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Subject: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation; Exact solutions; Solitons; Symbolic computation; Tanh method; Sine–cosine method

Year: 2011

Type: Article

Title: Exact solitary solutions of an inhomogeneous modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation with competing nonlinearities

Author: Kavitha, L.
Author: Akila, N.
Author: Prabhu, A.
Author: Kuzmanovska-Barandovska, O.
Author: Gopi, D.

Abstract: We employed both tanh and sine–cosine function methods to study the inhomogeneous modified nonlinear Schrödinger (IMNLS) equation and constructed its exact solitary solutions by using symbolic computation software. We compared the solutions obtained by both the methods.

Publisher: Elsevier BV

Relation: Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1652
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1652
Identifier: 10.1016/j.mcm.2010.10.030
Identifier: https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/PII:S0895717710005637?httpAccept=text/xml
Identifier: https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/PII:S0895717710005637?httpAccept=text/plain
Identifier: 53
Identifier: 5-6
Identifier: 1095
Identifier: 1110

Exact solitary solutions of an inhomogeneous modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation with competing nonlinearities201117