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Subject: Liber, Plautus, wordplay

Year: 2016

Type: Journal Article

Title: Придавката Liber и нејзините изведенки во игрите со зборови кај Плаут

Author: Џукеска, Елена

Abstract: The adjective līber, „free, released, loose, unoccupied“ from the Indoeuropean root *H1leudh-, „grow“ and its derivatives lībertas, „freedom“, lībertus and lībertīnus, „freedman“, lībero, „free“, līberālis, „free, noble, generous“, līberī, „children“, Līber, „Liber, Liberator“ play significant role in creating wordplays in the works of the Roman comediographer Plautus. The analysis of the examples shows that these words on one hand were used by Plautus for creation of funny situations of misunderstanding, based on their polysemy. On the other hand Plautus puts them in a context with other words, that are not etymologically related, by sound similarly. This second type of wordplays is important testimony for the semantical development of the adjective līber and its derivatives in Old Latin, but also for an additional analysis of the understanding of the term „freedom“ by Latins.

Publisher: Филозофски факултет - Скопје

Relation: Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1315
Identifier: „Придавката Liber и нејзините изведенки во игрите со зборови кај Плаут“, Годишен зборник на ФзФ, бр. 69, 2016, стр. 173-185
Identifier: УДК: 81'22 : 172.3
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1315

Придавката Liber и нејзините изведенки во игрите со зборови кај Плаут201623