika
Author: Jost, Anton
Author: Strahovnik, Andrej
Author: Komadina, Radko
Author: Kostoska, Magdalena
Author: Madevska Bogdanova, Ana
Author: Tasic, Jurij
Author: Trontelj, Janez

Abstract: In this paper we present a wireless solution for continuous monitoring of vital parameters by using the leverage of both the biosensors and the smart technology. The proposed solution consists of three commercially available biomedical sensors and a portable smart technology device. The integration allows continuous capture of the heart rate, respiratory rate, part-time blood pressure and oxygen saturation. The application enables insight into the recent history of the parameters, additionally providing information of the shock index, Glasgow comma scale score and the hemodynamic stability of the patient. The solution is suitable for pre-hospital, during the vehicle transport and in-hospital environment. Given all the hardware used is commercially available, the integration is highly cost effective when compared to the hospital equipment. The reliability has been tested in hospital environment.

Publisher: Slovenian Society for Emergency Medicine

Relation: 24th International Symposium on Emergency Medicine

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/21646
Identifier: Bojana Koteska, Natasa Koceska, Monika Simjanoska, Anton Josh, Andrej Strahovnik, Radko Komadina, Magdalena Kostoska, Ana Madevska Bogdanova, Jurij Tasic, and Janez Trontelj. “Continuous Vital Parameters Monitoring by Using Biosensors and Smart Technology Solution”. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Emergency Medicine. Slovenian Society for Emergency Medicine. 2017, pp. 201–204. ISBN: 978-961- 6940-11-5.
Identifier: 978-961- 6940-11-5
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/21646

Continuous Vital Parameters Monitoring by Using Biosensors and Smart Technology Solution201718