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Subject: постмодерна, политичко лидерство, моќ, морал

Year: 2014

Type: Journal Article

Title: Постмодерниот свет и потребата од моралност во политичкото лидерство

Author: Донев, Дејан

Abstract: When today we enormously talk about the alternative mode toward the question of the possible outcome in terms of accrued problems from which further human survival depends, first of all we speak about, although more secluded and little bit shy, for the lack of a truly viable in the long term (political) initiative for bringing forward, and also for the necessary matching and recognition of a person whose mind would be hired in a fight to defeat evil and by that to become and remain a moral beacon and guiding light. This unequivocally means necessary reviewing and re-setting of the leadership (in politics) through the prism and on fundamentals of ethics and morality, especially the morality and its focus on fairness and rightness. It is about finishing the concept of "moral leadership" for overcoming the gap between the moral aim and moral capabilities as a problem created largely because of the alienation of everyday spirituality, civic life, an uncertainty that stems from tradition and the modern enlightened secular pluralism that privileges rational discourse as a weapon of public morality, especially pronounced in countries with some form of "privatized morality" and civilizational misplaced primacy, as is the American nation. Although we still do not know much about these new leaders which will be "born" (especially in the political arena and life), yet from the experience we know enough about the changed role of ethics in public life, about the introduction of moral compass as the only possible approach for creating moral solidarity without which the moral dialogue is impossible, i.e. it is not possible to give ethically founded response to the fact that we live together and to the idea that this is the only way according to which we can live in one world.

Publisher: Conrad-Adenauer/Stiftung

Relation: Политичка мисла

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1057
Identifier: Донев Д. Постмодерниот свет и потребата од моралност во политичкото лидерство. Политичка мисла. Скопје, 2014; 45: 37-42
Identifier: 1409-9853
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1057

Постмодерниот свет и потребата од моралност во политичкото лидерство201425