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Subject: tasks,
Subject: movement,
Subject: key characteristics,
Subject: feedback,
Subject: model.

Year: 2016

Type: Article
Type: Journal Article

Title: Qualitative diagnosis of football kick,

Author: Aceski, Aleksandar
Author: Tufekchievski, Aleksandar
Author: Spasovska, Katerina
Author: Vuksanovikj, Vladimir

Abstract: The assessment of the human movement is not a simple process and is based on certain skills that professionals should possess. Having knowledge of biomechanics, motor development, motor learning, pedagogy and other sciences of kinesiology are the bases for accurate and efficient diagnosis of the movement. The text proposes integrated model of four tasks that should be taken into account when conducting an analysis or diagnosing the human movement, which in this case refers to kicking in soccer. Each of the proposed tasks has its own role in the overall outcome of diagnosing, therefore the neglect or deficiency in one of the tasks reduces the accuracy of qualitative diagnosing in general.

Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health

Relation: Kondicija Journal

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/14367
Identifier: 1857 - 8196
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14367
Identifier: https://ffosz.ukim.edu.mk/strucno-spisanie/

Qualitative diagnosis of football kick,201633