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Subject: pneumothorax
Subject: drainage
Subject: pleuroscopy
Subject: VATS
Subject: surgery

Year: 2011

Type: Article

Title: Пациенти оперирани заради пневмоторакс, актуелни ставови за хируршки третман

Author: Сашо Јовев
Author: Идриз Орана
Author: Ристо Чоланчески
Author: Авни Абдули
Author: Борче Кондов

Abstract: Background: Pneumothorax is a common pathology on our Clinic which is mainly treated with drainage. But a good number of patients need operation. Aim. Our aim was to find out the results of the treatment in patients with pneumothorax from various ethiology. Methods: We investigated 60 patients from the Clinic for Thoracic and Vascular Surgery treated because of pneumothorax between August 2003 and August 2006. The etiology was various: primary spontaneous, secondary spontaneous, traumatic and jatrogenic pneumothorax. Results: Mainly the patients were treated with drainage firstly, 90%, and 10% with observation. In 80% of the patients the drainage persisted 1 to 7 days, in 15% 8 to 10 days and in 5% of the patients more than 10 days. Than we made pleuroscopy and indication for further treatment. Conclusions: Pneumothorax is very common pathology in all ages. The pleuroscopy, direct or VATS should be a routine treatment in all these patients.

Publisher: SHMSHM

Relation: Medicus

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/11011
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/11011
Identifier: 15
Identifier: 1

Пациенти оперирани заради пневмоторакс, актуелни ставови за хируршки третман201113