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Subject: dosing,
Subject: intensity,
Subject: volume,
Subject: rest/breaks,
Subject: supercompensation

Year: 2020

Type: Article
Type: Journal Article

Title: Planning / dosaging of the training load - #1

Author: Vuksanovikj, Vladimir
Author: Brazhanski Ognen
Author: Aceski, Aleksandar
Author: Spasovska, Katerina

Abstract: The planning of the training load is closely connected to the physiological processes that are taking place in the human bodies. This process of planning is a dynamic and it should be flexible. During the creation of the load dosing, some variables need to be taken into consideration, such as: intensity of the load, volume of training sessions, repetitions, frequencies of training sessions, day’s off, as well as the period of supercompensation. The entire organization of the long term trainings should be planed trough cycles (micro, meso, macro). The realization of the plan is dynamic and it is prepared for human being, and because od that it should be adaptive, as outputs cannot be predicted 100%. There for one of the most important things in this process of planning is to have proper information about the above mention principles, as well as to be capable of adaptation and have individual approach.

Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health

Relation: Book- Football Fitness Training- Vuksanovikj

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/14390
Identifier: 1857 - 9620
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14390
Identifier: https://ffosz.ukim.edu.mk/strucno-spisanie/

Planning / dosaging of the training load - #1202033