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Year: 2005

Type: Article

Title: Decreased nitric oxide in women with essential hypertension in prehypertensive phase

Author: Biljana Gerasimovska-Kitanovska
Author: Zafirovska, Katica
Author: Bogdanovska, Stevka
Author: Lozance, Ljubinka
Author: Galina Severova Andreevska

Abstract: To determine the concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) in plasma of women with essential hypertension in prehypertensive phase, its effect on blood pressure, and correlation with other vasoactive substances that regulate systemic and renal vascular tonus.

Publisher: Medicinska naklada - Zagreb

Relation: Croatian medical journal

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/15133
Identifier: 0353-9504
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15133
Identifier: 46
Identifier: 6

Decreased nitric oxide in women with essential hypertension in prehypertensive phase200515