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Subject: labor market, flexibility, active measures, employment, unemployment, supply and demand
Subject: graduate employment
Subject: analytics
Subject: Machine Learning

Year: 2022

Type: Proceeding article


Author: Peovski, Filip
Author: Trpeski, Predrag
Author: Ivanovski, Igor
Author: Cvetkoska, Violeta

Abstract: Successful entrance into the labor market is crucial for young graduates. HEIs are directly involved in producing adequate labor supply. Our main goal is to model the two labor market segments (employment and self- employment) in North Macedonia from the perspective of graduate economists. According to Smith, McKnight, and Naylor (2000), in a UK study, approximately 19% of male graduates were unemployed or inactive for six months after graduation, compared to 14% of female graduates; studying business administration has a negative impact on unemployment; and having a lower social class background increases the likelihood of being unemployed or inactive. Rudakov and Roshchin (2019) show that GPA points have a significant impact on bachelor graduates' monthly wages in Russia. Garcia and Ulloa (2018) show evidence that graduates of private HEIs in Mexico earn higher salaries and have more job stability than graduates of public schools, but the latter experience faster labor market integration. The weak link between universities and employers, as well as heavy theoretical approaches, may hinder market matching (Olo, Correia & Rego, 2022), alongside the lack of career agencies (Monteiro, Almeida & Garcia-Aracil, 2021). By applying ML techniques and AI visualization, we build upon these findings and contribute to a unique treatment of this topic for a small and developing economy, as it’s the first research of such format in North Macedonia. We enrich the labor market literature and provide recommendations for policy creators and HEIs.

Publisher: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Relation: „Моделирање на сегментите на пазарот на труд низ перспективите на дипломираните економисти“

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/20716
Identifier: 978-86-7680-411-5
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/20716
