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Subject: Other natural sciences

Year: 2001

Type: Article
Type: PeerReviewed

Title: Allchar mineral assemblage

Author: Boev, Blazo
Author: Bermanec, Vladimir
Author: Serafimovski, Todor
Author: Lepitkova, Sonja
Author: Mikulcic, S.
Author: Soufek, M.
Author: Jovanovski, Gligor
Author: Stafilov, Trajče
Author: Najdoski, M.

Abstract: The paper is a summary of investigations carried out on minerals of the Allchar deposit. It discusses the Tl-As-Sb-Au mineral assemblage after detailed and intense research work. Four types of mineralization have been distinguished based on the mineral assemblage present: 1. The first type is characterized by high content of iron and sulphur, but lower arsenic and thallium content. The pyrite-marcasite mineral assemblage is characterized by the presence of some quantities of arsenic-pyrit. 2. The second type is characterized by the high antimony and low iron and thallium content. Stibnite is the most common mineral in the group. 3. The third type is characterized by the high arsenic and sulphur and relatively low thallium content. Orpiment is the most common mineral in this group. 4. The fourth type of minerals is characterized by the high content of arsenic, sulphur, iron and thallium. This type of minerals is accompanied by the high content of manganese and zinc.


Relation: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/1399/

Identifier: oai:eprints.ugd.edu.mk:1399
Identifier: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/1399/1/allchar_mineral_Boev.pdf
Identifier: Boev, Blazo and Bermanec, Vladimir and Serafimovski, Todor and Lepitkova, Sonja and Mikulcic, S. and Soufek, M. and Jovanovski, Gligor and Stafilov, Trajče and Najdoski, M. (2001) Allchar mineral assemblage. Geologica Macedonica, 15 (16). pp. 1-23.

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