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Subject: sacred, profane, belief, tikkun olam

Year: 2014

Type: Proceeding article

Title: Концептот tikkun olam и религиозното празнување

Author: Тодоровска, Марија

Abstract: The theory which locates the belief in the sacred as both the basis and the central element of religious life considers myths and rituals as powerful, performative and ontologically superior tales (narratives) and act(ions). Myths and rituals as central parts of the religious cult have the power to reinvoke the sacred time of the cosmogony, to reactualize the initial sacredness of the world, thus repairing the world of the homo religious. The concept of Tikkun olam is not necessarily holy, but its connection to the theory of the sacred is twofold: the same spirit of reparation of the world persists in religious as well as in secular civil engagement of duty and virtue, and it can be shown that some perspectives of the history of Jewish philosophy and of law heavily rely on its more sacred meaning. The text briefly shows the belief of primordial religions in the reactualization of the sacred and outlines some aspects of tikkun olam throughout history, trying to underline the similarity of the concepts.

Publisher: МАНУ, Скопје

Relation: Евреите во Македонија - историја, традиција, култура, јазик и религија

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1916
Identifier: Тодоровска, М., „Концептот tikkun olam и религиозното празнување“, Евреите во Македонија - историја, традиција, култура, јазик и религија, по повод 70 години од возобновувањето на работата на Еврејската заедница во Македонија по Втората светска војна (1944-2014), МАНУ, Скопје, 2014 (15), 79-88.
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1916

Концептот tikkun olam и религиозното празнување201416