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Subject: избори, етичка самопроверка, демократизација, политика

Year: 2009

Type: Journal Article

Title: Изборите како етичка самопроверка за степенот на демократизација на едно општество

Author: Донев, Дејан

Abstract: That democracy is the best possible political and social ideology, orientation and political practice, there is no doubt! In favor of this speaks its understanding and defining as a sum of freedoms of the person-citizen, sum which express the faith in human common sense as an individual, but also as well as a basic reason for the existence of the state as it service. In this context, the democracy is a process of establishing the balance between the rights and the duties of the citizens and of the state. Looking like this, one of the ways for regulation and maintaining of this balance is the election process as a way for checking the level of morality on those which practice the governance, but in the same time also on the ethical ripen on the citizens through what they choose as an opportunity from the offered of the political subjects. On this way, the elections will become those ethical criterions according to which the level of democratization in one society will be checked on its way toward real citizen democratic society.

Publisher: Conrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Relation: Политичка мисла

Identifier: oai:repository.ukim.mk:20.500.12188/1053
Identifier: Изборите како етичка самопроверка за степенот на демократизација на едно општество. Политичка мисла. Скопје; 25: 93-96
Identifier: 1409-9853
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1053

Изборите како етичка самопроверка за степенот на демократизација на едно општество200919