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Subject: Vuk-Pavlović, education, upbringing, value, future, experience

Year: 2015

Type: Journal Article

Title: Филозофијата на воспитанието во делото на Павао Вук-Павловиќ

Author: Тодоровска, Марија

Abstract: Vuk-Pavlović’s philosophy of education is conceived and developed as a distinct systematic approach to the purposes, functions and values of upbringing, but it also permeates most of his other non-historical texts and overviews, being necessary and paradigmatic for his axiology, ethics and theory of knowledge. His ideas of the erotic element, which accompanies the relation between master and pupil as one of dedicated trust directed towards a common goal, and of education as a passionate endeavour are characteristic of his treatment of eros in other aspects of his philosophy. Vuk-Pavlović envisions upbringing as future-bound – it is always directed towards that which is yet to come, and only through its reality can it confirm or readapt its values and strengths. The essential value of education is not in the mere survival or in the cultivation of “natural talents”, but in its capability to stir a valuable passionate experience of reality, as a major condition for authentic self-affirmation and improvement of reality-immersed individuals, but also of functioning and caring members of a collective.

Publisher: Филозофско друштво на Македонија

Relation: Филозофска трибина

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1612
Identifier: Tодоровска, М. „Филозофијата на воспитанието во делото на Павао Вук-Павловиќ“, Филозофска трибина, 38 (17), пролет 2015, 15-31.
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1612

Филозофијата на воспитанието во делото на Павао Вук-Павловиќ201522