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Subject: Languages and literature

Year: 2009

Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Type: PeerReviewed

Title: Савремена македонска књижевност за децу-слика једног бурног младалачког постојања

Author: Denkova, Jovanka

Abstract: Macedonian literature for children keeps pace with the modern trends in literature. It listens to the pulse of modern times in which young people are trying to find a sense of identity and struggle desperately for their place in the modern hectic living. It points to the dangers that young people face in today’s social-family relations, the temptations which might come their way, but at the same time, it shows them the ways in which they can keep away from uncertainties and possible traps. A striking example of such tempestuous youthful existence are the novels Bubre`e (Little Kidney) by Kata Misirkova- Rumenova and Zaboraveniot kolosek (The Forgotten Railway) by Gligor Popovski. These novels deal with topics from our everyday life: the tumultuous socio-economic trends in the society, which are reflected in the family and ethic-moral relations and attitudes. Key words: Macedonian literature, literature for the young, modern times, society, family 28


Relation: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/920/

Identifier: oai:eprints.ugd.edu.mk:920
Identifier: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/920/1/__ugd.edu.mk_private_UserFiles_jovanka.denkova_Desktop_Savremena%20makedonska%20knjizevnost%20za%20decu%20-%20slika%20jednog%20burnog%20mladalackog%20postojanja%2C%20Detinjstvo%2C%20Novi%20Sad-br.4-%202009.pdf
Identifier: Denkova, Jovanka (2009) Савремена македонска књижевност за децу-слика једног бурног младалачког постојања. In: 53. ZDI, june 2010, Књижевност за децу у видокругу компаративних изучавања, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Савремена македонска књижевност за децу-слика једног бурног младалачког постојања200933