Subject: Agricultural biotechnology
Subject: Other agricultural sciences
Year: 2003
Type: Article
Type: PeerReviewed
Title: White rice yield and products obtained during paddy rice de hulling depending on the variety and cultivation
Author: Andov, Dobre
Author: Najcevska, Cvetanka
Author: Andreevska, Danica
Author: Ilieva, Verica
Abstract: The investigations were carried out during years two years in comparative varietal trials as a first and a second crop after a forage crop. The sowing in both cultivations was direct in flooded fields. Six rice varieties four of which introduced - Onda, Lido, Radon and M-101, one domestic - Osogovska and one already adapted variety - Monticeli were included in the investigations. The aim of the investigations was to determine the percent to obtained products during the paddy rice de hulling and the white rice yield depending on the cultivation of the varieties. The highest percent of whole grains from the first and the second crop is achieved by the variety Lido (64,00% and 62,05%) and the highest white rice yield has the variety Osogovka (6051 and 5923 kg/ha). The varieties cultivated as a second crop in average, have lower percent of whole grains during whitening and a lower white rice yield per hectar.
Publisher: Универзитет " Св. Кирил и Методиј" - Скопје
Identifier: Andov, Dobre and Najcevska, Cvetanka and Andreevska, Danica and Ilieva, Verica (2003) White rice yield and products obtained during paddy rice de hulling depending on the variety and cultivation. Зборник на трудови XXVIII Средба 'Факултет - Стопанство', 11. pp. 115-127. ISSN 1409-8237