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Subject: Balkan region, Refugee crises, Republic of Macedonia, Middle East, European values.

Year: 2018

Type: Journal Article

Title: The Refugee Crises on the Balkans – Paradoxes and Experiences of Republic of Macedonia vs. The Challenges of National States

Author: Ivanka D. Vasilevska Ivan, Ivanov

Abstract: The contemporary world, globally, is still facing serious issues from the past. These social issues can be seen through the religious, racial and ethnic intolerance, prejudices, humiliation of the people, but also, the same issues can be recognized through the negation of the historical injustices. Migrations are means for achieving ends without military means while putting pressure towards Europe and its ability to solve these issues. This paper will focus on the Macedonian experience with dealing with refuges and illegal migration as two distinct matters. Emphasis will be put on the paradox in the case of Macedonia and the incapacity of the mechanisms of European Union to sort out the issues of the third millennium, which are not merely refugee crises. The paradox in this paper will be elaborate as well through Macedonian’s role of protecting Europe as a non-member of EU, from a territory of a member state of the Union. Through the accomplishing of this study, we can come closer to some clearer findings about the omissions and the mistakes that were made in the past, through a more lucid picture about the degree of preparedness of the Macedonian state for handling this kind of humanitarian catastrophes.

Publisher: University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola, Faculty of Security – Skopje

Relation: Volume I;

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/17610
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17610

The Refugee Crises on the Balkans – Paradoxes and Experiences of Republic of Macedonia vs. The Challenges of National States201828