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Subject: anthropometry,
Subject: 1 RM, strength,
Subject: elbow,
Subject: experimental training,

Year: 2015

Type: Journal Article

Title: Changes of the anthropometrical measures of the flexor and extensor muscles of the elbow during the realization of six-week muscle program intended for transformation of the maximal muscle strength

Author: Nestorova, Mihaela
Author: Vuksanovikj, Vladimir
Author: Jovanovski Jovan,
Author: Vasilevska Nikodinovska, Violeta

Abstract: The aim of this research are anthropometrical measurement of the forearm and upper arm of the respondents included in the research and their possible changes as result of training whose purpose is to transform the maximal muscle strength. Material and methods: A prospective study was realized on a group of 7 respondents, which included experimental program for transformation of the maximal strength of the elbow flexors and extensors. The training program was intended for transformation of the maximal muscle strength for the muscles flexors (exercise of Scots bench) and the muscles extensors (triceps push down). The experimental training was conducted in a period of six weeks, three times in week, within 1-3 repetitions, till failure. The following seven anthropometrical measurements were measured: forearm skin-fold and subcutaneous fat, upper arm skin-fold and subcutaneous fat, forearm circumference relaxed, upper arm circumference relaxed, forearm circumference contracted, upper arm circumference contracted, upper arm circumference in contacted extensor in height of m. triceps brachii. The respondents were tested at the beginning, after 3 weeks, and in the end of the sixth week of the experimental program. The following parameters were calculated using Friedman ANOVA. Results: After 3 weeks of exercise following the program, significant changes were observed in the measures of: upper arm skin-fold and subcutaneous fat -28, 9%, forearm circumference relaxed 4,3%, upper arm circumference relaxed 2,7%, forearm circumference contacted 5,6% and upper arm circumference contracted 7%. After the six weeks of exercising, the following changes of the measurements were noticed: upper arm skin-fold and subcutaneous fat -15,3%, forearm circumference relaxed 7,5%, upper arm circumference relaxed 5,1%, forearm circumference relaxed -2,5% and upper arm circumference contracted 2,5%. In the second half of the experimental program the following changes in the measurements were observed: upper arm skin-fold and subcutaneous fat of 19,2%, forearm circumference relaxed 3%, forearm circumference contracted -7,7%, upper arm circumference contracted -4,3%, and m. triceps brachii height circumference of the upper arm contracted -5,5%. Conclusion: The type of the workout that was given to the respondents was in high intensity. Regarding this kind of program, the following changes of the anthropometrical measurements are not corresponding with the previous research results (Ozmun еt al., 1994; Ramsay еt al., 1990 and Fleck&Kraemer, 1996). Lifting weight with maximal external load causes certain physiological processes, (CNS mechanisms are not crucial), so, the tissues respond with adaptation and changes of the anthropometric measurements. The turbulence of anthropometric measurements, during the 6 weeks of the experimental program, indicates the need of detail analysis for body composition of the body parts that are included in the exercising programs.

Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health

Relation: PhD Vuksanovikj

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/14358
Identifier: 1857 - 9620
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14358
Identifier: 1857-8160

Changes of the anthropometrical measures of the flexor and extensor muscles of the elbow during the realization of six-week muscle program intended for transformation of the maximal muscle strength201517