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Subject: hate speech, ethics, journalism

Year: 2014

Type: Proceeding article

Title: Govor mržnje u medijima u funkciji degradiranja koncepta etičkog odgovornog novinarstva

Author: Donev, Dejan

Abstract: In the situation of postmodernism, especially in conditions of constant propaganda that is followed by the stimulation of fear and prejudice, it becomes necessary once again to re-locate and return the moral imperative in journalism. It, in turn, must rely on the concept of responsibility and the maxim: "one who passively accepts the violence it is equally involved in it as the one who carries it out". This is especially true in circumstances where the transfer and consigning of public space is in service of hate speech in the form of racial, religious and national hatred, then misogyny, homophobia, as well as Macedonian specialties: "party affiliation", "members of civil society" and "journalists", which are contrary to the concept of ethical and responsible journalism because the responsibility for publicly expressed word does not belong only to the author, but also to the other person that makes possible such a word to be head further. Because of that, journalists have that heavy responsibility to prevent this, i.e. not to accept violence, even when it is expressed on verbal level. However, when the public discourse is contaminated with constant fights, dramatic decline of decency and humanity..., the journalism that is ethical and professional and have the role of conscience in society, is practically numbed and any attempt of practicing this kind of journalism turns in a particularly difficult and thankless, but not impossible mission. Ultimately, it is the survival of essential journalistic mission - to tell the truth, to be independent and responsible to others! This means that in respect of the frequent dispersion of hate speech, we should respond to its identification, marking, delegitimation, processing, as well as raising the culture of dialogue, i.e. with building, implementation and practicing ethically responsible journalism.

Publisher: Filozofski fakultet & Centar za istraživanje religije, politike i društva. Novi Sad

Relation: Uloga medija u normalizaciji odnosa na Zapadnom Balkanu. Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad, 4-5.10.2013

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1180
Identifier: Donev D. Govor mržnje u medijima u funkciji degradiranja koncepta etičkog odgovornog novinarstva. Filozofski fakultet & Centar za istraživanje religije, politike i društva. Novi Sad, 2014: 129-140
Identifier: 978-86-6065-263-0
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1180

Govor mržnje u medijima u funkciji degradiranja koncepta etičkog odgovornog novinarstva201424