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Year: 2015

Type: Article

Title: Functional training! What does mean?

Author: Vuksanovikj, Vladimir
Author: Jovanovski Jovan,

Abstract: There are many theories appearing in the field of physical conditioning with the aim to transform the motor abilities. Special training should be structured for each ability individually (although some of them can be exercised at a same training). People dealing with modification of this ability know that exercises (training) should be for the purpose of making movements, especially the ones that are most manifested in the respective sport or as per the need of an individual. Therefore we use the term “functional training”. When speaking about transformation of muscular strength, the functional training for transformation of the strength abilities has an enormous benefit and priority in terms of other kinds of methods (although each method has its own place and need in structuring the training/exercising). The main benefit from the functional training, evaluated in this paper, is explained through the principles of: multi-joint movements-exercises: body moving through space, inclusion of exercises requiring brain activation.

Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health

Relation: Kondicija Journal

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/14356
Identifier: 1857 - 9620
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14356
Identifier: 1857 - 8196

Functional training! What does mean?201526