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Subject: Computer and information sciences
Subject: Matematics

Year: 2009

Type: Other
Type: NonPeerReviewed

Title: On a Conditional Collision Attack on NaSHA-512

Author: Markovski, Smile
Author: Mileva, Aleksandra
Author: Dimitrova, Vesna
Author: Gligoroski, Danilo

Abstract: A collision attack on NaSHA-512 was proposed by L. Ji et al. The claimed complexity of the attack is 2^{192}. The proposed attack is realized by using a suitable differential pattern. In this note we show that the correct result that can be inferred from their differential pattern is in fact a conditional one. It can be stated correctly as follows: A collision attack on NaSHA-512 of complexity k = 1, 2, ... 2^{320} can be performed with an unknown probability of success p_k, where 0 <= p_1 <=p_2 <= p_2^{320} <= 1. Consequently, the attack proposed by L. Ji et al. can be considered only as a direction how a possible collision attack on NaSHA-512 could be realized. The birthday attack remains the best possible attack on NaSHA-512.

Publisher: IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2009

Relation: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/90/

Identifier: oai:eprints.ugd.edu.mk:90
Identifier: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/90/1/034.pdf
Identifier: Markovski, Smile and Mileva, Aleksandra and Dimitrova, Vesna and Gligoroski, Danilo (2009) On a Conditional Collision Attack on NaSHA-512. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2009.

On a Conditional Collision Attack on NaSHA-512200935