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Subject: CEFTA-2006, regional economic area, non-trade barriers, trade facilitation, Protocol 5

Year: 2018

Type: Article

Title: “CEFTA-2006 Towards Creation of a Regional Economic Area”

Author:  Kikerkova, Irena, Toshevska-Trpchevska, Katerina, Makrevska Disoska Elena

Abstract: The functioning of CEFTA-2006 within the 10-year period of its creation pointed out the low capacity and unsatisfactory performance of the region in regard of trade liberalization. In July 2017 under the Berlin Process, member-states decided to enhance mutual cooperation by taking the free trade area to a higher level – regional economic area - which should provide full liberalization in trade in goods and services; free movement of capital and labor and digital integration. For this purpose an Agreement on Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement is issued in which a new Protocol 5 on trade in goods is integrated, while Protocol 6 on trade in services is also planned to be adopted and integrated. The paper is going to give a brief overview of the achieved trade integration within CEFTA-2006; observation on the obstacles for full trade liberalization and trade facilitation by detection of non-trade barriers; and analysis of Protocol 5 that concerns deeper trade liberalization, as well as trade facilitation.

Publisher: HORIZONS, International Scientific Journal, Series A, Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 23, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University – Bitola, Bitola

Relation: HORIZONS, International Scientific Journal, Series A, Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 23

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/18040
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/18040
Identifier: 10.20544/HORIZONS.A.23.2.18.P20, 339.5.012.42(4-19:497-15)

“CEFTA-2006 Towards Creation of a Regional Economic Area”201822