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Subject: coordination, motorics, pupils, coordinated tasks, arrhythmic movements, backward field, agility, explosive strength, flexibility, speed of frequented movements, balance, influence, correlation.

Year: 2006

Type: Article
Type: Journal Article

Title: Influence of the tests for assessment of general motor skills on the realization of coordination tasks in respondents from 11 years of age

Author: Vuksanovikj, Vladimir

Abstract: Sample of 91 pupils (37 female and 54 male), age 11, from an elementary school Vlado Tasevski – Skopje, were tested in a matter to research the influence of basic motorics on a coordinated tasks. There were 12 tests used which were chose to scan the antropomotorics behavior at pupils. Seven test are regarding the coordinated movements: coordination at rhythm; hand coordination; leg coordination; body coordination; test about dealing with complex motorics tasks; reorganization of motorics stereotype; and agility. The other 5 tests are representing the basic motor abilities: explosive strength; speed of frequented movements; balance; flexibility and motorics accurance . The basic hypothesis is about probability of influences of motor ability tests on the coordinated tasks. To analyze the values the statistics method of multiple regression was used. At female population 6 coordinated tasks were influenced by the basic motorics. Regarding the male population influence of the basic motorics is on 5 tests saturated with coordination.

Publisher: Federation of the sports pedagogues of the Republic of Macedonia

Relation: Физичка Култура (Physical Culture)

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/14468
Identifier: 0350-3836
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14468
Identifier: 1

Influence of the tests for assessment of general motor skills on the realization of coordination tasks in respondents from 11 years of age200633