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Subject: Gearbox; Design of Experiments; Vehicle Power Transmission; Viscosity.

Year: 2016

Type: Proceedings

Title: Influence of oil quality and viscosity on some quality components of vehicle power transmission

Author: Todor Davcev
Author: Rizov, Tashko
Author: Avramov, Nikola
Author: Mircheski, Ile

Abstract: In this paper, the influence of oil quantity and viscosity on the heating state of the vehicle power transmission aggregate and the loo of power in it are analysed. Employing the design of experiments method, statistical mathematic model is determined by which the relation between the above stated components of the aggregate quality and the oil placed in it is determined.

Publisher: Faculty of Mechanical engineering-Skopje

Relation: 5th International Conference on Power Transmission – BAPT2016

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1079
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1079
Identifier: 218
Identifier: 221

Influence of oil quality and viscosity on some quality components of vehicle power transmission201628