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Subject: Other engineering and technologies

Year: 2001

Type: Article
Type: PeerReviewed

Title: Можности за развој на астротуризмот на Пелистер

Author: Ristevski, Marjan
Author: Dolevski, Ljupco
Author: Dimitrov, Nikola

Abstract: Today’s fight for bringing as much as possible tourists at our side wants creativity for this problem. At our neighbours and in the world one of the forms to provocate tourists is the development of astrotourisam. For this need geographical, metereological, traffic and technical conditions. Baba Mountain supplies all conditions need to development of this discipline. Certainly the most serious access for rapid development for astrotourisam is traffic, building astronomical observatory and places for visitors. The analyses showed that on Baba mountain are amazing geographical and meteorological conditions. Our astronomic club and our astro- camps are interested to cooperate with other foreign clubs. The only disadvantage of development of astro-tourisam in Macedonia is that we do not have camps where people can stay, we do not have any observatory and traffic is not good. The statistics confirms, if there is a good astronomical action astro-tourisam attracts 5000-10000 visitors per year. This number is much higher in places, which have planetariums. The development of astro- tourisam is influenced by organization and it’s politics. In fact Bitola is unique where could attraction could exists.


Relation: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/1711/

Identifier: oai:eprints.ugd.edu.mk:1711
Identifier: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/1711/1/astroturizam.pdf
Identifier: Ristevski, Marjan and Dolevski, Ljupco and Dimitrov, Nikola (2001) Можности за развој на астротуризмот на Пелистер. Зборник на трудови . pp. 247-258.

Можности за развој на астротуризмот на Пелистер200166